FolCyot ago

Use PaysafeCard.

Very convenient and completely anonymous payment system. Many USENET providers accept it. I just love it.

nuzzo ago

Just to chime in on this. PayPal hit me hard last week. Not only did they limit my account, but they notified all my buyers to open up disputes saying my account was compromised. Now I have to go through all 100+ odd transactions and respond to them individually. I was like, what in the flying F!

Not to mention that I have future payments using PayPal, but my account is down. Total BS in a handbasket.

I came across the idea of stealth and been going over this guide:

But I am not entirely sure if this is the best way to go? Does anyone have some experience on stealth?

schwanstucker ago

I know it's late in the game, but if you log on to eBay, and get into the "adults only" section, you'll find plenty of porn, and lots of it skirts the edges. All that can be paid for with paypal.

vesania ago

Liroku ago

Wow, I remember Paypal having rampant amounts of these kinds of problems awhile back. I thought they'd cleaned up by now. There are too many other payment alternatives to be fucking around with people. Google Wallet, Visa Checkout, and on and on.

TreeEnt ago

bitcoin for the rescue

Dederpdohum ago


vesania ago

Would never trust PayPal with donations, amounts of $100+ or giving up documents to lift a limitation. These momos have no clue as to what they are doing. They are screwing everyone for the most BS reasons.


umatbro ago

I'm making a petition to get PayPal to free the account. How many signatures?

CyberAly ago

I'm trying to remove my bank and card details from PayPal right now. 1. because i'm pissed off with them about this and 2. because my reckless spending is out of control.

Anyway I made a donation to Voat of £5 on the 12th of June but it's been stuck unaccepted since then, now I know why! Problem is I can't remove any of my payment details from PayPal until it goes through, which it won't.

I'm so annoyed, maybe i'll block PayPal from the bank's end?

KatzenKlavier ago

Yeah, we shouldn't lower ourselves to the level of using tactics which are proven to work.

Jawsh ago

Stripe has been kind to Infinity Next.

doomedthrowaway ago

Fair to say this site has no future.

HarryBosch ago

Maybe you should your PayPal account.

randomtestname ago

Elon Musk on why/how PayPal is screwed.

kekonn ago

As someone who doesn't do cryptocurrencies (I just think it's too complex) how would I now donate? I only had Paypal as an option but now I'm glad I put that off.

Nietto ago

yeah didn't /r/SRS said they were going to call paypal everyday to get the account blocked also.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

I honestly have never used pay pal and never intend to.

DarthSunshine ago

Sexually oriented materials? What? That's strange.

RabidRaccoon ago

certain sexually oriented materials or services or for items that could be considered obscene

Wouldn't that apply to /r/GoneWild too? And let's face it there's a lot nastier stuff than GoneWild on reddit too if you go looking for it. Still 'certain sexually oriented materials or services' is a pretty broad category.

Majatek ago

Personally I find buttcoin to be unreliable as its currency value fluctuates far too much for my liking. Sucks that PayPal decided to clamp down over disinformation. :\

SwimmingInAFishbowl ago

Chin up.mate. This will pass

TheMonitor ago

Now that the obvious troublemakers have been purged, will PayPal reconsider?

C_IsForCookie ago

Dude, PayPal sucks hard. We started using them as a processor at work after having them for years. I rang up an $18k transaction and BOOM they stopped letting us withdraw money. They said they had to investigate our business practices. The fuck? It's like they don't want us giving them their over inflated processing fees. It's nuts.

For those who don't know, eBay just sold them off. I speculate it's because eBay is going down the crapper and needed the money.

cuntbert ago

Good. You newfags don't deserve the money since you have already started censoring content.

crash_matrix ago

Seriously man - send emails to them, call customer service, and tweet them at @paypal; they do respond. I use them for almost everything.

Timur ago

Oh really, they block voat, but are more than happy to transfer funds for stuff like seekingarrangement: That site basically enables prostitution.

ShinyVoater ago

Your obsession with money is where you go wrong. Yes, inflation pushes the relevant statistics up, but that's in the same way a call center telling everyone who calls their system is down improves its call stats: namely, that improvement's bullshit. Money simply helps things move in an economy, in the same way motor oil helps an engine's parts move easier and allows better performance. However, just as pouring more oil into an engine once it's full won't improve its performance, neither will continuously pumping money into an economy improve its performance: there's only so much purchasing power in an economy(determined by its level of true wealth - ie, amount of things) and new money can only gain any at the expense of old as it's spent into the economy.

Of course, you still haven't addressed the question of why anybody in their right mind would buy electronics now instead of their better versions tomorrow, if the deflationary spiral's to be believed.

jdawg011 ago

BitCoin I guess is the best option.

Everyone is taking the whole "progressive" censorship path these days.

mattm ago

I am a mod of a drug related forum. People have gotten us banned from most donation platforms. It is a fucking shame what people will do because they don't agree with your views.

snex ago

Inflation means increased spending

So what? Saving is necessary to improve quality of life. And what about retirees and people on fixed incomes? Fuck em?

increased employment levels

The 1970s called. You're wrong.

and increased benefits for debtors

Because we totally want to encourage irresponsibility amirite?

Decreasing prices lead to delayed spending

You literally cannot find ONE example of this being the case. The entire history of the world up until 1913 has been deflationary! Deflation during the Great Depression was the effect, not the cause.

which leads to decreased employment.

Employment is not an end. It is a means to buy shit. If shit is so cheap that you don't need to work to buy it, why the fuck would you want to work?

Meanwhile, loan payments remain the same, giving lenders the upper hand.

Which means people live within their means, rather than buy consumer goods on credit. Loans are for capital goods, not consumer goods.

bangsecks ago

I wonder if Reddit has anything to do with this. Corporate sabotage intended to limit competition with the effect of ultimately limiting free speech.

YTKileroy ago

You know they did this so they could use the money that you brought in for high risk investments?

There is a good chance that nothing was actually wrong with anything, they just happened to find an account with a large amount of money that they could freeze and abuse. This is also why the 3-5 business day "processing" is in effect for ALL payments.

If I could vote for the MOST EVIL CORPORATION EVER, it would be PayPal without hesitation. They have all of the power of a bank with none of the regulations.

Rivar ago

I got permanently limited by Paypal because two people donated under $1 each.. even after tens of phone calls I didn't get an explanation, they're just awful. I use stripe and bitcoin now, no issues at all so far.

snex ago

Everyone benefits from inflation.

LOL no.

youRFate ago

Should I charge back the donation I made 2 days ago and send it via bitcoin instead? Can I even do that?

ev1lb1t ago

Atko, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND STRIPE. Stripe services sites like thedailystormer and 4chan, they'll service!

rdj262 ago

I closed my Pukepal account long ago after reading about shit exactly like this. They are an evil corporation. Fuck them.

Sketchy_Llama ago

Sexually oriented materials? Do they seem to fucking forget they have a whole slew of porn and sex toys on Ebay they accept payments for.

NotWearingPants ago

Paypal is as capricious and arbitrary as a reddit moderator when it comes to enforcing their rules.

Voat_Poaster ago

You know who else got screwed by PayPal?

SA. Also 4chan.

Let's hope you can avoid the "horrific decay" part of the success story.

njdss4 ago

My PayPal account got locked a couple of months ago (I think someone tried to brute force their way into my account or something), and I haven't bothered to get it unlocked. I don't trust PayPal anymore, and I don't want my account back. Luckily for me, there was no money in it, so I'm not losing anything.

SmilingButtHole ago

Shadman gets his donations from there....he loves lolis

Gods_scrotum ago

This is good for bitcoin

N1GGER ago

Well that is one way to get me to donate. The enemy of my enemy is my friend etc. Something like that

Clbull ago

Because unlike Voat, Reddit are willing to dismantle subreddits that harm their business.

immibis ago

So is Voat. That's why they dismantled subverses that harmed their business.

Clbull ago

Where can I report illegal content?

DrDoctor13 ago

If only we got rid of /v/jailbait and /v/truejailbait...

haste ago

This is why you should only accept Bitcoin!

gnarvin ago

So after reading through this thread I decided I should only leave my CC on my paypal, but I cant remove my debit card because of an instant transfer that is pending. Not only does it not make sense that its pending on an instant transfer, the transfer in question does not exist at all. I can't even make myself feel safer on paypal now because paypal won't let me. What a terrible company, how is there no decent competition for paypal and google wallet yet they are so terrible.

kancolle_nigga ago

fuck paypal

ev1lb1t ago

I have contacted paypal telling them they release your money or I close my account and post infographics telling people why all over the nearest major downtown area.

If everyone on voat and friendly external communities does this, the voice and public egg will be too large and too damaging to ignore.

coinslists ago

This sucks, but it's probably best for new businesses to just tear off the PayPal band-aid. PayPal has always hated multiple small transactions. Without major innovation, PayPal will be toast in ten years.

I see this has already turned into a bitcoin discussion, but bitcoin is a viable alternative. If you put a Mycelium Gear "Donate Button" on the site, I bet there would be few donations almost immediately. I see the plain text bitcoin address, but Gear might better suit Voat's needs.

Payza is a decent PayPal substitute since Voat probably still has some need for dirty fiat.

birdsmacker299 ago

Aw jeez, Not the jew cuckolds again

Azor-Ahai ago

This makes me sick, the power these corporations have to crush anyone trying to build their own thing. I can only assume Reddit investors and/or its users are behind this.

Could we all message PayPal and make the case for the account to be opened?

Edit: PayPal limited my account once because I hadn't had any activity for a about a year and then immediately I had a lot of activity from selling on eBay. They limited those funds for over a month which seriously hurt my purpose behind selling all those items.

mindful ago

What can we do to reverse their decision?

SirFarticus ago

I knew this was going to happen the moment you began getting an influx of donations. People warned you, Paypal cannot be trusted when you make any decent amount from donations.

SirFarticus ago

Was it when Ebay owned it?

TexasComments ago

@ATKO Have you retained a lawyer to handle stuff like this?

Yazi ago

You should talk to Hotwheels. Our leftist opponents pulled the same shit with 8chan. They report-spam.

Zaqwert ago

Sue them.

Braenivin ago

You could mail them the screencap of the Ghazi person saying they're spamming fake reports.

SuperImaginativeName ago

Paypal are a bunch of faggots. It would not surprise me in the slightest if reddit or the media bribed them to do this.

apocsnow ago

You already have bitcoin... that should be the preferred method of donation.

But, for those who might not want to do that for whatever reason - my solution would be to set up a square market. Set up items in the market for each denomination of donation.

TitoWatts ago

I somehow owe PayPal $750 after a payment I made didn't go through because I accidently had the wrong banking info. They decided to 'cover me' which I didn't authorize them to do for me. It's been a year, I haven't paid them. They have a collection agency on me now... but they can F themselves. I'll take the credit rating hit. Sick of being screwed over by big companies.

anon99 ago

There are payment processors that deal exclusively with high risk websites, like Sure, it's geared towards the porn industry, but there's plenty of porn on here and you might as well give it a shot.

"Solutions for High-Risk Webmasters

Verotel is a leading Internet Payment Service Provider (IPSP) for high risk businesses. We never missed a payment"

There are others too. Maybe contact Mercedes Carrera and ask her for recommendations. She is a porn star and gamergate supporter who runs her own production company. @TheMercedesXXX She also has a porn charity and helps wounded vets.

un1ty ago

PayPal is a terrible, terrible company.

sozcaps ago

Reading the comments, I see a small horde being complete assholes rubbing their hands in glee in that reddit thread. I'm at a loss here. How are there so many shitty comments with no actual message and meaning? Shouldn't most of these guys just be ordinary dudes like us? Why the hell would redditors hate Voat with such a sadistic pissant passion? Are those misanthrope posters even real accounts? It's seriously no good for nothing to have some sort of war going on between us and (misguided?) Reddit loyalists.

Patranus ago

So when is PayPal going to limit/terminate/hold funds from Reddit's account PayPal account?

elgindelta ago

there in bed with reddit bro, have to expect these kind of bumps in the road, y combiner is none to happy about what appears to be a 50 million dollar loss in investment, they are going to pull all sorts of leftist bs, they are libtards bro, shitty sneeky bastards. have you considered a po box for check donations? it might very well come to that, that y combiner money was supposed to help sway public opinion on all sorts of issues and now its lost a massive percentage of its landing base, even go fund me would most likely be a bad idea with the same holds in place. it might have to be direct donations Atko. keep up the great work,

geneticshitlord ago

so we going bitcoin\crypto donations now?

Tattertot ago

Notch had this problem too as minecraft got big paypal started blocking payments for the game

kittenkidnapper ago

Define a platform, and the donations will come. Just ensure you have more control over your account. I definitely want to donate now.

micaldas ago

It's things like this that reminds us why bitcoin was invented.

Venusaur ago

You want to know how to get around getting PayFucked? Here's how, register voat as a business, then set up a business paypal account they wont bother yo as much

ittybittyvote ago

How much money do you actually have access to now? Is it back to square one?

N2theoah ago

Do you do bitcoin? If not stop this whole fiat bullshit. I will donate .15 bitcoin if you stop dealing with paypal.

Inofor ago

Classic PayPal.

Jura52 ago

Wrong? You can find jailbait on Voat. And I mean real CP. Do you know the reaction of one mod? "I'll give them the benefit of a doubt." Are you fucking kidding me? One look will make you convinced.

I don't know if the admins are delusional or what. When you have a site that hosts pedophiles and accepts donations from them, you are in fact supporting pedophilia and profiting from it. Is that Voat's "freedom of speech"?

icenine ago

@Atko, How much money is held up? Is it money past a certain date? Just curious if my payment went through!

Tecktonik ago

Have you looked into Dwolla?

icenine ago

seriously when can I give you guys all my dogecoins

bloodguard ago

This reminded me that I have a paypal account I haven't used for a while ( not linked to any bank cards ). I've been clicking the "Close account" for about 15 minutes and I keep getting

"Sorry, there's a problem. If you keep seeing this, please contact customer service".

Too funny. Upside is that it motivated me to move $50 BTC into my wallet. I'll be shipping it off to as soon as it settles.

123_456 ago

This bullshit has to stop. Some people are actively fucking around with Voat to stop it from growing to its full potential. Some fucking reddit SJW cunt.

BoiseNTheHood ago

PayPal's new motto: "CoonTown good, free speech bad." Absolute shithole of a company.

princess_bubblegum ago

how about we cut out the middle man and just mail you the money?

nightofthelivingham ago

Time to create your own payment system!

lawofchaos ago

Turns out it's worse then that unfortunately. Check out this thread. Guilty as charged..

Mr_Wolf ago

All it takes is 1 complaint and paypal will shut you down no questions asked, and take their sweet time investigating the issue.

Absolem ago

I haven't used Paypal for anything since the WikiLeaks thing. If a service only has paypal as a payment option, I don't buy that service. It's not Paypal's place to decide who deserves what money, just do money transfers and get the fuck out of the way, please, you pieces of shit. If you can't handle that, we'll go to bitcoin. We should anyways. Bitcoin is how online currency is supposed to work.

Pattoe ago

Would patreon be better? I want to donate to you but I don't do bitcoins


That means they have the authority to possess child porn as evidence.

JTCols ago

As someone who donated via there anything I can do? I would hate for Paypal (Ebay) to earn interest on my money while they act like douchebags.

alloygeek ago

Wish I could say I was surprised. I quit using it years ago after they screwed me out of $50. Not a lot by comparison to most people's issues but still enough to burn me for life. It is bad enough if someone will only take paypal I won't do business with them.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

SJWs don't exist. At least not as some big organised secret society that you are implying they are. They're a boogeyman.

this_somuchthis ago

they most definitely do exist - see protein world 'scandal'.

spinninginfinity ago

The more people try to destroy voat, the more people will give it support until it thrives. The gift that keeps on giving!

arrggg ago

That is a good list. Here are a few more that work. Skrill, OKPAY, PerfectMoney, work good for transferring money. does visa to bitcoin, which would be good for donations. is a great way for websites to accept many different coins, and then automatically convert them to USD or EUR. (so the price fluctuations do not affect you)

If you keep your donations in bitcoin then you are in control, no one can take them from you.

Superking ago

Atko needs to write a 1 page e-book short story then put it for sale on Amazon for $20.

BlackBetty ago

Sounds like Skrill might be the viable option to paypal. I'm looking in to canceling my account right now.

Craftkorb ago

Not everyone has vast amounts of disposable income.

AssuredlyAThrowAway ago

@atko it's SRS doing this to punish you.

Now we have to punish them-

BedlamPhilosopher ago

For anyone who's been living under a rock for the past several years and wondering what the hubbub is about, PayPal has a rather sordid history of burning people badly that trust them with their money. Case in point, where they ordered the destruction of a Stradivarius violin, because the buyer changed his mind on the purchase, and they wanted to be safe on the off-chance that it "May be" counterfeit, and so mandated the destruction of a masterpiece instrument before the buyer could receive his refund.

There are many, many more cases of this idiocy, and if you're interested to see why you should not trust PayPal or eBay with your money (I cancelled my accounts back when they seized/limited the account associated with Julian Assange's legal defense fund), I implore you to check out

De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 ago

I know what you mean and I agree actually, so let me rephrase the first part:

It's very simple, IF you want to advocate for free speech, you HAVE TO look into Bitcoin [...]

That should clear it up and take care of the passive observers(which are fine) other than that, I agree with @gtfo.

verifiedbyvisa ago


  • Bitcoin (technically impossible)

  • Stripe (still have an AUP, but are not fucking scumbags like PayPal are)

IveSeenYouNakid ago

I assume most of you guys are younger than 30 who use paypal. I could have told you 10 years ago that the site was bullshit. Do not ever use paypal. Not only because of this, but because of the hidden fees and complete nonsense you subject yourself to.

flyawayhigh ago

I feel like you don't fully realize

Nonsense, counselor. I move this Court to sanction your reply as frivolous. There's your "lawyer speak."

This law is one of inclusion not exclusion. Under the "plain meaning" interpretive convention, you simply cannot read the following into it under any reasonable legal argument:

...they have to ask the purpose of a've made them a liable party in the event that they miss something

No counselor can seriously believe that this is a reasonable argument on the law. You have violated professional ethics, counselor. I request the judge send a transcript to the state licensing board.

The rest of your argument is pure ideology, and you will stick with it through your own demise or until something very shocking happens to jolt you into reality. Your choice.

Finally, my original point was specifically about this thread and the Paypal situation. I was not thinking of "hate speech" as this was not in the facts of the legal post. The "hate speech" portion of your reply should have been stricken as irrelevant and prejudicial, counselor.

So much for trying to give you a little slack. You don't want any. :D

Affection410 ago

Just cleared my PayPal account as a result of reading this. My money can live elsewhere.

ServiceStud ago

I have disputed the decision.

"It has come to my attention that you have permanently limited the perfectly legitimate and laudable account Atif Colo ([email protected]), most likely as a result of malicious and false flagging by a third party. I have been a customer for a very long time and would like to remain so but since I cannot trust you to send my money to the right person, I have begun doubting the wisdom of staying a customer.

Please look into the slanderous allegations and un-limit the aforementioned account again as soon as possible."

ServiceStud ago

Their reply:

Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding a PayPal account.

I understand that you have sent money to [email protected], however you have been informed that this account as been permanently limited. You would like for us to investigate this limitation further, as you believe this was wrongly made.

I can inform you that, due to security protocols, I am not able to access the account [email protected] unless they contact us. I would therefor advise [email protected] to contact their PayPal customer support service, as we always have the option to take a closer look at a limitation if we are contacted by the relevant party and thereby determine if this limitation was wrongly placed.

I understand that this might not be the answer which you were looking for and I am sorry for not being able to investigate this further. however if [email protected] contacts their support service, they will have the opportunity to look closer at this particular case. Thank you for choosing PayPal.

Yours sincerely, Dagmar PayPal

JAWheat411 ago

Yeah. PayPal screwed me out of over $300 about 8 or 9 years ago. I have avoided them since. There and eBay. Both companies suck bad. There are plenty of alternatives.

binky ago

Cancelling my Paypal credit card effective as soon as my final payment clears.

NoneOfYourBeezwax ago

Freezing accounts is something of a business model for PayPal.

They are no regulated like a bank, so they can do exactly as they please.

RabidRaccoon ago

PayPal - US company

Reddit - US company

Voat - not a US company

Sucks that it's come to that to be honest - it's the sort of thing I'd expect from Chinese companies, not US ones.

MeatLobsterTitan ago

I saw those fuckers on ShitRedditSays talking about how they wanted to get the Voat PayPal account banned in the same thread they were talking about getting you kicked off the old ISP.

Indiana_Jones ago

But I can't give you my Bitcoins. I need them in case we go to the moon!

facadearcade ago

OH yeah, Paypal says my payment was cancelled. That's so much BS right there. Don't do Bitcoin, so as soon as you have another method for accepting donations, I'll use that instead.

facadearcade ago

I just wrote them a long email telling them I disagree with their decision to be the arbiters of political views.

facadearcade ago

And also signed up and Circle to send you money via bitcoin. Use it wisely!

thecid ago

PayPal is scum.

conduit00 ago

Someone who knows their shit in cryptocurrency, please stand up and be heard!

twitterhitter ago

[email protected] is the manually read escalation account for all issues regarding violations of ToS and specifically relegated to illegal content. Send them an email stating, very clearly, that the allegations made against were intentionally falsified by a suspicious individual with ZERO ties to the website (and zero monetary interaction to boot), that an investigation as long as ten seconds will show they were falsified and that these allegations were filed with specific malicious intent of shutting a private business down. Use these as proof of the identity of the false reporter and be polite if possible.

The phone centers just take claims, false or not, and move them up a chain. If there was a phone call to make this happen, it would have ended where mine did by talking to a supervisor who gave me the email and advised me to escalate it manually. If this was done with one person that has no ownership or financial ties to the website then by theory I should be able to undo it in a day. But sending more emails with more proof should make this go by easier.

If the owner of the account makes an appeal, as in the owner of the PayPal itself, they will be able to receive direct updates on the investigation progress. I strongly advise anyone and everyone here concerned with this issue to send in emails. Even if you're sworn of PayPal for good from this, it's still possible to recover and a thousand voices is always more visible than one or two. This should be an easy fix if we all civilly contact them that something on their end went wrong.

twitterhitter ago

I've sent mine. I included the archives because they make it grossly apparent that this person is just doing this for 'teh lolz' and not out of any concern for any broken rules. I still advise anyone to do the same, with your formal email if possible, and let them know that they are being made fools of. If it's this easy to shut down a business on PayPal, then no business on PayPal is ever guaranteed safe.

k_digi ago

Dudes the shills are trying to bury this;

Accept crypto and open your donation market 100x of times larger.

fitlord ago

Fuck PayPal.

Closing my account with them right now.

jerrykantrell ago

Well, it looks like I'm going to be giving PayPal the middle finger now. Unbelievable, I wonder what prompted this stupidity on their part

Sarus ago

I just bought like 15 games with 30$ on steam idk what you're talking about

sir_edge ago

Edit: in hindsight AU could mean Austria. I think Australian is aus. Apologies if this is redundant. He's making a joke / satirical statement. The guy said au for his currency, implying he's Australian. Game prices in Australia are notoriously expensive. I believe +100 for standard console games. I have no idea if this follows through on steam there.

Sarus ago

I did not know that, that's fucking absurd

GabeNewell ago

As expected...

JustSomeFaggot ago

It's not enough if you're a console peasant.

spinninginfinity ago

Console peasant, can confirm.

Manifolder7 ago

$30 is my YEARLY game budget.

milliamp ago

I honestly think you should just enable some ads on the website now. People who don't want to see them can use Ad Block Plus or ublock and it will bring in enough money for operating expenses.

If you set out running on donated time if it gets big you'll have to quit and do something else. If you monetize it right away if it gets big you can hire people to help you run the place. It wasn't the ads on reddit I had the problem with, it was the moderation.

Create an open platform for people to communicate and people will continue to trickle in as as SJW's on reddit continue to ratchet down on what things are approved to talk about.

Monetize, leave discussion open, and let reddit essentially become Tumblr. Part of free speech is taking the bad with the good. I don't have to agree with everyones opinion on anything but I have a brain and a downvote button to deal with the opinions I don't like. Just don't get in the habit of deleting the opinions you disagree with and this should turn out to be a large website that will hopefully be lucrative for you in the long run.

Monetizing it now will allow you to scale.

happynessisawarmgun ago

Paypal did this to me. I purchased something from a scammer, it was a "prohibited item" and it was never received. I contacted PP and told them I got ripped off. They returned my money, but they froze my acct for 180 days, and I had over $15K in it. Yes over 15 grand.

I closed my account when I got my money back. I will never use Paypal again. Fuck them. They treated me like I was a fucking criminal.

You can use Chase Quickpay to send liquid money from your checking acct. It's alot like Paypal but there are no restrictions other than the recipient must be in the USA. It is also free.

I have used ClearXChange also and it works good if you are dealing with different banks. I believe it is also free.

You only need to use google wallet, paypal and apple pay if you are dealing with credit cards. There are other alternatives.

profanion ago

Are there any other meant to donate?

Because this is corporation-induced censorship!

woofcat ago

You can donate using bitcoin. The address is on the front page.

SuiXi3D ago

Well, I sure am glad I donated with Bitcoin, then.

flyawayhigh ago

Your first example is good. I oppose hate speech laws, and I can see how the host may have wanted to dodge that issue. One for you. :D

Your second example is the opposite of what you think it is. It is outside of regulation. Actual regulation would say something like -- if you involve yourself in handling money transfers, you must accept all legal transactions. One for me. :D

So, the real answer is ... quality regulation.

I emphasized that regulation is needed to contrast the general views I see here. It's a process. First, people need to understand that regulations have important purposes, next, we discuss which regulations we should have.


It's the faux unilateral libertarian type of regulation. Regulation baaaad. Well, unless a state does it and doesn't use the naughty word, because states' rights.

geohump ago

Looks like bitcoin is the way to go.

gtfo ago

/u/De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 is just saying there's a perfectly viable alternative and if you can't be bothered learning it - then you're doing yourself a disservice. And I'm not sure you understand what a SJW is - it's not simply someone who is an overt activist on every issue.

De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 ago

Thanks, that is what I meant! That said, I think @Alduin meant "to become LIKE a SJW". You know, radicalized, isolated, made fun off, out of touch with reality, crazy - not really become A SJW.

gtfo ago

Good point, my reading comprehension was a little off there

PaperLuigi3 ago

When I was a moderator on a Minecraft server, we used a certain program that bypassed PayPal and used a different kind of money transfer to accomplish the same thing. Let me get back to the head admin and I'll PM you with other options if I have any, okay Atko?

Justsayswellshit ago

Well shit

Ifaptocomments ago


I'm sure the community has no problem figuring out how to use those and I know I for one will be willing to donate my current Doge to you guys

lamecustomgifs ago

Paypal has your donation funds hostage? :( Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck Paypal.

mercury888 ago

try stripe dudes...

chriswearingred ago

How about we just get rid of the jb sub? I mean if it's really causing all this issue, why keep it around?

Subarukayak ago

Once the JB sub is taken down, there will be something else they find disagreeable... then something else. The attack isn't over offensive material, it's about control. Make no mistake about it. Voat is under attack.

It's time to shit or get off the pot.

chriswearingred ago

The biggest issue is the fucking cp. it has no place here or anywhere else. It's illegal and needs to be removed otherwise say goodbye to the site.

JunOS ago

1-888-221-1161 is their number - I called and closed both my accounts.

eclecticentrepreneur ago

another victory for the evil SJW empire over at shitredditsays

get rekt, nerds

chronos ago

We have already seen with the paypal and hosting account that people can and will make a hobby out of screwing with Atko and Voat. And no it was not clear to me which is why I asked the question. That is the purpose of questions, not to provoke or accuse, but to acquire information. Sorry if you felt otherwise.

Guinness2702 ago

I still use them, when I don't have an alternative, but basically have been avoiding them since they effectively shut down Jennicam.

shmuklidooha ago

This is reason enough for me to learn how to use bitcoin. Does anyone know of a decent guide on how to mine, for nooblets?

flyawayhigh ago

Which regulation?

chronos ago

Thank you. I wanted you to clearly explain your assertion that Voat hosts child porn. I think those are reasonable questions to be addressed by Atko and his legal person / team.

webdev ago

That was to be expected.

I hope you cleared the account every day.

vaked ago

What srs fails to understand is that this will make Voat a stronger community. I have been a casual member of reddit for a while, never in my life have I been this active in a forum or willing to donate as I have with Voat.

430342? ago

I've heard too much bad shit about PayPal so I stopped using them a while back. Absolute scumbags.

chronos ago

Can you describe how Voat can host child porn when it only consists of text, hyperlinks and thumbnails?

zekio ago

Guess its time to begin really using Bitcoin

Tommstein ago

If your head was so far up your ass that you somehow still didn't know to not use PayPal . . . well now you know.

tynamite ago

Why not use Skrill, OKPay or Paymentwall? Also note that Skrill and OKPay has an inactivity fee so read up on that.,

chronos ago

I and others have asked you where child porn is being hosted on Voat and you only reply that even links are illegal in the US. What does the US legal / justice system have to do with a European web site?

JJAB91 ago

I'm assuming there is no way to fight this then? :/

memcpy ago

Here is a solution. Have voat users come together and write an e-book about voat. Then put the e-book on, and direct everyone to buy that e-book. The e-book needs to be legit, so it can't be reported or flagged. This can all be accomplished pretty quick.

alllie ago

Peter Thiel is the co-founder of PayPal and an investor in Reddit. So hardly a surprise.

gigantor ago

I've had great experiences using gumroad in the past. It only allows monthly, subscription based donations though.

sgtkeel ago

Much appreciated. I'll check out coinbase in a bit.

chronos ago

Have I labeled you a SJW? No.

And to puff your chest about how long you've been on Voat. Are you freaking kidding me? I've been on here only 3 months and have more CCP and SCP than you and have a higher upvoat to downvoat ratio than you. You have admitted to being a troll. I think you just love to stir shit up. Why don't you sit back down.

Edit : werds

sgtkeel ago

Cool, thank you @Amarok. I'll check out the video at lunch!

swfreak ago

Probably because of /v/jailbait. It gives voats enemies a powerfull weapon.

RedditAsylumSeeker ago

I never bothered with Bitcoin. Today I just setup a Coinbase account. Thanks for the motivation to support free speech.

AlderaanDuran ago

There won't be any political body outside of New York and California that the left will control after 2016.

I feel that's unlikely, but totally agree they are certainly going to lose a ton of ground. There are other exceptions (other than Cali and NY) where the left will still be dominate though.

chronos ago

Why do you keep quoting and referencing the US legal / justice system?

Sragwaven ago

Damn it, Atko, stop sucking dicks for subs.

Seriously though, that sucks. There's nothing obscene going on here, unless you count the lost trolls that show up here from reddit from time to time. Or maybe they're just not fans of FPH.

Magnar ago

Fuck, we can't seem to win at the minute.

Eventually something has got to give and we'll be able to enjoy ourselves without these companies causing issues.

SevereHeebieJeebies ago

Why not run a kickstarter for ~10k and get all the donations you can upfront

well_golly ago

So, did they do this to "that other vote-based news aggregator website" (Reddit), too?

Are they going to do this to web hosting companies like Godaddy?]( As one of the biggest web hosting companies in the world, there's porn on Godaddy hosting servers, I assure you.

tl;dr: Godaddy and Reddit host/link a lot more porn than this site does.

Harvo ago

This is fucked up. Where does my money go now? Will they refund me?

audiomoddified ago

is Dwolla an option maybe?

flyawayhigh ago

Regulation. Sooner or later, people are going to start to realize it's needed.

immibis ago

The impossibility of regulation is precisely the reason people use Bitcoin.

Ellimist ago

I'm pretty sure the problem here is derived from regulation in the first place.

flyawayhigh ago

Which regulation?

SurvivorType ago

Well shit, man. This sucks.

j_ ago

I can completely understand the reaction. It's only human.

Point is there is no proof. I have no doubt there will be groups or individuals bragging about this incident before the day is over. At this point the idea is so cliche though, it's impossible to tell if it's real, if it's someone claiming credit for something they didn't do, if it's a troll from the other side, or if it's just someone who wants to watch the world burn.

TheyKeepOnRising ago

I'm hijacking Mokum's comment to say to other Voaters do not try to take revenge on reddit for this. We don't know for sure if reddit was responsible. Either way it's a good thing Voat is leaving PayPal before the site got bigger, and the funds did too.

Cynabuns ago

That's a damn shame and utter bullshit.

Hey Goats: Do NOT reverse your payment/donations--we don't want to add injury to insult with any chargeback fees that PayPal may impose!

matthewhale ago

Well that sucks the big donkey dick, if you were not able to withdraw the money I sent let me know and I'll try to do a reversal and give it to you another way. I was donating to the development of the core Voat software, not the content people might happen to submit...

mydadownsadealership ago

What about Amazon WebPay or Dwolla?

sozcaps ago

So basically robbery in broad daylight. Gotcha.

Soupias ago

The difference is that gamergate e-mails advertisers presenting evidence that the publications had an anti-gamer stance etc. They did not send e-mails making baseless accusations of illegal activities. It seems like everyone they do not like are hosting CP these days. First 8chan and now voat. I bet if another player enters the scene they will be accussed of hosting CP as well...

Atko ago

Voat does not host any media other than thumbnails, so what you claim here is technically impossible. We don't allow illegal content, not even links which link to third party sites which host said content. If you noticed any links on voat which link to third party sites which host illegal content, please report this to [email protected] and we will investigate it. Thank you.

SilverBanana ago

I think the actual user clause might be arguable at court. The cost of such court is another matter. I thing Atko is going to need lawyers in the future.

Dirty_Asshole ago

I just closed my PayPal account and issued a charge back against the money I donated to Voat. My credit card company said that if the donation was supposed to go to place X and instead went to place Y that would be grounds for a charge back. It was supposed to go to Voat, instead it's gone to a SJW supporting company. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

aeschynanthus ago

A SRS mod says they "sniped Voat's paypal too".

Spank_My_Bottom ago

I could probably get in legal trouble just for clicking on the link in your post let alone confirming the actual presence of CP.

And here we see excellent example of fanatism and fearmongering: You will make calls and try to get something deleted. You do that based on information somebody other said (and somebody other is just a user on the internet, no standard there). You have to join the brigade because you believe that lie and you are fear the consequences of checking the facts.

People on the other side of the barricade have to agree or at least hold their tongue, unless they are labeled horrible degenerates. Because once they do disagree, people will not check the facts before judging them. They are prohibited from checking the facts, just as in the previous example.

So we have run-away witch hunt where nobody knows anything, but have to hate somebody based on the absence of facts.

Soupias ago

This brings me to another set of questions. How come the sjws are so organized that they can rain e-mails to companies in order to damage what they do not like? Also how come they do not like voat? If I was an sjw I would be happy if all the shitlords left for another forum and I can have my safe place. Why go after voat? It looks like they are reddit's lapdogs.

And finally, no matter how many e-mails does one company receive, they simply can't end business relationships without solid evidence. That is why I am wondering. Is there any chance that such material exist here?

punished_snake ago


SJW here. I laughed to hear that FPH was memory holed. The resulting drama was pretty funny...

... Then a friend told me to check out Voat. So I checked the source code, then registered.

I really don't think a mailing canoaign would get many members. @Soupias offers a realistic scenario. The thousands of dollars suddenly flying into Voat's account also could have set off alarms.

rwbj ago

I don't think it's necessarily the socjus types behind the more sophisticated attacks.

Advanced Publications, the company that owns Reddit, being responsible is nowhere near as absurd or conspiratorial as it might seem at first. Reddit ostensibly should be worth far more than it is. It's a social media network with supposedly hundreds of millions of users. Networks a fraction of their size have capitalized themselves in the billions of dollars. Reddit's valuation varies, but in general it's struggling to pass even half a billion. I imagine this is beyond frustrating for Advanced Publications who owns vast swaths of the media yet themselves have reported gross revenue of "only" $8 billion. All of the crazy stuff started happening after people suddenly started throwing thousands of dollars not even at a functional Voat, but at Voat's overwhelmed and frequently inaccessible servers even before the denial of service attacks began. That made the idea that Reddit might very well be following in Digg's footsteps suddenly seem a lot less hyperbolic.

Advance publications is a large mass media company. They own newspapers, television channels, Reddit, Ars Technica, Vogue, GQ, Wired, and much much more. Consequently they're going to have an extensive network of connections in nearly all realms of business. Them doing things like getting a host or paypal to nix service isn't some super secret underground hush hush conspiracy. It's John, a random VP's assistant director, making a 30 second call to his friend Bill who he knows is friends with some guys over at [insert company such as Paypal] and simply asking them to not release the funds, and it's done before he's finished his first cup of coffee.

It's not any of this hyperbole about the internet being under attack or whatever (though it may well be - it's just not the cause here). It's just that the internet is a great equalizer. If you try to open up a goods market WalMart isn't going to care less. It's literally impossible to compete with them due to economy of scale. But on the internet suddenly some little website that just a year ago was nothing more than a school project is in the media everywhere and is actually looking to pose a meaningful potential threat to a competing website operated by a multi billion dollar mass media company. And so they do care, so we get the treatment they would give to competitors they're worried about.

derram ago

We mock Tumblr a lot for the shit that gets said there, but it's a pretty dark place.

For instance, there's no rules against doxing on Tumblr so they're pretty brazen about it.

They don't need to be organized when they're all on a single site that caters to their behavior.

LiferingMod ago

What a bunch of f**king dicks. That's it, I'm getting some Bitcoin.

lawofchaos ago

@Atko or anyone with knowledge in this matter, how hard would it be to simply set up a bank account for people to donate directly in to? Are there too many legal or technical issues for something like this?

Goatfago666 ago

Paypal are worse than useless when you try to contact them through email/contact forms. Your best bet is to get someone on the phone. I sold something last year through eBay and the person claimed they never received it and got their money back, even though I had proof that it was delivered. After I got spoke to someone on the phone they reversed the refund within an hour.

I still owe them €46 in selling fees, which they definitely won't be getting now. I'd been thinking of paying it off when I could afford it, but after this stunt that's never going to happen.

carbanara ago

I think this is how Iran feels guys.

the_gamer_rises ago

use bitcoin, a lot of users would use it anyway.

kiisfm ago

Idiots should use Bitcoin

Spank_My_Bottom ago

I am now researching cryptocurrencies.

De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 ago

You are being smeared hard. This is how the game is played and it's fucking awful. Bitcoin to the rescue!

Spank_My_Bottom ago

I am on this site because I want to be somewhere censorship free. Also, I curiously peeked at /v/jailbait and there is no child pornography there. People want to ban it only because there might be some in the future.

Lilgreen13 ago

Can't say I'm surprised with PayPal. It's one of the reasons I stopped using eBay. They're shit.

That does it. I'm learning bitcoin.

heyitsfred ago

How is it that the worst of the SJWs can have patreon accounts for doing literally nothing other than troll people online, and Voat gets shut down with PayPal? Should people brigade Patreon?

Decius ago

Has anyone used Stripe as a form of payment before? I see a lot of websites using it and haven't heard it ripping people off yet...

I know of a particular movie downloading site that uses Stripe with pretty much no problems yet either and that seems pretty illegal

rE1J5aQ5wF54W3HURrH ago

Wait, so my donation(s) via PayPal will not become accessible to you for up to 6 months? Man, that sucks. $20 isn't much but I enjoyed the thought that maybe I bought some pizza or beer or something from someone contributing to the codebase or getting the servers set up or something.

There is a reason why I almost immediately withdraw any PayPal balance of a couple hundred or more to my bank and suggest anyone else to do the same who has to use it.

RedSocks157 ago

Fucking scammers. What about Google Wallet? Would that work for donations?

capSAR ago

Yeah, gotta say that PayPal is garbage with being fair towards their customers. We really appreciate your constant work to find solutions though! There has to be another way to take donations to the site, perhaps Google Wallet?

Espurra ago

My god, I'm so sorry man.. D:

I guess this was expected somewhat, but it still sucks.

Any idea if you can appeal?

Soupias ago

Well, I am just going to wait for you guys to find a new payment method before I donate.

However I would like to ask what content is this ban based on?

nokilli ago

Paypal is jew, right?

Seriously, what did you think was going to happen?

AtheistComic ago

I've not used my paypal in years. They are cunts and have always been cunts except during the first few years when they were trying to get the world addicted to smoking their crack.

Just process your own cc or switch to something like:

Get a contract with the financial people first that explains what voat's purpose is and how you handle illegal content. If they sign it then they will be telling you that no complaint from an SJW will cause you to be shut down unless you fail to perform a proper takedown. Make your takedown requests public so everyone can read them then if a SJW makes a false report, you can prove your compliance to your own policies.

Trust everyone, but verify. That's what it should be about.

Rychek4 ago

Atko, keep fighting buddy! This is your company and your future and be damned before you let someone take it from you. You may want to seek some VC funds.

Ladygnome ago

Huh. So now I have to figure out a way to not use PayPal anymore... Lame.

Also, I need a safe way to donate to Damnit PayPal. Making me do things and care about stuff!

somekindofmutant ago

This is unsurprising but still really, really disappointing.

Bitcoin looks like our best option at this point.

friso ago

Could it be that reddit is attacking Voat? or am i being too paranoid?

AlderaanDuran ago

Reddit as a company or the admins? No, that would be paranoid. But a small group of Reddit trolls reporting Voat to PayPal? Entirely possible. Hell could be SA, or 4chan, or any number of groups that enjoy doing stuff like this for "the lulz". The FPH people did a similar thing to Reddit already. They had a email campaign in /r/kotakuinaction to email all of Reddit's advertisers and try to get them to stop advertising on Reddit. So it's entirely possible there's some other people doing the same/similar thing to Voat now. Going after their hosting, their PayPal, etc.

But the people who think Pao herself is sitting there at the keyboard doing this stuff and cackling like an evil villain are retarded and paranoid.

friso ago

I agree, i didn't mean Pao or her staff. Most likely this comes from the same subreddit who tried to get /r/fatpeoplenhate closed in the first place. SRS maybe?

PommesPanzerSperre ago

I just wrote PayPal asking them to block Reddit, too. It's pretty much the same platform and Reddit certainly does not lack "certain sexually oriented materials or services or for items that could be considered obscene" content.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

Yeah, that is assholish. Let's not stoop to causing troubles to other sites because subset of them are bad people. I see you are pointing out they hypocrisy, but it is not good action to take.

The_North_Remembers ago

Tell PayPal you will take them to small claims court if they don't release your funds, it worked for me once

CarnageSymbiote ago

Damn... I hope voat gets the money I donated. If voat doesn't get the money, can we issue a charge back on our CC's against PayPal?

I donated to voat (on another account), I didn't donate to PayPal. :\

Reddit_Exodus ago

The initial blockchain catchup can be avoided by using lite wallets.

Reddit_Exodus ago

Once you know what to do, about five minutes.

bscoder ago

So what happens if all of we who donated via paypal go back to paypal and dispute the transactions and give the reason of "because Paypal sucks donkey balls?" I know I had no intention of donating to Paypal.

golden_wiener ago

Well, I just closed my PayPal account. Fuck them. @Atko I am not saavy enough to use bitcoin so if there is another way I can get you the $10 PayPay just stole from us let me know I would be happy to help. Sorry you have to go through this, keep up the good fight.

jervybingly ago

Personally, I hate paypal. Why? Because I live outside the US it is nigh on impossible to get the money that they owe me. A friend in Mexico was ripped off for several thousand US dollars by pay-fucking-pal. Caveat Emptier

itweeb ago

I would just like to say, I fucking called it.

Of course, I think you'd have to be brain damaged not to see that coming.

prepare_your_anii ago

That makes two of us.

This happened to Notch with Minecraft and it only got resolved because his story got a shitton of media attention. I doubt it will happen with Voat which is on its way to be branded as an "illegal content heaven" by SJW brigaders.

nargasaki ago

Does anyone have a guide on how to buy bitcoin to donate for noobs like me?

Spank_My_Bottom ago

Interestingly I bought this set yesterday using PayPal. I guess it could not be considered obscene.

Sire ago

Let's wait with the popcorn until a mod on $hellit brags about it again.

All the best to you, Atko. Have you got enough funds for the near future?

r6rdr ago

Setup a Bitcoin donation address.

Acebulf ago

There's been one for months already, people just chose to donate with paypal instead.

AnnoyingSeaant ago

I told you. It's 8chan 2.0. Bitcoin is the way. Try Stripe too, they do Encyclopedia dramatica donations. All hail our serbian hotwheels.

Also , this is a good thing for Bitcoin. Unironically.

arijitdas ago

I know how fraud is paypal... but sadly there is no good alternative. How's moneybooker?

Spank_My_Bottom ago

Probably cryptocurrencies are going to be the best.

Rummel ago

Bitcoin is the absolute best way to donate, people.

Entitilitus ago

Shit. I have no idea why I decided to donate via PayPal. :(

Guess I'll see what I can do to rescind the funds and donate through alternate means.

odinist ago

Holy shit, lame. I hope you were able to get my donation before they fucked you. =/

Scotcheggs ago

Do you think these attacks are coming from reddit and reddit backers? It was quite easy to report voat to the European anti obscenity people to get it removed from servers (for example having just Nazi imagery on a website, even if people are not supportive of Nazis can get a website shut down in Germany and elsewhere). It would be quite easy for reddit and reddit backers to throw their weight around to discredit voat in every possible way. Considering reddit, those are exactly the sort of tactics they would use as well. Nothing is too nefarious or unethical to the people who run reddit when it comes to making money.

123_456 ago

It's like David versus Goliath. Goliath is a fucking cunt.

whynotanon1 ago

I hope you had already pulled out a bulk of the money. Everybody is the enemy of open platforms because they can't be control. Monetizing will be hard, user support is likely the only way to make this Voat float. Post a better way to donate.

1982 ago

Unpopular opinion time: get rid of jailbait

damnmedia ago

Appeasement never works. Voat's attackers will just find some other excuse to continue. And if they can't find any, they'll just flat-out lie.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

No. We stand for a principle and we will not bow down because somebody is causing us hardship. Most people are here because they were tired of being policed what they can submit, watch and say. This site is free of censorship and it is why I am here.

smoledman ago

You're disgusting.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

You should elaborate when insulting somebody. It is the difference between reasonable discussion and unproductive screaming at each other.

k_digi ago

Was only a matter of time really - :

see here where i said all that would happen.

As soon as "ProtonMail" got large on it's crowd fund the NSA sent though the order and Pay pay pal pal, canned them.

my advice is to open a Crypto account with BTC38 in Yuan and do it all that way:

if you get Crypto you can convert to Yaun and then to whatever "Debt Buck$" you use in your country, you will pay a few fees but not many.

This will open your donations to all these Crypto sure some are just junk but some are serious Crypto, and the Chinese take them seriously.

SilverBanana ago

Wou should have /v/calledit. For accurate predictions you have made.

fluffingtonthefifth ago

Subbed. Thank you for the smile. I hope this one blows up. Neat topic!

k_digi ago

just subbed ! : D

Pentex ago

First they say "Let them leave to Voat, we don't need them here on Reddit".

Then they do everything they can to destroy voat. These people are scum.

123_456 ago

You're right. They're fucking pieces of shit scum. Fine, if you want a certain group to leave your website. But then they want to destroy its competitor. They don't want to let people have freedom of expression. They want to squash everyone, and they're all obese, smelly, cunts. Probably.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

I suspect they will be the same group, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is no clear indication why has PayPal stopped the service.

ratherplaychess ago

Is there a good alternative?

DaveyCakes ago

Fucking called it!

JJEvil ago

I guess the more Voat grows, the more it becomes a target. This is just insane.

Shakyamuni ago

Paypal is awful. But you're based in the EU so you should be ok in the end.

catfishjones ago

This much push-back can only mean your doing the right thing.

Jet-Steel_Fuel-Beams ago

It's OK. It's for these reasons I trust you.

Anomie ago

If you say you prefer Bitcoin as an alternative, your answer might get crossposted to /r/Bitcoin.

HorzaDeservedBetter ago

$2,500.00 USD per violation of the Acceptable Use Policy is presently a reasonable minimum estimate of PayPal's actual damages

I can be wrong, but I don't think this kind of clauses holds up in most European courts, as they could be seen as abusive.

Bug_Catcher_Joey ago

Ok, but who's going to go to court over this?

FlyingChainsaw ago

Someone who has to pay $2,500,-?

Bug_Catcher_Joey ago

Suing PayPal would require expensive lawyers, the kind that take $2500 for 2 hours of their work.

edgelord ago


gnosticpostulant ago

I wonder if Amazon or Google are having this problem with Paypal. The one sells sex toys, and the other links to nude photos, soooooo.........

xpopy ago

I've learnt to never use PayPal again. I used to run a small Minecraft server and the only way people could donate to me was through PayPal. What I didn't realize was that the donators could do a chargeback which takes back the money from my account and slaps a 15 euro fee on it.

Some guy did that twice resulting in my account being -40 euros (the donation was 5 euro each). I send PayPal a message, and after 6 months I got the donation amount back. Now my account is still -20 euros and I am never going to pay that.

VoatLawyer ago

You need to Lawyer Up™

1982 ago

Voat is screwed. Great.

SilverBanana ago

Do not fear, I thing it might strengthen our resolve.

1982 ago

Everyone has PayPal. I donated with PayPal It's so easy. Not everyone needs or uses bitcoin, me included.

SilverBanana ago

The need is here now, obviously. I was thinking about getting a bitcoin or dogecoin wallet for a long time, this cemented my decision.

1982 ago

Lol dogecoin

SilverBanana ago

Yes. What is considered obscene? Baroque nude art exhibition? Sex education organization? Plastic surgery clinic? Site that hosts many forums, some of them pornographic? Printing Press that makes part of the business printing erotic magazines? Club that rents to burlesque show one day a week? Building management company that has strip club among its customers? Amazon, the online shop that sells sex toys among others?

Why even have that clause?

rightytighty ago

That's fine, I donated weeks ago, will happily donate again on another platform.

Site is running better than ever. I'd say I'm seeing a pretty good return on my investment.

Quawonk ago

Do you smell something?

Smells like more bullshit from the pricks at Reddit.

Marine ago

Call PayPal and tell them to actually look at the site and tell them how it is no different than who uses PayPal for transactions. Talking to a person live can help.

ChicagoSunroof ago

Have you ever tried calling paypal?

Marine ago

Yes. They actually were really helpful with the couple times I called them.

Killbit ago

Incidentally, how do porn websites set up to take payments if PayPal doesn't work for them? Maybe use one of those services instead.

AlderaanDuran ago

It probably has more to do with sexualization of minors than it does "regular porn". IE; /v/jailbait.

dogmatic ago

Paypal is evil. Moreso now that they're breaking off from the ebay mothership. I received an email this month stating that i had until July 1st to either accept a new set of terms and conditions or delete my account.

I read the tsandcs and found that

a) paypal asserted ownership of intellectual property purchased through its service and

b) use of the service constituted permission to receive spam text and voice calls from paypal or its affiliates REGARDLESS of U.S. Federal do-not-call list.

Hell no! I bought bitcoin for the first time ever, and deleted the pp account. Straw that broke the back of the camel.

EDIT: Added links discussing points a) and b) above.

ArchDragon ago

On the plus side I now know I will never own a PayPal account. I've been thinking about getting one for some time now but now I'm certain I'll never get one. Thanks PayPal :)

Cornbread52 ago

Shit, can I mail you a check?

smoledman ago

At what point do banks stop accepting funds due to "shady associations"?

Cornbread52 ago

When it's no longer profitable.

HilariouslyViolent ago

The first mistake was using PayPal when they are literally famous for this type of shit.

bontoJR ago

It seems pretty clear you guys are under attack for some sort of reason.

PleasurePlatypus ago

Https:// is the best way to buy bitcoin and send them. It takes a couple days for them to show up on your wallet but they are secure.

Fuck paypal. I'm so glad I closed my account. Good luck Atko and sue the shit out of them if they don't release the funds.

j_ ago

Don't forget to update the donation text on the various error pages!

Gamerdog6482 ago

Holy shit. At this point it's like people don't want freedom of expression.

This is just fucking ridiculous. Now I see why the Roman Republic fell.

MeatLobsterTitan ago

ShitRedditSays wants to shut Voat down because all they've ever wanted is a communist dictator to keep the triggers away. Realistically the Roman Republic fell due to mostly to military reforms that made forces loyal to their commander not Rome.

k_digi ago

So true man, it's like they are unable to help themselves.

Honestly tell me how crypto is not the answer here?

AlderaanDuran ago

Now I see why the Roman Republic fell.

This... this is a real comment not meant as satire?

Spank_My_Bottom ago

I hope it is a satire since I love the Roman history.

onybic ago

This is awful, can they do that without evidence? Is lawyering up an option?

causuistry ago

Yes. I used to sell on ebay. Dealing with paypal is one of the reasons I stopped. You've got to click 'accept' before you can use the service.

onybic ago

Damn that sucks balls.. This is what happens when company gets too big and competition is almost non-existent...

ooze ago

Coinbase for relatively easy bitcoin purchases/transfers

TheyKeepOnRising ago

It takes a while though, I added funds last week and they are still pending.

ooze ago

Yeah it usually takes ~4 days. If you add a credit card, it will be much quicker.

SilverBanana ago

I read their privacy policy. While it seems easy to use, they store my information including who I sent money to/recieve from. And since they are in the UK, they are subjected to quite heavy regulation.

Does anyone know any truly private alternatives?

itweeb ago

Keep an offline bitcoin wallet and buy locally with cash. Any place you purchase BTC from online is going to want identification to make sure you're not screwing them.

The point is, Coinbase can't just say "sorry, some moralfags claimed to be butthurt by your site, so we're keeping your money". Once the transaction is through, it's done.

SilverBanana ago

I see that advantage, but I want privacy. Hypothetically, if UK goes nuts and declare that people who bought buttplugs need to be put on Public Pervert Registry I want wallet company that will not be able to give them history of my transactions. I do not mind so much that there is banking record of me sending money to BTC exchange if nobody can prove what I was doing with the money after I sent them there.

itweeb ago

Okay then, you should be able to just transfer the BTC back to your own personal offline wallet after purchasing via an online service (Coinbase). Of course, you're also trusting that the person you are sending the BTC to isn't keeping records that expose your identity after the transaction is complete, assuming the seller needed to send something to you or some other reason. In the case of Voat, they would never possess your info, so you should be fine.

SilverBanana ago

So I would be basically using Coinbase as an exchange service and sent money to my encrypted wallet for actual use. Hmmm, I see what you are saying.

AlLnAtuRalX ago

Yes. Send it through something like CoinJoin (shared send, to make it impossible to trace through the blockchain. It sounds complicated but once you do it once it will be second nature. Bonus points for doing it through Tor for an extra level of deniability.

If you really want to go tinfoil hat you can look into combining this approach with "darker" tumblers like BitcoinFog and Helix or even with BTC <> altcoin <> BTC exchanges with a privacy-preserving altcoin in between (a la Monero using ring signatures, or ZeroCash for a ZKP-based coin).

Let me know if you need any help, spending without tracking on the Internet is a human right.

SilverBanana ago

Are you considering legal action? Does voat have legal representation? I have no idea how much funds do you have at your disposal and what the prediction can be. But it seems like getting a lawyer on retainer is going to be necessity.

The path to freedom is littered with obstacles. We are grateful you are willing to walk it.

Patranus ago


strongdoctor ago

I'd switch to Stripe.

KiTA ago

Didn't Stripe go after 8chan too? Since the SJWs are just reusing the same playbook if Voat tries to go there they'll just get shut down there, too.

strongdoctor ago

No idea, can't find any information about 8chan using Stripe.

skippy_the_kangaroo ago

PayPal are the biggest bunch of c###s. What happens after 180 days?

Spank_My_Bottom ago

You can swear here.

skippy_the_kangaroo ago

haha. true. SJW on the /r/Australia subpage banned me for calling him a cunt...(in a joking way)

aquaventure ago

Really? What's the world coming to when an Australian can't call people a cunt in a jaunty fashion?

Wolfstroy ago

Reddit's SJWs in action again I bet. Falsely reporting Voat.

Anomie ago

The same SRS mod who took credit for contacting their server is taking credit:

j_ ago

You may be right, you may be wrong. No use making unsubstantiated claims.

If we are to believe that every single bad thing that has happened to Voat is the work of "Reddit's SJWs" they must be a highly organised, intelligent, and resourceful bunch, then what hope does Voat have?

Don't spread the legend of the bogeyman, and he ceases to have power.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

Reddit, sorry, Voat, likes to subscribe to the "guilty until proven innocent" theory. Unless it involves themselves, then of course it's innocent until proven guilty, and proven guilty is just attempts at censorship.

ReCat ago

they must be a highly organised, intelligent, and resourceful bunch

Uhh, A mob doesn't need to be organized, they just need to be a mob. You know what kinda damage happened in fergeuson? No organization is needed to spam destruction.

fasofei ago

Are russians already on voat?

edgelord ago

He didn't say that every single bad thing that happens to us is the work of Reddit SJWs, just that this specific bad thing (which they said that they would do and after the fact said that they did do it) is the result of Reddit SJWs.

j_ ago

You're right, he didn't specifically. But in context, for every single bad thing that has happened on Voat, there have been one or more comments saying "it must be Reddit/SJWs". All without proof. Claims are not proof.

edgelord ago

Or the Jews. It could be them! Oh wait, the Jews didn't specifically say that they were going to do this beforehand. Thanks, but I'll trust the evidence coming straight from the mouth of self-pronounced "SJWs."

j_ ago

Fair enough. I trust evidence too, if and when it appears. :)

Spank_My_Bottom ago

You have cold head. Let's wait before we have more information to asses who to blame (besides PayPal organization).

j_ ago

cold head

Do you mean I'm cool-headed? Haha.

mr_skeltal ago

This shit is getting beyond a joke, I feel for you Atko.

BustyChicksFTW ago

Google Wallet?

brojobbro ago

This seems like a viable alternative. Does Google Wallet allow for donations?

BustyChicksFTW ago

Google Wallet is a Paypal copy.

iDontShift ago

but has google screwed people out of money?

BustyChicksFTW ago

Name me one big corporation that hasn't at some point :/

lawofchaos ago

I wonder how long it will take before an SRS mod boats about reporting Voat to PayPal as a porn service or something.

nmotsch789 ago

One of the SRS mods is a former Reddit admin, btw. That's how they get away with doxing and harassing.

BedlamPhilosopher ago

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what's going on. Admitted speculation on my part, but the timing of occurring just after the Host Europe shutdown is just too convenient not to involve the ShysteRS.

PureFix ago

The fatties will be parading around on their scooters with buckets of fried chicken chanting "we are victorious"

Scribble ago

I think that's more a case of attention whoring, rather than actual ability. He saw Voat's PayPal frozen, and was simply the first to jump on the 'I did it, me! Look how awesome I am!' train.

WarJakk ago

I'm thinking the same. But hey, gotta get your attention somehow huh?

123_456 ago

I think this is the guy who is doing it. Don't go on a witch hunt, but I think it's him. He's the only one with this username.

Sam Dworkin.

His information says he's from Eugene Or.

problematica ago

Nope. Wrong person. SRS users are referencing a radical feminist author named Andrea Dworkin. The guy you're pointing to just has the same last name by unfortunate coincidence.

philomath ago

oh, wow. I bet the people at FPH had a field day with her...

TopShelfPrivilege ago

Archived version, for people who would rather not give Ellen Pao's ass-backwards version of Reddit traffic:

Majatek ago

Wow, Reddit's community just gets worse and worse. All that I see from Reddit nowadays is constant hatred and vitriol from edgy mcedgemiesters trying to shit all over other users on other websites because "wrongthink".

Also, thanks for the archive. You're doing god's work.

trebach ago

Updated archive since the last one didn't get all the comments:

BlackBetty ago

Wow. This sounds a lot like tortuous interference.

SimonWest ago

should have archivend that link. don't send their sub more traffic.

RightInThePussy ago

Just use adblock and HTTPS then it costs them money

lawofchaos ago

Come on people, if this doesn't mean that it's all out war then I don't know what will. Child porn?

MrPim ago

It was just posted. I'd expect the SRD thread soon.

damnbiker ago

How does one report something like that to Paypal? I mean, Reddit is already pretty much dead. Why don't we just report all the NSFW subreddits to Paypal and watch their user based funding slow down even more?

Think about it: There's a lot of user generated NSFW content and no verification of the age of the submitter or the viewer. r/gonewild r/NSFW are two that I can think of, off the top of my head. Anyone else have a list?

shizzard ago

I tried reporting this to the Reddit admins as harassing behaviour and got a snarky "that's just opinion lol" response back. The Reddit admins don't care because they are too busy sucking SRS dicks,

KiTA ago

Just as a reminder:

  • Reddit uses Paypal for their "Gold" accounts.
  • Reddit hosts r/CuteFemaleCorpses, r/BurningKids, and r/sexyabortions (NSFW, hell, Not Safe For Life)
  • Paypal might not know about that.
  • Paypal's support email is [email protected]

Just sayin. Good for the goose, good for the gander.

RottenSausage ago

The actions PayPal took were from a "Brand Protection" perspective. The payment networks (visa, MC) don't act as moral arbiters - but their Brand Protection rules do act on illegal transactions entering the payment system. Therefore corpses and abortions do not fall under brand protection (they are moral issues), but illegal transaction do - such as illegal adult content (rape, child porn), drugs, gambling, counterfeit goods (fake Prada purses, pirated movies) and drugs for instance. So you identify that type of illegal content, report it to the card networks (they have mailboxes to report illegal activity) and then you are actually going somewhere.

Clbull ago

The reason why targeting PayPal is so harmful for Voat and not for Reddit is because the owner of Voat is less willing to compromise on censoring or removing controversial and legal-grey-area content, which has harmed Reddit's growth and perception in the media in the past.

Ironically, flagging up offensive subreddits to PayPal will give the admins the excuse to actually get off their asses and nuke them from orbit and may actually improve their image in the media and draw in more users. A lot of people questioned the choices of subreddits that the admins have removed in the past but nobody's going to question their removal.

RightInThePussy ago

I think it will just continue driving users away,

Regardless I just reported the fuckers to paypal

Internetcoitus ago

Did you really just say Reddit is pretty much dead? Lol that's so detached from reality.

ynnadanny ago

Reddit is already pretty much dead.

Reddit is nowhere near dead. Do you seriously believe that?

Rummel ago

Reddit is dead inside.

Crimson88 ago

Maybe he meant stale? I don't know if I'm being paranoid but the frontpage seems altered in someway everything is safe and nice and upvotes seems to be higher than usual after The Fattening.

doctor_cucumber ago

Lol, this. Much as I wish, Reddit is thriving.


A veritable river of dross.

MrPim ago

The worst ones which came across r/all were /r/realgirls and /r/legalteens. Many questionable aged girls.

damnbiker ago

So, the gone wild and real girls ones, we have no way of knowing if they know of, and approve of, their pictures being posted. You might be able to make the argument for gonewild; but the realgirls subreddit, how do we know it's not all revenge porn?

MrPim ago

Other than the main Gonewild, I think most are not posted by the girls pictured. Gonewild seems to be mostly the women posting selfs (mostly anyway, I think). Then there's candidfashionpolice which is just creepshots re-branded. And this is just what I see come across /all, I don't actually visit those subs. But it's right on the front page. Hypocrites much?

lawofchaos ago

Haha that is a cool way to fight back. But if the higher ups from Reddit and the higher ups from Paypal are golfing buddies (which could also be the case) then you would never get anywhere.

From what I've heard about Paypal, the best solution is actually just to find an alternative to it.

well_golly ago

"Golfing buddies" - Is that what the hip kids call it these days?

That's a nice way to indirectly ask: "Has Ellen Pao slept with some of the executives at PayPal while she was sleeping her way to the top at various companies?"

You know, she's got a history of that sort of thing. <truestory.jpg> But to answer your implied question: I'm not sure if she's banging anyone at PayPal ... but she's probably keeping all her options on the table.

lawofchaos ago

Lol that's a possibility too but wasn't at all what I was implying. I'm sure it would make a lot more business sense for Paypal at the moment to stay on Reddit's good side, there could be all sorts of benefits to that (and friends with benefits is one of those too). Also, people with influence could literally be golfing buddies or friends. I'm sure that many of the rich and powerful go to the same clubs and mingle with each other.

damnbiker ago

True, but why can't we do both?

lawofchaos ago

I don't see why not, it's definitely worth a shot. Fighting fire with fire seems to be the only way to deal with these fuckers, whether people like it or not.

Whatever happened to Anonymous? Weren't they originally from 4chan? We need a serious group of hackers on our side and one with a cult following like Anonymous would be perfect.

damnbiker ago

I don't know that hacking is necessary. Limiting Reddit's access to funds will do far more damage than hacking it.

Soupias ago

We will see soon enough. However I find it hard to believe that actions like these happen because a looney sjw said so. Where is the evidence?

dtch ago

Sadly, it seems like almost anything would get most companies to shut down someone. It's the 'shoot first, ask later' mentalilty.

"Hey boss, someone just said that hosts child porn!"
"We can't have that! Shut it down!"


lawofchaos ago

Yeah even with the last time it's questionable if that person boasting about it is really the one solely responsible, I admit. I do think it's quite likely though that the SRS/SJW faction is largely responsible through emails and complaints.

Also, from what I've seen from articles regarding Voat in any online media, it wouldn't surprise me if there are a lot of these loony people in high places.

Guerilla ago

Well, that was expected. Paypal is a fucking terrible corporation and people should REALLY stop trusting these fucking blackmailers. How many people must these fucks screw before the public stops trusting them with their money?

edit: It seems Google Wallet is just as terrible, so the only solution for an easy to pay system is a build in site pay feature which imo should be a priority now if we want voat to survive. Unless there are other suggestions.

edit2: If you don't want to close your paypal account because you might need it in the future, which is understandable given its popularity, I urge everyone to empty their paypal accounts completely and only use it for direct transactions with their CC. Not just because you're boycotting but to protect your money from these thieving fucks (for example...). Also, if you're buying something from another country make sure to change the settings to stop paypal from converting the currency for you (the setting is in tiny fond during the transaction) because paypal's currency exchange rates are obscenely expensive. It's just another way for paypal to rip off their customers and it's actually an opt-out system which is enraging. And DO NOT "upgrade" your account unless you really need that, iirc there are a couple of scams there too.

wNeko ago

Can confirm. previously worked for Paypal

Soiedujour ago

My mum died 2 years ago in October. Guess how much of her money we've gotten back from PayPal.

skizm ago

I'm fighting a losing battle because the internet loves to hate paypal, but...Paypal is not trying to "scam" you. They're an enormous multi-billion dollar company with revenue around $7 billion. Do you really think paypal is really going to risk legal action in order to scam some random sellers out of a couple bucks? Hell no.

Paypal is just playing the odds. Moving money is insanely regulated. If they accidentally transfer money for the wrong reason (anything illegal) they are on the hook or if someone transfers a lot of money and then a lot of charge backs come through, they are on the hook. This last reason is the reason paypal will consistently lock/limit accounts that get a lot of volume in a short amount of time (amazon and google do this also). If someone stole a lot of CCs and all the sudden all the transactions are invalid but they already paid out, they are on the hook for all that money. Notch went through this when he had $600k in his paypal acct. Eventually when paypal in convinced nothing fishy is going on they will release the funds and let you continue business as normal.

Moving money (even with bitcoin) takes some non-instant amount of time to make sure all transactions are valid (legal, and the money really exists) so companies like stripe, paypal, wepay, etc. all do business on the side of caution. They will aggressively lock accounts if they think there is even a chance of something off.

The important thing to note here, is they will never touch money in an account they have locked. If they think a certain account has compromised money, they will leave it alone and never access it until they deem enough time has passed that they are not legally on the hook, then they generally unlock the account.

toddgak ago

Moving bitcoins around is peer to peer and there are no checks to see if they are legal because nobody controls it. If we ever see a day where bitcoin becomes common currency we won't have to worry about our money constantly being guilty until proven innocent.

skizm ago

Assuming Ghash doesn't control >50% of the blockchain. Also we'll have to wait several hours before the block chain confirms the transaction. Also, since money can be traced publicly, if your money is found to have been used in a crime or stolen at some point, it may just be taken by the cops like anything else in a criminal case. Also assuming we're not using 3rd parties to house our wallets. Also assuming we don't have a new paypal like site that keeps bitcoins centralized so you can spend them from anywhere (counter-intuitive? yes, but probably going to happen in btc ever becomes popular).

So many problems with BTC at the moment, it is tough to see it breaking through. I'm not even going to touch the deflationary argument because that's a whole different can of worms.

EDIT: also the fact that there are no checks to see if they are legal is a bad thing

immibis ago

That is because Bitcoin doesn't support chargebacks (which is a deliberate design feature).

On the other hand, you've traded one problem for another. The intermediary can't freeze your money, but if you get scammed, you have no recourse. Is scamming more common than PayPal account freezing? I don't know, but I suspect so.

SmilingButtHole ago

What about patron?

Froztwolf ago

I got my Paypal account frozen 6 years ago and it's happened maybe twice that I've needed it since then. It's rare that anyone I want to give money to can't find a way other than Paypal to receive it.

akuta ago

If they were to build an in-site payment system they'd have to ensure their systems were PCI compliant for taking US credit cards (except for VISA, who apparently removed that requirement). This opens voat up to another method of attack. It's simply a bad idea. That said, there are other merchant services out there that are options that are much more friendly to both parties involved in the transaction and charge the same amount or less for each transaction.

gilbertsmith ago

I used to work for PayPal. They were nice enough to work for, but shady as fuck.

One common call I got was someone who had a credit card and a bank account on their account. They'd set their credit card as the "default funding source" and go make payments. It comes out of their bank account, they get NSF fees, and call up rightfully pissed off.

You see, when you set a credit card as your "default funding source" it (was, maybe still is, not sure) your default credit card funding source. Your bank account always was and always will be your default funding source and you have to change it every. single. time.

They made it purposely confusing because CC payments cost more to process. The script was to tell people they need to check it every time, we're not refunding it, deal with it, bye.

skeeto ago

I really don't understand why people keep using PayPal. Locking accounts and stealing its money is standard operating procedure for PayPal. It has happened literally thousands of times already. It was inevitable that Voat was next in line, given its sudden surge in popularity.

Dantastic77 ago

seriously after all the stories for years, people still let those extortionists stay in business by using it.

cardboardwaifu ago

I urge everyone to empty their paypal accounts completely and only use it for direct transactions with their CC

Based on my experience, and what my bank told me after a hacking incident years ago, you should never link your Paypal to your checking account, or if you do, link it to a separate account opened for that purpose. Linking to your primary checking account is a bad idea, because even though banks will typically reverse the charged and get your money back, they are unable to do so for up to a week or more, where credit card companies usually can reverse the charges much quicker even pending investigation.

Honestly, I just use Paypal linked to a CC for donations to charities and occasionally a purchase. They are never getting anything more than that after that fiasco.

princess_bubblegum ago

the deep web is full of cheep hacked pay pal accounts loaded with cash

madmartian ago

I cancelled my PayPal account when I found out they were opting people into robocalls:

"The payments company is rolling out an update to its user agreement that threatens to bombard you with “autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages” — and worse, by agreeing to the updated terms, you’re immediately opted in.

PayPal can even reach you at phone numbers that you didn’t provide. Through undisclosed means, PayPal says it has the right to contact you on numbers “we have otherwise obtained.” […]

“If you do not agree to these amended terms,” the revised document says, “you may close your account within the 30 day period and you will not be bound by the amended terms.”"

PrivateJoker ago

i only use it for CC transactions after they froze $3000 of my money for a MONTH with no answers. This was after using it for a side business for 2+ years with no issues. They claimed it was for "unusual activity", meanwhile I didn't do anything different in those 2 years to warrant anything like that. Fuck PayPal

nether ago

In regards to edit2, emptying the account should be priority; not only for safety but to deprive them any income based on money under their management.

derram ago

Also, remember to unlink any bank accounts you don't want them stealing money from.

professionaldoctor ago

As a rule, it's a bad idea to link your bank account to anything. It's best just to use your CC when the option is available.

j_ ago

Yep. I keep a PayPal account out of necessity for work, but I have unlinked everything, and only use a debit (not credit!) card to make immediate transfers. Don't let PayPal hold any credit, ever.

Johnny-Rico ago

I would never attach a debit card to my Paypal account, nor do I ever use a debit card for point-of-sale or online transactions; only use credit cards. If my credit card information is stolen and used, I can fight that and still have money in the bank. With a debit card? Not so much.

Dirty_Asshole ago

That's silly credit cards are easier to issue charge backs against. I only use American Express with PayPal.

j_ ago

I only use American Express with PayPal

I don't understand the significance of using Amex, or is it just a personal anecdote?

Dirty_Asshole ago

Amex is the best credit card when it comes to charge backs. You fill out a form on their website and 10 minutes later the money is back in your acccount. Amex then hashes it out with the retailer. I've never had any issues with a chargeback from Amex. Compared to Capital one which makes you fill out a paper form, have it notarized and fax it in...

j_ ago

Alright, thanks. I guess that'll be useful if I ever move to the US of A :)

heyitsfred ago

Isn't credit easier to fight though? I thought debit cards were the dangerous ones to give to untrusted entities.

j_ ago

Not sure about fighting. I am not in the US and almost never use credit anyway, so my attitude to credit/debit might be quite unusual.

My debit card is linked to a chequing account which is usually empty. I transfer between my savings and chequing accounts instantly via online banking when I need it.

heyitsfred ago

In the states, they'll just overdraft you, oftentimes even when you told them to decline anyway.

j_ ago

Then lucky for me I'm not in the states :)

FreeSpeachRocks ago

I stopped using Paypal long ago and closed my account. There are way too many PayPal horror stories out there. VOAT is not there first organization to have donations refused due to Political Correctness.

bontoJR ago

No, Google Wallet is even worse than Paypal and they actually retired the API, so you can't really do anything big with them. Solution now seems to be Bitcoin, even Skrill can't be considered as alternative...

RandomResponse ago

I'm pretty sure you can send money through gmail, all you need is the email address of your recipient.

If not that, well, there's always bitcoin

bontoJR ago

Yes, but after a certain amount they will shut you down or ask for more information.

RandomResponse ago

But how much is that? If you're moving many thousands of dollars yeah I'm sure they would check that it's not being laundered but how much is a single person going to donate to voat at a time?

It seems to me my suggestion is a perfectly viable option.

bontoJR ago

If you have many small transactions in a short amount of time, they will shut you down. There's no way you can use Google Wallet for this kind of stuff. I know a guy that had the account frozen after less than 1k of donations in 3 months for a Wordpress plugin on Github. There's no defined rule, but having a lot of people donating small amounts will drive their attention on the account.

nether ago

I know I might get downboated for saying this. But setting up ripple node bumping up trust would work well too. It is not anonymous but banks are buying into it and it is direct transfer from account to account no middle man like paypal/gwallet.

n3x_ ago



icenine ago

Exactly. Remember where you are, sir!

astickyheresy ago


nether ago

Thanks for correction will apply accordingly.

Fact_Checking_Alien ago

It may be advisable to begin investing in to any service which agrees solidly with freedom of expression, and supports them likewise. Currently it would appear the best solution is Bitcoin, which is rather ironic because they're pushing an increasing number of persons into its use through censorship. In other words, ironic because they're killing themselves with their ideological rulings.

Perhaps the best thing I can say about Voat and people who've been attracted by it: We don't want your god-damn ideology. We want your service. Let us decide what we want to say with it. If there are any other services on the internet who sides by this, though admitting restrictions forced by law, I would fully support their using Voat to advertise themselves.

Edit: If anyone knows of any such service fitting this description, please respond with it. Maybe we can make a compilation and see where we go from there.

DarkLordGig ago

What about this? I heard it is better then paypal.

sniper98g ago

Still Bitcoin, but Circle makes bitcoin really easy to send.

SamHH ago

What's best between Circle and Coinbase or alternatives? I haven't followed Bitcoin for around a year and a half now and all this stuff is new to me.

toddgak ago

itbit is a quite new and fully insured and licensed as a bank in the States. There are many other options available to dabble in it.

Pyramidion ago

They're more or less the same. I prefer Coinbase because of their "vault". But if you're not keeping large amounts of BTC with them (and you shouldn't be -- check out something Trezor), you could go with either one. Try downloading their apps and see which one you like most.

xlx ago

Something something all exchanges are Mt Gox

ezen ago

It's going to push the fee on the buyer, though. It makes it harder to purchase as they'd have to open a Circle/Coinbase account, etc. It's a lot of hassle to support a site like this. Consumer adoption of bitcoin has always been hampered by it simply taking more effort to use day to day.

There has to be a payment provider or plugin to easily accept donations that's not PayPal.

Fact_Checking_Alien ago

Unfortunately part of that problem are financial regulations in the U.S. because it's terrifying for anyone to do anything illegal with the funds.

nextasy ago

Unless you're fucking paypal, apparently.

Wellhungguy ago

I know reddit doesn't like bitcoin because lol pyramid scheme hur dur hur, but i've been using it quite happily for awhile. It had a bubble last year, but it's been steady for some time. Useful to have a stash..

Up to you guys though..

arcticblue ago

Likewise, I love bitcoin. No one is going to deny you your money with it.

DoucheBagMcGee ago

Arguments about it being a ripoff aside, unless you are running a business and already received buttcoins as payment, It's a pain in the ass to get them, and a pain in the ass to spend and keep them, not to mention converting them to real money is pretty damn hard.

The last part is important, because for those guys that pump and dump to leave, they need new blood to cash out. Gotta leave somebody holding the bag. It's just a matter of time before another big pump and value loss, or until one group of people own enough miners so that they can start generating their own bogus transactions. Either way the currency is eventually screwed.

Wellhungguy ago

None of what you say is true in my experience. Also, the "buttcoin" thing makes me suspect you're twelve.

DoucheBagMcGee ago

Also, the "buttcoin" thing makes me suspect you're twelve.

/r/buttcoin is a relatively large sub, actually. Probably had more active users than /r/bitcoin...

toddgak ago

You're talking about the coke and pepsi of echo chambers. r/bitcoin are fanatics who don't understand bitcoin, r/buttcoin are those kids on the bus who like to make fun of retards, who also don't understand bitcoin.

uberdoober ago

Most reddit users understand that Bitcoin is not a pyramid scheme. What I routinely see on Reddit is sockpuppet or shill accounts that actively discourage any person from moving away from the established retail banks or paypal. Credit union and bitcoin is the best combination one could ever need right now.

435947? ago

Not everyone who dislikes Bit Coin is a sock-puppet or shill. We Buttcoiners like to point out the ridiculousness of you guys accusing everyone of being a shill.

j_ ago

reddit doesn't like bitcoin

In what way? As far as the users go, Changetip is a popular bot/service. Reddit itself as a company accepts Bitcoin for gold.

Wellhungguy ago

I rarely post on reddit. But as i read/lurk, whenever bitcoin is mentioned, people jump in and start talkimg about what a scam it is... Just my experience...

Wellhungguy ago

I rarely post on reddit. But as i read/lurk, whenever bitcoin is mentioned, people jump in and start talkimg about what a scam it is... Just my experience...

j_ ago

I guess it depends on where you lurk :)

edgelord ago

Bitcoin a pyramid scheme? I don't see this as being plausible in the slightest.

wait ago

It's extremely deflationary, because production continually slows down. This greatly benefits early adopters. They become more and more rare over time, so they gain value over time.

Never trust anyone that says "hur dur hur."

edgelord ago

That's how every resource works.

Voat_Poaster ago

More like BUTTcoin! Ha ha! my wrangler wipes the drool from my lips

umilmi81 ago

Pyramid scheme isn't really the right word for it, but bitcoin has the same problem as physical gold. The gold is more valuable as an investment than it is as a currency. When the value of a gold coin is going to be higher next year than it is this year there is incentive to hang on to it and not spend it.

As more people hold on to their gold coins instead of spending them the value of gold coins continues to rise creating a bubble.

Decoupling the US dollar from gold meant we could have inflation. Despite what you will hear from the Gold Bugs, inflation is good as long as the reason for the inflation is private borrowing rather than government borrowing.

When a private entity borrows money that money is "created out of thin air". Well in order to pay back that money created out of thin air the private entity needs to create goods and services "out of thin air". This means more goods and services for the world to consume.

Governments, on the other hand, don't create goods and services. Governments govern. Government is an overhead cost. When the government borrows money they can't pay it back. The only way to pay it back is to take it from someone else who can create goods and services.

snex ago

When the value of a gold coin is going to be higher next year than it is this year there is incentive to hang on to it and not spend it.

There is simply no evidence that this is the case. Consumer electronics fall in price every single year, predictably, and yet people constantly buy them and these firms are among the most profitable in the world. And nobody is going to simply starve to death waiting for their gold to appreciate in value so much that they can buy more food down the road. When America was on a gold standard, our economic growth was higher than it was any time after that, bar none.

The idea that inflation is good for you is a lie perpetuated by the people who actually benefit from inflation - the government and Wall Street firms who get to spend the new money before prices in the economy go up.

umilmi81 ago

You've got my point completely backwards. I'm saying bitcoins (and gold) gain value every year, not lose it. If your MP3 player got more valuable every year you'd never get rid of it.

Fiat currency loses value every year. This makes it a hot potato and incentivises investors to get rid of it before it evaporates. Rather than put the money in the bank investors invest in the stock market.

That is what happens when $1 will only be worth $0.94 the next year. However if $1 will be worth $1.06 a year later you would be an idiot to invest that money. Investing is a gamble. If the cash is guaranteed to go up you just put it in a matress and watch yourself get richer. This is exactly what happened with bitcoins. The value kept going up and up and up. Nobody was buying anything with it, just buying more bitcoins to save as an investment. People who bought bitcoins at $0.15 are happy to sell them at $1,100. However people who bought them at $1,100 don't want to sell them (or spend them) for anything less than $1,100. Instead they will hang on to them until they are more valuable.

A currency that nobody uses as a medium of exchange is useless and will never be anything more than a fad.

The irony is that people with lots of excess money are investing in bitcoin to protect themselves against inflation. They are giving away their fiat currency for cryptocurrency because they want a currency that holds it's value. It's like buying gold, but with one big difference. Gold has value and uses other than as an anonymous currency. Gold is lustrous and beautiful to look at. Gold is malleable and can be shaped into anything. Gold doesn't rust. Gold has industrial applications. Bitcoins has no value other than as an anonymous currency.

snex ago

Fiat currency loses value every year. This makes it a hot potato and incentivises investors to get rid of it before it evaporates. Rather than put the money in the bank investors invest in the stock market.

What exactly do you think money in the bank is? Investments are the bricks upon which we improve society. Investments lead to improved technology which leads to improved quality of life which means that prices go down. How can you possibly believe that you will be made better off by the price of beef going up 0.16% every month, when you maybe only get a raise once per year?

umilmi81 ago

Prices don't go up because of efficiency. Everything gets better and cheaper.

snex ago

That's exactly what I said. But these people here think that rising prices are desirable for some reason.

pike ago

your point was not taken backwards. for example, why would i buy an iPhone 6 this year when next year it'll be $100 cheaper? and yet many many people do buy iPhones, and many other gadgets, instead of waiting. that's the point that was made. this disproves that deflation always lowers spending.

umilmi81 ago

You buy an iPhone 6 because it's better than an iPhone 4. Your bitcoin purchased in 2013 doesn't have any features that make it better than a bitcoin purchased in 2015.


The people calling bitcoin (BTC) a "pyramid scheme" don't really understand the words "pyramid scheme" or "bitcoin".

"Pump and dump" would be a much more accurate term.

Early adopters bought BTC cheap ($0.13 in my case) and then hyped the fuck out of BTC.

More people started buying BTC due to the hype (this is the "pump").

The price skyrocketed.

Then they (we) sold those BTC for >$1000 each (this is the "dump").

I made 769230.7% profit off each BTC.

Now BTC is stable, and can be used as currency, and I made (literally) a metric ton of money.

Rummel ago

The Litecoin gravy boat pump is coming right? guys?

j_ ago

Yep, and that said, any "scheme" was carried out using Bitcoin, but isn't a flaw or attribute of Bitcoin itself.

It's like saying money is a pyramid scheme or a pump-and-dump scheme.


Exactly, the same thing is done with stocks literally every day, and no one calls that a flaw in the stock market.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

They do, pump and dump is heavily monitored and regulated. Some people are in jail for it. On the other hand, the bitcoin buble was less a product of fraud and more of uneducated investment. Using bitcoin as means to transaction (as opposed to spaculate on the investment) is safe enough.

edgelord ago

I don't even use bitcoin and I know that these accusations are ridiculous. You explained it quite well.

kurfu ago

Did you really expect any less from PayPal? Especially with the active ongoing sabotage attempts coming from the Reddit pricks?

/rhetorical questions, both.

DaveyCakes ago

Well they did literally say they should do exactly this next. I don't even. Leaving was their preferred option, and now we've done it and gone to a better site they won't accept that?

What about safe spaces and all that jazz?

Rommel79 ago

They don't want us to leave, they want us to conform.

I'm wondering how long it is until admins/mods threaten purges for anyone who visits here.

AlderaanDuran ago

Who is "they"? I feel like some of you think far too highly of yourselves or the drama that went down. To Reddit staff, it was nothing more than a nuisance they had to deal with for a few days. It was a bigger problem for the mods of subreddits that got flooded with FPH stuff, and they aren't Reddit employees. The site went through similar shitstorm when /r/jailbait and /r/creepshots were banned. Nothing came of it. They didn't form an internet hit squad to go after users who went to other sites, etc.

Now could some group of individual Reddit users be tipping off PayPal and the others about Voat having some questionable content to try to get their PayPal banned? Yeah, that's entirely possible. But to think it's "Reddit the company" or "the admins" doing it is just silly and paranoid, and thinking far too highly of yourselves. But to be fair, the FPH people were also doing the same thing and messaging all of Reddit's advertisers and trying to get them to drop Reddit as a place they advertise. There were numerous threads about email campaigns doing exactly that. So I'd say if there was an opposite Reddit group of people doing that to Voat out of spite, it's kind of collateral damage. PayPal sucks and no one should use it in the first place. It sucks that they froze the assets though for Voat.

I just get really tired of this whole "They", and "we're at war", and "they want us to conform" stuff. In reality, Reddit, the company, doesn't give a fuck about you or the people who left. But again, there may have been some smaller group of individuals who are still trolling and fucking with Voat. But don't pretend this is some big over-reaching conspiracy to convert you to "SJWs" or something stupid like that.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

THANK YOU! Some common sense at last.

edgelord ago

Yeah, because SRS doesn't even exist, right? How can you be this oblivious?

AlderaanDuran ago

Where did I say that or mention them? I even said...

Now could some group of individual Reddit users be tipping off PayPal and the others about Voat having some questionable content to try to get their PayPal banned? Yeah, that's entirely possible.

But again, there may have been some smaller group of individuals who are still trolling and fucking with Voat.

That would be a group like SRS or other subreddits that would be inclined to troll Voat. I don't even understand your reaction to my comment when I didn't even say it was impossible for a group of users to be behind this. I just said it's unlikely it's Reddit the company itself. What am I oblivious to when I literally alluded to the same group that you just mentioned?

I didn't even mention SRS in my post or say they didn't exist, so your over reaction - and assumption - is coming out of nowhere.

edgelord ago

Even though SRS said that they were going to do exactly this before it even happened? Nice try.

AlderaanDuran ago

Nice try what? You're reading comprehension is terrible if you think I'm excusing their actions or covering for them or something.

I'm familiar with SRS and they are a likely culprit, but I don't spend time reading any of their subreddits or following their actions. So why would I know they said they were going to do exactly this? You say "nice try" like I'm supposed to be well read on everything SRS does? Sorry, no thanks. Not a fan of them so why would I spend time keeping track of their actions or reading their subreddit? If that's how you want to spend your time, though, feel free. But don't act like I'm defending them or trying to trick people here just because I don't waste my time reading about them.

Whether it was SRS or another group, my original comment still stands. You're just arguing with yourself at this point. I'm not saying it wasn't SRS, I just didn't specifically say it was SRS either. Because I don't spend as much time reading about them as you apparently do and don't know for sure.

edgelord ago

You should be specifically saying it was SRS because they directly said that this was what they were going to do. It is SRS, other entities may be involved, but we know that SRS is involved.

AlderaanDuran ago

You should be specifically saying it was SRS because they directly said that this was what they were going to do.

Sorry, I'm not a recipient of the SRS newsletter and subscriber to their subreddits, so I didn't know that. So no, I shouldn't specifically be saying it was SRS when I didn't have that information.

You could have just said, "SRS specifically stated they were going to do this" and added to the conversation instead of just attacking me. That would have been a better way to go about things instead of just assuming everyone should know the same information you know. You know who else prefers attacking people instead of contributing and discussing things? SRS... Don't be like them.

edgelord ago

You don't have to subscribe to read the sub. Ignoring the source of the problems helps nobody but the problem themselves.

AlderaanDuran ago

You don't have to subscribe to read the sub.

But I would still have to read it. Again, I don't like SRS or give a shit what they do, so why would I waste my time reading their shit? I don't understand why you're talking down to me for not reading SRS. This conversation is so bizarre to me. You hate SRS, but are talking down to me for not reading their subreddit? Do you realize how stupid that is?

Ignoring the source of the problems helps nobody but the problem themselves.

Funny you mention ignoring, because that's what you've done to every single one of my comments so far where I tried to explain myself. I'll just stop replying because it's pointless. Sorry I'm not an SRS expert and don't waste my life reading a subreddit of a group I don't like. I have better things to do with my time. Keep attacking instead of contributing, because it's exactly what SRS does. No wonder you love reading their subreddit.


edgelord ago

I don't like SRS or give a shit what they do

Then don't say that it's unlikely that it's SRS when you haven't seen them in action.

so why would I waste my time reading their shit?

Their shit is the entire reason we are here, and not on Reddit.

You hate SRS, but are talking down to me for not reading their subreddit?

If you were to go to war with Russia, don't you think it would be prudent to know Russian?

Funny you mention ignoring, because that's what you've done to every single one of my comments so far where I tried to explain myself.

Oh, so this is all about you?

Sorry I'm not an SRS expert and don't waste my life reading a subreddit of a group I don't like.

Then don't say that their not involved when you have no knowledge of their actions.

I have better things to do with my time.

I guess that's why you talk about things you know nothing about.

Keep attacking instead of contributing, because it's exactly what SRS does.

You can compare me to them all you want, that doesn't change the fact that they are involved in this.

No wonder you love reading their subreddit.

That's a strawman. I never said that I enjoyed reading it. Know your enemy.

HorzaDeservedBetter ago

Can't say I wasn't expecting it. Still, that sucks.

According to PayPal User Agreement, our funds can be kept by PayPal for 180 days.

What happens after? Is the money refunded or sent to your bank account?

nikolak ago

You get the money transferred into your paypal/bank account.

It's usually done with new services that get larger amounts of money, or for new digital services, or if your account gets fair amount of chargebacks. It's basically done to protect both customers and paypal from scams.

It also probably has something to do with the fact that it's a donation to a website that can link to pretty much anything. If they sold something e.g. subscription, it might be a different procedure.

Vox ago

This whole story is going to make a great book on day.

Bug_Catcher_Joey ago

There's a great book "Founders at work" which features long interviews with entrepreneurs responsible for starting successful tech companies (Max Levchin from PayPal is in there too). I wouldn't mind a sequel featuring Atko 5 or 10 years from now.

SilverBanana ago

This is good personal lesson on reverse psychology. I was considering donation, now I am sure to donate. Probably larger sum than before.

Ina_Pickle ago

I felt bad, because everyone was donating and I had to wait till the first paycheck in July. Now I'm glad I did. I will be donating more than I previously intended as well. It's not fair for these guys to get screwed over.

@Atko, just let us know how to get it to you. Anyway except paypal is acceptable to me. I'll even snail mail it to you.

rydan ago

Prove it.

SilverBanana ago

Yeah, I sent money to my bitcoin wallet and was expecing it tommorow. Since Voat has moved (was pushed by threads) from a free speech platform to another Reddit. So I am looking for an alternative. /v/voatalternatives

Narp_From_Hot_Fuzz ago

SHHHHH. Everyone, quiet. We have the rare chance to observe a hipster in his natural habitat.

poopbutt ago

Maybe that was the plan all along and the account isn't frozen at all (ಠ_ಠ)

Spank_My_Bottom ago

/u/Dworkinator is secretly /user/Puttitout! It makes all the sense in the world!

DaveyCakes ago

This. Kinda drove a broke uni student to the donating $20-30 au next pay packet.

getoutofbed ago

Good on you man! Though for those reading this that are unable to make a donation (probably fellow students), you can help voat without having to donate money. Just tell your friends about voat, go to your favourite subverses and make sure to make it active..

Asukamywaifu ago

How can they do this?

j_ ago

You have to check a box to agree to be fucked when you sign up for a PayPal account :)

De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 ago

How can she slap?

Sythek ago

Damn it PayPal, I trusted you.

Firewater ago

Never trust paypal, they have a long history of taking peoples money and keeping it locked for a long time.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

What donation platform do you prefer now? Bitcoin? Patreon? Wireless transfer?


Edit: I had researched and set up Bitcoin Wallet and sent some funds to it, they will be all donated to Voat. I encourage the rest of the users to do the same.

Nevertheless, many people will not be willing to go through that hassle, voat should consider setting up their own credit card gate or allow people to send money via SOPA transaction.

Frakir ago

There are several other options, some more stupid then others:

-Western Union (really...)

-Direct deposit to voat bank account


Can someone more versed in banking elaborate on ups/downs of these?

Tallest9 ago

Patreon already denied 8chan several times on technicality. I wouldn't trust it.

derram ago

A Patreon account will fall in the same way, we're literally watching what happened to 8chan all over again.

This has become a battle for the internet and not just a squabble over a single site.

Free speech is dying on the internet.

Skanda ago

Bitcoin is the answer.

Nobody can arbitrarily decide to "limit your Bitcoin wallet".

It's technically impossible.

SilverBanana ago

On the other hand, the bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies fluctuate even more than rest of FX market and there is certain hustle and expenses in transfering the funds to state currency.

KoKansei ago

Bitcoin has actually been very stable for the last 6 weeks or so. Volatility will work itself out as the network grows.

tesselate ago

Even longer than that. Since mid-March, we've only had a 10% fluctuation, which in bitcoinland is considered stable.

rocket-surgeon ago

Yeah, it is still not as mainstreamed as Stripe or PayPal but it is progressing. Most of the hustle related to accepting bitcoin payments and receiving fiat in your bank account has been automated some time ago (Bitpay, Coinbase). Certain online wallets also provide a fiat-value lock so that your balance in € does not fluctuate, for example Bitreserve.

While certain 'enthusiastic proponents' may claim using Bitcoin is almost completely free, there are definitely costs associated before you get the fiat in your bank account, although these seem competitive with PayPal or other services.

All in all,'s use case is argueably a pretty good fit for BTC as primary channel for payments.

Reddit_Exodus ago

Fluctuation doesn't matter if you just buy it and immediately transfer. As long as you can immediately go Paper->Bitcoin->Paper only a few cents will be lost in transfer fees.

Wmb102er ago

Certainly less than credit card fees.

SilverBanana ago

No buying or selling is really immediate, I wonder just how volatile can the whole ordeal be. Maybe I am overstating the effect since we are not talking millions here, more like ten of thousands dollars if all goes well.

Reddit_Exodus ago

I have used crypto currencies before. They do not change within half an hour.

SilverBanana ago

True, and there are even bitcoin derivatives now!

Reddit_Exodus ago

I was in the dogecoin hype train. Sold out before it crashed. Bought a few games. Won out in the end.

SilverBanana ago

Voat should still accept dogecoin. It is valid cryptocurrency.

Reddit_Exodus ago

I also think it is much more stable now. Only fluctuates a few BTC per day and usually the average stays the same.

Skanda ago

They can sell them for USD immediately if they don't like BTC's volatility. Yes, it's a little bit more complicated for those who aren't used to it, but we have to overcome that laziness or we will have to submit to PayPal's whims forever.

nikopol ago


Rummel ago

BTC has been the least volatile it's been for months now. That can change of course, but I trade bitcoin and the volatility is at a low.

BashCo ago

There's a good chance they can be spent directly towards server costs too.

HappyCoffee ago

I would think Bitcoin is probably the surest way to make sure it actually arrives...

arijitdas ago

how to convert bitcoins to currency notes... is there any bank available?

Caprinicus ago

You are looking for an exchange, and there are a ton of them.

SpaceMonkey ago

I don't think most people know or are willing to know how to use bitcoin. Maybe there should be a brief simple explanation on the site on how to donate via bitcoin.

Vinegar ago

Bitcoin can be pretty intimidating at first, but it's actually fairly simple once you've gotten your feet wet.

The first step to using Bitcoin is to set up a wallet on your PC or smartphone. This link contains a small compilation of several excellent wallets, although my personal recommendation for a beginner would be either electrum or multi-bit. Another viable option is to store your Bitcoin in an online wallet such as Coinbase or Circle.

The second step of the process is actually obtaining the Bitcoins to fill your wallet. This link provides a variety of ways to buy Bitcoins, but since you're starting from scratch you are, in my opinion, best off getting your feet wet by using either Coinbase or Circle. You will need to register for these services using your real information and link a US checking account in order to conduct money transfers. It's important to remember at this step that you're not buying a product or service, you're exchanging currencies and therefore the process is a little less welcoming than simply hopping on Amazon. For a beginner I wouldn't recommend starting out with more than $50 worth of Bitcoin as that will be plenty for you to play around with and get your feet wet, but isn't going to break the bank in the unlikely scenario that you somehow lose your Bitcoins. Once you've either bought Bitcoins directly from Coinbase, or Circle, or used an actual exchange or some other means to acquire Bitcoins they will be deposited into your Bitcoin wallet.

And finally we have the easiest, and most fun step. Spending Bitcoins! It's as simple as entering an address, just like a postal address, or email address, in this case 1C4Q1RvUb3bzk4aaLVgGccnSnaHYFdESzY is the Bitcoin address for Voat. All you need to do is double check the number of Bitcoin you'd like to donate is correct, and quadruple check that the address is correct, click send, and the transaction will be finished.

Once you've played around with a small quantity of Bitcoin you should do some more extensive research into the benefits and disadvantages of different wallets, exchanges, and other Bitcoin Services. Research some of the disasters that have already occurred during Bitcoin's short history such as Mt.Gox and make sure you have a strong understanding of how to protect your coins. Have fun, be careful, get in early! ;)

binky ago

What scares me about bitcoin is that I suck at keeping dynamic data. I have backups of stuff from years ago but I'm always dropping my laptop, unplugging a hard drive, or having PANDA ANTIVIRUS BREAK MY ENCRYPTED HARD DRIVE WITH A WORKING. 80. MOD. SKYRIM. CONFIGURATION.

Sorry. As I was saying, I suck at keeping dynamic data. I do not want to bet a large sum of money that I'll always have a particular file that changes all the time. And I've never had an internet connection fast enough to do a backup in a reasonable amount of time.

AlLnAtuRalX ago

What you want to do is set up a hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet. This wallet has a master seed of English words that can be used to recover the wallet at any time, no other backups necessary. Electrum is an example of such a wallet, though it has some privacy tradeoffs as it's SPV (if you care about the NSA tracking your transactions, check the implications of this). Most BTC wallets these days are HD wallets by default, except some online wallets that control your keys (a la Coinbase, Circle,, and some older wallets that haven't yet upgraded (Bitcoin Core and old versions of Mycelium come to mind).

When you first create such a wallet, all you need to do is write down the 18 English words they give you and store them somewhere safe. As long as you never lose that word list, you will always have access to all the money in your wallet. Conversely, if someone steals it, they can steal all your money. Just like cash.

DashFerLev ago

I think that if there was a simple how-to and a donate button it would streamline everything.

I have no idea how to bitcoin, but if it was just a matter of clicking a link, paying bitcoin, ????, and voat gets like $10 I'd donate.

DungeonMaster ago

raisin ago

Never used Bitcoin before but this sounds interesting. Sorry if that's a dumb question, but would it work with Canadian banks/Canadian dollars, or is it strictly US?

DungeonMaster ago

No clue, im not from canada, but I dont see why it wouldnt. Its such a BADASS website, its really well made, it will tell you right away if it does or doesnt im sure

raisin ago

Alright, thank you. I will give it a try today.

DungeonMaster ago

Test it out by donating to voat ;)

De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 ago

It's very simple, IF you believe in want to advocate for free speech, you HAVE TO look into Bitcoin, you owe it to yourself. If you are not prepared to overcome the small hurdle of learning about a new technology, than I don't want to hear any complaints about censorship or paypal freezing accounts.

Bitcoin works, Bitcoin cannot be censored. Learn about it, use it.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

I have tried several times to learn how it works. I simply can't.

m-p-3 ago

And some banks in Canada make it afwully hard to send money to Bitcoin exchanges..

woofcat ago has served me well a few times. They take Interac online without issue.

sgtkeel ago

While I'm online for work most of the day, and I try to keep track of many things, but bitcoin has slipped through the cracks for me. If I had an ELI5 with some good visuals or references, I'd definitely give it a shot. Even if the only thing I use it for is to donate to voat.

Ascisco ago

DungeonMaster ago

sgtkeel ago

Will check this out, too. Thank you.

DungeonMaster ago

Test it out by donating to voat ;)

sgtkeel ago

Trust me, I will. I'm more than happy to contribute to a good cause. PayPal can suck it, they won't get my business anymore.

DungeonMaster ago

Make SURE you go and CLOSE your paypal account. Just stopping using them doesnt give them the message. CLOSING your account is the only way the big wigs at the top will ever take notice.

sgtkeel ago

Nice visuals and reference material, thanks @Spank_My_Bottom!

Stoic ago

Many people that would otherwise donate will find having to get into bitcoin just to give a little bit of money too much of a hassle. There should be an easier alternative.

De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 ago

It's very simple, IF you believe in free speech, you HAVE TO look into Bitcoin, you owe it to yourself. If you are not prepared to overcome the small hurdle of learning about a new technology, than I don't want to hear any complaints about censorship or paypal freezing accounts.

Bitcoin works, Bitcoin cannot be censored. Learn about it, use it.

pilgrimboy14 ago

Someone should, if they haven't already, create an easy cash to Bitcoin site. I have no desire to learn the ins-and-outs of Bitcoin.

DarthYoda ago

just download an app like mycelium or breadwallet, then you can do anything you need. It is designed so a child can use it so it's not hard to figure out. You just have to get some btc, buy some from circle or get tipped from changetip

pilgrimboy14 ago

That may sound simple to you. It sounds like something I don't want to figure out to me. I have to figure out a new app and another website.

edited to be a little more constructive: What I would like is a site where I can say "I want to send $20 worth of bitcoins to this guy." And it does that. I just use my credit card without learning bitcoins.

AlLnAtuRalX ago

Are you in the US?

all do exactly what you're looking for.

pilgrimboy14 ago

Thanks. Then my the problem I thought I had is nonexistent.

Guerilla ago

Bitcoin is probably the surest way to make sure it actually arrives but not many people will go through the process of making bitcoin and donating it to the site. We need a more stable and easy to use platform, maybe even a build in site feature where you can directly donate using your credit card.

HappyCoffee ago

I would have thought most people would just buy the bitcoin on an exchange and send it rather than try to make it themselves.

It's an inconvenience, for sure, but at least nobody can suspend a bitcoin wallet.

De1WvO3Ndc8jTldFhaA6 ago

It just shows you how much misunderstanding there is about BTC, even here.

If find that dissonance absolutely remarkable on a platform like voat.

glugglug ago

The US government has seized several bitcoin exchanges.

01 ago


Seriously, this would be pretty big news if true. The most the US government did was seize 25 million USD from mtgox' US accounts in 2013. You might also be confusing it with the shutdown of Silkroad, but that was a marketplace (think ebay) not an exchange.

deadbeef ago

If somebody seizes an exchange and all the wallets they host then yes, the bitcoins in those wallets are probably lost to you.

But you should not be keeping bitcoins in wallets that a third party is privy to. Any bitcoins you are storing should be kept in private wallet(s) on computers that are in your physical possession. You should only be using wallets hosted elsewhere when you are moving funds. This is Bitcoin 101.