Un3qual ago

Can we not with the <s>

Sragwaven ago

Why is everything after this post crossed out? I don't understand what's happening. I'm scared.

Cup_bearuh ago


craniumonempty ago

Yay! We did it, voat!

princess_bubblegum ago


funknjam ago

Hi, just another rat (goat?) abandoning a sinking ship. I appreciate what you've built here and will do my best to be a member in good standing for years to come. Thank you.

subtly_sensational ago

Is there a way donate without bitcoin?

atypicaloldgoat ago

...we know that retards are the majority of people....

It would certainly seem so.

Stupidclowns ago

While I recognize that you need to strike while the iron is hot, take your time and do this right. Reddit has been ripe for this for a while. Those of us that really want change will be patient as we understand you guys are just getting started. All the impatient people will go back to Reddit and good, we dont need them.

zeusindra ago

good to hear guys!!

Vahdin ago

MedicantBias ago

Im new here....hi...

tigerwarning ago

Fuck reddit, I am not going back. RIP Victoria. Also everyone turn off your add blocker on this domain, help them out.

err4nt ago

I would love to donate, but I'm more of a buttcoiner than a bitcoiner. Any chance you'll take my hard-earned dollars instead of magic internet money?

(I'm really just not sure how to make a donation of $ to Bitcoin using a service I can trust not to steal from us)

Ranxer ago

Lets hope it doesn't happen again.

beee29 ago

A suggestion, why don't you approach a hosting company, tell them that you will add their link/logo into the sites footer and that should cover your hosting expenses.. One of the hosting companies should be happy to do this IMO..

GardenState ago

I just got here did not mean to cause a fuss.

slgmichael ago

Are there any plans to add a reddit gold-type monthly contribution in the future?

MGTOW_Xui ago

Hey don't worry. I waited patiently for 4 days to make an account. No need to apologize.


Do you guys ever see this downvoting and upvoting thing changing? kind of annoying.

malcolm2608 ago


Indiana_Jones ago

I'll donate again! I promise!

zambeezy ago

How do I donate via Bitcoin? I have no experience with cryptos

xiphias11 ago

Amazing how this looks and feels EXACTLY like Reddit, but it's not Reddit. I LOVE IT.

xiphias11, who has left Reddit to join Voat.

CantthinkofaVoatUN ago

You should offer Victoria a Job..

ManMonkey ago

Keep working to grow the site. I have no doubt that another stupid move is coming!

ArtivousIra ago

Break out the fucking duck tape!

P-_- ago

Being a website worth hundreds of millions of dollars she isn't taking it very seriously. It is only really valued on its traffic, once people leave it will be worth nothing. All the discussion, all the late nights reading long stories and learning so much, for nothing. Very sad.

mxjxn ago

use a donation link from coinbase or something, in order to protect yourself from this bitcoin hacking attempt

jayenomics ago

It really sucks that the servers couldn't handle the influx, since while it was happening all I wanted to do was check out this site that everyone was talking about....but it is completely understandable. You don't want to pay for 10x the server resources you need just in case something happens; that wouldn't be a very sound business model.

Hopefully Voat can sustain the uptick in traffic, because this is a pretty nice place to get away from the Reddit craziness. Like a vacation home on the beach...nice 99% of the time, until the Reddit Hurricane rolls through and knocks everything out for a few days.

Emptyeternity ago

GOD SPEED! But don't follow Digg's or Reddit's path, stay free!

totesmegoats ago

See Username, I have finally made it to the promised land.

SpaceJesus ago

Me too!

Spawndaemon ago

Winter is coming...

benuuts ago

You did a great job, DDOS attacks are a nightmare to handle, reddit DDOS attacks are even worst. Keep it up guys !

Muradin ago

Great to be here, and nice to see the speed improvements :)

Gmanti ago

Well it finally loaded for me! like the other refugees I'm new here, so hold tight for another wave I guess! :P

probably_normal ago

Go team Voat go!!!

Reddit is digging its grave! I vote for Voat to become our new procrastination overlord!

OdinsBeard ago

New Voater here. Pleased to be here. Looking forward to any android apps to help use voat.


tylersdurden ago

I just joined and I am super happy about it!

tehgeek ago

Seems like a nice place. Keep on truckin' Voat. =)

historymaker118 ago

I jumped ship from that other place a couple of days ago. Wish I'd come here sooner, everything is much better, from comment submissions being easily formatted (yay) to accurate displays of up and down voats, and subs having their own chat boxes, this place is awesome. Sorry to hear that you're getting hammered from people like me joining.

stevedes ago

Will there be any alternatives to bitcoin for donations in the future? (like PayPal)

Librarian ago

Wow, are you people already complaining about Reddit refugees? Literally every person here has come from Reddit in the past 4 months.

Wiaf ago

Cloudlflare, faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaancy.

if you need help with administrating stuff or something I still have some more free time I could sacrifice for the good of this page. (real life systems administrator with the will to see voat prosper over fatit)

FlatmanFlatland ago

Don't listen to this wash pash. I'm feeling like it's all smooth sailing now the storm has settled. Time to cs:go it up. GN2 here

Anchy ago

Hey there, Master Guardian I here, almost II, hit me up with your nickname via PM, so we can play sometimes, to improve your rank :)

DeliciousApples ago

Uhh, I'm part of the wave.

crazyassbullshit ago

@Atko glad to be able to get online with voat.co keep up the amazing work. Thank you for offering something different than that site.

Mackan90096 ago

Oh, well! Time to donate!

verificationist ago

They usually call them 'corporate restructurings'.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

They didn't do anything, reddit's just got its panties in a twist AGAIN for no good reason. Ugh, morons.

AlexRaylight ago

Famous last words.

linstephen ago

Hello Voat! New Reddit refugee here :)

To think I once felt bad for those digg folks who came over; now that's karma.

UnexplainedGravy ago

Hey Voat... you could easily be the next "content nexus" of the internet, the next "front page", this already replaced that other place as my top bookmark as I have high hopes, as well as many other migrating users. Please please please don't fuck it up!

Charles_Edgewood ago

Can I volunteer some assistance? I don't have bitcoin, but I do have time. I have a background in 24x7x365 incident management for a fortune 100 company. I'm very good at what I do.

Unchosen1 ago

would you say that you have a unique set of skills?

D3mon ago

3307 likes, 0 dislikes? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?

oh wait, it's not reddit.

Namenamemane ago

This should probably go in either bitcoin or askanything but how do I do buy some o' dem bitcoins 'cause I want to give ya some.

milliamp ago

I think you should enable ads, this way traffic = success. Otherwise traffic = a huge problem to support for volunteers and donations.

Cheet0s ago

I'm honestly tired of that other place. This is a much nicer place. I like nice places.

smellycum ago

(creeps in cautiously) umm hi, did I come to the right place? I've come from that other place because I heard this is where the party's at...can someone please direct me to the porn, thanks.

ltmyndonos ago

Opps sorry about that, but its better here

dubbs42 ago

I hope you guys make it. I'm liking it here.

MidasMakeItRain ago

If you guys can get us other ways to donate, I would happily contribute. I want to see you guys succeed. The trick will be getting content creators and contributors to migrate.

darvisshh ago

As long is everything is community driven, things will be great. The power should always rest with the masses, and never with a few.

teasnorter ago

After many weeks of stalking, this is the first time I get to see the functioning Voat.

nametaken ago

Resistance is futile, all will assimilate into voat.

emptyelephants ago


spej ago

Does this site also run on AWS?

Decapitat3d ago

I just got here from that other place, don't know that I'm ready to completely commit yet. But this place seems a lot nicer and I haven't experienced all that many problems yet. Seems like you guys are doing a great job!

Party_In_My_Pants ago

Hello Voat. Goodbye Pao.

Mmsood90 ago

Ok confession time. I fled reddit today because of the BS

allballs82 ago

What a lovely day!!! Free from Reddit!!!!

whitecrane ago

I made a small contribution with bitcoin. Thanks for all your hard work!

squeege ago

Hola Voat! Another person that came over due to an astounding amount of stupidity and short sightedness of our friends with a bent antenna...

zetto156 ago

I just wanted to say that I have adblock disabled for voat.co and I hope everyone else will disable adblock as well.

Long live voat!

bananapie62 ago

So one thing i want to know real quick...why did you decide to make this site? were you just waiting for Big Brother to go to far so you can become a better place or did you do it just for the hell of it?

kengorecore ago

Thanks for everything guys! I am really digging the site. (no pun intended)

roboticon ago

It might not have been intended, but I read it.

Shisno ago

I am hoping the grass is greener over here. Thanks for the welcome. :-)

super_d_rawk ago

Greetings Voat, former reddit addict here. Nice to be here on the ground floor of something new and exititng!

igre ago

Thanks so much for all the efforts! I'm clinging to your lifeboat!

CrazyCapitalist ago

Came here from reddit just now. Thought I might check y'all out!

Zbruh ago

I'm calling it "That other place" from now on. Hahahaha that's golden.

KarmaComber ago

You magnificent bastards! Bravo! I'm back, and saw the DDoS verification tool! Woo Hooooooooooo! or should it be ma-a-a-a-a-ate!

XredHiVoat ago

Home sweet home.

Teamrayray ago

I haven't gone that far. I have a lot of friends and relationships there. But I set my sub to private and am cutting my time spent there to a minimum. I am also supporting the blackout.

JamalCottonMcPickins ago

Add advertisements, so i can block them... ABP says 0 :(

GOD187x ago

sweet thanks for the update!

itweeb ago

Very speedy at the moment. I'll try to throw another donation your way once my financials are a bit more stable.

rememberwhenreddit ago

Hi y'all

Fourletterexpletive ago

She can't take anymore cap'n

Senator_Tankerbell ago

We got a bigger voat!

EllenPaoSucksMyDick ago

Have you made an offer to Victoria to come and join Voat?

Cold_Steele ago

I joined Reddit but I was way late to the craze. This seems like a great way to start a new slate and get ahead of the trend.

SkyFall ago

Do you take dogecoin?

apocsnow ago

more like, Hang on Voat, we can survive another ddos from Conde Nasty.

Jeez ago

Wow voat is looking good now! keep up the good work. I'm here for good.

raccoonman ago

Ex-reddit user here, thank you for building this. Really sorry I cannot give you any donation at all, what with living in a third-world country, no credit card, paypal, or bitcoin. Here's hoping the best for you, guys. Again, I'm really sorry. Thanks.

natektronic ago

We're gonna need a bigger goat...

EIlen_Pao ago

Hello Friends,

Since I've already apologized via the media, I feel strongly that you must come back to reddit so as to not discriminate against me. Our servers are open and ready for your traffic.

Yours in waiting,


PikesPeppers ago

Fuck my ass. I am only now able to get on voat since the shit storm. How can we crowdfund this site?

llamb ago

kicked in a little bit of BTC to help!

shirtlords ago

Is voat in the cloudflare "I'm under attack" setting?

I'm asking because cloudflare is verifying my browser every pageload :)

ddrt ago

Voat has got my Goat! I'm in, I'm going to peruse this website now.

rumathlete_1 ago

how the hell do I donate 100 US dollars to you guys? I have no fucking clue how bitcoin works or else I would have made 150,000 dollars like my friend did.

Baconpotpie ago

It's 9 pm where I am at and I am able to check voat ! This is a great step ! Good job !

Blackrose ago

Oh hai!!! Lol.

LaZyLion_Ca ago

I, for one, welcome our new voat overloads.

Steaky92 ago

changes happening over at that other place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

snipper303 ago

Here, fresh off the reddit boat! Good luck, and the new wave is behind you guys!

Sakkyoku ago

I know chargebacks suck, and you may not support paypal. But is there seriously no other way of donating besides of a bitcoin address.

Many people don't really trust the bitcoin market as it has shown to be quite volatile, I would like to support but I refuse to use bitcoin to do so.

googoo ago

Just do your best to stay up please. If you keep going down for so long it's no longer amusing. In the end you'll lose many users.

You guys are lucky to get a golden opportunity like this and it would sad to just throw it away.

mchuffin ago

I just signed up, this is all my fault. Sorry everyone.

fartingbrutality ago

We shalt fart into the wind, and force thee storm to turn about!

greymanbomber ago

Eh, I'll be using both Reddit and Voat equally.

calyxa ago


Hmm, when do I see the $5.00? Coinbase sent me 100 bits for signing up, but that's barely 3 cents. Your name was on the link when I first followed it, though, so it's got to be somewhere, yeah?

ilovepussy ago

You have to confirm a bank account and then they credit you $5 - I also got the 100 bits and if/when you confirm, I will get the remainder and so will you. BTW, have an upvoat

calyxa ago

What do you mean, "confirm a bank account"? Do I have to link this to fiat money somehow? I don't see where… Thanks for the upvoat ;)

Teamrayray ago

My apologies for adding to the crowd. I am indeed a reddit refugee. Looking forward to exploring this wonderful new oasis.

Jole ago

I just want Voat to be the new go to because the following,

  1. Got my name I wanted (score!)
  2. The logo in my opinion looks way cooler on Voat than the alien on that other place.
  3. Change is necessary. :D




Sissyfiss ago

Death by love.

TheDukeWindsor ago

Keep up the great work Voateam. With the lip service being given over there, you're likely to experience much more traffic.

BR0prah_Winfrey ago

as a recent convert i apologize, but im really excited to explore the site and watch it grow!!!

shmegeh ago

Donated! It's not much but I hope it helps.

mrbeans ago

I love the UI! Great work

Achaman ago

RIP in Peace Reddit

thanatos216 ago

Thanks for all your efforts in keeping it up and running!

Prisoner072385 ago

I... Uh, can we call it a Snoo Storm?

sbirkenfeld ago

We're live again?!?!? yay!!!

taylorhayward_boston ago

Seriously, please be totally transparent with the money you need to keep running and try to get people to reach that goal!

Mewt ago

You know what..I'm enjoying my stay here, regardless of the fact that the site is flapping a bit. Definitely nice to have a bunch of RES features inbuilt into the default site.

Much love to you all

Junma ago

As one of the many making the switch, thanks for all the hard work!

bad_keming ago

I turned off Add Block Plus... does that help at all?

MisterVimes ago

This is my first comment here and I'd just like to thank the people at Voat.co for being here and offering a genuine alternative free of the ridiculous internal politics that's ruined the other place.

Rafa ago

Is this a rule? Duck it, have an upvoat.

Rafa ago

Survive? Kind of. In the last 72 hours voat was usable for just minutes. Anyway. Still a better Lovestory than Twilight. ;)

Geimhreadh ago

Ha ha ah this is madness, all the users you could want to move over but the servers can't handle it. Keep up the good work, we'll still be here.

sentient_hologram ago

I thought we were under attack again. But it seems that the servers were choked from the mad rush of evacuees. I've been here since the first mad dash of the fph fallout and I'm glad to see more new folks moving in.

worldlybedouin ago

Keep up the good work! All your efforts are appreciated.

Coffeehead112 ago

Thank you guys for taking in us refugees. I hope you can forgive us for the downtime we caused.

euphemism5 ago

I'm confident that Voat will be better!

pepperybukkake ago

I used to be maybe_im_jesus over on the other thing, but now have upgraded to pepperybukkake. Thank you, voat.

KurtKCS ago

Hello system

jordanlund ago

The reason she was fired is irrelevant. It exposed an inherent disrespect and contempt of the community at large.

crappygame ago

I love how Reddit fucks up big time, and voat is waiting here like a father, "What did they do this time?" lol Cute.

And so far love the site, can't wait till you guys get better servers o.o

Escorted ago

Just made a donation, will put forward more on payday.

As an ex Redditor, it's nice to have somewhere to go rather than being tied with no home.

We are coming by the voatload, we can do this!

bacon_tastes_good ago

Hi Voat! I'm a Reddit refugee. It is so nice to meet you all.

jordanlund ago

My best guess is that it has something to do with the latest Ellen Pao interview where she again says "most people don't care".

Yeah, "most people" not being the most active contributors.

I signed out of reddit, maybe I'll go back, but I made an account here for the first time! Nice to meet you!

hotgirl ago

I just got here from what I assume is the other place. It's like I was reborn, and I just took my first breath of freedom.

numa_numa ago


Poops173 ago

Thanks for all the efforts to accommodate people from reddit!

AlephOne ago

It's fascinating to see a social news site in its infancy, and take part in shaping it.

David_Rossi123 ago


TheSpiderMan ago

Bitcoin to the rescue! Fuck yeah. I'll be sure to send you guys at least a few bits :D

leroy_sunset ago

Dogecoin address? I'll throw a few ducqets your way,

3lectrickery ago

Thank you for being the ship in stormy weathers. It may be listing and rolling, but it's here, and for that we are grateful.

jatru ago

Shitclock is ticking Rick...

raydeen ago

Reddit just doesn't understand. I mean I love them dearly, but I hate Pao more. I just don't want to have to put up with that bitch for the rest of my life. You know, she grew up as a little shit-spark from the old shit-flint. And then she turned into a shit-bonfire and then driven by the winds of her monumental ignorance, she turned into a raging shit-firestorm. If Voat gets to be as big as Reddit, we'll have total control of the Internet, and then we can unleash a shitnami tidal wave that'll engulf Pao and extinguish her shit-flames forever. And with any luck, she'll drown in the undershit of that wave. Shit-waves.

jatru ago

Nice shit analogy.

vujalikewoah ago

Just got through!

Bromlife ago

Please get a Stripe account & take direct payments. Maybe do something like put an elegant Voat goat icon next to usernames that have donated. Something close to what ArsTechnica did with its cryptocurrency. Except not a cryptocurrency, a direct, credit card payment. I can't be bothered bitcoining.

vrgr23 ago

Is there a way to donate to Voat from my Paypal account? I have no idea ho to donate using Bitcoin.

Side note: This is my first Voat comment. How exciting!

Anchy ago

Is it safe to comment yet? :P

mbesguapo ago

I have a small amount of bit coin linked to my reddit account and I have not idea how to move it. I want to donate it since every little bit helps (it's something like 10-20$) but I don't know how. Any ideas?

mbesguapo ago

I have a small amount of bit coin linked to my reddit account and I have not idea how to move it. I want to donate it since every little bit helps (it's something like 10-20$) but I don't know how. Any ideas?

Swank ago

I wonder what will come after voat? Back to Digg? Is it a cycle? Stay tuned!

1xhopeless ago

Can you setup a Dogecoin and Litecoin donations wallets urgently, pls.thx

Idea: Why not start a crowdfunding campaign asking for donation at: http://www.gofundme.com/

1xhopeless ago

Can you setup a Dogecoin and Litecoin donations wallets urgently, pls.thx

Idea: Why not start a crowdfunding campaign asking for donation at: http://www.gofundme.com/

1xhopeless ago

Can you setup a Dogecoin and Litecoin donations wallets urgently, pls.thx

Idea: Why not start a crowdfunding campaign asking for donation at: http://www.gofundme.com/

1xhopeless ago

Can you setup a Dogecoin and Litecoin donations wallets urgently, pls.thx

Idea: Why not start a crowdfunding campaign asking for donation at: http://www.gofundme.com/

1xhopeless ago

Can you setup a Dogecoin and Litecoin donations wallets urgently, pls.thx

Idea: Why not start a crowdfunding campaign asking for donation at: http://www.gofundme.com/

1xhopeless ago

Can you setup a Dogecoin and Litecoin donations wallets urgently, pls.thx

Idea: Why not start a crowdfunding campaign asking for donation at: http://www.gofundme.com/

lukaj ago

Hopefully it will be fixed soon!

MiniReaper ago


Would this be a good place to put this?

sbinsandiego ago

You offer a bitcoin address. I don't use bitcoin. Are there alternatives to bitcoin? You've said PayPal has pulled your authorization, so what now?? BTW: I agree 100% with the elimination of CP. I have two daughters (grown now), and their boyfriends were always "vetted;" the boyfriends also knew that I would be active in my daughters' dating life. It doesn't matter if the girls think they are mature enough to parade their sexuality. At that age, "making their own decisions about sex" is sometimes an exercise in psychological suicide.

kevinverse ago

Why is this so hard? You guys should grab someone with experience to implement a hardened, load-balanced system. Handling a few hundred thousand requests per second isn't atypical for a web infrastructure.

Glorious_Leader_Pao ago


funkadelic ago

Donated some :)

nrdy ago

Voat! Hello! He bought me cake today but I'm staying here for a little while!

Ina_Pickle ago

How do you hold open debates when half of the population is excluded.

saintbubba ago

If its the captains mess, let him clean it up.

Jazsper ago

Old redditor here ha!

ZeroHex ago

What are the other options, like Venmo or something else?

Clbull ago

If it's not too much trouble, can you release some statistics on how much the Reddit blackout has affected Voat's traffic?

Fogeddit ago

Threw all the bitcoins I had at ya, I think it was AU$3. Sorry it wasnt more.

McMacked ago

Good on you guys. I'm gonna make a very serious attempt to migrate here from reddit. Seems like an okay place.

riverj09 ago

The waters feeling pretty good on this side

JH1010 ago

Look on the bright side Voat! Reddit just had it's Digg moment, you will now spend the next five years being one of the largest websites in the world.

jessek ago

I know Paypal sucks, but it would be great if you had another way to donate. I don't really know how bitcoin works but I would like to donate. And I imagine that about 90% of your potential donors are in the same boat as me.

BroccoBaba ago

why is your budget limited? get a loan or some venture capital. You have a chance to steal a business - if you can get all redditors to migrate at once. You don't have anything if we can only be here 1000 people at a time. There has to be network effect.

VeryUnhappyTurtle ago

Someone, please help me. I have NO IDEA how to donate with bitcoin. I have never used it before.

RainSparkle ago

Is there another way to donate? Trying to bitcoin from Canada gives me a headache lol



code ago

Please don't send us to the bad place again, we'll be good!

Frogolocalypse ago

Just made the jump.

Exuberant_Murica ago

Keep the good fight fellas. But like its been said on Reddit many many many fucking times. You have the GREATEST opportunity. FUCKING TAKE IT!!!!

Alias ago

Damn, nice to see that people are starting to use Voat. I registered like 50 usernames back when it was called WhoaVerse, first few days of launch. Alias being one of them. Now I have a hard time deciding what username to go with. Anyway, love that Voat is growing :D

wild-tangent ago

Speaking as someone unfamiliar with bitcoin: Did you rub your face all over your keyboard for that bitcoin address?

DudeDude ago

Wow. Its roomy in here.

arye ago

yea buddy...

lolqtus ago

I changed my homepage, i dont need my escape from work to have the same issues as my actual work or its not an escape anymore.

Anchy ago

voat is love, voat is life :3

swilts ago

Voat looks pretty good so far, what are your overall traffic numbers growing like?

I like the no downvotes for new users rule.

the_foreigner ago

Can't believe we're back. That was 2 very long days in the dark

macro1 ago

Anchor down the lassy!

malleeman ago

Hang in there, I'm sure it will settle down in a few weeks. This place looks strangely familiar somehow....lol

themellowtiger ago

you guys have done a great job, this is the first time ive ever been able to even see the site!

obsoletexhausted ago

Hi, I'm new from that "other place". How can we get a message to the VOAT Powers That Be that we need another way to donate? I don't have bitcoin and I can't afford the $260-ish to get a single one. Maybe a gofundme page or something?

Dankman2 ago

This place seems nice, hello people of voat.co :D

fuckparalysis ago

I'm proud of you.

showervagina ago

Hopefully the $7,600 in their Bitcoin account will help to pay the bills.

showervagina ago

Don't monetize the site... ever unless you're desperate. It's one of the many things that is driving users away from Reddit. Ask for donations a couple times a year like Wikipedia. It has worked for them for years.

Jamie_Dodgems ago

Maybe they're trying to pull off a variant of The Producers scam.

Jamie_Dodgems ago

Top analogy m8, that's pretty much the best way of explaining the impact of the PayPal shutdown. For that reason, take my upgoat.

Jamie_Dodgems ago

Again? We're going to need a bigger host.

Hoboclown ago

Finaly i came through.

Danoded ago

It's amazing to see a small community grow so much in the past few months! Go on Voat!

dandileon ago

I'm so happy I could finally get through. Now time to explore!

loki43 ago

Hello and hi to all of you!

MasterBillyQuizboy ago

Came from Reddit...so far I'm still happier here. Bring on the traffic! Let's get this party started!

kujda ago

Dear Atko. Is there a possibility to do money - bank transfers. I'd love to send some, but have absolutely no experience no knowledge about bitcoin.

RainRunner ago


Jadajadadada ago

We can do it! (Insert propaganda poster)

LinkToThis ago

Is there a way to donate without using bitcoins?

twoverend ago


Nah, only kidding. I'm just here to be nice and talk about soccer and photography.

TokyoSmasherGodzilla ago

Ellen Pao dun fucked up now.

vanxblue ago

They blow up their own boat.........

OpusMioda ago

Don't worry, we got your back gangster!

mamee ago

And here I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to downvote posts here :-( Never reached that feat over there.

NoneOfYourBeezwax ago

I suspect this won't be the last we hear of the chairman. You had best be ready for the next one :P

Vyxix ago

Another user abandoning the sinking ship coming to overload your servers :)

feralrobot ago

W00t! We're back!

dbag2070 ago

How? Also why would paypal (terrible as they may be) care?

My-Name-Is-Jack ago

Now that's a movie I haven't seen in a while... and it's surprisingly relevant to what's going on.

heyfrau ago

Hi Voat! Thank you for working overtime to accommodate new users.

I disabled AdBlock for Voat.co

parrisgg ago

Hello...? Guys...? Are we alive?

AggressiveNapkin ago

Here's to Voat!

BitsenBytes ago

Keep going, we love freedom and free speech!

RamenJunkie ago

So, what is a good place to get Bitcoins to donate?

tntc ago

Is there a way to donate via paypal or related? I mean, buttcoin is great and all, but I think it's harder to use than other options.

Jimdude2435 ago

Pretty excited to bee moving here!

Hateriffic ago

Hang on. I'm a new arrival. I'll stay

mamee ago

I am finally able to get on the bandwagon!

KarmaComber ago

This is really worrying, I hope you're doing okay Atko! I wish I could help, I'll just hang out here when I can until I can contribute Bitcoin. Gah. This sucks.

MightBeFromReddit ago

I might be some of the problem

kiddico ago

Hey! I'm one of many refugees. This place seems nice... mind if I stay a while?

ButtpunchNOOO ago

Sorry voat! I didn't know where else to go!

DevilsAvocado ago


Sponge-worthy ago

This looks like a great place to build to community until you guys ultimately decide to cash out.

Still, for now I'm all in!

novictim ago

But close the GOAT petting zoo!

We can and must pull up the refugees out of REDDIT's cesspool of censorship, for certain, but these half drowned wretches must be washed free of censorship before the wee lil goat gets their love!

We can help these miserable people! Throw down the life vests and man the cleaning stations!

ironygiant ago

I'm sorry but it's just getting too bad over there. Will be zapping some electric money over to you soon, kids.

Luckboy28 ago

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr, we be from Reddit. We want yourrrr liberrrrrrrrrty!

nurse_bendy ago

And uncensored wharrgarrble!

spaceboy ago

And something tells me there will be more!

llagerlof ago

Here is the link of a /r/OutOfTheLoop post with detailed explanation of why so many subreddits are becoming private.

Clone of the post above, just in case.

And here is a live thread of the entire case on /r/SubredditDrama.

Loudfreakingnoises ago


pablazo ago

I wish I was there, it's probably exhausting and exciting at the same time!

jammi ago

We missed most of the opportunity this time, because voat went down.

jammi ago

What happened? Did you upgrade the servers, or does voat scale to multiple servers now?

JackBadass ago

I just now realized how entirely I've ditched Reddit when this happened and I had no idea what was going on. All I knew is that there was some trouble there and here went down. I thought it was another DDoS.

29A ago

I want to see this event not as an Eternal September, but as a door opening on the future. We have all be newbies and let's hope we forever are in new things. Hold on, everybody, take care and go on.

Kwab-PMYourLastPhoto ago

Hi voat! I hope we'll get along.

wylan ago

I would love to donate given the actions of those employees at that other site, but money is very tight for me right now. Will an IOU do for now?

Sky-Sky ago

Been lurking for a while but the recent thing with Victoria and lack of respect for the volunteers who run the site has pushed me into registering.

Is bitcoin the only way to donate? I remember Paypal being suspended, do you have any other options?


Ina_Pickle ago

Oh thank god! It's been like 10 hours since I could on here. Quick, before reddit screws the site up again, is there any way other than bitcoin to get money to you? And if not, ELI5 how to use bitcoins.

KingCobra ago

This is crazy. Will Voat replace Reddit?

eyehategod ago

Thanks for setting this up. Chucked some BTC your way.

kekonn ago

I would love to donate but I don't have any cryptocurrencies. Can anybody help me out with this? Basically all I know about bitcoin is the name.

theredthrowawaypill ago

Some of us don't know what the heck a BITCOIN is even and don't want to read a book in order to use it.

Just set up a PayPal or regular Donate button so we can help you get this show on the road.

The pipes into your site are tiny - you need more horsepower & bandwidth. Stop limiting how much money you get by only using BitCoin.

UndeadTurning ago

Should be interesting at the very least.

Whopper_Jr ago

I have no idea how to donate bitcoin, how else can I donate?

galarun ago

Consider me a convert, fuck reddit. I've been considering this for awhile now given the constant fuck-uppery that are the reddit admins but this just takes the cake.

SpaceMonkey ago

Man, people are giving my app a bad rating on the store because they don't realise the whole website is suffering :((

Hope you make it through this and Voat becomes the new front page of the internet !

Pentex ago

This is hilarious.

Keep digging, reddit.

Fogeddit ago

Heh. "Digg"ing

Pentex ago

This is hilarious.

Keep digging, reddit.

56k ago

upVOAT party!!!!!

bidibidibidi ago

You're getting 20USD. It's not much, but hopefully it helps somewhere.

huanthewolfhound ago

+Infinity for your Ben-Hur reference. Great movie.

Jxnfpm ago


↑ That's the address ↑

For those of you who are new, yes, PayPal would be easier for many, and it was an option, but Redditors already worked to make sure that's not an option.

HalfwaySandwich ago

Let the games begin. - Again

Bitcoin getting started guide. So you can support the site.

MajinRob ago

Appreciate you and the staff working hard. Thanks!

xanax ago

Welcome Reddit refugees! We've prepared hot meals and blankets for you.

OhBlindOne ago

You Got this Voat. The whole crew is here to support!

Thatonelurker ago

i am one of the new additions to voat, i do apologize about the traffic jump, but hey ive heard good things about this site so far. i hope to watch this site grow! sorry again for the slowness

bignorth ago

I guess I wasn't overly clear. This isn't the sole reason as to why I'm done with reddit. It's just turned into something that I don't enjoy as much as I once did. I've always liked smaller communities, as it's really easy to feel microscopic on sites as large as reddit.

I see the direction the site is going and when I compare it to the site I knew when I first joined up, I don't enjoy what I see. That's just one guys thoughts, though I'm sure many don't agree with me.

Another_Pie_Hole ago

Over the past 6 months or so I've found the amount of really good content get less and less and less. I became this cartoon.

So far, very much liking voat.

Oh and also, public modlists are amazing and something I've wanted at the other site for so long!

ScrewYouIDontCare ago

They did announce a little bit ago that anybody who didn't move to san francisco was going to be fired http://venturebeat.com/2014/10/01/after-raising-50m-reddit-forces-remote-workers-to-relocate-to-sf-or-get-fired/ I don't know if that was it but it is a possibility.

Randomacts ago

So it has come to this. My account is old.. But I have not been back here for a long.. long time..

But I am returning back with a large group of redditors that I am saving with myself.

Elazar ago

Now is also a great time to plug the TPP and explain to all the new people coming in, what it is about.

Good luck with the flood!

kdragon ago

Here's the /r/outoftheloop post of what is happening on Reddit right now. Here's the /r/SubredditDrama post.

Both of those summaries contain up-to-date information about the massive shitstorm going on reddit right now.

List of subreddits shutting down.

TL;DR: Reddit management mysteriously and suddenly fired Victoria, one of the most beloved admins and cornerstone of /r/IAMA, without warning or any backup plan to manage her community duties. /r/IAMA and a few other subreddits literally had to shut down to figure things out, having no prior warning or backup plan. Other subreddits are shutting down (set to private) to show solidarity and protest the complete lack of communication and mismanagement of Reddit by the admins.

Eggimations ago

I'm calling it. This is how reddit dies.

mdu ago

This is is what, the third reddit wave?

TIEPilot ago

Growing pains, I can live w/ that :)

Cutsprocket ago

Reddit just attempted Suicide

ScrewYouIDontCare ago

Everybody. If we want this to be our site we HAVE to support it. I just gave $10 and we all know that they need it. If you can give money please do.

sacstuffer89 ago

SubReddits going private like PAO PAO PAO!

doctorshlomo ago

All the best to you Atko. Thanks for all your hard work-we'll get through this!

treborsel ago

I have been trying to lean voat since the last kerfuffle

JohnnyD ago

I really hope they're able to make things work this time. Opportunity NEVER comes knocking twice so you better capitalize on this before somebody else does.

3even ago

2nd to top post on HackerNews. Please view comments and upvoat anything with links to Voat.co https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9822580

Craftkorb ago

And we're online. Good job!

Ykw52 ago

People make mistakes. Most people wouldn't consider Pao's recent actions a mistake, but regardless I refuse to be a part of the hateful death ray that is being aimed at her. I think a lot of people don't realize how hurtful they can be, especially in such high quantities. God forbid this woman suffers enough to take her own life - nobody should be pushed in that direction.

fasofei ago

I think he/she is referring to the insane amount of debt she is in and that her husband may go to jail. What? Suicide? If she wants to be a CEO she needs a thick skin.

steel_sushi ago

If this is the end of reddit, I'd just like to say, "So long, and thanks for all the popcorn."

steel_sushi ago

If this is the end of reddit, I'd just like to say, "So long, and thanks for all the popcorn."

Finglonger ago

What exactly is happening?

DrSalt ago

Voat really needs to move to a static introduction page until the code is more robust and better scaling. the home page should be an information and status page during these heavy periods.

0o0o ago

Get your shit together Voat. This your golden opportunity to get new users. Servers down right now = new users turning away!

Do_Want ago

How? What happened?

umilmi81 ago

They reported Voat to Paypal as a woman hating site that encourages eye rape and triggering.

StumpytheOzzie ago

Oh, so I'm in the right place then? ;)

Shitty_Bollocks ago

no. eye rape is down the hall, second door on the right

StumpytheOzzie ago

KK. Soz. I go now.

Nice username btw.

Peatore ago


galactica216 ago

Can you give an idea as to what your numbers were before the meltdown and afterwards?

someguyfromreddit ago

..what "other place"?

galactica216 ago

Is there another way to donate besides bitcoin?

DrSalt ago

Voat really needs to move to a static introduction page until the code is more robust and bettter scales. the home page should be an information and status page during these heavy periods.

Zaqwert ago

I don't use bitcoin. How can I donate? I previously did paypal but I heard that got froze.

galactica216 ago

How do we donate besides bitcoin?

BadAdviceBot ago

You need to hire Victoria ASAP! Pay her in pennies, pocket lint and shares.

Xomthusiast ago

Finally, I can say "I was here before the exodus, noob" without lying.

Don't worry, all you other guys will get your chance with the next one.

Jutack ago

Welcome to voat fellow reddit refugees. We welcome you with open arms and enjoy your voice being heard.

Ryuhwan ago

Jesus Christ that site is dumb as shit...

Edit: I'm sort of torn between feeling happy that we're getting more people and sad because it might turn this site into another Reddit..

Not_vargas_ ago

I like it here already. I can hate fat people in peace.

cctv ago

Embrace Victoria

Dick_Midnight ago

so i meant to donate when i came over in the first round of refugee boats but never got around to it, and have no interest in setting up a bitcoin account, how do i donate now that paypal turned their backs on you?

libby ago

Just sent 10USD.

RedSocks157 ago

Not rumor, confirmed. A particularly nasty SRS user was bragging about it.

Kiko7920 ago

I'm going to try and donate this time. Is there any other way to donate other than with Bitcoin? Let us know if there is anything else you guys need!!!! Please!

RedSocks157 ago

Been working on that. I'm already seeing people saying shit like "le voaters" and stupid shit like that. Pun threads and memes will be next to come over.

We have to keep that shit under control here!

exredditSH ago

Might be a perma Reddit wave, for me alteast anyway.

Imortan_Joe ago

Right there with you.

scandihoonigan ago

Right there with you.

July2nd2015RIPreddit ago

Right there with you.

July2nd2015RIPreddit ago

Right there with you.

Indecent ago

This website really needs an app and visible donation page as a sticky. I am so sick of all this reddit bullshit starting with FPH and a hypocritical bitch running the show as head.

Deathcrow ago

I'm really excited about the future. Reddit seems intent on destroying their site, so we'll see if Voat can fit in their ridiculously gigantic clown shoes or make a niche of its own on the internet.

I'd prefer the latter! Reddit really went downhill when it tried to appeal to the masses more and more. Reddit as we knew it (even in the last 2-3 years) is probably not something to strive for.

I hope Atko and all the others involved in Voat have a strong Vision of where they want to go with their project. You are now at a fork in the road, where do you want to go?

WildcardBitches ago

Hi voat! Nice to meet you :)

willowmarie27 ago

Can someone give me a good start on how to "bitcoin" ?

YourDickGotTheHIV ago

Pissing off the rest of the user base by sacking one of the only universally liked admins.

Kalectrix ago

I NEED A "How to bitcoin for dummies" STAT!

nan_ren ago

I'm a refugee who just landed here.

If this place is Reddit circa 2010 or so - and can stay that way - I'll be around a long time.

FrothyCoffee ago

dam man cant even read the news anywhere lol'

Brah ago

Yeah, rules fucking suck. Especially when they are abused for censorship.

If I want to use the word nigger or faggot, or nigger-faggot, I should have every right to. Fuck SJW cancer.

Ina_Pickle ago

Your freedom to be offensive has been acknowledged, MotherFucker.

Leliana ago

Yeah, you niggerbastard.

wollington ago


kahing ago

Here is a detailed explanation, but the basics are this; an admin who was very well-linked, and on who the mods were heavily dependent on to organize AMAs and guide those doing them, was suddenly dismissed from her position without warning. The mods of a bunch of subs, including some very important and popular ones, responded by making them "private" (IE preventing anyone except pre-approved users and mods and admins from accessing them). They feel that the admins, in banning such an important person without giving an explanation or any time for them to prepare, were treating them with contempt. Basically, it's reddit mods on strike.

BlackBetty ago

I guess I'll be learning how to use bitcoin now.

Maciej88 ago

I closed CastIronMasterRace for good.

gromenawer ago

That means Ellen Pao will totally sue Voat.

Brah ago

Atko, on behalf I all the users here I want to thank you (and your partners) for making whoaverse. I am happy that voat is gaining popularity and we are thankful that you follow the FOSS software philosophy. You would make Stallman proud.

All we ask is that you stay safe and if possible, to disclose any FISA requests or shady offers that you may get. As voat gains momentum, someone may try to buy it and it will go down that dark road...

TheyKeepOnRising ago

OK serious question: what needs to be done to hire Victoria onto Voat?

optimistic ago


jc9800 ago

Reddit just love shooting themselves in the foot, don't they. lol.

LaPersonneNoire ago

They fired Victoria! :(

ColaEuphoria ago

That won't happen. Karma is a flawed system.

ColaEuphoria ago

That won't happen. Karma is a flawed system.

Regards ago

This is the end

honorkell ago

Well this time its not hating on fat people or women. It's actually gasp in defense of a woman who was fired by corporate-fueled reddit! Its like we're not all fat women haters and instead we just want a free speech platform! Oh my God how could that be?!

furon83 ago

Thank you for working so hard, Atko. I know we all really appreciate it

HighlandValley ago

My favorite line - "Maybe Victoria will file a sexual harassment suit, and this Pao thing will come full circle."

Stip ago

Is this where I leave my pitchfork and live a new life in peace?

atlrg ago

reddit drops out due to lack of /science/

Bokono ago

Honest question, what grounds do they have for a lawsuit against voat?

stale_cupcakes ago

This is kinda exciting to watch. I wasn't around to see Digg fall but it looks like Reddit may be following in their footsteps. You guys have promising social networking site with a lot of potential. Good luck keeping everything up and running!

schiapu ago


runnerman1 ago

I love drama. Anyone wanna come over to to watch the drama with me? I got popcorn.

PrivateJoker ago

LOL, best day ever. Fuck reddit.

PurpleSwag ago

That is really a bummer, I have some PayPal balance I would love to throw Voats way.

Avnomke ago

Get it out. Paypal has been known to lock accounts and the money in them for little to no reason.

Avnomke ago

Get it out. Paypal has been known to lock accounts and the money in them for little to no reason.

lord_nougat ago

I'm not sure how helpful or accurate this is, but it's supposed to explain how to buy bitcoins with paypal.

PurpleSwag ago

Thanks brother, upvoat for you. :)

lord_nougat ago

Back atchya!

hams_have_diabeetus ago

Is there any guide out there on how donate via bitcoin? I'd like to donate, but have no idea how to do it

win32ce ago

We are here!

Where do I put my stuff?

SpaceRosa ago

I didn't say or mean you. Have you seen /v/meanwhileonreddit? That was what I was on about. Those people do very little but blame Pao for everything. It rains? Must be Pao. Stubbed toe? Pao did it. Check it out.

SpeakYourTruth ago

But is that a rule?

Boukert ago

Thank you and your team for the hard work!

Telaneo ago

Here we go again.

Boukert ago

Thank you and your team for the hard work!

Telaneo ago

Here we go again.

Imabigplayer ago

It would've been a problem if Voat was in the US, the laws of US do not apply at Switzerland

She could sue them but it'll be a bit difficult considering she already has a very expensive lawsuit with K P

CosmonautDrifter ago

This is what happens when you sellout to the fucking devil(Conde Nast). I really hope reddit goes the way of digg, they deserve it.

Iamabioticgod ago

They fucked up again. That's what they did.

big_fat_dangus ago

Fuck cuckoldery, all day every day. Let reddit burn.

runnerman1 ago

I love drama. Anyone wanna come over to to watch the drama with me? I got popcorn.

woofcat ago

Well, I don't think we have a subverse for escort ads...

SpeakYourTruth ago

Not yet.

purr ago

Atko, I wish you the best of luck! May you and Voat prosper!

Rikvidr ago


PM-me-about-Autism ago

like? trying to?

SpaceRosa ago

I don't care right now how you're reading that. It's an actual question. So many people blame Ellen Pao for everything that's going wrong with Reddit at the moment and they don't use their brains at all, it's just Must Be Pao because she's popular to hate.

McNastyFilth ago

There's a reason why it's popular to hate on Pao. Her domineering of Reddit has lead to not one but two significant exoduses to VOAT. Why are you surprised people would point their crosshairs at her? She's a fraud with a horrible track record wherever she lands herself. She's a typical opportunist who'll do and use anything at her disposal (including placing herself into victimhood) to gain an advantage. No, sorry, it's not a "hip" thing to hate Pao. It's a justified dislike.

CasualApiphobia ago

SpaceRosa's original condescending phrasing aside, I think this is genuinely a question we should be considering. Is it Pao ruining reddit by herself? More to the point, will Pao's eventual departure do anything to restore reddit to what it was in, say, 2010?

I for one don't think Pao's the only one making these decisions, and that given her reputation is in tatters to reddit's critics already, she can now be the "fall-guy" for all the bad decisions the other shitty admins want to make to the site to absorb all the flak that would otherwise be directed at the entire admin team. We should be pointing fingers at more than just Pao imho.

McNastyFilth ago

I don't doubt that Ellen Pao isn't the only person involved. I'm not surprised that she'd become the interim president for Reddit after all the bullshit that has been going on over the past year/year and a half though. It's much easier to target someone who's clearly into some shady shit than the (possible) people behind her. It sounds very conspiratorial if you go in that direction. It'd be one hell of a story though.

optimusjive ago

During this time can anybody post or direct us to the easiest way to donate via bitcoin? Never used it ever before in my life, but I want to do my part to help bail out our sinking ship. Help us help each other.


Thank you Atko!

jackieclay ago

I feel like few people can even downvoat here yet. I sure as fuck can't.

Avnomke ago

Most people from the last exodus should be able to downvoat by now, if they contribute regularly. I was able to downvoat 10 or so days after registering.

Avnomke ago

Most people from the last exodus should be able to downvoat by now, if they contribute regularly. I was able to downvoat 10 or so days after registering.

Step_into_Liquid ago

We shall overcome!

Cheapliquid ago

Many subreddits over there have gone private due to victoria being let go. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3bxduw/why_was_riama_along_with_a_number_of_other_large/

ChillyHellion ago

surf's up!

advent_kain ago

For those who have questions about selecting a bitcoin wallet and getting set up with bitcoin - its easy!



SpaceRosa ago

Is that right? Can you prove this was something Pao did, or are you just blaming her because it's fashionable right now?

verificationist ago

Maybe because everything she says reeks of corporate double-speak and hence is a very good indicator that a shit-storm of backstabbing and unscrupulous commercialization is on the loom?

SpaceRosa ago

That's still not proof.

bandolier ago

No, Pao is actually actively making some terrible decisions. Most recently, she's been blaming the "small but vocal minority" on reddit for causing such a ruckus, but she totally failed to understand that the people who make up that "small minority" are 90% of the content generators for the site. Without that small dedicated base, the unwashed masses would never come to reddit, but she believes that the platform Reddit(r) is far more important than the community reddit. Basically, she's hilariously out of touch.

verificationist ago

Indeed. As a general rule 'small but vocal minority' should set off your 'spin-doctoring bullshit on the making' redlights.

TheMajestic ago

Calm down, Ellen Pao. We still love you.

exa ago

She became rich in the worst ways.

Her husband owes a shitload of money for a Ponzi scheme.

She sued her former employer for gender discrimination at 2.7M$, got fired because she was bad but she and her lawyer attacked the firm saying that it was because of the lawsuit.

Oh and her husband had sued his previous employer for racial discrimination. (Do you see a pattern ? )

Despite this, she still manages to shit on women. And to top it off, she is responsible for censorship and shadowbans for seemingly no reason that are going on site wide.

Old but has many infos: http://fortune.com/2012/10/25/ellen-pao-buddy-fletcher/

Do_Want ago

So I've seen your username pop up in several threads. Is there a reason why all your comments are caustic and vitriolic?

Holy shit!? Are you Ellen Pao??

Listen, it's totally cool, I won't tell anyone, I promise. It's just between you and me Rosa... <wink, wink>

greiton ago

no it's because as ceo she is responsible for the direction the site has been travelling and that direction is very much at odds with the community. thus when another thing the community hates happens it is at least in part due to the direction she pointed things

reshp1 ago

She's the CEO and bares ultimate responsibility for the admins' actions. Reddit's not even that big staff wise, so it's pretty unlikely she was completely unaware or uninvolved. Certainly with the shit storm that followed, she's aware of it now and has nothing to address it.

RaptorSixFour ago

Doesn't reddit's staff number 29? or make that 28 now.

Stalked_Like_Corn ago

It's pretty much this. Reddit isn't a business of thousands of people. They have limited employees so it's not like there are a dozen people who could have had her fired. However, at this point, we don't know WHY she was fired. She seemed shocked about it so I'm guessing it's not something she did. Maybe she voiced a dislike for Pao openly and paid with it with getting fired. It's speculation and Pao is getting hate because people just dislike her. This is just piling on with all the stuff she HAS done already.

Stalked_Like_Corn ago

It's pretty much this. Reddit isn't a business of thousands of people. They have limited employees so it's not like there are a dozen people who could have had her fired. However, at this point, we don't know WHY she was fired. She seemed shocked about it so I'm guessing it's not something she did. Maybe she voiced a dislike for Pao openly and paid with it with getting fired. It's speculation and Pao is getting hate because people just dislike her. This is just piling on with all the stuff she HAS done already.

Ykw52 ago

The blame has to land somewhere, that's how humanity has always operated. Pao is in the cross-hairs, not that I feel sorry for her.

SpaceRosa ago

Doesn't make it right. I don't even care about her, I'm just sick of seeing stupid people blaming her for no reason.

Ykw52 ago

When was the last time a giant unorganized horde of people did anything that was right? :( The hate towards her may be justified, it may not be, regardless though people should stop to ask themselves if ruining this woman's life is an appropriate reaction.

GodComplex ago

Get ready for the hit

KeredNomrah ago

I love both of your statements, so excited to see this place expand.

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

Hey fuck you, niggerfaggot.

WickeDanne ago

Oh boy here we go!

shoulderdestruction ago

Anyone that's checking this place out that's new, this is a great place. There are many people here that are patiently working hard to produce OC and have in depth, intelligent discussions,and though I can't speak for the entire community, I welcome everyone here to explore and find a place you like, and if not, carve out your own.

It's really exciting to be a part of something as it grows.

AlbertHamik ago

Not really a refugee per se, as I never touched Reddit even after I registered, but I'm all for supporting brave new communities that can function outside the grasp of the Reddit conundrum.

Reddit_Rebel ago

I have a feeling that pre- reddit revolt Voaters will soon be a minority.

TheVillain61 ago

And for that I'm truly sorry.

Reddit_Rebel ago

It's not a bad thing.

dysfunctional_vet ago

As a refugee from the other side, I am very grateful that the powers that be are as willing as they are to give us all asylum.
I look forward to what grows from this, and what happens in the future.

Here's to new beginnings.

bezier ago

im another one from the other place, and i like it here alot so far. Looking forward to being a part of this community. :)

Westhenorth ago

I agree. I feel better.......although your username makes me cautious. Upvoting anyway.

Kayzaks ago

We, or at least me, will not try to ruin it! Glad to be here. Now where do i get my greencard?

Lilly_Satou ago

Over there

nanonoise ago

Right next to the rum....

oh really, why is the rum always gone?

Rainthelingeringwind ago

Considering I just came from the other place, you are very welcoming. have an voat-up

Goat_Fluid ago

I just came from the other place as well. So far all I can say is I'm drowning in puns.

gugulo ago

Wouldn't it be called an "upvoat"?

Cutsprocket ago

Welcome to the new frontier!

burnSMACKER ago

Doesn't Voat have an email I can send funds via Paypal? I don't have Bitcoin and have money ready in Paypal

chubnubbin ago

They done killed reddit.

Magnar ago

/u/Atko we have faith in you and /u/PuttItOut

Just let us know what we can do to help!

Magnar ago

Brace yourselves lads! Redditors are coming!!

Zquareman ago

I'm not sad in the fucking least, personally. This is exactly what those of us that bailed after the FPH fiasco prophesied and here it is, Wave 2. I doubt we'll go more than a month or so without similar events occurring, once you start down this path things usual speed up as opposed to slowing down.

Anyway, welcome to the latest refugees from the Safe Space, as Dr. Breen said (and despite deddit claims to the contrary), "It's safer here."

wolversheen ago

Come on over to /v/smuckersclub and join the stoats and goats in their boat full of floats and coats in totes.

badmanjoker ago

they let go of Victoria... pao's cleanup for who knows what. invite her to be part of voat atko and make it easier for us to donate!

Scurvy_dog ago

Hey Atko. Chill the fuck out, you are doing more than fine. Just breathe in and breathe out. We are standing by you! This project will make you or break you...Don't break! Chill..They'll keep coming hard at you. Ignore them, for they are not worthy of your thinking. And you have us, you are now internet famous!

Taksark ago

It breaks my heart seeing reddit crumble from the inside, but I'm happy that voat can replace it.

turboanalisis ago

Pitchfork Emporium is gonna sell out

RedSocks157 ago

I will be happy to donate again when the subverses that were banned here are unbanned, with the exception of the doxxing one because fuck that shit.

heeech ago

Hi, I'm one of these newcomers from the other place. I wish all the best to your site! Go Voat!

badmanjoker ago

they let go of Victoria... pao's cleanup for who knows what

Imabigplayer ago

They fired a very prominent user of IAMA, she worked as the overhead thus she was responsible for most critical roles and managing AMA agents and clients alike.

Her real life name is Victoria Taylor

This is her before Ellen was hired http://veuwer.com/2pn4.png If you want to search her on Google type the keywords "Victoria Taylor Reddit" so as to not accidentally find fashion models

Jeez ago

Voat FTW!

askl56 ago

If help is required in terms of hosting then let me know. I have a couple of servers I would be happy to spare for the greater good.

Vinegar ago

Here's the /r/OutOfTheLoop post explaining the situation a little better.

Theduke282 ago

If it helps this latest drama has finally encouraged me to start using this account more.

GlowWolf ago

Thanks for all the hard work you've been putting in for us over the last month Atko and puttitout. I know you've had to take time away from your personal lives to keep this site up and running smoothly. I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say that it's very much appreciated.

RedSocks157 ago

I will be happy to donate again when the subverses that were banned here are unbanned, with the exception of the doxxing one because fuck that shit.

CaptainJeanLucPicard ago

Apparently Victoria has been in contact with the moderators apologizing for being fired and unable to help them. Yikes. Poor lady. I would love to know what reason they gave for terminating a hard working and well liked woman.

sharkiness ago

Love your face, /u/Atko. Keep being awesome.

lord_nougat ago

You've gazed upon the face of our god?!

sharkiness ago

Nope. But I love it anyway. And yours and everyone who's making the jump today from the cesspit that other site has become.

lord_nougat ago

That's an insult to cesspits!

bignorth ago

I debated migrating after the last dust up on reddit, but this finalized it. The good days of reddit are over, and Voat looks like a fun community.

SenpaiOtani ago

Yeh baby we friendly here

RIP_Victoria ago

yeah fuck reddit. RIP Victoria

trauma ago

They removed one of the admins, Victoria, from the team suddenly without giving anyone a heads up. It's a huge problem because she handled a vast majority of the AMAs on a handful of subreddits and did it very well. She worked as a liaison between volunteer moderators, site admins, publicists, authors, etc. and without her there the moderators of subs that host AMAs-- /r/iAMA, /r/science, /r/books, and others-- now have no way to communicate with the guests and can't schedule AMAs so the mods have made some huge/default subs private, some as a way to figure things out, others as a move of solidarity and showing displeasure with the reddit team.

Along with all of that, Victoria was about the only admin that was pretty much universally liked which doesn't help the situation either.

Kelspa ago

Right after the Jesse Jackson AMA. Looks like they didn't want some questions asked.

Andvari ago

ruyaz ago

Well, that was the last straw that got me to register.

zambeezy ago

Welcome to Voat!

xXx_yolo-swagbl4ze_x ago

Welcome home.

Xseleon ago

There is an /r/outoftheloop megathread Title Here explaining the issue.

The short answer seems to be that one of the reddit admins was fired today. The admin was responsible for handling the AMA threads and the mods of /r/Iama only received news of this after they were fired.

askl56 ago

If help is required in terms of hosting then let me know. I have a couple of servers I would be happy to spare for the greater good.

ltmyndonos ago

The greater good. (sorry knee-jerk reaction)

iwfjacob ago

Count me in on this one as well! I'm the Ops Manager for a hosting company, I'm sure we could come up with something to spare :)

slutbagmgee ago

That's cool of you. How is voat's financial donation situation? I heard Paypal was being shmucks. Is bitcoin the only way to donate to them now?

crazymancub ago

I too am curious. I have a Paypal account, but don't deal with Bitcoin. However I would love to donate!

Jason_55904 ago

I'm pretty sure. But on the plus side, I did finally sign up for a bitwallet so I could donate.

R15K ago

Yes, PayPal dropped them.

j_ ago

Bitcoin is currently the only way to donate. If you are donating, please always refer to the Bitcoin address posted by Atko or on the front page of Voat.

How is voat's financial donation situation?

The last time there was an announcement on donations (8 days ago), Atko revealed the following numbers after being asked:

PayPal (USD) Bitcoin (USD) Total (USD) Cumulative Total (USD)
2014-06–2015-05 592 - 592 592
2015-06 4,326 1,904 6,230 6,822
Held by PayPal 3,382 - 3,382 10,204

While I have been a proud supporter so far I find it incredibly disappointing that the first reaction from the admin is again to reach out their hands and ask for donations, while no steps have been taken to improve transparency. I suppose we will have to ask for numbers again when the site stops getting hammered.

slutbagmgee ago

dern. i dont have any bitcoins. that sucks.

PraiseIPU ago

The greater good

negabiggz ago

Likewise. I have servers available as well.

Risible ago


crashtest ago

What a mess. Hang in their Voat!

Fuckyouthrowaway ago

Is Reddit trying to commit suicide? I don't understand how they can be so tone deaf.

Psycho_chicken ago

Looks like they fired Victoria an admin (chooter) who helps with a lot of AMAs, many big subreddits like r/movies, r/science all went private.

JJEvil ago

Not sure, but I'm getting a lot of service unavailable messages on voat today. Reddit is driving people here like mad.

GizaDog ago

A big Admin got fired at Reddit so its now dying and people are coming here! Mods of many subs are setting them to private. https://archive.is/oyuYH

Xseleon ago

There is an /r/outoftheloop megathread here explaining the issue.

The short answer seems to be that one of the reddit admins was fired today. The admin was responsible for handling the AMA threads and the mods of /r/Iama only received news of this after they were fired.

Rigel ago

Fuck reddit.

MyFatHateFlows ago

Hmm... the drama. The sweet, sweet delicious drama!!

opticon ago

I feel like I'm watching a house fire, and I'm not sad to see it burn.

Step_into_Liquid ago

I feel like a Scandinavian Black Metal artist watching a church being razed.

michaelma4 ago

This really reminds me of an immigrant in the new world missing their family back "home", and after some time gets to see their family again in the new land :)

ebola1025 ago

Aww! I was feeling nostalgic about the little r, but I like this sentiment very much. Thank you!

McNastyFilth ago

Time to crack open some champagne for our new guests. Drop a couple of coins into the emergency fund.

BarelyHalcyon ago

Can I have vodka instead?

coinpile ago

Thanks, I thought I'd come check out a possibly better place. Just drop those coins right on me.

PossiblyACat ago

That's great to hear. Saying thanks beforehand for all the upcoming hard work!

Brentnauer ago

What's happening at the other place that's causing the influx?

askl56 ago

If you need free hosting help then let me know.

johnparish ago

Can I say, thank you Atko and Putitout!

You are the reason we are here.

anatomized ago

They fired Victoria, the woman in charge of the AMAs, without any prior warning. A bunch of subreddits went dark in support of her getting laid off.

yoavsnake ago

This was merely the spark. The main reason was the adminstrators not communicating, or doing anything at all.

andyjeff ago

20 millibits to you, sir! good luck and Godspeed!

neuron ago

Thank you for doing what you do.

Xale ago

They fired one of their good admins, Victoria, set a bunch of huge subreddits to private and is censoring just about anything trying to discuss what's happened.

johnparish ago

Can I say, thank you Atko and Putitout!

You are the reason we are here.

oaken ago


Kiko7920 ago

All hail Atko! Aaaaand the other guy, sorry, don't remember your name. And now I feel bad.

kimtaeyeon ago

@Puttitout smite this heretic

Kiko7920 ago

I'm due a smiting anyways.

PuttItOut ago

Shadow benned. ;)

Kiko7920 ago

Dammit now I really feel bad! Bet I'll never forget your name now.

raisin ago

Test conducted: no heresy detected.

finners215 ago

I for one welcome are new goat overlord, i never liked that albino alien prick.

turboanalisis ago

Brace yourselves, a 404 is coming.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

more like a 503 AMIRIGHT!?...sorry

gimmmperiam ago

I heartily laughed when Iread your comment, you deserve more then this single upvote i can give.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

thanks I'm glad someone got it

ohaitherehowdoyoudo ago

You predicted it going down for ~1 minute

dugganmania ago

They've gone full DIGG

OrionBlastar ago

Soon they will have multi-page articles with clickbait on them. Videos on the page that autoplay, and pop-up advertising.

AvatarKorra ago

Looks like Voat is going to become the new Reddit.

dugganmania ago

Yeah but without the ridiculous censorship

ColaEuphoria ago

Hopefully they won't fuck it up ten years down the line.

Orbitrix ago

And know you what? They're going to make a lot of money in the process. As far as they're concerned, someone else can bare the responsibility of free expression. They're going to gut reddit, and sell the remains to the highest advertiser.

Looking at Ellen Pao's history, this should not be a surprise. It is why they hired her.

chkiss ago

bear* the responsibility.

Step_into_Liquid ago

What do you think the aftermath Reddit user traffic will be? Right now they average 160 Million right? Will Voat's userbase quadruple tonight? and next week? and the week after?

DreadPirateKiwi ago

If everyone leaves it won't be worth anything

Wobbling ago

There's a sweet spot there.

Cleaning up reddit won't instantly kill it, its a community with momentum. If the site is 85% as busy but 3000% more advertiser friendly then its a much more compelling sale. What happens after the sale / IPO / whatever isn't the current administration's concern.

I don;t feel like this is something that is being done accidentally.

bluebirdinsideme ago

I feel as though you're underestimating the effect that damaging the brand value of reddit will have. If people want to use a site that censors, sucks up to corporate titans, and has non-existent levels of transparency, why won't they just use another site? The vast majority of reddit hates facebook for these exact reasons.

cocklobster ago

vocal minority are the ones jumping ship, reddit will have enough lurkers and people without a clue about any of this to still be a monolith

dugganmania ago

Well then the reddit userbase will move on I am sure. Many moved from Digg to reddit when Digg v4 came out and I am sure they will move yet again after these events.

woofcat ago

Keep up the good work Atko, at this rate voat.co will be the new front page of the internet.

McNastyFilth ago

I'm sad/glad to see Reddit pulling the trigger faster than expected.

Welcome everybody who's new to VOAT! No bullshit here and hopefully it stays that way longer than ~5 years.

OrionBlastar ago

Ellen Pao is aiming at her toes and pulling the trigger. Eventually she'll run out of toes.

umilmi81 ago

Well Reddit was built from the ground up with free speech as a cornerstone of the system. It will take a while to grind that down. If they're going to subjugate the whole site before the start of the fourth quarter they have an aggressive schedule to maintain.

Zendo ago

Just registered; Fuck reddit. (Because of this case and others)

challengederped ago

This shitstorm should have happened weeks ago when the "fattening" happened. The exact same bullshit is being pulled, only now are the subreddits standing in unison and shutting themselves down. The only difference is it doesn't involve a controversial subreddit.

McNastyFilth ago

Yeah, that's when I personally made the switch to VOAT. I go on to check KiA (KotakuInAction) simply because the userbase hasn't made the switch yet. I wasn't convinced that the fattening would get everybody on board but come the fuck on. This has to bring a great chunk of the decent minded folks over here now. I'd also love for people who don't necessarily share the viewpoints VOAT may have to come join us too. We need the discourse to make this place last and become a permanent spot for everybody and anybody that doesn't believe in censorship of any kind.

cornpope ago

Thanks for the warm welcome, happy to join!

I1I1 ago

Maybe we can achieve the perfect balance... the people who want a "safe zone" stay there (the majority), the people who give a shit about their freedoms and want real discussion come here, but there are enough people that stay that the corporate shills think they are still reaching a significant audience there (so they stay).

Maybe one day.

I1I1 ago

Maybe we can achieve the perfect balance... the people who want a "safe zone" stay there (the majority), the people who give a shit about their freedoms and want real discussion come here, but there are enough people that stay that the corporate shills think they are still reaching a significant audience there (so they stay).

Maybe one day.

polkadotgirl ago

Yes safe zone people stay at Reddit!

I1I1 ago

Honestly though, people like that are hipsters... so once Voat becomes popular, they will come over here with their virtual starbucks and scarves to try and win some virtual social justice. The only way to beat them is if Voat's owner(s) tell em to fuck off when it inevitably happens.

RustySpitoonBouncer ago


Reporting_In ago



Batten down the lady's room, there's no one here but men.


bakerie ago

Batten down the hatches.

hoder ago

Boycot reddit day on 10th of July, get ready for another hit on the servers ... :(

fullmetaljacket ago

I think the spike won't happen that day - there is already a steady exodus. Traffic will only go up consistently every day as users see the Soma over here. Having Voat up consistently (and avoiding DoDNS attacks - I'm looking at you Pao) is very helpful. Nice job Voat admin team! Hopefully you didn't have to sell your souls for the internet fu to absorb the reddit wave!

fartingbrutality ago

We are here :D

DonJuan ago

Make a hole!!! More of us coming through. You guys don't mind if we all crash here right?

BlackBeard ago


abpples ago

Voat's new censorship

Downvoating is what reddit uses to silence dissenting views.

People don't typically upvoat, even if they like something. They will just look at it.

But when people get butthurt or see things they don't like they DO DOWNVOAT. You're assuming that people use both buttons the same way.

Voating is a censorship tool because it doesn't depend on rational argumentation. It only depends on CONSENSUS. That's why SRS use downvoat brigades because they know it's only purpose is to censor content they don't want seen by others.

Look, our entire political system should make it more practical. We don't let everyone vote in elections for a good reason: we know that retards are the majority of people. You want Bill Gate's educated vote negated by some homeless retard on the street? That's EXACTLY what democratic voting does. That's exactly what the movie Idiocracy was about. When you give everyone an equal say, you negate the point of education. You negate the point of rational argumentation. If a baby can negate the vote of an adult, then you don't really need to learn how to think. All you need to do is make people agree with you. And bribery is the fastest way to agreement.

Since people tend to downvoat when they're butthurt and engaged in censorship, the best way to combat censorship would be to only allow UPVOATING since people will actively have to champion what they believe rather than focus on what they want to complain about and censor. You can look at upvoating as positive censorship since it at least puts the burden on the upvoater to be accountable to their views and say what they prefer instead of simply complaining about what they don't want.

Stating what you want to happen takes EDUCATION AND EFFORT. Complaining about what you don't want just requires the ability to be butthurt.

I'd rather err on the side of positive censorship if we have to censor at all. We already know how negative censorship turns out: it becomes reddit.

At least positive censorship requires EFFORT that keyboard warriors aren't willing to invest. So if we want to make this place different from reddit, we should ONLY have an upvoat button.

And while we're at it, let's remove the scores from the profiles so keyboard warriors who are already socially retarded don't start jerking off to their fake internet power.

TheGo2SWATking ago

Oh, fuck off. You've posted this in multiple threads already. Stop spamming the same paragraph over and over again. No one cares. You will change nothing.

zambeezy ago

Guys, this is all he ever comments. It's spam. Report, downvoat, and move on

jace_barret ago

It's funny how I've had to re-read this post multiple time to finally understand what you meant but after dealing with a bad day, I finally get it.

Here's to step one of being a more active user.

boot13 ago

Exactly. Hacker News only allows upvotes, and it seems quite civilized. I don't care much about the scores either way though.

burning_code ago

VOAT PLEASE BE Up July 10th. I know winter is coming but I promise not all of us wildlings happen to be trolls. We seek a new home. For me I just want a place to discuss the news uncensored. Please allow the Forum to prosper.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

Can you stop fucking spamming this everywhere you fuckstick?

Everyone_but_you ago

You seem very angry. You should calm down and stop being so mean.

Zbruh ago

Can you clarify what SRS is exactly?

abpples ago

SRS = shitredditsays aka Social Justice Warriors aka Liberals aka Feminists.

Zbruh ago

Ah, alright. Thanks!

escape ago

And while we're at it, let's remove the scores from the profiles so keyboard warriors who are already socially retarded don't start jerking off to their fake internet power.

That's easily done with CSS on a per subverse basis.

abpples ago

it shouldn't rely on CSS. it should be inherent to ALL of voat since it will disincentivize the keyboard warrior faggots from drolling after "achievement unlocked" internet circlejerking over imaginary internet points.

twothreeskidoo ago

Would be nice if there was a way to force people to read the content before voting too. But I don't think there is a way that would actually be possible....unless we do some Clockwork Orange shit to force them to read stuff.

GiraffesRloose ago

I agree with most of what you said but I like seeing my karma. It makes me feel nice to see that people are interested in the same things I am and I think that adds some incentive to post worth while content. I do think that more people downvote than upvote but I can't see a system where one exists without the other. If there were only upvotes then this would be Facebook.

rallldywe2 ago

You will know by their responses if they are interested in you. If you're relying on points to feel relevant then you're already a fucking loser in life.

GiraffesRloose ago

And you're obviously a dick head both in real life and on the Internet! Congrats, your life has balance.

GiraffesRloose ago

You're so edgy bro, I want to be like you when I become retarded

Nismo ago

Better yet, DON'T FUCKING KEEP THE POINTS NEXT TO THE PROFILE. Just keep the upvotes in the thread and don't carry it on, so people don't constantly make up fake annoying shit just for upvotes.

abpples ago

That's an ever better idea.

MaMaPyCb ago

I disagree, but this system where you have to participate and use voat for a bit, not just lurk and have access to downvoats it pretty good.

abpples ago

it's only good until everyone has the downvoat. You're obviously not thinking ahead.

Unchosen1 ago

You again!

abpples ago


588459? ago

I sort of agree with you, but a few points need to be brought up. I also feel that most people will only downvoat if they are particularly butthurt about a comment, this is a problem with having a downvoat system. However, while this can censor some particularly good content that is just an unpopular opinion, it is also a working method to send trolls the bottom of the page and discredit them. If you want to see what a place looks like without a good working downvote system, take a look at the wasteland of the YouTube comments section. Comment wars are rampant and the "uneducated" are still allowed a vote and even might be considered to have a greater effect. This may also be the reason copy pasta comments like the "This comment is damn fancy" still pop up and are heavily upvoted. So I sort of agree with you, but I have a few counterpoints.

Tjoflojt ago

I can hardly begin to tell you how wrong you are - of course Bill Gates' vote should weigh as heavily as the homeless persons; no more, no less. That's the point of democracy. When you let an "educated" elite decide what's best for everybody, they do what's best for themselves, and fuck the rest.

Regarding voating, regardless of whether or not you allow downvoating, the dumb masses are going to decide who gets the most visibility. Countless sites without downvoting have shown that this just leads to the most popular contributors getting ahead, regardless of the quality of their submissions.

Zevudus ago

Plot twist: /u/apbbles is actually the cowardly faggot keyboard warrior who is soooooo brave and righteous behind his mommy's keyboard, but not so smart in person when the other party can answer back.

Yazi ago

When you let an "educated" elite decide what's best for everybody, they do what's best for themselves, and fuck the rest.

Not necessarily true, just true right now. Monarchies have overall been very good systems. The elites there didn't often just fuck the people over. The problem is that the 'elites' of today's societies are shitty people. The politically-uninclined majority is hardly fit to make the country's decisions. That's why Obongo is in office. That'd be why Hillary succeeds if she does indeed. Democracy is a broken, feel-good concept just like SJW-ism.

I think you're right about the downvoting bit.

Archersterilng ago

A racist slur about the president of the United States in a comment dismissing democracy? Why am I not surprised?

Yazi ago


Evening, Bronstein :)

Good work on the tangential dismissal, comrade, that'll surely heel this bourgeois bastard. For the proletariat! Gulag!


Archersterilng ago

Are you seriously going to tell me that "Obongo" is not a racial slur? Seriously?

Edit: I'm not some SJW trying to tell you that racism is prejudice plus power or some bullshit like that. But stormfront politics aren't any better.

Yazi ago

Not necessarily. That didn't cross my mind when I wrote it, lol, but that's beside the point. It's all beside the point. The term Obongo is beside the point entirely.

Stormfront is boring. I don't go there. Reaction doesn't imply stormfront lol.

Why wouldn't I dismiss democracy? Is there a reason to defend democracy? I know there's the social pressure of ideological purity, but to me that doesn't trump the reality. And the reality is that since we morphed into a democracy, our leadership has been shit.

emtpayislow ago


Alaknar ago

So I just registered to tell you that you are confusing "censorship" with people's free will and their right to ignore instructions and do as they please.

Pretty much everywhere (on the other place) there are pop-ups informing that the downvote button is NOT to be used as a "I disagree" or "I don't like your opinion" button, but people ignore that. They can, because they have the right to.

Censorship, on the other hand, is the suppression of free speech. If you write about all the shadowy, not really explained things in the life of a certain CEO and her husband and that information is deleted (even though it's relevant to the discussion and does not contain false accusations), THAT'S when you can talk about censorship.

UpVoat100 ago

You got it wrong, SRS took over the site because rules were applied unevenly. Either nobody should be able to brigade or everybody should be able to. When you allow only on sect to flip votes and raid subforums you are going to have issues. If people could retaliate, then things would of reached equilibrium.

hotgirl ago

Good hypothesis. Do you have any evidence to support it, or is this just conjecture?

Totentag ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

dannyduchamp ago

First of all, no, everyone's voat should be the same. I mean, who's gonna decide who gets a voat and who doesn't?

Second, downvoats stop bad ideas that a few fanatics are in favour of from being considered the same as good ideas that every reasonable person is in favour of but nobody's particularly interested in.

Good ideas aren't always exciting and so won't get many voats, so we need to be able to downvoat the bad ones.

plumsound ago

Look, our entire political system should make it more practical. We don't let everyone vote in elections for a good reason: we know that retards are the majority of people.

I almost stopped reading after that. I hope this post is a joke.

Shin_Kicker ago

One would hope, but I've seen this same diatribe posted multiple times in different threads.

plumsound ago

Oh, is it just copypasta then? I didn't even know this one if so..

abpples ago

you're obviously too fucking stupid to even grasp how politics work. put your head back up your asshole little girl lol!

hamsalamibacon ago

Funnily enough there aren't any achievements for getting a high downvote count so you can stop now.

plumsound ago

Democracy is everyone having a say. A Republic (the word you should have used when discussing the current political system in the U.S. - or oligarchy) is a representative democracy and the current state of affairs in this country is proof that it doesn't work. Voat is designed to be a true democracy - everyone can vote. Your entire argument is the dumbest thing I've read on the internet maybe ever.

waspbr ago

Downvoting has its merits, it mitigates the spreading of bullshit and FUD. Facebook for instance is full of that. I am not saying that downvoting does not have its downsides, but I reckon they are more than eclipsed by its advantages.

abpples ago

You have to be an utter fucking moron to think that Facebook is comparable to voat. First of all Facebook is one of the most heavily censored mediums on the planet. /facepalm

fucky_offson ago

You keep using that word, censor. I don't think you know what it means.

So fuck off, kill yourself, and stop shitting up the universe.

neel_diamonds ago

permit me to disagree.

abpples ago

you can disagree all you want, just don't become a censoring faggot keyboard warrior using a downvoat to remove dissenting views.

ScrotBallBaggins ago

I would like to downvote this fella, but I have zero comment contribution points. If 100+ people upvote this completely idiotic comment, I'll be able to add one more negative number to apples' homophobic drivel. If you don't upvote me, the world will just have to assume you're either a gay hating bigot or a person with the keen ability to see through some high-ass idiot's shit psychology. So...Do you hate gays?

Lgrw1926 ago

So how else am I supposed to tell you that you're wrong?

Zbruh ago

Leave a comment.

abpples ago

words? ... i know it's a difficult concept for children to grasp, but that's why words weed out the children who are too dumb to voat anyway.

hamsalamibacon ago

You point is not worth having to use words to disagree with, downvoted!

Zbruh ago

Hahaha yeah, that's basically it. How people think is so childish.

Omega-Xi ago

And how is hurling insults at someone simply for disagreeing with you any better? I really don't understand this at all, people are so defensive about their position this seems to be the only way they feel they can articulate their points, I find it very disappointing.

abpples ago

so funny how keyboard warriors like you get sooooo butthurt and become professional victims over words. time to grow a spine.

hamsalamibacon ago

Says the person who gets butthurt over downvotes. Like wtf man? Playing the victim now?

Zevudus ago

Found the dickbutt

CNFR ago

I liked the part where you defended your points accurately rather than resorting to baseless ad hominem attacks.

icenine ago

the manhood101 troll becomes ever cleverer.

icenine ago

Does that mean you're challenging me to a live debate now? I hear you're great at those.

Zevudus ago

And here in exhibit A, we see the moron posts the same comment twice.

Unchosen1 ago

time to make another new username?

abpples ago

time to cry like a faggot? lol! http://i.imgur.com/VFD9vba.jpg

RatRod ago

Facebook figured this out a long time ago.

abpples ago

Facebook censors content from the admin level. Voat is fighting against that.

greiton ago

lets have a nice shanty

Pao Pao Pao you dumb cunt

the storm is nigh with lightning

Pao Pao Pao you dumb cunt

your site is slowly sinking

wilderbeast ago

I'll be happy to see her precious investors dissapointed.

Not_Ellen_pao ago

At least I'm not that cunt



CaptOblivious ago


July2nd2015RIPreddit ago


causuistry ago

Setting modified material condition ZEBRA.

racehard ago

That won't stop us! Mass exodus incoming!!

Lilly_Satou ago

Well I made my account the first exodus and wasn't motivated to come over until now. Sorry if I fucked up the servers here

flyboy88 ago

Video also nails my thought process during sex

Warden ago

If only those duracell rabbits were running goats.

biLLaridoo ago

That's a huge undertaking, but a great idea.........Dangit, now I'll have to do it.......

Warden ago

Is k, we have enough goats gifs.

Frogolocalypse ago


ToiletWaterIsWater ago


Warden ago

Ah shit, paging mister @WardenofTheNorth, we need all warden's help now.

WardenofTheNorth ago

The Warden could not get access for more than 2 days, I hope you don't need my help anymore.

Warden ago

All is well, we contained the situation in a very warden-ly way.

Godspeed for now, fellow Warden.

askl56 ago

/r/IAmA going private is like a defensive wall being put up. You might say it's a ... rampart.

iamwoodyharrelson ago

First off, thats not true. And second off, I don't want to answer questions about that. Lets focus on the film people.

abpples ago

Voat's new censorship

Downvoating is what reddit uses to silence dissenting views.

People don't typically upvoat, even if they like something. They will just look at it.

But when people get butthurt or see things they don't like they DO DOWNVOAT. You're assuming that people use both buttons the same way.

Voating is a censorship tool because it doesn't depend on rational argumentation. It only depends on CONSENSUS. That's why SRS use downvoat brigades because they know it's only purpose is to censor content they don't want seen by others.

Look, our entire political system should make it more practical. We don't let everyone vote in elections for a good reason: we know that retards are the majority of people. You want Bill Gate's educated vote negated by some homeless retard on the street? That's EXACTLY what democratic voting does. That's exactly what the movie Idiocracy was about. When you give everyone an equal say, you negate the point of education. You negate the point of rational argumentation. If a baby can negate the vote of an adult, then you don't really need to learn how to think. All you need to do is make people agree with you. And bribery is the fastest way to agreement.

Since people tend to downvoat when they're butthurt and engaged in censorship, the best way to combat censorship would be to only allow UPVOATING since people will actively have to champion what they believe rather than focus on what they want to complain about and censor. You can look at upvoating as positive censorship since it at least puts the burden on the upvoater to be accountable to their views and say what they prefer instead of simply complaining about what they don't want.

Stating what you want to happen takes EDUCATION AND EFFORT. Complaining about what you don't want just requires the ability to be butthurt.

I'd rather err on the side of positive censorship if we have to censor at all. We already know how negative censorship turns out: it becomes reddit.

At least positive censorship requires EFFORT that keyboard warriors aren't willing to invest. So if we want to make this place different from reddit, we should ONLY have an upvoat button.

Thank you for your consideration.

Totentag ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Pete ago

We're back!

teuast ago


Fitting, I suppose, that my first comment on voat is a meme responding to a reddit reference.

CaptOblivious ago

I actually laughed. Well done!

We need voat gold!

SoSalty ago

I just created an account to upvote you. Or is it an upvoat?

imfrickenbad ago

I just created an account to upvoat YOU! (the Rampart bit was pretty good too)

A_drunk_samsquanch ago

Upvoat, I think

craniumonempty ago

Isn't it just the "a" in "voat"? So we can just give an "A".. Sounds like a cheerleader: "give me an A!"

Mabvs ago

/r/science joined in as well.

bigfondue ago

/r/Science is private too. Anyone know what happened?

Mabvs ago

Holy crap... Even more

Many subs

Mabvs ago

bigfondue ago

Thanks, didn't know that subverse existed.

abpples ago

Voat's new censorship

Downvoating is what reddit uses to silence dissenting views.

People don't typically upvoat, even if they like something. They will just look at it.

But when people get butthurt or see things they don't like they DO DOWNVOAT. You're assuming that people use both buttons the same way.

Voating is a censorship tool because it doesn't depend on rational argumentation. It only depends on CONSENSUS. That's why SRS use downvoat brigades because they know it's only purpose is to censor content they don't want seen by others.

Look, our entire political system should make it more practical. We don't let everyone vote in elections for a good reason: we know that retards are the majority of people. You want Bill Gate's educated vote negated by some homeless retard on the street? That's EXACTLY what democratic voting does. That's exactly what the movie Idiocracy was about. When you give everyone an equal say, you negate the point of education. You negate the point of rational argumentation. If a baby can negate the vote of an adult, then you don't really need to learn how to think. All you need to do is make people agree with you. And bribery is the fastest way to agreement.

Since people tend to downvoat when they're butthurt and engaged in censorship, the best way to combat censorship would be to only allow UPVOATING since people will actively have to champion what they believe rather than focus on what they want to complain about and censor. You can look at upvoating as positive censorship since it at least puts the burden on the upvoater to be accountable to their views and say what they prefer instead of simply complaining about what they don't want.

Stating what you want to happen takes EDUCATION AND EFFORT. Complaining about what you don't want just requires the ability to be butthurt.

I'd rather err on the side of positive censorship if we have to censor at all. We already know how negative censorship turns out: it becomes reddit.

At least positive censorship requires EFFORT that keyboard warriors aren't willing to invest. So if we want to make this place different from reddit, we should ONLY have an upvoat button....

Gordam ago

I see you're not quite sure if everyone has seen that manhood uni. spam stuff 100 times each yet.

Totentag ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Xale ago

but sir, they are battened down

Biff-Top-Johnny ago


chryseos-geckota ago


Schrodingers_Spy ago

First mate seaman reporting for duty captain!

Reminded me of this.

fluffingtonthefifth ago

Alright, time for me to pimp my subs:






I look forward to your contributions, influx of 07/15.

polymorphist ago

Subbing to /v/learnprogramming

KeredNomrah ago

lol that's a very diverse and impressive mod list fluff.

fluffingtonthefifth ago

Thanks! I strive to be a well-rounded individual--nerdy, pervy, healthy, South African.

turboanalisis ago

That was an order!

Teepy_Low ago

stupid motherfuckers.....

rosary505 ago

All aboard the voat boat!

featherwinglove ago

Um... okay.

Necalli ago

Strange site when coming from Reddit. But I think I can get used to it.

cat_tail_moustache ago


TheyKeepOnRising ago

Le voat boat is accepting passengers

KateWalls ago

Hi, just decided reddit is done for me. This site looks pretty cool tho.

stale_cupcakes ago

Toot toot!

asphol ago

testicles ago

I1I1 ago

I embrace it -- that site has made so many bad decisions. I want nothing more than to see it sink its own ship.

gromenawer ago

They fire a mod from IAMA, who apparently was very beloved and resourceful.

As a result, a lot of popular subreddits has been set to private as protest.

EDIT: Apparently the mod was actually an admin too. Please read further in the comment tree for more info.

EDIT2: List of subs going private: https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/3bxjyu/list_of_subreddits_suddenly_going_private/ . Holly jumping volcano!

riposte ago

I just started to use voat more seriously when the news mods revealed themselves as blatant corporate/political shills.

Just search undelete for the TPP for many examples. The major default subreddits are actively censoring political discussion.

Rottinguy ago

Also fired the guy who created the most successful (world record breaking time and again) secret santa project that ever was. It appears They are trying to leverage and monetize this sort of content.

Exuberant_Murica ago

Voat should be making love to VICTORIA at this point and getting her to join this team!!!!!

foshizzle ago

Not a mod, a Reddit employee.

Richard_Nixon ago

She was fired for making Jesse Jackson look bad, so he complained and she got fired.

I'm speculating but I have no reason to believe I'm wrong, the timing is too perfect.

gromenawer ago

Maybe you can share some insight for the people out of the US; I had no idea who that guy was until I google it. Care to elaborate?

Wolfbeckett ago

TL;DR: He's a charlatan who claims to be a crusader against racism, but who's words and actions are actually pretty clearly designed to foster racial tensions instead of promoting harmony. Your basic hypocrite advocating for peace while working towards conflict and collecting a fat paycheck along the way.

Kylewhat ago

Yes, this exactly. He pretends like he's a modern day MLK but he just shows up to get paid. Did MLK get paid...?


Not much. Lead is pretty inexpensive.

Comparing Jackson and MLK is almost offensive, almost... At least it was not a positive comparison. As a mixed race person who was alive during those times it is easy for me to say that Jackson has done more to harm interracial relationships than he has to help them. I do not advocate murder or assassination, as a general rule, but methinks the person shooting MLK would have been lauded had he had Jackson as his target.

Ellimist ago

huhaskldasdpo : "Do you think Al Capone would be jealous of your business model if he were still alive?"

RevJesseJackson : "I do."


571817? ago

They fired a community manager admin that was responsible for coordinating the AMAs for a few subreddits (and perhaps had other duties), for unknown reasons. They had no migration plan in place to make sure that operation continued smoothly, and, apparently, didn't adequately communicate with the mods and users most affected by it. Though we still don't know the reasons for her termination (they could even turn out to be perfect valid, such as she was taking kickbacks from AMA targets), people are pissed off and revolting against the admins by setting their subs private, affecting literally millions of users and lurkers.

Crookston ago

No, the mods set the subreddits to private not the admins. The users want the mods to set it to private so it hurts reddit even more. The admins want the subs to not be private because that's what brings the money.

Crookston ago

No no, they fired an administrator that pretty much orchestrates the AMAs. Mods are volunteers, admins work for reddit and make money.

riposte ago

Except for mods that take money to influence opinion...

maverick715 ago

She was actually an admin

turboanalisis ago

We should start a betting pool on when their next fuck-up is gonna be

1Q84 ago

Woah, /r/iama is private!

Do you have any more info or context?

twothreeskidoo ago

Wait, is that a Voat thing that is np links to /r/whatever links? Or did you do that yourself?

1Q84 ago

Seems like an automatic thing, just like in your post!

Same for /v/subverses like /v/newsubverses

0o0o ago

No only r/iama, bunch of other BIG subreddits too. Check it.. Link

HomerSimpson ago

Iama started it. That is what caused this whole ordeal.

TheDidact118 ago


Basically, Victoria, the admin who basically ran and organized AMA's for several subreddits was fired suddenly today. In protest, a bunch of subreddits are going private.

Rikvidr ago

/r/science /r/askreddit are also showing solidarity.

stupididiot ago

/r/LifeProTips as well

stupididiot ago

/r/LifeProTips as well

Thisismyvoatusername ago

/r/gaming as well.

Cyral ago

/r/videos just went private.

Imabigplayer ago

Her real name is Victoria Taylor /u/chooter

This is who they fired http://veuwer.com/2pn4.png

Have a read her about her firing https://voat.co/v/MeanwhileOnReddit/comments/193855/

EDIT SHE JUST GOT FIRED 1 HOUR AGO WTF http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/3bwev7/i_had_the_pleasure_of_meeting_uchooter_in_person/csqgud5?context=3 Archived found here: https://archive.is/a9xea

Citizen_Kong ago

HER NAME IS VICTORIA TAYLOR. (Sorry, Fight Club flashback.)

Cochise ago

Voat should hire her!

Rikjitsu ago

I really hope that voat is able to get her to work for this site. Victoria is a great asset and I would love to see her integrity and character showcased where it would be appreciated.

haveallthebananas ago


Imabigplayer ago

She'll have to give up her USD for a weaker Swiss currency, BUT WHO CARES SHE'S AVAILABLE FLY OVEEER

https://twitter.com/happysquid Her last ever tweet https://twitter.com/happysquid/status/616750026946121728

haveallthebananas ago

-5 points for the Shit-it icon but still PLS COME TO VOAT! WE WILL APPRECIATE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU!

Elek1138 ago

Victoria, who organised and ran most of the AMAs, has been let go, without any warning. Several subreddits are in disarray as a result, as they have no way to contact several of the scheduled AMAs. Victoria even offered to help with the AMAs during the transition, without pay, but the admins said no.

indolent ago

Admins didn't say no. They just turned the sub private so there's no iama's happening. Here is the direct quote:

She was still willing to help them today (before the sub was shut down, of course) even without being paid or required to do so. Just a sign of how much she is committed to what she does.

Deathcrow ago

Victoria even offered to help with the AMAs during the transition, without pay, but the admins said no.

How does that even make any sense at all? Are they purposefully sabotaging their own site?

*tinfoil hat* Driving down Reddit's market value to make a cheaper buy-out for a hostile takeover? *putting tinfoil hat away*

Syrinx ago

so is half a dozen defaults, including askreddit