SearchVoatBot ago

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SocksOnCats ago

I’m unhappily married. (And due to some extreme circumstances I won’t go in to here, I cannot leave this arrangement.) Fap or no fap, it’s insanely difficult to find a girlfriend. I’d rather the occasional fap with plenty of heavy weight lifting. Keeps me saner.

HIVchan ago

Butt sex instead!

MoteMoteKek11 ago

Wow. The comments... wow.


Sheeitpost ago

ITT: Humanity struggles with not mandating evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology as the dominant ethos in the culture.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ViperCarbz ago

My body, my choice.

ImSchmack ago

  1. All porn is cuck porn. Period.
  2. Nofap for a few months is extremely beneficial to both mental and physical health
  3. Once you have a healthier libido, I personally feel it’s ok (not great but ok) to jack off every few weeks without porn

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I beat off to JOI feet. It's not cucking if the bitch made it for me and it's not a substitute for sex.

Libtardscum ago

All of ur best nutrients go into your semen. When you masterbate,u are draining out ur life force

VailinPeral ago

Guess I eat pretty well then because even when I don't bate it comes out in the middle of the night...

NotEvenMad ago

Hey man, whatever gets you through the night. If your system works for you, use it. But you'd probably agree that if fapping HELPS someone get a date by contributing to relaxation and clarity, they should listen to their own body/emotions/mind, yea?

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Calm powder, melatonin, and adequate sleep is better than porn hub and lubraderm. When you do the latter you trick your mind and body into believing you already get the hot chick and every day is a penthouse article.

People can listen or not. If not, people will still get a girl, but doubtful they will get the one they want, especially those that they see on websites. That part also reaches in to other aspects of work ethic, which for someone opting for a cheap way out may be slacking in that area as well.

We should all be striving to be a better us each day.

NotEvenMad ago

Yeah, except you're relying on nothing but conjecture, personal feelings, and a sense of the grandiose. Basically you're proclaiming "Take my remedy, and all of your life's ailments will be resolved." Like others are stating here, there is a difference between obsession/habituation and not. Sounds like you're steering towards absolutism, with your word aligning with 'that which is right', or in other words spiritual egotism.

capnflummox ago

Everything In Moderation. It doesn't matter what it is...

olltre ago

so what your saying is, you like to suck dick in moderation?

capnflummox ago

I'll simply address this one point:


olltre ago


capnflummox ago

That's right, little one! You're a fag!

Congratulations! You finally grasped the simple concept that 3rd graders get.

walrusescapades ago

nothing personal, but that's fucking stupid.

capnflummox ago

Explain. How is doing stuff to moderation (not excess) 'fucking stupid'?

walrusescapades ago

you want me to explain? No. wouldn't work

capnflummox ago

Yup. You got nothing. Thanks for admitting it and handing me the win.

Fuhrer1488 ago

i would do that if i didnt cum the bed after 2 days

VailinPeral ago

my thoughts exactly... This poster does not consider the difference in libidos of men.

Also if I don't bate I start getting desperate and the only thing worse than washing the sheets is waking up next to a land whale and her 5 kids.

mattsixteen24 ago

Catholicism is making more sense isn't it...

Oh, but a gf and sex is not going to solve your problems. That's not what this whole thing is about.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

What is the solution? Mawidge?

Chempergrill ago

but a gf and sex is not going to solve your problems.

Many people have to find that out for themselves. I did.

mattsixteen24 ago

That's because many people don't know any better.

smokratez ago

That was great.

NosebergShekelman ago

This is incorrect data, goys. You should be logging into Porn Hub all day every day and work one out for ol Satan. Shaloms™✡️

NotHereForPizza ago


Libido dominandi

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

I actually want to know your real angle. Obviously you're a goat, but I don't know if you're a pale goat to the core or a convert JIDF shill.

The mystery lights the menorah. Shabbat Shaloms, goyim®

NosebergShekelman ago

I am a fellow white person if you know hwut I mean

RM-Goetbbels ago

I don't care how strong willed you are, your hormones can subconsciously control you in a multitude of ways. Jerking it allows me TO ACT IN MY OWN SELF INTEREST AND PRESERVATION instead of I had better comply if I want my dick milked.

You are a slave if you No Fap. A BITCH. I own me, not some woman that wants me to take out the trash, wash the dishes or rake the yard when I don't want to.

You can of course argue that all you have to do is find "a good woman!. Yeahhhhh, look buddy, I've been around and I have as of yet to this day found a woman who does not in some way hold her pussy hostage. NOT ONE. Not a girlfriend, wife, sister, sister in law, mother mother in law or grandmother. They all, EVERY SINGLE ONE, hoard the pussy from their significant other.

smokratez ago

You are stealing your desire to find a woman to have offspring with. Instead of starting your kingdom, you are emptying the tissue box.

RM-Goetbbels ago

You are stealing your desire to find a woman to have offspring with.

lol, that's not what I'm doing. I'm telling the 18-30 year olds here that no matter how in control they think they are, they aren't. I'm saying saying to jerk it as a lifestyle, I'm telling you to jerk it so that it doesn't control you.

I can jerk it and still want pussy, I just don't have to compromise my integrity to get it.

smokratez ago

Nope. You are not in control if you jerk it.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Im jurkinh ij right mow. to yourpost one hand keyboard one hand cvock. mmm mmm mmm snokratez, mmm mm m smokratez111111111

smokratez ago

Lol. Faggot.

Fagtardicus ago

but its the only way i can tolerate eating chicken

Phantom42 ago


I find I'm much more "clear-headed" if I've already released that day.

I also don't give a single fuck about women afterwards, either. Screechy cunts is what they sound like.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

You sound like a wimp. No wonder all women around you are bitches.

Women are merely reflection of men they happen to be around. You have some issues mate, that's for sure.

Illusory ago

Let's say he is. Let's say he really is in a position where due to his genetics, it makes it exceptionally hard to find women. Should he refrain from masturbation and pornography too? Or should he wait for possible several decades to have a shot at a woman he actually considers attractive before he gets to fulfill his sexual urges, and in the meantime he just has to push them back whenever they emerge?

RM-Goetbbels ago

Keep telling yourself that cuck. I'm sure that little projection makes you feel better.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

You're so fucked lol

fightknightHERO ago



Conspirologist ago

If you are sane in mind and body, finding a partner is not a problem. Those who masturbate are usually mentally or physically impaired, which does not allow to find a partner, therefore masturbation or whores is the only way.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Those who masturbate are usually mentally or physically impaired

Thats not true. Not in this (degenerate) day and age.

Though encouraging masturbation with (((porn))) will contribute to make society degenerate and impaired as you say.

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys are being ridiculous. Masturbation is both healthy and not particularly unhealthy.

The things you're looking to avoid are perversion a D obsession. Lust, not self-fulfillment, is what should be avoided.

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover explains this well enough.

VailinPeral ago

not masturbating is how you end up with low sperm count and a heart attack during sex.

Also I'm 32 and recently I got turned down by a girl who was 18 but she thought I was around 22 for the length of the conversation (including a phone number) once she asked and found out I'm 32 though she lost interest... And I bate at least 5 times a week so no credibility to this posters based on my personal experience.

TeddyJackson ago

Hey there jew, whatcha doin?

NotHereForPizza ago

You're suppose to say "rabbi" and that's cute.

Porn and excessive masturbation are the real big problems.

Reverse-Flash ago

You messed up someone's grandma?

NotHereForPizza ago

I had to edit the post because the original had some mistakes.

Reverse-Flash ago

I messed up some grammar.

I was just kidding around.

NosebergShekelman ago

So we should be singing Alice Coopers 'No More Mister Nice Guy' as we beat it?? Great idea, goy! Shaloms™✡️

NotHereForPizza ago

There's a difference between masturbating and masturbating excessively.

PlsNoStepOnSnek ago

And today, being a faggot is typical. Nigger music is typical. Degeneracy, tattoos, drugs, pedophilia, cross dressing, and cultural Marxism is typical. That doesn't make it healthy. At one time, the bubonic plague was typical.

Goering ago

Your prostate sours if never emptied.

NotHereForPizza ago

Masturbation isn't unhealthy. Certain conditions that manifest via unhealthy masturbation is what you're looking for.

Getting yourself off is healthy. Being obsessed with getting yourself off is not. Having sexual impulses is healthy. An obsession with lust is not.

If someone says "drugs are unhealthy", the same exception applies. Frankly, not all drugs are "unhealthy", but that doesn't mean those drugs can't be abused to a point where an individual suffers consequences.

Let's do another example: eating is intrinsically healthy, eh? But is being obese? No.

Gambling can be fun and rewarding. It can relieve stress if it's done properly, can attribute to philanthropic behavior and even market good intentions and systems which they inspire. However, gambling addictions can surface easily in just about anyone.

You very clearly don't know much about what you're talking about.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

You very clearly don't know much about what you're talking about.

Every shill uses sentences like this to end their posts. Tell your Kike masters to learn you some new tricks.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm not sure what's up with you guys... Plenty of things aren't unhealthy in moderation, leaving no lasting effect on your average individual. There are some things that aren't, sure. I'd never be able to argue that.

Do you know how when you know at least a modest amount about a particular subject and overhear someone talking about it, only to discover none of the things they describe relate or fit together at all? You know you're right because you've experienced it hundreds, thousands even, of times, right? Yeah, that's what this is like...

Base311 ago

It's the porn and excessive masturbation that is unhealthy. Sexual tension release in a healthy manner is okay every now and then.

NotHereForPizza ago

Sexual tension release in a healthy manner is okay every now and then.

There would probably be a lot more rapists if we banned masturbation, for instance.

Base311 ago

You mean the Catholic Church?

NotHereForPizza ago

Come on... Now you're just making things up.

There haven't been any indictments/pending indictments on clergy members in waves lately, there are currently no investigations running on any diocese in any foreign place, foreign or domestic, the Vatican totally has to abide by all international law, laws of Italy and any neighboring/related state, there are no massive amounts of faggots in US or other countries who are all strangely simultaneously speaking out about their first homosexual encounters are with priests, there are no tunnels under Vatican City, there are no blackmail rings to which many clergy and especially those in positions of power to which those men are subservient and the Catholic Church definitely doesn't conduct blood magic rituals in honor of Jahweh/Baal/Osiris every Sunday at "mass", alling it "transubstantiation".

Now you're talking crazy.