baneofretail ago

Fuck off. Also @l_Am_Spartacus

Codewow ago

No one can be trusted and I don't see any pro-admin anything on the front page.

asdfa54352 ago

i disagree, and im correct. its manipulation, its the admins play ground. the recent removal the pig fuck @THC is proof they have zero respect for the community. only for their gains

Codewow ago

So because they decided to remove THC from mod, they are abusing their powers?

asdfa54352 ago

you simpleton is simply proves their actions and what they would by example. the recent vote manipulation is don by the admins to make profitable under the guise of

Codewow ago

They make nothing out of manipulating the votes. They make hardly anything as it is.

asdfa54352 ago

again retard, i said they are experimenting with it. learn to fucking read.

Codewow ago

Eh, your conspiracy is lacking substance.

asdfa54352 ago

you must blame russians aswell, poptart

do not respond to me unless you have substance, ever again.

Codewow ago

Nah. Russians are pretty cool in my book.

asdfa54352 ago

admin knee jerked and proved they cannot contain themselves, no different than spez.

i am correct

Mick ago

Don't come in here bitching on your new alt, whoever you are, because your credibility is exactly zero. At least man up and post who you actually are.

asdfa54352 ago

you are a fake phallus, my credibility is sound. and my record proves exactly that. I removed my persona from this site because of exactly of people like your self.

I am correct

Mick ago

my credibility is sound

Bullshit, you're a shit stirrer.

asdfa54352 ago

you remain willfully ignorant, i pity you

Mick ago

I get pissed with people who run their mouths off but won't put their name to a post. Harden up a little.

asdfa54352 ago

i get pissed at the faceless people who dont speak up. our pissed offness is equalized... i am correct

asdfa54352 ago

you are cancer to voat

asdfa54352 ago

users are blaming bots, its the admins, experimentation. all for manip to to make money to make the site profitable. be aware, and heed my words