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Samsquamch ago

Inb4 the random accounts show up to start attacks on Lauren... Oh still not fast enough. Every single right wing speaker or figure is attacked on this site. More goats are starting to notice, which is good though.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Pointing out what lauren is IS NOT attacking conservative values. holy fuck, dude. Knock that shit off! If you want to worship a nigger loving kike whore then go ahead. I don't allow filth like Lauren in my circle.

neveragainfatty ago

Is there any Jew proof?

I don't want 4 chan inspired trash tier memes. A link to her dad receiving a Jew only scholarship or some shit. I haven't been able to find anything reasonably useful.

notenoughstuff ago

Thoughts on this comment?:

Also, doing research yourself is not a bad thing ;).

neveragainfatty ago

No proof. Just more trash. The reply to it sums it up pretty well. My input would be regurgitate.

I haven't been able to find anything reasonably useful.

notenoughstuff ago

Any thoughts on the reply I made to that reply?:

neveragainfatty ago

She is a trad-thot

Doesn't make her anything resembling a jew. Why are you using nigger tier acronyms like "THOT"?

It counts severely against her and the image she seeks to present, and is deceptive, and it adds up. And the term is accurate. It is very weird to focus on that term.

Yeah. Attention seeker. But she doesn't seem to promote her sex life at all. I stopped watching her stuff a long time ago but I did watch the documentary she did on South Africa. She wasn't overtly sexual and didn't seem to focus on any Jew narrative, or herself. Just white genocide and the lack of crime in the strict 'White Only' town.

coal burner;

Yes, that's highly likely given her past, but it doesn't make her a jew.

It counts very much against her, and it adds up, for it fits well with liberal Jews.

True. Also fits well for white girls that have eaten the liberal Jew interracial narrative. Does she still sleep with non-whites? Or has she found a red pill on her past activities. She doesn't talk about the nigger or Jew problems and that is perfectly acceptable. Everyone knows that it leads to ostracization and loss of fan base, sometimes to 'suicide.' It isn't her place to name the Jew. It's ours once normies are drawn in by her looks...

dyes her hair blonde

A lot of women dye their hair. Doesn't make them remotely jewish.

It is a very common practice for Jews to infiltrate and be deceptive and manipulative, and a considerable number of them likes to dye their hair blonde when they want to blend in or create strawmen. Many "liberal", degenerate and/or Marxist women has died their hair blonde, such as Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Britney Spears, Hillary Clinton, and "Lady Gaga". And dyeing one's hair a potentially natural color is different from making it clear that dye has been used, either with an unnatural hair color or with dyeing some of it one color, else of it a very different color.

Again, it adds up.

I can see where you are coming from. However, most people I know that had nearly white blonde hair as kids have darkened gradually. Some women like to dye their hair to that youthful color of the goddesses that stirs the heart of man. My wife's natural color, now sandy blonde, sometimes shows through too and she dyes it back to Freya's silvery gold hue.

has changed her last name from Simonsen

Her family changed their last name when they emigrated to Canada, which was a pretty common practice when moving from one country to the next. That doesn't make someone remotely jewish.

Again, it adds up.

"son of Simon", which is very common among people of partial or full Jewish descendence in certain Scandinavian countries

It's a Christian surname. There are more Simonsen's in Denmark than there are jews. Jews have a history of adopting local surnames to fit in.

Why do you think I wrote "partial or full Jewish descendance"? The Jews have spread their heritage considerably more than merely those who are officially Jewish or purely Jewish by blood. And even for extremely Christian people in Scandinavia (such as arch-bishops) it was and is very common not to take a Christian surname but to keep the existing ones. Yes, there are people of non-Jewish or very little Jewish descendance that have that surname; but it is as far as I can tell much more prevalent among Jews. A very notable example:

This adds up more than the previous points.

Circumstantial at best. Hide the Jew has been going on a long time, ever since the Romans kicked them out of their holy land and the Jews had to blend in with Europeans.

neveragainfatty ago

she seeks to make a good profit off these activities as far as I know (Patreon, later on her own website with subscriptions and donations);

Oh no, someone wants to milk money from pathetic beta orbiters [emphasized]. That doesn't make them jewish.

Hmmm... seeking to shame and humiliate, seeking to defend wretched exploitation, typical roastie talking point, etc....

Yeah his bullshit wasn't necessary. But the point stands, it's not Jewish to earn money, it's Jewish to earn interest on other people's money.

Everyone needs to (should need to) earn a living.

her grandparents fled from the natsoc occupation of Denmark to Canada (she claims it has something with their claimed company supposedly being seized);

It's interesting how you choose to believe what parts of what she states. You believe her when she says her parents grandparents fled Denmark, but you don't believe the part about the company being seized. If she's such a crypto jew, why believe any of it? It's also interesting how you ignore that history, that Nazi's targeted people besides jews.

I am getting a strong impression that you are not being the slightest bit sincere. And you use several tactics and tricks here.

Company in Denmark seized by Nazi's. Nazi party seized a lot of the means of production, as well as nearly anything Jews owned. Isn't that implied in National Socialism?

He obviously avoids your point which is a critical theory tactic.

This isn't proof but it certainly adds weight.

she seemingly tweeted in support of nazbol (

Context is needed here. It could be a joke, it could be her support.

Downtalking and diluting? Really?

And she has spoken in the defense of (((Spencer))), who doubtlessly is controlled opposition, and whom himself has promoted nazbol if I recall correctly (there used to be tweets of those I recall, but if they were there, they seem to have been deleted...).

I have no doubt Spencer and Anglin are Jews that are Jewing how Jews Jew best: distract, drain, decay.

And she smells from miles away of controlled opposition.

It's possible, but you haven't give any strong proof that she is. For the record, you're claiming things like dying her hair, and fucking niggers, makes her a jew. If that makes someone jewish, well, there's a lot more jews around you than you've realized.

And now you are misrepresenting my claims and arguments on purpose and using other tricks and tactics.

He is seeming very jewey.

She could be controlled opposition. If so, right now, while she is promoting our message she is nothing less than a useful tool, yet possibly an awoken white woman that has made mistakes she can't change, only atone for. Either way, what a tool thinks matters not while serving its purpose.

The likelyhood of her being a crypto-Jew, partially Jewish, or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways, seem very high. And controlled opposition is a very real phenomenon and danger.

Yes, controlled opposition exists, and she might be it, much like The Daily Stormer is, but her being any sort of vampire, once again, has little to no substantial proof backing it up. It's all maybes, or possibilities. It's possible you fuck your mom at night while your daddy rapes you in the ass. Of course, you're a 2.1 year old account with low SCP and CCP, indicating you're a shill. It's a pretty common tactic here on Voat, with old accounts and low contribution points, trying to drive a narrative.

As I recall, I made my account the day /r/european was banned. And I was red-pilled on Islam, but considerably less so on Jews, and Voat was mostly a back-up for me. I also recall reddit being considerably less insane back then, though it was already incredibly toxic and manipulative back then, just much more covertly (I fear I see some of the same systematic issues that is there here on Voat; I hope the constructs with anti-censorship will be sufficient here on Voat). I can't really claim I see things the same these days, and I very much like to come with arguments and sources in my comments, generally much more clear and direct than for Lauren Southern (I think it would be useful to investigate her family history more directly). For instance:

Again he attacked you, this time with the especially Jewish propaganda of white incest. They love to displace their own innate issues onto us to normalize their disgusting pedophilic minds.

But I certainly agree with him about TDS. Especially after Anglin killed the book clubs...

My investigations haven't turned up anything I'd present as proof. There are circumstantial arguments that are appealing.

I currently believe she is a white woman that has made mistakes and is helping bring more normies within exposure to us and the grasp of asking the JQ.

We should judge her by her actions.

And the primary source of narrative driving in this thread is clearly and

The only reason I am not convinced that you are not a shill is that it is true there is no clear proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish that I am aware of, despite the very many indications of it and things pointing in that direction, and that you do not deny the other many issues with her. I am uncertain why you require proof of her being Jewish or partially Jewish instead of acknowledging that there are several things pointing in that direction. Why not talk in probability? Requiring proof whenever there's suspicion instead of acknowledging any genuinely suspicious aspects hinders investigation and makes it more difficult and slower to react and defend against various threats. You could then say that her very likely being controlled opposition, degenerate, etc. is sufficient, but you still seem focused on requiring proof where I merely claim suspicion, indications and seemingly very high likelyhood[sic: likelihood] of her being Jewish, partially Jewish or at least greatly favouring Jews and their ways. And while I can respect rejecting claims with "I have not seen any proof of it", that is very different from seemingly seeking to strongly discourage even investigation and suspicion of her being Jewish, partially Jewish or greatly favouring Jews and their ways.

I know this wasn't directed at me:

I do require proof, but not proof for skepticism. Proof for 'exile' from support, since really the only leverage I have over her is the sharing of her video and message rather than attacking those in my circle that support her.

I know not getting my one like on her videos, or seeing her YouTube subs go down by one isn't much but I don't follow her closely anyway.

I just don't think she is a Jew and since she quit Rebel I don't think she is controlled opposition.

notenoughstuff ago

Reg. her actions, I wonder if one option reg. her goals is to consume as much attention, resources and time as possible as well as lead things down in a (very) poor approach. One could for instance argue that all Muslims in Europe should be resettled in Muslims countries in MENA. But how should that happen? Offer the Muslims a (sustainable, robust and reliable for all parties) deal that they might consider much more attractive than civil war and blood bath and their deaths both in Europe and likely elsewhere, or directly go towards as much civil war as possible and have as many people as possible side with the Muslims in any civil wars? But I honestly have not looked into her all that much. But given that she has succeeded in getting lots (or extreme?) amounts of attention, it might be something that should be investigated.

One theory that has been put forth is that the Jews partially want Europe destroyed, but apart from that also wants the Muslims both spread but also weakened, such that the Jews will have an easier time to influence Muslim countries as well as establish a Greater Israel and gain more territory.

notenoughstuff ago

Thank you for taking your time regarding this. I definitely agree regarding TDS, though I have only seen very few little of its articles and other content.

I apologize, for there is one tweet that I couldn't find but recalled, and only found long after:

That tweet is very clear, and it would have been much better if I found and used that in the original comment. She tries to lie about it and cover it up in another tweet some two years later:

Reg. earning, money, it is definitely true that earning money in itself is not wrong at all and is a very good thing. But earning it off politics is frequently in multiple different kinds of cases and situations iffy or problematic. One basic kind of case is where a politician talks a lot about a certain problem, and claims that the politician is the solution to the problem. But if the politician gains wealth and power from the problem existing, and might even become wealthier and more powerful if the problem becomes worse, the politician will have a strong interest in not solving the problem or even making it (much) worse, especially if blame can be deflected.

The same kind of problematic phenomenon can occur in similar systems, for instance in a company or organization if a common solution to considerable or major problems is to throw money at it without sufficient investigation and oversight, since such an approach can lead to exploitation that involves making the problems (much) worse.

And this leads me to what some call "e-celebs", for their intentions can be difficult to determine or verify. If they have a strong monetary interest, it at best clouds their judgement somewhat, and at worst the monetary interest is their main or considerable interest, and their other (actual) overall interests and goals are opposed to whose they seek money from (which makes such "careers" or approaches especially attractive to controlled opposition). For an e-celeb, the basic monetary interest is typically not in the problem being solved, but continued or growing, or that there are focus on themselves as much as possible whether that is helping or hindering things overall, and that people spend lots of time on them.

And this part regarding earning money off political activities is bitter, for people that earn money other ways than for instance being a "pundit", "e-celeb" or something similar, will typically not have as much time or possibly resources to focus on genuinely working for the world, their people or the human species. Or they might have to sacrifice for it. This is of course much more complex than I describe here, but it still shows some of the issues and systems involved. One of my ideas that I play around with in that direction is that all citizens should (in an effective, efficient, robust, etc. way) in practice be expected required to genuinely contribute. This should help level the playing field between those that contribute to that kind of thing against those that do not. But that idea has a multitude of issues, not just in how to achieve it (I think various peoples and cultures have achieved it or similar approaches/solutions in various ways and to different degrees), but also if it succeeds, for how will it affect the competitive ability of a country/people against other countries? It may not be efficient overall. And different people may contribute in different ways. And the advantages of having a few "super-focused specialists" focusing all their time on some topic or field (this is IMO a very/extremely strong argument against having too many "super-focused specialists" in a country/people, for such a system may among other issues sooner or later end up far too fragile and vulnerable). And many other problems. There are approaches regarding some of those issues that can be taken.