uniqkusername ago

300 protesters arrests so far at the anti-Kav protest led by Sarsour. Among those arrested are Amy Schumer and a model friend of hers.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

There will be no arrests, or at least ones we want/need.

wokeasfook ago

Is Q ready to take on the pedos?

Keneo77 ago

I can already picture CNN and MSNBC staff wailing and balling, holding each other shaking. I may need to get cable back just to watch it.

Type-o-Negative ago

Ask your local cable company for the MSM-13 Package.

Keneo77 ago

But I want the 17 package.

Clem_Fister ago

In all fairness anyone could predict this. Tomorrow there’s going to be serious butthurt about the kavanaugh vote.

Strelnieki ago

That's what I'm talkin' about! https://imgoat.com/uploads/7a749d808e/151510.gif

KimnanaT ago

Interesting this posted following the presidential alert test system.....maybe if things go nuts POTUS can get message out to the masses quickly... or send a message directly to all the people on WHO is being arrested and WHY they are being arrested.

HighEnergyLife ago

Bring it!

ordinarymike ago

Hell Ya! Kick Ass, or die trying!!!!

Truther65 ago

The Fisa memo has to be exposed to reveal the evil plot before any arrest will happen. That will take one to two weeks.......then BOOM, just in time for the Nov 6 election. Then the world will change FOREVER. Can't wait.....thank God, finally after a whole year.

DerivaUK ago

A year? Wish all I’d spent on this was a year! This has been much longer in the unveiling

Truther65 ago

I have spent 20 years researching all the crap. I meant approx 1 year with Q promises.

DerivaUK ago

Understand - apologies!

Karmalita57 ago

Been Hipp to It for 40!

TrishaUK ago

Dang just thought if its a Presidential code unlocking declassified info, I won't get it because I'm not in America :0 - please post asap what it all about if this turns out to be the case @srayzie @bopper

srayzie ago

Sure will!

DerivaUK ago

Thanks from here, too!

TrishaUK ago

Nooo Its 3:42am here in the UK! I've been hoping all night I won't miss whats coming....I need to stay awake! This is what it was like the night Donald Trump won, I was awake the whole night waiting for the results haha My family thought I was nuts, still do! WWG1WGA - Wanna be part of World History - God Bless USA & UK :D

AbsolutelyZak ago

Also Vritish and scooped £14,000 on bet fair trading again the witch. Oh what a night. We know a song about that don't we

TrishaUK ago

Awww.....I had never made a bet in my life and about in Aug 2017, 3 months before Trump got in, my brother told me to 'put my money where my mouth was, and to prove I was sure he would win I bet £100 and won £300+! If only I had done it in April 2016 when I was sooooo positive he would be elected after hearing that Mark Taylor Prophesy, but had no clue how to bet. Lucky you you went for it!

MidnightDStroyer ago

Senate vote for Kavanaugh confirmation is scheduled for Saturday. Indications are strong that he'll be ready to take his place with SCOTUS by Monday.

TrishaUK ago

WOW what I love about the US things move quickly, here in the UK it takes weeks, months, years to move forward in anything!

MidnightDStroyer ago

Hey, I'm just conjectiing at this point. Not much of anything gets done on weekends, at least not as it comes out to the public; somebody may still try to come up with something to delay even longer. I'm mostly exptrapolating from what I've seen going on during the course of this week.

TrishaUK ago

It was mostly because Q sort of inferred that something was about to happen. Then I realised that it would most likely be AFTER the Kavanaugh confirmation so that would not be affected. So went to sleep lol

madhatter67 ago

Our establishment has had hundreds more years of practice at looking busy while achieving nothing worthwhile!

KimnanaT ago

Let us know if it domino affects hit the UK coast....burn all this shit to the ground.

madhatter67 ago

Unless the BBC report on it, it won't be considered real by most of our sleepy public

At the moment the BBC is still pushing Blasey Ford as a credible victim to give you some idea how fake the news is here

But come the time, I'm sure some of us will be ready

bopper ago

Just go the chemist and get some no-doz then put it in your boot (or is it bonnet), grab some petrol, slap some butter on your sandwich and finish it off with a biscuit.

Be careful not to get hit with a lorry while negotiating the roundabout.

TrishaUK ago


TangoSierra ago

You left out some spotted dick.

Spindar ago

Lol, Same story here... Trump made me nocturnal :D DO IT Q!!! WWG1WGA!

herestothefuture ago


Vladimir_Komarov ago

Am so ready.

trackmeplease ago

My God, if this is another motherfucking blue ball I’m going to go have to drive all the way to the city to find some nigger cock to suck my dick.

Awakened-1 ago

Long time coming but worth the wait

Gratefulheart ago

Reaction to Hillary's loss x 10 from these people. Are you ready? Some will go nuts! Mass arrests of elitist pedophiles and traitors . We need to help others stay calm

Type-o-Negative ago

Imgur sucks here, although there are 3 flavors this is the one I use for pics:



from one ex-redditor to another ex-redditor

Rhondaher ago

Hell yes. Bring it on.

PtCPt ago

Here it comes............rut roh

AperionPatriot ago

Man, I wanna be part of history, but I've got work tomorrow. x3


That’s ok. I think the making history part starts Saturday (no kids in school for mass soft targets). So, you’re good!

Clownmuseum ago

I have to bring my cat to the vet to get an abscess drained

TexasConservativeFag ago

Take a Q shirt and make your cat wear one too!

Diggernicks ago

Shoot it. Problem solved.

captainpixystick ago


bopper ago


Clownmuseum ago

Seems legit

AperionPatriot ago

Oof! Hope kitty is okay.

bopper ago

Dang Srayzie. Q has never said anything like this before!

v888 ago

Me too- I gots butterflies :)

Justaddcoffee ago

Here is an arsenal of memes https://voat.co/v/QRV/2755184/14170588

MidnightDStroyer ago

When that happens, there's going to be a lot of confusion, even among those of us who are prepared to see it go down. I'd like to suggest watching YouTube ( /watch?v=qHWUENgeQqM ) to get a good idea of how it's likely to happen. Key points being, dont panic, be stocked up, don't go wandering around just to watch what's going on. The video describes what & how it may happen much better than I can here.

Stay safe partriots.

TwitterBannedIt ago

its ok man, this is voat


Links welcome.

bwarren2010 ago

Yes me too

bopper ago

You would not be very normal otherwise if it's any consolation.

I could post this latest very ominous Q drop on my facebook page and people will ask if I'm nuts ... or I can NOT post it and they will say later, why didn't you tell us lol..

Foffandie ago

I've already posted it. I don't give a shit what people think.

bopper ago

Good for you. I've posted several things in the past few weeks (Q drops) but this one is humdinger.

Are_we__sure ago

Bopper, how is it possible people on your Facebook page don't know your nuts?

bopper ago

This will not stand, this aggression against bopper...

I keep it cool on my facebook page. Until lately. So they at this point probably do think I'm nuts.

I just mainly drop hints, as "people are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by those which have come into the mind of others.”

Or in other words, you can lead a horse to water...

I'm awfully verbose, and I think you bring out the verbosity in me.

wokeasfook ago

You're replying to a well known shill. Thumb down and move on.

bopper ago

Me and this shill go way back. They're the only somewhat likable shill here.

Been around since pizzagate.

Type-o-Negative ago

Dont worry about him, he is mad his team is losing, have a blessed night Bopper.

bopper ago

Haha, thank-you. I actually like to troll this particular one.

Type-o-Negative ago

Ah yes, I have a few favorites myself, sorosminion is my absolute favorite.

bopper ago

Lol, they can be quite entertaining.