SaneGoatiSwear ago

*sanctioned by admins, and reinforced by mods and users :(

Voopin__Voopin ago

What's up Sanegoat.

'tis a far cry from the usual transparency we got before the great disappearing act of 2016.

I still love voat, but the times they are a changin'...

SaneGoatiSwear ago



@THC was removed as moderator from v/videos for the following reasons:

Used a @system subverse as a personal platform

Defacing the subverse CSS

personal? you mean to simply notify users of a change to voat that affects them all? not "hay guys check out my store page and buy my dildos!"



lol wat it's been there for a year no one was bothered.


you have provided 0 reasons, just made up excuses, to remove @thc.

@puttitout what did they do to you when you disappeared?

why would @atko "not be surprised" if you had never come back to voat at all?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

  • no community discussion if it's an issue or not with us, no notice to the de-modded mod to warn to stop or let them know why... no appeal system... on and on

  • follows a line of behavioral changes since atko and putt disappeared at the same time for a month and two months respectively that leads to some nasty theories.

  • voat needs to be, and be good for all those needing the last bastion of free speech on the net and in the world (you see that fucking shit pass the u.s. senate?!)

  • voat is not being the place it needs to be.

  • if we do not speak up now for them ( @thc and @innocentbystander ) then who will speak up when they come for us?

FreeBreivik ago

What the fuck is wrong with you?

ExpertShitposter ago

Noice user name.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

making it about the messenger

try harder.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



not politicized:

Comment history disabled after page 19

you're trying the "but but muh soapbox"

read above, i inb4'd that.

EDIT: how dare you go against the wonderous bunnies?!

Codewow ago

Let it go already. Who cares if /u/THC is a mod or not? It seems like only you care at this point.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

listen here, goat whose fee fees are hurt by my freeze peach:

read what is written.

follow the script of "don't talk if no one is listening" silence dissent tactic 427

Codewow ago

Why would my fee fees be hurt? I don't care about THC being mod or not and I'm not telling you to be quiet either, but you're awfully whiny for an adult that's all that was said.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

standard voat reply:

butthurt enough to come into two threads and comment on it

Codewow ago

Well, I like to spread out my discussions into multiple subs. That's why I browse /v/all/new now rather than purely /v/gaming/new

SaneGoatiSwear ago

downvoat for silence,

every downvoat = one censorship goat.

Mick ago

+1 for not hiding behind an alt when you posted this.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am sane goat.

didn't we have this convo yesterday?!

why hide?

is there something my free speech should be afraid of that you're aware of mick of sbbh where i believe a good chuck of the sjw cabal taking over voat hang out?

Mick ago

Someone posted a similar thread in PV earlier but with a brand new alt. I have respect for users like you who aren't afraid to say what you feel regardless of whether I agree with you or not.

SBBH aren't SJW. If we were we wouldn't have a swastika plastered over the Voat logo in our sub kicking reddit smees arse.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

plausible deniability

what thread? looking now.

Mick ago

Not quite the same subject, but someone hiding behind an alt.

Probably every sub on Voat has a few SJWs but I can't say I've ever seen the blue hair dye types post there.

Chiefpacman ago

You definitely have to take a lot of shit for having an opinion on this that goes against the crowd.

Community worships admins too much.

Mick ago

You are right about the going against the crowd thing - I saw you getting hammered earlier in PV I think it was for expressing your opinion. It's always good to see someone having the balls to speak up against stuff they don't agree with whether they be Left or Right or for having an unpopular Voat meta opinion.