Xyphien ago

What about topic (Share a Link & Discuss) limit? I posted 1 link and 1 discuss and now I've reached my limit for today and have to wait a full 24 hours for this again. I'm completely confused on the limit, and why it's so short... Why not allow more?

Lighting ago

Hey - I really like the interface! Much better than a different one I recently stopped using as much. :) Is there some way I can tell when I hit my daily limit? I just tried upvoating this and it looks like it took, but when I reload the page goes back to the score it had before? In the past when I was under 100 CCP there was a popup that said "you can't vote down something"

TinRabbit9 ago

Shouldn't that be "voating limit"?

elgindelta ago

keep up the great work bro :)

elgindelta ago

upload is real quick right now as well as upgoating,

celmaigri ago

I just got a notification that I exceeded my limit of 10...

examors ago

It seems that this change hasn't been implemented for a small number of us.

Tolje ago

I was able to upvoat 19 times in my first day on Voat but now I'm getting the notification for I have exceeded my limit of 10.

examors ago

Yeah, I have no idea what's going on. I kept running into seemingly random limits each day. I recently reached 20 CCP and I've not hit the limit since then, so I think my limit must be around 100 now. Who knows...

anonlymouse ago

Can you update the pop-up to give this information? It still says 10. And I'm getting capped while my profile says I've only given 51 upvoats.

enchanted-forest ago

Is this still a thing? I can't upvoat anymore after upvoating 16 things.

electronfarmer ago

I'm glad the increase has happened as now I can upgoat you!

oyvindlh ago

Test works! :) hehe. Thanks @Atko, you and your team is doing an incredible job in the mist of DDoS and hundreds of new users every second. This is an amazing site, clean design, fun quota-system, statistics (I'm an stat-oholic). Your efforts will be remembered for decades. Looking forward to buy the book "When Voat took Internet".

ciaran ago

You should take a holiday. Oh, wait.

Kfourk_ ago

Thank you so much for your hard work Atko. I am very excited for you and I can not wait to see where this all goes. As a fellow sysadmin working to keep the lights on, I know what it's like to be under the kinds of pressure you're experiencing right now and wish you the best. I only speak for myself but, if there are ways, other than the obvious financial assistance, that assistance can be provided, let us know!

Trustfall ago

Nice! I was pretty content either way. Sorry your vacation is no longer a vacation but thank you for being so on top of everything ... Yay! Surprises. >_>;

iv ago

Yay! I love handing out upvoats. :)

jerrykantrell ago

I'm hearing better and better news everyday on voat. I'm happy.

mightypork ago

This is nice, but I still feel really constrained by the limit. Can't get the 20 CCP no matter what :/ So I can't upvote nor downvote, only comment -> can't help others by upvoting them either.

RevolverOcelot ago

I'm still limited to 10 for the time being...

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Do I need to re-log? I keep getting the notice that I'm limited, and I've only doled out 10 today.

endguard ago

i love you this site is already amazing.

flyingkiwi ago

I still have the 10 upvote limit

un_salamandre ago

Not working here!

tubeless_sunday ago

I don't even have 10 upvoats/day anymore. Yesterday I had 11, today I'm getting the popup with only 16 total.

caoilfhionn ago

I think the limit is for the past 24 hours, not necessarily the past day. So in a couple hours, you may be able to give a couple more as it rolls over.

sbinsandiego ago

Soo Cool!!

azimuth ago

Thanks a lot. What's the incentive behind limiting the number of daily upvoat? Is the rationale linked to spamming policies?

caoilfhionn ago

In the message that pops up when you hit your limit, it states that "this requirement was established as a measure to encourage new members to get involved and participate in discussions," because you are only limited until you receive 20 comment points!

yolo69princess ago


d3sperad0 ago

It's not often such an awesome platform is combined ith such a dedicated dev. Thank you!

farqanator ago

Is the requirement of 100 CCP before down voting going to be raised as well? Doesn't make sense to raise one and not the other since now down voting ability will be easy to achieve. There's people in this thread who have achieved it with a single comment.

WarzoneOfDefecation ago

Happy to see the voting limit has been increased, I think it's a comfortable amount that most newbies won't hit the limit.

Mixolydian807 ago

Keep up the good work man! Thanks for building what we needed.

TheMajestic ago

I'm really sorry your vacation got this messed up. I hope that the support for Voat continues so it makes it worth your while and can become you full time job! I think I speak for most of this site's new userbase when I say that we're right behind you and will do what we can to help.

beedharphong ago

the only thing i don't like so far is that I have to get upvotes to upvoat. I am trying to participate, but no love yet.

youngdovah ago

It still appears as though the limit is 10, according to the pop up which is still happening to me.

Do these changes go into effect tomorrow or something?

gatordontplaythatsht ago

And yes, my vacation is no longer a vacation even though I am still away from home, we're way past that point now: http://i.imgur.com/X9DCAmP.png

Skiddywinks ago

I just loaded up just as fast as reddit, fwiw.

Zatherz ago

Finally we can upvote people past 20!

Redempti ago

100 Upvoats might be a bit too much, and hopefully you find a better ratio. But thanks! This is greatly appreciated.

Mawhinney-the-Pooh ago

I feel 100 is a little high 50 sounds reasonable though

kgb_bear ago

Huge props to you for all of the work you're putting in to get Voat up and running.

MasterTrole ago

I don't know if it's just for me (or if I'm doing something wrong) but I still have a limit of 10 per day.

fluxory ago

Unfortunately the message of only having ten upvotes still shows up for me. Is this supposed to take immediate effect?

ThatNeighbour ago

I like that the upgoats are limited. I'm hoping that this brinks a lot less reposts than it's on reddits.

jackieclay ago

Really great to see you putting this effort into the site. Please know that your work is not unappreciated. You stand to make a great deal of money from this, in addition to making an interesting new place for people to converse and post pictures of cats on the internet.

un_salamandre ago

Asking as a programmer - is it literally "in the past 24 hours" from any point in time? Or is it like, they reset at a specific time of day?

pjs2005 ago


timawesomeness ago

Well it ain't working for me.

un_salamandre ago

Does not work for me :(

arcofspades ago

Is there a list of these rules somewhere? Just so I can see the differences between here and Reddit.

Hisdudeness2887 ago

Sorry about your vacation man. I hope all this pays off for you in the long run.

do_it_on_acid ago


do_it_on_acid ago


Vordea ago

I tried to upvoat this announcement and it didn't work.

anotherRefugee ago

Despite the announcement, I cannot upvoat freely. Login tab says I've voated 22 times.

Am I missing something?

Frakir ago

Doesn't work for me, somehow.

I made 11 upvoats, yesterday, still can't upvoat anything and popup says 10/day....

snakepaws ago

Is there still an initial limit? I'm still getting the popup saying I need 20 comment contribution points, and that I have 10 upvotes per 24 hours.

DarudeSandstorm ago

Can you still increase the number of upvoats you can cast? For an example if i have 400 CCP, can I cast 200 voats per 24 hours?

garik ago

Most new users probably just haven't aquired the 20 points necessary to downvoat yet. Should start happening soon with the new daily voat limit increase allowing all the new users to upvoat each other past the limit.

everysomething ago

Yeah I've already seen the circlejerk in action. Maybe I'm getting old but I don't see the point.

Zatherz ago

Isn't it 100 points?

garik ago

Oh is it? That's good, 20 would have been way too low. In fact, 100 may still be too low. Downvoats are a pretty powerfull way to censor/hide unpopular posts and having them readily available just encourages abuse.

Zatherz ago

I agree. Also, I have noticed that even though the voting limit was increased, I still have 10 upgoats per 24 hours. Does the same happen to you?

garik ago

Yup. I try to upvoat something every now and then but I just keep getting the same "10 per 24 hours" message. The weird thing is, I've been on for 2 days but my total upvoat count is sitting at 22, not 20.

Zatherz ago

Hey, that's exactly the same as with me! I also for some reason have 22, even though I got to the limit only twice.

dis_is_my_account ago

Meh. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't. I still think there needs to be systems in place to stop opinion downvoting as it's bound to happen when everyone gets settled. Even before the influx there were a few cases of it happening whenever someone went against the hivemind.

moeri ago

Also, we are working hard on optimizing our existing code before throwing your donation money at more servers.

Do you have any directions for people wishing to help with the software development? You said you are a student that started this to learn programming. I'm an experienced professional .NET developer that could probably give you a lot of pointers and maybe code contributions if you allow it.

MinnesotaFTW ago

you can try upvoating this announcement post to test if the limit increase works (hehe)

Oh you :]

michaelma4 ago

When will this apply? I still can't upvoat more than 10 posts

IHateThis ago

I would upvoat you to bring some attention to this question, but guess what?

michaelma4 ago

haha yeah exactly

scotomaniac ago

Same here

pacology ago

Whoo-hoo! Thank you for listening to the community! Please don't take away the upvoat limits, I really like the idea of it even if I just have 10 upvoats every day.

Omnipresent ago

Lower than X? So, anyone with a Y and Z number of CCPs had to suck it up? :P

JakeMWP ago

Are the upvoats limited to both comments and posts?

Kinther ago

I just want to say the site is amazing, and the dedication you show to it is really nice to see. I hope you can get back to vacationing sometime soon!

forest_robot ago

It appears to be at 20 now. Really wonder what X is though (:

Im-Probably-Lying ago

Well.. I tried, and I got this message :(

Welcome to Voat!

In order to be able to upvote comments or submissions without limitations, you need to have at least 20 comment contribution points.

You are currently limited to 10 upvotes per 24 hours.

Every time someone upvotes one of your comments, you gain 1 comment contribution point.

You currently have 15 comment contribution points.

Tip: a good way to earn more contribution points is to take part in discussions or say hi in /v/introductions.

This requirement was established as a measure to encourage new members to get involved and participate in discussions.

Atko ago

I just noticed I missed something here. The quota is still being calculated based on users CCP/2. I'll look into this now.

Im-Probably-Lying ago

No idea what CCP/2 means, but I just tried to upvoat you again and got the same message.

Guess people just don't want to upvoat my stuff lol

dashie ago

CCP = Comment Contribution Points
CCP/2 = CCP * 0.5

Im-Probably-Lying ago

ohhh. lol thanks!

It let me upvoat your comment this time, so maybe they got it fixed! :)

Reddit_Exodus ago

So glad we now have an owner that actually listens to the community.

Disgruntled ago

Hey I just want to thank you for doing all you can to provide those of us who fled with a new home. I really appreciate it and look forward to a long stay here.

JD5 ago

It doesn't seem to have increased for me. I'm still getting the 10 upvote limit...

Cynabuns ago

You da man!

Anchy ago

Check sidebar :)

jeremyblake ago

More than anything, more servers are needed. I check back daily, but it's just way too slow to be able to visit much right now.

ShaneH ago

I dont think the upvotes were an issue on reddit... it was just the downvotes

Kung_Fury ago

Great job! I can't believe I was on Voat a few weeks ago and didn't make an account already! Thank you and keep up the hard work.

brosencephalon ago

I still can't upvoat.

sam_aya ago

I still can't upvoat past 10, anyone else having this problem?

bscoder ago

Long live VOAT!

stillborn86 ago

I am sure that your work isn't going unappreciated... Thank you so much /u/Atko!

Unicron7 ago

Thank you! I went through the previous daily limit in about 3 minutes yesterday.

uncommitted ago

What resources do you need?

I'm not a developer so I can't help with that, but I've done my fair share of bulletproofing monster sites. There are definitely techniques that can offload server resources. I haven't examined the site, but you can drop significant resources by using a CDN or caching content that doesn't need to be generated every pageload. I'd imagine that your bottleneck is the database at this point, sharding should be pretty painless and could do magical things.

CaptainDogeSparrow ago

Thank you for being awesome!

localbum ago

Keep on keepin' on you crazy, lovely Goat. Love it.

Kazzius ago

I`m still stuck at 10... I appreciate what you're doing here greatly and am here to stay.

NachoEnforcer ago

I think my favorite part of the 10 upvote limit was that it killed pun threads cause no one wanted to waste their upvotes on those.

I can't imagine I'll use 100 upvotes in a day but I can see the need for an increased limit with so many new users.

Vorpal_Chill ago

Thank you for all the hard work. I can't imagine it's easy to be working under this load. I can't believe this rate of growth.

zedoriah ago

Does this mean more karma parties?

Adje ago

I'm not sure if it's just me, but my voat limit hasn't increased. I somehow have given out 11 upvoats, but if I try to give any more, I get a popup telling me that I'm new here. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but if it's something wrong with the system, I hope this helps!

Edit: It looks like it was preventing me from upvoating threads, but not comments. I think it's fixed now though.

Magister ago

Remember lurkers are the force who upvote/downvote...

swfreak ago

Nice to see you guys are on the ball. Keep it up :) (pardon the pun)

yh ago

Thanks for the update! The speeds are considerably better but still too slow, I hope the speeds continue to increase

Dongonzales ago

My limit is still 10 upvoats :(

casebash ago

I'm against this. I think it is good for the number of upvotes to be limited until a user has become more invested in the site and understanding how it works.

Then again, at least the downvote limits are still in place. I've been here for weeks and I'm only halfway there, but I still see this feature as valuable.

C-Hash ago

An admin that cares about and is involved with the community? What is this madness?

WhatISLOVE ago

Shit hours ago I've been posting a thread asking for comment points and forgot to comment in the thread. FACEPALM

greenbrain ago

Awesome! I'm pretty sure I just ran out of upgoats at ten though. I'll be testing my upgoating capabilities throughout the day!

Jamie_Dodgems ago

Wait a minute, If we were at 45,000 accounts last time you checked, and we are over 100,000 accounts now... Dear god, we virtually doubled our userbase overnight. I tend to be fairly stingy in terms of how I spend my upvoats, but the fact that we now have double our previous userbase is just insane! We're gonna need a bigger boat!

tribblepuncher ago

Thank you. 10 a day was very frustrating.

5hameless ago

Sorry we torpedoed your vacation time with your family! But thanks a ton for all the hard work you're putting into the site and keeping it going, you're a champ. I hope you'll be able to make a little money for your trouble, or in the very least not have to worry about funding the site. With the new servers and bandwidth, I'm sure your hosting costs went up a good amount. I'm one of the people interested in the $2 payment model you were thinking about to keep costs under control.

cpebach ago

Bravo, and thank you for your efforts. :-)

N1gg3r ago


axnjxn ago

I cant upGOAT without 20 comment contribution points =(

runoutofnames ago

Doesn't seem to be working for me. Whenever I try and upgoat something I still get a message saying that my number of upgoats is limited to ten every 24 hours.

AngleGrinder107 ago

Yay! 10 times the goatin'!

Genghis_Khan ago

While I'm sure many people do, I feel like having a limit of 100 upvoats per day, for the most part, defeats the purpose of having an upvoat limit.

Nagati ago

That's great, thank you!

asphol ago


TriOptimum ago

Thanks. Consider lowering the karma score requirement for downvoting, as I really don't like not being able to do that, and I think it'll take me weeks to post enough to get to 100 points.

syngar_exovel ago

It took me a while to realise that goat wasn't pulling some exorcist shit

LiLDaved ago

I'm still not convinced that it isn't.

sillymanilly ago

That's some grade A freaky right there.

forest_robot ago

It's more like that they have exorcist shit built in by default... O_o

Goatfago666 ago

Thank you! The speed is really picking up for me now, too. Not sure if that's partially due to the madness dying down a bit, but the work you're putting in really shows.

Reanimation ago

It's still tells me that I'm limited to 10 upvoats per day.

aurora ago

Up until today, users were limited to 10 upvoats per 24 hours if their CCP was lower than X. I just bumped this limit to 100 upvoats per day.

Is it just 100 upvoats per day for everyone no matter what? Or is it 100 upvoats per day if their CCP is lower than X? And if so, what is X?

reversed95 ago

After 20 it's unlimited

aurora ago

Very cool! Thanks!

Dizztastic ago

All ups no breaks!

kujda ago

Just upvoted - works, and thanks for throwing away your vacation.

PrinceRed ago

Thanks for all your work :)

RobotChicken ago

Well, I can say for all that we are really sorry the abrubt termination of your vacation! I hope the technical difficulties will be resolved quickly and we as users find new home here šŸ‘

Keep up the good work!

Rezz ago

Something that may be worth doing, temporarily turn off auto updating of SCP, CCP, and inbox messages. At least to lessen the load on the servers.

BeeGeeAllin ago

They shoot newts, don't they?

RXN ago

Off-topic: The speed of the website at the moment feels much faster than yesterday, it's because of some optimization / increase of server or just because US is sleeping?

gamesnepal ago

Didn't know there was a limit.

badbear ago

As far as I can tell I am getting a pop-up saying I am limited to 10 votes per 24 hours after about 10 votes. So, the increase isn't working yet?

reversed95 ago

Same here, still at the limit of 10

273548? ago

v/announcements is like a test to see what is the maximum amount of voats a post can get.

pogiface ago

I need wide screen support! any tips,tricks, hacks to make Voat fill the screen like reddit does?

Palypso ago

Can't upvoat it, but I was already out of voates.

Star_Spawn ago

An increase was needed with all the new users coming in, but I'm kind of with you about 100 being a bit much. A low limit sounded like a good way to curtail those times when someone goes on a mass downvoting spree in discussion threads Hopefully a nice balance is found so that protection is still there while not hampering those who actually want to contribute to the community.

citizen12550821 ago

To me the post looks like he only changed the amount of upvoats you can give per 24 hours, nothing changed about the downvoats.

So you still need 100 CCP to downvoat.

whatamidoingherev ago

What is ccp?? Can't find it anywhere

Waffles_Syrup ago

Top right of the page next to your name there are three numbers. Submission Contribution Points (SCP), Comment Contribution Points (CCP), and total upvotes given. You can hover over them for a tool tip, as well as click on them to go to your submissions, comments, or profile pages.

whatamidoingherev ago

Thanks! Have a CCP.

citizen12550821 ago

Comment Contribution Points

whatamidoingherev ago

Thanks! Have a CCP!

ShoutsReplies ago


hagbard ago

I'm really curious to see how the quotas will work out when the user base grows.

Topology ago

Thank you Atko! The 10 upvoat limit per day has been quite annoying but it has made me contribute more than I normally would or a little bit more than usual. But thank you once again!

Naotomi ago

Not working for me using mobile boats. Got error reached my limit.

Naotomi ago

Not working for me using mobile boats. Got error reached my limit.

KL1 ago

So, I logged off after using my 10 upvoats of the day and then saw this post and I'm back on!
Thank you, and everyone at Voat, for your time and effort.

Edit: Ops, it's not working! Still get the message that it's limited to 10 per day.
Edit again: Woho, it's working now!
Edit 1 more time: It's back to 10 today! :(

el_cordoba ago

Keep up the good work atko. I am so jealous. Not only do you have a site whose popularity is exploding but you get tons of people willing to help.

Just remember to back up your work and databases. Nothing sucks more than to lose a day's worth of work because your machine locked up.

el_cordoba ago

Actually it looks like I can upvoat any reply, but I can't upvoat any root comment once I pass 10.

Ina_Pickle ago

Thank You! It seemed like everyone ran out of votes at once. Saw so much desperation and begging. lol Didn't work. Still getting the message that I used all of my 10 votes already.

p.s. TY for putting in time for us during your vacation.

NZ_MPS ago

Am I the only one that it's not working for?

I still gets the same message.

Do I have to wait for another 24 hour cycle?

BringBackFirefly ago

I got the message too, so maybe the limit's still there but set at a lower CP

postprandial ago

So, does anyone want to collaborate on an opensource mobile client using the beta API?

immibis ago

Am I the only one who thinks calling votes voats is a ridiculously lame pun?

AnthonyR32 ago

upgoat!! whats up goat?

Ina_Pickle ago

You know.... Up Goat. ^

chomikko ago

Newbie question: does this limits all voating (comment and submissions) or only one of those?

oppy1984 ago

This is great, thank you! The 10 vote limit was the only thing I wasn't liking, annnnd it's gone....kind of. Is it still only 20 in the comments to get the restriction lifted or did that go up as well?

Also sorry about your vacation, hope you at least got a little down time before things blew up. And thanks for working so hard to keep the site up and running! It means a lot to us!

B_Cramblesnatch ago

As long as you get your rest as soon as the site is working to your standards (considering the influx), I'll be happy

DrBunsen ago

Hehe, the admin here asking for upvoats, I like this xD

setitimer ago

This is great. I know you guys are busy dealing with server issues from all the new users, it's really cool that you're still looking at functionality as well.

puppy528 ago

As a general lurker, thank you for this. I've been genuinely trying to make insightful, helpful comments to threads, and I've gotten all the way up to 2ccp so far. Now I can feel more at home here, kicking back and lurking the day away (and still upvoting a reasonable amount when I see things I enjoy).

Mosin91 ago

Hrrrmmm the limit increase isn't working for me.

k_digi ago

I was going to up vote you to help, but I'm still limited im at 16 lol

Mosin91 ago

It's the thought that counts. Or is it?

k_digi ago

{Up vote thought} you tell me !


Mosin91 ago

I feel a tingling in my nether regions. I also had 7-11 hotdogs for dinner. Coincidence?

k_digi ago

Lol picture my 10 upvote limit message as an appropriate response.

newbieatthegym ago

Unfortunately, I still got the 10 upvoat daily limit just appear.

Opposite_Santa ago

Uh-oh, looks like my account still can't upvote more than 10 per day D:


Epicfro ago

While an upgrade is appreciated... why is there a limit in the first place? I'm new to Voat so if someone could explain I would appreciate it!

Steeledl ago

To encourage new members to participate instead of just being bystandards. Gives incentive to comment .

Epicfro ago

I'm not sure that really answers my question. By limiting voting you're giving incentive to comment? Does the limit reset after you've commented? Like I said, I'm a Voat noob lol.

Steeledl ago

Im pretty new here too and probably doing a shitty job explaining it. Commenting doesn't guarantee that you get to your 20 point threshold but if you were to never comment then you would never be able to upvoat more than 10 things per day.

I think the assumption is people want to upvoat the things they agree with or like and they want to have to ability to give out more voats. For this to be accomplished they would have to meet some sort of minimum contribution to the site through commenting and meeting the "comment contribution" where as otherwise they may have never been inclined to participate.

I apologize if this isn't coherent. I tried.

Epicfro ago

I think I understand it a bit better now. Thanks!

Soiedujour ago

I can't yet, I still get the "only 10" popup. I still only have 2 comment contribution points tho so not sure if that's a factor.

Naotomi ago

Thank you for your hard work. I hope this will continue to grow and be a safe place to criticise the left wing media.

Wickot ago

Is there a place where we can see how many users are registered? Just bare numbers. I find it enjoyable to watch a website literally grow.

nikopol ago

10 voats per day? wat? why restrict the voting?

Adje ago

It's restricted until you have a certain number of comment contributions. I assume this is to prevent bots from posting/upvoating targeted content.

alalzia ago

Good job with the servers the site loads instantly .

Adler ago

My limit is still 10 somehow

Futt ago

No more goats for me either =/

tibstibs ago

Same thing here.

brosencephalon ago

Mine too!

dashie ago

And mine. :(

Can't even upgoat you to bump. Here, have a halfgoat.

examors ago

Yeah, mine too.

zonk ago

Since going from 10 to 100 seems like a huge step, do you guys can us any insight on what you will watch regarding the behavior with upgoats and what your process will be on deciding if 100 is fine or whether it should be rather 50 or 200? Would be interesting to me, and maybe others, on how you're planning on watching and analyzing that.

Thanks for the insight!

getoutofbed ago

Someone should get /v/dataisbeautiful, if it has not already been taken..

zonk ago

It has and it also already has 2k subs :D


Thanks for everything Atko. I hope you can make this place into what I'm sure Aaron Swartz wanted Reddit to always be.

I'd look at deviantart's system of points that's sort of like Reddit gold, but done very well. Might give you some ideas.

Xemnas ago

You know... I'm from old timey Reddit and your username reminds me so much of a certain user I used to love.

RIP shadowbanned POTATO_IN_MY_ANUS

Dumbtickles ago

It's still not letting me upvoat more then 20. I am currently voating from my iPhone 6 plus running chrome. Thought you'd want the technical data

ReCat ago

Please don't remove the limit. Upvotes should remain a limited resource to make sure people upvote things wisely to prevent what happens on reddit.

JJNova ago

ReCat , c'mon. You are thinking about quality. This is the new voat. You need to change your viewpoint to one about power. Down voats aren't just for off topic or offensive content, reddit is here, they are now for anything you disagree with.

@atko , Thanks, there weren't enough Dave Chappelle memes on the front of /v/all yet.


Congratulations on the 100k milestone! :)

I just signed up about 25 min ago so I think I'm going to just declare it was partly thanks to me.

Edit: Hi ATKO, I hear you're the main man around these parts.

1234567890 ago

And yes, my vacation is no longer a vacation even though I am still away from home, we're way past that point now.

Good man. Love ya.

Admiral_Mason ago


MrDoucheFace ago

all aboard the voat train! CHOOO CHOOOO!

MrDoucheFace ago

all aboard the voat train! CHOOO CHOOOO!

Scribble ago

Great :) Thank you! I hope this works out for us.

Haiku ago

Voats can be higher.
Hail our glorious leader.
Atko is the man

mogan ago

Yes! Time to go spend these upgoats!

Frakir ago

I love me moar upvoats!

And you, and you... Big thanks, and sorry for that vacation

j_ ago

you can try upvoating this announcement post to test if the limit increase works (hehe)

How do I report this post for vote manipulation?


Report Atko to Atko, it turns out he has multiple personalities.. His voat hoaring personality comes out in the day, but at night, he awakes unknowingly as a malevolent being hellbent on destroying trolls and voat hoarders alike.

sillymanilly ago

Russet, Idaho or sweet?

the_federalist ago

Let the community know if there's anything we can do to help

roboticon ago

Atko, thanks for all the time you're putting into this site!

I'm working on an extension for keyboard shortcuts. LMK if you want to chat about usability and stuff.

Sops ago

I feel kind of bad now that I know we've ruined his vacation.

5hameless ago

You may have seen it already, but /v/voatdev for all the, well, voat development and bug reporting. They may be interested in your work if you want to help them out (I don't know, I'm new here too, I'm just trying to help along).

j_ ago

Please consider contributing code directly to Voat! Part of its strength is extending features to all users instead of relying on extensions like RES.

There is an existing Github issue for keyboard navigation (#54).

roboticon ago

That would be awesome!

I think an extension is the best way for me to iterate for now. When it's more fleshed out, I'll set up a local server and work on integrating it and adapting it to other browsers.

mising ago

I kind of like the low limit. It makes people more selective in upvoats.

garik ago

I feel the same way. It made me realise I was habitually upvoating funny-but-useless comments far more often than informative posts. Now I'm more inclined to think before I vote, read more than just the top comments and save my votes for posts that really deserve it. While 10 voats per day may have been a bit low, I think the new limit is too high to inspire this more carefull voting mentality, so I hope it will be set lower again after the influx of new users has been taken care of.

RainyNightKD ago

Awesome. Keep in touch with community and this place would grow exponentially :D

umpaloompa ago

This is great. I'm going to start upvoating everybody in my threads.

nemateneved ago

Thank you! (I'm sorry about your vacation.)

Steeledl ago

Fuck yeah. I've been here for the past 30 minutes, feeling like an un-creative dumb ass, trying to think of something witty to say to get to my 20 contribution comments so that I can upvote stuff. This really takes a lot of pressure off my ego.

toliver182 ago

Is there a page explaining how all of the voting limits works and CC? cant seem to find it anywhere

stranger_danger ago

Everyone aboard the upgoat train!

Wafflebutt ago

But remember to still comment! Say something, anything! It will help the community get engaged, and will get you up to the wonderful 100 CCP level so you can start downvoting. :)

Trust me...I am neither witty nor original, and even I managed to get there.

SpaceRosa ago

Wit isn't important. Thought is. People like reading well thought out, generally intelligent comments more that witty remarks.

Norm56 ago

Me too

Fuck_Nose_Cunt_Face ago

I thought the 20 contributions thing was to enable downgoating? I'd upped several things before I even wrote a comment.

Avnomke ago

You could previously only upgoat 10 times per day until you got 20 CCP.

Fadec ago

Exactly how I feel. Here, have a blue pointy up thing. I have sack full of them now.

Edit: I am an idiot and don't know how to reply to other comments properly. Oh well.

badmanjoker ago

dammit someone gimme some votes! I'm just dumb and boring but still

DarthMetal ago

I'm the same. Just a lurker at reddit, but trying to contribute to discussions.

Dietpillswork ago

Now we can all upvote each other past twenty. Also I had seen plenty of good content and not been able to upvote. This is definitely a good decision

Forseti ago

hmmm, still can't give any upvotes. When is this supposed to take effect?

Dietpillswork ago

Here have an upgoat

PM_Me_Taylor_Swift ago

Me neither.

giff upvoats so I can upvoat things!

Stoic ago

It takes pressure of those who had to massively upgoat new people as well. I was going through peoples histories to get them past the 20 mark, but now that people will reach the 100 mark easily, I want to stress that those from before the exodus were hestitant on downvoting comments. I have upvoted 450 comments and downvoted 3, because downvoting leads to a hostile environment and is contrary to the friendly and open-minded discussions we want. Please take this into account when you get to 100 CCP.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Oh I didn't even think about up voating newbies intros. I feel terrible (of course I couldn't really get in for three days and I was so hungry for content I didn't read many intros). Also my downvoat count is high because I found a shrill account who got his "100" by commenting on his own post 100 times ("comment 66, comment 67..."). It pissed me off so I downvoated each one.Most of his posts were trying to buy old reddit usernames (you probably saw it).

Mawhinney-the-Pooh ago

Should downvoting even be an option then if it leads to a hostile environment? Tbh i don't really see any benefits for a downvote option.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

The down vote is the only acceptable form of censor ship barring illegal content imho.

Mawhinney-the-Pooh ago

Yeah I understand the need for one now

Stoic ago

I downvoted racists, hostile people and the like, which causes them to be limited in how much they can post. It's useful in a small amount of cases which is why I want measures taken to further discourage it. There still are a lot of options between banning the downvote button, which moderators of any subreddit can do by the way (see /v/opendiscussion) and letting it stay the way it is now.

Mawhinney-the-Pooh ago

Ah I see, yeah that's probably a good idea to keep it then, the only thing I really question the limiting of posts, is this that really what we want to do here, limit posts because people have different views of the world, whether they be bigoted, misinformed, etc.,and instead help change their views through discussion rather than throttle what they can say?

TheRedditExodus ago

I'm glad the increase has happened as now I can upgoat you!

Intercept ago

Cheers, Atko!

distortedlines ago

Thanks! I'm relatively new here and I'm really liking the place.

Wobble ago

This is a crafty ploy to get me to upvote you, right? Well - it worked :)

LastSasquatch ago

Hey I'm upgoating everyone in this thread now. I never did learn how to be frugal on payday.

forest_robot ago

I have a feeling that I would fair far better by posting creative comments than begging people for goats... hehe.

tossingmelons ago


Humpty ago

I want to upgoat. It still is making me sit at 10, though, for some reason.

lodur ago

I really want to make a meme comic with "Upgoats? What's upgoats?" with a bunch of goats grinning saying "Not much, what's up with you!" Lol.

rosary505 ago

made this for you

lodur ago

That's amazing! Lol, you're awesome <3

fredislol ago

You guys are doing incredible with this. Thank you for giving me an alternative to that piece of shit that is reddit and do you have a mobile app?

Campl3r ago

Anyone here thinking of developing a app for Windows Phone/Universal?

I want to start developing one, as I get access to the API. But I'm a WPF guy, and my experience in WP/Universal is limited.

64bit ago

Not officially just yet (I think some of them are in development). But you can use community created apps: Vulcan/Boats for Voat or Versa if you'd like to.

I prefer to use Boats.

And oh.. those are only Android apps for now.

rohmriard ago

I didn't know about the Boats app. Thanks for mentioning it! Just downloaded and of the three Voat apps I've tried so far it's the most user friendly. Boats for Voat link for anyone interested: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SpaceMonkey.Boats

dizziik ago

I also just grabbed the Boats app. I have to agree on the user-friendly front! I'm going to reserve judgement on apps though until Voat is running at full speed, since I don't think its quite fair to judge yet!

rohmriard ago

Right. Sometimes the apps are slow to load pages and I know it's probably Voat servers, so I don't hold that against them. So far I like Boats because it has a good layout and it loads the comments in the app while the other two, Vulcan & Versa, loads comments in a separate browser. I think its great we already have android app developers on board for Voat. Thank you to the creators! And big thanks to Atko for making Voat! And thanks to Pao for making it grow lol.

Dej ago

You should update us when you decide which to stick with.

rohmriard ago

Update: Now that Voat is back up and steady, I can use the apps again. The winning app for me is voBrowser. This is the one I'll be sticking with for now.

rohmriard ago

Sure will!

fredislol ago

Awesome I have an android. Thanks for this man! #Voatrevolution

T4yB4cK ago

And hopefully the quality of these apps, and any new ones, will skyrocket once the new API is released.

64bit ago


Idunsums ago

Do you want to get upvoates, because that's how you get upvoates.

kekbondem ago

Thanks man, i think this is a great idea for the site, helping growth and content selection!

yousmell_likedog ago

Sweet! I ran out yesterday in like 15 mins.


Are you this bad with your money too?

yousmell_likedog ago

Well this month I had a unforeseen large expense lol, so yes.

Wellhungguy ago

So, we start out with zeo. Or does everybody hate me?

k_digi ago

  • Great news:

  • good innovation for up-votes another user was talking about the actual feasibility of a "down vote" he made some good points.

    • make a "gold" system make it crypto convertible don't make it only Bitcoin.
  • you could even issue your own "stock Crypto" {i can feel the sweat now i just caused people}


ButcherOfBlaviken ago

Awesome! Great to hear :D

64bit ago

Woho!!!! That is nice info.

Thank you :)

Wafflez ago

Thank you! You're awesome and I'm extremely thankful!

H-Bar ago

So were your voting limits actually increased? Mine's still at 10, and a lot of other people in the comments are saying the same thing. At first I thought it was just because I had already hit the limit and it'd be fixed after the next reset, but now it's a couple days later and I'm still stuck at 10 upvoats a day.

Admiral_Mason ago

I'm upgoatin' like mad here!

ZionistShill ago

Upvoats 4 lyfe.

greiton ago

I am now calling them upgoats.

syngar_exovel ago

I'm upgoating all uses of the word 'upgoat' in an attempt to outweigh 'upvoat'ers! Take my upgoat!

Era ago

I see no reason to use "upgoat". Why is "goat" relevant, and where did its use here originate?

"Upvoat" seems more appropriate and obvious.

Deadhand ago

OMG UPGOATS. I'm so fracking down with ā€upgoats". Upgoats for all!!!

dis_is_my_account ago

Lol I remember a while ago some people didn't like upgoat over upvoat because they thought it was childish. They're going to be pissed.

syngar_exovel ago

Would you say it was associated with... kids?

273575? ago

you just convinced me to switch to upgoat. Are we goaters now too?

Fools_gambit ago

We're getting Goatsie in here!

JustAnotherGoat ago

Did someone say Goats?

DreamsAndSchemes ago

This needs an upgoat arrow on the tongue.

syngar_exovel ago

I like this. Another!

Admiral_Mason ago

Hopefully there is a poll between upvoat and upgoat.... we know who should win :D

buedi ago

There is now :-)


greenbrain ago

I'm using the Boat app to browse voat and give out upgoats. Would I do it in a house with a mouse? Yes, yes I would.

Stoic ago

Am I the only one who likes both upvoats and upgoats?

273611? ago

you should put this in v/ideasforvoat

cube_is_life ago

But it's not an idea. It's a real thing.

syngar_exovel ago

I feel I am being goatsmilked here

forest_robot ago

We goata try our best!

Patchface- ago

So I'm guessing this Atko guy is the fella that runs the place?

rikkian ago

Until a few days ago he was the sole guy running the joint. Since the reddit exodus however he said:

@puttitout helped me get through this unplanned migration and I'm happy to say that he's now officially a part of voat.


b0ard2death ago

Yep, he's the new head honcho. Better than Ellen, that's for damn sure.

Admiral_Mason ago

What proof do we have that Atko isn't Ellen Pao? tinfoil hat

Natdawg567 ago

Well I haven't seen the two in the same place at the same time... so it's still possible.

TheRedditExodus ago

I know I'm safe as I have an Ellen Pao repelling rock. I might ship it to voats servers to keep them safe.

b0ard2death ago

Good point...but fatpeoplehate isn't banned here, so I have faith. You can remove your hat...for now

I'd upvoat you, but I'm too new still.

TheBlueGhost ago
