Casual_Observer ago

What I don't get - This woman's parents were welcomed into the US as immigrants and allowed all the freedoms that citizenship allows. While here, they worked hard and both became doctors. Their daughter was raised in privilege in America and went to college and then to an expensive law school and became a lawyer. She enjoyed much success in America. She married another Indian man and has two children. She has lived a charmed life in the majority white country of America so far. So where's her beef?

At age 43, she decides to run for Democratic office against the incumbent who has held office for 22 years. This incumbent is also a woman, also an attorney, but white. The other woman kept her seat by a 2-1 margin over Saira Rao. Here are some quotes from Ms. Roa from BALLOTPEDIA:

"A child of Indian immigrants, Saira is a product of the American Dream. Congress must ensure fair treatment of all who come here, protection for political refugees, and a path to citizenship for Dreamers and their families."
'My whole life I have benefitted from class privilege. Both of my parents were doctors, which set me up for success in nearly every aspect of my life. I have been given access to the greatest education this country has to offer. I did nothing to earn this – I simply was born to parents who were able to send me to terrific schools. This the dictionary definition of privilege. Everyone, regardless of race, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, and ability to pay, should have access to the kind of education I’ve received."

So, she is blaming white people for what? For allowing her to have all this success? I don't get it. Go back to India if you don't like America. And be grateful or GTFO.

SearchVoatBot ago

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NPCGator ago

The stupid angry cunt genocide will be the best genocide.

Durm ago

Become cool again to be a literal racist democrat. Lack of awareness 0. Just lol.

9000timesempty ago

Congress needs to be marched on... Treaded underfoot by we the people or we can kiss this country goodbye.

Rikhart ago

The ogre put her twatter account on protected mode, seems she can´t neither talk the talk, or walk the walk :D

Hussite ago

Well bitch you should try living in India if you hate us so much. Don't blame us that your culture failed and your family had to move to a country established by a different race of people because they couldn't find a better and maybe closer Brown country to live in.

Flirp ago

She spats about indians (dot not feather) being racist against blacks. Bitch, where's your black husband? Oh, what's that? You married an indian dude, hypocrite.

Kekalicious ago

I wrote in to her campaign page. I asker her about diversity and why the whites are not included in this as they make her miserable. For my effort I will be spammed with more democrat crap. So far I get emails from the following, Tammy Baldwin, Obongo, Numerous PACs, Sarah Palin, The democratic party, (I never wrote them but they were sent a link.). They don't even read the emails, just add to the lists. Kek

areyoumygaffer ago

don't forget this is the same cunt for 'race2dinner'. yeah, my white fragility would like to smash your head with a sledgehammer. cunt.

Goys-R-Us ago

What a bitter cunt. Bitter doesn't even cut it though. She's walking, talking poison.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Twitter is for faggots.

PsiloTheWolf ago

"The american flag makes me sick." And running for congress. Fucking ugly cunt.

Sosacms ago

Bitch. Whites are the minority, you have to go seriously out of the way to live around them. I hate niggers, so guess what my brilliant plan is? Never moving to nigger countries.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Oh look... six pointed star allusions in her logo

2 of them. I guess 1 wasn't enough

Spyder ago

I noticed the hexagram immediately. They certainly love their symbols...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

She's trying to blame jewish behavior on white people. How convenient

Kleemin ago

let me explain this troll to you guys who luckily may not have experience with women like this.

She is unattractive which is breaking rule #1 for being a female. She worked alongside some 7/10 white pre-Chad for a couple years and had a crush on him and did so in a 80% white community. She hangs around him whenever she can. One night she manages to be at the same bar or house party as him, she is whining about how there are no "good guys" and pre-chad being the nice guy he is tells her something supportive. This little moment of kindness misleads this troll to "fall in love." Poor pre-Chad has no idea what he has done.

Now fem-troll starts her drama, embellishing his polite remark to her friends and making it seem as though he has feelings for her. Fem-Troll starts telling people they will probably be dating soon. People with eye's are skeptical. Eventually pre-Chad has to outright reject her, and tells everyone (remember its a 80% white community/ friend circle) he wants nothing to do with her. Now her little world of lies comes crashing down around her and all her white friends takes pre-chad's side because he is decent looking and honest. Troll moves away and blames all those evil whites for her self-inflicted misery. Fuck you Maria.... i may be projecting.

VailinPeral ago

had something similar happen to me in high school… This one girl who was friends with my best friend's sister apparently thought that we were dating even though I think we met once at my friends house. I was hitting on this other girl in the lunch line and all of a sudden she says "aren't you Ciarra's boyfriend" and I'm like "Who?!?" I only knew one Ciarra at the time and definitely was not dating anyone but then the girl I was hitting on says "Jennifer Adam's friend" I all of sudden knew who she was talking about because I remembered hearing the name at my friends house... I feel like an ass pointing out that this girl who lied was no looker by any standard of beauty but she wasn't any more a beauty on the inside since she managed to lie often enough that one of the most popular girls in school had heard when the liar was one of the least popular. It was another year before I got any girl from my school to date me and that was because she was freshmen that hadn't been lied to yet. I figure that the girls I pursued at my school thought I was an ass or shallow for 'breaking' that Ciarra girl's heart but there were other schools so I just dated outside my school.

beece ago

I won't give that attention whore her 15 min of fame and post any outrage to her twitter acc. (I don't fucking have a Twitter Acc.) , but thank you for making me aware there are crazy bitches like this running for congress asking for my voat.

DietCokehead1 ago

Her twitter page, archived link:

Her twitter page direct link:

Her white-people-make-my-life-miserable tweet, archived link:

Her white-people-make-my-life-miserable tweet, direct link: