auchtung ago

Boom! Grab your popcorn! It's happening! WWG1WGA!

The best was them calling goats russian bots that were posting about the Jews.

The naivety of these people knows no bounds, blind faith.

modsrcuntz ago

Mental illness

ratsmack ago

I don't know what the problem would be as long as people didn't go on brigading raids.

1carus ago

So is your entire life a lie? I pity you.

Negro_Nazi ago

Them ins


It's almost like the people screaming shill! are the shills....

SpecterPelt ago

what am I looking at here, can someone give me a quick description?

VoatsNewfag ago

Qanons dismiss any criticism by claiming that no one would ever criticize them if they weren't close to the truth. ("You're only taking flak when you're over the target"). It's almost Kafkaesque - You agree with them - they're right. You disagree - they're right.

They don't just use this catchphrase in comments but in submissions they frequently upvote to the front. Most recently this one.. Not even 24 hours old.

I decided to collect some of them all from 2018 to show they claimed this last year all around. Just as they did this year (like the one I just linked). And they will try to claim this next year at least unless we start reminding them of their past and ridicule them for it.

If you want to know how credible their beliefs are check out this thread. it's 1.1 years old. It was made by a former moderator of their subverse. Got a decent amount upvotes for voat. It's claiming "Something big is about to happen" and "Are you ready to see arrests?".

Because what QAnons believe is that Patriots took over the deep state and will SOON, VERY SOON start mass arresting politicians or release videos of those politicians committing pedophile and cannibalistic crimes. Last year many of them also believed that the military started executing politicians starting with McCain. In short, the government is corrupt. But don't worry, the government is about to fix itself from within and I need you trust into this. Trust the plan.

If you want to check some of these threads out yourself here:

SpecterPelt ago

Anyone who possesses the ability to think critically would never even give the Q movement any serious thought once they spend even an hour researching it as I did. The proofs are laughable and every single one of them that I investigated I was able to prove false. Some where blatant manipulations of tweets and the time stamps on them. The thing is whoever is doing it knows they can do this kind of thing and no one will bother to actually research it. I found several altered tweets right on the Qmap proofs page and it took me all of one or two minutes to find that they had things changed on them from the original tweets. I wish it were real but the whole thing is just so silly I find it so hard to believe that people so passionately believe it.

VoatsNewfag ago

Agreed. So far I never much argued with them since I thought it would solve on It's own and they want similar things: fix a corrupt government and punish pedophile elites (Epstein I think shows there is some merit to these claims).

But instead they make up most of the frontpage and their arguments to defend Q reached a point I find intolerable. New age esoteric including but not limited to timetravel or changing the past if you believe strongly enough. At this point I no longer care if they're "on the same side".

nobslob ago

Like it's his job or something. How much do you think xim gets paid? Probably something truly pathetic.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Wanna see them cringe? Talk about jews or israel

VoatsNewfag ago

I think they got mostly desensitized by now since these posts are often upvoted. And at least in the anon sub it's difficult to tell how many are merely pretending.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I don't think any of therm have budged. These boomers are brainwashed bad

Buff_Awesome ago

Not as bad as, "Let me get this straight..."

RM-Goetbbels ago

I think they are Over The Target myself.

mememeyou ago

As long as Israel > America, we are over the target

changz ago

I dont know whether to laugh at these mentally slow retards or keep poking them because its so fun. Its like a cuck husband who claims to be happy in a open relationship - they truly believe they have power and are getting a good deal. But in the end they're just too stupid to see the truth.

XSS1337 ago

I fucking hate you all.... carry on niggerfaggots

MadWorld ago

SpiritExpedition ago

Reminds me of the "it's happening" meme. Exhausting.

Fancy451 ago

People who post this shit are the same useless losers that ruined the left.

VoatsNewfag ago

Agreed. And I feel foolish for not challenging them earlier on for they appeared to be on the same side.

SexMachine ago

Wtf. This shit from 2018. It's like 2020

VoatsNewfag ago

The last submission of this kind was just yesterday on the frontpage, not 24 hours ago.

This shit from 2018

That's the point.

Nothing changed since then.

Next year we will still be "over the target".

ScannerDarkly ago

Every post in that image is a year old. You are a faggot.

VoatsNewfag ago

That was the point. Nothing changed since last year.

Next year we will still be "over the target". Happy new year retard.

ScannerDarkly ago

“ every fucking day “ is your post title and all your supporting evidence is a year old and not every day. Faggot whiner.

VoatsNewfag ago

That's the point.

Nothing changed since last year. Just less than 24 hours ago we had a similar Post on the frontpage:

Next year we will still be "over the target". Happy new year, retard.

freshmeat ago

who cares pussy? Does that out of all things piss you off about this site?

Shill post

AbrahamGoldowitz ago


VoatsNewfag ago

You piss me off too.

freshmeat ago

i dont care, you are just dividing the site. Quit crying like a bitch

VoatsNewfag ago

I believe in division. There are people I want to be divided from.

Getting along with everyone is inhumane communist propaganda that leads to tolerating the intolerable and tolerating reality denying bullshit.

freshmeat ago

yikes. So voat is full LARP now?

VoatsNewfag ago

Wouldn't you want to live in a place were most people agree with your core values? Not everything, but the things that really matter.

I'd like to be divided from people who think it's a good idea to give children puberty blockers and have a "sex operation" before they tasted puberty and what it feels like to be a man or woman.

As far as I recall you are very strongly against censorship so much so you consider voat censoring for it's CCP requirements.

Wouldn't you want to live in a country were 99% of people belief in no restrictions against free speech? (Except maybe serious threats of violence).

Especially since we live a democracy or semid-democratic republic. The more people agree on something in a democracy the happier they will be, because the less compromises they will have to make.

At least this is my view. I don't how this can be considered LARPing.

heygeorge ago

@freshmeat can never give a real answer when directly confronted. It’s a well documented hallmark of sanegroup.

glassuser ago

The shills have to keep each other busy.

bellicoseowl ago

Look for people that don't use canned phrases, that don't harp on the same old bullshit. In fact, look for people that don't talk about this shit much, that talk about everyday occurrences instead. Look for the guys collecting news clippings and taking note of names. These are the serious people.

VoatsNewfag ago

Those people should be right with me in calling these idiots out and dirtying the credibility of this movement.

jthepk ago

who fuckin cares nerd. why dont yuou go glorify it with its own post about how much it triggers you

ratsmack ago

Somebody needs to start a sub called SQS (Shit Q Says)... there is so much retarded shit in QRV, that a sub like this would be pretty active.

freeman84 ago

Q is a psyop for retarded boomers that think they're on to something clever, but are just being roped back into the same drama you see on (((TV)))

Trump is making Israel great again, idiots.

allahead ago

I gave up on GreatAwakening, too much false hope and static in the signal.

Nomowo ago

Q predicted this

Suq_madiq ago

it’s fucking tiring.

I follow it to not fully swallow the black pill but how people react is pathetic. Likely the worlds most successful psyop.

Everyone ignores that the entire Q phenomenon is based off a lie. Which was Hillary Clinton to be arrested in 2017. If a movement begins from a lie then everything stemming from it can’t be taken as truth. Like the holohoax.

Hyst ago

What about the secret military tribunals last winter? Or was it the winter before last? Remember, we were supposed to believe that they were executing high profile leftist politicians for their crimes against humanity? If you bring that up to them now, they pretend it was never a major talking point. Meanwhile at the time, every single one of them believed it and regurgitated it.

What bothers me most is their lack of accountability. They'll believe fucking anything, then when it's proven wrong they literally pretend they didn't believe it. If that isn't genuine insanity I don't know what is. They do it over and over again. I have to seriously question whether they're even real people at this point. They're no better than leftist NPCs.

Phantom42 ago

They're all to be rounded up. I care little for "muh optics". If anything has been proven, it is that cuckervatives are nothing more than 2009 liberals.

i_hate_sodomites ago

That's pretty much it. They're the right version of NPCs, do-nothing think-nothing trust-the-plan zombies. When DOTR comes, we have to remember to clean our own house as well, and these NPCs, well, they gotta go....

Helbrecht ago

"McCain was put to death! John Kasich confirmed it!"

Wonder_Boy ago

Not all targets have anti-aircraft batteries.

Also, decoys are a thing.

VoatsNewfag ago

People lying on the internet for various reasons and government or other agencies starting false grassroots movements and feeding them with a mix of truth and lies to muddy the waters are also a thing.

As is idleness and false hope.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

Someone actually tried to argue with me that Trump dumping fish food was a really bad thing. The shilling is real.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Yea all these dam Q tards researching corruption and pedos. The largest single group to wake up from the programming in history that I am aware of. They should just go back to watching tv like good little sheep! Am I right lads? They are all new to the game and yea, still a bit sheepish, but they are here and they are at least listening. Even if they choose to ignore fairly obvious things, the truth will be there in the back of their mind. I don't really give a shit who Q is or isn't, I fucking love them for bringing a huge swath of boomers (and many others I'm sure) out of the trance of lethargy and compliance that plagues the world. We all start somewhere.

Hyst ago

I believe 90% of the Q bullshit posted is not by actual believers

Nigger, you didn't even join Voat until someone told you to. You were happy dwelling knee deep in Reddits censorship. You chose to remain asleep, and now you want a fucking cookie for being awake? From people who were awake long before you were?

They should just go back to watching tv like good little sheep!

You might as well be watching TV mate. 99% of the shit you qultists believe ends up being proven false anyways. Or is Hillary secretly in Prison, and the Hillary we see on TV is just a body double? What about the secret military tribunals last winter where they were allegedly executing high profile leftists politicians? Every single aspect of Q that I have researched myself has proven to be horseshit. Every single time I try to communicate with you fucking qultists I get the same horseshit. I'm told that I need faith. I'm told that I shouldn't require evidence. I'm told that I should reject logic. If I question you people then I'm ignorant. If I disagree I'm a shill.

Your entire post here, zero evidence. No sources. Absolutely fuck all. Just like every other post you qultists make. If I were in your shoes, I would simply copy+paste sources to prove the rest of Voat wrong. It should be that simple. You should have evidence to back up your beliefs. However you don't, and you all make it horribly transparent by never attempting to actually communicate with the community here; a community of people who were awake long before you were. Maybe you have something to learn from us-- but oh well, we're all just ignorant shills in your eyes, right?

I fucking love them for bringing a huge swath of boomers (and many others I'm sure) out of the trance of lethargy and compliance that plagues the world. We all start somewhere.

Boomers who reject that Israel is an enemy still? Boomers who aren't actually doing fuck all other than regurgitating a bunch of lies that they've been spoon fed by a psyop? Q strings people along. It sows apathy. They all sit back doing fuck all for their country, and they "trust the plan". How is that helping anything?

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Don't put me in a box, you don't know shit about me lol. I loosely follow Q just so that I know enough to participate in the conversation, and that's exactly how Q is helping, by making that conversation happen. Just because a bunch of them are dodos that gobble up any shit left on the ground doesn't mean that this isn't waking up huge amounts of people.

VoatsNewfag ago

researching corruption and pedos.

During gamergate and later pizzagate people used to say "trust but verify".

During QAnon it's just "Trust".

Trust the plan. That's it.

Trust that the good guys are handling Assange (who's real and verifiable leaks along with Seth rich started pedogate research - NOT Qanon who only posts cryptic sentences).

There is zero introspection. Around 400 people upvoting a submission by moderator according something BIG will happen SOON? 1.1 years ago and already forgotten. Let's just not talk about it anymore. Let's just ignore that we all aged since then and that half a thousend people were mislead.

Q stating that hillary is jailed and mass riots to follow in of his firsts posts? Forgotten.

Or him stating that the public will know very soon - in march 2018. Nope.

Or this quote of Q:

"July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. Conspiracy no more. "

Years pass by with everyone waiting idle for frizzedrip to release or mass arrests to start meanwhile our enemies aren't sitting idle.

Hyst ago

During gamergate and later pizzagate people used to say "trust but verify".

To be fair, that's actually a Russian proverb and a Reagan quote.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

I'm not endorsing Q, but to attack these people who are taking their first baby steps into the real world is incredibly detrimental. They will not be ready to accept truth until Q and Trump burn them, so trying to force them to stare truth in the face will only cause further divide.

VoatsNewfag ago

That's what I though and why, besides some occasional trolling early on, I left them alone.

It's just getting worse. They're starting with new age timetravelleing and minds changing reality esoteric BS to justify Q. Zero introspection since last year.

It's so stupid I don't even want them on my side anymore when they wake up. I'd rather they'd be on the other side to make them look stupid and blind them with false hope.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

I followed the conspiracy crowd and that's how I landed on voat. None of what Q is new stuff. The thing is once you start looking into secret technology you are immediately greeted with massive piles of disinfo. The thing is though, something is real or there would be no need for all of the disinfo. I always look at anything on that side of conspiracy (UFOs, paranormal, ect) with a massive grain of salt and an open mind. Many Q followers have a religious background and that mentality is being taken advantage of to inject BS into Q. Q is like the bible and all of the researchers the priest, trying to interpret his word. It would be easy to make clever but false interpretations of research found to steer the movement, and I think most of that happens right here on voat.

VoatsNewfag ago

I believe the truth was mostly all before Q.

Wikileaks and Pizzagate. Seth rich being murdered for leaking to wikileaks as Assange heavily implied in an interview. And before that gamergate causing massive distrust in mass media.

There was dissinfo too but it was appropriate. And the people that should care most about Assange's wellbeing have been mislead by other QANons that whitehats take good care of him which I'm rather skeptical of.

You're no doubt right about the religious background being projected unto QAnon. I don't mind christianity and prefer it over many other dogmatic belief sets but one similarity I noticed is people claiming that the Q-posts are just filled to the brim with truth and then you actually start reading them and it's just one big question and one big red flag ("SOON") after another.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

There might be something to Q, but either Q themselves muddied the water or someone else did, but the Q community as a whole is all over the fucking place now.

VoatsNewfag ago

The first recorded Q post is stating that hillary is arrested and mass riots are to follow. That didn't happen. Then comes "april showers may flowers", "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and lot's of "SOON" etc. - Oh also "Trust Sessions".

I followed it initially after a while and then I got curios in june what happened back in april and may? Well people found stuff to attribute to Q's post but compared to what people initially assumed would happen during these months it was nothing but disappointing. That's when I stopped following it for the most part. (That was also before they came to Voat).

Some claimed Q is actually predicting everything 1 year in advance.... and now ~ 2 years later it's still nothing but a disappointment. Q also became more cryptic and vague since then so it's easier to interpret into it whatever you want.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

There are some number associations, but I was never convinced it was enough for proof.

hillaryisanigger ago

their numbers must be numerous!!!

numerous and prolific!!!

BillyBobBoJangles ago

There were enough of them to get Trump elected weren't there? If even 25% of them are into Q then yes, numerous and prolific.

hillaryisanigger ago

sure billy... sure.

you just hold that rabbit. I'm gonna go get some water for us.

Mariocena89 ago

Clearly this is the work of glowniggers, only a 10 yo girl, or a blind guy or a shill would not see it as a manufactured story that we must "tryst" and never question. A real pro conservative white movement would gather all of our resources and multiply it every day until we have a at least a formal resolution. I can smell the stink of kikes on this qshit so bad that I want to vomit on (((them)))

Peace out yo gtfo kikes you will soon find your endgame

fightknightHERO ago

The Qikes are getting desperate

Sleuth222 ago

I like that one, seems more clever than qtard.

Shishamo ago

I blocked that place the first time it appeared for me.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Don't use critical thinking, shill.

ElvisP ago

Over The Target means the qtards will simply ignore any criticism of their bullshit. It goes great with Trust The Plan.

I believe 90% of the Q bullshit posted is not by actual believers

Hyst ago

I believe 90% of the Q bullshit posted is not by actual believers

That's such a cop out though. I hate it. I've seen that way too many times, and it allows their followers to hide behind that whenever one of their communities claims is proven to be utter horseshit. They're all just like "Oh well that wasn't actually posted by us." It's one of the ways they get around being constantly incorrect about their beliefs.

I swear it's like the modern day political religion of meth heads. There's just no reasoning with them. You can't ask them for proof. You can't ask them to back up their assertions... If you question them you're a shill, if you disagree with them you're ignorant. It's fucking insanity dude.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Its a sophisticated psyop. You have an enormous set of mentally unstable, neotenous, effeminate men who are just aching to let some of the masculinity shine (violence). So you control it by speaking to their neotenous femininity (Daddy Trump will take care of everything, just trust the plan) and manipulating that mental instability into being autistically dedicated to decoding esoteric messages that all end translating to "Vote for Trump 2020!". Meanwhile, demographic changes march inevitably forward. If the Q psyop fails, then the "Delay via Trump until demographics change democracy" tactic fails as violence will erupt too soon.

That's my take on it, anyway.

concernedcitizen3 ago

Fucking qoomers... Criticise their golem and you're a shill, no discussion. They swalled too many of alex jones semen pills.

Count_Monte_Cristo ago

You are not only over the target but you have scored a direct hit.

Gatekeepers, steam valves, controlling the narrative, false flags, fake news, etc. is all part of the ART and SCIENCE of ruling over the masses. This goes way, way back to when the Priest class used their secret knowledge of astronomy to scare the HeII out of the herd to keep them in check. Watch the eclipse scene from Uncle Mel's Apocalypto. No words are spoken but its all right there if you know what to look for. Mel knows what's up.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

I feel that way also sometimes.

wanderingblade ago

Q is the gayest larp ever. Even if it was real none of it's a revelation

SpreeFeech ago

We are clearly in a helicopter.

Iornukrum ago

Actually put a smile on me.


Cool, you found 5 examples of a phrase that does a good job at explaining the situation, and triggering faggots at the same time!

fellowwhiteperson ago

Yep. Part of building a qult involves keeping the illusion that they are under attack and must always keep their defenses up.

VoatsNewfag ago

Thank you fellow white person.

I partially agree. However I think it's not entirely an illusion that they are under attack. They had no doubt a bunch of unjust smear articles against them as has any movement critical of mainstream media or supportive of president trump. But for the most part it is an illusion used to shield themselves against any criticism and doubt.

And they themselves can also "attack" people. I don't see how calling someone a shill for disagreeing is any less derogatory than calling them a racist for disagreeing.

fellowwhiteperson ago

The memetics of a cult (immunization against contrary ideas and other such strategies) are complex. I don't feel like refreshing my knowledge so I can adequately summarize them, but they're definitely one of the parts that has me keeping the qult at arms reach and staying very skeptical.

threesevens ago

"illusion that they are under attack."

8chan deplatformed, Reddit Qanon subs banned, Apple Q apps banned, constant MSM attacks, ect.

All in their heads tho.

fellowwhiteperson ago

They can actually be under attack, but overhyping those attacks is being used to insulate members against criticism. Another poster made a good point: Okay, they're over the target. Now what are they doing while they're there? Fuck all, that's what.

hillaryisanigger ago

everything you mentioned only exists on a screen... so... very little real cost.

you have no reason to be optimistic that it isn't trickery.

TheSeer ago

Its not a LARP, its a disinfo psyop.

Why is that so hard to grasp?

MuDp5fg4QaVDs65 ago

Ooh so close. It's a pacification psyop. This explains all the responses you got, none of which involve getting up from the computer and doing anything IRL.

threesevens ago

You are the ones sitting on the sidelines while those in the Great Awakening truth movement are actually participating in research, redpilling, sharing, and motivating. Who's the pacified one?

VoatsNewfag ago

are actually participating in research, redpilling, sharing, and motivating. Who's the pacified one?

And before QAnon came along those reading wikileaks e-mails, gamergate and pizzagate didn't do so?

Who's the pacified one?

What could be more pacifying than believing the government will fix itself?


As I said in other comments in those preceding movements people used to say "trust but verify". During QAnon it's just "Trust".

Wikileaks provided real e-mails. Verifiable information. What has Q provided besides cryptic sentences?

threesevens ago

If you cant wrap your head around white hats within the govt then fine, dont believe it. But dont kill the morale of a positive truth movement that is redpilling millions, and motivating people to share and do research. Sit on the sidelines and stfu or contribute something besides hopelessness.

VoatsNewfag ago

Truth movement and "Dis-info is necessary" exclude each other. Pick one.

and motivating people to share and do research.

Looking at the picture I shared today, is this was positively motivating people to do their own research looks like? Is this how you encourage skepticism?

TheSeer ago

Hope porn. Don't worry, major action is BEING TAKEN RIGHT NOW, on your behalf!

Niggardly_Jew ago

All you have to do is keep your fat ass glued to the couch and enjoy the show! Definitely do not raise arms against your oppressors.

oneinchterror ago

Save Israel for last!! Patriots have no skin color!!!


threesevens ago

Becasue a disinfo campaign doesn't create the largest grassroots truth movement in history: The Great Awakening.

A disinfo campaign doesn't empower people to research, share, redpill, and cheer each other on in exposing the greatest evils that mankind has ever seen.

You are the one not getting it because you choose to remain ignorant.

hello_reddit ago

nigger, Q is not grassroots. if it were then qanon would be an actual anon civilian rather than a fed or whatever it's supposed to be

freeman84 ago

More like the Great Sleeping, you guys have been duped so hard it's pretty sad you defending the obvious psyop

Hyst ago

Except that most of the shit posted to The Great Awakening is proven false?

A disinfo campaign doesn't empower and motivate people to research, share, redpill, and cheer each other on in exposing the greatest evils that mankind has ever seen.

Except it hasn't. Most qultists think Soros is the big bad. Very few qultists actually do their own research, and instead rely on the research of the qultist hivemind. I can think of a dozen examples that qultists genuinely believed were true, but never once had a shred of "truth" behind them. I've questioned their lot extensively, just asking basic logical questions has had me labeled as a shill. Imagine that, simply asking a basic question makes you the enemy?

motivate people to research, share, redpill, and cheer each other on in exposing

Here's the kicker, these faggots need motivation. They all could have joined Voat four+ years back. They were happy staying on Reddit, knee deep in censorship. Why did they require a qult in order to be motivated about the truth? I was motivated about the truth years ago... I swear it's an aspect of this instant gratification world we live in. You shouldn't need motivation to research this stuff.

Meanwhile half the shit you people waste your time researching is complete horseshit with zero sources, zero evidence, just the ramblings of people interpreting incredibly vague horoscope style "drops".

A disinfo campaign isn't under constant attack by the MSM and censored by big tech.

I've literally never heard the mainstream mention Q. Not once. Ever. I've seen Voat mentioned more than Q... 8chan being attacked had fuck all to do with Qultists. Reddit bans everything that even a small group complain about. Many groups were banned from Reddit before the qultists. You're acting like people know and care about your "movement", and that's just not true.

You are the one not getting it because you choose to remain ignorant.

Nigger, every single one of us was out here seeking the truth years before these fucking qultists started believing in fairytales. Their lot makes the rest of us look bad. The rest of us are rooted in reality. Sure we believe in some conspiracy theories, but there's a god damned basis for them at least, not some cryptic tweets from what is most likely a Government account.

It's a fucking psyop. If you've payed even an iota of attention to the qult you would realize this. Instead you swallow lie after lie which is extensively proven to be false and yet you keep believe, and call everyone who questions you a shill, and anyone that disagrees with you ignorant.

You provided absolutely zero substance to defend Q here. No evidence. Nothing. If there was truth to Q, you fucking qultists would be spreading that truth everytime people question you. I know I would. I'd share the truth and ask them to give it a chance. Instead you act like a fucking kike and call us ignorant?! That's not a fucking argument, you sad sack of shit.

threesevens ago

I've literally never heard the mainstream mention Q. Not once. Ever.

That's because you are an ignorant moron.

I defended Q by showing the fruits of his work: The Great Awakening

Not sure why you are so insanely triggered by a positive truth movement that is redpilling millions of people.

My guess is TDS. Hell of a disease.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Red-pilling? Are you fucking serious? All you goddamn larpers do is sit on your fat fucking asses chanting regurgitated lines, patting each other on the back while ignoring all of Q's failures (e.g., mass arrests, Hilary being arrested, etc.). You actually think that you can DO NOTHING and the government will fix itself, without any effort whatsoever on your part; kinda nice, not having to disrupt your lazy lifestyle or actually have to put yourself at risk

I can't even begin to imagine just how cowardly, or just how retarded, you have to be to think such bullshit. The government will not fix itself, Q-fags, and you have no 'secret agents' working on your behalf. All you have to do is look at the state of the news or social media even for one day to see that's true.

blit416 ago

wow, he's hysterical man. It's like the letter Q touched him as a child... and then one long, hard day at the callcenter he came home "Honey I'm home, happy anniv..! NO! HOw COULD YOU!"

  • it was her and the letter Q, doing a crossword, naked.... pencil shavings everywhere.

It always struck me as wierd that people go NUTS called Q a LARP, and calling fans/believers "Cultists".

I don't understand why they're SO tortured by a bacchanel information and analytics stream. Who cares. Why the anger and name calling?

Helbrecht ago

It's appalling that you actually believe Q is what it says. Amazing

blit416 ago

okok, its spy games for the normies. i just dont take it seriously as a negative thing.

Helbrecht ago

It's yet more misdirection and misinformation for the "normies." It's designed to make people think that they're involved and important and doing something valuable not by actually doing anything (that's actually frowned on!), but simply by following some anonymous, vague-posting Xchan prophet and sperging out about it on Twitter and at family dinners. In this, Q has been highly successful.

Instead of getting righteously pissed off at the entire government system as it exists in this country, Q followers have been convinced that "based Trump" and "based republicans" and "based military" have some grand plan to expose the "deep state" (which, coincidentally, seems to involve mostly democrats) and you should just "trust the plan" and do nothing but "dig" and "red pill" and don't worry because "we have it all" (but we can't use it because reasons).

It's retarded.

Hyst ago

You provided absolutely zero substance to defend Q here. No evidence. Nothing. If there was truth to Q, you fucking qultists would be spreading that truth everytime people question you. I know I would. I'd share the truth and ask them to give it a chance. Instead you act like a fucking kike and call us ignorant?! That's not a fucking argument, you sad sack of shit.

Then you provide a dead link lmao. Yeah, you're very typical.

You didn't defend fuck all bud. I don't think you even know what defend means. If I were to defend something I believe in, I would make an attempt at proving it to be true. You don't attempt to defend your beliefs, at all. You just shout at anyone that disagrees with you. Like a rabid dog.

threesevens ago

The link works fine, it shows dozens of MSM Qanon articles.

I didn't address your insane ranting because the comment you are replying to was to defend Q against the notion of Q being a psyop, not the specifics of the well established research done.

Not sure what you think I believe except that the Great Awakening is a positive truth movement that is redpilling people with Q as a guide and motivator.

Also not sure what has made you so triggered and hateful about it but that's your problem.

Hyst ago

The link doesn't work lol...

not the specifics of the well established research done.

Always an excuse.

Yet another example of a Qultist refusing to defend their beliefs...

threesevens ago

What belief, that you think I have, do you want me to defend?

Hyst ago

I've refused to play your other games, why would I play this one?

Feel free to communicate like a human being. I've given you many opportunities.

hillaryisanigger ago

lol appeal to popularity!!! all these humans are real!!!

so the MSM makes fake news but real attacks. gotcha.

TheSeer ago

You are confusing researchers with Q 'himself' (obviously a team, probably using an AI for outputs as well).

When the researchers uncover something they aren't supposed to, then yeah, of course they will be attacked.

We need truthers yes. Do we need 'Q' and 'Q drops'? No.

VoatsNewfag ago

empower people to research

During gameragte and later pizzagate people frequently used to say "Trust but verify".

During QAnon people just say "Trust".

TheSeer ago

Trust the plan.

VicariousJambi ago

It's not that people don't understand that you think its a disinfo psyop, its that they disagree with your opinion.

TheSeer ago

Q admitted to using disinformation! Are we living on the same planet? Remember when the mass arrests were supposed to happen 11/11 last year AT THE LATEST? No. Of course not. Because cult members are totally fine with TEOTWAWKI being endlessly postponed. They never do remember previous HARD DATES.

VicariousJambi ago

Q admitted to using disinformation!


Are we living on the same planet?


Remember when the mass arrests were supposed to happen 11/11 last year AT THE LATEST?

What exactly are you referring to? Do you have a link or specific post?

They never do remember previous HARD DATES.

As far as I know Q shits out numbers to fuck with the cabal, not to inform people of whats going to happen.

xenoPsychologist ago

and then the qtards waste their time trying to decode them, too. at least they would never be useful to us. theyd most likely fight on behalf of the kike system against us if they werent being kept busy with nonsense. gotta protect their mortgage, ya know.

VicariousJambi ago

I can tell you don't actually spend too much time with the Q people. Anti kike shit is on the front page of qrv daily

xenoPsychologist ago

and ive seen their "take your antisemitism somewhere else" comments in response, too. ooh, or "hate is bad, id rather be a dead weight than hate someone who deserves it!"

Q people

people is such a strong word for a bunch of empty vessels.

xenoPsychologist ago

only about a half dozen in that whole post. when did that happen? time was you wouldnt have to look to find the exact kinds of comments i described. im almost impressed.

theyre, like, only three quarters retarded, now, i guess. theyve come a long way. our little potatoes are growing up.

VicariousJambi ago

They've been like this for a while acrually, they just get shit on by people who dont verify stuff for themselves

xenoPsychologist ago

which is exactly their problem, otherwise they wouldnt be following in that exact cult.

VicariousJambi ago

Um what? Im trying to say they just get shit on by people who dont look into Q or the "followers" much themselves. Ive been one of ones redpilling them since they got here, they actually arent that bad. Mostly normal people, a few nuts, lots of shills. Im glad to see that the redpilling has worked, i havent seen any serious jew love in quite a while

TheSeer ago

Better yet, why don't you, the Q expert, tell ME when the mass arrests are ACTUALLY scheduled for?

VicariousJambi ago

I cannot. If I knew then the cabal would also know.

TheSeer ago

So? Because they are difficult to arrest, we are just going to not arrest them?

VicariousJambi ago

I never said that they were not going to get arrested.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Trump could give the order today and have a 30 million strong national militia (plus the standing U.S. military). The arrests aren't happening because they're not going to happen.

threesevens ago

No it is because ignorant fucks like you hamper the truth movement by killing morale and not participating in the spread of information. Nothing can happen as long as the public is still asleep. You are just a useful idiot for the pedophile jews. Hope you are proud.

xenoPsychologist ago

Nothing can happen as long as the public is still asleep.

no, nothing will happen. the government can arrest its self, but it never will. we need to be acting instead of waiting on kikes to arrest each other. we need to hang the traitors ourselves. no one will ever do it for us. and if we dont, things will only get worse, never better.

but the q ERP is not in any way a tool for disseminating truth. memes were doing just fine before.

VicariousJambi ago

Or they're taking the long route to maxamize the potential people who are awakened.

Niggardly_Jew ago

There are enough people already. The enemy is time. Choosing to "awaken more people" at the expense of delaying will ensure that demographic change in America is solidified, such that democracy legitimately (without cheating) will work against white men. Then it won't matter anymore how many people are awake, violence will be 100% necessary and it will provide the state the perfect excuse to slaughter white people en masse.

Helbrecht ago

That's bullshit and you know it.

VicariousJambi ago

That's like, your opinion man

Gorillion ago

Ok pedo.

SkrutinizeYou ago

Well, that's how you know your directly over the target

ChiCom ago

This thread got no pushback so it's not over target

Hyst ago


Call_Of_Goat ago


BB-3 ago


Helbrecht ago


SIayfire122 ago

You is.

lord_nougat ago

But it doo

antiliberalsociety ago

We just had a post on the front page telling the MSM to STFU and the clip was of reporters using that very phrase over and over. Never trust canned phrases.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

One of the best ways to hurt some ones movement is to steal their terminology.

Wolfspider ago

I started a little list. Please add to it if you are interested.

Attack words:

herd perception

Conformity enforcers

Divisive rhetoric

False narrative



Disingenuous assertations

Fake outrage

Performative recreation

Leftist Terrorism

Race baiting

Lash out



Citing no evidence




Hate group



Amoral monster

Hate/hate speech/acts

Mind rape


agitation propaganda integration propaganda

Pluralistic ignorance

rhetorical device

Defense Words:

add adjectives






Love of country

whole worthy check

I have the rest of my life to repay my debt to the heros that gave their lives for freedom, they don't.

Our mercy is our love directed towards our family and decendants/posterity. Those that would destroy their right to life deserve no mercy, and we will assure our decendants/posterity will never again be shackled by mercy to those who would destroy us.

Snarky humor:

Apex parasites

Highly edited

I have an ask for an action item

Add "toxic' before nouns

urp ago

AMAZING LIST! Did you do much of it yourself? Awesome.

Wolfspider ago

Yeah, those are words that have caught my ear over the last year or so. I think that reversing and using others propaganda weapons against them is an easy and effectual way of counter-attack.

DrPlant ago

This is more like reverberating hypnotic triggers than stealing terminology though.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

It is now.

Gorillion ago

That phrase is from Gamergate you fucking cunt. It's just been appropriated by shills and media jews because the liberal think tanks that used to invent "canned phrases" for them failed out of the game years ago.

As a phrase it still holds true. Just use your fucking brain to filter the context.

antiliberalsociety ago

Unplug the game NPC, you feed the jewgenda playing that shit. It's a canned phrase just like Sinclair's Script for Stations. Get over it, gamerfag.

Paranoiaattack ago

I'm pretty sure it goes further back than gamergate

antiliberalsociety ago

^ correct answer

Hyst ago

We're in odd times. I've had people accuse me of regurgitating talking points about stuff that is just so off beat and niche that I can't even imagine there are legitimate "talking points" relating to it. It's like if anyone has ever heard a phrase or collection of words used by their enemies, anyone who utters them must also be an enemy.

Meanwhile all of us know about divide and conquer tactics, and we seem to be largely falling prey to them?

antiliberalsociety ago

You hit it on the head. Keep the masses fighting amongst themselves to offset an attack. That's why you see a message on Jewish bullshit, and in the comments (((someone))) is always blaming boomers.

One thing you need to learn is to stop fighting our own people. We're the only race stupid enough to cancel eachother out by dividing into little democrat and republican teams and we GOTTA CUT IT OUT! The blacks vote black, the jews vote jewish, which means YOU gotta vote WHITE.


v ago

Meanwhile all of us know about divide and conquer tactics, and we seem to be largely falling prey to them?

Simply knowing them doesn't immediately lead you to how to stop them en masse, unfortunately.

blumen4alles ago


uvulectomy ago


Obrez ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

"Every fucking day"

[evidence shows months between posts]

ScannerDarkly ago

And they are all at least a year old

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Got 4 downvotes so far...

we must be over the target

ReadPastHeadlines ago

He clearly says "everyday" is for stupid posts like those. His example, repeating "over the target", is not everyday and isn't claimed to be.

jthepk ago

Its implied quite heavily seeing as how there are nonother examples given. If you wanna add extra thats on you and youre imagination.

jthepk ago

like this clearly references the repetition of over the target. thats why there is 100% over the target posts and 0% any other kind of post. -CLEARLY-

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Look at the bottom. The bottom one is what the title is in reference to. That bottom one is saying posts like that happen every day. Give it a rest with needing every joke to be held up to legal standards.

jthepk ago

and the bottom line references the picture, which has only one example repeated. not hard.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yes, I agree. He isn't even clear on his message or what evidence he needs to present his idea.

Poor post, as dumb as the Qcumbers.

xenoPsychologist ago

i imagine its technically true, but the post doesnt seem like the be evidence of it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Heh heh, it's pretty funny how he shot himself in the foot for no reason.

xenoPsychologist ago

id say a rant would have been more effective than what got posted.

VoatsNewfag ago

id say a rant would have been more effective than what got posted.

When I searched for these threads to use in the image I came across many rants. Usually they got 2-5 upvotes and twice as many downvotes.

This one has as many upvotes as your 3rd highest upvoted submission. You posted five times as many submissions as me overall. It was posted in the middle of the week.

It's listed on despite having received the second highest amount of Downvotes.

And unlike a rant it's reusable. You can bet the next time I see "wE ArE ovEr ThE tArgET" posts I will post this image in the comments.

Honestly I didn't expect this to get any traction at all because of triggered QAnons downvoting it before it can get any traction. I won't mind shooting myself in the foot again @clamhurt_legbeard

PS: The title is an allusion to the "Every fucking time"-meme. My suspicion was that this would increase the likelihood of people checking it out and decrease the likelihood of QAnons checking it out and downvoting it. Do you think it worked?

xenoPsychologist ago

the upvotes arent the important thing. its the discussions had along the way. you did get a fat stack of comments, which i think makes it some form of successful.

and ya make some good points.

id say it was more successful than id thought it would be at the time. id expand the image with more examples, though, since those dinguses give no shortage.

VoatsNewfag ago

It's just hyperbole or a generalization. Just as when people state "women are a head shorter than men" they don't deny the existence of male midgets.

And it isn't a scientific study.

isn't even clear on his message

My message is to remind QAnons of their past and have them own it.

This includes threads like this. 1.1 years ago, more upvotes than most stuff on the frontpage right now.

This includes a bunch of Q-posts that aged rather badly.

I'm tired of them pretending this didn't go on for years by now. I'm tired of their lack of introspection. I'm tired of their blind trust and idleness. Of their dismissal of any skepticism unlike the movements that preceded them that used to say "trust but verify". Now it's just "trust".

jthepk ago

wtf are you on about, nobody ever says "women are a head shorter than men" because its obviously false. do you live in a cave?

VoatsNewfag ago

You can't be serious.

They have a column for men and one for women. Average height of women is shorter worldwide.

do you live in a cave?

I live in a city were this can be observed on a daily basis. I don't know if it's exactly "one head" but women are shorter.

If this is an attempt at trolling or sarcasm it's the most boring attempt.

jthepk ago

I said "nobody". i have NEVER heard someone EVER make that exact statement before. And as you just said in your own reply, not even you believe in tgat exact statement. Because its a false statement.

VoatsNewfag ago

I've heard it a couple of times before and as I recall it was almost exactly as I wrote it down - a head shorter than men.

Might have been in one my drawing books talking about human proportions. You can search my submissions for a few drawings I uploaded last year.

Either way the point is that you'd had to be a retard to disagree with this statement, because we observe it on a daily basis. But everyone knows that exceptions exist and that they do not disprove this statement, for it's not meant to be taken literal.

Exceptions do not disprove generalizations.

jthepk ago

Youd have to be lazy as fuck to accept something as true thats only true part of the time.

VoatsNewfag ago

When a teacher in school says that cats have 4 paws, how will you react?

Because obviously some cats lost a paw. Some have been born with an extra paw.

What if they say that cats have fur? There is an entire race of cats without fur.

Do you even begin to grasp what it would look if you dismiss every generalization?

jthepk ago

youre acting like 99.9% of men are a head taller than 99.9% of females. thats an intentional misrepresentaion of data and you know it!

VoatsNewfag ago

What about this without any paws? How do you define paw? How do you define claw?

How do differentiate cats with other mammals given that for every defining feature there is at least one exception?

You cannot use fur, color, height, paws, food (gotta keep those allergies in mind) ...

You couldn't differentiate anything. Speech would become unnecessary cumbersome.

youre acting like 99.9% of men are a head taller than 99.9% of females. thats an intentional misrepresentaion of data and you know it!

Ah, you are a retard who disagrees with a simple statement everyone knows to be true.

How did you come to the 99.9% number?

jthepk ago

because that is about as rediculous a number as cats with extra paws.

"What about this without any paws? How do you define paw? How do you define claw?" none of this garbage even matters to this topic.

so you are saying that a teacher saying cats have 4 paws, is more accurate than a teacher saying most cats have 4 paws but some have less or more?

that was the main point of mypost, also the only part of my post you didnt reply to

VoatsNewfag ago

Being more accurate isn't the only thing that matters. Converying information in a efficient manner is very important. As is to be easily understandable - especially as a teacher.

Furthermore you spoke derogatory about ALL generalizations. Not just this particular one.

If you are teaching children, you also have to teach them the definition of a paw. And Claws.

If you do so without ever making a single generalization you will just fuck up their brain. Possibly even worse than yours is right now.

because that is about as rediculous a number as cats with extra paws.

Why? To say that cats have 4 paws is a generalization. We wouldn't want to teach something that isn't true all the time, now would we?

You do understand that to state that catering to this exception is ridicilous, is exactly the argument I'm making? Do you happen to agree with me? Or do you need to show me what a "special" technical correct autistic retard you are?

jthepk ago

im just saying the only retarded thing in this convo was your ridiculous analogy involving cat paws.

yes i spoke negatively about generalizations because generalizations are not accurate 100% of the time. even the bible says that angels judge every matter case by case, without generalization because generalizations are an admission that being wrong in some cases is acceptable because its simpler. its not. sometimes generalizations are passable, i can admit that much. but if i have the choice between the full picture or a generalization ill pick the full picture..

and i stand by my statement that ive never heard anyone say candidly that men are a head taller than women. its just stupid logic. if you had said... "statistically speaking, men are on average a head taller than women" i might not have rammed you about it because it would have actually been factual.

VoatsNewfag ago

and i stand by my statement that ive never heard anyone say candidly that men are a head taller than women. its just stupid logic.

Jesus fucking Christ. And I stand with my statement that I heard - and read - this very sentence MULTIPLE TIMES.


"About half a head shorter than men" - last sentence bottom left.

This is from Andrew Loomis. A famous Illustrator and very well known among aspiring artists for his books.

He compares and measures the relative height of men and women in Heads.

And Here's a fucking TvTropes article:

"Men are generally half a head taller than women in Real Life; in fiction, it's practically codified that every couple will have the man One Head Taller than the woman. "









its just stupid logic.


And despite writing all caps I'm not that angry, slightly irritated maybe but mostly baffled and amused.

How can this even be an argument that drags on. The only thing I got wrong that it was actually HALF a head in real life, and a FULL HEAD in fiction. (To make men more masculine and women more feminine.)

Do you want me to search for a youtube video of an art instructor talking about human proportions? Or are you capable of finding it yourself? Because then you can actually hear mere mortal human beings utter this sentence you consider to be so inconceivable and at last find true enlightenment and perhaps some humbleness as well.

Ask any halfway decent artist about this and they will tell you that men are a head taller. Ask film directors and they'll you as much. I bet medical doctors will too. Most certainly anatomical experts that teach artists. Medical experts that worked as real doctors use this sentence you consider inaccurate and unprofessional and beyond comprehension - I know this for a fact.

but if i have the choice between the full picture or a generalization ill pick the full picture..

People who's job it is to paint a picture or capture 30 pictures a second use this sentence. If it's good enough for professional experts it's good enough for us, don't you think?

I actually want to continue ranting and rambling on but this is absurd enough as is. You're not trolling, right? Then how could this argument drag on? How could this argument possibly drag on so far that it lead to angels and judgement? No really, how?

jthepk ago

im just gonna point out that even that link you posted is different than what you originally said.

"I live in a city were this can be observed on a daily basis. I don't know if it's exactly "one head" but women are shorter."

so it went from about 1 head, now to about half a head. anything else you need to change?

i mean, i can practically find an article to say anything, and if i cant find one i could buy a domain and MAKE one. but thats why i specifically used the word "candid"

the reason the article is dragging on is because you really wanted me to hear about cat paws.

"Ask any halfway decent artist about this and they will tell you that men are a head taller"

if someone told me this, they would be incorrect garunteed at least SOME of the time. which is why ive been trying to explain to you that generalizations are literally you accepting to be wrong some of the time because who knows.

" If it's good enough for professional experts it's good enough for us, don't you think?"

i really could give a shit less what professional experts say.. professional experts also say that global warming is gonna end the world in 10 years.

takes 2 to tango. i can easily admit im dragging this conversation on. but so are you, and somehow you refuse to acknowledge that.

i cant be wrong, my entire point was that generalizations are only correct SOME of the time,and are garunteed to be wrong the other.

" How could this argument possibly drag on so far that it lead to angels and judgement? " i feel like that did more for the conversation than cats that have extra paws, honestly.


just not understanding how you are still trying to fight against my point of.... generalizations are lazy and are literally accepting to be wrong at least a percentage of the time. if you know a generalization is wrong, thats called dishonesty. something i avoid. im a straight up person.

VoatsNewfag ago

I thought of something more thought provoking:

Give me a reasonably detailed explanation of what a cat is (Obvously without relying on synonyms!) and most importantly without using a single generalization.

Since you call generalizations lazy I assume you're not a lazy person.

jthepk ago

ok i accept your challenge before i doze off. what i call a cat: a cat is USUALLY a creature that has fur, 4 paws, a cute face, whiskers,etc. etc.

does that work for you? xD

VoatsNewfag ago

To further make the case that "usually" and "typically" are reduntant in this context the following just came to my mind:

Most people will not see a difference between "women are half a head shorter" and "women are -usually- half a head shorter".

Those that do notice a difference do so out of principle but not because it's a meaningful difference.

But the following will stand out and cause objection by most:

"Women are -exactly- half a head shorter".

VoatsNewfag ago

does that work for you? xD

No. Because I want to know if you do that in every single sentence.

Let's take a paragraph from wikipedia and modify it according to your suggestion:

"The cat is TYPICALLY similar in anatomy to the other felid species, has a strong flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp teeth and retractable claws adapted to killing small prey. Its night vision and sense of smell are USUALLY well developed. Cat communication USUALLY includes vocalizations like meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting as well as cat-specific body language. It is USUALLY a solitary hunter, but a social species. TYPICALLY It can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small mammals. It is a predator that is USUALLY most active at dawn and dusk.[7] It TYPICALLY secretes and perceives pheromones.[8]

Female domestic cats can have kittens from spring to late autumn, with litter sizes ranging USUALLY from two to five kittens"

Wouldn't this be redundant and make it more annoying to read? (Would people like this change? Would they still prefer wikipedia over other encyclopedias?)

So then what, add a disclaimer in front? "The following description describes the typical:".

If then this disclaimer get's added to every enyclopedia and dictionary entry, if everyone uses this disclaimer in everyday speech - doesn't it get redundant again?

VoatsNewfag ago

You compare artists, movie directors and medical doctors to climate science and then you claim that you are above them all? Humble.

which is why ive been trying to explain to you that generalizations are literally you accepting to be wrong some of the time because who knows.

Is the statement that cats have 4 paws correct at all times?

jthepk ago

i dont idolize professionals. has nothing to do with being above them. i just know that a degree doesnt make one lie any less often. and the fact that most professionals are dependent on funding makes them even LESS reliable. im hoping youll show me where i said i was above, or else you blatantly lied about me.

as for cats having 4 paws and being correct at all times, i believe it was me asking you if YOU really thought that it was more accurate for a teacher to say all cats have 4 paws.

"so you are saying that a teacher saying cats have 4 paws, is more accurate than a teacher saying most cats have 4 paws but some have less or more?" -me

of course its not true because its a GENERALIZATION. and generalizations are you accepting to be wrong at least some of the time. it might pass for some, but to me its no bueno. id rather have a teacher tell me that MOST cats have 4 paws, because it would be true.

VoatsNewfag ago

i believe it was me asking you if YOU really thought that it was more accurate for a teacher to say all cats have 4 paws.

And my response was:

"Being more accurate isn't the only thing that matters. Converying information in a efficient manner is very important. As is to be easily understandable - especially as a teacher."

Not using generalizations or scolding others for using them is unreasonable.

i just know that a degree doesnt make one lie any less often.

How do you know?

What if on average they lie 10% less than those without a degree?

Isn't that a generalization?

jthepk ago

i disagree, being accurate is ALL that matters. youre literally trying to explain to me that truthiness doesnt matter. to that ill never agree.

and ill tell you now, you have no rights to the word efficiency while promoting something that is not true. were literally talking about 1 word, to turn a dishonest statement into an honest one. thats why i say its lazy.

saying a degree doesnt make someone more or less truthful isnt a generalization because there is no correlation between the two.

people lie, theres nothing about a piece of paper that has any effect on ones conscious decisions. what i just stated is the anti thesis of generalization because a generalization would be to assume the piece of paper has a consistent effect on ones willingness or ability to tell the truth.

VoatsNewfag ago

theres nothing about a piece of paper that has any effect on ones conscious decisions. [...] because a generalization would be to assume the piece of paper has a consistent effect on ones willingness or ability to tell the truth.

I always thought this assumption was why let people who take an oath hold their hand on a bible.

There are studies according to which people who have art hanging on a wall are happier and more productive. Is it out of the realm of possibility that having a certificate hanging nearby while working can instill a sense of duty and responsibility in some people?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hey, calm down. You're starting to get emotional.

I found your hyperbole to be amusing for your lack of self-awareness.

VoatsNewfag ago

for your lack of self-awareness.

How so? You think they're just being hyperbolic?

I get downvotes for quoting Q in their subverse. Namely whenever I quote something Q said that didn't turn out to happen. Their best reponse is: it didn't happen YET.

And I could no doubt do a list 10x as long with the phrase "trust the plan".

Do you think trusting the government to fix itself from withing and in turn fix all their problems is hyperbole too?

You're starting to get emotional.

Yeah I'm pissed of constantly reading the same catchphrases. Wubalaba dub dub!

VoatsNewfag ago


As a sidenote I only picked those around 1 year old and searchvoat only goes so far back in time. Otherwise this would be at least 3x as long.

TheBuddha ago

No, they go back as far as the start of the searchvoat site.

However, you are likely correct - if you counted comments. I bet they say they're over target in at least one thread per day - and almost certainly more frequently.

They are not smart people.

VoatsNewfag ago

You're right. I had the impression that it doesn't go far back because I once struggled to find something that was posted before searchvoat indexed it. But it was likely much further back than I assumed.

They are not smart people.

"These people are stupid" - Q.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it goes back from when he started his database and no further, as far as I know. I think the API only allows interception and not downloading. So, anything prior to the start won't be indexed - but that was well before the Qtard infestation.

SearchVoat ago

To clarify, SV has all submissions since the beginning of Voat, and comments only since October 2017. Try sorting by oldest first. @VoatsNewfag

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. I knew some of it wasn't indexed, but I thought it was all submissions - appreciate the correction.

VoatsNewfag ago

Thanks, I didn't know that. And thanks for creating searchvoat, it's very useful at times!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

They may not be smart, but at least they are over the target, I guess.

TheBuddha ago

I struggle to find good things to say about them - so I guess I'll say they're energetic.

lord_nougat ago

They have "pleasant enthusiasm".

No, perhaps it's frequently unpleasant, actually.

TheBuddha ago

I am not sure what is worse, that they're retarded or that they don't know they're retarded.

I've tried and my brain doesn't work that way, so I don't really know. I'd like to think that I'd know if I was an idiot. I'd like to think I'd know that I'm stupid and actually listen to people smarter than myself. I mean, I don't argue with my medical professionals, my accountant, my lawyers, etc... They know more about the subject than I do. So, I'd like to think I'd know if I was stupid.

lord_nougat ago

Really truly idiotic idiots always think they're both super smart but also better than most everyone else.

This means that I am probably an idiotic idiot, because I feel like I am surrounded by idiots most of the time. But it could just be my coworkers. Coworkers are WORST orkers!

TheBuddha ago

I am not obligated to be around all that many people, so I have the luxury of being around people that aren't retarded.

Speaking of being around people, guess what I did on Sunday?

Yup... There's now a Mrs. TheBuddha. LOL She's hot as fuck and less than 1/3 my age. (Yes, this is obviously legal - else they're not gonna issue marriage certificates!)

And no, no... She's not my trophy wife. We legitimately love one another and are pretty pleased with this. She even happily signed a prenup. I still tease her about being my trophy wife - but she's model-level cute. She's responsible for me realizing the benefit of a convertible. I'm going to get a convertible just so people can see us. I've concluded that's the real reason for owning a convertible, 'cause I actually fucking hate wind in my face.

sirRantsalot ago

you're a monster. we toil in the mines whilst you flitter around like a moth, constantly seeking new pleasures.

m_1 ago


Now you in trouble.

IM2abcd ago

pics or it didn't happen

TheBuddha ago

I am afraid, so very afraid!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

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lord_nougat ago

Well holy shit, congrats man!!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! I'm pretty pleased with this, else I'd have not done so.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Over the target, ok, then what?

What are they going to do once over the target?

xenoPsychologist ago

nothing whatsoever. the whole point of the q thing is to wait and do nothing until the government arrests its self.

Obrez ago

Which is retarded when you consider that trump isn't achieving our objectives. He got a few things under his belt but he's just doing Israel's bidding at this point.

The goal here should be getting a trump victory in 2020 and the immediately going in to prep mode for building up real right-wing candidates from the dissident/restorationist right, evicting all disruptive non whites from the west through legal measures and then by force but keep the mask up with legal routes then make new legal routes, then give "reparations" to blacks by putting them back in africa.

I could keep going but the goal here is a trump 2020 victory to demoralize the left, drag over and convert as many as possible with a strasserist bridge then go for nationalistic reforms and social reforms that require a vast white majority to achieve funding while the overton window is stretched open.

Trump winning in the us will embolden our European brothers and we'll get a feed back loop of morale buffing.

xenoPsychologist ago

i see it pretty differently, but +1'd for interesting conversation. its something ya dont see every day, even here.

Which is retarded when you consider that trump isn't achieving our objectives. He got a few things under his belt but he's just doing Israel's bidding at this point.

ive noticed that. its disappointing.

The goal here should be getting a trump victory in 2020 and the immediately going in to prep mode for building up real right-wing candidates from the dissident/restorationist right

i dont think politics can work at this point. the kikes absolutely will not allow it. theyre going to fraud even harder and lie even more. theres only one way out of this.

evicting all disruptive non whites from the west through legal measures

everything is a legal measure. theyre enemy combatants by definition. theyre only here to kill us.

give "reparations" to blacks by putting them back in africa.

thats better than they deserve. we should give them what they deserve, instead. but i guess thatll do in a pinch. not like they can survive on their own.

demoralize the left

i dunno. the left is funded by the guys that have all the money. i dont think morale is an issue.

we should be in open revolt right now. but we arent. nothing is going to happen, much less improve.

Obrez ago

I'm coming at this from the perspective that the ultimate art of war is to win without fighting but I know that is a very rare, especially without immense power, so the secondary focus which is really the directive here, is to recruit more people to our cause, and I mean no half assed bullshit, I mean we need true believers the goal is to have a white ethnostate that stretches coast to coast in NA, and that all EU countries be ethnostates also.

The best measure for recruitment at this point as exampled by history is converting the socialistic left, essentially we can afford an entirely socialist system if and only if we had an ethnically white country, no blacks, no browns, the only non whites who even reach our level of contribution that might be worth trusting are koreans and japanese and I'm not looking to encourage mass migration from them, only that we don't need to fight them out of our country. once in power we free the rest of the west.

Demoralizing the left will happen if we win in 2020, many of their antifa will turn terrorist and give us a far greater validation in the eyes of the indoctrinated for going full RWDS, It's likely to be a historical time either in that it will mimic the burning of the reichstag or the 1919 revolution, both were instrumental to hitler having the power he did, these actions justified a brutal fascistic dictator to the people. they knew they needed one man to lead a crusade to purify germany and also this brought unity because whether they liked the fuhrer personally they were glad to have a leader instead of a politician who would fix their sorry state and so they wanted to contribute.

We don't have our great leader yet but we can achieve that unity from our enemies violence and demoralization; you may not be awar but over 60% of the SS were former card carrying communists, once their path was closed off to them in communism and they saw the jews for the destroyers they were they became some of the most effective national socialists and this was largely because of the work of strasser who bridged the demoralized communists into the national socialist camp.

Think for a moment about how committed so many of our enemies are, and then consider how precarious their whole political position is; if they lose a few core tenets the whole tower of political indoctrination falls and their personally important goals are what's left, if you can break their conditioning on one thing you can break the ideology they don't know they subscribe to, like the holocaust myth they will start to notice patterns they can't ignore.

We need to make israel out to be the bad guy on leftist sites attack trump from the position that he is Israel's bitch boy, once some dumb leftists burn their bridges with israel the fire wont be stopped I say ahead of 2020 we accuse trump of colluding with Israel to win re-election, the left will eat it up, draw the connection with bolshevist jews back to russia and voila they are bad goys.

I absolutely appreciate the need for revolution and we should have all started fighting back in the 90s right after ruby ridge, so many times since then we should have fought back, hell we should have fought back when Reagan signed the assault weapon's ban. But now we are less than a year out from a chance to narrow our margins and increase the chance for victory, and even an opportunity to avoid fighting or restore conditions more favorable to fight in, if we lose in 2020 I absolutely know it's time to take up arms and take this country back; No further delays could possibly help us. the premise of this war would be that the american population was displaced against it's wishes for decades we voted to reduce illegal immigration and opposed increased legal immigration and the people who passed the '64 immigration act lied about it's intended consequences, we are fighting for america, the return of free speech, democratic representation; the restoration of our republic and fairer wages, that's the revolution on paper, off paper we want all the nonwhites out so we can actually advance as a country and live in a peaceful and safe land.

Starting the fighting right this moment will fracture the right; we can be unified by a loss in 2020 and if we win we can be unified by our disillusionment with trump if he fails to restore more favorable conditions for us to recruit and weaken our enemy's postures, failing to reduce immigration of all kinds, to kick out at least 10 million illegals and to restore protections for the first amendment while rejecting all 2a restrictions anything less is betrayal on his part, if he denies this then we start taking out the people who block his efforts and demand the house pass bills to change these issues. the next key issues are dual loyalties, term limits, ending ALL foreign aid, and education reform. We need our own party, stealing seats from dems and Republican local and national government by 2022.

The primary political objective is getting the vote out for trump but weaning them off trump while we do that because he isn't what some of us had hoped back in 2015 and their are too many fools who have tied their cart to his, the key phrase here is that "this was never about trump".

I slaver for the the day of the rope but like any good hunter, I urge caution and patience, preparation is key.

I wrote all this up quickly and without much proof reading so I'm hoping my intent is clear in this post, I'm not long for sleep so if I was unclear I'll respond tomorrow.

xenoPsychologist ago

fighting is the only thing that can work at this point. they cant be voted out. they wont arrest themselves. since everyone is too afraid to act, nothing will be done. demoralize the idiots. nothing will improve. clown world will keep on spinning and getting worse. and only because we refuse to act.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

i dont think politics can work at this point. the kikes absolutely will not allow it. theyre going to fraud even harder and lie even more. theres only one way out of this.

Which kikes? kalgeri kikes or zionist kikes? Zionist kikes got a very rude awakening in 2008, and have realized that kikes can not exist, let alone maintain a good quality of life, without the west. So factions of kikes are fighting among each other.

i dunno. the left is funded by the guys that have all the money. i dont think morale is an issue.

So what? If money guaranteed victory, then we would not be here now would we? That is the big weakness of the left: they think they can solve any problem by throwing money at it.

This whole q thing reads like some sort of psyop program. It's almost as if they want to see how many conspiracy theorists they have control over.

xenoPsychologist ago

which kikes dont matter. there are kikes in the government who made it functionally impossible to vote them out or hold them accountable for their crimes.

So what? If money guaranteed victory, then we would not be here now would we?

well, we arent going to act in any way. i no theres basically no one willing to stand and fight them when thats the only possible working option. theyve already won, since we cant even be bothered to bring them down for their crimes.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

well, we arent going to act in any way. i no theres basically no one willing to stand and fight them when thats the only possible working option. theyve already won, since we cant even be bothered to bring them down for their crimes.

Do you speak English? Or was hebrew your first language? You are using nigger grammar with your black pills.

You act like violence is the only way to fight them. Civil war comes in stages. We are at a cold stage right now, where the best methods to really fuck with them are our spending. There is this myth in the progressive sphere that the colored people will eventually step up and contribute. In reality there is this "critical white" level of the population, and when the white population gets too low, the colored people start dying off. Now in the past this was stemmed by foreign aid gibs, but what happens when the countries that in the past provided the gibs hit critical white?

xenoPsychologist ago

yes, yes. when human civilization crumbles for lack of whites, theyll all die with it. theyre continuing to flood the west with animal savages, so obviously they dont care. you think i havent thought of that already?

You act like violence is the only way to fight them.

well, since nothing else is working.

where the best methods to really fuck with them are our spending.

they have all the money. and worse, they have control of all the money. but im sure youll be successful with your spending front. while our children just keep getting raped to death. for the final two decades of human civilization.

thats all talk of someone unwilling to do what needs to be done to save human civilization. everywhere will become south africa, and you wont act. congratulations, though.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

they have all the money. and worse, they have control of all the money. but im sure youll be successful with your spending front. while our children just keep getting raped to death. for the final two decades of human civilization.

Let's see here: Brings up violence check, dispenses black pills, check, the other indicators, check.

You meet the profile of being a glow nigger. Must not have figured out how to log into 8kun huh?

xenoPsychologist ago

way to avoid addressing points by claiming that im an acceptable target. you wanna be the next south africa, thats fine. at least they wont call you racist right? except they do anyway. so youre fine to watch human civilization fall without even getting anything out of it. even better, you are willing to personally subvert any attempt to get people willing to save human civilization, herding them toward doing nothing while it all burns down. it must be super hard being a kike around here. having to endure your own people being called out daily.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

way to avoid addressing points by claiming that im an acceptable target.

Encourages violence: Check. Is not using proper terminology: Check. Writing style: check. As well as other indicators.

You are either a glow nigger, or you have been around them for too long. Considering that the carny is dead, This makes it suspect.

xenoPsychologist ago

so basically, what you are saying, is that you are so afraid of them punishing you for violence 1: while theyre using it on you successfully, and 2: when its completely fucking appropriate and also the only solution that will ever see any success, that youll cower before any rational person noting the absolute necessity of violence while calling them the bad guy like the dog you before the frothing homos of the three letter agencies.

not only are you an absolute coward, but youre a good slave to the enemy, fighting the people who know what time has come (and long since past, to be fair).

fine. you dont get to complain while you are being raped to death by savage animals.

Iornukrum ago

Trump and his (((posse))) will open the bomb bay and drop their load on Americans.

hillaryisanigger ago

hot stinky load of jujucum

Armpit_and_Ass ago

Post harder. Obviously. Because that's how change is made.