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bom1830 ago

This is stellar news. The cartel is losing serious $$$$$$$, as well as the DS.

I could unfortunately foresee the DS supplying the cartels many methods to thwart the wall that it being built i.e. various forms of explosives devices.

Hell even some dirty bombs to ensure that area is tainted, but still utilize it for their mules to traffic their wares.

They do not care who they kill \ sacrifice to ensure that their drugs, human trafficking, etc continues. Even if the potential dirty bombs taint what is bringing over they will simply rejoice since more USA people will succumb by it.


con77 ago

US snipers in those hills

RCMike_CHS ago

Could be dangerous if not careful.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

It is!

GoBravo ago

"Military Cartel"?

mslibertyrider ago

Thank you for posting, my Patriot always excellent expose.. I have been watching their progress through contacts, and thank God for this private effort. It is a great example of America First values and dedication. True Patriots are there...grateful ! Wish we could see the same in southern California, but it's really a Communist state now. I see personally the outrageous fall out from mass migration of illegals, and they are not all from Central America but other nations, with some frightening diseases. Our border checkpoint off the interstate does not have Border Patrol staffed there now, because the Cartels have overwhelmed our system. It is broken, and our communities are 3rd world mini countries ! It is not safe to drive by yourself at certain times of day...women must drive with someone if they go to a grocery store or shopping. Abduction is real !! I think it is time to form a non profit devoted to all border communities, and bringing our stories front and center to the political debate stage. We Must Fight For our National Security !! It is obvious who controls the borders;Cartels-Communist Actors/ Globalists. Those illegals are now our fiduciary responsibility and this is not sustainable and immoral. But, the DC leaders could not care is all about Money and Power. These people are Q states.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I wish there was a way to get OUT everywhere all that you are dealing with. Every Patriot Knows they are using illegal immigration to further the Globalist Agenda.

There has to be a Way you can be Heard in the same manner the problems with El Paso were finally heard and a plan put in action.

Do you have links, photos, videos I and others can help share out?

After looking into the Q drops on Renteria and connecting one of her donors married to the Executive Chairman of Twitter who Was also the the Chief Business Officer, and a special advisor to the CEO and founders at Google during July 2014 to October 2015 and connected to a Host of other internet/policy steering companies. . .for instance the donor herself founded Crowdpac which is notorious for trying to shut down Conservative candidates.

So it is Evident as Renteria was an aide to Clinton, they are attempting to control the entire country by allowing the illegal immigration to flourish. All while wickedly shutting down anyone who points out the problems.

Troops should be sent there to Protect the Border. We KNOW they broke and flooded the system On Purpose.

mslibertyrider ago

And, I thank you for your genuine concern...we are so fortunate to have some of the most incredibly caring people on this site. We are blessed, and now I think we can do something greater ! WWG1WGA !!

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Going to watch that link Today no matter what. You're Right. . .All ties in and Napolitano. . .WOW! Did some work on her a while back and was SHOCKED!

Of course the dive and all she was Really involved in with Walmart was Buried deep even on sources that say they stand for truth. Many Don't want to stare at what is placed Right in Front of them.

My heart goes out to you ML and all you are dealing with dear friend. God sure has a lot he needs you for. Thank you for all you do to help these people.

mslibertyrider ago

IGF Patriot, I have been thinking if we could have satellite members of 'our group' that would help gather the stories, and video tape and chronicle the crushing strain on the communities, this will go viral. I have organized in the past, and have a definitive idea, now. But, need to share on a more confidential manner with you and few others and get going! We can do this remotely, but the 'plan' I have is based upon what I did years ago, which became extremely successful. The only reason, was because people felt alone, no one listening, once given a directive and guidance they jumped in, I can tell you more, but this became a national grassroots effort culminating in DC federal law changes. The 'enemy' is on this board...but I don't care. Bring it on...we are Warriors but in a different way. As you pointed out about the connection of Renteria (Clinton operative), Google, Twitter and Facebook are deeply connected in a subversive network, we are up against some bad hombres. Personally, have encountered some strange happenings observed by others. Let's just say, a few things disappeared from files. Now have all major encrypted protection. I am hoping we can put our heads together and launch this... my idea I know will work !

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

I have No Doubt your idea will work. You are clearly driven and dedicated to helping. Thank God for you!

I know it is God who goes before you. Always willing to help spread your info and video. Many sites try to burry me, but that's okay, sometimes people who Aren't buried by the mob mod control can take it and get it out there further. Godspeed ML. My prayers go out with you.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

Construction workers are usually the construction workers, excavators are usually the machines. Sounds like the work was done for the night and they got close to the machines.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Look, I’m glad that it seems like some wall is being built but it’s not because of Trump. Trump has been an utter failure so far.

WillGreeley ago

I wouldn't contribute before, but they have convinced me it works!

Great Job!! Praying for your safety!!

LakotaPride ago

Great dig and thread Patriot, this shows what a threat we actually have at the Border.

ButtersThatsMe ago

Hire some ex marines to guard tell them to target cans

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Can't they just invite NRA members to camp out at the construction site? It would be a good way to test out a new 300 Win-mag.

monsterdoggie ago

Not exactly shocking.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

“We Build the Wall” released two absolutely shocking videos on Saturday night.

The first video is of “Foreman Mike” at the construction site in Sunland Park, New Mexico west of El Paso, Texas.

This past week and over the Memorial Day Weekend the “We Build the Wall” organization led by founder and organizer Brian Kolfage built their first major border wall section on the West Texas-New Mexico border.

In the first video “Foreman Mike” discussed the latest progress on the Sunland Park project. “We Build the Wall” is closing up on their first half mile of wall. They project is approximately 2,300 feet and they have 350 more feet to go to finish the project.

Border Patrol officials say the current project when complete will cut off 19 different foot trails on Mount Cristo Rey on the border. The cartels are bringing $100,000 to $200,000 in drugs each day through the open border in this area.

Mike added this on the effectiveness of the current project, “When I got here 17 days ago there were 450 people a night crossing. When equipment started arriving it went to 300. When manpower started working we went down to 200. When we started placing the bollards it went from 70 to 30 to 0. We’ve had no crossings in the last 8 days.”

Then Mike added this on the very security situation, “We have military clad specialists from the cartels probing our line. The only thing stopping them is our specialists in the hills counteracting with them. We expect to be completed late, late, late this evening or early tomorrow with the first segment of the wall. “

When asked about the security needed to deal with the drug cartels, Mike replied, “It’s extremely dangerous. They got within 15 feet of the escavators last night. They’re coming down and trying to probe against the new wall… We have approximately 15 guards on post, armed security individuals.”

WillGreeley ago

Thank you, for getting this message out there!