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glennvtx ago

Only the willfully ignorant believe that to be a hoax.

elitch2 ago

So you believe that there was a "holocaust"? You're pretty fucking stupid, eh?

glennvtx ago

Ad hominem. Every claim made here has been objectively proven false so many times in so many different ways that i don't wish to waste my valuable time explaining it to someone who could not be bothered to do even the most basic googling of the subject.

elitch2 ago

I have no idea whether you believe the shoah happened, or didn't.

Your weasely, morally superior condescension leads me to believe you are a possible kike.

Even cursorary investigation reveals a shocking, near total lack of physical evidence. Basic mathematics also tells you that there was no possible way to burn that many bodies, an dwhy would they waste the fuel.

Your turn.

glennvtx ago

I have physically seen the evidence, i have spoken with victims directly. I doubt very much your "basic mathematics", but you are welcome to present such figures. As far as "why", disposal of such a large amount of bodies is a logistical nightmare, and if you bothered to think on the subject you would see that.

notenoughstuff ago

I have physically seen the evidence, i have spoken with victims directly. I doubt very much your "basic mathematics", but you are welcome to present such figures.

[Complete lack of sources]


As far as "why", disposal of such a large amount of bodies is a logistical nightmare, and if you bothered to think on the subject you would see that.

The Jewish Soviets used mass graves and other means (Katyn massacre with ca. 22,000 murdered, the Great Purge including NKVD operations against Poles where ca. 110,000 Poles were executed through shootings directly and many died indirectly due to deportations and the like, see to handle massive numbers of corpses, and in other cases they just let people die and let them handle burial themselves, for instance with Holodomor where millions died due to the intentionally created famine, see And there were the gulags as well. And the Red Terror. And so on. So your argument is completely inane, and you are 100% aware of that kike, and there is no doubt about that. No sincerity, dignity or respect for yourself at all.

Jews seem to always have been genocidal. Even in their holy texts this can be seen: Deuteronomy 20-16, "Kill everything that breathes in their cities, men, women, children, even the livestock".

The early Soviet Union was extremely Jewish. I can give many arguments and sources regarding this upon request and will be happy to argue for it and debate it here.

iCUsusKunt ago

Please share as much about jewish soviets as you can. My Polish mother has had her head stomped on 1 too many times and seems rather confused about the history and the nature of the jew.

notenoughstuff ago

That's a weird way to supposedly describe your mother. And why bother her?

And your account, comments and comment history are extremely strange.

But do see here:

Joseph Stalin: "According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death." (source:

Vladimir Putin: 80%-90% of the first Soviet government was Jewish (source:, Winston Churchill, article in 1920: "Zionism versus Bolshevism", though unknown whether he believed in his own presentation or not (source:

George S. Patton, diaries, september 22, 1945: "There is a very apparant Semitic influence in the press. They are trying to do two things: first, implement Communism and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs." (source:,

Karl Marx was not just Jewish, but a Turbo-Jew: He had not just Jewish ancestors, but a lot of rabbis in his family tree (source:, section "Childhood and early education",

Jews were grossly overrepresented among the leaders of the socialists in the German civil war in 1918-1919 (source: look up the leaders of the socialists).

Jews in People's Republic of China:

At least 4 of the 7 members of the first Politburo were Jewish, not counting Lenin (source:

There's also the video, which indirectly describes Jewish-Soviet relations, for instance Jewish bankers (which would be assumed to be capitalist) indirectly supporting the Soviet Union. See at these points in time.

There are also many other sources, and if you investigate by yourself, you will find other indicates and evidence.

And then consider the above describes mass murders and genocides.

One thing that I find mind-boggling is how the Jews and Israel treated Poland later. The Poles housed the Jews for several centuries, see for instance, and during WW2 they sacrificed themselves and gave their lives to protect the Jews (this is extremely bitter given the genocide of Poles by the NKVD operations, Katyn massacre, etc.). And now many Israelis and Jews keep saying "Polish Death Camps", seemingly in order to get reparations and other, despite everyone knowing it was built and run by Germans. It's... It is such a mind-boggling back-stab as far as I can tell. If you are Jewish yourself, could you explain this? Is it really meaningful to treat those that gave their lives for your people like that? Is it even wise or strategic? It seems like an extreme self-goal.

iCUsusKunt ago

Yea we have a pretty dysfunctional relationship to say the least. I'm not sure about my comment history but am passionate/unstable so it would reflect whatever state of mind I happen to be in at the time. I am Australian. My mum is Australian/.....? Adopted by polish couple who immigrated but very sketchy details as far as my biological grandfather identity goes and the circumstances of the adoption also sketchy. Like polish immigrants fresh of the boat adopting Australian baby? Established facts are biological grandmother is def aussie she lives here not sure if still alive now but she was also adopted, weird right? She cant won't help with grandfathers identity except 1stname Nikolai. Don't know what my mum's ethnicity is she always seemed aussie as shazza down the pub but when my pop died I found she spoke fluent polish Russian and bits of other languages I think they interchangeable to an extent. So yeah then there is my mothers childhood through Europe photos in many different countries as a small child and then again as a teenager. She looks full.euro. Portraits of her on the old popes lap and in lavish houses. Anyway pop was in concentration camp Stalag some number then he came here she didn't know she was adopted.til.some.bitch told.her as a teenager. She got.preggas with my eldest bro to some polish dude he ditched her apparently soon as the country then my other two brothers she had to a Lithuanian dude but he was killed crash right out front of house sketchy as fuck then.four more kids to my dad aussie who has always been around or some.shit I know it seems like.pointless details but it's all part.of a picture that I'm.just trying to.figure out. I don't think she jew blood but idk she once said o was German/Italian/Irish but my bro.was something else so I'm not sure might be more than 3 fathers between us 7 kids. I didn't know growing up realise that even though we moved house several times we always had polish/Lithuanian people around us like neighbours etc but they were supposed just randoms. One day casual as fuck she left my Oldman like aa Nd moved.on which is when I started to see alot of her other side and all these euros coming out of the woodworks. And here's the kicker I started to suspect that I was being fucked with in a million ways "attacked" and it led me stumbling across this bizarre phenomenon yes I'm going there "targeted individuals" whatever idc but yeah one night randomly talking shit while.she was over in Melbourne visiting me.for the weekend she casually mentions for.thr first time.ever that pop did work with CIA SOMETHING LIKE HELPING PICKOUT GERMAN SPEAKING JEWS FOR.THE AMERICANS BECAUSE HE WAS ABLE.TO.DETECT THE LINGUISTICS BETWEEN A JEW SPEAKING GERMAN AND A NATIVE GERMAN OR SOMESHIT. Fuck knows why the Americans wanted.them.picked.out ay. But anyway I was bad there you like everything else wrong in this country it's the fucking Jews targeting me on some generational revenge shit. Which is a jump but wouldn't put it past em and doesn't help.since.i became "jew aware" the fukas are popping up.left.right n centre. But my mother changes her view in them evry five minutes but mostly parrots the 50 gazillion poor Jews bs these days and though in her late 50's is still going thru 30 yr old.bfz/handler's every so often always sweet heart nice guys and always sadisticly violent and cruel alter.egos. Anywayz unloaded enough incoherent backstop for one comment. Poppa Nikolai where you at Poppa! P.s even if I found I was Jewish it would change nothing about my opinions but I berry much doubt it. Straight hair small.nose blue eyes not a slimy POS........

notenoughstuff ago

Fair enough. If that story is true and generally accurate, it does sound fairly to very difficult to figure out. I wish you the best of luck in your future either way.