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BeefBourgignon ago

Drake is a jew and a negro. A lot of half bred negroes have jewish ancestry

Whitemail ago

Yes, the (((slave master))) liked banging his property when wifey was away.

CrudOMatic ago

No surprise. Bestiality is huge with Jews.

BreederBasher ago

That's because goyim are not technically human and need to get fucked.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Looking throughout history it's Jews who are inhumane.

BreederBasher ago

Everyone Jews attacked did something to deserve it. An eye for an eye and all that. We're not the instigators, here. You are. You attack us and we will destroy you until there is no evidence of your existence left.

BreederBasher ago

notenoughstuff ago

"Being against Jews means you are for all kinds of other groups! And these groups are totally not heavily influenced or controlled by us, goy"

"Also, let me project some more against 'white people'"

Who founded Christianity? And who has managed to infiltrate and take over the Catholic Church? You are fully aware of whom Pope Francis is loyal to.

And how can you possibly claim that Jews do not encourage child rape, molestation and mutilation when the evidence is clear as day? And then there's stuff like the below:

You seem like yet another broken and insane faggot, who claims not to be a child rapist, and I am not certain you are honest regarding that latter part. And if so, you should kill yourself as soon as possible.

BreederBasher ago

Goy news is fake news. That still doesn't change the irrefutable fact that goyism is blasphemy against the Jewish God, the KKKatholiKKK "church" is nothing but a network of homophobic pedo scum, and Islam is built around the ramblings of a racist pedo. Goyim invented pedophilia with the specific purpose of raping, molesting, and traumatizing Jewish children in order to justify killing them, but since there weren't enough Jewish children to satisfy their depraved desires, they molested their own instead. Goyism is both anti-God and anti-human at the same time.

Foreskin is unnecessary. Removing it reduces the rate of penile cancer.

Meanwhile, I'm not surprised it happened in Germany. You fucking krauts are so depraved you let adults fuck 14 year olds just like the wops, but unlike the wops you could at least give us gay marriage. And the ethnic lineage of Ricky Schroder, who made me want one before I even knew what it was.

notenoughstuff ago

[Projection - the comment]

This seems like a troll account.