Quicktor ago

Is this pansy-ass forum for limpdicks who can't handle juicetown?...this bitch is a jewess who burns coal...wake the fuck up you fools...go read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion you cunts...the left-right paradigm has been over for years you fucks...

Shits weak...

Holonomic ago

I didn't know she was a coal-burner. That's disappointing.

GiveMe20 ago

I came here to say this. Milo is a jewfag, Alex Jones works for kikes, and PJWatson is a fag. Altright is nothing but controlled op and degeneracy. Fuck the shills, you know who you are

Scoutisfat ago

It’s okay to be white.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

I have this nagging suspicion that there are a bunch of shills in this thread, because the amount of butthurt I'm seeing here goes beyond the pale.

People going apeshit over her wearing a shirt like this indicates that she's somewhere over the correct target (so to speak). If she's wearing that shirt in public, then it means that she's doing something RIGHT.....and the elites do NOT like it.

Other than that, it's nice to know this site can still get the shills riled up.

notenoughstuff ago

Member for one month

Calls others shills

Do you have any opinions on this comment: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358 ?

baphometsrage ago

I've been using this online since like Halo 2 when I was an edgy teenager, not quite the same as I was then but who judges by name anyway

mattsixteen24 ago

An unhealthy obsession with a jewess

Weasel_Soup ago

After she gets rapped they will say she was asking for it. "Niggers can't help themselves, they are like animals. Learn to accept them as your equals or we will fuck you up".

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

She fucks niggers willingly. Look it up.

boekanier ago

Well, it's a female, isn't she?

Weasel_Soup ago

I know, she's a nigger lover just like that other jew faggot with the Greek name. They pretend to be "conservatives" and then they suck a black dick.

475677 ago

If that's her kid with her good on her for pumping out a white kid instead of a half breed mutt due to being the coal burner she is.

talmoridor-x ago

It's official: Voat has been completely infiltrated by MAGAtards, boomers, and shills. It's time for the rest of us to abandon this site and move on.

7e62ce85 ago

t_d is purging people I think so they come here. Take the chance to red pill them.

475677 ago

Yes, you lot should all fuck off back to reddit.

MassTooter ago

Fuck off. I'm not going anywhere. Just vote the pricks down. We all know Southern is a skank. Persevere. Then again, maybe this is what (((you))) really want.

Anson ago

Trad thot dismissed

common_sense ago

She fucks blacks and is pro-abortion. Such a shame.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Of course not. Its who is wearing it that's the problem you stupid fucking slug jew you

TeddyJackson ago

I'm starting to see a pattern here.

The pattern is you constantly telling others what their opinions are when their comment said nothing of the sort. That is typical Communist/SJW tactics. You are seem unable to comment any other way other than the Shill/SJW way.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

mybordersmychoice is a jew who runs Zionist psy-ops here at Voat.

eagleshigh ago

It's OK to cringe.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

No. I call a jew a jew. JEW

talmoridor-x ago

Based 'Booger.

Womb_Raider ago

She beds black dudes, though... so it's not like she's that concerned for preservation

auralsects ago

neocon kikes like Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Pam Gellar, anyone else trying to curry favor for Israel by wining about islam, which includes YOU, FAGGOT!

auralsects ago

trump is an even more obvious KIKESHILL than hair-dying Lauren "Rabbi Media" Sorenson. you must be blind/deaf, and a fagget

hafen ago

Perfectly fine shirt, but a suspect woman. (for her actions, affiliations, and identity)

Quicktor ago

who is this person?.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpp77Fh-E7Q&bpctr=1531598948

Another (((Canadian))) in disguise...If you have perfect 20/20 vision the shirt actually reads "It's not OK, I'm Jewish"...

BearDolphin1488 ago

Uhhh no, not at all. I like 90 percent of trump's moves. I am critical of some of the decisions he makes but then again, I am no president billionaire.

Do you just make stuff up?

xenoPsychologist ago

they always project.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I love how the loser lurkers just downvoat me because you dont like my answer? It doesnt even make sense lol

Ya know what? I like you voat, dont go to class tomorrow

Eff bee aye, please dont arrest me or plant cp on my comp.ill be a good goy, I swear!

KnightFalcon ago

Can we get a step further: PROUD to be WHITE!

Or would that cause mass murder?

GheOnADicfid ago


It's supposed to be neutral. The whole point of this meme is to highlight the hypocrisy of "anti" racists.

KnightFalcon ago

So, "proud to be straight" is bad and "it's ok to be straight" is good?

KnightFalcon ago

Yes, that's exactly the problem. I agree with her, if she wore it, the media would go nuts. But what if we all did that? We're not celebrities like she is. If we did it, the media couldn't report about it, because we're not celebrities.

Weasel_Soup ago

To bad she's a nigger lover.

this_is_my_4th_acct ago

No body's perfect. She's doing good work presently.

BearDolphin1488 ago

That is nonsense. As a fellow white person, why would I be offended? I am shocked and appalled. Now let me eat my bagel in peace.

KoalasRplushies ago

10 comments per day ...

I love it when voat shills get mad at non shills for using the exact same tactics they do...

BearDolphin1488 ago

Keep it up, kike. Every "radical" you censor here won't stem the tide that is coming for your parasitical ways. The jew, whether is muslims or Christian's this time, is going to tear at your throats. No amount of, muh civic nationalism will save you

BearDolphin1488 ago

It's not "it's okay to be white" is bad.C'mon, you're not that dumb, right?

The issue is why arent white men allowed to speak for themselves? Why is my message only allowed to be talked from the mouth of a poc cumguzzling whore?

What kind of movement has a woman at its head? Oh that's right, the Donald white knights would

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Valid point though. Why is it only a non threatening white gurl who sleeps with everyone but white men allowed to wear it's ok to be white shirts?

xenoPsychologist ago

non threatening (((white))) gurl


BearDolphin1488 ago

I think because it dulls the reaction to it, which is okay in the social narrative containment theme of Jews controlling the face of the alt lite. If a good looking, fit, well off, christian man comes out and tells Jews and pocs that he is proud, it almost is too much for the public to handle on a word way.

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Well I'm not religious but espouse traditional and stoic values, and will gladly state so loudly. Being in the film industry is definitely tough lol

BearDolphin1488 ago

The Donald white knights are strong with this one.

mybordersmychoice ago

I already banned him from v/mybordersmychoice for trying to sabotage that poster campaign with unofficial designs intended to ruin optics and stop the message from spreading (which is against the rules obviously). Not sorry at all. I'm expecting him to scream bloody murder now about free speech, which will be a hollow and hypocritical scream safely ignored.

Leftists who disguise their censorship attempts as "free speech" and then hypocritically play the victim when their censorship attempts are denied are hilarious.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'll destroy your zio lame ass mybordersmychoice bullshit with some real shit about open borders and the jews who open them. jew. I will devote some time to you when I get time. Better eat some mothefuckin Wheaties.

Busting you jews is what I do and I just busted me another jew running operations here

CheeseboogersGhost ago


SkrutinizeYou ago

You're either a fanatical shill or a paranoid schizotard. Pls put a gun in your mouth.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

reddit jew cuck say what?

TheWorstImaginable ago

fuck that. I want to murder him myself

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Come and try to murder me, little hooked nose bitch.

Womb_Raider ago

He is an SBBH member.

Goathole ago

Look buddy, I don't get excited over jewess nigger fuckers.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

I really don't care if gangbanger niggers wear that shirt. White is right.

altaccounttwo ago

Depends on what level of dangerous we're talking about here

KoalasRplushies ago

As many as needed to get around voat censorship.

iloveTTYs ago

Examples of said censorship?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Nope. But you are literally a retard jew trying to divide all while protecting the jew propaganda that is being pushed. Seriously, you keep on and I'm gonna make you a project of mine and show everybody yaw ass

TeddyJackson ago

Notice he comments exactly like a sjw/shill. Always puts words in the mouth of others. Everything is he says is making up the opinions of others.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

There's a bunch of these Zionist fuckers here from reddit.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Herp derp, jew boy. herp derp all night long.

KoalasRplushies ago

Large square jaw. Long monkey arms. No hips. Dude voice. Southern is a tranny and even admits it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its okay to be a jewess who fucks niggers but pretends to be white so she can get all of her cuck followers to give her shekels. oy vey

xenoPsychologist ago

so she can abandon her followers at a critical moment. then they are without leadership and their white knighting burned bridges with people smarter than them. takedown.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Exactly, sir. These idiots keep falling for this jew shit over & over.

xenoPsychologist ago

and they get real butthurt about it. its almost like on some level they are aware they are worshipping a nose monster, but refuse to admit it to themselves. they just silently downvote, with tears in their eyes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Confident stroll of a man on a mission.

KoalasRplushies ago

Literal man. Tranny.

Samsquamch ago

Inb4 the random accounts show up to start attacks on Lauren... Oh still not fast enough. Every single right wing speaker or figure is attacked on this site. More goats are starting to notice, which is good though.

ados ago

on other sites, you can tell they wage a campaign against one single media personality at a time. they are too unorganized to push multiple fronts.

dias17se ago

Jokes on you for defending a fake right winger who found out donation are bigger on the other side.


notenoughstuff ago

Sounds like you are seeking to create a narrative. Everyone is attacked, yes, but not by the same (actual) groups, and in some cases for very good reasons. Or do you consider (((Spencer))) to be (((our))) guy?

I would also very much like to hear your opinion on the points I raise in this comment: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

I have a bad feeling about Spencer. He feels like controlled opposition, but I can't prove it.

prairie ago

He is transgender, after all. /s

7e62ce85 ago

Only complaint you will hear from me is that she isn't pregnant.

Dranz ago

Shalom Samsquamch, some of us don't want jews speaking for us, but you knew that.

xenoPsychologist ago

naming the jew is not an attack on conservatism. we already know they like to play both sides so that they always win. and they take positions of influence in the right while still being commie garbage.

kneo24 ago

There are things she can be properly criticized for, but being a kike isn't one of them. There's no good evidence that supports it. Anyone who keeps pushing that she is, is either JIDF here to D&C, or has fallen for their year long smear campaign against her that happened on /pol/ and has become a useful idiot.

notenoughstuff ago

She is a trad-thot; coal burner; dyes her hair blonde; has changed her last name from Simonsen, "son of Simon", which is very common among people of partial or full Jewish descendence in certain Scandinavian countries; she seeks to make a good profit off these activities as far as I know (Patreon, later on her own website with subscriptions and donations); her grandparents fled from the natsoc occupation of Denmark to Canada (she claims it has something with their claimed company supposedly being seized); she seemingly tweeted in support of nazbol (https://mobile.twitter.com/lauren_southern/status/879390263617224705). And she smells from miles away of controlled opposition.

The likelyhood of her being a crypto-Jew, partially Jewish, or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways, seem very high. And controlled opposition is a very real phenomenon and danger.

kneo24 ago

She is a trad-thot

Doesn't make her anything resembling a jew. Why are you using nigger tier acronyms like "THOT"?

coal burner;

Yes, that's highly likely given her past, but it doesn't make her a jew.

dyes her hair blonde

A lot of women dye their hair. Doesn't make them remotely jewish.

has changed her last name from Simonsen

Her family changed their last name when they emigrated to Canada, which was a pretty common practice when moving from one country to the next. That doesn't make someone remotely jewish.

"son of Simon", which is very common among people of partial or full Jewish descendence in certain Scandinavian countries

It's a Christian surname. There are more Simonsen's in Denmark than there are jews. Jews have a history of adopting local surnames to fit in.

she seeks to make a good profit off these activities as far as I know (Patreon, later on her own website with subscriptions and donations);

Oh no, someone wants to milk money from pathetic beta orbiters. That doesn't make them jewish.

her grandparents fled from the natsoc occupation of Denmark to Canada (she claims it has something with their claimed company supposedly being seized);

It's interesting how you choose to believe what parts of what she states. You believe her when she says her parents grandparents fled Denmark, but you don't believe the part about the company being seized. If she's such a crypto jew, why believe any of it? It's also interesting how you ignore that history, that Nazi's targeted people besides jews.

she seemingly tweeted in support of nazbol (https://mobile.twitter.com/lauren_southern/status/879390263617224705).

Context is needed here. It could be a joke, it could be her support.

And she smells from miles away of controlled opposition.

It's possible, but you haven't give any strong proof that she is. For the record, you're claiming things like dying her hair, and fucking niggers, makes her a jew. If that makes someone jewish, well, there's a lot more jews around you than you've realized.

The likelyhood of her being a crypto-Jew, partially Jewish, or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways, seem very high. And controlled opposition is a very real phenomenon and danger.

Yes, controlled opposition exists, and she might be it, much like The Daily Stormer is, but her being any sort of vampire, once again, has little to no substantial proof backing it up. It's all maybes, or possibilities. It's possible you fuck your mom at night while your daddy rapes you in the ass. Of course, you're a 2.7 year old account with low SCP and CCP, indicating you're a shill. It's a pretty common tactic here on Voat, with old accounts and low contribution points, trying to drive a narrative.

notenoughstuff ago

And then there's this tweet:

https://twitter.com/lauren_southern/status/601934068217872385 http://archive.is/pb78w

That she deleted.

More circumstantially:

Trucking compnay with the name "Leo Simonsen": - https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/927955260819329025 - http://archive.is/u8s0q

Some guy named Leo Simonsen, may or may not be related, but looks Jewish or partially Jewish, was in the resistance against the Natsocs in Denmark, and died of dysentery in a concentration camp: - http://modstand.natmus.dk/Person.aspx?10306

kneo24 ago

I already addressed the trucking company stuff, and you pretty much debunked it yourself with the followup tweet. Way to debunk yourself. Congrats, I guess?

Great, you now know of two jews with Simonsen as the last name. Since you can't prove any sort of familial ties to Lauren, it's irrelevant at the moment. If you've got something, why blow your wad this early? It's wasted effort, not unless you're narrative driving and trying to assassinate someone's character.

notenoughstuff ago

[deflecting and distracting from the first tweet and archive.is link]

[also some kvetching and seeking to humiliate and shame]

Going to repeat it here:

(((Lauren Southern))): "Jewish people are still recovering from the holocaust, my grandparents escaped the Nazi's in Denmark & lost everything.

But you have already proven yourself to be a kike.

kneo24 ago

You can repeat it as often as you want, you then followed up with a tweet with her explaining what she meant about her family.

Of course, here are you, presenting her as a jew, because I called out your "maybe, possibly" tactic earlier. You played your cards because you had no other moves to make. Well done, you're calling her a jew without there being any solid evidence of it. Since I already suspect you're a shill, you're most likely working for the JIDF.

notenoughstuff ago

Yes, she came with an extremely obviously lie to seek to cover her previous admission up, and decided to delete the tweet. The first tweet is more than clear in what it says. And you are fully aware of that.

And you continue to being extremely ruthless, using tactics and tricks and sacrificing the debate for your own goals' sake.

It will be the choice and responsibility of others to seek or not to determine who are being sincere, who are not, etc. But I will still encourage you to have at least a little bit of respect for yourself, preferably more, but at least a little bit.

notenoughstuff ago

She is a trad-thot

Doesn't make her anything resembling a jew. Why are you using nigger tier acronyms like "THOT"?

It counts severely against her and the image she seeks to present, and is deceptive, and it adds up. And the term is accurate. It is very weird to focus on that term.

coal burner;

Yes, that's highly likely given her past, but it doesn't make her a jew.

It counts very much against her, and it adds up, for it fits well with liberal Jews.

dyes her hair blonde

A lot of women dye their hair. Doesn't make them remotely jewish.

It is a very common practice for Jews to infiltrate and be deceptive and manipulative, and a considerable number of them likes to dye their hair blonde when they want to blend in or create strawmen. Many "liberal", degenerate and/or Marxist women has died their hair blonde, such as Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Britney Spears, Hillary Clinton, and "Lady Gaga". And dyeing one's hair a potentially natural color is different from making it clear that dye has been used, either with an unnatural hair color or with dyeing some of it one color, else of it a very different color.

Again, it adds up.

has changed her last name from Simonsen

Her family changed their last name when they emigrated to Canada, which was a pretty common practice when moving from one country to the next. That doesn't make someone remotely jewish.

Again, it adds up.

"son of Simon", which is very common among people of partial or full Jewish descendence in certain Scandinavian countries

It's a Christian surname. There are more Simonsen's in Denmark than there are jews. Jews have a history of adopting local surnames to fit in.

Why do you think I wrote "partial or full Jewish descendance"? The Jews have spread their heritage considerably more than merely those who are officially Jewish or purely Jewish by blood. And even for extremely Christian people in Scandinavia (such as arch-bishops) it was and is very common not to take a Christian surname but to keep the existing ones. Yes, there are people of non-Jewish or very little Jewish descendance that have that surname; but it is as far as I can tell much more prevalent among Jews. A very notable example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Simonsen.

This adds up more than the previous points.

she seeks to make a good profit off these activities as far as I know (Patreon, later on her own website with subscriptions and donations);

Oh no, someone wants to milk money from pathetic beta orbiters [emphasized]. That doesn't make them jewish.

Hmmm... seeking to shame and humiliate, seeking to defend wretched exploitation, typical roastie talking point, etc....

her grandparents fled from the natsoc occupation of Denmark to Canada (she claims it has something with their claimed company supposedly being seized);

It's interesting how you choose to believe what parts of what she states. You believe her when she says her parents grandparents fled Denmark, but you don't believe the part about the company being seized. If she's such a crypto jew, why believe any of it? It's also interesting how you ignore that history, that Nazi's targeted people besides jews.

I am getting a strong impression that you are not being the slightest bit sincere. And you use several tactics and tricks here.

she seemingly tweeted in support of nazbol (https://mobile.twitter.com/lauren_southern/status/879390263617224705).

Context is needed here. It could be a joke, it could be her support.

Downtalking and diluting? Really?

And she has spoken in the defense of (((Spencer))), who doubtlessly is controlled opposition, and whom himself has promoted nazbol if I recall correctly (there used to be tweets of those I recall, but if they were there, they seem to have been deleted...).

And she smells from miles away of controlled opposition.

It's possible, but you haven't give any strong proof that she is. For the record, you're claiming things like dying her hair, and fucking niggers, makes her a jew. If that makes someone jewish, well, there's a lot more jews around you than you've realized.

And now you are misrepresenting my claims and arguments on purpose and using other tricks and tactics.

The likelyhood of her being a crypto-Jew, partially Jewish, or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways, seem very high. And controlled opposition is a very real phenomenon and danger.

Yes, controlled opposition exists, and she might be it, much like The Daily Stormer is, but her being any sort of vampire, once again, has little to no substantial proof backing it up. It's all maybes, or possibilities. It's possible you fuck your mom at night while your daddy rapes you in the ass. Of course, you're a 2.1 year old account with low SCP and CCP, indicating you're a shill. It's a pretty common tactic here on Voat, with old accounts and low contribution points, trying to drive a narrative.

As I recall, I made my account the day /r/european was banned. And I was red-pilled on Islam, but considerably less so on Jews, and Voat was mostly a back-up for me. I also recall reddit being considerably less insane back then, though it was already incredibly toxic and manipulative back then, just much more covertly (I fear I see some of the same systematic issues that is there here on Voat; I hope the constructs with anti-censorship will be sufficient here on Voat). I can't really claim I see things the same these days, and I very much like to come with arguments and sources in my comments, generally much more clear and direct than for Lauren Southern (I think it would be useful to investigate her family history more directly). For instance: https://voat.co/v/videos/2587869/13048368.

And the primary source of narrative driving in this thread is clearly https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13289338 and https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13289445.

The only reason I am not convinced that you are not a shill is that it is true there is no clear proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish that I am aware of, despite the very many indications of it and things pointing in that direction, and that you do not deny the other many issues with her. I am uncertain why you require proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish instead of acknowledging that there are several things pointing in that direction. Why not talk in probability? Requiring proof whenever there's suspicion instead of acknowledging any genuinely suspicious aspects hinders investigation and makes it more difficult and slower to react and defend against various threats. You could then say that her very likely being controlled opposition, degenerate, etc. is sufficient, but you still seem focused on requiring proof where I merely claim suspicion, indications and seemingly very high likelyhood[sic: likelihood] of her being Jewish, partially Jewish or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways. And while I can respect rejecting claims with "I have not seen any proof of it", that is very different from seemingly seeking to strongly discourage even investigation and suspicion of her being Jewish, partially Jewish or greatly favouring Jews and their ways.

kneo24 ago

It counts severely against her and the image she seeks to present, and is deceptive, and it adds up. And the term is accurate. It is very weird to focus on that term.

Everything women do is deceptive. From the way they shape their eyebrows, to how they pluck hair from their bodies, to the makeup they use, to wearing clothing that shape their bodies different ways. If we go past aesthetics, we see that in how they try play hypergamy too and the little games they play to get there. Women need a strong hand to guide them. Implying that because she's deceptive, it might make her a jew is retarded.

Furthermore, it's always been the vampires who push nigger culture onto white people. Using the terms they want pushed on us does a disservice to whites.

coal burner;

Yes, that's highly likely given her past, but it doesn't make her a jew.

It counts very much against her, and it adds up, for it fits well with liberal Jews.

Again, being a coal burner doesn't make her a jew. It doesn't add up to anything other than her being a coal burner. All types of women are coal burners.

Why do you think I wrote "partial or full Jewish descendance"? The Jews have spread their heritage considerably more than merely those who are officially Jewish or purely Jewish by blood. And even for extremely Christian people in Scandinavia (such as arch-bishops) it was and is very common not to take a Christian surname but to keep the existing ones. Yes, there are people of non-Jewish or very little Jewish descendance that have that surname; but it is as far as I can tell much more prevalent among Jews. A very notable example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Simonsen.

From what I can find online, there are about two thousand more Simonsen's than there are vampires in Denmark. There are a lot of surnames that mean "son of" in the country with much higher numbers. (Just squashing the "son of" means "jew" argument here.) You're claiming it's prevalent among Jews due to ONE notable person who was a vampire, having that surname. You're jumping the shark here.

Oh no, someone wants to milk money from pathetic beta orbiters [emphasized]. That doesn't make them jewish.

Hmmm... seeking to shame and humiliate, seeking to defend wretched exploitation, typical roastie talking point, etc....

A fool and their money are easily departed. Many of those who give her money are doing so because she's pretty and she'll pay them attention if they give her enough money for it. It's beta orbiter mindset. People allow themselves to be exploited every day. Many people who are wage slaves and then complain about how little they make, are being exploited by their own actions.

I feel no sympathy for these people. I shouldn't need to or have to. They bring this upon themselves and do little to change it. There will always be people who are there, ready to take their money. That doesn't make them a jew, it just means they have some business acumen.

her grandparents fled from the natsoc occupation of Denmark to Canada (she claims it has something with their claimed company supposedly being seized);

It's interesting how you choose to believe what parts of what she states. You believe her when she says her parents grandparents fled Denmark, but you don't believe the part about the company being seized. If she's such a crypto jew, why believe any of it? It's also interesting how you ignore that history, that Nazi's targeted people besides jews.

I am getting a strong impression that you are not being the slightest bit sincere. And you use several tactics and tricks here.

Look at you, using shady tricks to not address the point I made. You have no refutation, so now you're trying to impugn my character. You can't even attempt to do both, which would at least not call into question your sincerity.

she seemingly tweeted in support of nazbol (https://mobile.twitter.com/lauren_southern/status/879390263617224705).

Context is needed here. It could be a joke, it could be her support.

Downtalking and diluting? Really?

And she has spoken in the defense of (((Spencer))), who doubtlessly is controlled opposition, and whom himself has promoted nazbol if I recall correctly (there used to be tweets of those I recall, but if they were there, they seem to have been deleted...).

You're not addressing the lack of context. You're saying she's doing the same thing that Richard Spencer did. That's not a real argument. I don't know the term for it, but you're merely shifting it around trying to conflate a bunch of separate instances as the same thing. Context is always key in these matters. Address the context, or drop it.

And she smells from miles away of controlled opposition.

It's possible, but you haven't give any strong proof that she is. For the record, you're claiming things like dying her hair, and fucking niggers, makes her a jew. If that makes someone jewish, well, there's a lot more jews around you than you've realized.

And now you are misrepresenting my claims and arguments on purpose and using other tricks and tactics.

I haven't misrepresented your claims at all. You're trying to say that fucking niggers, and being a woman who manages her looks in ways that many women do, implies that she's a vampire. "It adds up" is a phrase you've often used.

Irrelevant wall of text

That's nice. It adds nothing to the discussion.

The only reason I am not convinced that you are not a shill

Don't worry, I'm convinced you're one, I'm just not sure which side or sides you're representing. There's too many of you here on Voat, but you never change your tactics.

is that it is true there is no clear proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish that I am aware of, despite the very many indications of it and things pointing in that direction,

Like dying her hair, fucking niggers, and taking advantage of lonely men who seek attention from attractive women. That would make a lot more people jewish than you realize if we were to use these as suspicious tools to go jew hunting. Even if we remove the nigger fucking part, it's a great way to drive a wedge between white people. "Oh no girl, you died your hair, and you run a business, are you sure you aren't jewish?"

I am uncertain why you require proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish instead of acknowledging that there are several things pointing in that direction. Why not talk in probability? Requiring proof whenever there's suspicion instead of acknowledging any genuinely suspicious aspects hinders investigation and makes it more difficult and slower to react and defend against various threats.

There was at least a years long smear campaign against her, concocted by the JIDF, against her on half chan /pol/. All of the evidence you used against her to say point out that she's jewish, or now that you've shifted goal posts completely, possibly jewish, is the same shit they used. There were, at any given moment, 3 threads against her. It was annoying to say the least because these topics were always at the top.

So, shill, you need better information than hair dying, nigger fucking, and business running, to indicate that someone is jewish. Everyone conveniently forgets her DNA test that shows no jewish DNA.

I don't care if requiring proof slows down research into a person. What if it was you that was having their character publicly assassinated? Better yet, what if you were being investigated for a real crime? Wouldn't you rather they have more concrete proof than the flimsy at best evidence you've provided? Requiring something more concrete doesn't stop you from doing what you're already doing, all it does is open you to more public ridicule if you publish too early. That's entirely on you.

And while I can respect rejecting claims with "I have not seen any proof of it", that is very different from seemingly seeking to strongly discourage even investigation and suspicion of her being Jewish, partially Jewish or greatly favouring Jews and their ways.

There you go again, conflating one idea with another, to drive into the readers mind that I'm somehow trying to derail investigations by requiring substantial evidence.

For the suspecting reading looking upon this, keep in mind every bit of evidence the shill provided, is the same evidence that the JIDF has long used to assassinate her character and claim she is a vampire. All he's doing is changing the script slightly to say, "partial jewish" (which still makes her jewish), or a zionist supporter. All this is, is a slight change to the script to include a more broad scope.

notenoughstuff ago

Everything women do is deceptive. From the way they shape their eyebrows, to how they pluck hair from their bodies, to the makeup they use, to wearing clothing that shape their bodies different ways. If we go past aesthetics, we see that in how they try play hypergamy too and the little games they play to get there. Women need a strong hand to guide them. Implying that because she's deceptive, it might make her a jew is retarded.

"Every woman is extremely manipulative, deceptive and deceitful, goy! Also women of European descendence. All women are the same and whorish"


Furthermore, it's always been the vampires who push nigger culture onto white people. Using the terms they want pushed on us does a disservice to whites.


Again, being a coal burner doesn't make her a jew. It doesn't add up to anything other than her being a coal burner. All types of women are coal burners.

All types of women are coal burners.

Implying coal burning has the same frequency for all women.

Hand-rubbing intensifies.

From what I can find online, there are about two thousand more Simonsen's than there are vampires in Denmark. There are a lot of surnames that mean "son of" in the country with much higher numbers. (Just squashing the "son of" means "jew" argument here.) You're claiming it's prevalent among Jews due to ONE notable person who was a vampire, having that surname. You're jumping the shark here.

No I'm not, I looked into it previously, it is definitely much more prevalent among Jews than others. And it was not just any blood drinker (https://voat.co/v/whatever/2626674/13282176), but a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Rabbi. Why would you leave out that he was a chief rabbi? Maybe the same reason why you are rubbing your hands ferociously.

A fool and their money are easily departed. Many of those who give her money are doing so because she's pretty and she'll pay them attention if they give her enough money for it. It's beta orbiter mindset. People allow themselves to be exploited every day. Many people who are wage slaves and then complain about how little they make, are being exploited by their own actions.

I feel no sympathy for these people. I shouldn't need to or have to. They bring this upon themselves and do little to change it. There will always be people who are there, ready to take their money. That doesn't make them a jew, it just means they have some business acumen.

"It's just business acumen, goy".

Look at you, using shady tricks to not address the point I made. You have no refutation, so now you're trying to impugn my character. You can't even attempt to do both, which would at least not call into question your sincerity.

Calling you out when you use tricks and tactics is insincere and wrong? When a debater uses tricks and tactics, it is extremely irresponsible to not call it out. And you are well aware of that.

You're not addressing the lack of context. You're saying she's doing the same thing that Richard Spencer did. That's not a real argument. I don't know the term for it, but you're merely shifting it around trying to conflate a bunch of separate instances as the same thing. Context is always key in these matters. Address the context, or drop it.

"drop it, goy, it's nothing"

And more misrepresentation, tricks, tactics, etc. Extremely ruthless of you.

I haven't misrepresented your claims at all. You're trying to say that fucking niggers, and being a woman who manages her looks in ways that many women do, implies that she's a vampire. "It adds up" is a phrase you've often used.

"No misrepresentation"

Proceeds to misrepresent even more among other tricks and tactics.


[Extreme amounts of misrepresentation, strawmen, insincerity, tricks, tactics, etc.]


What I found after the original comment in this line of comments: http://archive.is/pb78w

kneo24 ago

"Every woman is extremely manipulative, deceptive and deceitful, goy! Also women of European descendence. All women are the same and whorish"

Yes, women are manipulative, deceptive, and deceitful. The vast majority are. I already pointed out how. It's basic biology on their end. Are you denying biology? They actively engage in hypergamy. Seems awfully jewish to deny basic biology.


Way to deflect the fact that you're using nigger terminology. By supporting the fact that whites should use nigger terminology, it makes you a vampire. Carry on though, jew.

Implying coal burning has the same frequency for all women.

Hand-rubbing intensifies.

I implied no such thing, jew. You conveniently ignore that other women besides liberals, fuck niggers. I'm just merely pointing out that all types of women will fuck niggers. It's no wonder due to your kinds brainwashing over the past fifty years, trying to make white men look weak in the media, while niggers are somehow the alpha male. Of course, there you go again, conveniently ignoring a truth to push a false narrative. Seems awfully jewish.

No I'm not, I looked into it previously, it is definitely much more prevalent among Jews than others.

Great, prove it.

I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt any longer.

And it was not just any blood drinker (https://voat.co/v/whatever/2626674/13282176), but a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Rabbi. Why would you leave out that he was a chief rabbi? Maybe the same reason why you are rubbing your hands ferociously.

Him being a chief rabbi didn't matter, that's why I didn't bring it up. Here you are, trying to concoct another narrative, jew.

"It's just business acumen, goy".

That's not a proper argument or refutation. You're literally deflecting. Yet again you can't actually address anything I'm writing. It's nothing but constant attacks. Something an obvious shill would do.

Calling you out when you use tricks and tactics is insincere and wrong? When a debater uses tricks and tactics, it is extremely irresponsible to not call it out. And you are well aware of that.

It is when you're not even attempting to address the argument. Take note, you still didn't address the argument. It's more diversion.

"drop it, goy, it's nothing"

And more misrepresentation, tricks, tactics, etc. Extremely ruthless of you.

One needs to be ruthless when dealing with jews. Again, take note that you're not addressing the lack of context.

"No misrepresentation"

Proceeds to misrepresent even more among other tricks and tactics.

And you proceed to not explain how I'm misrepresenting your arguments, or explain what these other tricks and tactics are. It's just a diversion and deflection from you. More shill tactics.


What I found after the original comment in this line of comments: http://archive.is/pb78w

Why don't you go ahead and post the follow up tweet, jew?

notenoughstuff ago

[massive amounts of kvetching, tricks and tactics]

The "follow up tweet" with the lie attempting to cover up came years after. And it doesn't change the original tweet at all. And you are well aware of that.

And more misrepresentation, tricks, tactics, etc. Extremely ruthless of you.

One needs to be ruthless when dealing with jews. Again, take note that you're not addressing the lack of context.

So, it is OK to sacrifice the debate as well as the systems for finding and preserving truth, and the systems that protect those, etc.? Do you really not see the consequences of that overall? For the world? For the human species? It is extremely common for Jews such as yourself to be willing to sacrifice such things. And it only seems sustainable in any way whatsoever as long as the systems still exist. But what happens if it turns out the systems very much were necessary? That one cannot take the world or the survival of the human species for granted?

Again, I would encourage you to have at least a little bit of respect for yourself, preferably more, but still at least a little bit.

kneo24 ago

The "follow up tweet" with the lie attempting to cover up came years after. And it doesn't change the original tweet at all. And you are well aware of that.

This is you admitting you have nothing further to discuss.You largely won't actually address anything I wrote. It's a lame tactic used by shills to discredit their opponent.

On the topic of the tweet, it doesn't matter if she came up with it years later. That's fine if you don't think the response is satisfactory enough, but then again you think hair dying and nigger fucking is a sign of being a vampire. Please do keep ignoring history and how Nazi's targeted other people than jews too, by the way.

So, it is OK to sacrifice the debate as well as the systems for finding and preserving truth, and the systems that protect those, etc.?

Why do you keep projecting your bullshit on to me?

It is extremely common for Jews such as yourself to be willing to sacrifice such things.

Let me make something absolutely clear, you wretched, despicable, jew, I'm not one of you. I'm not jewish. It's also noted that yet again, you won't even remotely discuss the lack of the context in the tweet. You are constantly changing narratives and tactics, thinking I won't notice how often you try to change the conversation to something else that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. The day of the rope will come, and jews like you will feel it. Go back to your filfthy corner where you belong, beast. You're a dirty and vile creature, jew. Always remember that. Slink away now, it's all you have.

notenoughstuff ago


[projects to an extreme degree]

Sounds like this isn't the first time you have been caught kiking. And now you want to use that against others. I am honestly not certain about that kind of tactic, it seems a weird approach.

Given the roastie talk earlier on, one could guess that you may be more related to Lauren Southern yourself than you disclose.

But still; I would encourage you to have at least the tiniest bit of respect for yourself. Preferably much more, but still, at least the tiniest bit.

Blood drinkers, mutilation, child molesters and child rapists: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2626674/13282176.

Deleted tweet: http://archive.is/pb78w:

(((Lauren Southern))): "Jewish people are still recovering from the holocaust, my grandparents escaped the Nazi's in Denmark & lost everything."

Also: What do you have against Natsocs?

kneo24 ago

And now you're just going to engage in the calling card of the defeated. You have completely stopped addressing anything I've written. You don't have the intellectual capacity to keep up, so the best you can do is strawman and project as your grand strategy. The best you can do is kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process. You're done, vampire.

As a bonus, I've found a video of what your kind does when exposed as a rat kike. You vampires always hate the light (truth).

notenoughstuff ago

[kvetching, projecting, creating stories and seeking to humiliate and shame, etc.]

You are without any doubt a kike, but you still seem unusually triggered. Again, are you related to Lauren Southern somehow?





kneo24 ago

Jew, you need to kill yourself and ensure you don't harm any whites in the process. The more you use yiddish words unironically, the more you expose yourself.

kneo24 ago

Good job, jew, you just admitted to projecting. Now kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

So you intend or wish to harm those of European descendence?

Are you related to Lauren Southern somehow?

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, jew. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Again, do you intend or wish to harm those of European descendence? Descendence that your kvetching among other things show you definitely do not fully belong to?

And again, are you related to Lauren Southern somehow?


kneo24 ago

I see you haven't killed yourself yet, jew. Go do it now and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Mr. Shekels, if you wish to LARP as a non-Jew, or even someone of European descendence, you should not be that murderous, for it is an extremely Jewish thing to be extremely murderous and genocidal.

And I still wonder why you defend the obvious partial or full Jew Lauren Southern, even after it has become fully clear that she is at least partially Jewish. Is it because you are related to her? That seems to be one question that you continue to avoid.


kneo24 ago

Jew, why haven't you died yet? Go kill yourself right now and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Again, do you seek harm and death upon those of European descendence? Or is it rather that you hate your Jewish self?

And do you have any relations to (((Lauren Southern))), since you seem so intent on defending her?

kneo24 ago

It's never too late to kill yourself, jew. You get to choose the method, just don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Yet who defends (((Lauren Southern)))? It is extremely ruthless and wretched of you to continue to encourage murder and death against those you are well aware are good and right. But you and your kind are generally extremely willing to sacrifice the world for your own goals' sake. You seem like a world sacrificer. And given your vigour, it wouldn't surprise me if you yourself is a child rapist or something in that direction. If so, it makes more sense that you repeatedly encourage suicide against others, even those who are good and right, for it is the only right path for you yourself if you indeed are a child rapist.

kneo24 ago

Jew, I see I've triggered you. Now in your anger go kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process. The only good jew is a dead one.

notenoughstuff ago

At least you are persistent. But I am not certain it is a good tactic to say that I am triggered when you yourself revealed many comments ago that you were triggered to an extreme degree, and it is you that downvotes all the replies. You seem to seek to use tactics that you perceived were used against you or that you could use as tactics. Though they weren't tactics from my side, instead accurate descriptions and relevant arguments.

The tactic of encouraging me to kill myself may well have come from being called out (possibly more than once) for being a kike. And many or most of your general comments are devoid of references, arguments, sources and information. Possibly just repetition of what you have seen elsewhere to help fit in, though that part I am not certain about.

And it helps censorship that you continue to downvote my replies. Which is another thing you are sacrificing.

And you keep putting focus away from (((Lauren Southern))).

kneo24 ago

Jew, kill yourself. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

That's a low-effort response, kike. You had more energy before. Were my descriptions of you and your sought actions in the previous reply really that accurate?

It really seems like seeking to copy tactics. But is that kind of kikery really going to be effective? You can then go for giving up pretenses of caring about truth and what is right and instead go for seeking to humiliate, shame, annoy, harass, etc. instead, But that reveals you even more.

I would encourage you to have at least a tiny bit of respect for yourself. But it seems clear that you have none and have no interest in having any. Humiliating instead of being humiliated. Not about what is right or true. And fully willing to sacrifice truth and systems that one does not ever sacrifice.

And you seem adamant on leading focus away from (((Lauren Southern))), and likely also the tweet described here: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358

kneo24 ago

Jew, kill yourself. Choose your own methods of suicide. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Yet you know that I am not a Jew and that you are Jewish or at least partially Jewish, and there is no doubt about that. Do you really hate yourself that much?

kneo24 ago

It's never too late to kill yourself, jew. If you cared about whites as much as you like to claim, you would do them a favor and kill yourself and not harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

[acts like a Jew to the extreme]

[repeatedly accuses an obvious non-Jew of being a Jew and asking them to KYS for being a Jew]

You aren't even putting creative energy into your kiking at this point. But at least one can describe it as efficient in that regard.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, jew. Don't harm any white people in the process. Go. Go forth and die.

notenoughstuff ago

You may repeat again and again that I am a Jew and that you are not a Jew. But no matter how many times you repeat it, or how much you might or might not wish it was true, that does not change the truth.

kneo24 ago

The truth is, you're a kike shill and need to die. Go kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

And you know fully well that you are lying, that I am not a kike, and that you are a kike or a partial kike. And you have proven that beyond any doubt. If you really think that kikes should kill themselves, shouldn't you then follow your own standard and KYS?

And some linking: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

kneo24 ago

It's a shame your haven't killed yourself yet, jew. Do it now and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

And you know fully well that you are lying, and yet you continue to do so. Do you not care about the consequences for the world? For the human species? For your own people, kike? Are you really that wretched and tortured?

And why do you insist on moving focus away from (((Lauren Southern)))? Are you related to her?

kneo24 ago

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, jew? Go kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

kneo24 ago

Instead of rubbing your hands together, jew, go kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

You really have no respect for yourself, do you Jew? No honor, no worth, no dignity, no care, no rightness, no goodness. A whore and a Jew. Willing to sacrifice the world for your own goals' sake.


kneo24 ago

Shame you haven't killed yourself yet, jew. When you decide to do so, don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

This is beginning to border on spam. You are making no claims or arguments, just repeating the same lies again and again and again and again.

LInkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358


And still no explanation of why you defend (((Lauren Southern))), or whether you are related to her.

kneo24 ago

If you're that bothered by it, you could just kill yourself jew. Just don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

[Shame and humiliation]

The spam continues, and you aren't even being good at kiking at this point, just shitty kiking repeated.


kneo24 ago

Instead of telling everyone how you would jew your own family, you could just kill yourself and hot harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

hot harm

*not harm


And that is still spam.

When are you going to explain why you defend (((Lauren Southern)))? Or what your relationship with her is?

kneo24 ago

Instead of crying about the very spamming you've been engaging in yourself by posting the same ridiculous questions over and over again, you could just kill yourself and not harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Yet I am not spamming, and instead repeatedly coming with arguments, links, questions, discussion, etc. And you know that well.

And how is it right in any way to disparage me for calling you out on you sacrificing the debate?

And you are still avoiding the question, despite it being extremely relevant and not in any way ridiculous.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.


kneo24 ago

You're not here for discussion. You proved that earlier by constantly not responding to what I was writing and using yiddish words in a non-ironic manner to dismiss it offhandedly. As such, enjoy your medicine, kill yourself, and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

But it is time for bed for me now, there is work tomorrow.

notenoughstuff ago

I very much am here for discussion, and I called you out repeatedly when you used tactics and tricks, and rightly so. And as I linked numerous times before, I have very much engaged in discussion, including with links, sources, arguments, etc. And I started out with multiple arguments and later added sources at the top of this comment line. There is no doubt about you knowingly lying.

For examples of this, despite you having seen examples of sources, arguments, etc. multiple times already:

And investigating my general comments confirms this.

And have you never been to /pol/? Or elsewhere? How can you claim not to know that 'kvetching' is used to describe some types of common kike behaviour? But you have already revealed yourself to be a Jew or partial Jew beyond any doubt.

kneo24 ago

Great, if you're here for discussion, than you'll go back and address everything you dismissed off handedly and elaborate on your claims of what I'm doing so wrong. Until then, I'm going to continue to tell you to kill yourself you dirty kike, and don't harm any whites in the process. Oh, and please keep using those yiddish words non-ironically. It really makes you look non-jewish.

notenoughstuff ago

I have not spammed once, and you have spammed to an extreme degree. And I have not used tactics, and you have used tactics to an extreme degree. And I have not kiked once, and you continue to kike to an extreme degree.

I only think you should kill yourself if you truly are deeply being wretched and evil. But given how extremely ruthless and driven you are regarding this topic, I fear you really are deeply wretched and evil. More wretched projection. And not only do you seem a kike or a partial kike, you seem to be a whore as well, though the two tend to overlap in their willingness to sacrifice things for their own goals' sake.

You have proven beyond any doubt that you at least are a partial kike, and very likely is a whore and the progeny of whores.

If you really are deeply wretched and evil, then KYS, and consider killing your nearest family as well, at least if they are as willing to sacrifice the world as you are.

kneo24 ago

Well, you just admitted you aren't here for discussion. Kill yourself, you vile disgusting jew. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Projecting: The Comment

I guess the whore part is accurate. Again, I would encourage you to have at least the slightest bit of respect for yourself. But I am not certain that is possible for a kike whore such as yourself. And thus this part of my comment may well be in vain.

kneo24 ago

Instead of attempting to strike me while you cry out in pain, jew, you could just kill yourself and make sure to not harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

[kike whore tries to use memes]

[fails miserably]

Why are Jews so bad at memes?

Also linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

kneo24 ago

It's a shame you haven't killed yourself yet, jew. Remember to not hurt any whites in the process. You don't need to wait for the day of the rope to die.

notenoughstuff ago

Kike whore, are you talking to yourself?

kneo24 ago

Jew, I was hoping you had killed yourself. When you finally find enough courage to do so, make sure to not kill any whites in the process. Go ahead and take a bunch of SSRI's that you're degenerate kind are pushing on white people. It will make it easier for you.

notenoughstuff ago

You really are talking to yourself, aren't you, kike whore?

Also, learn and understand the meanings of "your" and "you're".

kneo24 ago

I'm amused it takes you nearly a day now to come up with your lame responses. You're spent. You have nothing left, jew. Kill yourself and be done with it. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Eh, busy days at work and in general. I am not certain whether you have a job or not. Given how active you are on the site, seemingly seeking to obscure and shut down awareness of various Jews, partial Jews and "shabbos goyim", with no or twisted arguments, seemingly no links or memes, etc., it wouldn't surprise me if it was something similar to this: https://imgoat.com/uploads/69059b7ef8/125264.jpg.

Also; I cannot help but find it interesting that in your many last replies, you don't describe WHY and HOW Jews are wretched and evil or more about them; instead, you simply twist words and say in weak and shitty ways "oh, Jews are, like, bad, and vampires". Is it even possible for you to give links, arguments or claims about how Jews are wretched and evil, and sources for what they have done? But then, you have proven yourself many times now to be a kike whore, so it makes sense that you would seek to do controlled opposition and make the identification, analysis and information sharing about Jews and their wretched and evil ways seem off, bogus, fake and the like.

Also linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

I just wonder whether you are the kind of kike whore that takes the world and the survival of the human species for granted, or if you are some other kind of kike whore. I sometimes wonder whether you seek the complete extermination of the human species, including your own. I would much appreciate it if you would seek to come with arguments that might allay my fears in this regard.

But this comment will most likely fall on deaf ears, since you are a kike whore with no respect for yourself at all. I wonder if you even read most of it, and comprehend all that you do read.

kneo24 ago

I'll repeat myself. Go kill yourself, Jew. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

"kvetching isn't working, what should I do???"

"I know, let's keep saying KYS"

You have no arguments, no sincerity, you can only spam. KYS kike whore.

kneo24 ago

Instead of allowing me to live rent free in your head, you should just kill yourself and not harm any whites in the process. Also, please keep using yiddish words so everyone can see how big of a jew you really are.

notenoughstuff ago

Are you a partial kike whore that likes to pretend you are of European descent, even to yourself? Pretending doesn't make it real, Schlomo. Also, at least try to use memes properly.

notenoughstuff ago

Projection: Bloodsucking boogaloo.

My cultural appropriation, goy.

No sources, no arguments, no references. Just spam and sacrifice of things overall. You are completely unable to argue with me, even despite cheating and using tactics to an extreme degree, so you give up and resort to shit.

kneo24 ago

Instead of talking about yourself, you should just kill yourself and hot harm any whites in the process, Jew.

notenoughstuff ago

hot harm

That's the second time in this comment line you have made a typo. I know you don't check or care about the truth of the claims you make, but you could at least check the words you write. Come on. Especially given that you cared enough to edit and fix it the last time.

Also: That (perceived) tactics theft. Is that where you got the "KYS kike" spam from?

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, jew. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

You didn't fix the typo this time. And no response apart from spam. I would again encourage you to have at least the tiniest bit of respect for yourself, though that might be falling on deaf ears for a kike whore like yourself.

Also linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358

kneo24 ago

Projecting again. You pretend to have an issue with the "spam" but are constantly repeating the same phrases. Your jewish hypocrisy knows no bounds. Kill yourself, don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Projecting 3: The kike whore reeeees.

Yet I still continue to come with arguments and accurately call you out on tactics and wretchedness, and you don't come with any arguments or honesty at all. And you stengthen my impression that you seek to copy what you perceive as tactics, with no care about whether your claims are true or not (or possibly preferring lies...), or whether it sacrifices the debate.

And again; Lauren admits herself that her family fled the Nazis and claims in the same tweet that Jews are still recovering from the Holocaust. And you bend over for her and keep kvetching and reeeeeeee'ing about her years later tweet (not days or weeks later, but years) that tried to talk it away (and talking things away is yet another kike tactic, one which you have employed plenty of times here yourself).

But I guess that when one is a kike whore like you are, spamming, reeeeee'ing and seeking to censor and shut down actual debate wih downvotes is acceptable.

Given your actions and that you are a kike whore, you are most likely pained, tortured (by your own being and actions, not the actions of others), wretched and evil, but that still does not justify doing evil or sacrificing the world. But that is your choice and your responsibility, no one else's. And what will happen will happen.

See also https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504

kneo24 ago

Your arguments are the same thing you have said over, and over, and over again, you slimey Jew. Yet again you used the same arguments, deflections, and projections. Again, if you were really bothered by, "spam" you wouldn't engage in it. You would walk away from it. Keep up the lies, you filfthy kike. Keep using Yiddish words. And most importantly, kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Projecting 4: The mirage tactics theft

You don't even have any original thoughts or ideas or honesty at all, do you (though the important part is not capability, but goodness, and goodness not at the surface, but in depth)? No ability to engage in honest debate and arguments. All you can really do is seek to use perceived tactics that you were "hit" by. No arguments, just spam, lies, sacrifice of things, and tactics. And you know you are lying. Of course, you aren't capable of honest arguing, and you don't care about truth, so you are incapable and unwilling to engage in anything even resembling actual debates. And that is therefore not something you ever return even when met with it in large amounts.

I do wonder whether you have realised that I have not once called you anything that was not true. You may find the words hurtful, especially due to their truth, but the main purpose is truth and calling out your wretchedness, not attacking, seeking to humiliate, shaming, etc.

How can you call me slimey with any sincerity when you are willing to sacrifice truth and I am not? Are you seeking to help enable the lies of (((Lauren Southern))) because you are the same kind of wretched liar? And I am not engaging in spam at all, while you are to an extreme degree, and that is clear to everyone, including you.

And I will figure out on my own what to do and not to do.

And why are you so bothered by kike words being used to describe a kike whore like yourself?

kneo24 ago

First it was,

It's a jewish thing to dye your hair.

Then it was,

It's a jewish thing to own a business.

Followed by,

It's not wrong of white people to use nigger acronyms.

Of course, everyone knows you really mean (((white people))).

Then there's this long string of deflections and projections, some Yiddish words tossed into the mix because you can't help yourself.

Now we have the this:

How can you call me slimey with any sincerity when you are willing to sacrifice truth and I am not?

It's amusing that you object to being called slimey instead of being called a jew, or a slimey jew. You forgot to keep up your charade and act consistently with your claim of not being Jewish earlier. You Jews can't help yourself, always giving away little hints of showing your true colors.

Kill yourself, Jew. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Extreme amounts of misrepresentation.

Changing one's hair color is an indication of dishonesty, as I argued, and it adds up. And you are desperately seeking to lead attention away from Lauren's tweet which you cannot argue against.

Jewish thing to own a business? Your words, not mine. An honest business as I made clear from the start and as you were well aware of from then is a very good thing. Ruthless exploitation and sacrifice of things that one does not sacrifice, such as (extreme) slavery, is very much a typical Jewish thing. And you know fully well that you are lying here and seeking to distract. And it is not surprising that a kike whore like yourself would seek to conflate honest and right business with wretchedness and evil, such that you and yours have an easier time getting away with evil. But again, intentional distraction from the tweet, your tactics, your dishonesty, your ludicrous lack of halfway decent and even slightly honest arguments, etc.

Nice tactic to seek to change focus, especially to incredibly stupid and irrelevant crap like "you are appropriating our words, goy".

And I dont't object to being called a Jew by you here because it is hilariously clear to everyone that I am not Jewish at all and that you are without any doubt Jewish yourself.

And you prove here that you are utterly incapable of and unwilling to engage in sincere and honest debate. Again, you sacrifice truth to an extreme degree. And in extremely Jewish fashion, you seek to humiliate and shame others. It follows a bit a pattern I have seen in multiple other Jews and partial Jews both online and offline, some of them admitting to being Jewish: LARP and shill as a non-Jew and discredit those fighting against the wretchedness and evil of Jews as much as possible. No respect for yourself. And you don't even care or think about what consequences sacrificing things can have on the world and for the survival of the human species. Have you ever considered what consequences sacrificing truth and its supporting systems can have? Probably not, for you are a kike whore. And you are going to continue kvetching instead of having at least the tiniest bit of respect for yourself.

kneo24 ago

Changing one's hair color is an indication of dishonesty, as I argued, and it adds up. And you are desperately seeking to lead attention away from Lauren's tweet which you cannot argue against.

And I argued women are inherently dishonest with their appearance and you cried that they weren't. Indicating more Jewish tricks from a slimey scum bag Jew like yourself. I already argued Lauren further explained her tweet. You cried again, like a slimey scum bag Jew that it didn't matter.

Jewish thing to own a business? Your words, not mine.

You implied it with, "it all adds up". It quite frankly doesn't matter if people are willingly giving up their money to spend whatever time they want to spend with her, or to see her to continue her efforts. All parties engaged on some level are painfully aware of what's going on. If desperate fools wish to give away their money, that's on them. Expecting someone to feel bad for idiots in this scenario is incredibly a leftist ideal, you slimey scum bag Jew.

Nice tactic to seek to change focus, especially to incredibly stupid and irrelevant crap like "you are appropriating our words, goy".

Nice tactic of ignoring the fact that you advocate for whites to nigger up their culture.

And I dont't object to being called a Jew by you here because it is hilariously clear to everyone that I am not Jewish at all and that you are without any doubt Jewish yourself.

Of course you don't object to being called a Jew. It's because you're (((white))). You have made this abundantly clear multiple times.

And you prove here that you are utterly incapable of and unwilling to engage in sincere and honest debate.

You never engaged in it from the start by engaging in shill tactics, you slimey scum bag Jew. Do the world a favor and kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

And I argued women are inherently dishonest with their appearance and you cried that they weren't.

No I did not you bloody kike. And you are again claiming that all women are incredibly dishonest, which is a wretched kikish thing to claim; namely that all women are the same, so it just doesn't matter, goy. And there are different degrees of dishonesty and manipulation; (((Lauren Southern))) is clearly far, far more manipulative, deceptive and dishonest than the majority of (European) women. And you know that well.

I already argued Lauren further explained her tweet. You cried again, like a slimey scum bag Jew that it didn't matter.

Yes, you tried to talk it away and lie about it just like you are now, you wretched kike. The (deleted!) tweet is clear as day, and the later tweet that tries to explain the tweet she deleted only makes it more clear that she is a liar. And you are fully aware of it.

And not the slightest bit surprising that you seek to move focus away from her tweet: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358. You are such a wretched kike.

You implied it with, "it all adds up". It quite frankly doesn't matter if people are willingly giving up their money to spend whatever time they want to spend with her, or to see her to continue her efforts. All parties engaged on some level are painfully aware of what's going on. If desperate fools wish to give away their money, that's on them. Expecting someone to feel bad for idiots in this scenario is incredibly a leftist ideal, you slimey scum bag Jew.

If you are going to kike, at least be competent about it. This kikery is too bloody obvious. Apart from

Nice tactic of ignoring the fact that you advocate for whites to nigger up their culture.

And you continue the incredibly irrelevant crap with "you are appropriating my culture, goy". Are you against the usage of the word "goy" as well? Despite it showing that you Jews have a dedicated word for non-Jews?

Of course you don't object to being called a Jew. It's because you're (((white))). You have made this abundantly clear multiple times.

[kike calling the non-Jew a Jew]

You never engaged in it from the start by engaging in shill tactics, you slimey scum bag Jew. Do the world a favor and kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

This is a patent, obvious lie. See for instance this: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504

More distraction from the tweet overall. So here they are again:

(((Lauren Southern))): "Jewish people are still recovering from the holocaust, my grandparents escaped the Nazi's in Denmark & lost everything."

And the cover-up tweet that you repeatedly come up with and which you are fully aware only makes her guilt and deception even more obvious:



"Ffs, this obsession is insane. Never said they survived the holocaust. They had their trucking company seized for Nazi war efforts & left."

You have made it abundantly clear that you are willing to sacrifice the truth for your own goals' sake. YOU ought to kill yourself you wretched servant of evil kike whore. And given how much you again and again repeat "don't harm whites", I fear that you have and/or will seek to "harm" (rape, mutilate, kill, exploit and/or other?) "whites" (ie. non-Jewish people of European descent). But I am not nearly as wretched as you, Jew. I encourage you to not enslave, mutilate, rape or the like ANYONE. Not even Jews. Apart from suicide and murder of Jews. And I encourage you to not humiliate them like you Jews love to do towards your enemies. But given that you are a genuine servant of evil and a kike whore, it seems incredibly naive of me to believe that you will have any goodness or rightness in you at all.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504





kneo24 ago

No I did not you bloody kike.

Yes you did. You're essentially screeching again, you slimey Jew.

And you are again claiming that all women are incredibly dishonest, which is a wretched kikish thing to claim; namely that all women are the same, so it just doesn't matter, goy

This is why I didn't fully address your strawman argument the first time. It's ridiculous. Let's break down why it's stupid bullshit, you slime ridden filthy Jew.

First, I never claimed, nor implied, it was "ridiculously dishonest". That's you adding extra emphasis to make my point look worse than what someone would initially perceive it to be. We see this trick from the jewish owned media all the time, and you're engaging in it here. It's why I outed you as a shill from the first post. Women changing their appearance is normal deception for them.

Secondly, by ignoring that women will change their appearance to look more attractive, you're ignoring hypergamy, something which women will always try to engage in. Women will always try to find the best mate possible to ensure the best chances of reproduction. You're ignoring human nature. Why do you think they commonly wear makeup, even if it's minimal? It's to look younger and more attractive. Back on the issue of hair dying, it's so common that you see women in their 50's and up doing it all the time. Women simply don't stop competing for attention, whether it's in the same age group, or outside of their age group. Through this level of competition they're still trying to remain viably attractive if they are already taken. They don't want to be dumped like some old hag. If you would bother to step outside and take notice, it's quite rare to see women not engaging in this practice. The nature of a woman is the same, their methods might be different.

Lastly, I never said or implied it didn't matter. It's another fallacy you're adding on, much like the jew owned media does. My point was that it was a terrible point to make to imply Jewishness. You still haven't made a strong case for it. Go ahead and cry some more, you slime ridden filthy Jew.

And there are different degrees of dishonesty and manipulation;

Never said there wasn't. You're too hellbent on twisting comments to fit your bullshit narratives. I haven't forgotten that you have completely shifted the goal posts and now you claim without a doubt that she's a jew, where before it was just a maybe. You lack consistency, Jew.

And you know that well.

This is a common jew tactic. "And you know this, and you know that." You're trying to elevate your position above what it is in this conversation.

Just in one paragraph you posted so many fallacies to distract and waste time. It's another common tactic from intellectually bankrupt people. You aren't honest in what you write at all.

Yes, you tried to talk it away and lie about it just like you are now, you wretched kike.

I'm amused that you can so boldly lie about what is clear as day. How exactly did I lie about it? You wrote the statement about the company in an ambiguous way. Words have meaning, but it's clear you'd rather just forget all about that. What parts do you believe and not believe of her story?

The (deleted!) tweet is clear as day, and the later tweet that tries to explain the tweet she deleted only makes it more clear that she is a liar.

How does it make it clear she's a liar?

And you are fully aware of it.

There you go again with the scum bag tactic.

And not the slightest bit surprising that you seek to move focus away from her tweet: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358. You are such a wretched kike.

You're essentially repeating yourself here, but you know, you're sooo against spam. You've repeated a similar message many times now. It's interesting how when someone tries to better understand the stupid bullshit you post by asking questions, it's somehow a diversionary tactic. Keep on being a slimey jew.

If you are going to kike, at least be competent about it. This kikery is too bloody obvious. Apart from

See, you have nothing of substance to write here. It's just petulant name calling. You absolutely refuse to own up to your own retarded ideas. I could see where you were going from your initial post to me, which is why I called you out in my first reply to you.

And you continue the incredibly irrelevant crap with "you are appropriating my culture, goy".

That's a nice leftist trick you're using there. You're changing cultural appropriation to mean something different contextually. Too bad it doesn't work. I'm not claiming cultural appropriation at all, not even close. I'm saying it's bad for whites to nigger up their culture. If you cared about whites at all, you wouldn't want them to act like the feral beasts people call niggers, right? Of course, it's just easier to deflect, use some Yiddish, and call it a day. Pointing out your tactics exposes you. You keep making it abundantly clear you're (((white))).

Lot's of autistic screeching.

It's interesting now that you're having fantasies of what you want me to do, of what your kind does on a routine basis. You are at least right about one thing, you aren't as wretched as I am, as I'm not wretched at all. You are infinitely worse due to your jewish DNA.

I'm not sure why you linked pictures of the disgusting practice that they're engaging in there. It's clear that's a modern day blood ritual, which is fitting why they're given the name of "vampire". Here, let me take one from your playbook:


Kill yourself, you slimey jew. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Yes you did. You're essentially screeching again, you slimey Jew.

[incredibly amounts of kikery following]

No, and you are lying fully intentionally again. And you are accusing me of what I am not guilty of at all and what you are engaging in right there!

No, far from all women are pathetic whores like yourself! It has happened countless times throughout history that (non-whorish) women have sacrificed themselves for the sake of things overall, including committing suicide over being raped or enslaved. It is so incredibly far from the truth that all women are the same, through Jews and whores (and faggots, I believe in your case) have succeeded to a large degree with replacing those that had worth, dignity and genuine goodness with wretched, world sacrificing whores like you.

You are most likely the shitty spawn of whorish women and "men" willing to breed with such whores going back in your family tree, and I would guess that it is likely either in order to make yourself and your own kind and family look better that you seek to portray every women being whorish, and/or to seek your kikish kinds' goals. And this is supported by how fervently you seek to defend a whorish piece of shit like (((Lauren Southern))). Someone that not just rides the cock carousel, but burns the coal: https://imgoat.com/uploads/b8619251a1/129540.png. And lies, deceives and manipulates far beyond what is normal for even shitty women of European descent. And no, it is in no way normal for women of European descent to burn the coal, which you are fully aware of, yet you are seeking to convince the goyim that she is oh-so-trustworthy.

The nature of a woman is the same

And here you admit it, you useless kike whore. But you are faggot as well, aren't you? And likely bloody decadent and seeking to spread your wretchedness and whorishness. And you insist upon shitting upon those women (and by extension men, for men of at least some worth are extremely rarely begotten from the wombs of filthy, shitty whores like your family).

And here we come back to the word "tradthot", which you seem so hurt by. It is succinct and communicates very clearly and efficiently what kind of whore (((Lauren Southern))) is, and which also applies to you, given that you pretend you care despite the massive amounts of kikery, whorishness, extreme lack of sincerity and honest arguments as well as claiming to not be of kikish descent or whorish.

I haven't forgotten that you have completely shifted the goal posts and now you claim without a doubt that she's a jew, where before it was just a maybe. You lack consistency, Jew.

No I am not you wretched kike.

But I must admit that you are very good at seeking to change focus away from your sought "tactics repeat". I call you out on seeking to steal what you perceive as tactics, and you now seek to do the same, not caring whether it is the slightest bit true or not.

How does it make it clear she's a liar?

Now you're not even trying to kike well. But it seems that you are seeking to drown the discussion in lies, manipulations, tactics and the like, fully knowingly. And no, this is not a tactic unlike what you repeatedly do, it is me accurately calling you out, and rightly so. And you know that well, but being a kike whore and a faggot, you will not care about that at all.

[lots of kikery]

You're changing cultural appropriation to mean something different contextually

[even more kikery]

It is true that you keep claiming and lying that it is for the sake of things overall that you care so much about Jewish words being used against kike whores like yourself. But given that you are a wretched piece of shit kike, the only explanation that makes sense is that you dislike effective words as well as that you don't want your languages to be used against you or to let people have awareness of words such as "goy". Consider doing the world a favour and kill yourself as well as your piece of shit whore family.

This is honestly pure insanity. On one hand you want people to trust and respect a wretched, extremely lying and manipulative kikish whore that burns the coal like (((Lauren Southern))); on the other you are offended by words such as "tradthot" and calling Jews kikes. But it is definitely extremely ruthless and it seems to fit well with the kike tactics you have used and seek to use.

"I am totally not wretched, goy"

Yet who calls wretched business practices "all OK"? I would at least assume you to have sense enough not to argue in favour of slavery.

kneo24 ago

You have some outlandish fantasies of me. Is consistently using strawman arguments your only way of conversing with those you oppose? Do you enjoy making up stories about your opponents in your head? You sit here, piss and moan about distractions, but the entirety of your posts are just that, one big distraction. You didn't even attempt to answer any question I posed, not a single one. It's more autistic levels of screeching. You're an unhinged jew shill. From here on out, I will tell you only one thing:

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Sounds like I hit the nail right on the head.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504, https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

No counter-arguments, just whining, kvetching and the like, and the reply after that more or less amounts to completely giving up and falling back on spam. You and your family really are a bunch of kike whores and faggots. Please do consider killing yourself and the rest of your whore family. Or try to at least make some sort of coherent and sincere arguments against the ones raised in https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13413583.

Also, a random image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/afa34a7f98/130362.jpg.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

You have given up completely, only spam left :).

Do you have any thoughts or arguments regarding this thread: https://voat.co/v/funny/2655335 and this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/b44928ae11/114426.png (and yes, the archive.is links checks out) regarding Tommy Robinson? It clearly shows him to be an unapologetic Zionist, and he claims to campaign against Muslims in Europe, despite it being the Jews, including Israel overall, that has fought and worked to a huge degree for getting as many Muslims into Europe as possible. And you ought to know very well how much (((Lauren Southern))) applauds him and have worked to his benefit.

But you are a kike whore and likely a faggot, so hoping for even a little sincerity and genuine arguments is very stupid of me.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

All out of tactics or even half-arguments, so now just spam. But if you choose to not have any respect for yourself, kike whore, that is what you choose.

Also: When you tell me to KMS and not hurt any "whites"/people of European descent, are you projecting?

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Also: You yourself called Tommy Robinson a Jew just something like two months ago: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2597713/13065236. And there is no way you didn't know the kike whore Lauren Southern was and is heavily supportive of him. You definitely have vigour, but you do not seem to be that good at keeping your lies straight, kike whore.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Spam and seemingly seeking to harass. When you cannot win the debate despite cheating, manipulating, lying etc., just shut it down with shouting and being shit?

There are multiple arguments that you seem to have given up completely on.

You really are naught but a whore. Consider killing yourself as well as your family, probably not in that order.

LInkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504 and https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13440566.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Just spam, no arguments. Any arguments reg. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13440566 ?

The "debate technique" you are currently employing reminds me a lot of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fmO-ziHU_D8# . But what am I really expecting from a whore and a kike?

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Still not an argument, just spam and seeking to harass. No respect for yourself, kike whore.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

It really is attempted tactics theft, isn't it? Someone has (likely rightfully) told you to kill yourself, and that bothered or hurt you to some degree, so now you seek to hurt others with it. But still not an argument, just spam, kike whore.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Again, just spam, no arguments. Any arguments reg. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13440566 ?

Anything at all?

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

You still don't have any arguments, just spam. No real answer to (((Lauren Southern)))'s own and later self-deleted tweet, no comments on Tommy Robinson and her intensive support for him who you yourself named a kike, no sincerity at all.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504 .

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

What does a kike whore do when it runs out of arguments? One answer seems to be REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Maybe you could come with one answer, for instance reg. (((Lauren Southern))) supporting Tommy Robinson which you yourself have named as a Jew, despite you keeping arguing for Lauren totally not being a kike? Ignoring her earlier admission to being a kike, of course.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Just more spam. Can you at least try to argue sincerely? But then, you are a kike, so.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504 .

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

More spam, but at least you have persistence, which is something. But still no respect for yourself.

Any arguments or explanations reg. the relationship between (((Lauren Southern))) and Tommy Robinson, kike whore?

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

More spam. Any answers to https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13440566 ?

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Still just spam. No arguments? No answers to those arguments and sources I posted?

I find it a bit funny how you previously reeeee'd about me appropriating kike words, and now you are using them yourself: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2671921/13536149 . I guess it might be more cost-efficient kikery not to care about keeping one's lies and deceptions consistent.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504 .

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Still just more spam. Again, at least you have tenacity, though still without caring about the debate or things overall. Expecting too much from a kike whore like you.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Still no arguments, just spam. I wonder whether the reason you generally make lots of (often slightly twisted and changed) claims without arguing or giving sources or links is to discredit those claims.

You acknowledging that Tommy Robinson, someone that Lauren Southern supports heavily, is a kike: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13456458

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

It would be much better if you had at least the tiniest bit of respect for yourself. But that is your choice and your responsibility. I would still very much like proper answers and counter-arguments to my arguments and sources, such as why you (rightly) call out Tommy Robinson as a Zionist kike while at the same time defend (((Lauren Southern))) being a kike despite her intensive support for Tommy. And there is still the tweet where Lauren admits things herself that you have tried to kvetch around repeatedly and failed, seen here: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358. And you decrying my cultural appropriation of various words while you yourself use them elsewhere. Etc.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504 .

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Still no sources, kike whore. And still just spam. At least you are persistent in your kvetching and REEEE'ing, though it would be best if you had at least the tiniest bit of respect for yourself. But that is your choice and your responsibility.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Still no arguments, just spam. A kike whore. And likely a faggot as well.

You really seem intent on being controlled opposition and destroying things and genuine opposition from the inside-out. Calling real news fake, such as you claiming an article as fake when that article is fully right reg. the video of children in a court house being fake.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504 .

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Still just spam. Still just REEEEEEE'ing. And still no arguments.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

When are you going to address that the article you called Fake News was 100% right about the video being fake, with even leftists admitting it? Or address that you rightly called out Tommy Robinson as a kike or one of their allies, but then still support (((Lauren Southern))) despite her massive support for him? But given your many tactics, tricks, lies, etc. throughout it all, and you being a kike whore seeking to be controlled opposition, that seems unlikely.

Linkage: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13307504

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

I guess you don't think this should happen to (((Lauren Southern))) despite her burning the coal? https://voat.co/v/whatever/2686338/13618927

Looking out for your fellow kikes.

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself, you dirty, slimey jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Well you did at least give out sources in the other thread, though the comment was... yeah... but still something. Link to my answer: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2687026/13632304 .

neveragainfatty ago

Anyone who isn't called a kike by kikes hasn't gained traction enough to be a problem.

Pwning4Ever ago

Only a matter of time until people here start foaming at the mouth that she's actually working for Israel or something. And she's a zionist also ofc.

notenoughstuff ago

Opinion on my comment here?: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

InflationSlave ago

She/he is just using this niche political platform for her own personal gain. While it's true she might have made some great points and garnered much needed attention, it doesn't make her my friend. She is in fact my enemy masquerading for profit.

xenoPsychologist ago

does she make any points of her own, or does she make points others made before her in order to profit from it?

mybordersmychoice ago

look at this from your own perspective: even someone you consider an enemy motivated primarily by profit can unwittingly spread a message for you (look at how Trump played the media like a fiddle to boost his campaign)

notenoughstuff ago

This seems much more like controlled opposition instead of unintentionally fulfilling someone else's goals. Do you have any comments on https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358 ?

BearDolphin1488 ago

See, that is an actual point, rather than your other retard stuff. Good work!

mybordersmychoice ago

A bunch of leftists pretending to be right wing and character assassinating right wing public figures. Lol pathetic and a complete waste of time because everyone sees through it right away.

The funny thing is this post is primarily about the shirt and the message on it, not the person wearing it. Which makes the shills look even dumber. If the shirt was on a mannequin being wheeled through the airport, they would claim that the mannequin is secretly hiding its ethnic origins and past partners.

Dranz ago

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

fuck you ziotard jews. Good job on banning from your sub for this image. What are you jews scared of?? Pushing your fucking jewess nigger loving whores into white unity movements. TRAITORS ALL OF YOU

The sub MyBordersMyChoice banned me for this image https://imgoat.com/uploads/def184ad8f/124168.jpg

Most likely the same jews who run TheGreaterIsraelAwakening sub

Octoclops ago

I don't agree with banning you for it but that is trash tier, no offense.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

It stirs emotion while bringing attention to what is happening and by whom. Banneg me for it is full jewry. It is reddit censorship. Had he asked me to delete it I might have. Now, its clear mybordersmychoice is a reddit mod on a power trip

BearDolphin1488 ago

Wait, so she didn't fuck pocs?

gosso920 ago


speedisavirus ago

She fucked someone (maybe) as a teen that was of questionable ethnicity. She now seems to fuck only whites.

cuello_rojo ago

She now seems to fuck only whites.

SEEMS is the key word here. Besides, it doesn't matter. She's a woman.

This is what gets her the maximum attention now.

I guarantee you that if she found she could get MORE attention and money from fucking niggers and renouncing her former past she would do it.

No, I guarantee you that she WILL do exactly that at some point in the future when it most benefits her.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I'm not doubting her loyalty to the cause now, I'm just saying, the reason anyone likes her is first based on her looks (me included, I'd love to bed her down in a golden wheatfield and fill her with my seed) then her ideology. Her beauty blinds and I worry about that aspect of her and what they says about her followers.

Plus, I know this is not a popular opinion for most guys but why the fuck do modern men want "experienced" women? I never understood it and used to think maybe they had a reason why everyone allows women to be where but I've come to realize it's a sad and pathetic settling that betas have accepted. The fact that any man can love and want a whore to mother their children seems insane to me but what do I know, apparently, I'm a Jewish shill that's dividing the alt right lol.

Sorry. I'm ranting

speedisavirus ago

Tommie went off the rails and her beauty doesn't seem to save her from judgement. Regarding her nutbag ranting about how the right shouldn't care about culture or abortion.

Dudesocks ago

Even if she burned coal, she’s doing more good for whites than you.

BearDolphin1488 ago


Dude, she's not going to sleep with you, you dont need yo defend her honor here. Take her pretty face out of the equation and view her from that lens. I dont doubt she believes in, and supports wholly, a white revival, on the stipulation that coal burners are okay. You might be okay with dicked down girl but I'm not. You trying to negate my worth doesnt make her dick sucking count any less.

Instead of settling for a nigger lover pretty girl, why not take the message and bear it yourself. You want to be a white knigh? Then dont let little girls hold the banner for us.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

I don't quite understand what white knighting has to do with this discussion. Yes, I understand that guys tend to get retarded around pretty girls that take advantage of thirsty betas in this movement ("thots"). But have you seen Lauren's videos?

Check out:

  • The Streets of Paris
  • Asking Feminists: Women's Rights or Islam
  • her South Africa videos about white farmers being murdered/slaughtered

These are powerful videos, and they make me THINK.

I don't know or care if she's part Jewish or not. For the record, I don't think she's Jewish though ("Simonsen" is a Danish name, I think). Mostly, I care about her MESSAGE. And I also don't care if she's an opportunistic "thot", who burned the coal (even if I'm disappointed and disturbed by it).

I only care about people telling me the truth, or at least the truth as they understand it. Frankly, I don't think she's old enough or clever enough to be another "false flag scam artist" amongst the "alt light". And she does NOT strike me as either scheming or malevolent (despite her flaws).

Someone like Jason Kessler, on the other hand, (who led "Unite the Right") is absolutely ethnically Jewish, absolutely supported Obama, is absolutely "pro-gun control", and is absolutely a subversively evil globalist double agent. I don't think Lauren Southern is anything like him.

You guys are forgetting that she is a YOUNG FEMALE. It's insane to think that she'll have her entire worldview figured out at this age. Didn't she burn the coal at age 19, and was unrepentant about it at age 20? Well, guess what? Young people (especially young girls) have lots of dumb ideas.

If you guys specifically have a problem with her MESSAGE, then clearly explain what she's saying or doing wrong.....as long as you're honest enough to also explain what she's doing RIGHT. But if you're expecting every non-Communist to fit your purity tests, then you are going to make yourselves miserable. We don't have the messengers or the saviors that we want. We have the messengers or the saviors that we have.

And if you guys can't accept that, then some of you non-Jewish, non-Hispanic heterosexual, cisgendered white men.....who have never had sex with a non-white person, need to step up YOURSELVES......and spread your message YOURSELVES.

In the meantime, I think that Lauren is engaging in a much-needed public service. That's what I think, anyway.

BearDolphin1488 ago

youre right. i've thought about it and you are right.

neveragainfatty ago

Women get traction and are useful for banners and publicity.

Quality Men start movements. Beautiful women join because there are quality men to be had. Normal men join because normal men want pretty women.

Almost all propaganda and homegrown movements follow this path because it works.

No one wants to see your ugly mug. Look at TheGoldenOne. Highly attractive, well spoken, intelligent, openly asks the JQ, and he pushes a positive message for our people. He has 79k subs, Lauren has 567k.

His message is better. Her tits attract more betas. Her message gets more traction.

He explains it with milo here.


BearDolphin1488 ago

Sigh, you're right.

neveragainfatty ago

She ropes in the dopes, we need to be the deprogrammers.

You seem like an even handed intelligent person who is angry at the world for all the right reasons.

I hope you come to see the usefulness of pretty faces and don't devolve to 'THOT Patrolling' women that are pushing our narrative.

We need them but we should not honor them except for their actions that benefit our message. They don't seek beta attention except to impress alphas. So what do we need to do to keep them in their lanes? Don't be impressed.

Women desire approval but despise unwarranted praise. Look at how they treat the betas that lavish them with kind words, ignored for Chad the aloof. It seems everything boils down to using evolutionary psychology to manipulate the masses.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah, I just get impatient. You're right though, thanks.

outside-the-box ago

Dude, she's not going to sleep with you, you dont need yo defend her honor here.

Low effort shill is low effort.

BearDolphin1488 ago

To be honest, I still dont really understand the word shill, or at least in the context most of you Donald faggots use it.

Anyway, yes, I am attempting to belittle the person's character as I cant punch them because I am on the internet. It is how i appear tough. But since you've pointed it out, aghast!!! I am!!! I am disarmed, touche valid and brave internet warrior, you've defeated the evil Hillary shill. Would you like a loot box? Or maybe a soylent beverage?

outside-the-box ago

To be honest, I still dont really understand the word shill, or at least in the context most of you Donald faggots use it.

Anyway, yes, I am attempting to belittle the person's character as I cant punch them because I am on the internet. It is how i appear tough. But since you've pointed it out, aghast!!! I am!!! I am disarmed, touche valid and brave internet warrior, you've defeated the evil Hillary shill. Would you like a loot box? Or maybe a soylent beverage?

And you kikes try to act like you have superior intellect. You're embarrassing yourself, shlomo.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Soy boy. Soy boy . Soyboy. Hows that for super high IQ me.

Oy vey!! I'll have to show the temple these exchanges, they will be disappointed in my lack of shpeshifting prowess, blast you goyim!! I almost had them all convinced!!!

You're a tard. I wonder if you've got the droopy eyes and all

Dudesocks ago

She’s a useful thot. She’s a needed stepping stone in this fight.

I’m a part of one of the only movements still going after cville.

neveragainfatty ago

Which group?

Samsquamch ago

Yup, you'll notice when Milo became big everyone attacked him, then when he went away and Jordan Peterson started to become prominent, he's now a filthy jew too. Then of course there is Lauren, who had the audacity to date someone who was only half-white. Dinesh D'Souza of course is just a street-shitting pajeet and shouldn't be listened to, and the list goes on.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

(((Milo))) is an attention seeking faggot.

JP has close connections to the UN, Harvard, and top tier globalists like Steven Pinker. C'mon he only argues against Shapiro and niggers and women. I'd love to see him actually debate somebody legit. He's a basic boomer physiology professor with connections and has been wanting to be a media whore for years and he finally got his shot, but is scared he's going to have to change his mind on camera from having his weak ideas proven wrong.

I haven't seen anything legitimate against Lauren, she seems to be bringing attention to the south Africa issue. I don't think she's a shapeshifter, but I could be wrong. She has the audacity to interview Dugin, which is cool in my book, even though I don't exactly agree with Dugin.

Dinesh is a basic bitch too, everybody likes him cause he's brown.

xenoPsychologist ago

they dont suddenly become jewish. they are jewish their whole lives and then you worship them when they become famous mouthpieces.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Peterson isnt a jew, his message, while tremendously important and should definitely be absorbed, doesnt fix the problem . Individualism is exactly why were in this mess. We dont need more of it. It is a necessary step to realize oneselfs individualism and then separate from the progressive narrative... then once you realize the score and where we all are in the battle, to unite with others like us.

But whatever. Ya ya, I'm a bot. Russian even, maybe!!

neveragainfatty ago

He is a psychologist. His focus is the individual. His message is self improvement. The necessary first step to throwing off the chains of the pleasure culture.

He isn't trying to fix society, he is fixing people. Unmotivated people can't look past their next dopamine rush to realize that there are even problems, let alone idealize fixing them.

jthun2 ago

No, he is a philosemite, promoted by Jews because he says things useful for Jewish interests.

Sure, he wants you to clean your room while doing nothing about the mass invasion of the third world. You aren't supposed to feel proud of your race or culture, or have any attachment to it. Meanwhile Jews dominate our society through ethnic nepotism.

neveragainfatty ago

Source on him promoting that you do "nothing about the mass invasion of the third world."

Where does he state or represent the notion that "You aren't supposed to feel proud of your race or culture, or have any attachment to it?"

If you have sources I'd love to see it.

Or is your real issue that he doesn't name the Jew?

Naming the Jew is the surest way to lose your platform due to their extreme control through their ethnic nepotism.

You can't clean up the world if you are so fucking depressed you don't even shower.

SoyGoy's can't beat down commie, globalist, jews and their puppets in the streets.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Source on him promoting that you do "nothing about the mass invasion of the third world."


It's not that he doesn't name the Jew. He shames anybody even attempting to talk about it while secretly supporting UN plans to increase migration.

https://youtu.be/RnTMp3wTlzc he actually supports the Balfour Declaration, listen to that shit and tell me he's not sucking Jew cock.

He's not a stepping stone to red pills, he's a red herring.

neveragainfatty ago

Thank You. Please continue to share this.

BearDolphin1488 ago


BearDolphin1488 ago

Or its milo is a faggot jew who loves black cock... lol you Donald faggots are too much.

Skeeterdo ago

In defense of some of the attacks on Milo.

Milo is a jew.

Milo is gay.

Milo loves black cock and boasts about it whenever he can.

Milo seems to advocate for NAMBLA.

Milo admits to making the choice of gayness.

There's more. A lot more. He's a smart guy and he's right about some things. But.. yeah.. I understand the attacks on the guy.

Dark_Shroud ago

Milo doesn't advocate for NAMBLA unless there is something new to come out since that interview where he talked about young guys being at the Hollywood parties and his own experiences.

The disconnect that some people have is that Milo openly talked about being sexually abused but enjoyed part of it. Female sexual abuse victims have similar situations discussing about this messing them up because they enjoyed some of the sexual contact. Milo's mistake was being honest about being gay because he enjoyed taking it up the ass. He's not the only gay with a past like that. Plenty of gay men have childhood sexual abuse but won't openly admit it.

Skeeterdo ago

He said he believes young men/boys can learn a lot from an older man. That is NAMBLA in a nutshell. I'm aware of his abuse. But this line of thinking is insanity and directly correlates with NAMBLA.

neveragainfatty ago

Certainly he shouldn't have had a public statement if he wanted to retain that shred of decency that remained.

Milo is garbage that was slightly useful while being extremely degenerative to core conservative values and he needs to be ignored as it decomposes of aids in the dump.

He is out of shock value. He normalized faggotry to the boomers... One giant leap back for his support of 'Daddy.'

I hope he dies soon so he can be truely useful.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Pointing out what lauren is IS NOT attacking conservative values. holy fuck, dude. Knock that shit off! If you want to worship a nigger loving kike whore then go ahead. I don't allow filth like Lauren in my circle.

neveragainfatty ago

Is there any Jew proof?

I don't want 4 chan inspired trash tier memes. A link to her dad receiving a Jew only scholarship or some shit. I haven't been able to find anything reasonably useful.

notenoughstuff ago

Thoughts on this comment?: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

Also, doing research yourself is not a bad thing ;).

neveragainfatty ago

No proof. Just more trash. The reply to it sums it up pretty well. My input would be regurgitate.

I haven't been able to find anything reasonably useful.

notenoughstuff ago

Any thoughts on the reply I made to that reply?: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13296579.

neveragainfatty ago

She is a trad-thot

Doesn't make her anything resembling a jew. Why are you using nigger tier acronyms like "THOT"?

It counts severely against her and the image she seeks to present, and is deceptive, and it adds up. And the term is accurate. It is very weird to focus on that term.

Yeah. Attention seeker. But she doesn't seem to promote her sex life at all. I stopped watching her stuff a long time ago but I did watch the documentary she did on South Africa. She wasn't overtly sexual and didn't seem to focus on any Jew narrative, or herself. Just white genocide and the lack of crime in the strict 'White Only' town.

coal burner;

Yes, that's highly likely given her past, but it doesn't make her a jew.

It counts very much against her, and it adds up, for it fits well with liberal Jews.

True. Also fits well for white girls that have eaten the liberal Jew interracial narrative. Does she still sleep with non-whites? Or has she found a red pill on her past activities. She doesn't talk about the nigger or Jew problems and that is perfectly acceptable. Everyone knows that it leads to ostracization and loss of fan base, sometimes to 'suicide.' It isn't her place to name the Jew. It's ours once normies are drawn in by her looks...

dyes her hair blonde

A lot of women dye their hair. Doesn't make them remotely jewish.

It is a very common practice for Jews to infiltrate and be deceptive and manipulative, and a considerable number of them likes to dye their hair blonde when they want to blend in or create strawmen. Many "liberal", degenerate and/or Marxist women has died their hair blonde, such as Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Britney Spears, Hillary Clinton, and "Lady Gaga". And dyeing one's hair a potentially natural color is different from making it clear that dye has been used, either with an unnatural hair color or with dyeing some of it one color, else of it a very different color.

Again, it adds up.

I can see where you are coming from. However, most people I know that had nearly white blonde hair as kids have darkened gradually. Some women like to dye their hair to that youthful color of the goddesses that stirs the heart of man. My wife's natural color, now sandy blonde, sometimes shows through too and she dyes it back to Freya's silvery gold hue.

has changed her last name from Simonsen

Her family changed their last name when they emigrated to Canada, which was a pretty common practice when moving from one country to the next. That doesn't make someone remotely jewish.

Again, it adds up.

"son of Simon", which is very common among people of partial or full Jewish descendence in certain Scandinavian countries

It's a Christian surname. There are more Simonsen's in Denmark than there are jews. Jews have a history of adopting local surnames to fit in.

Why do you think I wrote "partial or full Jewish descendance"? The Jews have spread their heritage considerably more than merely those who are officially Jewish or purely Jewish by blood. And even for extremely Christian people in Scandinavia (such as arch-bishops) it was and is very common not to take a Christian surname but to keep the existing ones. Yes, there are people of non-Jewish or very little Jewish descendance that have that surname; but it is as far as I can tell much more prevalent among Jews. A very notable example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Simonsen.

This adds up more than the previous points.

Circumstantial at best. Hide the Jew has been going on a long time, ever since the Romans kicked them out of their holy land and the Jews had to blend in with Europeans.

neveragainfatty ago

she seeks to make a good profit off these activities as far as I know (Patreon, later on her own website with subscriptions and donations);

Oh no, someone wants to milk money from pathetic beta orbiters [emphasized]. That doesn't make them jewish.

Hmmm... seeking to shame and humiliate, seeking to defend wretched exploitation, typical roastie talking point, etc....

Yeah his bullshit wasn't necessary. But the point stands, it's not Jewish to earn money, it's Jewish to earn interest on other people's money.

Everyone needs to (should need to) earn a living.

her grandparents fled from the natsoc occupation of Denmark to Canada (she claims it has something with their claimed company supposedly being seized);

It's interesting how you choose to believe what parts of what she states. You believe her when she says her parents grandparents fled Denmark, but you don't believe the part about the company being seized. If she's such a crypto jew, why believe any of it? It's also interesting how you ignore that history, that Nazi's targeted people besides jews.

I am getting a strong impression that you are not being the slightest bit sincere. And you use several tactics and tricks here.

Company in Denmark seized by Nazi's. Nazi party seized a lot of the means of production, as well as nearly anything Jews owned. Isn't that implied in National Socialism?

He obviously avoids your point which is a critical theory tactic.

This isn't proof but it certainly adds weight.

she seemingly tweeted in support of nazbol (https://mobile.twitter.com/lauren_southern/status/879390263617224705).

Context is needed here. It could be a joke, it could be her support.

Downtalking and diluting? Really?

And she has spoken in the defense of (((Spencer))), who doubtlessly is controlled opposition, and whom himself has promoted nazbol if I recall correctly (there used to be tweets of those I recall, but if they were there, they seem to have been deleted...).

I have no doubt Spencer and Anglin are Jews that are Jewing how Jews Jew best: distract, drain, decay.

And she smells from miles away of controlled opposition.

It's possible, but you haven't give any strong proof that she is. For the record, you're claiming things like dying her hair, and fucking niggers, makes her a jew. If that makes someone jewish, well, there's a lot more jews around you than you've realized.

And now you are misrepresenting my claims and arguments on purpose and using other tricks and tactics.

He is seeming very jewey.

She could be controlled opposition. If so, right now, while she is promoting our message she is nothing less than a useful tool, yet possibly an awoken white woman that has made mistakes she can't change, only atone for. Either way, what a tool thinks matters not while serving its purpose.

The likelyhood of her being a crypto-Jew, partially Jewish, or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways, seem very high. And controlled opposition is a very real phenomenon and danger.

Yes, controlled opposition exists, and she might be it, much like The Daily Stormer is, but her being any sort of vampire, once again, has little to no substantial proof backing it up. It's all maybes, or possibilities. It's possible you fuck your mom at night while your daddy rapes you in the ass. Of course, you're a 2.1 year old account with low SCP and CCP, indicating you're a shill. It's a pretty common tactic here on Voat, with old accounts and low contribution points, trying to drive a narrative.

As I recall, I made my account the day /r/european was banned. And I was red-pilled on Islam, but considerably less so on Jews, and Voat was mostly a back-up for me. I also recall reddit being considerably less insane back then, though it was already incredibly toxic and manipulative back then, just much more covertly (I fear I see some of the same systematic issues that is there here on Voat; I hope the constructs with anti-censorship will be sufficient here on Voat). I can't really claim I see things the same these days, and I very much like to come with arguments and sources in my comments, generally much more clear and direct than for Lauren Southern (I think it would be useful to investigate her family history more directly). For instance: https://voat.co/v/videos/2587869/13048368.

Again he attacked you, this time with the especially Jewish propaganda of white incest. They love to displace their own innate issues onto us to normalize their disgusting pedophilic minds.

But I certainly agree with him about TDS. Especially after Anglin killed the book clubs...

My investigations haven't turned up anything I'd present as proof. There are circumstantial arguments that are appealing.

I currently believe she is a white woman that has made mistakes and is helping bring more normies within exposure to us and the grasp of asking the JQ.

We should judge her by her actions.

And the primary source of narrative driving in this thread is clearly https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13289338 and https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13289445.

The only reason I am not convinced that you are not a shill is that it is true there is no clear proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish that I am aware of, despite the very many indications of it and things pointing in that direction, and that you do not deny the other many issues with her. I am uncertain why you require proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish instead of acknowledging that there are several things pointing in that direction. Why not talk in probability? Requiring proof whenever there's suspicion instead of acknowledging any genuinely suspicious aspects hinders investigation and makes it more difficult and slower to react and defend against various threats. You could then say that her very likely being controlled opposition, degenerate, etc. is sufficient, but you still seem focused on requiring proof where I merely claim suspicion, indications and seemingly very high likelyhood[sic: likelihood] of her being Jewish, partially Jewish or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways. And while I can respect rejecting claims with "I have not seen any proof of it", that is very different from seemingly seeking to strongly discourage even investigation and suspicion of her being Jewish, partially Jewish or greatly favouring Jews and their ways.

I know this wasn't directed at me:

I do require proof, but not proof for skepticism. Proof for 'exile' from support, since really the only leverage I have over her is the sharing of her video and message rather than attacking those in my circle that support her.

I know not getting my one like on her videos, or seeing her YouTube subs go down by one isn't much but I don't follow her closely anyway.

I just don't think she is a Jew and since she quit Rebel I don't think she is controlled opposition.

notenoughstuff ago

Reg. her actions, I wonder if one option reg. her goals is to consume as much attention, resources and time as possible as well as lead things down in a (very) poor approach. One could for instance argue that all Muslims in Europe should be resettled in Muslims countries in MENA. But how should that happen? Offer the Muslims a (sustainable, robust and reliable for all parties) deal that they might consider much more attractive than civil war and blood bath and their deaths both in Europe and likely elsewhere, or directly go towards as much civil war as possible and have as many people as possible side with the Muslims in any civil wars? But I honestly have not looked into her all that much. But given that she has succeeded in getting lots (or extreme?) amounts of attention, it might be something that should be investigated.

One theory that has been put forth is that the Jews partially want Europe destroyed, but apart from that also wants the Muslims both spread but also weakened, such that the Jews will have an easier time to influence Muslim countries as well as establish a Greater Israel and gain more territory.

notenoughstuff ago

Thank you for taking your time regarding this. I definitely agree regarding TDS, though I have only seen very few little of its articles and other content.

I apologize, for there is one tweet that I couldn't find but recalled, and only found long after:

That tweet is very clear, and it would have been much better if I found and used that in the original comment. She tries to lie about it and cover it up in another tweet some two years later: https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/927955260819329025.

Reg. earning, money, it is definitely true that earning money in itself is not wrong at all and is a very good thing. But earning it off politics is frequently in multiple different kinds of cases and situations iffy or problematic. One basic kind of case is where a politician talks a lot about a certain problem, and claims that the politician is the solution to the problem. But if the politician gains wealth and power from the problem existing, and might even become wealthier and more powerful if the problem becomes worse, the politician will have a strong interest in not solving the problem or even making it (much) worse, especially if blame can be deflected.

The same kind of problematic phenomenon can occur in similar systems, for instance in a company or organization if a common solution to considerable or major problems is to throw money at it without sufficient investigation and oversight, since such an approach can lead to exploitation that involves making the problems (much) worse.

And this leads me to what some call "e-celebs", for their intentions can be difficult to determine or verify. If they have a strong monetary interest, it at best clouds their judgement somewhat, and at worst the monetary interest is their main or considerable interest, and their other (actual) overall interests and goals are opposed to whose they seek money from (which makes such "careers" or approaches especially attractive to controlled opposition). For an e-celeb, the basic monetary interest is typically not in the problem being solved, but continued or growing, or that there are focus on themselves as much as possible whether that is helping or hindering things overall, and that people spend lots of time on them.

And this part regarding earning money off political activities is bitter, for people that earn money other ways than for instance being a "pundit", "e-celeb" or something similar, will typically not have as much time or possibly resources to focus on genuinely working for the world, their people or the human species. Or they might have to sacrifice for it. This is of course much more complex than I describe here, but it still shows some of the issues and systems involved. One of my ideas that I play around with in that direction is that all citizens should (in an effective, efficient, robust, etc. way) in practice be expected required to genuinely contribute. This should help level the playing field between those that contribute to that kind of thing against those that do not. But that idea has a multitude of issues, not just in how to achieve it (I think various peoples and cultures have achieved it or similar approaches/solutions in various ways and to different degrees), but also if it succeeds, for how will it affect the competitive ability of a country/people against other countries? It may not be efficient overall. And different people may contribute in different ways. And the advantages of having a few "super-focused specialists" focusing all their time on some topic or field (this is IMO a very/extremely strong argument against having too many "super-focused specialists" in a country/people, for such a system may among other issues sooner or later end up far too fragile and vulnerable). And many other problems. There are approaches regarding some of those issues that can be taken.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You mean the Simonsen's. Just like David Simonsen chief rabbi of Denmark 1939

Samsquamch ago

Cool you do you and buy into the (((spam))). I'm not.

notenoughstuff ago

Is this comment (((spam))) ?: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2632152/13294358.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Why is almost everyone who ran to the forefront of this so-called "alt-right" jewish?

neveragainfatty ago

Controlled opposition . The cville setup showed that the organizing groups weren't for us. Angling and Spencer are overrated scum.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Dude, why are people downvoatng your question? Is it not a relevant question?

Answer my question. Faggots instead of trying to censor, how is it not relevant?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its these /thedonald cucks from reddit. They also run the /mybordersmychoice and the greater awakening subs. I just got banned from /mybordersmychoice for posting a relevant image in the comment section. They would love to hold the nigger balls while they fuck lauren. Truly cucks. This weakness is the same disease that has the white race in a position to be genocided.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah, it's annoying. I upvoated your comment here and someone already downvoated.. I upvoated becuaee it answered the question and therefore it was relevant to the discussion.. not because I "liked" the comment. This isnt facebook, the Donald faggots.

downvoating me or these opinions will not make your slut gf any less of a slut. There is no such thing as an ex slut.. get over it you cucks and make a man out of yourself, one who actually worthwhile women will fight over. How can you all not see that the you are evolutionarily dead? That the women you want to defend are the same ones who abandoned you? You kiss the same lips that were once wrapped around who knows what. Have you learned nothing??? STOP IT ALREADY AND SAVE YOURSELFS FROM THE PATHETIC EXISTANCE YOUVE EMBRACED.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Thanks for your support. I appreciate it

xenoPsychologist ago

dontcha worry, its just a cohencidence that they downvote the truth.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Oy vey

InflationSlave ago

Too bad she's a jew and slept with niggers.

goytoynamedtroy ago


Lauren is not (((our girl))).

xenoPsychologist ago

true, but if useful idiots are gonna get the message out there, we can use it. just be ready for when they turn on us.

mybordersmychoice ago

Early reminder: get your printers ready and order stickers, it's happening again this Halloween.

We have truth to spread and salt to harvest.

prairie ago

And don't change the fucking wording! Okay, not OK.

Plavonica ago

salt to harvest.

So is it like farming or mining?

prairie ago

Step 1: collect liberal tears.

7e62ce85 ago

Slayfire122 ago

No. Not stickers. Use flower and water mixture and printer paper.

gosso920 ago

Mix in some ground glass with the wheat paste. Anyone who tries to tear the sign down will get cut

Womb_Raider ago


Womb_Raider ago

At least man up to your mistakes, jeez. Nice assortment of flowers anyway.

baphometsrage ago

Why stop at stickers? I've got plenty of stuff brewed up for taking pamphlets to the streets, and when it feels like the right time the red pills will rain down and block out the sun

Mortifera ago

What's fun is if you can access the roof of very tall buildings and drop hundreds. They spread for miles.

baphometsrage ago

You.. I like you. Gonna have to look into that idea

Dark_Shroud ago

I've got a pack ready & waiting.


touching the lenses of your glasses