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Samsquamch ago

Inb4 the random accounts show up to start attacks on Lauren... Oh still not fast enough. Every single right wing speaker or figure is attacked on this site. More goats are starting to notice, which is good though.

mybordersmychoice ago

A bunch of leftists pretending to be right wing and character assassinating right wing public figures. Lol pathetic and a complete waste of time because everyone sees through it right away.

The funny thing is this post is primarily about the shirt and the message on it, not the person wearing it. Which makes the shills look even dumber. If the shirt was on a mannequin being wheeled through the airport, they would claim that the mannequin is secretly hiding its ethnic origins and past partners.

Dranz ago

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

fuck you ziotard jews. Good job on banning from your sub for this image. What are you jews scared of?? Pushing your fucking jewess nigger loving whores into white unity movements. TRAITORS ALL OF YOU

The sub MyBordersMyChoice banned me for this image

Most likely the same jews who run TheGreaterIsraelAwakening sub

Octoclops ago

I don't agree with banning you for it but that is trash tier, no offense.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

It stirs emotion while bringing attention to what is happening and by whom. Banneg me for it is full jewry. It is reddit censorship. Had he asked me to delete it I might have. Now, its clear mybordersmychoice is a reddit mod on a power trip

BearDolphin1488 ago

Wait, so she didn't fuck pocs?

gosso920 ago


speedisavirus ago

She fucked someone (maybe) as a teen that was of questionable ethnicity. She now seems to fuck only whites.

cuello_rojo ago

She now seems to fuck only whites.

SEEMS is the key word here. Besides, it doesn't matter. She's a woman.

This is what gets her the maximum attention now.

I guarantee you that if she found she could get MORE attention and money from fucking niggers and renouncing her former past she would do it.

No, I guarantee you that she WILL do exactly that at some point in the future when it most benefits her.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I'm not doubting her loyalty to the cause now, I'm just saying, the reason anyone likes her is first based on her looks (me included, I'd love to bed her down in a golden wheatfield and fill her with my seed) then her ideology. Her beauty blinds and I worry about that aspect of her and what they says about her followers.

Plus, I know this is not a popular opinion for most guys but why the fuck do modern men want "experienced" women? I never understood it and used to think maybe they had a reason why everyone allows women to be where but I've come to realize it's a sad and pathetic settling that betas have accepted. The fact that any man can love and want a whore to mother their children seems insane to me but what do I know, apparently, I'm a Jewish shill that's dividing the alt right lol.

Sorry. I'm ranting

speedisavirus ago

Tommie went off the rails and her beauty doesn't seem to save her from judgement. Regarding her nutbag ranting about how the right shouldn't care about culture or abortion.

Dudesocks ago

Even if she burned coal, she’s doing more good for whites than you.

BearDolphin1488 ago


Dude, she's not going to sleep with you, you dont need yo defend her honor here. Take her pretty face out of the equation and view her from that lens. I dont doubt she believes in, and supports wholly, a white revival, on the stipulation that coal burners are okay. You might be okay with dicked down girl but I'm not. You trying to negate my worth doesnt make her dick sucking count any less.

Instead of settling for a nigger lover pretty girl, why not take the message and bear it yourself. You want to be a white knigh? Then dont let little girls hold the banner for us.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

I don't quite understand what white knighting has to do with this discussion. Yes, I understand that guys tend to get retarded around pretty girls that take advantage of thirsty betas in this movement ("thots"). But have you seen Lauren's videos?

Check out:

  • The Streets of Paris
  • Asking Feminists: Women's Rights or Islam
  • her South Africa videos about white farmers being murdered/slaughtered

These are powerful videos, and they make me THINK.

I don't know or care if she's part Jewish or not. For the record, I don't think she's Jewish though ("Simonsen" is a Danish name, I think). Mostly, I care about her MESSAGE. And I also don't care if she's an opportunistic "thot", who burned the coal (even if I'm disappointed and disturbed by it).

I only care about people telling me the truth, or at least the truth as they understand it. Frankly, I don't think she's old enough or clever enough to be another "false flag scam artist" amongst the "alt light". And she does NOT strike me as either scheming or malevolent (despite her flaws).

Someone like Jason Kessler, on the other hand, (who led "Unite the Right") is absolutely ethnically Jewish, absolutely supported Obama, is absolutely "pro-gun control", and is absolutely a subversively evil globalist double agent. I don't think Lauren Southern is anything like him.

You guys are forgetting that she is a YOUNG FEMALE. It's insane to think that she'll have her entire worldview figured out at this age. Didn't she burn the coal at age 19, and was unrepentant about it at age 20? Well, guess what? Young people (especially young girls) have lots of dumb ideas.

If you guys specifically have a problem with her MESSAGE, then clearly explain what she's saying or doing long as you're honest enough to also explain what she's doing RIGHT. But if you're expecting every non-Communist to fit your purity tests, then you are going to make yourselves miserable. We don't have the messengers or the saviors that we want. We have the messengers or the saviors that we have.

And if you guys can't accept that, then some of you non-Jewish, non-Hispanic heterosexual, cisgendered white men.....who have never had sex with a non-white person, need to step up YOURSELVES......and spread your message YOURSELVES.

In the meantime, I think that Lauren is engaging in a much-needed public service. That's what I think, anyway.

BearDolphin1488 ago

youre right. i've thought about it and you are right.

neveragainfatty ago

Women get traction and are useful for banners and publicity.

Quality Men start movements. Beautiful women join because there are quality men to be had. Normal men join because normal men want pretty women.

Almost all propaganda and homegrown movements follow this path because it works.

No one wants to see your ugly mug. Look at TheGoldenOne. Highly attractive, well spoken, intelligent, openly asks the JQ, and he pushes a positive message for our people. He has 79k subs, Lauren has 567k.

His message is better. Her tits attract more betas. Her message gets more traction.

He explains it with milo here.


BearDolphin1488 ago

Sigh, you're right.

neveragainfatty ago

She ropes in the dopes, we need to be the deprogrammers.

You seem like an even handed intelligent person who is angry at the world for all the right reasons.

I hope you come to see the usefulness of pretty faces and don't devolve to 'THOT Patrolling' women that are pushing our narrative.

We need them but we should not honor them except for their actions that benefit our message. They don't seek beta attention except to impress alphas. So what do we need to do to keep them in their lanes? Don't be impressed.

Women desire approval but despise unwarranted praise. Look at how they treat the betas that lavish them with kind words, ignored for Chad the aloof. It seems everything boils down to using evolutionary psychology to manipulate the masses.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah, I just get impatient. You're right though, thanks.

outside-the-box ago

Dude, she's not going to sleep with you, you dont need yo defend her honor here.

Low effort shill is low effort.

BearDolphin1488 ago

To be honest, I still dont really understand the word shill, or at least in the context most of you Donald faggots use it.

Anyway, yes, I am attempting to belittle the person's character as I cant punch them because I am on the internet. It is how i appear tough. But since you've pointed it out, aghast!!! I am!!! I am disarmed, touche valid and brave internet warrior, you've defeated the evil Hillary shill. Would you like a loot box? Or maybe a soylent beverage?

outside-the-box ago

To be honest, I still dont really understand the word shill, or at least in the context most of you Donald faggots use it.

Anyway, yes, I am attempting to belittle the person's character as I cant punch them because I am on the internet. It is how i appear tough. But since you've pointed it out, aghast!!! I am!!! I am disarmed, touche valid and brave internet warrior, you've defeated the evil Hillary shill. Would you like a loot box? Or maybe a soylent beverage?

And you kikes try to act like you have superior intellect. You're embarrassing yourself, shlomo.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Soy boy. Soy boy . Soyboy. Hows that for super high IQ me.

Oy vey!! I'll have to show the temple these exchanges, they will be disappointed in my lack of shpeshifting prowess, blast you goyim!! I almost had them all convinced!!!

You're a tard. I wonder if you've got the droopy eyes and all

Dudesocks ago

She’s a useful thot. She’s a needed stepping stone in this fight.

I’m a part of one of the only movements still going after cville.

neveragainfatty ago

Which group?

Samsquamch ago

Yup, you'll notice when Milo became big everyone attacked him, then when he went away and Jordan Peterson started to become prominent, he's now a filthy jew too. Then of course there is Lauren, who had the audacity to date someone who was only half-white. Dinesh D'Souza of course is just a street-shitting pajeet and shouldn't be listened to, and the list goes on.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

(((Milo))) is an attention seeking faggot.

JP has close connections to the UN, Harvard, and top tier globalists like Steven Pinker. C'mon he only argues against Shapiro and niggers and women. I'd love to see him actually debate somebody legit. He's a basic boomer physiology professor with connections and has been wanting to be a media whore for years and he finally got his shot, but is scared he's going to have to change his mind on camera from having his weak ideas proven wrong.

I haven't seen anything legitimate against Lauren, she seems to be bringing attention to the south Africa issue. I don't think she's a shapeshifter, but I could be wrong. She has the audacity to interview Dugin, which is cool in my book, even though I don't exactly agree with Dugin.

Dinesh is a basic bitch too, everybody likes him cause he's brown.

xenoPsychologist ago

they dont suddenly become jewish. they are jewish their whole lives and then you worship them when they become famous mouthpieces.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Peterson isnt a jew, his message, while tremendously important and should definitely be absorbed, doesnt fix the problem . Individualism is exactly why were in this mess. We dont need more of it. It is a necessary step to realize oneselfs individualism and then separate from the progressive narrative... then once you realize the score and where we all are in the battle, to unite with others like us.

But whatever. Ya ya, I'm a bot. Russian even, maybe!!

neveragainfatty ago

He is a psychologist. His focus is the individual. His message is self improvement. The necessary first step to throwing off the chains of the pleasure culture.

He isn't trying to fix society, he is fixing people. Unmotivated people can't look past their next dopamine rush to realize that there are even problems, let alone idealize fixing them.

jthun2 ago

No, he is a philosemite, promoted by Jews because he says things useful for Jewish interests.

Sure, he wants you to clean your room while doing nothing about the mass invasion of the third world. You aren't supposed to feel proud of your race or culture, or have any attachment to it. Meanwhile Jews dominate our society through ethnic nepotism.

neveragainfatty ago

Source on him promoting that you do "nothing about the mass invasion of the third world."

Where does he state or represent the notion that "You aren't supposed to feel proud of your race or culture, or have any attachment to it?"

If you have sources I'd love to see it.

Or is your real issue that he doesn't name the Jew?

Naming the Jew is the surest way to lose your platform due to their extreme control through their ethnic nepotism.

You can't clean up the world if you are so fucking depressed you don't even shower.

SoyGoy's can't beat down commie, globalist, jews and their puppets in the streets.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Source on him promoting that you do "nothing about the mass invasion of the third world."

It's not that he doesn't name the Jew. He shames anybody even attempting to talk about it while secretly supporting UN plans to increase migration. he actually supports the Balfour Declaration, listen to that shit and tell me he's not sucking Jew cock.

He's not a stepping stone to red pills, he's a red herring.

neveragainfatty ago

Thank You. Please continue to share this.

BearDolphin1488 ago


BearDolphin1488 ago

Or its milo is a faggot jew who loves black cock... lol you Donald faggots are too much.

Skeeterdo ago

In defense of some of the attacks on Milo.

Milo is a jew.

Milo is gay.

Milo loves black cock and boasts about it whenever he can.

Milo seems to advocate for NAMBLA.

Milo admits to making the choice of gayness.

There's more. A lot more. He's a smart guy and he's right about some things. But.. yeah.. I understand the attacks on the guy.

Dark_Shroud ago

Milo doesn't advocate for NAMBLA unless there is something new to come out since that interview where he talked about young guys being at the Hollywood parties and his own experiences.

The disconnect that some people have is that Milo openly talked about being sexually abused but enjoyed part of it. Female sexual abuse victims have similar situations discussing about this messing them up because they enjoyed some of the sexual contact. Milo's mistake was being honest about being gay because he enjoyed taking it up the ass. He's not the only gay with a past like that. Plenty of gay men have childhood sexual abuse but won't openly admit it.

Skeeterdo ago

He said he believes young men/boys can learn a lot from an older man. That is NAMBLA in a nutshell. I'm aware of his abuse. But this line of thinking is insanity and directly correlates with NAMBLA.

neveragainfatty ago

Certainly he shouldn't have had a public statement if he wanted to retain that shred of decency that remained.

Milo is garbage that was slightly useful while being extremely degenerative to core conservative values and he needs to be ignored as it decomposes of aids in the dump.

He is out of shock value. He normalized faggotry to the boomers... One giant leap back for his support of 'Daddy.'

I hope he dies soon so he can be truely useful.