14711192? ago

That would explain my gab app doesn't work.

14710608? ago

Yes and it when you will reach the deepest into yourself to find your true character, there's nothing like confronting the very real possibility of your own death to fight for what is right and the security of your own people it is in these moments when true men and women are made and they are our hero's. we are with you?

14710466? ago

(((Who))) do you think has been littering the board with child porn all day?

14710409? ago

I don't doubt the purpose of the attack was to kill GAB.

It is discouraging that they get away with it. I wish it could have been stopped.

14709419? ago


14709414? ago

Who is behind all these attacks? Jews.

14709843? ago

Try telling that to the Qtards, and they'll call you their enemy.

14709434? ago

Jew like the Rothschilds own 193 of 195 of the world's central banks.

Nobody in a position of power can use the bathroom without a Rothschild's permission.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Jews are screaming "antisemitism" and pushing the false Holocaust narrative whenever we question the (((Bilderberg Group Jews))) or criticize the (((Soros))) dynasty or push back against Zionist white genocide.