HIVchan ago

Thank you.

cursedcrusader ago

You're the best goy I know. Thank you faggot.

Delacourt ago

No prob man. Remember, if you see a thread that deserves more attention, send it my way and I'll link it. I can use all the help I can get.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

John Cleese all but naming the Jew was the best thing I saw all day.

Delacourt ago

Yesterday's links for those too lazy to click through to the thread:

  1. Ex-LGBT People Declare Freedom in Jesus at DC 'Freedom March'. This is an excellent example of activism that should be spread far and wide. The mainstream media sure won't report on it.

  2. @Had shares the daily Stoicism quote. Hope to see more of this.

  3. A magical cabin converted from a water mill, built by a Serbian artist over the mill belonging to his father. This guy is a literal builder.

  4. Twitter takes down accounts of Chinese dissidents, two days before the anniversay of the Tianamen Square massacre. This would be useful to link for anyone who questions if Twitter truly censors people.

  5. Goat invents a novel chicken recipe. It's time to put together a Voat cookbook based off recipes created or favored by goats.

  6. Sticker campaign by the "Hundred Handers" including messages like "Reject White Guilt" and "A Country for Everyone is a Country for No One". These are good messages that normies will actually be receptive to. Well done.

  7. Suggestions for growing vegetables in a desert, from your neighborhood gardening sub /v/JustGrowIt.

  8. Accurate meme - we have now reached a point where the worth of a movie is the exact opposite of what critics say.

  9. Funny historical anecdote about ants being able to identify their kin, even if blackout drunk.

  10. @Scroobius exhorts goats to collect old books. I agree that this is a vital endeavor. If you happen to hear about a place or event at which old books are being sold, be sure to stop by and pick some up. Scan them to the Internet for the sake of future generations.

  11. @acheron2012 is sick of boomer bashing, comparing the harm the baby boomers did with the harm caused by the creation of the Federal Reserve. Personally I'm inclined to agree - while boomer memes are funny, I don't see how boomers themselves are worse than millenials (legalized gay marriage) or some members of Gen Z (believe in 10,000 genders).

  12. A troubling point brought up by @doglegwarrior - there were dozens of high-profile Islamic terror attacks in the lead-up to 2016. Why have they suddenly stopped?

  13. Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz assaulted at a town hall... by his former Democrat opponent. Spread this.

  14. Reminder that any image you take with your phone automatically contains metadata that can include your name, type of phone, and location. This is one app designed to scrub it. If you don't trust it, there are other online services that do the same thing, and you can also do it yourself in GIMP.

  15. Unprofessional discussion on making Atlanta a black ethnostate.

  16. Critical Drinker YouTuber discussing the impending Nu Star Wars movie "Rise of Skywalker". Whatever happens, don't see this movie its first weekend in theaters.

  17. Tim Pool is creating a fact-checker and database of journalists based on journalistic ethics ratings. This would be great if it pans out.

  18. @WhereTheAngelsPlay shares the benefits of NoFap in finding a girlfriend and future wife, which every male goat should be working towards if they aren't already married or morally chaste.

  19. Another update from "We Build The Wall". I might make this a daily thing, so long as there is more news. The project is doing great work and I'd recommend for goats to donate to it if possible.

  20. Special Day of Prayer for POTUS June 2nd 2019.

HIVchan ago

Thanks again.