lordvain2 ago

It was never easy to find good stuff to listen to. Radio stations never played anything but pop. If we wanted to hear metal or hard rock we had to seek it out and buy it. Once everybody else was into it,it wasn't what you wanted to be listening to. Kids listening to crap promoted by the industry are trying to virtue signal to these pavement apes that they are good little crackers. These fuckers want you extinct and dead. We have our own culture, but it is not easy to find it. It has been this way for a long time.

theshopper ago

Is there nothing so profitable as sex and degeneracy?

Mylon ago

There's plenty of amazing music out there. But exploring to find it is a lot of work since none of the big outlets want to draw attention to real talent.

Whitemail ago

Really, though, I shouldn't look for new music, because I have too much stuff I already want to listen to.

BreederBasher ago

Yeah, I know what you mean:


mattsixteen24 ago

and dumb whites eat this garbage up.

trazzz ago

As an european, i like shitty dance noise.

headfire ago

No one cares about black music or mexi music. That garbage is always forgotten in a year or so.

Which makes sense. No one in American culture really needs the attention of nigs or mexis, so they have to keep farting in public hoping someone will look at them. Musicians represent this faithfully. Mexis and blacks eat that filth and love it.

Youtube pushes the same garbage because it's what those people click on. The real music on youtube is all ready widely known as real music, and only people with the capacity to appreciate it will listen to it anyway (by which I mean white people).

Youtube has no reason to push real music because it's not what the subhuman garbage want to hear. Personally, I find that reassuring.

But it's still all clicks-and-whistles subhuman garbage, and the real music on youtube is still real. Youtube can't do a damned thing about that either, and I personally find that reassuring too.

JonReed ago

Soooooo sick of nig beats. It was cool when it was underground like 25 years ago. It stopped being cool in the mid ought 2000s. And was definitely fully gay by 2006. I can't believe it's still going. I hear people's nig beats in their car every now and then and I'm like really? This is what you're listening to?

Whitemail ago

I don't even listen to R&B, and I'm so sick of loud, pronounced hi-hat that fluctuates in speed. That's as worn out as the country music style. Apparently, that's what the music industry does now. They sell a bunch of garbage that sounds the same to idiots that can't tolerate music sounding and feeling different.

JonReed ago

I actually never knew what a hihat was but since you mentioned something over used is it that sound that sounds like a marching bands' rapid drum beat?

That is incredibly annoying. I had a college roommate who thought he was a rapper (cringe af) and he published a song that had aaaaaall of that biolerplate rap shit in it and he kept coming at me for a pat on the back. I'm like... Man that is the same recycled garbage from 6 or 7 years ago(at the time)

Whitemail ago

a natural hi-hat sound is like this. You can open and close it as you heard there. It can be clamped lose or clamped tight. The niggers generally use a tight clamp sound that's not live drums, but just some computer program or keyboard shit.

JonReed ago

I think that's the sound I'm hearing. If that not exactly it it's similar to that. I always think of the marching bands drum beat, and I get the (cringey) feeling that it's meant to convey some sort of military idea that ?somehow? Makes some sense for the effect of the song? I don't really know what the meaning is supposed to be

The rapid drum beat in this clip is what I'm talking about. Didn't spend the time to find an isolated clip of the sound https://youtu.be/1ZwVoNUvaAE

Whitemail ago

That's snare drum and there's no hi-hat in there. The bass and snare drums tend to alternate to create a sense of flow. The hi-hat tends to be hit repetitively to sort of provide a steady framework for the bass and snare alternating. In modern music it's mostly occurring like boom click boom click, with click being the snare drum and boom being the bass drum. Although, the bass drum booms tend to be altered in a million different ways to create different beats.

This song has nothing but drums at the start. You can hear bass then snare as the hi-hat continues concurrently. Then there are a lot more bass drum beats than just one with a steady 2 and 4 beat snare drum pattern. He worked a hi-hat raise into his beat before the last snare hit to make it more interesting.

I'm not a drummer. I'm a guitar player, but my brother played drums. I learned how to do the basics and have even programmed some drums before.

nigger_plz ago

This is pretty much the end of the line for music. It's gonna be this nigger shit from now until doomsday. I mean who's got the balls to say hey man nigger music is bad for your health. Whoever does say that will be called a racist and and not a diversity enthusiast like they're supposed to be.

You voaters gotta quit being so racist and just enjoy this nigger music. It's so beautiful. To quote the great Ray Stevens, "everything is beautiful, in it's own way. Like a starry summer's night on a snow covered winter's day."

To think... there was a time when there was no rap. Damn that was good music.

Greyskull ago

you tube is also pushing it because the feed will just recycle the same 2-3 songs over and over again.... Altho, I have found out if you link to a roku it wont. same with video.

IDintDoNuthin ago

There is no replacement for live shows exposing actual talent. My final judgement of a musical group is how they perform raw. Even those gay produced acoustic up and personal shows brings you chills knowing it is raw unedited music. I am sort of a hypocrite, as I am getting into electronic music (as I seek a literal trance to perform repetitive tasks or to focus on a task like cad modeling).

Whitemail ago

I judge music by the quality of the music writing mainly. I like creativity, randomness, harmonic complexity, and variety (for albums). I don't really care if it's programmed music or not.

LilBrattyMkr ago

"Shitty dance noise" is at least made by white people. Germany used to have the best.

Atkho ago

Meanwhile they keep deleting the shit I listen to. What gives?


CrudOMatic ago

Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said America should remain agrarian instead of building large cities. Large cities are how Jews prosper & thrive, then eventually subvert your culture and society.

walterhartman ago

Music is a commodity instead of an art now. All free synthesized stuff.

Kannibal ago

doesn't this reflect your search history?

Alopix ago

Not always.

Remember, the content they float to the top is the stuff THEY want you to see.

Kannibal ago

well, if you are in full privacy mode without a youtube account, they start from scratch

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Music is a total loss in all genre's. Commie jews goals are to destroy our art and music. Look up 20 commie goals. Its all in there.

BreederBasher ago

None of the Western art you fetishize would have happened without Jews because Western Civilization wouldn't even exist without Jews. It's goyim's fault modern music is such crap.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

heh heh try again, schlomo. No empires. No nothing. ah ah ah

BreederBasher ago

Without Judaism and homosexuality, the West would be just another savage shit hole.


Workman ago

Hey, I'm with you on the nigger and spic music, but EDM is mostly harmless. Sure, none of it's Mozart or Bach, but it gets the job done when you just need something to listen to. Although the shit you hear on the radio is, as is typical, the worst the genre has to offer. You want to listen to some good shit look up New Retrowave.

Alopix ago

EDM is chasing nigger jungle noise and made for nigger club culture. Not all electronic music is EDM though

"New retrowave" lol you electro fags and your 300 made up arbitrary "genres"

GapingAnus ago

Were you expecting Erika?

Revived_Jack_Tunney ago

Believe it or not Morrisey talked about this in the 70's already.

BeefBourgignon ago

Drake is a jew and a negro. A lot of half bred negroes have jewish ancestry

FreedomPulyemot ago

Where's Addonis?

Kippering ago

Modern black music absolutely sucks, yet it's the most heavily promoted 'genre' by the modern music industry. Why? https://www.voat.co/v/music/2622427

Whitemail ago

Yes, the (((slave master))) liked banging his property when wifey was away.

CrudOMatic ago

No surprise. Bestiality is huge with Jews.

BreederBasher ago

That's because goyim are not technically human and need to get fucked.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Looking throughout history it's Jews who are inhumane.

BreederBasher ago

Everyone Jews attacked did something to deserve it. An eye for an eye and all that. We're not the instigators, here. You are. You attack us and we will destroy you until there is no evidence of your existence left.

albatrosv15 ago

Oh hello there, cupcake. So many automatic emotions. Be seeing you.

BreederBasher ago

Shut up, cracker. You know you're just biding time until your inevitable genocide. The more hate speech you spew, the sooner that will be.

albatrosv15 ago

It's already done. What then?

BreederBasher ago

notenoughstuff ago

"Being against Jews means you are for all kinds of other groups! And these groups are totally not heavily influenced or controlled by us, goy"

"Also, let me project some more against 'white people'"

Who founded Christianity? And who has managed to infiltrate and take over the Catholic Church? You are fully aware of whom Pope Francis is loyal to.

And how can you possibly claim that Jews do not encourage child rape, molestation and mutilation when the evidence is clear as day? And then there's stuff like the below:



You seem like yet another broken and insane faggot, who claims not to be a child rapist, and I am not certain you are honest regarding that latter part. And if so, you should kill yourself as soon as possible.

BreederBasher ago

Goy news is fake news. That still doesn't change the irrefutable fact that goyism is blasphemy against the Jewish God, the KKKatholiKKK "church" is nothing but a network of homophobic pedo scum, and Islam is built around the ramblings of a racist pedo. Goyim invented pedophilia with the specific purpose of raping, molesting, and traumatizing Jewish children in order to justify killing them, but since there weren't enough Jewish children to satisfy their depraved desires, they molested their own instead. Goyism is both anti-God and anti-human at the same time.

Foreskin is unnecessary. Removing it reduces the rate of penile cancer.

Meanwhile, I'm not surprised it happened in Germany. You fucking krauts are so depraved you let adults fuck 14 year olds just like the wops, but unlike the wops you could at least give us gay marriage. And the ethnic lineage of Ricky Schroder, who made me want one before I even knew what it was.

notenoughstuff ago

[Projection - the comment]

This seems like a troll account.

BreederBasher ago

A country built by white hetero-Catholic imperialist scum on land stolen from the Mayas with money stolen by "King" Ferdinand the Bullshitter and "Queen" Isabella, whore of Iberia who cucked her husband by sleeping with that dago Christopher Columbus. The entire existence of a place called Latin America on land stolen by whites from people of color is because of white racism, heterosexual perversion, and goyische blasphemy.





notenoughstuff ago

"I must distract the goyim from the image and misrepresent it"

"The goyim must be humiliated! I must humiliate others instead of being humiliated!"

"Oh, and muh racism, inferior white goyim!"

Those poor, poor human sacrificers:






But you could well argue that the conquest of and especially mixing with Amerindians was wretched. But that was generally the Spanish and the Portuguese whom at the point in time of the New World discoveries and conquests were considerably mixed by Muslims and Jews. But yeah, a partial point you have there.

I have heard that there is a saying in some Latin American countries that the reason that North America is generally much, much more successful than Latin America is because the European conquerors and settlers in North America brought their own wives while the conquerors in Latin America didn't.

And other peoples have generally done as much evil or much, much more evil than Europeans, especially Jews who have done magnitudes more evil against everyone than Europeans ever did. Your people is incredibly murderous, evil, wretched and genocidal, and you are responsible for among many wretched and evil things, for instance Marxist communism. And you designed Marxist communism in order to murder, genocide, enslave and destroy from the inside-out and the outside-in around the world peoples around the world, and communism succeed extremely well in that goal everywhere. And it fits well your thousands of years old goal of seeking to genocide and enslave everyone else:


And you are fully willing to sacrifice not just others, but the world as well as yourself and your own, without any care regarding the consequences (unless your goal actually is to exterminate the human species, yourself included. And given how wretched, evil, broken, tortured, pained and insane Jews overall are, that wouldn't surprise me. Though if you indeed are a gay Jew, you do seem vastly more broken than most others).

BreederBasher ago

Guatemala exists because of white Catholic imperialism. They're land-robbers just like all crackers. Anyone who isn't Jewish might just as well be white.

notenoughstuff ago

Is your account a troll account, or are you obviously mentally ill? Or both?

I wonder if this image applies to you: https://imgoat.com/uploads/def184ad8f/124016.png

13278604? ago

"The jew cries out as it strikes you"

BreederBasher ago

The goy blames the victim for the crime as he gleefully rapes a Jewish woman.

ThierryofAlsace ago

Yeah the 6 million of you will come for us. Lol sure buddy every Jew I've ever met can't fight their self out of a wet paper bag

BreederBasher ago

And every cracker breeder goy I ever met was a liar, a bigot, a moron, a philistine, a parasite, a thug, or some combination of those. Goyism is blasphemy against the Jewish God. To reject Judaism is to reject God.

ThierryofAlsace ago

Also fucko Jews killed Jesus Christ. So fuck you you are not God's chosen people. You're too weak.

ThierryofAlsace ago

Buddy if it weren't for the goy your shit would have been pushed in by Muslim horde. if you don't remember from history class if it weren't for Catholics fucking Islam back into the middle East you wouldn't have jerusalem. Also your claim were all liars is laughable since it's coming from a Jew when Jews are known to talk out the side of their mouths In Babha Kama (113b) it says:

"It is permitted to deceive a Goi."

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

And everyone who attacked Jews is justified in their "attacks".
You're oblivious to the history of Russia and Jews.
Russia will bring about retribution. Israel will fall.

We're not the instigators, here.
There is so much eveidence against you and your people it is absolutely ridiculous for you to even think I would consider your innocence.

Jews have destroyed no one.The spirit lives on.

We will never stop fighting. Our victory is ineveitable. Your defeat is written in the stars.

BreederBasher ago

We kicked the Krauts' asses twice. We'll kick them again if we have to, and every other cracker country, too. Go back to Iran with other terorrists. Oh, wait, I forgot. Star worship is paganism.

All cultures that tried to destroy the Jews have failed the test of time. All cultures who attempt to destroy the Jews will fail the test of time. The Jews will prevail. All goyim will die in jail.

albatrosv15 ago

We will die, true. Civilization will fall and you can be proud that you killed civilization. Just like Voltaire predicted.

BreederBasher ago

Jesus is Satan. Muhammad is Beelzebub. Goyism is blasphemy against the Jewish God. To not be Jewish is to spit directly in His eye and call him a kike.

BreederBasher ago

So you proved Voltaire is a racist cracker scum, and you keep proving white hetero-gentile inferiority anew.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Magog will destroy Israel. Surely you already know this.

Written in the stars

Your defeat is forecast throughout the universe.
Unlike Jews, I study creation. I don't worship it.

Trying to have a discssuion with you is like talking to a toddler.
Everything is going to need to be explained.

You are a Jew and I know you're aware of the implications of being a Jew.
When a Jew speaks it is the devil himself manifest.

If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.

lorlipone ago

"Boots in a dryer" bullshit, with no soul and even less integrity.

tastywhitemeat ago

I've been known to see what's trending on YouTube, in the hopes of finding some good new music (spoiler alert: I never do). The other night I clicked on a drake video cuz I'd heard he had the top track right now or some shit.

Of course it starts off with him grunting , "yeah....ugh ugh, yeah." And naming off various talentless hacks who are"featured". I mean seriously, it's so formulaic and derivative.

Literally 10 seconds into this thing my eight year old says, "I already hate this song. It's crap."

Skyrock ago

Literally 5 seconds into this thing my four year old said, "The self-respecting small home owners and shop owners are the unprotected and undefended victims in every race riot. The minority's members are expected by their egalitarian leaders to remain a passive herd crying for help, which is a precondition of the power to control a pressure group. Those who ignore the threats and struggle to rise through individual effort and achievement are denounced as traitors. Traitors - to what? To a physiological, racial collective - to the incompetence or unwillingness or lethargy or malingering of others. If the exceptional men are black, they are attacked as 'Uncle Toms'."

tastywhitemeat ago

He seems very articulate for his age.

Whitemail ago

I get exposed to top 40 and nigger monkey shit at the gym for a few seconds, and I'm sick of it. I get pissed when it's between songs on my headphones and get exposed to a nigger voice.

CrudOMatic ago



Literally 5 seconds into this thing my four year old said, "The self-respecting small home owners and shop owners are the unprotected and undefended victims in every race riot. The minority's members are expected by their egalitarian leaders to remain a passive herd crying for help, which is a precondition of the power to control a pressure group. Those who ignore the threats and struggle to rise through individual effort and achievement are denounced as traitors. Traitors - to what? To a physiological, racial collective - to the incompetence or unwillingness or lethargy or malingering of others. If the exceptional men are black, they are attacked as 'Uncle Toms'."

Skyrock ago

Literally 5 seconds into this thing my four year old said, "The self-respecting small home owners and shop owners are the unprotected and undefended victims in every race riot. The minority's members are expected by their egalitarian leaders to remain a passive herd crying for help, which is a precondition of the power to control a pressure group. Those who ignore the threats and struggle to rise through individual effort and achievement are denounced as traitors. Traitors - to what? To a physiological, racial collective - to the incompetence or unwillingness or lethargy or malingering of others. If the exceptional men are black, they are attacked as 'Uncle Toms'."

crazy_eyes ago

that kid should be president

Onlio ago

Just be glad you lived in a time when you heard music that was good. Today's kids will never hear any decent music (unless they go looking for it)

Whitemail ago

I know of some good stuff that isn't popular, and now I'm starting to like Japanese music. It's time to get my Japanese vocabulary past about 10 words.

Onlio ago

shonen knife (fun Japanese band)

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

They promote garbage while repressing talent.

Muh-Shugana ago

This applies universally

NoBS ago

What's this YouTube I keep hearing about? Is that were the latest sex slaves are programed?

Or is this were the next up and cumming star is exploited? Were the intelligent slavers shop for new product.

Whitemail ago

Even in the 90s they still had to push some talented degenerates. Now they've pushed it full Jew to where the music is like modern art, where shit in a bowl can be a "masterpiece."

On the other hand if you listen to general 50s music, it's a bunch of 1, 4 ,5 bubble gum pop garbage that makes me want to cringe. At least it wasn't degenerate, though.