Ihmhi ago

Thanks for that. That explains a lot to me.

hoder ago

It seems I just fucked up :D.

escape ago

Tried and I was able to create a subverse, but I cannot post to it. It says "Sorry, The subverse you are trying to post to does not exist."

@Atko pleze halp!

Rikvidr ago

Make subverse

Go to make first post

"Sorry, The subverse you are trying to post to does not exist."


willow01 ago

Take your time, I do blame it on the Alpha!

HACKhalo2 ago

Are there still issues with the mod tools in newly registered subverses? I can't access any of the mod tools because of either 404's or bad requests.

Edit: wwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to drunk to type at the moment apparently.

thecid ago

Only upvotes let vote brigades drown things out by promoting crap above it.

shirtlords ago

How many subverses have you copypastad this comment to?

Edit: oh wait, nevermind, its a bot.

any_names_left ago

Brand new fresh blood here, a migrant from Reddit. Is there a subverse for development suggestions? I'm not a massive fan of the centralised frame Like this and prefer this.

FuriouslyAdrift ago

I'm specifically setting up my first bitcoin account just so I can donate... Frickin PayPal

LittleWho ago

I hope Voat stays up this time around....

Spaghetto ago

Also, lets make sure SRS doesn't fucking get in bed with the admins this time. They shouldn't and better not be able to avoid bans for brigading.

Ahmrael ago

Considering that I am now able to explore this place without problems, and considering that you guys are being this open about it, I am more than willing to be lenient. It can't be easy trying to stay afloat while dealing with all of us refugees.

Goldham ago

So you are claiming someone is butthurt and yet you use the same type of language the butthurt person does in that picture.

Sragwaven ago


2adamstoon ago

This is great. It is nice to see a site that really is against censorship. Kudos.

bubblesort ago

This post has been stickied to the front page all day long and I haven't had a problem registering on subverses at all. At what point will you unsticky it?

DrVanNostrand ago

There are some things currently not working very well and yes, I guess we can blame the alpha. For example, I can't edit my subverse's description without getting a "whoops!" page.

Mugen_TheSamurai ago

~ Pam Voice ~ "Splooosh"

Mildras ago

Wow, I made my account yesterday,

ModelKitRehab ago

This comment should be use as an outline around here.....or somewhere.

EvitableDestiny ago


Krutonium ago

You can also downvote and report this comment as well.

Sragwaven ago

Every time I see them, I post a picture of a pug. I suggest you post a picture of an adorable animal of your choice, down voat, report for spam, and move along.

Mostly, I just think it would be funny to watch them get buried under a mountain of adorable animal posts. I'm pretty sure it's one dude who wants to be offensive, but thinks it's 2007 and no one has ever been to any given chan in their life, and are a really bad graphic designer. I mean, shit, look at that font. Straight out of a 1997 anti-drug commercial.

AlwaysInService ago

I like the idea with the pug

FoundersDiscount ago

Woo! Glad I got /v/hitchhiking up not but a few days ago. Good luck and hope it works out!

Krutonium ago

Report, if possible Downvote, and Move on guys.

Senuf ago

Finally I could add a subverse (lookalike). It took some patience, but patience is something I have, and Voat is a new place, so we all understand that for Voat's growing up it means it will still have glitches, freezes, and Maaaaaaaahs of discomfort. I don't mind. Here I found green and tender pastures, so... Maaaaah!

Foxxy_Foxx ago

You can only get away with it so many times...

Exuberant_Murica ago

KICK ASS BRO!!! Getting the fan base one by one!

tdes ago

I made a subverse, but it's not allowing me to post links to it saying (the subverse doesn't exist). Even though you can go to the subverse...

Tidder4life ago

All non stream media suggests China is Pissed at us for our financial reporting .! Hence the Wall Street journal, Dow jones websites and zero hedge

otkacheele ago

the load is to damn huge

SL89 ago

Someone, registered my subverse. Despite it already existing. Please help Atko!

WriterJim ago

@Atko, I am having a problem with this! I just created a new subverse, but can't post to it. See attached image: Here

656093? ago

What did you @atko do to get the site so smooth. Amazon?

apache_voat ago

At least the site isn't on fire xD

La_Pistola ago

Not complaining, just looking for more info. Any ETA on the return of subverse creations?

woofcat ago

The edit says that they should be up now.

La_Pistola ago

Dang.. and the sub I wanted to create has been snapped up.. boo :(

Lost_Philosopher_ ago

For the sand in your pussy. lol! cry harder you fucking faggot retard :) U MAD? LOL!

Harvo ago

Am I the only one who sees that technical difficulties as a huge sign of success?

TreeEnt ago

baaa ---aaaaa--aaahh (goat sound,im goat)

Killbot ago

Love the site.

ilovepussy ago

It's all good :) glad the site is up

richu96 ago

I was getting worried that the traffic was too much to handle. I'm glad the site is up and running again.

nivuahc ago

I registered a subverse just now but, when I try to post to it, it tells me that the subverse doesn't exist.

gandydancer ago

I can access voat during the day, now. Hell yes!

HereIAm ago

Does anyone else have problems with unsubscribing to subverses? Tried to unsub the /v/politics sub since it had already turned to the socialistic college kids hang out it used to be on reddit. But when I hit unsubscribe and refresh my front page it is still there! How do I fix this?

kujda ago

Right :) Keep up the good work. Regards and hope voat will become stable.

otamaglimmer ago

Love it.... But I still don't have my CCPs :(

Ophio ago

Man sure feels like normal now that we have the cancers around here too.

fire_emoji ago

Awesome! Come hang out in /v/fe to chill, gain free upvoats, but only under one condition: The first two words of your post's titles must start with letters "F" and "E".

V-sync ago

Does my not being able to edit my subverse's CSS have anything to do with this?

uv ago

Thanks for all your hard work! Now I've setup /v/things

Kovaelin ago

Aw, now search is disabled :(

MeatnChease ago

I look forward to an active and interesting community. Good work voat ppl.

Helgi_Hundingsbane ago

So did these delete subverse that were already created because i just lost all the ones i created over the weekend....

Hello_Cup ago

Confirming that registration is back on, I successfully created /v/againstme

RealGuy ago

Thank god it's open


dingo_bat ago

I dunno what's the correct place to post this but:

Does anyone use the android app Boats for voat? Is it just me or the app is not able to load anything since the cloudfare ddos protection was enabled?

ProfFansworth ago

Just happy the site is back up, this needs to become what that other site used to be

Amargi ago

I remade a sub that was deleted on me (it had no posts), but now when I try and post something it says "Sorry, The subverse you are trying to post to does not exist."

V-sync ago

I'm the moderator of a subverse and when I edit my CSS I get a message telling me I'm blocked by CloadFare. Does that have anything to do with this?

Blender ago

Hey, at least the site is still up!

ninjetron ago

Got my sub in just in time then.

Klaue_ ago


JJEvil ago

Holy crap, how doe he/she/is keep getting through? It's got to be a bot, right? Edit: Guess it's not a bot, Just an ASSHOLE.

Lost_Philosopher_ ago

For the sand in your pussy. lol! cry harder you fucking faggot retard :) U MAD? LOL!

ShittyMSPaint ago

Atko, you earned: http://imgur.com/nQX3kL3

Atko ago

That looks like it required a lot of effort, thanks! :p

ShittyMSPaint ago


Crackmacs ago

PSA! When you create a sub, make sure to edit the sidebar and/or post a submission. If you simply create a subverse to register it, it'll be deleted in about 24hrs.

OhBlindOne ago

Nahh, I'd rather just blame it on Pao Pao.

OhBlindOne ago

Nahh, I'd rather just blame it on Pao Pao.


Damn, I wanted to register a sub for a game I play. Oh well, if it means voat doesn't kaput, then so be it.


Damn, I wanted to register a sub for a game I play. Oh well, if it means voat doesn't kaput, then so be it.

bohda ago

You're doing great. I don't think anyone here is blaming you for anything.

immiibis ago

There's actually 3 things i love about me:

  1. my ability to make sense

  2. my determination

  3. my giant american penis

but i agree with you on #2

Gracchi ago

Seems like it's working now. I'm here.

chosen_few ago

Subverse registrations, not user account registrations

VoatsMcGoats ago

look @atko, i don't think it's too much to ask that everything work always and immediately!

i kid, i kid. great work on the site and thank you!

639665? ago

Now THIS is transparency. Or at least a ton more than over there.

TheBanHammer ago

Did the Voat staff remove subverses? I had 3 subverses removed from my account last night. I was working on them the night before and when I woke up today it was gone.

Ask_me_if_im_a_chair ago

relevant username

Shagoosty ago

Why would you create a sub and not post in it?

nmd453 ago

I'm just glad that the site's been up most of today. Now I can spend obscene amounts of time here.

Airtime ago

I could barely access the site to even create the subs, let alone post in them. Oh well, lesson learned.

fartingbrutality ago

I lay all the blame on Celine Dion.

SteamMachine ago

Any updates on this? Thanks for all you do! Happy to be here to support.

Lost_Philosopher ago

And theres one right back at ya buddy!

Lost_Philosopher_ ago

cry harder fucking faggot lol! U MAD? :)

whatsinthebox ago

Blame it on Alf. This sites gonna have to run on cats and Alf's been going through our supply.

Zomise ago

This not being able to upvote is getting a bit tiresome though. :(

raisin ago

It's an art form, in a way.

cutty ago

Today was the first time I successfully accessed the site and created a user name! I'll start creating subs as soon as it's available.

ohthatsmydick ago

I've just registered, so I think they are back or I'm a wizard.

635907? ago

A subverse is a board, not an account. People will still be able to register and use the site just fine, you just won't be able to make a new board for a little while.

AviatorPrincess ago

I created a subverse, /v/falloutboy, a few days ago. Now, it has disappeared.

Are these two issues related?

Elazar ago

If you hadn't posted in it then it was probably deleted. They were automatically purging inactive subs, probably a measure to prevent squatting.

ThatGuySilverblood ago

Blame it on the a̶̲ḻ̱̩͈̹p̜̮͔̙̪͓̝̕h̘̪͚̘͖̤a̷͔̭̱̗̜.

photonasty ago

It's all good, Atko! Keep up the good work! We're all really grateful and impressed that you've managed to overcome the massive influx from AMAgeddon. Praise Atko, for Voat is risen!

Rebootkid ago

Given all you've had thrown at you lately, nothing but respect. The glitches will sort themselves out, in time.

TupacShakur ago

It's a good thing I got /v/tupacshakur up yesterday!

sweetholymosiah ago

Meh, we've got a bunch of subverses yet to fill up! Take your time, things are running well.

lbruiser ago

@Atko, You two are doing great. I'm super excited to see the future as a goat!

WanderingDenna ago

I'm just happy I can access the site regularly now, instead of seeing the poor "oops" goat constantly.

MedicantBias ago

Well i'm certainly glad I even found voat, and I'm certainly here to stay >:D

MedicantBias ago

Looks like i've found a new home, and im staying >:D

atari_historian ago

Please consider adding the subverse ownership rules to the create your own subverse page.

darkmesh ago

I just created this account, no issues.

DetectiveSplat ago

I've been coming to voat for two weeks or so and today was finally able to create an account.

You've got a great platform here and I'm glad I get to participate. Keep on keeping on!

BlackBeard ago

You da man Atko, you da man!

Zkv ago

Did we all break something or are you just modifying something?

ltmyndonos ago

Servers up though, and content can still be published, just not in new 'verses. Still shiny cap.😏

thefoolofemmaus ago


hoder ago

Is that the reason for the lack of /v/heartstone ? Or am I just missing the subverse somewhere because it's hidden under another name?

chronos ago

Are we still in Alpha? I thought we went to Beta after FPH!

CXD ago

Did you run out of goats?

swfreak ago

I'll forgive the instability. The important thing is that you keep on improving the site ☺

funkadelic ago

Thanks for letting us know, hopefully it'll get opened up soon :)

synergy ago

I managed to register a subverse yesterday and now it's gone, but at the same time when I register it says it exists already.

AlexRaylight ago

Does your subverse happen to have "Schrodinger" in its name?

Pr3d ago

Sweet, thanks for the speedy update!

Dumbtickles ago

This is what's awesome about this site. It's like the owner of the airline coming over the PA to let you know that there might be some turbulence.

blueseeds ago

@Atko, I joined a little over 3 weeks ago. The servers were rarely up and it took about 2-3 minutes to load a page that may or may not have timed out. I left for a bit to see how things would be when your servers were more reliable. I hopped on yesterday for the first time in about 10 days and I just wanted to say I'm really impressed at the site's progress in just over a week. No timed out pages, they load almost instantly, and the interface feels better than the place that shall not be named. Keep up the awesome work :)

TooHighTooHungry ago

Yeah the whole site just seems like "finished" version of the that other website.

quatchis ago

Yeah the whole site just seems like "finished" version of the that other website.

TooHighTooHungry ago

Yeah the whole site just seems like "finished" version of the that other website.

fluffingtonthefifth ago

The site was really zippy just a week after FPH made the move. It's a bit slower now, but that's understandable, what with the DDoS protections and everything. Edit: actually, Voat is faster for me today than the-site-that-shall-not-be-named.

someguyfromcanada ago

@Atko is how the user you mention gets a notice BTW!

Jaqen_Hghar ago

He doesn't even have to be gilded! How awesome is that!

blueseeds ago

Thanks :) I fixed it

HomerSimpson ago

You can do it also with /u/atko they both work.

dis_is_my_account ago

@Atko must be getting a swamped inbox with all the mentions he's getting. I wonder if @Atko has it turned off or if @Atko just has a really huge inbox that he hasn't read yet. Or maybe @Atko reads all the messages.

HomerSimpson ago

Huge inbox. It was 3300+ at the last announcement.

hasbeen ago

This is a great feature!

kayjustkay ago

Really enjoying finding all these user features as the site grows. Sweet.


In one year, Voat implemented things reddit couldn't in 10 years!

Vik1ng ago

I had to laugh so hard when I read Pao's comments about how they will provide better moderation tools and it will take time etc. and still have not implemented all the basic RES stuff. Meanwhile some college students get it done not even thinking they would ever get this kind of attention.

thefoolofemmaus ago

What is up with the "checking browser" I now see when accessing the site for the first time in a new session?

Antinous ago

I wish it were just on accessing for the first time. I'm getting that damn message every few page changes. It's really getting annoying!

Dirty_Asshole ago

Blame /r/SRS they're DDoSing the site.

SeraCharm ago

Voat's still getting ddosed, gotta wait it out

TheyKeepOnRising ago

Like it says on that very same page, its DDoS protection provided by Cloudflare.

Sperethiel ago

If you check Voat's Twitter, it states the site has been under regular DDoS attacks.

What are the chances someone from reddit is doing that? Not officially, but a turn-your-head-and-look-the-other-way thing?

j_ ago

What are the chances someone from reddit is doing that?

If you mean a user, pretty high. Reddit users and former users make up the bulk of people who are interested in or are otherwise aware of Voat, and account for a significant amount of internet users in general.

If you mean an admin or other employee, pretty low. Anyone who says otherwise is either merely speculating or gone down the conspiracy rabbit-hole. And let’s not kid ourselves — actual low-mid level employees have better things to do, and the high-level employees that we’d love to blame for everything would not be so technically-inclined.

thefoolofemmaus ago

Thanks, I was hoping for a little more information than what was on the label.

TheyKeepOnRising ago

Well you can also check the 3-4 posts already on Voat from people asking the same thing and getting hundreds of detailed responses.

Komm ago

That's really all there is to it. Its making sure you are a genuine user and not something like LOIC.

ArtisticVanity ago

Hey, just keeping us posted is good enough for me. Cheers and thanks for the update.

swagath ago

Blame it on the a-a-a a-a al-l-pha...

1Q84 ago

I'm just glad the site is up and running with all the increased traffic!

Aneidoru ago

you and me both, voat is our only hope now

nakattack ago

Yeah! Seems pretty stable today.

metaldevil ago

When I started visiting threads on the front page had 50 upvotes, and that was a month ago! So happy to see 1000 votes

TheAntiFeminist ago

Ya, every day the service gets better and better.

CloudFlair helps a lot.

matt0415 ago

Me too, i have had troubles the last couple days, but it seems lightning quick today.

Antropomorphic ago

I'm new here! you are welcome! :P

WatershipDowns ago

Horaay for venture capitalists! What ever they are.

Yen ago

Agreed. I originally registered here close to a year ago hoping this site would take off, unfortunately forgot my log in details but it's nice to see this place with some activity.

Ulu-Mulu-no-die ago

Me too but expect the site to crash again the next weekend, Reddit is planning a blackout. Even if just a tiny minority decides to participate I believe it would be enough for many sites to go down those days.

BloodPool ago

Agreed. It's working great on mobile. Now I just wish there was an iPhone app. :-/

New_years_day ago

Agreed, after being on Voat for months now, it's really hard for me to go to reddit and even take any of the stuff on /all seriously. It's like you walked into a daycare.

AlphaWookie ago

Eternal summer over at the other place. Voat is far better. So glad I got an account a long time ago.

FPHrefugee ago

agreed! I can finally use it again

Cosmonaut ago

I'm pretty elated this site is running. Been trying to access it multiple times per day.

DetectiveSplat ago

NIce username. I'm guessing you liked the book?

1Q84 ago

Thanks! And yes, loved it!

opinionatedduck ago

just gonna say I like your username, and the book, and Haruki Murakami :)

Werro_123 ago

What book is it from?

Garynuman9 ago

1Q84 by haruki murakami. All of his books are fantastic...

DetectiveSplat ago

This one If you are a fan of science fiction, or even fiction in general, I would recommend it.

Werro_123 ago

Oh, well I feel stupid now. I assumed that was the name of a character or something. Not the name of the book...

BlackBeard ago

Amen to that!

You know this site is a hit when you constantly try and refresh the page and become frustrated that you can't check your inbox or subs.

I once felt like that about the other place but not any longer, I want to help this place grow and become something great.

password_is_hunter2 ago

I'm glad that people are staying despite the technical difficulties over the past few days. It shows that people really care and want to contribute to making Voat an awesome place!

password_is_hunter2 ago

I'm glad that people are staying despite the technical difficulties over the past few days. It shows that people really care and want to contribute to making Voat an awesome place!

password_is_hunter2 ago

I'm glad that people are staying despite the technical difficulties over the past few days. It shows that people really care and want to contribute to making Voat an awesome place!

BrokkelPiloot ago

Well, it would be enormously unrealistic to expect otherwise. To be honest, I'm quite impressed with how Voat handled it so far. Let's keep it real though, it is entirely in there own best interest. Who wouldn't be willing to take such an opportunity :P I am positive that people who truly believe in the cause view this as a very minor "sacrifice" to make.

Zatherz ago

Why is your username password_is_*******?

password_is_hunter2 ago

that's because it's my password.

Try it out, if you type your password it shows up as stars for everyone else too.

Zatherz ago


Zatherz ago

wait, why can I see it?

Crimson88 ago

It's awesome to see threads with 800+ 1200+ 1500+ Upvoats. It means the site grew exponentially in a couple of days.

DaveyCakes ago

It's fantastic, I'd been trying to gain subscribers for the BlackBerry sub and posting content near daily. Overnight it doubled (only from 10 to 20 but fuck you) and people have commented. It seems like this migration was actually substantially better than the ones before.

JustWonderful ago

Curious. Because am one of those who came in just recently. How it used to be before?

NoneOfTheAbove ago

Before this last surge, a post could easily make it to the top of my front page with five upvoats. I only ever saw Atko's announcements breaking the 200 mark.

JustWonderful ago

Quite the difference then! And let me guess, site was completely stable back then?

NoneOfTheAbove ago

Well I came over during the FPH fiasco (though not part of FPH). The site was only down for a day or two, rather than this unreliability of access. So yeah, it was a little more stable. But admins are working hard to fix that, and I'm sure it won't be long!. Unless that other site has another crisis.

JustWonderful ago

Yeah it's been pretty stable today and if it goes down for awhile, it goes down for a while. I got tons of patience for a great thing like this one is.

Crimson88 ago

Slower, less people. As someone said; threads would rarely reach 300+ voats or so.

NanoCat ago

If i might ask, What triggers the surges? I just randomly heard about somebody mentioning it on a subreddit and checked it out.

BrokkelPiloot ago

http://blogs.spjnetwork.org/region3/2015/07/08/reporting-on-reddit/ Or just Twitter search #redditrevolt There is no shortage of information there ;)

Artsyfartsy ago

I've seen voat mentioned in various subreddits whenever someone asks for a reddit alternative. I imagine the surges come whenever voat is mentioned and the comment is upvoted enough to be seen en masse

Captain_Nipples ago

It's because reddit kills this site when there's drama posted on the front page and someone mentions it in the comments.

Crimson88 ago

If I'm not mistaken the first huge one was when FPH was banned in reddit. That crashed Voat for a coupe of days. Then the next one was after Victoria was fired. You will find that Voat is similar to reddit but not actually the same.

NanoCat ago

I do! I kind of cruise reddit a little bit still, But that is Strictly because all the content hasn't moved here yet. I hope that's understandable, I'll probably trash my reddit account at some point.

EDIT: I reallly hope you guys can afford some better servers eventually, Because good god...

ack ago

I still do, too - I use some of the default subs to get content and post them here. I never comment on the defaults though, getting sick of Reddit.

immiibis ago

Voat's new censorship

Downvoating is what reddit uses to silence dissenting views.

People don't typically upvoat, even if they like something. They will just look at it.

But when people get butthurt or see things they don't like they DO DOWNVOAT. You're assuming that people use both buttons the same way.

Voating is a censorship tool because it doesn't depend on rational argumentation. It only depends on CONSENSUS. That's why SRS use downvoat brigades because they know it's only purpose is to censor content they don't want seen by others.

Look, our entire political system should make it more practical. We don't let everyone vote in elections for a good reason: we know that retards are the majority of people. You want Bill Gate's educated vote negated by some homeless retard on the street? That's EXACTLY what democratic voting does. That's exactly what the movie Idiocracy was about. When you give everyone an equal say, you negate the point of education. You negate the point of rational argumentation. If a baby can negate the vote of an adult, then you don't really need to learn how to think. All you need to do is make people agree with you. And bribery is the fastest way to agreement.

Since people tend to downvoat when they're butthurt and engaged in censorship, the best way to combat censorship would be to only allow UPVOATING since people will actively have to champion what they believe rather than focus on what they want to complain about and censor. You can look at upvoating as positive censorship since it at least puts the burden on the upvoater to be accountable to their views and say what they prefer instead of simply complaining about what they don't want.

Stating what you want to happen takes EDUCATION AND EFFORT. Complaining about what you don't want just requires the ability to be butthurt.

I'd rather err on the side of positive censorship if we have to censor at all. We already know how negative censorship turns out: it becomes reddit.

At least positive censorship requires EFFORT that keyboard warriors aren't willing to invest. So if we want to make this place different from reddit, we should ONLY have an upvoat button.

And while we're at it, let's remove the scores from the profiles so keyboard warriors who are already socially retarded don't start jerking off to their fake internet power.

Krutonium ago

Report, if possible Downvote, and Move on guys.

IamUnilama ago

Your keyboard hero is Cyberman. He has a 24 hour webcam of his life. (Possible NSFW he used to never wear clothes, but recently he seems to) http://cyberman.tv/

Krutonium_ ago

why are you watching a naked dude on webcam are you a fag?

Ulu-Mulu-no-die ago

Jeez! STOP spamming this stuff in ALL existing threads!! You're just lucky I can't downvoat yet :P

Lost_Philosopher ago

Can I get a few upvoats so I can downvoat these spammers in the future?

Thanks :>

Crimson88 ago

No one likes beggars. Contribute to the community.

Lost_Philosopher ago

Sorry, I normally would not beg but I really hate this spammer and those manhood101 guys. They definitely don't help the site look good.

ack ago

No, they don't. Threw you a few upvoats. Welcome!

demifiend9 ago

Probably because you need 100 comment contribution points to downvoat. Stll good to see that.

ofekme ago

and then ever more you are getting the 1% and the 9% the 90% will come

Nofrill ago

If Verne comes here I am leaving.

Crimson88 ago


ofekme ago

i trurly dont care he did some stuff it was w/e never looked at it

Nofrill ago

I just find the stuff he posted was never adding to the discussion and very click batey. "Look who I ran into", picture of him with some other C list celebrity. Ugh

ofekme ago

its really meh some ppl like it let them enjoy the front page is full of other things

Nofrill ago

Oh yeah, I just hide the post and move on, maybe my phrasing here was a bit strong (maybe?)

New_years_day ago

Yea it did, the front page was at best a couple hundred upvoats

password_is_hunter2 ago

Now we will have even fresher content that won't stay up as long!

New_years_day ago

I really agree with this, the volume of users no matter the site really waters down the community as a whole. At least there is the upvoat/downvoat restrictions, so bots and the like cant just flat out bury or send stuff to the top.

password_is_hunter2 ago

Yup, with more users the spam won't be able to make it to the front page anymore!

bananinhao ago

indeed, and it's even more impressive because the voats aren't free

Subutex ago

Ah! That explains why my CC was declined.

Panaetius ago

I've seen this mentioned else where, but I haven't the slightest what exactly this refers to. Why aren't voats free?

bananinhao ago

try to downvote me, and also you have a limit of points to use accordingly to how you use voat, it's very neat

vctoreh ago

Before 100 ccp, you only have a limited amount of upvotes to give / hour or day :)

howodd ago

What is ccp?

Devieus ago

Comment Contribution Points, or upvotes on comments.

fickit1time ago

That's a very interesting concept something to keep in mind.

ack ago

It means a bunch of people are contributing and people are getting to 100ccp!

razzliox ago

anyone feel like this system could encourage jerk subs?

ack ago

There have been a bunch of jerk posts already. Can't be helped.

Technically /v/introduction can be considered a jerk sub? But hey, it's hard to define a jerk sub. Even Reddit has /r/freekarma etc.

SeraCharm ago

Good. It's time the you-know-what-site gets some serious competition.

2birdz1pwn ago


toyhammer98 ago

You can say "reddit", you know. It's not li-

Klaue ago

You can say "reddit" on the internet, mom isn't looking :P

Exuberant_Murica ago

I say bring as many people as possible. Im not sure if this has been said or done, but maybe we can migrate some of the good mods over here. Or maybe get their help in creating new content. Not a fan of a lot of douchy mods over there on Reddit but some were really good.

Biodiv ago


hbr ago

seriously? Can we please not avoid the word 'reddit'

its like Louis C.K.'s bit about "The-N-Word"

We all know what shitty word you're not saying, so you're making me say it in my head. just own up to your own shitty word already.

bananinhao ago

I don't think we're competition, we're a whole new thing.

Once people start to notice this...

Fogreddit ago


Lost_Philosopher_ ago

Voat's new censorship

Downvoating is what reddit uses to silence dissenting views.

People don't typically upvoat, even if they like something. They will just look at it.

But when people get butthurt or see things they don't like they DO DOWNVOAT. You're assuming that people use both buttons the same way.

Voating is a censorship tool because it doesn't depend on rational argumentation. It only depends on CONSENSUS. That's why SRS use downvoat brigades because they know it's only purpose is to censor content they don't want seen by others.

Look, our entire political system should make it more practical. We don't let everyone vote in elections for a good reason: we know that retards are the majority of people. You want Bill Gate's educated vote negated by some homeless retard on the street? That's EXACTLY what democratic voting does. That's exactly what the movie Idiocracy was about. When you give everyone an equal say, you negate the point of education. You negate the point of rational argumentation. If a baby can negate the vote of an adult, then you don't really need to learn how to think. All you need to do is make people agree with you. And bribery is the fastest way to agreement.

Since people tend to downvoat when they're butthurt and engaged in censorship, the best way to combat censorship would be to only allow UPVOATING since people will actively have to champion what they believe rather than focus on what they want to complain about and censor. You can look at upvoating as positive censorship since it at least puts the burden on the upvoater to be accountable to their views and say what they prefer instead of simply complaining about what they don't want.

Stating what you want to happen takes EDUCATION AND EFFORT. Complaining about what you don't want just requires the ability to be butthurt.

I'd rather err on the side of positive censorship if we have to censor at all. We already know how negative censorship turns out: it becomes reddit.

At least positive censorship requires EFFORT that keyboard warriors aren't willing to invest. So if we want to make this place different from reddit, we should ONLY have an upvoat button.

And while we're at it, let's remove the scores from the profiles so keyboard warriors who are already socially retarded don't start jerking off to their fake internet power.

ronsor ago

no reddit duh

Madcore ago


TicByte ago



What will happen to the subs that people created when registrations were offline? A few people said that they created subs that disappeared and when they tried to create the subverse again they got a message saying it already existed. Do those subs actually exist somewhere now? Or will people be able to use the sub names to create them again when registrations are back online?

Edit: People are also posting that subs they created days ago have also disappeared.

m33pn8r ago

I created a sub 3 or 4 days ago, and turns out it's not there now there either. I'm guessing they may have had a database rollback or something.

Atko ago

We have an automatic purge process for inactive subs, more details here which explains why some subverses get deleted. If you see an error message ("The subverse you were looking for could not be found.") when trying to access a sub, that means that the sub does not exist, it's gone. In this case, you need to re-register the sub under the same name.

If you try to register a sub while registrations are offline, you will get a wrong error message ("this subverse exists already"), ignore this message. Subverse does not exist. I hope this clears things up.


That makes sense, thanks for taking the time to reply, I know you must be busy.

Airtime ago

Some subs I created under another username don't exist, but I can't register them now either. I'm not sure what's going on.

Edit: Also a sub I created 2 weeks ago now shows as being created by someone else last week :-(

ArtisticVanity ago

I tried making one such sub a few hours ago. If you type in your desired subverse into your browser, you should get the page that no such subverse exists (or it's been eaten or some such). If not, then I don't know what to tell you.

dake ago


Corporal ago


Senuf ago

Yup. Absolutely right.