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Neinlife ago

Stop using nigger words.

kneo24 ago

The vampires love it when whites use nigger words unironically. They'll proclaim it's not a big deal, that you should be doing it, and how dare you cry about cultural appropriation. Of course, they'll tell you all of this while pretending to be white themselves.

notenoughstuff ago

And yet kikes like you call real news fake, attack actual opposition all the time, and never gives sources for claims and generally twists things as much as possible.

For instance, instead of just saying vampires, link actual images or other media and sources:

And it seems Lauren is either popular at the moment or pushed not just here, but on /pol/ as well.

kneo24 ago

Look at you projecting. Try harder, Jew.

notenoughstuff ago


I am literally giving sources all over the place. You almost never give even one source. Seriously, just look at the comments I and you made here!

Which of us two is projecting?

kneo24 ago

You, because you're not giving a relevant source. You're literally interjecting something completely different to the topic at hand. If I started linking sources to diabetes in this topic, what exactly would it prove?

And For those wondering why this Jew has such a raging hard one for me, it's because I called him out on his games the moment he showed his long hooked nose around me.

For example, the Jew uses the acronym "thot" unironically, and then cries like a bitch, deflects about it here with "(((us)))", and then much later on uses the "cultural appropriation" tactic.

Another good one is the claim that I never source anything, despite it being visible in the links I provided when I initially engaged them.

There's also the "she's a jew because she dyes her hair" comment, with the lying and back pedaling.

For example:

dyes her hair blonde

[Admits it's a common tactic for jews to dye their hair blonde with ZERO sources.](It is a very common practice for Jews to infiltrate and be deceptive and manipulative, and a considerable number of them likes to dye their hair blonde when they want to blend in or create strawmen.)

When he's called out on it, it's now "extreme misrepresentation", while admitting to using those words to claim she's a Jew. Literally talking out both sides of his mouth.

Of course, there's the whole "Lauren is a Jew, Lauren might be a half Jew, Possibly a Jew" goal post shifting through out the whole thing.

The whole thing is funny because I live rent free in your head. You will go into threads that have been dead for over a month to try and "subvertly" talk shit about me. Here's the actual thread.

So yes, extreme projection on your end. You embarrass yourself.

notenoughstuff ago

For once in a rare while you give out sources, and even go out of your way to give many.

But you still manage to make one shitshow of a bloody retarded comment.

At this point I am in doubt about whether you are lying fully intentionally, or if you are so pants-on-head ludicrously retarded that you somehow believe at least some of the lies you come with yourself.

But kikes are known for frequently being mentally ill. And it fits with the humiliation you seek to come with here and all your other wretchedness.

And... you write things as if I started out saying (((Lauren Southern))) is a kike, and then back-pedalled, instead of the other way around after I recalled and found the archived tweet she deleted. You... don't actually believe that lie you came with reg. back-pedalling instead of "pedalling forwards", right?

Jews like you that are deeply evil and wretched may be tortured and pained, not by the actions of others, but by your own being as well as actions. But that does not justify you in any way of sacrificing the world and risking the survival of the human species.

kneo24 ago

For once in a rare while you give out sources, and even go out of your way to give many.

I don't need to provide sources with every comment I make. The showing of sources you provide are often irrelevant. If one were to go by your standards, people would just provide tangetally, but ultimately irrelevant sources at random times. It's pointless, and it's a dumb point you keep making. You have zero high ground here, Jew.

But kikes are known for frequently being mentally ill. And it fits with the humiliation you seek to come with here and all your other wretchedness.

For someone who screeches incessantly about sources, you once again fail to provide any. It's just another example, in a long list of your hypocrisy.

And... you write things as if I started out saying (((Lauren Southern))) is a kike, and then back-pedalled, instead of the other way around after I recalled and found the archived tweet she deleted.

Or, you kept flip flopping on the whole thing until you stuck to a narrative, which is exactly what you did. My god, the whole, "She's a Jew, she's a partial Jew, she's a Jew, she's a partial Jew" is special helmet, crayon eating, retarded. It's retarded to flip flop back and forth on that because even those with "partial Jew" DNA tend to identify as Jewish. If one really cared about protecting whites, you would lump those in with "partial Jew" DNA with those who have full Jewish DNA. The delineation is irrelevant.

Jews like you that are deeply evil and wretched may be tortured and pained, not by the actions of others, but by your own being as well as actions. But that does not justify you in any way of sacrificing the world and risking the survival of the human species.

You are seriously unhinged. This is a prime example of why you should kill yourself and not harm any whites in the process. You're equating what I write with here to some greater sacrifice of everything to harm a bunch of whites and destroying the world. You're making extreme intellectually dishonest leaps in logic.

This stuff doesn't upset me. It doesn't "rile my jimmies" or anything of the sort. No, all you keep doing is embarassing yourself with such trite and petty bullshit. The fact that you actually having been taking the time to write a different message each day to me copying and pasting the same message to you for well over a month know only further shows how incredibly unhinged you are. Except for these past couple days, I can guarantee I spend less time than you do every day on that rather pointless argument. Copy, paste, add some spaces, I'm done. You actually take the time to craft a unique message. Pathetic.

notenoughstuff ago

At least it seems like you don't believe your own lies, which is something.

You still don't care about things overall or the world. Sacrificing the world a little is still sacrificing the world. And you damned kikes are in general extremely willing to do that no matter the scale or consequences, sacrificing things that one does not ever sacrifice, not caring about the consequences overall or over time. And you take the survival of the human species for granted. One major example of this is marxist communism, which you created and spread with the intension of destroying and laying to waste all around you. Not caring what effects it might have, including on the survival of our species overall. Your actions are so ludicrously insane, evil and stupid that some people has to rationalize you as being reptiles in order to make sense of what you do. It would be one thing if it was only other groups you destroyed and/or sacrificed. But the problem is that you are not just sacrificing others for your own goals' sake, but the world as well as yourselves and your own. It seems as if that if the world only consisted of kikes, you would be very likely to exterminate yourself directly or indirectly (for instance by setting up systems that would effectively prevent the human species from ever settling space and get into such a state that it would not be possible to stop, change or replace those systems) and thus exterminate the human species.

Another example is you strongly working to encourage the spread of Islam to Europe. What happens if Islam ends up taking over the world? Will it be possible for the human species to settle space under Islam? Will Islam be capable of change, and if so, in which directions? Or might there be a risk that the human species will not be able to escape Islam?

kneo24 ago

And now you're back to deflecting and not addressing anything I wrote, Jew. It's more long winded, random generalizations without sourcing (which again makes you a hypocrite).

Kill yourself you dirty, slime infested Jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

And you for various reasons cannot understand or even consider that you kikes are a threat to everyone and everything, that the actions you take are extremely dangerous to everyone yourselves included. You neither will or can genuinely care about the world and the human species, only ever pretend to. My impression and thoughts as to why that is, is that any kike that even gets near caring genuinely gets "filtered out" for multiple different reasons. Those reasons include that the other kikes who even detect hints of such genuine caring exploit and destroy the given person in question as much as possible, for the kikes that instinctively seek out and destroy even hints of goodness succeed the most over generations given how utterly wretched and evil they are - genuinely, in depth good and right people will generally fight against world sacrifice and extreme evil and that generally ends up leading them to fight vehemently against you kikes. Other reasons are that any kike that does begin to care will most likely not be able to cope with how horryfing things are at all and will falter and fail, and they will then succumb and submit to evil in the vast majority of cases given that they generally still are mostly wretched and evil in their core. And therefore, the kikes that for some reasons or other never genuinely care tend to survive and thrive much better per generation and thus are much more widespread than kikes that might end up caring genuinely even for a limited amount and time.

The Jewish author Kafka wrote in one book about a man waking up to find himself as an insect (or realising they are an "insect"/wretched, horrible and evil?). And while I have not read that book, I wonder if such a concept is somewhat common among Jews, with some becoming depressed by it and others embracing and submitting to it (and thus becoming even more focused on destroying others, and possibly one factor in the widespread kike child mutilation and rape). Though this paragraph is mostly thoughts and theories on my part.

You seem to have defenses against even slightly genuinely caring by likely both through instinct, learning, conditioning, culture, the systems in your brain, etc. never even begin to consider and ponder such things, at most only play along. And one could say that for a kike like you, having such instincts and other are some very good survival mechanisms for you, at least on a personal and short-term level. But it is extremely dangerous and destructive from an overall perspective.

kneo24 ago

Again, another deflection. You won't actually address anything I wrote, so you go on to some long winded straw-man argument. The fact that you spend that much time thinking of something to respond with and not address anything that I wrote shows how mentally unstable you are.

Kill yourself you dirty, slime infested Jew. Don't hurt any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Yet it is plain to see for all that you are clearly and intentionally lying. So...

kneo24 ago

And where's your source for that? Before you were so keen to provide sources. Give some sources and explanations. Have an actual discussion instead of overly verbose autistic screeching about some strawman you've set up to take down. Oh wait, you won't do that because you're a dirty slime infested Jew who should kill themselves.

kneo24 ago

So how does all of that prove I'm a Jew who doesn't care about the world and want to see everything burn? You're missing a key part here, actually trying to explain your rather absurd ramblings.

notenoughstuff ago

And you continue...

kneo24 ago

And you're not explaining anything. You were done over two months ago.

notenoughstuff ago

You are not the slightest bit sincere and you lie fully intentionally to an extreme degree. And you have proven that many times over by now. And you do that in this comment again.

kneo24 ago

This is you deflecting yet again. Linking to my comments isn't you explaining anything. If you were sincere, you wouldn't have kiked up from the beginning, over two months ago. The whole, "she dies her hair so she must be a jew" type of comment is something a person who is hiding something would concoct, not a sincere person. You defeated tourself from the start and you continue to be butt hurt about it. You are a jew who needs to kill themselves and not harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

I think I found an artist's impression of you online, I hope I am not doxx'ing by sharing:

kneo24 ago

The circle needs inverted.

notenoughstuff ago

I think I found a much more accurate rendition, hopefully this isn't against the rules: .


kneo24 ago

And how does any of this prove I'm a Jew?

kneo24 ago

Ah, so you're back to posting irrelevant stuff because you can't back up your argument. I guess a miserable, slimy Jew like yourself can't help themselves.

notenoughstuff ago



Seriously, I know you are a broken and wretched kike, but this is still an extreme self-goal you make. You have now proven several times over that you are a kike (among other things). And the ludicrous amount of lies, projection and sought manipulation you come with seems to make it difficult for you to maintain even at least the appearance of consistency.

For the benefit of anyone else reading this:

Comment being replied to: .

Sample of arguments I came with (this "debate" started in a different thread):

In case @kneo24 begins a deletion and/or editing spree (reg. the context):

And then look at the surrounding comments. I never once downvoted any of his arguments, and I might not even have downvoted any of his comments, yet @kneo24 downvoted (and downvotes) everything, including replies with new arguments and sources, and kept giving nothing but spam for several weeks with the same copy-pasted message without any sources or arguments.

He generally seems to want to be controlled opposition, and then partially attacks the actual opposition as much as possible, and partially acts retardedly and wretchedly, warping and twisting, in order to discredit opposition. And he rarely ever gives any sources, apart from that one time where I called him out on it and he sought to overcompensate.

kneo24 ago

Seriously, I know you are a broken and wretched kike, but this is still an extreme self-goal you make. You have now proven several times over that you are a kike (among other things). And the ludicrous amount of lies, projection and sought manipulation you come with seems to make it difficult for you to maintain even at least the appearance of consistency.

Not a single one of those statements by you are sourced. Not a single one. Your links are typically irrelevant.

Sample of arguments I came with (this "debate" started in a different thread):

Your "samples" are pointless. Your first one is long after I have given up trying to have rational discourse with you. Way to cherry pick the data. Your other two links, which are exactly the same, are still long after I have given up trying to have rational discourse with you.

And then look at the surrounding comments. I never once downvoted any of his arguments, and I might not even have downvoted any of his comments, yet @kneo24 downvoted (and downvotes) everything, including replies with new arguments and sources, and kept giving nothing but spam for several weeks with the same copy-pasted message without any sources or arguments.

You are earning your downvotes by incessantly trying to prove something without properly sourcing it. Your sources are often tangentially linked and irrelevant, irrelevant, or cherry picked to push a narrative instead of giving the whole story.

He generally seems to want to be controlled opposition,

That's some interesting fantasy you have.

and then partially attacks the actual opposition as much as possible

You retarded Jew, you can't partially attack something as much as possible. If one were to put forth that much effort to go "as much as possible", it would indicate fully effort in the attack, not a partial effort.

and partially acts retardedly and wretchedly, warping and twisting, in order to discredit opposition.

More unsourced narrative pushing.

And he rarely ever gives any sources, apart from that one time where I called him out on it and he sought to overcompensate.

The first part of the statement is a lie, and according to you, giving sources is just sometimes providing tangentially related, but ultimately irrelevant links.

notenoughstuff ago

This comment made me realize I misidentified your portrait before, I apologize, here is the actual portrait. But I will probably be banned for doxxing you: .

Also: How can you fit so much cancer into one comment?

kneo24 ago

Also: How can you fit so much cancer into one comment?

Calling card of the defeated - won't actually address anything yet again. And then you pretend to wonder why I replied with the same message to you for a month. Kill yourself you slimy, dirty, disgusting, rat Kike. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Since you keep on lying, manipulating, deceiving, sacrificing the debate and truth, using tactics, etc., to an extreme degree with no sincerity at all, like you have done throughout the whole "debate", I might as well post some images:

kneo24 ago

Since you keep lying, manipulating, deceiving, sacrificing the debate and truth, using tactics, etc.., to an extreme degree with no sincerity at all, like you have done through the whole "debate", I might as well give you the only message you deserve:

Kill yourself you slimy, dirty, disgusting, rat Kike. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

I left out seeking to use tactics theft, though it is a bit too clear for it to be that in this case. But you continue not caring the slightest bit about truth, for none of that is true about my actions, while it is fully true about your actions.

I think links to previous comments I made will have to suffice at the moment. The comments are about kikes, the early Soviet Union, and the genocides they committed as part of controlling it:

And some random variety:

kneo24 ago

Kill yourself you slimy, dirty, disgusting, rat Kike. Don't harm any whites in the process.

notenoughstuff ago

Well, at least it isn't exactly the same spam as before. But it really does feel like you want others to feel the pain of being called that which you really are. Which is a very kike-ish thing to want. But am I worthy if I cannot handle your kikery?