14234985? ago

I love this. I think there was great power in Reddit but now the power is here. You just updated my consciousness and I hope many others start helping to breathe life into this slower methodical version of the 8chan boards. Those boards go fast, even if you can read it and comprehend, that can be a little too fast. I hope this does get sticky and we can start to engage and evolve together again.

14228573? ago

Update: I spent the day playing the shills and I am not sure they are all shills. Instead it might be bots. Took a screenshot of an earlier convo (See below). I posted first then it was a back and forth. Assumed I was talking to invaders from another sub thus my 1st comment. After a bit I just responded nonsensically. The experience became similar to talking to Siri...


Advice: Think about the "spirit" or "heart condition" of a comment you see. If it is crappy, needlessly snarky, or just word filler it is probably a bot (or maybe a shill). Don't take the bait and let them string you along.

Like stated above, The Qommunity of Patriots did not change their values, heart condition, or language when they migrated to Voat.

14228288? ago

serial lurker here - you have inspired me by your post - on board.

14225917? ago

Good advice. Thanx.

14221695? ago

. . . love isn't always on time, oh oh

14221334? ago

click bait titles too We are definitely a threat even in discussions THEY have no limits to their evil

14221262? ago

stay together!

14220940? ago

I remember when Millennial Falcon (a mod) was outed as an Alefantis acquaintance on v/pizzagate. Stuff like that combined with the voating system is my only reservation about this place.

14220733? ago

Excellent post. Everyone needs to be careful of being led astray from the plan. Trust the Q team and follow their lead!

Anyone questioning what they have to say is suspect. Beware the unbelievers leading loyal patriots into apostasy. Do no not be afraid to lash out at anyone who questions the Q truth, the soul you save could be your own patriot!

Seeing these unbelievers sullying our righteous threads with their doubts and questions brings another point all true patriots should be aware of.

As we approach zero hour and the Plan comes to fruition there will come a time when it is necessary to temporarily curtail certain freedoms to contain and combat the cabal in their death throws.

Just remember Patriots it's all part of the Plan and it will only be temporary. It will be up to you enlightened few to explain this to those around you. You must not allow them to jeopardize the Plan! Beware Patriots the cabal has agents at every level of society and in all walks of life, if they act to disrupt the Plan they are the enemy!

14220466? ago

Might be novel to collect their ids for some fun.

14220563? ago

The sub is anonymous. ids change with every post.

14220437? ago

Love for this patriot! Well put friend. Shoulder to shoulder, wherever it may lead.

14220313? ago

Good post.

14220187? ago

We call this "Vote Begging" and you're breaking the rules.

14220549? ago

He never told them what to vote for in case your being deliberately obtuse. How clever you are.

14220489? ago


14220244? ago

Nobody is vote begging - Voat is called Voat because users Voat! Encouraging them to do so cleans the platform and helps Voat work as intended.

14220304? ago

You specifically asked people to vote for stuff. You're vote begging. Now fuck off.

14220962? ago

Found the shill.

14220491? ago

Oh my goodness.....is this how you want to spend your life? Sad. Have a voat, guess which.

14220412? ago

I see. So on "your" platform, that is entirely based on users voting, you should not encourage people to engage. I get it now. Thanks.

14220166? ago


14220100? ago

Fucking newbie fag...

14220514? ago

Says the shill loser