24Trilionbucks ago


lckypscs ago

Thank you, Patriot!

24Trilionbucks ago

Help! I can’t downvote these asshats because I don’t have 100 upvotes because people in VOAT won’t give up a damn upvote. Start giving upvotes to patriots!

sunshine702 ago

It comes in waves right as something is about to break. The attack on Tucker is part of it too. He had Sara Carter on hinting at something big today. Hold tight. Where We Go One We Go All.

lckypscs ago

Always! We definitely can tell when something is going down.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Oh yea deepstate is in panic. Shills are out in full force. The donald on reddit is also being astroturfed and downvoted like crazy. Something big is about to pop

MissleCopterStoped ago

Shills are gonna shill.

CentipedeRex ago

Zero information post. Tired of seeing this same thing posted every day.

lckypscs ago

I post plenty; in the other sub...which doesn't show b/c it's anon. But thanks for the negativity.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Shills complain don't give them your breath.

CentipedeRex ago

Probably posting the same dumb shit there, too. Every fucking day. SHILLL!!! Every day. post something new for christ's sake.

MissleCopterStoped ago

“Some posts don't have a link, but they include a quote or a reference, such as quoting a Q post, informing us of some breaking news story, a good well thought out theory, a prayer for our presidents safety, informing us of some show to watch because maybe POTUS will be interviewed, or encouraging others to vote, meme, etc.“

I am afraid @centipedeRex is right.

Sc4bbers ago

Don't act like you aren't disappointed that Huber's testimony was cancelled.

mathemagician33 ago

I agree, for the most part, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disgruntled over the postponement of the Dec 5th hearing. Hopefully something good drops tonight on Hannity.

PGLiterati ago

They want us divided, and they are trying to black boomerang us, by which I mean to use disinformation from the 'inside' to convince us our 'movement' is shattering, but there are many aspects which they do not understand and which I shall not enumerate. Best to ignore.

sorosminion ago

Oh yeah, all 568 of you. Your life is such a NOTHING, you sit by your computer all day and live in a fantasy world, just like a gamer middle schooler. You pretend you and VOAT and "Q" is IMPORTANT!!!!! To prevent you from confronting the fact your lives are pointless, meaningless and OVER! LOL Gomer, go read a Clancy novel.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Oh you trolling for ballsack eyes. Nothing csn stop whats coming. Nothing. Keep on shillin

CaJuN-M8 ago

Lol shillin

Q is about to bring pain lil faggot. You shills so fucking obvious.

Ochre1954 ago


MissleCopterStoped ago

Go suck sorass’s cock.

brunno ago

So leave and make it 567. Who sits and trolls...oh that’s right you. Lol

spaceman84 ago

I see a post exactly like this every fucking day

CentipedeRex ago

EVERY fucking day.

TheGreatAnonening ago

How many times have you been "over the target"? Anyone keeping count?

NellerBean ago

Also roving internet outages. They're preparing to go dark to censor what's coming.

MissleCopterStoped ago

I noticed the net is slow to load pages on a lot of websites today.

Yesterday we had a EBS alert, and I was thinking, here we go, but it was a T-storm warning and when I checked NOAA there was no anywhere thunderstorms anywhere in the state.

SuckaFree ago

Shills gonna shill as only a shill shills. Let them. It doesn't change the fact that the truth will out.

mark7 ago

Actually, a downvote from clueless, soulless, bunch of NPCs' who support pedophilic, murdering, Nazi, communist thugs, means they are not out beating on little old ladies, or kicking puppies!

oddlike777 ago

I've been getting downvote brigaded, lost about 50 CCP in the past 48 hours. I can still downvote these SBBH fags trying to get us to leave though.

CaJuN-M8 ago

So many shills trying to downplay and dismiss q. I guarantee you about 85% of the people who are anti Q on this sub are shills. Shills are everywhere

MissleCopterStoped ago

We should go over and downvoat brigade them, as they have been downvoating me lately as well.

If anything, I wear as a badge of honor.

Astrotheologist ago

it's not all shills. I'm sure a lot of people are actually bummed nothing happened on 11-11.
I'm still not ruling anything out.

Especially with that evil pedovore's funeral on d5. There is absolutely no fuckin chance in hell that is a coincidence.

They must be losing their shit right now.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Nothing made the news on 11.11.18? Are you absolutely sure on that?

NellerBean ago

Nothing that made the news happened on 11-11.

Astrotheologist ago

right i was thinking that also. But he did say 11-11 will be unforgettable.

NellerBean ago

If you're an astrotheologist then you can probably understand we've been in retrograde cycles handing over to each other since the Spring so even if something had happened publicly, in a few month's we'd learn the REAL stuff that went down on 11-11 (the weekend President and Mrs. Trump averted yet another assassination plan Macron was going to facilitate on behalf of his masters, so who knows if that changed anything).

Mercury direct on Wednesday seems like good cosmic timing for the wheels of justice to finally gain traction and begin moving forward. Regardless of the distraction of yet another traitor's funeral.

mark7 ago

I think the demonically inclined are having a bad hair day. Poppy, (the chief demon) got waxed, and the laser sights of Gods' minigun are fast upon the target. D5 bitches!!

WanderingTaurus ago

This is what happens when people in society only feel valued by the number of likes their comments and vids/photos achieve. They think those stupid numbers actually mean anything.

Downvote away mfing ds. Ya'll suck anyway.

NellerBean ago

Exactly. Who cares? We're not the collectivists.

1patriot99 ago

That is the game at large -- to somehow discredit the reality presented by this platform and others. Just know that in the world of QAnon -- they are the minority and the discounted instead of those who are seeking real information. DO NOT DESPAIR. They have ZERO say in the events and actions that are coming. You, me and Anons like ourselves are those who really matter in the big scheme of things.

Waxing philosophical is suppose. But I stand by what I said.

GodsAngell ago

Worse than that! Since they are aiding and abetting CRIMINAL Enemy Combatants, these paid shills will go down WITH the Criminal Elite, conspiring with the enemy while the enemy commits Treason. These shills and antifa are all going down, LEGALLY, and headed toward Execution right behind their puppet masters.

So rejoice in these thoughts. Never interrupt your enemy when he is busy shooting himself in the foot!

What idiots!

benjitsu ago

You just get crazier and crazier

GodsAngell ago

Q and Mega-ANON have both pointed out Lame Stream Media is guilty of Treason for aiding and abetting Treason. So it will apply to shills doing the exact same thing!

Read it and Weep! They don't have to BE enemy combatants themselves just that they are AIDING and ABETTING these Treasonous Crimes. Just like if you aided and abetted someone who robbed a bank, you would be held to the same crime, and same sentence, which in this case, Treason calls for Execution. In case you haven't noticed we are at WAR. Different rules apply.

Read it and Weep:

DOJ Office of Legal Counsel opinion re: detain re: US Citizen(s) re: 'Enemy Combatant'


As we explain below, the President’s authority to detain enemy combatants, including U.S. citizens, is based on his constitutional authority as Commander in Chief. We conclude that section 4001(a) does not, and constitutionally could not, interfere with that authority.

In order to understand the scope of section 4001(a), we first set out the proper context established by the President’s authority to detain enemy combatants during WAR. That authority arises out of the President’s constitutional status as Commander in Chief. Under the Commander in Chief Clause, the President is authorized to detain all enemy combatants, including U.S. citizens. Finally, we note that Congress has specifically authorized the President to use force against enemy combatants in response to the terrorist attack of September 11.

Article II of the Constitution….the Supreme Court has unanimously stated that it is “the President alone [] who is constitutionally invested with the entire charge of hostile operations.” Hamilton v Dillin, 88 U.S….1874…..

…..One of the core functions of the Commander in Chief is that of capturing and detaining members of the enemy….Numerous Presidents, for example, have orderd the capture and detention of enemy combatants during virtually every major conflict in the Nation’s history, including recent conflicts such as the Gulf, Vietnam, and Korean wars.

Recognizing this authority, Congress never has attempted to restrict or interfere with the President’s authority on this score. It is obvious that the current President plainly has authority to detain enemy combatants in connection with the present conflict, just as he has in every previous armed conflict.

….We should emphasize here that military detention of enemy combatants serves a particular goal, on that is wholly distinct from that of detention of civilians for ordinary law enforcement purposes. The purpose of law enforcement detention is punitive: to punish individuals, to collect evidence establishing that a crime may have been committed, to ensure that an individual will appear at a criminal trial,…..The purpose of military detention, by contrast, is exclusively preventive……(“The object of capture is to prevent the captured individual from serving the enemy. He is disarmed and from then on he must be removed as completely as practicable from ‘the front’:……As Commander in Chief, the President may order the detention of enemy combatants in order to prevent the individual from engating in further hostilities against the United States (like trying to assassinate the President?), to depreive the enemy of that individual’s service, and to collect information helpful to the United States’ efforts to prosecute the armed conflict successfully…..

While enemy combatants also may be subject to criminal prosecution under United States or International law, …..evidence of criminal liability is legally unnecessary in order for the U.S. Armed Forces to detain an enemy combatant…..

….The fact that a detainee is an American citizen, thus, does not affect the President’s constitutional authority as Commander in Chief to detain him, once it has been determined that he is an enemy combatant. As the Supreme Court has unanimously held, all individuals, regardless of citizenship, who “associate” themselves with the military arm of the enemy” and “with its aid, guidance and direction enter this country bent on hostile acts are enemy belligerents….Nothing further need be demonstrated to justify their detention as enemy combatants. The individuals need not be caught while engated in the act of war or captured with the theatre of war.

We accordingly conclude that, …. the President’s constitutional authority as Commander in Chief to detain enemy combatants extends to U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike. (That means the Clintons & Co AND Soros and Soros minions, Israel, five eyes, etc.!

Finally, we note that the President’s constitutional authority to detain enemy combatants during the present conflict is bolstered by Senate Juoint Resolution 23, which went into effect on Sept 18, 2001. That resolution recognizes that “the President has authority under the Constitution to take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United State.” Authorization for Use of Military Force……the resolution explicitly authorizes “the President to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on Sept 11, 2001 or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.” Thus, Congress has specifically endorsed the use not only of deadly force, but also of the lesser-included authority to detain enemy combatants to prevent them from furthering hostilities against the United States.

GreenGlass ago

1st Amendment doesn't mean anything to you?

1patriot99 ago

I could not agree more! Let the self-inflicted foot shooting continue!

ElvisP ago

Some people trolling Q boards or bashing Q or Trump are not going to be executed for treason. Nor should they be. Don't be retarded

CaJuN-M8 ago

Yea i highly doubt shills will be tried for treason.

cantaloupe6 ago

There is testimony to happen before congress. There is always an effort to shutdown uncontrolled news sources prior. Right before gab.ai was deplatformed there were shill agitators here.

1patriot99 ago

And your point changes what in the bigger scope of things? Just asking.

cantaloupe6 ago

It's additive point - it might be a bumpy ride near term. The site might get hit with ddos, etc.

1patriot99 ago

Not surprising -- PANIC doesn't really begin to touch what's happening with the opposition and the potential responses relative to that panic. I remain undeterred, as all others who are real Patriots. Thanks for the insight. DON'T STOP. That is the key...

EyeOfHorus ago

Undeterred to do what? make comments on voat?

1patriot99 ago

Undeterred in any respect. Intended to be more of a "move forward no matter what" statement than anything else. No intent to offend.

EyeOfHorus ago

I'm not offended. Just aware Q results in people learning more, but doing less.

singlebrain1 ago

It is all about controlling the narrative, isn't it?

digital_minuteman321 ago

I wonder who's funding them. Soros? CIA? Hillary? Mossad? Oh the possibilities are endless.

102thepowerof1 ago

To build something requires intelligence, to tear it down takes nothing. This is all they'll ever be good at, destruction, no good for the new society they fear coming.

SocksForLocks ago

everybody all at the same time. because digital_minuteman321 is a direct threat to their way of life.

digital_minuteman321 ago

TFW a bunch of autists on the internet are using memes to take down the DS.

Aaronkin ago

We are the target! We have been over the target for so long that we now are the Cabals second biggest threat. But I am just preaching to the choir with this so good job to everyone who is Q.

SocksForLocks ago

Q brought you here to keep you under close watch. Voat is a corral, thats why the users are called goats.

CaJuN-M8 ago

You do know that we know that shills are on here trying to downplay and dismiss whats coming. Fuck out of here shits about to pop off.

EyeOfHorus ago

found the kike

singlebrain1 ago

Said one goat to another.

mark7 ago

GREATEST OF All TIME!!! GOATS indeed !! 2018 PATRIOTS! MAGA WWG1WGA! Your words cannot hurt us, our wings are like a shield of steel!!

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

What brought you here?

NellerBean ago

Student loan debt. And winter heating bills.

GodsAngell ago

its cold in Mommy's basement.

sexylarrytate ago

Yeah, dey been hittin duh SHILLPILLS. tssss #chip

pwdwp ago

Usually, it's a good sign, for us.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Did Q predict this?

mark7 ago

Yes, Q did predict this. You are here, are you not? It is you, rather than us held captive, and ignorant. We choose to be among kindred spirits, I think you need pizza and jizz to feel yours?

FuckYesJefferson ago

Ive been on voat well before Q came from the glorious heavens.

Yes, I need pizza and to jizz quite often. My wife doesn't mind, she encourages it because I'm not a boomer cuck.

sorosminion ago

Oh yes! Over the cliche', er.....target. All 568 of you, here on VOAT as I type this. 568 hicks, quite a threat to the world power structure all right! A bunch of senile boomers who can't tell fantasy from reality. Woo woo. Funded? Why do we need "funding"?? Just another stupid belief the Qult clings to. You imbeciles don't get ANYTHING right. we don't come here to "save" you, you fucking morons, we come to laugh at you. The biggest joke in many years, a collection of the dumbest hillbillies on the web! Over the target, JESUS H JOHNSON you people just NEVER CATCH ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

mark7 ago

Well thank you for being so concerned, bout us lil ol hicks! Our cliches' of Love, Truth, Morality, Faith, and love of country, is a bit quaint, and VERY old fashioned!. But it fits us, and is a very comfortable way to live. We don't believe you, or the MSM, or the DS, or any of your creepy, weirdly sexualized demonic bullshit. And we demand accountability, and JUSTICE! You should be happy we express true tolerance, and amity towards you jerks. Cuz lots of us are Vets, and would love nothing better than to take you assholes out by force. But you have to make the first move, because we were raised better than that. But don't hold that against your two dads! In the meantime, here we are! Q army WWG1WGA, MAGA, D5 bitch, come and get us!

sorosminion ago

Oh how scary. You peeled potatoes during Vietnam! Get that paring knife Rambo, and your cammo walker! LOL Sputtering eh? Bet you do a lot of that Gomer! Durn carnsarn kids and lib u rals! THANKS for the always fucking stupid reply! A good laugh Gomer. Now, go watch Match game re runs! That Paul Lynde is a hoot! You are STUPID, IRRELEVANT and the entire Nation is laughing at you.

mark7 ago

Nope. loaded nukes on F111 Aardvark, in the UK. But I kill varmints once in a while, and can skin and eat what I need to. I am far from irrelevant, "Gomers" like me made this Great country! So snotty little soyboys like you can come and try to soil EVERYTHING that's is not fallen, disgusting and vile, like yourselves. We don't try to tell you how to sodomize each other, or kill babies, do we? I expect the recent rash of rectal cancer should concern you more that a few gomer patriots looking for the truth, and good luck with that! In the meantime, the lucid adults hold the venue. Go find your own people and leave your excrement there, please ! :)

sorosminion ago

LOL God, what an insane hillbilly ignorant rant. You are one HILARIOUS, repeat , HILARIOUS irrelevant gullible fucking hick. Oh, and thank you for your "service" in the UK. It must have been Hell, all that rain and no umbrella while you loaded "nukes" (LOL) on airplanes. The skinned knucled must have been awful ( not as awful as bone spurs though).

mark7 ago

service is as service does, you'll forgive If I don't accept your faggoty "Thank you" . I assume that your having a bad day? Consider going outside and breathing deeply, the urge to flagellate yourself while attacking poor lil tards may subside. It will all be over soon . BTW, you are a very sad example of a minion, imo. Surely georgie can summon true demons, not just limp wristed pedophiles to assault us? Bring it??

sorosminion ago

Jesus you are batshit crazy, just nuts.And stupid, an impressive combination there Gomer! "service is as service does", er...WTF? OK Forrest, Jesus man, go check out your motorized scooter wheelchair and make sure your oxygen tanks are full. Oh hey, where's the beef? I can't believe I ate the whole thing! Har har, knee slappers. What a wit! Bring it? Bring it where? The Senior Citizens Center? The home for deluded shut ins? Do you like brownies? You are giving me some very good laughs Gomer!

mark7 ago

Your rant belies the importance of the "deluded" you attack. Why are you so mean? lol I expect one of your Daddies touched you in a bad place, don't worry lil buckaroo, those bad men are playing with different victims now? I am so happy to spend this time with you, since many children are surely safer because of it. Especially little boys I suspect. Do I detect the sour persona of a lifetime NAMBLA member? I hear Iran is taking apps for citizenship!

sorosminion ago

What a weirdo Mark, a true nutcase. WTF ARE you going on about. Mean? Oh, sorry Trumpflake. Your imbecilic attempts at insulting me are just SO stereotypical and brainless, you really aren't very good at this.....or likley anything for that matter! Your stupid remarks just CONFIRM, beyond a reasonable doubt, your ignorance, bigotry, lack of education and ANY semblance of sophistication. I myself am retired, I am always amazed at clown like you that have learned NOTHING, nothing in all those years. You wasted it all and are still a ridiculous nobody. Nice going Mark!

mark7 ago

Gosh you schooled me! Can I be a douchey ass of a soros minion too? Can I confirm anything else for Ya? I hope I have fulfilled your expectations as a mortal enemy? I wsih we could be neighbors, so I could bask in the light of your superior thinking and way of life, gosh , you ought to write a book or start a school or something? Consider me MK ULTRAed!! ORANGE MAN BAD!! PLEASE PROBE MY ANAL ORIFICE @sorosminion!

sorosminion ago

Gee Mark, making more of a fool of yourself with every reply. I love guys like you, I can totally controll you, make you dance like a puppet with your frothing at the mouth "OH YEAH" replies. It's great sport and absolutly hilarious. Yes Mark, I'll write a book, start a school or something. What a mind. Aren't you going to feel like the DUMBFUCK HICK that you are when the whole q bullshit thing is over (now) and NONE OF THIS SHIT EVER HAPPENS? Actually that would require self awareness, something you lack ( along with a basic education). THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS MARIE POO! I have things to do.

DavidGydeon ago


RobWilJas ago

They sure are, it's hilarious.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

I love how shills are so ANGRY to be HELPFUL to us by making us "aware" Q is a LARP and we are fucktards.

singlebrain1 ago

concern fags.

NellerBean ago

Because they expect us to be mentally ill collectivists who fret over what others think of us. After all, it's ALL projection at this point.

102thepowerof1 ago

It's how they operate, they don't begin to understand a critical thinker. Peer pressure is for school kids not a truth seeker.

NellerBean ago

You can tell how corrupt they all are (even Meryl Streep saying it's dangerous because now President Trump's kids are in jeopardy) by how they project on to everyone else how they think/feel, and how low they're willing to go to get their way.

SocksForLocks ago

whats hilarious is how many times this exact post has been made. when will you and your buddies realize Q is a fucking sham?

CaJuN-M8 ago

Q predicted no name death to the exact minute. Explain bitch

Q also predicted viva la france. Explain bitch

Q is coming and you shills can't do nothing to stop it. Fuck you globalist

digital_minuteman321 ago

Your b8 game is weak, padawan.

NellerBean ago

One more post from you is all it's going to take to change my mind. You've nearly convinced me I'm a loser for daring to trust my own inner discernment rather than, say ... yours.

Blacksmith21 ago

Have a downvoat, dickhead. More to follow.

mark7 ago

Well, I had a convo with the tooth fairy, and she informed me (confidentially, by the way), that Q lives on Mt. Olympus, and is working on a new thunderbolt of fire, as a suppository for folks who just hate people who have faith, and love truth and light , in what ever form it shows. Maybe we like the story, and do so enjoy a happy ending. What tickles you, setting kittens alight?