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SearchVoatBot ago

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BushChuck ago

NIce try, boomer.

WE know all about you fucksticks. You were are parents, after all.

Could you all please retire now? No? No savings? Waiting on the fat government pension the commies promised you?

Fucking cunts.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Le_Squish ago

What makes you think it's the shit in the past people are mad about?

I'm mad about the policies boomers continue to support inspite of having had decades to learn better.

Go to a gun-control rally then try a pro-immigration rally. Take note of the demographic over represented advocating against the interest of their nation and offspring.

Lomax ago

Divorce hit Gen X much harder than the boomers. Most boomers grew up in intact families. The 70's and 80's was when divorce rates skyrocketed.

knightwarrior41 ago

great points OP

but the QTARDS which mostly are boomers still suck lol

Splooge ago

PLEASE! Learn some history.

Boomers are despised precisely because of their actions throughout history.

FridayJones ago

Name the worst one. And it will probably wind up being something that happened at least a year before the Boomers became eligible to vote at age 21. Civil Rights Act? Silent Generation. School integration? Silent Generation. Immigration Reform Act? Silent Generation. Roe v. Wade? A SCOTUS comprised of Greatest/Silent Generation members. Women's Lib, bra burning, Equal Rights Amendment campaign, No Fault Divorce? All that began while the oldest of the Boomer chicks were teenagers.

Thing is, the real culprits in the worst decisions ever made in America are all dead now. Time to man up and start fixing something other than the blame, assholes.

Splooge ago

Name the worst one.

"Our greatest ally"

FridayJones ago

Shit that went down a LONG time before the first Boomers could vote in 1966. The USA recognized the state of Israel in may 1948:

Was Richard M. Nixon a Boomer?

Were JFK or LBJ Boomers?

Was Carter a Boomer?

Morbo ago

This is the absolute truth.

Phantom42 ago

Lol. Still think Nazi's were the bad guys?

This discredits a helluva lot of anything you have ever said.

knightwarrior41 ago

Lol. Still think Nazi's were the bad guys?

they were part of the hegelian dialectic in order to give birth to the state of israel and give more power to communism

FridayJones ago

The Devil's Synthesis.

BushChuck ago


Phantom42 ago

Lol. Good one.

knightwarrior41 ago

huh? i'm not even joking here dude

NiggerVirus ago

Boomers legitimately did most of the fucking up. It all started in the 60s when people started being selfish and self-centered rather than considering community and group.

yukondawg58 ago

yup, the age of the hippy commune. lmfao

yukondawg58 ago

we are the tougher generation, bashing dont bother us. we shoulder the load of whiny assed cunts.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


BushChuck ago

No shit. What's up with the lawn obsession.

Also, golf is about as boring as a sport can get. It's the one sport I prefer to play on a computer.

yukondawg58 ago

have you actually looked at the demographics of golf? lmfao.......again

Morbo ago

Well don't worry about the bashing. You won't be here much longer and your last years will be spent in the care of those you imported and supported from all the third world shitholes. Enjoy your golden years boomer.

yukondawg58 ago

Nah, thems libtards your referencing man. Im rayyysiss as fuc

RoundWheel ago

They are shills and low iq children who are trying to deflect away from their own failures (children tricked by shills) or simply to divide (shills).

You need to keep in mind more than 60% of millennials are complete garbage and are stealing air from the rest of us. They know they are worthless and are desperate to blame others for their failings.

Two things they are known for is grandiose and unjustified self-entitlement and refusal to accept responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Never theirs.

crazy_eyes ago

The truth hurts?

All those things you mentioned you did nothing about stopping them. Nothing at all

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Boomers gave us Q

They. Don’t. Deserve. A. Pass.

BushChuck ago

We should brand them.

Hey @puttitout what does it take to get this homersexual q badge removed?

knightwarrior41 ago

Boomers gave us Q

their eternal kek

