Rellik88 ago

Funny that JEW has done more for the white race then YOU EVER WILL!

Nice try media matters we will not stop supporting Tommy.

auralsects ago

not just tommy, all these euro-trash


CrudOMatic ago

>oy vey goy, the only way white nationalism can win is if you join forces with a baby raping cult of semitic desert savages

Fellow white people, the cousins of the kikes and another of our historic enemies is our only hope! Let them flood in - they're anti-kike too!

t. Moishe Greenblatt-Shekelstein John Smith

auralsects ago

  1. you are not clever; you are a faggot
  2. you suggest their shared ethnic origins imply some mutual loyalty, lol
  3. no one said let them into Europe, straw man
  4. our 'allying' would consist of NOT actively defending kikes against their greatest enemies

thanks for the perfect illustration of my point: gullible WNs like you are THE OPPOSITE OF STRATEGISTS and should take a backseat to the muslims, who are morally, spiritually, and intellectually superior to you, + have testicles.
'der der they from the desert derrr'

CrudOMatic ago

\1. you are not clever; you are a faggot

I was quite funny and called out pertinent facts, mainly that you're a sandnigger lover. The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy (of course if we've ever had beef - and we HAVE, camel-sucker). You're the faggot trying to kumbaya with mahometan pedophiles and murderers. I haven't forgotten the barbary slave trade, where arabs, moors and turks sold our people into slavery - and our young boys into sexual slavery. They're not our friends - them and the kikes can kill each other. DEATH TO ISRAEL. DEATH TO PALESTINE.

\2. you suggest their shared ethnic origins imply some mutual loyalty, lol

Kikes are letting them in, white-washing them in the news, and sandnigger orgs are friendly with kike civil rights orgs. Try again.

\3. no one said let them into Europe, straw man

DA ENEMY OF MAH ENEMY IS MAH FRIEND! WE NEED THEIR HELP AND THEY NEED OURS. Not too far away from letting them sleep across the hall from your daughter, faggot.

\4. our 'allying' would consist of NOT actively defending kikes against their greatest enemies


KYS Moishe.

auralsects ago

You're the faggot trying to kumbaya with mahometan pedophiles and murderers.

You're the faggot using pretentious anachronisms like "mahometan" and slandering ~2bn people for the religious label they adopt. A normal person understands implicitly that by and large people are people. Not even all Jews are depraved or murderous.

I haven't forgotten the barbary slave trade, where arabs, moors and turks sold our people into slavery - and our young boys into sexual slavery.

LOL well maybe you should forget it, dumbass, because what's done is done and that dynamic no longer exists. But you don't want to look forward for solutions, you just want to vent and bluster like some Deus-Vult FAGGOT.

Kikes are letting them in, white-washing them in the news, and sandnigger orgs are friendly with kike civil rights orgs. Try again.

Yeah they do all that precisely for low-IQ dipshits like you to buy their "clash of civilizations narrative" and fight their zio-wars against the scary muslims OMG THEY WANNA KILL US ALL!! Why do you think they cultivate shills like Tommy Robinson, Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and every other prominent anti-Islam agitator.


They're not our enemies even if they were once adversaries. I wish Charles Martel had lost and their tiny occupational elite had converted us all to nice healthy big-family warrior-spirited kike-hating white Muslims, AS DID HITLER.

Desert people have historically been evil savages. DERP.

LOL muh magic soil, what a fucking tool. Desert societies rely on cooperation, trade, and hospitality, and yes also tribalism and blood feuds you'd call savage (which continue to exist among Europeans in e.g. the Balkans). In any case all that matters is survival, which you don't seem too keen on, just wanna whine about the scary darkies.

CrudOMatic ago

You're the faggot using pretentious anachronisms like "mahometan" and slandering ~2bn people for the religious label they adopt.

Call the fucking WAAAHMBULANCE. They chose a religion that says their prophet is the perfect man, and demands they be like him. Their prophet is a murdering bandito pedophile. They have child marriages and rape young boys. They inbreed like cockroaches. They're responsible for ~98% of the terrorism globally. That's not slander, faggot. KYS.

LOL well maybe you should forget it, dumbass, because what's done is done and that dynamic no longer exists. But you don't want to look forward for solutions, you just want to vent and bluster like some Deus-Vult FAGGOT.

They still engage in slavery to this day, and not to mention that there is a black market white slave trade going on today. The pakis form massive rape & grooming gangs in England - I'd be willing to say that they kidnap white women to sell into sexual slavery. So, that dynamic still exists. You're talking about a stone age religion, cocksucker - they're not going to stop because it's muh <INSERT CURRENT YEAR HERE>.

Yeah they do all that precisely for low-IQ dipshits like you to buy their "clash of civilizations narrative" and fight their zio-wars against the scary muslims OMG THEY WANNA KILL US ALL!! Why do you think they cultivate shills like Tommy Robinson, Geert Wilders, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and every other prominent anti-Islam agitator.

"Hey guise, forget the terrorism and shit, the grooming gangs, the rape gangs, just forget it - because it's all some glow-in-the-dark conspiracy deep OP and sandniggers are perfectly innocent.

t. Fag"

They're not our enemies even if they were once adversaries. I wish Charles Martel had lost and their tiny occupational elite had converted us all to nice healthy big-family warrior-spirited kike-hating white Muslims

Ah, yes - let's not forget the child brides, inbreeding and boy-fucking. It seems you really get off on our people being occupied by yet another savage desert religion and having our gene pool permanently polluted. Something smells like camel piss here, or is that gefilte fish? As for jew-hating - that was the norm until after WW2.


Hitler wasn't a mudslime, cocksucker. Nice try.

LOL muh magic soil, what a fucking tool.

Who said anything about magical soil, faggot?

Desert societies rely on cooperation, trade, and hospitality, and yes also tribalism and blood feuds you'd call savage (which continue to exist among Europeans in e.g. the Balkans). In any case all that matters is survival, which you don't seem too keen on, just wanna whine about the scary darkies.

So, let's recap:

  1. Overlook rampant rape, murder, crime, etc
  2. Overlook child fucking
  3. Overlook inbreeding
  4. Overlook our history
  5. Overlook terrorism
  6. Overlook low-IQ savagry
  7. Dilute & pollute our gene pool with dirty inbred sandnigger blood
  8. Support yet another foreign race occupying white lands, perverting our culture
  9. Say it's all a big zio-conspiracy and all the previous points can be overlooked as well

kys mullah. Or rabbi. Or cuck.

auralsects ago

They have child marriages and rape young boys.

LOL even if either of those happened on any significant scale: a girl marrying at 14 is more natural than a girl marrying at 30 and WESTERN countries are the ones with a pedophile elite + open legal pedophilia advocacy organizations. Oh right you don't care about nature and birth rates, you're just a brainless, blustering RETARD.

In the United States, as late as the 1880s most states set the minimum age at ten to twelve (in Delaware, it was seven in 1895).[11]

Oof. Can't imagine what you'd say about high-IQ white folks a full 1300 years after Muhammad!

They inbreed like cockroaches.

Marrying a cousin results in a 1% increase in possibility of defects; obviously it was the norm throughout history and is only illegal now due to social stigma. YOU ARE AN IGNORANT BUFFOON. YOU EMBARRASS US ALL.

They're responsible for ~98% of the terrorism globally.

I think you're just jealous they're willing to kill and die for a cause, whereas your FAT USELESS ASS won't get off the couch to take a piss.

They still engage in slavery to this day, and not to mention that there is a black market white slave trade going on today

The pakis form massive rape & grooming gangs in England - I'd be willing to say that they kidnap white women to sell into sexual slavery.

You'd be wrong, FAGGOT. HINT: when they use euphemisms like "groom" THEY ARE BULLSHITTING YOU, RETARD. These are GHETTO SLUT TEENAGERS of single moms who sell their bodies for nothing due to JEWISH DEGENERATE POP CULTURE and eventually get passed around by loser Pakis who keep their own women virginal.

Hitler wasn't a mudslime, cocksucker. Nice try.

Not only did Hitler wish we were Muslims, dozens of top Nazis converted to Islam and many moved to Arab countries after the war. You don't know shit about history, religion, society, false flag terrorism, or the National Socialist movement; what DO you know about??

Dilute & pollute our gene pool with dirty inbred sandnigger blood

Only if CUCKS like you don't LAY DOWN THE LAW ON THESE SLUTS WE CALL WHITE WOMEN. The entire reason the elites were able to justify bringing them in was because of our women refusing to birth & slaughtering our next generation in the womb.

YOU ARE STUPID. CONSIDER OTHER HOBBIES. Your brother probably got killed while invading a Muslim country for the KIKES and you're too traumatized to see reason; we don't need damaged idiots like you.

CrudOMatic ago

a girl marrying at 14 is more natural than a girl marrying at 30

Found the pedo, and no - it used to be 18 - you can thank feminism for the 30 thing. On top of that, whites are a K-species, not an r-species. We don't breed like jackrabbits unless there is a population crash. The only reason people started reproducing as young as possible was because of hard times - when 60% of your offspring won't live to see puberty, then you need to reproduce young and often for the species to survive. The first-world doesn't have that environment anymore, and thus the K-species will reproduce at its leisure.

Also, do NOT give me that 14 shit - sandniggers marry as young as 4... but I guess since they wait 3 years until they fuck them, like Mohammed did, then it's OK. KYS pedo.

and WESTERN countries are the ones with a pedophile elite + open legal pedophilia advocacy organizations.

...and Muslim countries normalized it centuries ago. That's why it's ok to marry a 4 y/o and fuck her 3 years later, and ok to fuck young boys. KYS pedo.

Oh right you don't care about nature and birth rates, you're just a brainless, blustering RETARD.

Pedo uses birthrate excuse to try to convince society to legalize child marriage. It's ineffective! KYS.

Marrying a cousin results in a 1% increase in possibility of defects; obviously it was the norm throughout history and is only illegal now due to social stigma. YOU ARE AN IGNORANT BUFFOON. YOU EMBARRASS US ALL.

Nice attempt at engaging in marry-your-cousin propaganda. Doesn't change the fact that they're heavily inbred, and because of that suffer fuck tons on mental illnesses and birth defects - the #1 of which is hermaphroditism. That's what 40 generations of cousin fucking will get you. FFS, the elites of Europe did the cousin fucking thing too at a great detriment - a couple of generations in the damage was already done, and they went deeper in - moving to sister-brother inbreeding and fucking up their entire bloodlines. Kikes do the cousin fucking thing too - and they're the race with the MOST genetic illnesses, even having a litany of them that only they can develop.

Pedo cousin fucker.

I think you're just jealous they're willing to kill and die for a cause, whereas your FAT USELESS ASS won't get off the couch to take a piss.

Then how would I eat, retard? Oh, I forgot I was talking to an inbred pedo cousin-fucker. Also, I'm not a welfare nigger. Next.

You'd be wrong, FAGGOT. HINT: when they use euphemisms like "groom" THEY ARE BULLSHITTING YOU, RETARD. These are GHETTO SLUT TEENAGERS of single moms who sell their bodies for nothing due to JEWISH DEGENERATE POP CULTURE and eventually get passed around by loser Pakis who keep their own women virginal.

Not a bit of truth to that, cocksucker. They kidnap girls as young as nine, addict them to drugs, and pimp them out - like all sleazy mud pimps do. Because mud pimps are inbred pedo cousin-fuckers, like yourself - Mo'habib.


Point out that pakis kidnap, enslave & pimp out girls, then point out it's only a hop away from selling them to private buyers, and the inbred pedo cousin fucker wants to pretend like I'm pro-Israel... almost like it's inbred pedo cousin-fucker brain can't understand that the world isn't binary. WHAT PART OF DEATH TO ISRAEL, DEATH TO PALESTINE do you not understand, inbreed?

Not only did Hitler wish we were Muslims, dozens of top Nazis converted to Islam and many moved to Arab countries after the war. You don't know shit about history, religion, society, false flag terrorism, or the National Socialist movement; what DO you know about??

Not one ounce of truth to that, inbred pedo cousin fucker. The alt-right nor NatSocs will protect Palestine. Come the DotR - you're all getting done.

Only if CUCKS like you don't LAY DOWN THE LAW ON THESE SLUTS WE CALL WHITE WOMEN. The entire reason the elites were able to justify bringing them in was because of our women refusing to birth & slaughtering our next generation in the womb.

It's not my duty to control YOUR woman - gird the fuck up and handle your problem. Oh, also, you keep using "our" as if you're white - muslim inbred pedo cousin-fucker. You made clear that you're a mudslime when you started sucking paki dick and claiming Hitler was a Shitslam sandnigger lover.


Death to Israel. Death to Palestine. No games are being played.

Your brother probably got killed while invading a Muslim country for the KIKES and you're too traumatized to see reason; we don't need damaged idiots like you.

Muslim inbred pedo cousin-fucker wants to pretend like he knows me, throws out tired cliché out hat description of anti-Pisslam activists. Your inbreeding has made you slow mentally, your dull wit cannot possibly conceive of anything beyond black & white. You cannot possibly understand that vast swathes of people would like to see you & your cousin the kike slaughter each other while we all laugh riotously with rancor in our hearts.

You are my enemy, Muslim, as is your cousin the jew. Death to Israel. Death to Palestine.

modsrcuntz ago

Why did he have so many banks with him coming out of jail like he was taking a months vacation

CrudOMatic ago

Why did he have so many banks with him


modsrcuntz ago

Sorry AutoCorrect, meant “bags”

Russianbots ago

At least he's out there waking people in the uk up. What the fuck you doing kike shill. Fuck off back to 4chan.

TheGoyNextDoor ago

Good work, sir

Rellik88 ago

Glad a 11 day old account shill could back up another shill.

TheGoyNextDoor ago

If you like jew cock, that’s your own business man, no need to get defensive

mrfetus ago

I love the Ben Garrison harassment. Fuck you Ben for protecting the kikes.

VoutGuy ago

Woah, some ancient fu7 characters.

talmoridor-x ago

Ah, rage faces. Classic.

l_voated_today ago

What did Robinson do to backstab anyone or are the Jews just trying to sow mistrust?

ExpertShitposter ago

Not sure what happened to the original zionist watch tommy exposed video, only this remains.

Shekelstein6M ago

That was awesome.

l_voated_today ago

Fair enough

auralsects ago

'fair enough' show some more humility after that accusation you little faggot, and I better not see you in another thread defending Lauren Simonsen etc. fucking brainless piece of shit.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

It sounds like your steroid dosage is way too high you psycho.

Shekelstein6M ago


anoncastillo ago

Since when do Jews warn us about Muslims?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Jews always play both sides.

Shekelstein6M ago

kikes constantly join right-wing anti-muslim parties to shield themselves from blame.

Shekelstein6M ago

This is going to piss a lot of people off.

Rellik88 ago

Yea because your a paid shill for the libcucks.

Shekelstein6M ago

Must be it.

I love how you guys completely ignore that the guy is a self admitted jew mossad fanboy and an israel firster.

Maybe, just maybe I'm trying to show you guys who he really is. But no, the person who has been here for over 3 years (this is my second account) and has CONSISTENTLY called out jewish subversion must be a jewish shill.

Just how fucking deluded are you people. It's unreal at this point.

Rellik88 ago

DONT CARE! He still is doing more for whites than you ever will.

Shekelstein6M ago

Subverting nationalist movements is saving white people, goy

Ok then.

ExpertShitposter ago

Woha dude! Isn't tommy a B.A.S.E.D. jew? I mean cmon, he said muslims suck, he is based jew our guy.

Skeeterdo ago

If you're wearing a satanic star and sporting mossad t-shirts you deserve to be called out.