SearchVoatBot ago

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Yuke ago

I thought of this before and thought it might be a good idea to not just keep them and pass them down to our children and grandchildren, but to actually bury them so that if the expected does happen, and books become a thing of the past, and all information becomes what they want it to be, those books could still be unearthed one day and throw the world into shit (in a good way). They could never beat us if we did this all over the world.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

I've seen it first hand, I decided to look up some word in an 80s dictionary, I think it was fascism. Now the definition is "right-wing". Before in the old dictionary, there was no mention of "nationalistic right-wing system"

SearchVoatBot ago

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13445123751 ago

A history of London Life

Revised edition by (((Noseberg Goldwitzman)))

The Romans discovered the British Isles around Current Year minus 1972. Their armies made up entirely of black women were led by a transgender disabled midget named Laqueesha Augustus. The first they did is teach the Britons about the benefits of abortion and cuckoldry. This exchange of culture allowed to two people to mix and avoid any kind of conflict because diversity was their strength.

TwoTon21 ago

Thanks mate, just got a copy from Ebay for $4.

Conspirologist ago

Only idiots throw away old books. The smart people will continue to pass old books to their children as it was always happening. Relax and don't think about idiots. There will be always idiots among us.

Wiglaf ago

Wisdom. You can get these things right now for cheap. They won't be available forever if they have their way with it.

Wiglaf ago

They're already working on systems to edit and delete files on PCs remotely in mass numbers and the increasingly online dependent nature of things is allowing this. Storage is on the "cloud" more and more where they can do anything they like with it. When they do start doing it it will be "for the good of the public" in some way and people will cheer it, with the media leading the parade.

Hang on to books. Save them from being pulped. They are physical evidence as well as repositories of knowledge and culture.

HenryCabotLodge ago

WE NEED: The Svalbard Global [ACTUAL HISTORY] Vault. Patterned after: Svalbard Global Seed Vault Deep inside a mountain on a remote island in the Svalbard archipelago, halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, lies the Global Seed Vault.

Scroobius ago

Did not know this existed.

prodigylogic ago

The memory-holing is worse than that. They don't have to burn or destroy books to make them irrelevant, they just have to displace and muddle their ideas with new contemporary authors. Especially in schools, having to read Huck Finn specifically to criticize the way it portrays race is way worse than not reading it.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

If the real Nazis (leftists) ever get control freedom of speech and information will be censored immediately.

If Hitler had actually incinerated jews instead of books I might have a better opinion of him

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

We're living Orwell's reality now, but it won't be long until we're living Ray Bradbury's.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

The internet is changing our past


flapjack_charlie ago

This. So much gets memory holed. While I'm here, I should pinp Spooks: The private use of secret agents and Secret Agenda by Jim Hougan. Both out of print and both essential to anyone looking to understand the deep state apparatus.

Planetoftheclown ago

No shit man. Pre-Obama the definition of facism did not include "right wing". Post Obama, every Republican and Libertarian by definition is a fascist. We'll just ignore that only the left is hitting people with bike locks for thinking differently.

Our history is being re-written. We are in the middle of a soft social-revolution. The only thing missing is they're not yet dragging us into the middle of the streets, making us confess & apologize for crimes they did not commit and then shooting us in the head when they're done.

smokratez ago

I go out of my way to burn as many sci fi books that push satanism as possible.

winterdreams7 ago

I agree; i think it would be worthwhile to seek out old magazines, college books, documentaries prior to 1950 and save all of it so we have an accurate record of how things were. Preferably in digital format so that i can be shared.

theoldguy ago

I remember thinking this 25 years ago. Math texts from the '40's and '50's were transparent, with plenty of examples, but a math text from the '70's were as opaque as the Rosetta Stone. At the time I was thinking this was to weed out dummies, but now I'm not so sure.

doginventer ago

"The Six Purposes of Schooling" - John Taylor Gatto

rhymer ago

What do you think Kindles are for? It's a lot easier for them to amend the content of a digital book to suite their agenda.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Encyclopedia brittanica from the 90s is gonna be a gold mind for education again.

Seriously. If you can get them, get them. The book burning is coming

courtjester1111 ago

To those who believe, no explanation is necessary, to those who do not then no explanation is possible. It's good to hold a physical book in your hand.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Many here should also collect encyclopedias and dictionaries from all time periods as you can. (((They))) tend to rewrite the history.

LibertarianForChrist ago

This is one of the single most important things you can do.

idk ago

I recommend An Outline of History by HG Wells.

PatriotLady1 ago

I found a set of roll down maps from a school. I think it's pre-70s. It's very heavy metal cowling and the maps are stacked. Really fun now where to hang it up? Our library has a book sale regularly.

Zoldam ago

This really started to take off after WW2. Victor's history has always been a thing all throughout time, but it was usually glorifying the victor and demonizing the loser, that is not the case with WW2, where they actively started destroying and changing all established history and science prior to it to fit a future narrative.

If WW2 propaganda were typical victors history then Japan would of been depicted as bad as Germany and the USSR as more heroic. But they didn't, because the US needed a ally in Asia, and the US needed an enemy for the next 50 years.

One-Way_Bus ago

I disagree. Most don't know about the history of the First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese, Second Sino-Japanese War (which led up to directly to Pearly Harbor). The problem with most Westerners with the Second Sino-Japanese War is the war records were in Chinese and Japanese, and not translated for any thorough history until the past ten years.

Japan was absolutely brutal. It poorly ran Korea as a colony. It attempted to conquer China to no end. Even if the nips managed to conquer China, Japan would be made poorer garrisoning East Asia. Generations of young me slaves to conscription to fight off an endless rebellion. One of the reasons Japan went to war with America is they couldn't beat China.

Go read "Japan at War: An Oral History." The regular person in Japan were shocked that the Empire would try to fight America (not to forget the UK, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, you the picture) when they couldn't win in China.

wanderingblade ago

Lets get a list of books going!

theHare ago

Old books are so freaking great because Ive found some for absolutely nothing. The people selling them cannot fathom the wisdom contained inside these treasures and sell them accordingly.

johnmclean ago

Fahrenheit 451.

Doglegwarrior ago

I cant spell for shit and dont have spell check on my phone. Do you have a point about my content or just going to be a grammer and spelling kike?

J-woke ago

It's actually spelled "Hall of cost"

Zoldam ago

For future reference. "Holocaust"

PatriotLady1 ago

I thought it was Holo-Cost? Everyone has been blackmailed and shamed by the lies long enough.

Zoldam ago

I was just saying how it was spelled. A lot of times I just say lolocaust of holohoax.

boekanier ago

The BBC claims that Britain, and in fact the whole of europe, was populated by niggers in the old days. So yes, old books are (very) important.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Britian was populated by niggers? Gee. Given that pre Anglo Saxons were there around 0 AD and forward till the Vikings came in rapeing 600AD+ how did the people get so fucking white? Did they have something like tanning reversal machines? ..... Or maybe the BBC misred Ceasars Galic Wars where he landed (briefly) in Briton and encounterd Anglo-Saxons (or maybe just Saxons). He writes in the Galic Wars they were fucking white as the Dover Clifts (paraphrase). And Ceasar and his Roman Soldiers were White. The French (white as Fuck) are on the British Thone from about 1066 to the Battle of Agincourt (Longbow) in 1346. Then we get the whole Henry the 8 white as fuck and Anne of Cleves Ugly as Fuck, but White. Then white white white, Vicgtoria. Rule Britiannia. Kipling ... When I was serving Her Magisty the Queen in India. Ireland (f em) white . Scotland (rebellious) Whitere than fuck. So white you need Sunglasses to look at some them. Their Girls are nasty in bed and breed lots of Englishment up North. All White White White. .................So Where does the BBC get this Amazing Research. (From maybe Othello the Moor in Shakespeare - who we can't study becasue he is some white privlege fucker that oppresses people). So where. Where are the Niggers on the British Isles in UK history. After 1946 lots of them. But where are the Nogs prior to WW2. Don't tell me the BBC just invented that Shit up out of thin air. Na.

fritz_maurentod ago

Kung Arthur and sheit.

phillyjoe ago

I find it so abhorrent that these leftie cucks are always trying to cuckwash history to make the 'bad old people' look like a bunch of fucking cucks.

It's kind of funny as it totally trivializes their 'cuckist struggles' as their cuckwashing means it was always that way, therefore their struggle is fake and meaningless.


What's the best way to store a book if it's being stored in an off-the-grid location without climate controls, like in a remote cabin or something?

lanre ago

I would try a footlocker with some dessicant. I'm guessing you won't always be there, so this would keep the pests out and let you move them back and forth relatively easily.

cthulian_axioms ago

Emphasis on relatively. I had to move my book collection recently. 8 boxes, 80# each. I could barely lift my arms the next day.

lanre ago

Yeah, I've moved tons of books every few years for awhile. Generally just use the small packing boxes that fit about 10-20 books each. They still weigh a lot but it's not awful.

iitpanun ago

I agree. I've been collecting any old books I find, regardless of its intrinsic value since most value is ignored lately. I found this one in a small German town in TX. "The Century Book of Facts" Written 1903. Really interesting to read the relative facts across so many areas of science, philosophy, medical, history, government, law and many other areas of interest.

phillyjoe ago

It's on ebay for $8!

1903 The Century Book of Facts.

iitpanun ago

Yup, that's it! Since it's facts are "outdated" it's inexpensive. I think the fact that its a tangible reference to how facts and history have been altered by peoples current perceptions, makes it all the more valuable in my opinion.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Ah damn lucky you! 1903 is older than the First World War. I wonder why people don't talk about WwI as much as they talk about WwII a lot of people died in those wars. Especially German soldiers that were the most killed group in WwI. Say can anyone enlighten me on WwI I haven't heard much about WwI on boat aside from a few refrences to the world wars being a kike lead European depopulation plot.

doginventer ago

The WWI Conspiracy : The Corbett Report

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Why does it say to be continued at the very bottom?

doginventer ago

“... The French General, Ferdinand Foch, famously remarked after the Treaty of Versailles that “This is not a peace. It is an armistice for 20 years.” As we now know, his pronouncement was precisely accurate.

The armistice on November 11, 1918, may have marked the end of the war, but it was not the end of the story. It was not even the beginning of the end. It was, at best, the end of the beginning.


  • self evident I’d say

iitpanun ago

The book is thick and filled with endless info. The first night I brought it home I was consumed by it, going through so many pages of insight that makes me laugh (with humor and sadness) at what we experience today. The town I found it in was established by a German Prince and military officer in 1845. As far as I know, some of his kids might have owned this book. =)

Zenhael ago

Collecting old books includes old dictionaries. Definitions change or are omitted over time, and the old definitions are sometimes important. I've encountered a couple "archaic" definitions which really helped clear things up for me.

ketoll ago

I was thinking about this merely a week ago!

They had to burn down the Alexandria Library in the past. Today they merely have to modify some 1's and 0's.

prairie ago

Remove? They'll just quietly alter the digital copies.

MrPim ago

Theyll have to remove the physical copies. Hence this thread asking that we collect them. Used book stores, thrift shops, library sales, garage and estate sales, eBay and craigslist. Find them, buy them, store them. Until the Firemen come.

con77 ago

there were black druids /s

philomath ago

Check out craigslist and offerup. I got a set today from 1972 for $10.

bubby963 ago

Man reminds me of my primary school. Place was like something out or the 1940s~50s and all the books were old ones similar to that. The contents are as good as youd expect, I remember some were even explicitly racist which was great. This was in the 90s too. Also did loads of events celebrating the British Empire etc

Sadly school closed down a while back and has been replaced with another shite pro Muslim state school. No wonder were all so fucked.

philomath ago

I bought a set of 1972 encyclopedia today. Went a bit older for this very reason

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

1972 eh that's good enough depending on your nation if it isn't America

Scroobius ago

I found old history books in a basement of a house owned by my family for generations. A brief glance of a UK political history book from the 1800s and the author does indeed reference jews and their tricks... Will report back if I find anything good

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Don't take photos with your phone, your metadata from the camera may give away your GPS coordinates. Be careful.

Scroobius ago

thanks fren

One-Way_Bus ago

Holy shit, you're one of the few that know that. Earned upvoat.

PatriotLady1 ago

Were they in good shape? What a find!

phillyjoe ago

name, publication date etc always are great

Scroobius ago

The United Kingdom, Political History by Goldwyn Smith 1899

Doglegwarrior ago

I was in a small coffee shop that had old encyclopedias.. looked up 1968 hailacuast.. nothing there about the haulacaust. Pretty surprizing shitm

Scroobius ago

Yep. Wikipedia is trash and is always the first search result. Teams of people are paid just to influence certain topics. Look at what the JIDF does to anything that reflects poorly on jews

HenryCabotLodge ago

London. From Jewel of Europe 1900. To Pakistan Shithole. 2019.

J-woke ago

Britbong Londonistan

PatriotLady1 ago

Seattle, Washington State once called "The Emerald City" now locally known as the Pacific NW Shithole

TestForScience ago

Did you catch the post on here the other day that had a chart telling soldiers "What to look out for to see if a fellow soldier is 'alt-right'" or something like that?
Adding '-istan' to the end of the names of cities &/or towns was on that list lmfao

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Ah shit state enforced military pedophilia. Link?

TestForScience ago

To be fair, I haven't bothered looking it up to see if it's even real.
Also, I don't have the link to the OP, but I did save the pic, so here's the link to it:

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

KEK the UK military will be fully islamic in just 5 years

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

EU: letting the entire world immigrate to Europe is our greatest strength. Nations are bad and racist.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Oy vey! She needs to be taken off of twitter and arrested now!!

Scroobius ago

That book is hate speech and should be illegal to own

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I'm glad we're on the same page goy--, I mean, fellow white person.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Study the life of Winston Smith in the Dystopian 1984. His job was to eliminate them and past newspapers. Orwell, George, Sekler & Warburg. London 1949.

Valcgo ago

It is sad what London is becoming. They won't be able to save themselves without a stern leader which is willing to systematically go door to door and remove these muslims from their land. Otherwise London, within 20 years, with become a muslim majority nation. War is coming people.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Otherwise London, within 20 years, with become a muslim majority nation

TIL London is a "nation".

Gorillion ago

The upside is that history tends to happen in cycles, and London has it's own historical cycle of burning and rebuilding.

PatriotLady1 ago

Notre Dame became a symbol of their potential destruction under Macron and the EU. Why is it that soy boys seem to gravitate toward being commies?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Soy Boys are lazy and dumb and think anyone who is a hard worker and smart is automatically a aristocrat, even though he is just an average ordinary everyday slave

65Creedmoor ago

No matter how much you over run a nation, the under lieing population will remain. However at some point they won’t have a nation because they won’t be represented in government because they’ll be out voted. What happens at that point?

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Ask the native americans.

Wonder_Boy ago

Ask the Britons about that. You'll notice they no longer populate "Britain." They were displaced.

HighEnergyLife ago

They get put into camps

65Creedmoor ago

By who? Low iq invaders?

Duchozz ago

It kind of already is fam

pby1000 ago

How many manuscripts were buried and wait to be discovered?

TheTrigger ago

Man, now I really want to read that book.

jewd_law ago

And I guarantee you there's not one mention of the Rothschild swindling the stock market through insider trader so they can buy up the Bank of London for shekels on the dollar. This book is not a threat but books about jewish tricks are. But I get your point.

GrandNagus ago

I'm sharpening my patience right now.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I've been practically yelling at strangers about Israel and jewish control and making them feel stupid,for,not,knowing,what I know. I'm sick,of,people being ignorant to the truth because of,laziness

FatBruceWillis ago

It's going to take a lot of my willpower to avoid dressing up as a clown and attending Pride events. Honk honk.

based_stick_man ago

brah, your white fragility’s showing a little bit. chill! everything is fine my man.

crabraccoon ago

I don't know what to do. I've mentioned low white birth rates and the unaccountability of our government several times to my coworkers, but it's become clear to me now that they are indeed npc's. My wife and I are focusing our efforts on building a nest egg to move rurally and homeschool our children. Beyond that, the free state project sounds hopeful.

Plavonica ago

to move rurally and homeschool our children

Own guns. The communists would concentrate people in the cities and treated those who stayed in rural areas to farm as slave and murdered them wholesale. I think we are headed to another clash between socialists and umm normal people, or capitalists.

they_call_me_mouse ago

I told my wife about the FSP and she was apprehensive at first. It only took her a few minutes of inquiry to really understand what a benefit a community like that woukd be. Especially if you find yourself culturally, politically disenfranchised.

stumpinandthumpin ago

I recently came into possession of a small collection of 60s and 70s college history textbooks.

History has become something entirely different and mostly false.

NeoGoat ago

Thank you

satisfyinghump ago

It may be a helpful project for some of us to read these older textbooks / non-fiction, and not just post its review/summary, but make a list of things of note within the bks.

LightestHour ago

Fire up your scanners, if you've got 'em.

Gorillion ago

1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Harrison Bergeron etc.

A warning for some, a playbook for others.

ChiCom ago

We need some technology that allows sharing a real verified book. Not the text but an image or video of the real book.

Psilocyber ago

a real verified book

I doubt there is such a thing.

ChiCom ago

I saw on Google that the physical books theory was debunked by are least 10 fact checkers

Psilocyber ago

Another historical fact established. Well done.

PatriotLady1 ago

Some of the online libraries have books like you describe. Here's a list. Online LibrariesI downloaded some books to print out, but some are too large.

TheTrigger ago

Google perfected said technology; it's a shame they never ended up using it to do good.