14868719? ago

Yeah, everyone who sees the stupidity of the Q faith is a shill. Hey, I'm probably a shill for pointing it out.

You must be over the target, rather than chasing your tails like idiots.

14867227? ago

What about the jews and the israel?

14867571? ago

What about them?

14868095? ago

Well, your opinion?

14866027? ago

Yeah, okay. "If we let our enemies win, they win. We can't let them win!"

Fucking Trudeau logic right here ladies and gentlemen.

14866087? ago

Hey shill how goes it, having a successful night?

14865805? ago

You're god damn right

14865778? ago

There's probably some gals here too. But yeah, agreed

14866471? ago

♥( ˘ ³˘)♥

14865975? ago

It's an expression.

14865547? ago

Bingo! If you have poo...throw it now!

14866180? ago

Throw it toward the fan, you'll get more hits

14865715? ago

Can't, the shills are busy eating it.

14866071? ago

Grab another handful!