21514501? ago

If those individuals be Jewish, then they be Jewish. Bust'em, but don't go rampaging through the Jewish community, taking out everyone hoping you will also get the bad guys.

21514576? ago

Agreed, I have some Jewish friends actually.

21511347? ago

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21509746? ago

Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem (Israel).

Rev 18:24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

Mat 23:29 ¶ Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, Mat 23:30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Mat 23:31 ¶ Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.

21505785? ago

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21499649? ago

The "6" are the same 6 media companies. They are in turn ultimately owned by World Banking Families/World Elitites. Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Saudi Prince Alwaleed, etc.

21498928? ago

Remember awhile back when Qanon touched on the 3 families that make up the pyramid?

Rothschilds (6)

Soros (6)

Saudi Royalty (6)

Soros controls. That's his jurisdiction. They each have a role to play. Soros is to destabilize, provide propaganda, and create tension.

21498598? ago

New definition for "Information:" Anything the controlled media claims is "Disinformation."

21498568? ago

Sooooooo q is making outside Comms now? Oookay then.

21498260? ago

Who owns the six corporations like Disney, et al, who own the media? What presidents sit at the top, who owns them?

21497924? ago

Finally. We have had enough. Their misshapen heads and dirty work are everywhere you look.

21497826? ago

He doesn’t ask “who owns [6]”

He asks “Who controls [6]?”

Big difference.

21497623? ago

Not necessarily. Jews own. Doesn’t mean control. Doesn’t mean they don’t either. But we know GS and Roth’s do.... and they be Jews. Do there is that

21497178? ago


Their aim is to repel anyone "new" from an establishment worldview, who might be interested in the forums' content. Suddenly they find themselves in a swamp of antisemitism and get the idea that "patriots" <=> are equal to antisemites.

21496909? ago

Jeez this is a shill post ffs

21496685? ago

I fingered a Jew once. She was a complete whore, and one of my many regrets from my dirtbag days. Zero gag reflex though, El bless her...

21496575? ago

if someones a bot why not make them complete captchas before posting on twitter then?

why not make a feature where you have to complete captchas to reply to a post, we should make an alternative that does just that.

21495535? ago

YOU are the shill. Jews are like all the other groups.... large group infiltrated by a small amount of Cabal Scum and hijacked.. just like Freemasons, Illuminati, Knights Templar etc etc. It's not "the jews" that are the problem, it's the elite among them who pose as true Jews but are not simply for the explicit purpose of manipulation and baiting

21496093? ago

You may be right; I may be crazy.

But -- does the Christian Bible tell them that they are superior to everyone else? I know it does not. Does the Muslim "Bible"? I have no idea.

However! I do know that the Jewish "Bible" does tell them that I, a non-hook-nosed, non-practicing-Jew, am inferior to them. And that I can be taken advantage of, not only financially but [[[they]]] can rape my daughters with impunity as well.

This will not do!

21496272? ago

I mean they all say basically the same. They all create a sense "us and them" somehow. In christianity, if you aren't a Christian, you're an evil stupid sinner who will burn in Hell for all of eternity while "WE" live in bliss up here in Heaven. Islam...well, sure i don't need to explain that one... they literally KILL anyone who isn't a Muslim and believe if you're an infidel you are the lowest of the low stupid scum.

Jews are the same just in a different way. They're "God's chosen people". These are all branches of ONE tree of vile manipulation and separation crafted by the Cabal. Twisted distortions of the truth overarching Law of One and of Love.... based on fear and separation and superiority, it has nothing to do with Jews. They are just one of many groups that have a large number of Cabal members at the top pulling strings and using their organization as a means to an end in one way or another

21495693? ago

wayyyyyy larger percentage of leftist globalist communist scum among all jews. this is indisputable.

21495965? ago

where's your percentages and statistics? Show me the percentage of leftist globalist communist scum among all jewish people vs percentage among all catholic people, all Muslims, all Freemasons, all Christians etc.

21495495? ago

GE >> H. Lawrence Culp Jr. >> Not #Bluish

News Corp >> Rupert Murdoch >> Not #Bluish

Disney >> Bob Iger >> #Bluish

Viacom >> Sumner Redstone (Rothstein) >> #Bluish

Time Warner >> John Stankey >> #Bluish

CBS >> Strauss Zelnick >> #Bluish

21496429? ago

21500241? ago

Those are primary middlemen & front men. They don't really own them. Look up who really ultimately owns the stock. Follow the money.

21495163? ago

Holy shit, shills. Settle down or you might make people think you trying to push an agenda!

20 downvotes. Honk.

21494737? ago

6 gorillion is a magic jewish number.

anyone know how to break a spell? (other than stopping repeating and believing it) i don’t.

21500393? ago

Do you really think the asshats in the media sucking each other's cocks & raping children runs things?

21494415? ago

Its time.

21494252? ago

Q grabbed the pussy

21494123? ago

Are you sure it doesn't mean the big six [media] corporations?

21494149? ago

It does, but Q then asks, who owns them..

21493973? ago

They couldnt wait for disney to die so they could buy it up and debase it as quick as possible.

These people are sick.

21493942? ago

Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street

21493830? ago

No, he fingered the globalist and the deep state

21493698? ago

Damn right.

Final phase

21493710? ago

Wonder if this is part of the "saving Israel for last"? Maybe that's what you mean.

21500280? ago

Nope. In the grand scheme of things Israelis are also pawns & most world leaders are puppets.

21502147? ago

Who are the world leaders puppets of?

21550954? ago

The same supreme Muckety Mucks:

  • The Rothschilds own central banks in most countries. They can make or break governments. They virtually own the military industrial complex.
  • The Vatican has been advisors to Kings since midaeval times. Same make or break. -Etc. I've gone into their Spheres of Influence/Control of Power

21498409? ago


The millenium (thousand years) is NOT a literal thousand years, its a reference to the AGE that was coming on them at that time, the age of Pisces, or the age to be FISHERS of MEN. It was the REIGN of Christ. The KINGDOM was 'within'. The final battle (Gog Magog) is happening NOW, and there is only one battle, not two. Because youve shifted the timeline over, its duplicated events. Jesus, as the first fruit of the harvest at the beginning of the age, told us he would be with us UNTIL the end of the age (Pisces). Jesus purpose was to put an END to [their] sacrifice and oblation, as the last sacrifice. They apparently didnt get the memo, they rejected the sacrifice. At Jesus death, many were 'resurrected' (the first awakening) and walked the streets (Matt 27:53), this was the FIRST Resurrection described in Rev 20:5, and the REST of the dead (The GREAT Awakening, or US) did not raise until the thousand years (the age of Pisces/fishers of men) ENDED... that is NOW. To FULLY grasp this, you have to understand the IDENTITY of satan. Is satan REAL? Is the THOUGHT of satan real? Satan = Saturn = Set = Cronus the time keeper = the grim reaper = the LAST ENEMY. (Without time, there is no death. Death is a side affect of time). Who worships SATURN? [THEM].... Black Cube. Where did Jesus die? Who ordered his death? What is the synaGOGue of SATAN? What is the battle of synaGOGue and MAGAg? Who is saved for LAST? Think.... PAYBACK. A FATHERS LOVE FOR HIS CHILDREN KNOWS NO BOUNDS. Who was UTTERLY destroyed in 70ad, after a 'rebellion' occurred that lasted PRECISELY 3.5 years? Who was CAST INTO THE PIT OF FIRE? ... fast forward an 'age', who was RELEASED fro the PIT in 1947 and allowed to reign for a short time, gathering the nations together for war AGAINST GODS PEOPLE? Light bulb going off yet? When you see everything in this light, you will suddenly realize that we are at the FINAL judgement. This is the END GAME. What did the LION recently say regarding Al-Bagdaddi? Cant Escape Gods FINAL judgement? Re-read EVERYTHING now, in this light, and suddenly everything makes sense. Just remember, the word THOUSAND isnt literal, it just implies 'a large indeterminate number'. Its always used in that light, and Strongs also says something to that affect. For example, the Lord doesnt own a cattle on a literal thousand hills, its just implying he rules over all peoples/nations and that the earth is HIS. He is reclaiming his footstool (the earth) from the enemy. Peace and love patriot!

21500143? ago

Yes I know who we are Rev 11.

I personally felt power entering me (thro my head) and was overfilled with energy around the time of the sign in heaven (2016). https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/a-great-sign-said-to-appear-in-the-heavens-as-the-year-of-mercy-closes

I do not believe I am the only one to have felt that. I believe most true Christians have been sealed and quite a few have had latent gifts intensified thru the holy spirit. After this I developed empathic abilities which were minor before. If you have not been given this gift pray it came to me when I was feeling pretty bad ... as I have always been a truth seeker and what I was researching took its toll on me

We will suffer a temporary death, but they can only kill the biological machine that our consciousness (soul) drives until then we will fight for what is right, just, and moral. The one who attacks us is the Antichrist along with his antichrist minions

21493457? ago

Q means the Cabal. While there is some members of the Cabal who do come from Jewish backgrounds, there are other backgrounds involved also. Q is not giving you the go-ahead to hate Jews. If you do, you do so on your own.

21493510? ago

It's more complicated than that. They disproportionately control, and represent, a lot. And they are very much anti-Christian and anti-white, and more. They weaponize usury, and mass immigration and open borders, they are behind porn, they broke down the old anti-smut laws, they push rap and homosexuality, etc. They own Hollywood, and almost all the media.

21502347? ago

Go after the individuals who are engaging in those things. By going after "the Jews", you are taking down some innocents and totally missing some guilty.

21502423? ago

If you 'go after the individuals' you will find that most of them are Jewish. It's just a fact, nothing mean about it. Just as saying that Asians score higher on IQ tests than whites, and blacks score lowest. People have become so afraid to speak the truth. We've been absolutely browbeat.

21499921? ago

All Jews are not White. Many are White. Dumbshit.

21502155? ago

Nah, you're the dumb one, you need to do more research.

21551090? ago

You only need look as far as whom they comprise. Jews were once a reddish race, much like Arabs. The Old Testiment name "Adam" came from the name for Reddish clay they claimed he was formed from. Now you can find Jews of all races from White to Black. Sammy Davis Jr was a famous Black Jew in the 1970s.

21496055? ago

Back in the 90s, my associates told me the mafia ran porn. Funny to learn, now, they left out the nose size...

21498595? ago

That's what I figure, the mafia gets the blame a lot.

21493445? ago

The Jews own the media

21496405? ago


Jews own and control 90% of media :


21500414? ago

LOL, they can't even control their pricks.

21493284? ago

Ding ding ding ding

21496036? ago

frog, or, alexandra stan?

21493247? ago

The 6 (pointed star)

21493335? ago

didn't catch that, you're probably right

21493220? ago

6 individuals that own all media on us

21493145? ago

I fingered a jew once, and it smelled like tuna for days.

21493360? ago

can you be more specific?

21493548? ago

Wild caught blue fin after 2 days in the sun. Is that specific enough?

21493579? ago

now we're getting somewhere

21496024? ago

kek like beginning of 12:01

21492923? ago

I love Q, think it’s the most important thing I’ll bare witness to in my lifetime. And with that, you’re retarded.

21492866? ago


21492794? ago

They are so outraged by other countries meddling in our elections when our gubmint does it all day every day. It's SOP for the CIA. Pot, meet kettle.

21492748? ago

6 POINTED STAR. 666. Oy vey

21492706? ago

Its elon tier. But still.

21492667? ago

Hell, even Elon Musk all but named them.

21500372? ago


21492708? ago

Finally, I see where the quote comes from, thanks.

21492599? ago


21492718? ago

get yo mind outa the gutter

21494143? ago

Lol, I was tired sorry. First thing I read when I woke up and it just made me laugh.

21495038? ago

no, you're right! my bro bought me "freddie got fingered' and i really wish he hadnt

21495964? ago

Lmao. That's awesome! And who the hell is Freddy?

21496187? ago

seek wisdom on imdb

21494153? ago

I can imagine lol..

21492588? ago

6 = [Them]

9 = [Them] having flipped

Why is Six afraid of Seven?

21492624? ago

Because 7 ate children during a spirit cooking ritual

21492284? ago


21495013? ago

Someone was stealing from me (he's now in Federal PMITA prison but not my doing). I asked him to register the vehicle in our company's name -- and he registered it in his own. On the way to the police station to report this (which turned into, my turning over my property to this fucking ass clown), "Hey Jude" was playing on the radio, and my associates who suspected this guy had said "fuck him" previously, so, singing on the way there, "Fuck him, fuckhimfuckhim, Fuck him" etc, to the cadence of "Hey Jude" as it was entering my ears.

He's now in FPMITA prison and will be deported when that's over; he stole a whole bunch after I let him go without consequences. I feel bad, because, if I had provided some consequences then perhaps he wouldn't be in as dire straits as he's in now.

"Two men say they're Jesus; one of them must be wrong."

21492258? ago

Looks like it!!

21492144? ago

Oddly worded question.

21492036? ago

whats with the obsession with Jews? seems like an attempt at making the board and peeps here look bad?

21495490? ago

Funny how your comment was downvoated right to the bottom. HATING THE JEWS IS A SHILL TACTIC.

21493016? ago

Watch the documentary series Europa: the Last Battle.

21492312? ago

Look into it, it's a thing. Henry Ford's work is a good beginning. The International Jew.

21495486? ago

henry ford was the one that spread the propaganda to turn Hitler against the Jews.. Provenly falsified documents to lead Hitler into believing the Jews were looking to subvert society. Ford did this to instigate a conflict and profit from it

21496031? ago

lying jew^^^

21492259? ago

Yeah, that's a great question. Why would we focus on a group unless they were responsible? I know, let's attack the Amish!! Those fuckers.

21492233? ago

Its that everywhere you look, damn near every editor, reporter, or social activist who is working against Trump is a jew.

There is nothing wrong with the everday common-man jew. But there really appears to be a sub-faction of the jewish people who are hell bent on controlling the West and reshaping it to their own desires. Even more so they seem equally bent on genocide the White Race out of existence using mass migration from the 3rd world, by leveraging their positions of power in every Western nation. They may also be Jewish heretics who worship the Jewish demons and envision themselves as the "liberated" followers of the avatars of evil.

21492228? ago

You must be new to the truth movement.

21491949? ago

Q has been naming the jew since the beginning. That one particular was pretty glaring

Good post OP


21498607? ago

Not even you antisemitic faggot. He's been naming specific people who happen to be Jewish.

21498965? ago


21491910? ago

He says, use "logical thinking."

I think what Q means is, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck..

21496501? ago

Peking duck...

21493929? ago

Then gas the duck.

21495559? ago

I put ducks in the oven. Delicious.

21495988? ago

crush them in a press

21491790? ago

I can't see the video - I think it was taken down.

Can anyone provide a summary about what the video showed?

21495510? ago

It's CBS bullshit propaganda about so-called Russian Bots. Trends pushed by 'Russian Bots' #MAGA #WWG1WGA, #Qanon, etc.

21492395? ago

DAN PATTERSON. I’m guessing he’s on anons radar. Dur-hur I use a German system for monitoring North American bots... I bet you do, Dan....

21494958? ago

kek, that's funny, i'm in na and use a german vps host

21491994? ago

Yup, it still won't play for me. I'm in Australia...

Can anyone provide a summary about what the video showed?

21492722? ago

Sure, it just shows CBS News claiming that the fact Ukraine actually worked with the DNC to try and steal the election is a total conspiracy. Anyone who says that is a Russian Bot. Russian totally tried to steal the election is a verifiable fact that CBS and the rest of the 6 have been selling us for 4 years.

Only problem for the 6 is all the information we have seen centers around Ukraine and not Russia.

that is the gist of the video.

21492517? ago

21492976? ago

Awesome. Thank you so much!

21498962? ago

No sweat! Fuck a government that censors what you see.

21491764? ago

No, but that won't stop the division fag tools from trying to say he did.

21492275? ago

Who was Q referring to?

21491774? ago

Then whom did he mean?

21491860? ago


21491887? ago

lol I noticed..

21491714? ago

The 6 corps that control 90% of all media. And that includes TV, radio, newspapers, and book publishing. Fckn faggots

21498256? ago

DISNEY!!!!! Has No One Been Paying Attention?

21494759? ago

[[[They]]] didn't stop consolidating at seven. Although, they did make a movie about it!

Then, [[[they]]] didn't continue consolidating to five, once they got to six.

Reminds me of the grenade in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. But then, media projects, and that makes me sad about my previous humorous influences. Argh, and not, the castle!

21492286? ago

Um... exactly! And who controls those 6 companies? Who could it possibly be?

21500626? ago



British Royal Family,


Saudi Royal Family expecially Dopey


21501607? ago

Wrong. Banking elite run circles on the steel and oil tycoons. China is a weak country with no real power and loyalty. No leverage on anyone. What does China have in terms of power? Working class? That’s not power

21550762? ago

They have control of our Democrat party who passes on military secrets & intelligence, business & industry secrets as well. 10% of China is involved with military in some form or another. China is one of America's debt owners.

The Roth's are the top of the food chain in the banking families.

The Rockefellers are far more than the steel magnates they were in the early 20th century, do you know how much of the news & entertainment industries are controlled via Rockefeller Center in New York?

The top of the world criminal families each control different turfs so they don't step on each other's interests. Multi-Billionaire Dopey virtually took over OPEC until Prince Salman his cousin kicked him in the dick & took billions from him for trying to have him assassinated, but couldn't take all of his holdings. The House of Said also is a huge owner of America's debt.

The House of Winsor had ultimate control of most world governments including ours & the Progressives enabled them. That will likely end when Elizabeth dies as her heirs aren't worth sh!t.

21491866? ago


21492670? ago

Anti-Semite well, unless you are Jewish then you are totally proud of the fact that Jews control 90% of all media.

21494820? ago

What's wild is, as a child I misunderstood the "WW2" narrative, and thought the Jews were the bad guys (I know, I know, hear me out).

There was some Melvin kid in my 7th grade class, who mentioned that he was a Jew. Seriously, I -- held my two index fingers at right angles to form a cross, and, said "A Jew!, hiss!" He was like, huh? And I said, weren't you the bad guys in WW2? He said no, we were the ones persecuted.

Now I come to learn that the Germans were the ones persecuted. And then there's the Holodomor. Which Chrome doesn't like the spelling of, kek!!!

21495982? ago


21491755? ago

Just looking for someone to verify what I thought Q said. He is alluding to whoever the 6 owners are....pretty obvious. Something is coming. Is this the beginning of what Q said was "saved for last?"

21496971? ago

The biggest anti-trust lawsuit of all time is coming.

21496177? ago

When I heard Bibi was indicted I thought it meant we were in the final stages of the plan.

21493373? ago

Things are slowly coming into focus.

21491721? ago

What could go wrong?

21491784? ago

MSM must be fixed before the full awakening is my opinion.

Q said some media will flip and start telling the truth. This time is near.

21500527? ago

Can't be "Fixed", remove the POS empty suits, they'll just hire another babyfucker.

21491824? ago

It can happen quickly.

"Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her."

21491877? ago

impressive, patriot

21491646? ago

break out the undeniable MSM/jew meme!

21500351? ago

All house niggers. Not the massahs.

21491927? ago


21496419? ago

Jews own and control 90% of media :


21500329? ago

A list of puppets that are just the faces of the companies.

21491636? ago

Yes, he did. And judging by the quick downvote you got, our resident shills aren’t too happy with it.

21498586? ago

The shills are the ones posting anti-semitic shit so that their friends in vice can write articles about how anti-semitic Qanon is.

Not sure what a small group of cabal leaders have to do with a worldwide religion. You are a fucking retarded division shill.

21498394? ago

Basically Q fingered himself.

21493404? ago

Did Q finger the Jew?

I disagree


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They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


21493893? ago

They want us divided by race, so they flooded our ethnically homogenous nations with third world migrants, then convinced cucks like you that resisting that division is what's really dividing us.

21493801? ago

Any Jew who uses the star of Remphan is a fake Jew.

21493638? ago

Holy shit, that is cringe https://files.catbox.moe/vhc5oa.png

21492949? ago

The CIA controls the 6. And no, the Jews don't control the CIA.

21493348? ago

Jews don't control the CIA but it just happens to lean towards globalist communism, an ideology embraced by Jews whose US HQ is a Jewish dominated city?

21500727? ago

Communism only works at a community level. It doesn't work for nation's.

21493398? ago

We could have let a number of different countries eliminate Isreal without even blinking an eye. And you want everyone to believe that the Jews run the show? lulz

21493511? ago

Why would we protect Israel to such a degree? Who is in charge of the military? The president. Who do Jews lobby on both sides of the aisle? The President. We give Israel money and they launder back into to both parties pockets. The Jews act with coordination.

21493595? ago

Why would we let them control the world?

21493808? ago

because they buy off our leaders and blackmail them with pedo ops like epstein.

21494197? ago

Blackmail doesn't work when you have a gun in your face.

21493494? ago

ok, so who is it then? surely you have links...

21493607? ago

The council of 13, the bloodlines.

21492973? ago


21493069? ago

The Ashkenazi's are controlled by the council of 13 and they aren't even Jewish.

21494721? ago

ahem, someotheranonhere, followthemoney

21494978? ago

The Rothschilds are the guardians of the Papal treasure.. Who hired the guardian and still controls the treasure? The council of 13. Try looking past the obvious cover story. The Rothschilds aren't even Jews.

21491838? ago

Yep. Jewish shills have been here forever. The Chinese shills have also arrived. China controlls reddit. There are reasons Israel has been working with China to replace the United States.

21494801? ago

So who bought Voat? Who was the secret investor? What happened to the warrant canary?

21494389? ago

Horseshit. Reddit is controlled by israelis.

21494287? ago

China controls FB,it aint the fucking jews.

China MF'r runs all the string pulling in America.

Only clowns chase/blame jews.

They learned in on FB

21493823? ago

Two fingers is what it did take

For the Democrat ho to quake

Not no Boyscout salute

Then three more for the 'chute

China's fist snatched the prize from the fake

21510077? ago

I farted out a lesbian

And it tasted good

Better than a thespian

Made from cedar wood

21492777? ago

Hillary's sphincter is loose

Open, Democrat, moose

China reached in her server

No need to pre-perv-her

21497192? ago

Cool tripplets (777)

God wins!

21495718? ago

I can actually hear the beat

21493774? ago

Loving the ending of your limerick! The cadence of it reminds me of something, so I now want to try to pay tribute to RAW and RS! To be clear: in the Illuminatus Trilogy, there is a minor bit character who at one point declares, "I have determined that we're living in a book, and I think I've found a way out!" He is never heard from again.

There once was a man with some cash,

Said "we're not really here" , aghast!

He said nothing more,

Thousand pages galore,

No wife, no horse, no mustache.

kek, do you approve?

21496120? ago

Yes, it's good.

( I modified your work to make a new one in a Democrat context,)

21496106? ago

A character with cash in a text

Finds he's by a Democrat hexed

Awares, screams " They wrote me ! "

" In gay books to grope me ! "

Nor a wife, pay the price, he is vexed

21493465? ago

21492135? ago

For anybody reading its not a like TENCENT, a Chinese company, owns the controlling state in Reddit's stock.

21495044? ago

Yep. Israel was to ride the rise of china after setting the US up for the ultimate fall (WWIII with limited nukes) - and the genocide of whites and Christians.

Evil walks among us.

21494385? ago


21494131? ago

My 17 year old nephew thinks Chiba is an ally. They've dumbed down our children.

21498389? ago

Communism is and always has been a social revolution.

21500813? ago

Uh... No. Communism never works. They just use it to trick fools into accepting Feudal Socialism.

21493842? ago

thanks, But the brain dead jew blamers will blame it on Chinese jews

21493367? ago

Add on to this summary Silk Road coming back, with their breakaway being the hub

21496451? ago

That Silk Road scam is scaring the shit out of me. Lots of stupid leaders have bought into this. Gonna be sorry, I fear.

21492306? ago

Never trusted discord. Keybase is open source and encrypted

21492592? ago

I spent a few days on discord when Q first came out. Recognized something wasn't right and cancelled account.

21493718? ago

i bought a whole bunch of profittrailer bots, and their support is through discord. after losing >70% i don't think i'll go back to discord...

21494683? ago

I can't remember the name of the 24 hour YT channel that was one of the first to cover Q that I found. I think they are still running their YT show and I also think they still use discord. I wonder if they are comped. They had Jerome Corsi on before Q told us he was Mossad. Discord was a nightmare to get on and get registered, as I remember and a very difficult navigation system. You had to earn points, etc.

Sorry you lost.

21491778? ago

^^^ OP's alt shillbot account.

21491849? ago

$oras$ jewbot account^^^

21495939? ago

$oras$ would be funding you dimwits... he hates the jews.

are you retarded or something?

21491685? ago

I can't imagine that Q is simply speaking of just a 'cabal.'

Why would Q ask such a question.

It must be that there is something more than just an alliance of criminals. More than just a mafioso type situation that keeps them together.

I'm thinking he's saying tribal.

21493338? ago

It's funny, I saw the new Q post just before the wife and I ate dinner. I said, not having really discussed this a whole lot with her and she had last worked for a Jewish family caring for their cerebral palsy-affected son, "Looks like Q is now going after the Jews." She reacted slightly shocked, and I said "not directly, just, he asked who owns the six media companies -- there used to be thousands, then hundreds, and now there's only six."

Then I came here, again before dinner, and saw this post's headline and laughed and relayed it to her.

Now, I'm back after eating (nice pork ribs and baked potato[e]!), and am reading this post and -- I completely agree. Thanksgiving will be with sister and her husband's relatives, who are Jewish. Wish me luck!!!

21495952? ago

oy fucking vey!

nice dinner by the way

21496182? ago

kek, yera poet dontcha knowit

21495283? ago

Thanksgiving will be with sister and her husband's relatives, who are Jewish. Wish me luck!!!

If anyone brings up anti-Semitism, tell them that no one is anti-Semitic, but many are becoming proudly anti-Loxist. Make sure they know we're on to them.

21501003? ago


21501563? ago

Also, there's no denying anymore that we're experience a jew coup attempt at this century's version of a Bolshevik Revolution.

21496178? ago

Definitely agree! Thin slices of salmon tend to rot much quicker.

21495197? ago

Way to be inclusive you lib. J/k but stand your ground. POTATO. Fuck the faggots who put an "E" at the end of single potato.

21496571? ago

Is it ho or hoe?

21497957? ago

you talking slut or garden tool?

21498893? ago

They bang taters in the garden

21496164? ago

Right? If it's "something like a potato" then "potatoe" makes sense. Otherwise if you're describing an apple of the ground, it doesn't end in "e"!

21494977? ago

It's not all jews. Largely the ashkenazi, the pharisees. Even then I've seen no proof it's all of them. Be it 1% or 99%, is not all of them.

Cherish family and find love where you can.

21497219? ago

Yep, 100% agree, think teincarnation, the abominations can't conteol it. Only God does!


21496146? ago

dubs indicate truth! traveling tomorrow

21493347? ago


21491769? ago

named the blue

21495503? ago

Were the blues kicked out of 108 countries prior to Germany during the WW II era? If you were kicked out of 109 bars, would you blame 109 bartenders? Or is it possible you may want to reflect on yourself as the issue

21491554? ago

(((ashenazi))) own the 6. they own everything.

21496295? ago

No one mentions the rothschilds, why:?

21498249? ago

Disney owns the six MSM companies, Who owns Disney? Follow the money and it always ends at the Rothschild.

21496366? ago

only one side of the pyramid. Families higher up on the food chain.

21492974? ago

They aren't even Jewish.

21494065? ago

For years people have been trying to distort and steal the ancient and proud Turkic history of the Khazars and use it for Zionist Jews wishing to steal it. In this video the respected and famous, Dr. David Duke exposes this Communist Zionist Jewish myth on how Ashkenazi Jews (European Jews) do not descend from Khazarian people nor from any Turkic people.

Dr. David Duke explains all of this from a scientific view, genetic view and historical view on how the Khazarian history does not match with that of the Ashkenazi Jews. Futhermore, he exposes the Zionist Jews of Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, especially Dr. Eran El.Haik and his DNA tests on how corrupt they are as he interprets them his own way that does not match with the genetic testing of Jews done by 99% of the other scientists which have proven that European Jews share the same DNA with that of Sephardic Jews, Lebanese, Palestinian and Mizrahi Jews, not with any Khazar or Turkic people.

More of the Khazarian conspiracy can be seen on Dr.David Duke's website: http://davidduke.com/rethinking-khazar-theory/

21494226? ago

David Duke? LMAO You have a very rude awakening coming, or you're shilling.

21494295? ago

And what of the information contained within?

the Khazarian history does not match with that of the Ashkenazi Jews.

21494371? ago

Propaganda you're sucking up, like a useful idiot.

WTF would make DD the end all be all of information other than your confirmation bias/shilling?

21494488? ago

Answer the question.

the Khazarian history does not match with that of the Ashkenazi Jews.

Make the Khazarian history match the Ashkenazi history and I'll bite.

21496206? ago

I'll let Oxford do that for me.


21496874? ago

So then what of these?



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687795/ - “individuals with full Jewish ancestry formed a clearly distinct cluster from those individuals with no Jewish ancestry.”

This study showed that in DNA terms, Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, cluster as a distinct group—something that, if the Khazar theory was true, would be impossible.



https://www.nature.com/articles/nature09103 - “provide comprehensive comparisons between Jewish and non-Jewish populations in the Diaspora, as well as with non-Jewish populations from the Middle East and north Africa.”

The results identified a “previously unrecognized genetic substructure within the Middle East” and that “Most Jewish samples form a remarkably tight subcluster,” and that “trace[s] the origins of most Jewish Diaspora communities to the Levant.”

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929710002466 - This study found used genome-wide analysis of seven Jewish groups (Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian, Turkish, Greek, and Ashkenazi) and “demonstrated distinctive Jewish population clusters, each with shared Middle Eastern ancestry, proximity to contemporary Middle Eastern populations, and variable degrees of European and North African admixture.”

This paper specifically excluded the “Khazar theory” as an origin for present-day Jews, saying “the genetic proximity . . . is incompatible with theories that Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs.”


https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/07/31/1204840109.abstract?sid=8b13ff9e-e9fa-4d99-aedf-1699b727980a - “demonstrated distinctive North African Jewish population clusters with proximity to other Jewish populations.”

Furthermore, the study showed, the Sephardic Jewish genome is “compatible with the history of North African Jews—founding during Classical Antiquity with proselytism of local populations, followed by genetic isolation with the rise of Christianity and then Islam, and admixture following the emigration of Sephardic Jews during the Inquisition.”

Finally, this study added “These populations showed a high degree of endogamy and were part of a larger Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish group.”

https://forward.com/culture/155742/jews-are-a-race-genes-reveal/?p=all - Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, said in his conclusion that “Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a race.”

Ostrer also deals specifically with the Khazar theory. He pointed out that the findings from the Jewish HapMap Project (see below) completely refute “the theories that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs.” (Jews: A religious group, people or race?, Jerusalem Post, 8/26/2012)

https://archive.ph/Aeurg - The Jewish HapMap Project, a joint project of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and New York University School of Medicine, was created to “understand the structure of the genomes in Jewish populations” and is an outgrowth of the Human HapMap Project.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the “Jewish HapMap Project in New York City has so far shown “in exquisite detail what had been conjectured for a century. Jewish populations from the major Jewish Diaspora groups – Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi – form a distinctive population cluster that is closely related to Semitic and European populations. Within this larger Jewish cluster, each of the Jewish populations formed its own subcluster.

“A high degree of mixing of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Italian and Syrian Jews caused them to become more closely related to each other than they were to Middle Eastern, Iraqi and Iranian Jews. This genetic split seemed to have occurred about 2,500 years ago.” (Jews: A religious group, people or race?, Jerusalem Post, 8/26/2012)

Despite all of these studies—and many more, too numerous to list individually here—in December 2012, a single individual by the name of Eran Elhaik, from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, attempted to refute all of the above mentioned evidence.

His paper, titled “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses” was published in the journal Genome Biological Evolution ((2013) 5 (1):61-74.doi: 10.1093/gbe/evs119).

In a nutshell, Elhaik—whose rather obviously Jewish physical appearance should by itself indicate that there is indeed a common Jewish “type” (how else can many Jews be physically “recognized” as Jews?)—argues that his method of doing comparative studies between present-day Central Asian populations, Ashkenazim Jews and non-Jewish test groups, “proves” that Ashkenazim Jews are a hotchpotch of genetic origins, with a strong link to what he identifies as the “Khazar” tribe.

Even though Elhaik’s work is the only single paper (as opposed to literally dozens of opposing DNA studies), written by a single Jewish individual (as opposed to the other papers which were written by dozens and dozens of scientists from around the globe, Jewish and non-Jewish alike), it has quickly become the most-quoted “proof” of the “Khazar Theory.”

Critical Errors in Elhaik’s Paper

Elhaik’s paper has a number of errors, some small and a number of major ones. But they are all serious, because even the “small” errors cast doubt on his academic ability and motivation.

For example, his paper discusses in detail what he sees as the geographic origin of the Khazars—yet he completely misidentifies the geographic location of one of his test sample groups, the Mbuti and Biaka Pygmies.

These two groups, Elhaik asserts at least twice, are to be found in “South Africa.”

Actually, the Mbuti and Biaka Pygmies are nowhere near South Africa, and are only to be found literally half a continent away, in the Congo.

While this may seem a “small” error, it does indicate sloppiness in research which certainly does not bode well for the rest of the paper.

This sloppiness is again repeated when Elhaik asserts that “Eastern and Central European Jews account for approximately 90% of over 13 million worldwide Jews.”

In reality, the figure is far less. Of the estimated 13 million Jews worldwide, 8 million are Ashkenazim and 5 million are Sephardic, a division of 61% “European Jews” to 39% “non-European Jews.” And it should be pointed out that the Zionist State of Israel actually has a Sephardic and Mizrahi (non-Ashkenazi) Jewish majority among Jews.

These actual facts on Jewish ethnicity are readily available, and Elhaik’s motivation for making this clearly false claim could only be ascribed to a desire to underscore his general assertion, namely that most Jews are not Middle Eastern in origin and that Jews are not race, or a genetically similar people.

The most important error in Elhaik’s paper, however, is actually openly admitted: namely that there is actually no “Khazar DNA” in existence, against which any sort of measurement can be taken.

...I'll stop there.

21494818? ago

There was no question, you made a statement and quoted a known shill. You want me to write you a report? See 23andMe and the lashing they got for exposing it through DNA.

21495753? ago

Can you send me the info?

21496264? ago

They shut that shit down. I have it somewhere, but don't feel like firing up the laptop to find it. Here's the Oxford hypothesis though.. https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article/5/1/61/728117

21496878? ago

So then what of these?



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687795/ - “individuals with full Jewish ancestry formed a clearly distinct cluster from those individuals with no Jewish ancestry.”

This study showed that in DNA terms, Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, cluster as a distinct group—something that, if the Khazar theory was true, would be impossible.



https://www.nature.com/articles/nature09103 - “provide comprehensive comparisons between Jewish and non-Jewish populations in the Diaspora, as well as with non-Jewish populations from the Middle East and north Africa.”

The results identified a “previously unrecognized genetic substructure within the Middle East” and that “Most Jewish samples form a remarkably tight subcluster,” and that “trace[s] the origins of most Jewish Diaspora communities to the Levant.”

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929710002466 - This study found used genome-wide analysis of seven Jewish groups (Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Italian, Turkish, Greek, and Ashkenazi) and “demonstrated distinctive Jewish population clusters, each with shared Middle Eastern ancestry, proximity to contemporary Middle Eastern populations, and variable degrees of European and North African admixture.”

This paper specifically excluded the “Khazar theory” as an origin for present-day Jews, saying “the genetic proximity . . . is incompatible with theories that Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs.”


https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/07/31/1204840109.abstract?sid=8b13ff9e-e9fa-4d99-aedf-1699b727980a - “demonstrated distinctive North African Jewish population clusters with proximity to other Jewish populations.”

Furthermore, the study showed, the Sephardic Jewish genome is “compatible with the history of North African Jews—founding during Classical Antiquity with proselytism of local populations, followed by genetic isolation with the rise of Christianity and then Islam, and admixture following the emigration of Sephardic Jews during the Inquisition.”

Finally, this study added “These populations showed a high degree of endogamy and were part of a larger Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish group.”

https://forward.com/culture/155742/jews-are-a-race-genes-reveal/?p=all - Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, said in his conclusion that “Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a race.”

Ostrer also deals specifically with the Khazar theory. He pointed out that the findings from the Jewish HapMap Project (see below) completely refute “the theories that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs.” (Jews: A religious group, people or race?, Jerusalem Post, 8/26/2012)

https://archive.ph/Aeurg - The Jewish HapMap Project, a joint project of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and New York University School of Medicine, was created to “understand the structure of the genomes in Jewish populations” and is an outgrowth of the Human HapMap Project.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the “Jewish HapMap Project in New York City has so far shown “in exquisite detail what had been conjectured for a century. Jewish populations from the major Jewish Diaspora groups – Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi – form a distinctive population cluster that is closely related to Semitic and European populations. Within this larger Jewish cluster, each of the Jewish populations formed its own subcluster.

“A high degree of mixing of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Italian and Syrian Jews caused them to become more closely related to each other than they were to Middle Eastern, Iraqi and Iranian Jews. This genetic split seemed to have occurred about 2,500 years ago.” (Jews: A religious group, people or race?, Jerusalem Post, 8/26/2012)

Despite all of these studies—and many more, too numerous to list individually here—in December 2012, a single individual by the name of Eran Elhaik, from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, attempted to refute all of the above mentioned evidence.

His paper, titled “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses” was published in the journal Genome Biological Evolution ((2013) 5 (1):61-74.doi: 10.1093/gbe/evs119).

In a nutshell, Elhaik—whose rather obviously Jewish physical appearance should by itself indicate that there is indeed a common Jewish “type” (how else can many Jews be physically “recognized” as Jews?)—argues that his method of doing comparative studies between present-day Central Asian populations, Ashkenazim Jews and non-Jewish test groups, “proves” that Ashkenazim Jews are a hotchpotch of genetic origins, with a strong link to what he identifies as the “Khazar” tribe.

Even though Elhaik’s work is the only single paper (as opposed to literally dozens of opposing DNA studies), written by a single Jewish individual (as opposed to the other papers which were written by dozens and dozens of scientists from around the globe, Jewish and non-Jewish alike), it has quickly become the most-quoted “proof” of the “Khazar Theory.”

Critical Errors in Elhaik’s Paper

Elhaik’s paper has a number of errors, some small and a number of major ones. But they are all serious, because even the “small” errors cast doubt on his academic ability and motivation.

For example, his paper discusses in detail what he sees as the geographic origin of the Khazars—yet he completely misidentifies the geographic location of one of his test sample groups, the Mbuti and Biaka Pygmies.

These two groups, Elhaik asserts at least twice, are to be found in “South Africa.”

Actually, the Mbuti and Biaka Pygmies are nowhere near South Africa, and are only to be found literally half a continent away, in the Congo.

While this may seem a “small” error, it does indicate sloppiness in research which certainly does not bode well for the rest of the paper.

This sloppiness is again repeated when Elhaik asserts that “Eastern and Central European Jews account for approximately 90% of over 13 million worldwide Jews.”

In reality, the figure is far less. Of the estimated 13 million Jews worldwide, 8 million are Ashkenazim and 5 million are Sephardic, a division of 61% “European Jews” to 39% “non-European Jews.” And it should be pointed out that the Zionist State of Israel actually has a Sephardic and Mizrahi (non-Ashkenazi) Jewish majority among Jews.

These actual facts on Jewish ethnicity are readily available, and Elhaik’s motivation for making this clearly false claim could only be ascribed to a desire to underscore his general assertion, namely that most Jews are not Middle Eastern in origin and that Jews are not race, or a genetically similar people.

The most important error in Elhaik’s paper, however, is actually openly admitted: namely that there is actually no “Khazar DNA” in existence, against which any sort of measurement can be taken.

21498697? ago

That's what they want you to believe. Are you ADL?

21498767? ago

Um...literally the paper you posted is what "they" want you to believe.

"They" are just fellow white people like you, according to that paper.

That's all you have? Fucking hell you are dense.

21498778? ago

No, I have more, but you have an agenda. Have a nice day.

21498793? ago

How intellectually dishonest.

So Ashkenazi ARE white Europeans?

21499866? ago

Really? You literally posted links from "forward", to make your point. The same, likely ADL run, organization that instantly made 23andMe remove their research. Congrats, you have some main stream "science" on your side. You're forgetting one of the voat nazi fag rules though... "find out who/what you can't talk about". Does it only apply when it works in your favor?

Here's something you can bank on... Trump and Q aren't going to "gas all Jews". They aren't even after Jews, it's the demoncrats that hate the Jews. "They want you divided" Do you fall in the "they" category?

21500301? ago

So Ashkenazi ARE white Europeans?

21500656? ago

The Khazars were a semi-nomadic Turkic people with a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes

21502937? ago

Interestingly enough, the Khazar theory was launched, and is still to this day, driven primarily by Communist Jews and other Jews who promote it in the Gentile community as a refutation that the Jews can’t be racist because they are not a race.

21503368? ago

David Duke is a shill, his words aren't gospel.

21503391? ago

David Duke isn't responsible for the studies.

You've offered nothing in return.

Elhaik’s theory (the one YOU offered up) is completely refuted by the new, most massive and most complete study ever done of the Jewish Genome.

David Duke is a shill. Okay. Got it. You're still wrong and Jews aren't fucking Turkic Khazars, they're JEWS.

Have a nice day.

21503409? ago

You've offered nothing in return.

I offered a oxford publication, you just choose to shill on and this comment is proof.

21503895? ago

I told you, The Oxford publication (Elhaik’s theory and the one YOU offered up) is completely refuted by the new, most massive and most complete study ever done of the Jewish Genome.

You are fucking retarded. Jews aren't Turks. That's a Zionist talking point that you can't seem to get over. Who is the shill?

21504084? ago

You are. You keep pushing Dukes words as fact. Who created the kkk? Democrats Who hates Jews? Democrats What does that make you? A shill or a useful idiot. Now the question is... Are you stupid or pushing an agenda? I'm giving you a little credit by calling you a shill. You're names are on a list, not saying you're going to jail but, good luck with that scarlet letter.

21505603? ago

Of course you keep making it personal instead of academic.


My names on a list? Come and get me, you piece of shit. I'll wreck you, motherfucker.

The genetics clearly show Jews are Jews, not Turks.

Why are you pushing YOUR agenda that Ashkenazi are Turks when the evidence clearly shows otherwise?

The Oxford publication (Elhaik’s theory and the one YOU offered up) is completely refuted by the new, most massive and most complete study ever done of the Jewish Genome.

21505893? ago

You are fucking retarded.

Of course you keep making it personal instead of academic.

LOL I was proving to you that David Duke is a shill. It's okay for you to make personal insults, but nobody can throw them back?

My names on a list? Come and get me, you piece of shit. I'll wreck you, motherfucker.

Internet gangsta much? LMAO I'm not looking to "get" anyone. Your own community will blacklist you. Hence the scarlet letter comment.

What evidence "clearly shows otherwise"? David Duke? Forward? LMAO You sound like snopes... "It's been completely refuted/debunked" Forget that those are MS sources. Forget that if you call them Khazarian they sperg out, like you.

You're a joke. If you're in Colorado, we can meet up for lunch anytime you want.

21506141? ago

ONE link was from forward and its about a study. Of course you'll obfuscate that fact.

The papers published clearly show Ashkenazi aren't Turks. For pressing this point I'll be blacklisted? Boy, you don't know who I run with.

Ashkenazi aren't Turks.

21493357? ago

Being Jewish is their brand even if they are actually Khazars.

21495548? ago

Genius level comment. 'Jew' is their brand! hahah

21494060? ago

For years people have been trying to distort and steal the ancient and proud Turkic history of the Khazars and use it for Zionist Jews wishing to steal it. In this video the respected and famous, Dr. David Duke exposes this Communist Zionist Jewish myth on how Ashkenazi Jews (European Jews) do not descend from Khazarian people nor from any Turkic people.

Dr. David Duke explains all of this from a scientific view, genetic view and historical view on how the Khazarian history does not match with that of the Ashkenazi Jews. Futhermore, he exposes the Zionist Jews of Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, especially Dr. Eran El.Haik and his DNA tests on how corrupt they are as he interprets them his own way that does not match with the genetic testing of Jews done by 99% of the other scientists which have proven that European Jews share the same DNA with that of Sephardic Jews, Lebanese, Palestinian and Mizrahi Jews, not with any Khazar or Turkic people.

More of the Khazarian conspiracy can be seen on Dr.David Duke's website:


21494438? ago

Yeah, I agree with Duke.

21494212? ago

Interesting. Thanks.

21493913? ago

I wouldn't care if they called themselves Pretty Pink Unicorns - we're all talking about the same group and we all know that the world will not know peace til the last Pretty Pink Unicorn is dead.

21498908? ago

Amen to that!

No matter WHO they are, WHAT they are is to be exterminated from the face of OUR EARTH. Their Apocalypse is here!

God wins!

21498916? ago

Just remember - it's better to exterminate ten thousand Pretty Pink Unicorns than to accidentally let one subversive one go free.

21567869? ago

You mean we need to get 100% of them. I don't think that's possible... We don't live in Eden... New ones are born all the time... Instead we must FIX Our World, HEAL it. The educational system, remove indoctrination, media, movies, rewrite history books, etc. I know it sounds impossible but it's either OUR WAY or fire way!

WE are the majority!

God wins!

21568016? ago

What can be 100% cleaned up is the illegal infestation of Earths metaphysical plane by evil parasitic entities! Which illegally posess poor defenceless human beings.

God, would it be beautiful to remove the shackles!!!

21495970? ago

fucking awesome!

21492846? ago

Damned Khazarians.

21494070? ago


For years people have been trying to distort and steal the ancient and proud Turkic history of the Khazars and use it for Zionist Jews wishing to steal it. In this video the respected and famous, Dr. David Duke exposes this Communist Zionist Jewish myth on how Ashkenazi Jews (European Jews) do not descend from Khazarian people nor from any Turkic people.

Dr. David Duke explains all of this from a scientific view, genetic view and historical view on how the Khazarian history does not match with that of the Ashkenazi Jews. Futhermore, he exposes the Zionist Jews of Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, especially Dr. Eran El.Haik and his DNA tests on how corrupt they are as he interprets them his own way that does not match with the genetic testing of Jews done by 99% of the other scientists which have proven that European Jews share the same DNA with that of Sephardic Jews, Lebanese, Palestinian and Mizrahi Jews, not with any Khazar or Turkic people.

More of the Khazarian conspiracy can be seen on Dr.David Duke's website: http://davidduke.com/rethinking-khazar-theory/

21491633? ago
