Taxxman ago

Fuckkkkkkk them! Shows the powers that be are not happy with the message we seem to be perpetuating on this site!

xeemee ago

We will have to carefully evaluate our long term options of providing a platform of free speech if we are to stay online.


Luckily, we have managed to move our databases to a cloud platform

i'm not technically inclined enough with networking to offer any comprehensive solutions, but it seems to me that perhaps the only way free speech can be protected on the www is to get off of the www and head to the darknet

1180110? ago

Wowww fuck you german internet.

Budza ago

If it hasn't been said enough before, fuck hosteurope...

Hope lots of you have moved away from them where possible..

envolition ago

You, I like you.

xcaetusx ago

Thanks for keeping the site up and running. It's a blessing!

knuklz ago

Thank you for your commitment to this project and your open discussion regarding any donations you have received. It's unfortunate your hosting provider has reacted in such a way. Best of luck to you.

NicolaeCeausescu ago

WHAT? They actually used that actual term. Fucking weak as piss. What a joke.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

Dude this is the fucking media. They'll take what he says and twist the context so he looks like the bad guy.

heavenshallburn ago

Glad you got the help you needed. Good luck with your hosts.

Strazdas ago

Very well made post. I agree that the Brave New World is more applicable situation.

Strazdas ago

Very well made post. I agree that the Brave New World is more applicable situation.

Strazdas ago

Very well made post. I agree that the Brave New World is more applicable situation.

Strazdas ago

I hear Iceland has the best free speech protections codified into law anywhere in the world. Can anyone verify if this is true? That might be an option for a hosting location.

Regardless of the laws, Iceland has very poor hosting options. Even local companies in Iceland tend to rent UK hosting facilities instead because Iceland simply does not have capabilities for large scale hosting. Its a small iceland in middle of nowhere and was never really connected like that. Though in theory it is rather good location due to its cold area which actually helps with server cooling (true story - Google builds server facilities up north because perma-frost means you can cool more efficiently).

Clin ago

If you're pissing people off you doing it right. We are with you @Atko .

Conky ago

Read the wiki. All the founders are progressives.

crashman ago

Hotwheels did interviews and tried to make himself a public figure. The slander didn't stop. Maybe it will be different for Voat, but my hopes are a bit low.

sparklemarkle ago

This is terirble news and really needs to be brought to the attention of a wider audience. Potential need to know what they might be letting themselves in for.

"Reddit refugee camp Voat dropped by German webhost for 'political incorrectness' "

Viking84 ago

Fuckers. I quit my 2 domains that I have prepaid for 3 years (out of which 2 have passed) and have them transferred to Iceland (orange website). Sent the transfer notice by registered letter to ensure human interaction, and I explicitly stated the bad treatment of as my reason for the switch. Bastards.

bazille ago

Can't you just use some russian company?

jerrykantrell ago

Wow, very detailed and informative, I love people like you who know their shit.

jerrykantrell ago

I really hope they don't get to us.

princess_bubblegum ago

atko, stay strong, dont give up. we can win this.

FFX01 ago

We need a global, decentralized DNS system Isn't that what opneDNS and Google's public DNS does?

NinetyNine ago

We should make sure we don't fall into a dependency relationship with voat or anyone else. It's Pop-Psychology, but when you rely on someone else for a thing, and can't provide that thing for yourself, you slip into a kind of relationship similar to a teenager's relationship with their parents. You manipulate them with drama and passive aggression, which demeans you even if it gets you the Christmas present you wanted.

I hope that voaters don't go that way. Few of us have a real feel for how much it really costs in coins and time to run the mechanical end of a site like voat, reddit, digg, plastic, etc.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

We need to get some effective monetization going on. With enough money we can keep voat going, moving from place to place.

ciaran ago

I find the fact that people are celebrating how you were closed over subreddits you have no control over coming to your site, but then again the people who celebrated it are stupid enough to not understand that admins shouldn't censor.

sillymanilly ago

Unbelievable. Dark days are indeed coming.

swoletrainxpress ago

Pao pao pao pao. Shots fired.

Walther ago

There will always be people trying to take you down and push you around, because voat is showing signs of becoming a large website and many interested parties have become good at putting these kinds of websites in their pocket or in the ground. Also what comes to funding is it possible to set an emergency back up funds account which we can keep "full" so if this sort of thing happens again the money is already there and doesnt come out of the normal expenses? The sum can be anything and it cant be exceeded, perhaps that would keep you a peace of mind for atleast some time. You are giving us a platform to express ourselves, let us do what we can in return.

tadwik ago

Neat. Thank them for the free press. I didn't even know this site existed until now.

neptronix ago

Damn. Friggin' Europe. At least we still have a bit of free speech here in the US left. Keep on rockin' voatdudes.

Werdd ago

Political correctness is one of the worst things to grow out of socialism.

moons ago

Reminds me of this

Petyr_Baelish ago

I am shocked that a person who kept herself in such fine shape died before 60.

Laserchalk ago

It is great to see all the negative review on their facebook page.

Mashiki ago

True enough. Sadly, once people get a taste their tune changes quickly.

nokilli ago

If it really is SJWs, can you explain then why they are silent in the face of atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, etc.? These people deserve justice too, do they not?

Jew is a much better answer for this kind of behavior. After all, we see it over and over again.

Megamatics ago

Voat is the scariest thing to Reddit right now since it changed hats. I don't like being forced to censor myself because of over sensitive babies whining about how it hurts their feelings that they don't really have. It's very simple to avoid being triggered when you just don't go to places you don't like.

mustacheofdoom ago

This change happened during the "web 2.0" phase. It was more free and encouraged debate before. Now debate is actively discouraged, which is a danger for any democracy.

mustacheofdoom ago



Zbruh ago

People are such pussies that they can't just accept that people have varying opinions? "Political incorrectness"... that must be annoying that they deny you service for that reason..

Galt42 ago

Hey, at least we've accomplished something. We've gotten to the point of pissing someone off!!

fv9000 ago

Word around reddit is because it might either be because of the jailbait subs or someone just spamming reports.

whynotanon1 ago

Aye aye capt'n

antiplebbitor ago

You. I want to hear more from you. You're a wizened, BASED muh-fug. Absolutely spot-on.

antiplebbitor ago






Keep fighting the good fight, sysadmin. We shall fight them on the beaches...


How is this not "harassment" according to reddit? How has SRS not been deleted? It's a joke.

surprisecockfag ago

Disgusting. Shows you exactly what kind of people support this political correctness bullshit.

k_digi ago

Be careful with "paypal" it will be the next to go!

Jashwua ago

Definitely this, answer the media contacts as soon as you can. Bad press and more attacks would be a lot to handle.

k_digi ago

Lets give more, maybe run a crowdfund? This is about human freedom.

Reddit once banned the RT "Russia Today" thread, why don't people contact RT I think they would be interested in this story.

Get them on Twitter @RT_com also Ben Swan @BenSwann_

lolyoufuckingidiots ago


Strikingearth ago

Yeah, fuck them. I hate those guys!!!

371209? ago

This is terrifying :<

ohnoesmikey ago

I have seen commenters on one of the sites reporting this say that the jailbait subverse is posting child porn pic links from imgur.

Jimmyin response to (name redacted) • 22 minutes ago

That's because they ARE hosting child porn (or sexually suggestive photos of children at the very least). Either way, it's sick.

Voat has a subsection of it's site called "jailbait", here's a screenshot that I found in the following article. Note the thread titled " are some images that you can go to prison for even looking at"

woofcat ago

So wait, voat is at fault for linking to images which are hosted on imgur?

Why isn't imgur removing this content?

skippy_the_kangaroo ago

Seems like a srs fuck wits were party of this

DarkLordGig ago

You guys need to see this... it's not pretty :(

Mysteryman64 ago

thank you all who donated. I removed info on how to donate as I feel we have received enough to help us survive for quite some time.

I would leave it up for now. Better to gather some funds for the slow times while you still have the public outrage on your side. If you take off or even sustain some pretty steady growth, you're going to want to have some funds to fall back on for upgrades or what have you.

HoneyNutStallmans ago


b0utch ago

This is disgusting, might me time to start think about creating a worldwide entity to fight those ''people'', divided we are weak but united we are strong. I don't know some kind of world people's government or something working on donation only so we can start lobbying here and there...

glasssp ago

I think you should sue them. For damages. It was against the contract and gave you a material damage.

HoneyNutStallmans ago


Why would he subject the domain to the jurisdiction of a 3rd world police state?

Spectral ago

That person seriously deserves misery. What a complete asshat

fuckreddit ago

Wherever your are hosted now is MUCH better than the last few weeks. I know having a big website is hard on servers but you should have known this would happen! Just happy to see the speeds picking up, at a certain point funding shouldn't be an issue though. Best of luck with all of your endeavors.

Site goes vroom vroom.

DonLuis ago

Well, we ain't going anywhere... The can try to shut you down, but the more they push, the harder you will come back. Just look at TPB and the years and resources they have invested in trying to close the site. Good luck trying to silences the internet. It simply doesn't work.

ev1lb1t ago

Bitcoin expects you to take charge of your own digital security and use it in a secure manner - and most people are not ready for this

I have my issues with bitcoin but this is not one of them.

With the advent of cheap usb sticks, it really should not be onerous to "air-gap" your wallet when it's not in use.

No need to understand firewalls, or encryption, or anything else besides "don't plug it in and they can't access it"

Xanza ago

She is a scientist. She published her research papers on that blog (pre-formatted papers to which she owns the copyright). That server contained no other data whatsoever.

In my experience you may be able to sue for damages for loss of research as they shut down your associated accounts, in which Voat wasn't located on, without notice.

plumsound ago

Great reply, covered all the grounds of my hypothesis plus some. Should be an interesting ride...

plumsound ago

A voat which runs smoothly and satisfied users is my #1 priority. It would feel wrong for me to be spending time appearing in the media while there are plenty other more pressing issues to deal with right here.

Love it bud, keep at it! We've all got your back.

chronos ago

I know a lot of people are freaked out by this, but let me give you three words of inspiration : The Pirate Bay.

epix00 ago

Good call not taking media attention just yet. The site is still a little ropey in terms of stability.


epix00 ago

Can you please open some sort of funding channel so we can give you money?

MagnaFarce ago

There's definitely a lot of crossover between the users. I would also like to see a cooperation between the two.

ahship ago

I've been a member of the ACLU and EFF[Electronic Freedom Foundation] for a few years,look into the movement for free speech. Alot of work for us all to do,for freedom. Peace. :)

RubberTits ago

Why would you host your stuff in Germany?? Country infrastructure is below average and contracts are always a PITA. If you want to stay in Europe look at OVH.

England1 ago

Well your previous host wasn't providing a good service anyways. You're right though, people who promote freedom of speech in this world will always be attacked by governments and large companies. That said, you should speak with from NZ. As soon as you mention free speech, he will set you up in no time. (He's not fond of tyrannical behaviour). Can you make your donations button completely obvious? I could find it when I loaded the homepage. Keep up the good work, and thank you for letting us bitch at each other, free speech comes in many colours!. Oh, can you remove the 7 minute messaging display? Its very annoying and it means the minority will always be repressed by the majority. That flies in the face of free speech and is actually fundamental ly UN-democratic. Have a look at I suspect it will not be your usual website of interest but their comments system is perfect. You can still comment freely even if you are down voted. This means you do not have to wait 7minutes to defend yourself. And it works well because only the hard core trolls get slapped for being a jerk. You're doing that too fast. Please wait 30 second s before trying that again. It's not "having my say"if I have to wait every time! Thats really annoying. You need to remove it!

big_fat_dangus ago

Can someone explain to the average schmuck how to make a donation already? I don't have paypal, I don't know how to use bitcoin. What can I do?

brody9311 ago

War...War Never Changes.

centre ago

This is the point where you move the servers to Russia or some other Eastern European country who don't give 2 shits about political correctness.

England1 ago

Well your previous host wasn't providing a good service anyways. You're right though, people who promote freedom of speech in this world will always be attacked by governments and large companies. That said, you should speak with from NZ. As soon as you mention free speech, he will set you up in no time. (He's not fond of tyrannical behaviour). Can you make your donations button completely obvious? I could find it when I loaded the homepage. Keep up the good work, and thank you for letting us bitch at each other, free speech comes in many colours!. Oh, can you remove the 7 minute messaging display? Its very annoying and it means the minority will always be repressed by the majority. That flies in the face of free speech and is actually fundamental ly UN-democratic. Have a look at I suspect it will not be your usual website of interest but their comments system is perfect. You can still comment freely even if you are down voted. This means you do not have to wait 7minutes to defend yourself. And it works well because only the hard core trolls get slapped for being a jerk.

SlothOfDoom ago

Well, that's interesting. My company is in the process of selecting new hosts for our European branches. Guess what hosting company just got taken off our list?

Daspoots ago

Get a Swedish server. From what I know they have freedom of speech and won't give a crap about hurt feefees

ToiletWaterIsWater ago

I'll just stop using any site that they host!

Zaeb ago

Maybe you should all move to

Opira ago

If i'm not mistaken when pirate bay was taken down last (or before that) i think they decentralized by using a load balance and vms that was set up at multiple providers granted this site us running some form of database behind it all but that must be possible to run in multiple instances and then sync it right ?

Have you thought about prq or bahnhof btw ?

gatordontplaythatsht ago

It would feel wrong for me to be spending time appearing in the media while there are plenty other more pressing issues to deal with right here.

You are the leader a site like voat needs, keep up the good work @atko

TheBlueGhost ago

You filthy muhsoggyknist! Help, help, I'm being oppressed!

Broc_Lia ago

Spammeri ite domum

Pinyaka ago

haha. Yeah, I kind of want one of those too.

CarrollQuigley ago

Are you referring to this thread in /r/oppression?

immibis ago

Hey look, they gave a list of subverses to boycott!

EllenCuntPao ago

I'm in Switzerland now, it's awesome! Thanks for keeping up with the bullshit, I think I speak for everyone when I say we love this site and want nothing more than to see it thrive based on principles of free speech instead of lofty and morally misguided crap

242 ago

I miss the days when wars were fought face to face with guns and swords.

A_Fringe_Element ago

semi-coordinated media campaigns to paint Voat as something worse than the Silk Road

And? 4chan's survived every bit of slander its received partially thanks to its user base. Stormfront's probably the most infamous and reviled website on the internet and according to wikipedia it's been operational since '95. So far they're still going strong.

The moment a website get's what 4channers refer to as "normalfags" is when you start losing your freedom of expression anyways.

jasenlee ago

I think I can speak for the bulk of Voaters here when I say thanks for your work on all fronts.

jasenlee ago

I think I can speak for the bulk of Voaters here when I say thanks for your work on all fronts.

bitshares ago

Well, time to leave some trustpilot reviews.

A_Fringe_Element ago

After Atko finds a trustworthy host he needs to invest in Cloudflare. The SJW script kiddies have finally figured out how to DDOS.

novictim ago

Say what you will about the NSA but the USA has the World's strongest anti-Censorship law in the First Amendment.

atko, consider the many USA options. Freedom of Speech is a bedrock in the States. It is always the Censors who need to explain themselves, not the censored.

EDIT: Yes, there is self censorship as in the refusal to show Charlie Hebdo cartoons but that was not a Federal or State choice but the cowardly actions of the faux-liberal elite in the US.

steel_sushi ago

"We will have to carefully evaluate our long term options of providing a platform of free speech if we are to stay online."

I will not be providing you any support nor have respect for you should you hinder any form of what we refer to as 'free speech'.

HexTq ago

The cold truth

HexTq ago

What the fuck is wrong with you germany

HexTq ago

I mean what the fuck is wrong with you germany

ki-yoshi ago

To me it seems like our generation is engaged in a war on the question of whether culture should be produced from the bottom up or be dictated from the top down, this isn't a good sign for the mental health of our ruling class.


your camera is owned by google (or apple).

circlebust ago

Can we regard this as cultural war already? We certainly are getting battered like this is a war. Of course, I don't think we should sink down to their level. But it's time to push back. It's not about hating hamplanets not being allowed, or video game characters looking too sexy. They focus on this shit because they are still young, dumb and myopic (hey I am young and dumb as well, but not in this area.). But those tumblr snowflakes and campus feefee policemen/women/otherkin will in 30-40 years lead our societies. They are literally trying to turn our world into Orwell's nightmare.

circlebust ago

Can we regard this as cultural war already? We certainly are getting battered like this is a war. Of course, I don't think we should sink down to their level. But it's time to push back. It's not about hating hamplanets not being allowed, or video game characters looking too sexy. They focus on this shit because they are still young, dumb and myopic (hey I am young and dumb as well, but not in this area). But those tumblr snowflakes and campus feefee policemen/women/otherkin will in 30-40 years lead our societies. They are literally trying to turn our world into Orwell's nightmare.

puag ago

What a shithole this is. I thought to be 'political incorrect' is not a crime, just a choice or nature. So fuck you (go change name to

bkmnalpha ago

soju ago

You've got my support.

paladin ago

This is saddening..

Not_The_NSA ago

This is complete bullshit. Sounds like some people don't like us having free speech.

Not_The_NSA ago

This is complete bullshit. Sounds like some people don't like us having free speech.

jackieclay ago

Sounds like this site would benefit from a similar strategy as The Pirate Bay began employing a couple of years ago. Distribute a cached version of the site as a downloadable file that can fit on a USB stick, and should anything bad befall this place, mirrors can be established.

nomenimion ago

Leave it to Germany to ruin a good party,

chastiser ago

Lets hope you survive!

1rash ago

I removed info on how to donate

You son of a.... what a cool guy!

the_federalist ago

Not to take anything away from Dylan Thomas' accomplishment, I just wanted to point out that the structure is a standard poetic form known as a villanelle.

lggo83 ago

have thought about netherlands branch of leaseweb? netherlands are supposed to be liberal as fuck. used to be hosted there and this site, hosting also porn and gore, was not taken down terms/conditions:

SuckySucky ago

I really appreciate the transparency of the admin here.

samwisekoi ago

So, "passing through the UK" means that GCHQ, the UK's NSA, can sniff the lines, etc. Good SSL should cover that problem, but it is wise to remember that Iceland is an island nation, and the traffic has to pass from there to the Internets via SOME major power. And the UK, like Germany, is not a friend of privacy.

But Iceland is a friend of privacy and free speech, so I like Iceland for origin server hosting. Also, takes Bitcoin, IIRC. Cloudflare (Amazon) is not bad for a cloud solution, although it could easily be turned against Voat through legal, political, or economic means. But if the origin servers are in Iceland, they are unlikely to be seized, so performance would be degraded if the cloud went down, but the service could stay up in a "limp-home" mode.

On the other hand, a cloud server solution means that legally, the data on the Voat compute and database instances is the property of the cloud provider. And could be seized and/or shut down.

I think multi-country mirrors for the origin server and database, a pre-purchased series of voat.TLD domains (e.g.,,,, etc.), redundant DNS paths, a robust cloud distribution platform plus a cold backup plan, and a legal entity and bank account in a safe harbor would all be good things to have. And avoid the Five Eye countries and their friends. Publishing raw IP addresses wouldn't be bad, either.

Basically what Pirate Bay has had to do.

How is that?

Caleb_The_Chosen ago

Jesus fu**ing Christ...This is some scary shit for sure :S

Fuzzyoctopus ago

Just use reddit's provider, Political Incorrectness doesn't matter to coon town.

pepepepepe ago

Archive link just in case: Better yet, if you still have your Reddit account go report that user and their subreddit for brigading and harassment. Spread it far and wide. Expose the double standard.

Toby ago

Of all the countries you could have chosen... Germany was a bad choice.

5skandas ago

Where can we donate?

Kimmybjonsson ago

I know a guy that ran a torrent site. PayPal decided to close the account and keep the ~$700 that was on it - all perfectly legal of course! Just check the user agreement.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

PayPal: the service that is trying to be a bank without the responsibilities of one.

Kuupe ago

Could you provide some screenshots of the notifications or would that be illegal?


Where are the European "were more free than Amerikkka" elitists now?

Scimitar66 ago

Thank you so much.

/user/Atko is the hero we deserve!

elgindelta ago

i call bullshit on hosteurope, i say this was a financed move backed by reddit as a hemorrhage stop

elgindelta ago

i call bullshit on hosteurope, i say this was a financed move backed by reddit as a hemorrhage stop

Lord_Shitlord ago

Thank you for doing this. We'll do what we can as subscribers to contribute and keep this site up!

racer4 ago

In an old episode of the West Wing, a character says "if they're shooting at you, you know you're doing something right." So thanks for doing something right, no matter how difficult it may be to stand up for the free exchange of ideas.

themusicgod1 ago

Guess all that moral panic stuff got you nowhere? Pity.

Ariastrasza ago

They are going too far. They must be stopped.

Braenivin ago

This is fucked up right here.

Braenivin ago

This is fucked up right here.

LowHangingFruitSalad ago

In the words of Victory Nuland: "Fuck the EU"

Paolo ago

I guess we are going in the right direction if this is happening, right?

Megacrazy ago

Just like others have mentioned...stay strong. I am not sure we'll win this one because we seem to be in the minority but I have hope.

This site in general brings me back to how the net used to be, before all the bullshit, censorship disguised as political correctness, special interest groups, discussion manipulation and other crap that seems to be the norm nowadays. It used to be free man...people could do whatever they wanted. We're just opinions waiting to be aggregated and sold to the highest bidder nowadays. WTF man.

TehRealSJW ago

Can't you guys just demand availability? Like make a petition or something.

Ekiph ago


no1113 ago

Damn. See if you can get a group of people/staff/employees to help out with keeping the site up and running well.


Note that Reddit used to suffer some of these. Until they started playing ball.

Broc_Lia ago

You username is hilarious.

tpr ago

New here, hello. hosteurope triggered me. Don't eat me.

Oh hosteurope. I love their professional technicians (have been a customer for about 10 years and through this time had several virtual servers and webhosting stuff), but I hate their inflexibility in regards of customer service towards "the small man" (that made me terminate all the mentioned contracts). A shutdown due to "political incorrectness" is astonishing, but considering their perceived inability to react to the market not impossible at all.

Halt die Ohren steif, Atko.

newbieatthegym ago

Surely as a business the Costs are offset against the Donations for tax purposes?

TMG ago

That is pathetic. Their business should never affect a personal problems. They should of warned you gave some time to shut it down, instead of doing the immature way. Censorship is becoming big, people are getting a lot hurt faster, and people aren't grown up to understand that other people have opinions that shouldn't fit a standard of everyone else.

Oh well, there will always be roadblocks.

Niceformbro ago

Isn't that what 4chan is for?

ev1lb1t ago

4chan revealed itself as SJW-infested in october 2014 when they censored the shit out of gamergate.

Since then, it's been infested with "social justice" hipsters and NORPs originally drawn in by chanology.

Pinyaka ago

Definitely not. I am solidly in the group of people who don't know/trust enough about bitcoin to use that service.


Why do you think reddit was censoring so much? There is muscle in this world, and it's much higher up the food chain than frickin Ellen Pao. They are playing hardball now.

Nobody ever thought that napster would go down. Or pirate bay. Or kimdotcom. But deep down, we all knew that this was going to be the end-game. The web has grown so much narrower in the past 15 years; and it's because only those who play ball, are allowed to survive.

Niceformbro ago

Whelp! Found my new home!

Is there a mobile android app?

tonberry2 ago

I must add that Orwell also dealt with the complacency of the people as well, not in 1984, but in Animal Farm. The enemy in Animal Farm isn't necessarily the pigs, but the inability of the other farm animals to question what is going on before it is far too late.

doctor_cucumber ago

this is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

anOriginalName ago

Ironically, this attempt to close down Voat will probably make even more people aware of this place now, just wait for the Streisand effect to kick in.

I do not understand, why do these people have so much fear over unpopular opinions? I am not a FPHer nor any of the minorities Voat lets in their site, but I do not just step in and tell them to stop thinking what they think. It's scary, really. There seems to be this idea that either you host the ideas the majority agrees to, or your opinion is forbidden. The truth should be shown by discussion or by judging both sides of the argument, not by trying to bury, censor and close down anything other than the widely agreed idea.

Best of luck, /u/Atko , and thank you so much for creating Voat!

Throwaway1232 ago

I don't know exactly who they is, but check out this post that was even instantly shadowbanned on r/conspiracy. The funny thing is, it's about privilege so you would think it would be right up reddit's alley.

NotWearingPants ago

I hope this makes anyone else using this hosting provider reconsider where they should be spending their money.

donjon87 ago

@Atko why don't you tell everyone who Voat is hosted with now? Don't want to mention Microsoft?

thisismyfist ago

This money will most likely have to be taxed, but a detailed report will be published asap. I have received interview requests from several major news agencies but responding to these agencies will have to wait. A voat which runs smoothly and satisfied users is my #1 priority. It would feel wrong for me to be spending time appearing in the media while there are plenty other more pressing issues to deal with right here.

Dont ever change

novictim ago

Hey! Enjoy Midsommer, Atko!

Contradictory ago

Is this the cause of the slow loading speed of the site and my upvotes randomly reverting and sometimes when I go to comment is says I'm going to fast (despite not posting for far longer than 30 seconds)? Or is this just me? (if just me ignore)

Turbo_Sloth ago

I can't upvoat you yet but I can say this is an interesting take that I haven't heard before. Granted, I am one of many who connects to the Orwell reference merely because I have read it... I must read Brave New World ASAP.

Biff-Top-Johnny ago

Thanks for taking the time to write that out. Both interesting and terrifying.

BoiseNTheHood ago

Nobody likes them over here, so they won't have the control that they enjoy on Reddit.

kekonn ago

Correct, but for the sake of the discussion I don't think it makes that big of a difference.

Flexiverse ago

That a nice summary of potential future events. The question is would you personally be bothered to do this, if it's just a load of hassle.

warkin ago invites you to get to know their customers. Perhaps someone would like to inform these customers that their service may be terminated at any time if they are judged to be "politically incorrect".

EllenPaoCEOofReddit ago

I'd say deaddit's biggest advertisers.

Akesgeroth ago

I think it's important that you read this, posted on Reddit's KiA by NotYourMothersDildo:

People need to start accepting that will not be able to scale -- these guys don't have enough experience with traffic to become the next reddit.

Strikes against them:

  • based site
  • Not using cloud hosting

The fact that they have a physical host and their own servers is a giant red flag. If you have an opportunity to take an exodus from a site like reddit you have to be able to scale and there is no way they will be able to provision enough physical servers fast enough to scale to handle a reddit-sized crowd.

I'm anti-cloud for most projects but for something like this you need to be able to spin up a dozen servers immediately and you can't do that at some random German ISP that they didn't even seem to investigate for hosting policies.

Starlight_Flux ago

Maybe it's time to have a ZeroNet or Cjdns version of the site.

novictim ago

Can you imagine a time when all the internet hosting services become consolidated and set a agenda through undemocratically arrived at rules that ignore the role of Free Speech in a democratic institution? This is 1984 territory we are entering into. SJW stooges working through the power and influence of the oligarchs and Corporate power houses will be setting the debate and its parameters for political correctness purposes behind the scenes by controlling the information bubble we all get to see.

Reality and agendas will exist outside this bubble, of course, but for the majority, the bubble will dictate their position and opinions. Chomsky calls this "Manufacturing Consent".

But organizations exist outside this bubble. The reason why Islam is so successful is that it operates on the level of Imams and Muftis and is impervious to the media and internet machinations that all the rest of us are vulnerable to. Islam has its agenda and its means and outlets for advancing it forward. I doubt Islam is vulnerable to the attempt to fashion a politically correct narrative.

That is an interesting reality. In the service of keeping the masses compliant and docile and unaware, the consolidated web-hosting services and media conglomerates will be nullifying stories of real social breakdown and the failure of democratic institutions to realize the interests of the populace so as to avoid public reaction to events. The wish of oligarchs to have massive immigration so as to bust wages and maximize profit will trump the needs of society to preserve liberal values and to resist a-liberal religious theocracy.

BTW, having each person isolated in their bubble-dom and with no sense of community is exactly China's model for public control using the internet:

"In most cases, censors reacted swiftly, deleting messages within a day of posting. They also seemed to follow a surprising logic. The researchers found that posts on topics they themselves classified as highly sensitive were only slightly more likely than average to be deleted—24% of posts, versus 13% overall. That was “completely unexpected,” King says. They next looked at bursts of posts following significant events. During events with potential for collective action, the vast majority of posts were censored—regardless of whether they supported or criticized the state."

China, by allowing people to air their complaints, diffuses the people's well grounded anger and concerns without needing to institute change. By eliminating all attempts to connect with others and take collective action on important and popular issues of concern, China isolates each person into a ineffectual "n" of one. Each "n" can complain but that is all an "n" can do. See how that works?

And maybe that is a larger strategy than just the one used by China? Maybe the sociology of mass control is being implemented for the benefit of an elite few? Likely? I think so. Why not? If you can, you will take the tools that are provided for your own self interest. That is all too human.

Well, I don't like it. I hope you don't either. Here is that address for and for their higher level provider, DENIC.

Name: HostEurope GmbH Address: Welserstrasse 14 PostalCode: 51149 City: Köln CountryCode: DE Phone: +49 800 4678387 Fax: +49 1805 663233 Email: [email protected] Changed: 2012-07-12T12:16:13+02:00


DENIC eG Human Resources Frank Bernd (Human Resource manager in charge of hiring) Kaiserstrasse 75-77 60329 Frankfurt am Main Germany

Are there any international law attorneys here are VOAT? German laws and the intent to shut down a site for allowing unpopular political ideas to be forwarded seems to me to be a legal issue and one that a post-Fascist Germany should be concerned about. Maybe some anticensorship group like the one's below deserve a letter asking for aid?:

Campaign Against Censorship

25 Middleton Close Fareham, Hampshire T014 1Qn England 44.329.28.44.71 Center for Civic Education

5146 North Douglas Fir Road Calabasas, CA 91302 818.340.9320

Propaganda Review

Media Alliance Fort Mason Center, Room D-290 San Francisco, CA 94123 415.441.2557

Project Censored

"Project Censored educates students and the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government. We expose and oppose news censorship and we promote independent investigative journalism, media literacy, and critical thinking."

Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression

400 Peter Jefferson Place Charlottesville, VA 22911-8691 (804) 295-4784

MrHarryReems ago

I guess servers in Sealand could be an option.

digitalpizza ago

Wow, fatties got really BTFO

ghotioninabarrel ago

Is there any legal action you could take against If they just shut down your servers without warning weren't they risking your data?

novictim ago


virtualghost ago

so it's gotten that bad

skippy_the_kangaroo ago

Well done. Goaters have your back

mx1 ago

Stay strong, you got this! I'm here for the long run, as are many other users

Hymenopterid ago

I just want to thank you Atko and the Voat team for the contributions you are making to free speech. The more they try to silence you the more I come to realize what you are doing is essential to a free society.

hashtagilluminati ago

Reddit's behind this, it's blatantly obvious. First a DDoS then this??

ChicagoSunroof ago

Amazing! Are the Fat Activists behind this?

It's like Ellen Pao is sending her thugs to break kneecaps.

adam1z4j2 ago

That is not a sufficient answer to the question.

Deadmeat ago

Reddit is now the Wal-Mart of the internet. Fear from competition? Put them out of business. I'm sure that $50milllion 'investment' last year can get them any leverage they want now.

JesTheRed ago

You need your own datacenter.

player10 ago

Political correctness is bullshit. It was made up by people so they could feel persecuted without actually experiencing persecution. It's shocking that it's acceptable for people to refuse a service to someone over something like this.

poisonthemonkey ago

You've been put into a strange position and given an opportunity to oppose censorship--and you're doing a great job of it. You'd have my support even if you were doing a not-great job.

Kudos man.

player10 ago

Political correctness is bullshit. It was made up by people so they could feel persecuted without actually experiencing persecution. It's shocking that it's acceptable for people to refuse a service to someone over something like this.

EveHarvester ago

Just providing a different platform for different ideas, and different cat pictures, is harassment. Dear god. Keep up the good work, Atko, we all love you.

Warhymn ago

How can I donate money?

whatamidoingherev ago

Your church has experienced this crap because they're fucking crazy.

Nationalist ago

Still shouldn't be censored though.

User_deleted ago

Their loss. Maybe they just can't handle the traffic....

h3lblad3 ago

I'm not so sure our treatment isn't a little of the two and a lot of both.

planetron ago

Who's they? Tell us, I'm so ready with my battling ram and legions of mountain goats! I'm ready!

Seriously, who? the PC people? The only way to beat them is expose their hypocrisy. I never met any PC/SJW who is not hypocrite. Expose their hypocrisy and let the other PC/SJW jerks do they bullying and ostracizing for us.

antiplebbitor ago

In before the flood of maggots standing up for the utter BULLSHIT of SJWs...


They hide behind the PC/SJW people. They're always ready to jump on the "won't someone please think of the children" bandwagon, to justify censorship. But the PC/SJW's don't actually have the power to get ISP's to dump websites, don't have the power to get the banks to halt support payments, don't have the power to wiretap, don't have the power to order an FBI raid.

The ones who DO have that power, simply use the PC/SJW's to justify a censorship regime. Because the gig they have going right now - - world hegemony, is very profitable for them. And it would really suck for them if something like an unrestricted communication network came along and allowed people to think, speak, see, and do whatever they wanted. (and that's what the Internet originally was, and why they had to stop and control it.)

planetron ago

I agree that there are those who are gaining something from the PC/SJW actions. I'm sure there are those who are happy that PC/SJW are doing the work for them.

But I have this impression that PC/SJW also have a take on this as well. I believe that the existence of PC/SJW relies on inequality, division and non-critical thinking of people. They cannot live without those. That's why you can see how they try to instigate division, play victim and create this scenario that oppression is everywhere to scare everyone. I'm not saying that there are no violence nor in justice. In fact there is, but finding a solution for those problem means working together. And they don't want that. They want division, they want ignorance to prevail.

No logical discussion with these PC/SJW. They don't want solution to social injustice. They want social injustice to remain, so they will still stay relevant.

laancelot ago

I get SJW is for social justice warrior, but could you fix me on what PC is for?

planetron ago

Political correctness.

seicruga ago

Hi! It's me, your friendly neighborhood aardvark! As an aardvark I can't claim to know much about hosting. But I hear good things about something called OVH. Word around the bushland is that their service is good, their prices are good, and they're also the people who told the French government to go pound sand when pressured to close a wikileaks mirror. That marks them as good people as far as I'm concerned because pounding sand is how you unearth termites, and I thought I should let you know. OVH: hosting that meets an aardvark's needs, and maybe yours too.

concerned_usurper ago

Well, I just did end my relationship with HostEurope. Back to Hetzner I guess.

Do not, under any circumstances, host anything related to freedom of speech in fucking germany.

I can speak from experience.

pwal ago

Dude. Amazon EC2. Or Linode.


As soon as I get a new job, if Voat is still standing, I'm gonna donate to the site on a regular basis.

Fucking SJWs aren't satisified enough with kicking people from their hugboxes, they feel the need to destroy whatever places that contain what and whom they don't like. Makes me wanna punch their faces until they become a blood pudding.

lastthursdayism ago

personally I disagree with much of what was said in some of the banned subs. I think some of the positions are stupid. I'm not here because I hate fat people or even the SWJs, to me they're just like the Christian/Islamic/Jewish/whicheverreligious fundamentalists, but they, and you and I have the right to be stupid and to air and discuss our views.

I'm fairly sure you'd think I was an idiot for some of my opinions just as I would you. So fucking what... That's what being human is.

That's why I'm here

lastthursdayism ago

personally I disagree with much of what was said in some of the banned subs. I think some of the positions are stupid. I'm not here because I hate fat people or even the SWJs, to me they're just like the Christian/Islamic/Jewish/whicheverreligious fundamentalists, but they, and you and I have the right to be stupid and to air and discuss our views.

I'm fairly sure you'd think I was an idiot for some of my opinions just as I would you. So fucking what... That's what being human is.

That's why I'm here

thebtg ago


Did you realize Germany doesn't have pro-Freedom of Speech policy and is well known for this kind of censorship for a long time, and ISPs have a responsibility to enforce German law themselves?

".... but 1984... but Pao.... "

lastthursdayism ago

personally I disagree with much of what was said in some of the banned subs. I think some of the positions are stupid. I'm not here because I hate fat people or even the SWJs, to me they're just like the Christian/Islamic/Jewish/whicheverreligious fundamentalists, but they, and you and I have the right to be stupid and to air and discuss our views.

I'm fairly sure you'd think I was an idiot for some of my opinions just as I would you. So fucking what... That's what being human is.

That's why I'm here

sozcaps ago

I will readily agree with many here that the outrage is justified, and it's about time that is tanking. But I also see people addressing Reddit users instead of Reddit employees as part of the problem. As in Us versus Them, as in antagonizing people who have very little power over the website they frequent.

I'd like to point that Reddit's management is the reason Reddit has become shit. The users, the redditors are just people. Demonizing people who just haven't yet left the sinking ship doesn't seem fair. I see a good deal of Voaters saying that they still use their old Reddit accout, at least to some extent.

TL;DR If we are quick to antagonize Reddit users instead of employees, we risk being social justice warriors ourselves. And that leads to the Dark Side

rahkobear ago


rahkobear ago


sketchyadvice77 ago

Everytime someone brings up Orwell I bring up Aldous. When people fear we are becoming like 1984, I always say no, the U.S. is getting something much more frightening. We're getting the Huxley treatment.

hobodude34 ago

What the hell? That's fucked up. They don't deserve your business.

Tlacoache ago

Free speech does not buckle under the pressure of "safe zones" or political correctness. This fight will never be over but we will prevail.

zquad ago

What the fuck is going on in this world? Those right wing lunatics might be right. If you hold an opinion that is not aligned with the anyone then they shut you down? So if Aristotle came out and said that the world was not flat but round, people would try to shut him up? This whole notion that you got your stuff taken away because someone doesn't like your opinion is scary.

Gothicjaysus ago

This is funny, I feel like voat is just going to get bigger, wouldn't that mean more money for keeping voat?

tumblrphobia ago

Isn't that a breach of contract? Can you sue them? They can't prove you were hosting anything illegal.

taco ago

Suing takes a lot of resources and time. I figure atko would rather put his effort towards keeping the site up and improving it. I wish it were easy tho. Bc then we would sue their asses for sure.

BlackBetty ago

My best friend is one of his descendants.

Kuleaid ago

Dude, get advertisers. You need capital to deal with shit like this. I would happily turn off Adblock for this site.

totes_magotes ago

You know, it's probably just better to find you a bulletproof server and be done with it.

Estonia ago

Well, I give up. I'm not a FPH person or racist, but I just support free speech. I'm a minority now. There's no world left for me.

pulse ago

This is where we hold them. ... This is where we fight! ... And this is where THEY DIE!

aidotato5 ago

Your donations are what keeps us afloat. Our paypal account has been un-suspended, so you can still donate to [email protected], or via bitcoin to wallet address 1C4Q1RvUb3bzk4aaLVgGccnSnaHYFdESzY.

I smell a ruse and it's not voat.

flopper ago

Yo, maybe check out They have a very strong free speech stance and do a lot to protect clients.

I've enjoyed their services for years, their prices can't be beat.

Mamitroid3 ago

What continues to shock me is the lenghts some folks will go and the fevor with which they desire to block free speech. Over history, when has limiting free speech ever ended well for anyone?


Voat has a good thing going here. Keep it up.

Raymond ago

I used to work for an isp under hosteurope. It's highly unlikely that care about censorship. Most of their staff probably use reddit and voat. You are simply a troublesome customer for them. If there was more money it would be different.. But they want customers who spend money and never bother them with anything. That's the way it is in the business world.

Absolem ago

You're using our servers to provide a service on the internet, but we don't like you, we think you're meanie heads, so we don't want your money.

K, bye bitch. I love that this was someone's secret attempt to take down voat and it just utterly failed.

Hater's gonna hate.

Mamitroid3 ago

Success! The only reason to attack is if they sense a threat. Voat has officially reached the next level if they are worried.

donjon87 ago

Hmm weird that you have no problem putting your old provider on blast but won't mention your new provider is none other than Microsoft in the U.S.?? Seems like something you would mention if you were really interested in privacy.

FuckFatReddit ago

I don't know what your route is like but if you're driving through Innsbruck(Austria) on your way, send me a pm if you want a break and something to eat or a couch to crash on

ReverieandEnvisage ago

Okay, I'm officially done with Reddit.

donjon87 ago

What does this have to do with reddit?

ReverieandEnvisage ago

Conspiratory tinfoil cap on.

By blocking their site, their paypal accounts, it seems like they are targeting the individuals themselves that have created the Voat community and website. I could say, anyone could really, that Reddit and it's management might have a hand in this.

Tinfoil cap off. Perhaps it's just the controversial nature of some of the subreddits that might have to do with the actions. But it's still suspect, and I'm honestly done with Reddit either way.

Homestargunner ago

If you have a dogecoin account then I'll happily donate.

farmer- ago

seriously though. I'm no techie, but I'm learning. I will do my part if the time comes to help fight for this place. Just say the word, Atko

JoCoLa ago

Still up and active, MyBodyIs ;)

mybosyis ago

So it is! :P

JoCoLa ago

Ha,well played!

Nice typo on the screen name, btw.

fitlord ago

Really sorry about that.

Keep fighting the good fight. You have our support.

JTCols ago

Maybe Chairman Pao had her husbands hedge fund buy them up. Oh wait......

Idunsums ago

Yes making it configure itself automatically just by having servers thrown at it is quite another thing,that would require quite some innovative coding.

Patranus ago

The pathetic thing is that someone actually took the time to bitch and moan to the ISP instead of, IDK, not visiting the website.


The biggest hurdle to bitcoin adoption is that wallet.dat file. Bitcoin expects you to take charge of your own digital security and use it in a secure manner - and most people are not ready for this, in fact they may never be ready for it as it's not trivial to a non-technical person. We need better 'wallet' technology to make it easier for the average joe to manage his coins.

Whoever can come up with a secure, easy to use means to use/have Bitcoin for the layman, s/he will make a boatload of money. This is why I haven't tried my hand at Bitcoin - So much information and somehow not clear enough how to manage a wallet / acquire currency / et al.

indiglo_girls ago

Yep, in our current culture, the loudest, squeakiest wheels are given inordinate power/say-so over things they decry. Apparently, this is where "minority as victim" leads us all.


The biggest hurdle to bitcoin adoption is that wallet.dat file. Bitcoin expects you to take charge of your own digital security and use it in a secure manner - and most people are not ready for this, in fact they may never be ready for it as it's not trivial to a non-technical person. We need better 'wallet' technology to make it easier for the average joe to manage his coins.

Whoever can come up with a secure, easy to use means to use/have Bitcoin for the layman, s/he will make a boatload of money. This is why I haven't tried my hand at Bitcoin - So much information and somehow not clear enough how to manage a wallet / acquire currency / et al.


The biggest hurdle to bitcoin adoption is that wallet.dat file. Bitcoin expects you to take charge of your own digital security and use it in a secure manner - and most people are not ready for this, in fact they may never be ready for it as it's not trivial to a non-technical person. We need better 'wallet' technology to make it easier for the average joe to manage his coins.

Whoever can come up with a secure, easy to use means to use/have Bitcoin for the layman, s/he will make a boatload of money. This is why I haven't tried my hand at Bitcoin - So much information and somehow not clear enough how to manage a wallet / acquire currency / et al.

Bonerot ago

Wow... that's... exactly what's going on. I'm going to have to read that one.

novum_vipera ago

That is seriously disturbing.

luckynumberevan ago

Huzzah for proving us right

this_somuchthis ago

they're just the loudest and seemingly have the media on their side (outrage = clicks). if enough people stand up to them, ignore them, they resort to dirty tactics. utterly predictable and shameful people, not to mention giant narcissists. fascists in disguise, they can fuck off.

Bonerot ago

What do you mean it can't work here?

express-o ago

Ok, fuck this shit.

You are completely right about the final solution. We need a decentralized system that cannot be taken down or fucked with in any way. It is hard to code but it is not impossible. I can do it and with other people's help, we can get it done faster and probably better.

Essentially, we need to store the content on in a distributed fashion, using a combination of public servers (linode, AWS, whatever) and personal computers (yours and mine). All content can be encrypted to protect against tampering (nobody knows which pieces are stored where). Using cryptographic techniques we can protect the content and verify it's authenticity (think MD5 hashes).

There will be complications and synchronization issues, but this is a solvable problem. If a serious group forms, I will be willing to dedicate my time to help make this happen.

binky ago

You just described Freenet.

moister ago

If freenet's insertion speeds weren't abysmal, bittorrent would never have taken off, everyone would be using freenet instead. I blame frost for this.

moister ago

We need a decentralized system that cannot be taken down or fucked with in any way

this already exists, it's called nntpchan (also often referred to as overchan), it's been hidden inside onionland/i2p for over 3 years and it works welll. It uses a trusted nntp backone to sync posts, the system was designed to be invulnerable against global power grabs by power hungery moderators with an ego and is decentralized so that the forum never dies, and trust me, it doesn't die, they've tried killing it and that didn't work.

lovedumplingx ago

This me being ignorant on the DNS centralization is it centralized now?

Nationalist ago

These guys basically control the DNS system as far as I know.

Zaeb ago

So if someone were to murder those people, the problem would be solved yes? Moral high ground aside, killing a lot of the people who ruin/corrupt any and everything would lead to a better way of life.

You'd say it's wrong but if enough started doing it, then people would knock their shit off for fear of death. Corrupt politician? Not anymore. Company screwing people over for their shareholders? Think again.

The problem with people is that as soon as you come up with a solution, they want to act as if there is another way to fixing things. Like protesting. Did the OWS Protests change anything? Oh that's right they did, they landed thousands of people in jail who now have a record.

Before simply dismissing the idea it should be given serious thought.

Broc_Lia ago

Killing the people who run ICANN wouldn't make the internet decentralised. It probably wouldn't even affect the internet.

Zaeb ago

Would stop the progress of their effect on the internet.

Broc_Lia ago

They'd be replaced by people with the same vision. Centralisation is an integral part of the internet and has been since the beginning.

Zaeb ago

Not if their predecessors were murdered and the public knew why. If you worked in the police force and the sheriff was corrupt then all of a sudden he was killed and the public was told why he was killed you can bet your ass the next motherfucker wouldn't be corrupt, or would be atleast less corrupt.

Broc_Lia ago

So you're suggesting that people would completely redesign the internet from the ground up because some guys who worked at ICAN were killed? More likely they'd become entrenched and support the previous position all the more fervently, because otherwise the terrorists will have won etc.

Zaeb ago

Found the moron who doesn't know how the real world works.

Zaeb ago

Found the moron of the internet who doesn't realize how the real world works.

lovedumplingx ago

Hmmm right but I thought that the actual implementation was local and you could set up your own DNS server if you wanted to etc.

neuroelectronic ago

I really admire your decision to use cloud hosting and PayPal for your infrastructure, so much trust in you now.

Gioezc ago

This is so crazy. Voat has just been getting hit hard. I can only hope that this site grows stronger and becomes more of what it already is.

SwimmingInAFishbowl ago

Yes. Education is dominated by appeasing the loudest potential hysterical voice.

Cid ago

"If you don't like reddit go somewhere else!"

"...wait you cant jus't ACTUALLY do that!"

andriusdaulys ago

The 'final solution' to this mess is a decentralized, distributed Voat that doesn't actually live on any one server - but this is fucking hard to code, no one has ever done it before,

Im not an expert but curious - what about diaspora project? Aren't they servers decentralized ?

icenine ago

All I got from this is I can donate money to the paypal addess now.

So I did.

Sauce-Boy ago

Woah hey, your papal was suspended? when did this happen?

AngryArmour ago

Holy shit, they really are trying everything to shut this down. Good thing you managed to save the data, but is your next host outside of Germany?

ilovepussy ago

What a bunch of fucktards. Another good reason for regular backups and DR plans.

Lunam ago

it sickens me that some people go out of there way to try to stop competition.

Mog_Spawn ago

Keep up all your good work!

Spaceape ago

we are living in a weird world

When the going gets weird the weird turn pro.

Kudos to you and all your efforts and as someone once said to a British politician "don't let the bastards bring you down"

The term politically incorrect is the most weasel y worded phrase of the modern age.

GizaDog ago

Reddit got mad that everyone is coming over here.

satans_anus ago

This is heartbreaking, and infuriating.

40ozToFreedom ago

Wow this is absolutely unacceptable!

Fools_gambit ago

Thanks for that I love Dylan Thomas.

Pinyaka ago

if your money is in a bank, it can be seized, so you're losing all of your protection by doing so

Frankly I'm significantly less concerned about money being seized from a bank than hacked or otherwise lost at an unregulated and potentially insecure bitcoin depository. I am nearly 40 and the only people I know who've ever had money seized at a bank were people who were under investigation by the IRS. On the other hand, I do know a handful of people who lost money with Mt. Gox. My perception is that the chances of the IRS making a mistake with your accounts is much smaller than the chances that your btc depository is going to have something go wrong.

ETA: If you actually are cheating on your taxes or engaged in other criminal enterprises you should seriously make some provisions to liquidate enough of your profits to tide you over while legal proceedings/legging it are required. Failing to plan is planning to fail.

ranger267 ago

What is The Silk Road ive been hearing about it but I don't know anything about it?

NTRedmage ago

In lamens terms "Shouting at the problem until it goes away" except you know, also stabbing, breaking in, plagarizing, discrediting and even death threats.

This oddly looks like the CIA and FBI's tactics to get things done.

SpawnPointGuard ago

The "politically correct" crowd is horrifying. It's becoming more and more like a religion every day. This is going to get worse before it gets better as well. I'm very sorry that you were caught in the middle of this.

tubbytoad ago

This is my favorite poem. The structure and message are just so well done.

DessertFox ago

It is outstanding, isn't it? The line sticks with you like a song that you can't get out of your head, but its beautiful and sorrowful.

I'd say it's one of the most beautiful sentences ever written in English. The line "A rose-red city, half as old as time" also sticks with me, and I can never figure out why.

PrivateJoker ago

I can't imagine anyone would be pussy hurt enough by the internet to go to these lengths.....unless they had a financial stake in the outcome

capSAR ago

You guys should never pick a host in Germany due to their laws regarding content, I'd find a new one to be honest :/

Indiana_Jones ago

I'm sending 5 Euros to [email protected] right now. (Bringing my donations to a total of 15 Euros - Want my badge goddamnit :D)

nagoshi ago

Is there anything Voat can do about this other then be glad the data was in the cloud?

llagerlof ago

Cyber warfare, powered by political influence.

xXx_yolo-swagbl4ze_x ago

Free speech = politically incorrect

I hope there's a better way to pay for servers since paypal is a bitch and most people don't know how to use bitcoin, but I'm sure we're not going down just because some assholes got butthurt and shut down our servers.

Super-Script ago


abear ago

WTF does that even mean anymore? Is this how mass censorship is going to take over the internet? Under the pathetic banner of SJWs?

Craptain ago

Amazing how spineless the person in charge of hosteurope turned out to be. Keep up the good work. You are making correct decisions.

kb100 ago

Host at least some of your own servers. Also please stop blocking Tor users from registering and logging in. The google "I'm not a robot" box does not work when using the Tor browser. Find an alternative that does not use javascript. I would also recommend hosting a copy of voat as an onionsite (formely "hidden service website") and making the non-javascript register/login the default on the onionsite.

huzzakawah ago

Voat should team up with thepiratebay guys somehow.

PaperLuigi3 ago

I'm going to soon move over my year's worth of QoinPro to your account. We've got your back, Atko. You keep doing what you're doing, and we'll do what we do to make sure this works out.

By the way Atko, have you considered doing a Teespring? I posted about this on the Voat subreddit, but I'm curious if you would be open to that.

HP48GX ago

"hurt feelings" huh. Well, even so, fph still didn't hurt anyone. "Hurt feelings" means they know they are at fault and they try to deflect it. I really hate fat people. More than smokers, idiots, theists... and dog lovers.

Idunsums ago

One small correction decentralised is not hard to to code it is merely replication of dbs across platforms. Set up a few domain names in advance and make sure your load balancers can safely fail over it is how all international websites should be run.

samwisekoi ago

Iceland is a good option for servers, not so much for cloud services. is a pretty good hosting company. ISNIC is a damn stubborn registry. The laws are appropriate.

Scale is an issue, and all traffic flows through the UK.

Source: I migrated hosted servers from other providers to Iceland for privacy reasons.

Lordperiwinkle ago

Well if there were any better way to prove a legitimate open forum I don't know what it would be.

BoiseNTheHood ago

> "Stop being such entitled manbabies and just go to your own site already if you want your freeze peach, shitlords!"

> DDOS attacks, reporting Voat to its host for "political incorrectness"

Bottom line, SJWs: if your ideas were logically sound, you wouldn't have to try to shut down every alternative and force everyone to only read your censored, curated content.

Miasma ago

Chairman Pao sends her regards

"And who, are you.."

torontonian ago

I encourage everyone to contact HostEurope to let them know your thoughts on this, customer or not.

[email protected]

ILdude ago

That should be fairly easy since SJW's panties tend to be the size of circus tents.

junkieradio ago

Although that may be the case they're still generally packed to bursting from the get go.

gtfo ago

Do you think bitmessage could work as a reddit/voat clone? Infact, i'd be willing to do some coding work to get that! it's the dream

kendamagendale ago

Yeah. This is what the reddit replacement is ultimately going to look like.

Look into software like AlexandriaP2P

HP48GX ago

They reported you. Someone reported you. Not sure from where. For shits and giggles, try contacting the hoster and asking what did the report say, ask them to substantiate their claims about you.

ILdude ago

Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.

Harry_Areola ago

Nah, man. She used to live a couple doors down from me. She was cool.

Contradictory ago

Eurasia, We've always been at war with Eurasia.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

We have always been at war with Oceania.

gatordontplaythatsht ago

@atko Please don't be disheartened and please hold fast to your stances on censor ship and free speech. We will support you and this site like we have, and there are plenty of servers out there that will accept your money and business. This is just a small part of the problem of the sjw pc culture, they are doing all they can to try and shut us down and smear us and it will not work. Fear not brother, we're all in this for the long haul.

Lara ago

HP48GX ago

physically anyways.

quit your bullshit, fph didn't hurt anyone, physically or otherwise.

ShitlordMcThrowaway ago

That's just not the case. While I support FPH politically and had been a participant at reddit, I found out the day before bannination occurred that at least a subset of FPH people did in fact brigade, bully, and threaten people openly and privately.

The threats of doxxing caused someone whose trustworthiness I personally guarantee to delete an account and with it, all the helpful information it had provided to many people in order to protect everyone's privacy. So step right the fuck back down.

Before you say it, the threats came after Person refused to rise to taunts of "You must be a fattie", clearly the only possible reason anyone could ever disagree with a group of ham-haters.

rahkobear ago


Taka ago

A reminder that Reddit has been manipulated by shills working for the US government for several years now. Your enemy is the US government, and they'll do anything in their power to keep the public corralled into the place where THEY want them to be. Don't give up, and keep fighting the good fight against tyranny.

ishkabibbles ago

God forbid we hurt anyone's fee fee's

ishkabibbles ago

God forbid we hurt anyone's fee fee's

laancelot ago

I also would like to know. Just "SJW" doesn't really satisfy me as an answer. It's like having a ready-made strawman while there's no central SJW organisation calling the shots. As far as I know.

nokilli ago

It's not SJWs, they're not nearly that organized.

I would just point everyone to the very first example of censorship on reddit. /r/worldnews created a rule stating that submissions about Israel were against the rules. This is censorship by prior restraint and on a default subreddit.

You either believe that Jews control the media or you don't. If you do, or even if you believe that's only partly true, you have the most obvious candidate for this kind of censorship. You just won't say it because you've been conditioned all of these years to never ever be critical towards Jews.

The only people who would try to engage in this kind of censorship are people who are trying to control the conversation.

It's not anti-Semitic to point this out; it's called speaking truth to power. And there's a whole ton of shit going on in the world that's about to blow up in our faces unless more of you can find your voice and call bullshit.

big_fat_dangus ago

Cultural marxists. There is no central organization because there doesn't need to be. Cucks are highly predictable, both amongst themselves and do us.

laancelot ago

Well, let's compare to other similar acts. The 4chan "community" did many DDOS attacks over the years. It took them basic organization skills to coordinate themselves and get enough people so it made a real attack. Also, the same day it happened, there were already people knowing what was going on, and speaking about it. Here it seems like everybody know who did the attacks, but at the same time they cannot point out who it was.

ImplyingImplications ago

Because there isn't, the users of this site just use it as a response to everyone they disagree with in the same way they complain that SJW's shout racists or sexists to shut down discussion.

Its basically become the giant bogyman that will be thrown about for anything.

"People downvoting my comments? SJWS"

"My brutally honest comment about black people got deleted? SJWs"

"r/funny took a picture down? SJW's"

I've seen it as a response for literally everything. SJW's, or paid shills.

laancelot ago

Yup. Reeks of strawmanship. But it doesn't mean that there's no problem with SJW mentality in a specific community. I'd really like to know if it's a real thing or not.

ImplyingImplications ago

Its weird though, literally every person who'd be classified as a sjw is pretty glad people they disagree with are going to voat.

There's no real logical reason to DDoS the site other than for cheap laughs.

Also depends on the community, if a mod is a skeleton they're likely to be fairly open about it. But tbh people on this site are making them out to be far more evil than reasonable. Most people this community calls sjw's (Which is a pretty fucking broad term, considering some people think 4chan is filled with sjw's) are generally fairly decent people. Both sides have their crazy nutters >.<

laancelot ago

I like to speak with you.

As I was saying elsewhere, for a public DDoS attack to be organized, there is a need of... well, organization. Which implies that there would be a place, somewhere, where users would discuss the how-to of it. This is the kind of stuff that cannot be hidden for a long time. Hell, it took about one day before the guy who emailed voat's host about whatnot and probably caused the contract's resignation to open his stupid mouth and brag about it.

What I mean is that, for any conspiration to exist, there is a need for conspirators, and that they are difficult to hide on the internet. DDoS for cheap laughs would leave some trail, some hints, some people who were there but weren't happy about the idea and spoke about it elsewhere, even warmed that it would happen in some case. 4chan did many DDoS, with success in some case, but it was never a secret. Everybody knew after less than 24 hours. Now it's been days since the attack on voat began. I think this is serious. And nobody fucking know anything about who is the attacker.

Which, I think, just rule out the public DDoSing attack.

Wanna speak about the game theory of the whole thing? It's an interesting though process. People are upset with reddit new line-of-though. They have either to adapt, change reddit back to what they like, or leave. The alternatives are lame, so somebody create a new reddit-like platform, voat, that is a new haven for those who dislike reddit's policies. Reddit changer further, making more people dissatisfied with it. Either they adapt, complain or leave. But now they have a place where they can leave.

Dissidents leaving is obviously the best outcome for SJW. It makes reddit their home ground, with less people challenging them as they have flown elsewhere. So why the DDoS on voat? It makes little sense to force voat to close doors and it's userbase come back and challenge reddit's powerusers further.

Usually, the money dictates the rules of the game. So where is the money? For reddit, it seems like there's ad revenue on the scale, and that this revenues is increasingly important for the administration of the site. So they want the bigger userbase possible. On the other hand, maybe somebody wants dissidents to come back to reddit because this person (or group) wants these dissidents to have an influence on reddit.

And about the DDoS... if it's not a public attack, which kind of attack is it? Paid hacker-controlled bot-net? Diverted traffic from a front page? Who the hell has the power and the interest for this top happen?

ImplyingImplications ago

Well honestly a DDoS doesn't require too much skill or effort. Especially since the website at the time was really unstable.

Some people get a great deal of satisfaction about knocking down sites, especially if they might become popular (Can you imagine knocking down facebook before it got popular. Massive bragging rights). Although to be fair, having been DDoSed as well they're generally loud about it, but maybe its more fun shaking the hive and watching the community go ape shit and attack everybody they think is responsible.

Its entirely possible its SJW's (or reddit or any other kind of person.I'm sure we could make some conspiracy about how its actually voat users if we dug about a bit >.<) . I just don't like how half the thread is auto blaming them for literally everything.

laancelot ago

I concur, blaming the easy target without knowing if they are implicated or not is far from being constructive. Even more when the easy target is a rather loose way to say "this really broad specter of people".

OrionBlastar ago

They get together in social kliks and get on IRC and other chat places to coordinate downvoting of certain individuals. A lot of that stuff is not done in public. They meet at coffee houses that have free Wifi with Macbooks to do a bombing campaigns of anyone not politically correct. They search Twitter for comments someone makes and find their Github account to get them removed from projects. You'll find a lot of them on Tumblr and they are female or transgender and very overweight like Poa CEO of Reddit. Obviously this was an attack on Voat for people leaving Reddit to post their own opinions.

laancelot ago

Thanks for your reply. I admit I'm not satisfied it, though, but I'm skeptical in general, so don't take it on a personal level. Also, it seems like a lot of people are getting emotional, maybe because they feel betrayed or others because they feel like they are on the right side of a crusade not going their way.

The whole censorship issue worries me a lot, and the sideline where a platform like reddit is sold to the highest bidder though this censorship (and the ad revenue it is supposed to enable) worries me even more. That's why I'm here, in fact, not that I witnessed reddit actually go to shit (even if I'm seeing enough people ringing alarm bells while showing proofs to worry about it seriously) but I want to see one or more alternatives so nobody owns the power to silent others as they whims. I wish.

This said, I'm not aware of any money trail explicitly linking SJWs and the shit creek reddit seems to steer toward. Money their clique represent, yes, I can see, but what's the money behind the attacks, the lost of voat's host servers, etc. I'd like to know - not to make the usual easy guess.

OrionBlastar ago

Political Correctness was invented to censor anyone who doesn't express a liberal opinion on something. It is part of a growing liberal social agenda that social justice warriors are trying to carry out all over the Internet. At one time the tech industry didn't have politics, it was neutral, but now it is liberal biased. More and more hosting companies and startups have a liberal point of view and punish those who don't. You can see that Brandon Eich was forced to resign from Mozilla because he donated to the wrong charity. Social Justice Warriors lead a big boycott of Mozilla and Firefox, most of them not knowing what Firefox did and use Internet Explorer anyway.


"Political Correctness" was a derisive term invented by disgraced FELON, Dinesh D'souza. Dude was butthurt over not being allowed to spew his hate speech on national television, so he invented this term, and it spread like wildfire among the other butthurt conservative press of the time like Rush Limbaugh, and etc. (this is really the modern usage). It's never been a serious term. It's always had sarcastic roots.

It's an attempt to project a fascistic or institutionalized censorship intent onto Liberals or Progressives, where, in most cases, no such intent actually exists. Most Liberals and Progressives are FINE with allowing all sides and views to be expressed in an argument (but will often express dissatisfaction when one side has been presented; and then continues to dominate the argument through bullying tactics - for example - everything we've seen from FoxNews or ClearChannel for the past 20 years). Losing arguments MUST be heard, so they can be deconstructed, fairly disputed, and dismissed. That process does not include censorship: which most true Liberals and Progressives should abhor.

Unfortunately - there is a large subset of people who think that losing propositions (like Racism, etc) - since they have been openly and fairly discredited, should be institutionally silenced. I think the impulse here is because some people just won't shut the fuck up (ie. TROLLS), even when they've been proven wrong. They're monkeys who like to continue flinging their shit. Child Porn is another topic that keeps popping up, even though most people agree that it's wrong.

Real supporters of Social Justice should understand that we don't censor ideas just because they make people uncomfortable. Censorship is only merited when an idea causes real harm. Harm that can't be mitigated by things like maturity, or patience. (example: Child Porn). Real supporters of Social Justice should understand that censorship is a last resort, and should only be taken when the alternative (permissiveness) is going to do more harm than the censorship. I think that topics like racism, sexual assault, and obesity-shaming, should not be censored. I disagree with these ideas. But people should be free to discuss them. This isn't even where Reddit went off the rails. Reddit went of the rails when they began to censor news stories that had political content. When Reddit became an organ of The State, and started censoring discussions on things like Ukrainian neo nazis, (among many others) is when Reddit went bad. This has nothing at all to do with Political Correctness and rightwing asshats like D'souza. It has everything to do with our corporate-government oligarchy, attempting to suppress actual free speech and open debate on the internet.

laancelot ago

This is a very interesting comment, and thanks you for it. Except for the "no real scotsman" part, which came as a surprise since you articulate your though very well and in an understandable way. But I get it anyway. The last paragraph of your comment was the most interesting. The idea that censorship is inherently a bad thing, but a sometimes a lesser evil, makes sense.

Also, reddit going to shit when they institutionalized itself as a politically oriented entity.

You might be underestimating political correctness, though. I get that it's a tool that can be used by people fond of losing arguments so they can bully their bullshit on the public scene, but it's not the only way it influence society. Where I live, politically correctness is an unavoidable problem. Every minority - or more specifically every minority with enough power, which is worse - has a protective wall of political correctness which prevent them from being depicted as anything but good people. It has the consequences of the majority being the butt of every, every joke ever, or else you're something like a nazi. And it has the consequence that actions made by people part of these minorities being misrepresented, for an example the Hasidim community has an insane power over parts of Montreal and can do stuff that would be unacceptable by any other standard. But I digress. What I mean is that political correctness shouldn't exist. Everybody should be held to the same rules, and nothing should be sacred to buffoons and humorists.

jhgvvjh ago

1: '"Political Correctness" was a derisive term invented by disgraced FELON, Dinesh D'souza.' Here you attempt to attack the character of the term rather than its validity. All you want to do is say that since the term was coined by and perpetuated by conservatives, it is patently false and can never be taken seriously. Thus, you casually attempt to censor those who use it by labeling it as wrongthink.

2: no such intent actually exists. Most Liberals and Progressives are FINE with allowing all sides and views to be expressed in an argument

And yet all your politicians and all your media centers and even you yourself have, consciously or otherwise, endlessly endeavored to label all views that do not follow your own as wrongthink and that anyone who does not send out the same signals as you are bad.

3: censorship: which most true Liberals and Progressives should abhor.

Another area where you have gotten confused is here. Real Liberalism and Progressivism are mutually exclusive. Actual Liberals are the right-wing conservatives because they are concerned with limiting the governmental power to intervene in the lives of its citizens. Actual Progressives are the left-wing, who are concerned with increasing intervention and power to force society to 'progress' through their specific path. Progressives, by definition, wish to censor other ideals because 'progress' is easier when only their opinion exists.

4: losing propositions

To translate the implications in that statement so that you yourself can understand what you said: I don't want to censor, but ideas that could only start to lose once we changed the rules so that the opposition could not think anything that could support those ideas should be constantly shamed and put on display in warning to any others who may harbor similar sentiments for losing to an academically dishonest opposition who constantly change the rules of the debate whenever they are disadvantaged. You also threw anything that could fit in this category into the same umbrella as racism, leaving your only argument to be signalling that opposing viewpoints are evil, once again censoring the opposition.

5: real supporters

Translation: Anyone who shares my sentiments. All others should be written off, even if they are the ones following the tenets of my ideology.

6: real harm

All ideas cause harm. Censoring ideas that cause harm would result in having to censor all ideas. Then yourself, since you caused so much harm.

7: Everything else

Translation: Reddit was wrong, but not really, when they censored what I want gone, but when they censored what I want present, then they became tools for an imperceptible and invisible state that causes everything wrong in the world to controls us, but not before, obviously. Also right-wingers are always wrong.

laancelot ago

Aren't you a little hard on this comment? Don't take this the wrong way, a lot of what you said made perfect sense. But some parts of your comment reeked of projection, and in a bad way. For an example, point 5 was exactly on target, but points 6 and 7 took into account implications that ESSENCE didn't voice, or voice differently. About point 6, ESSENCE spoke of censorship as something bad, always bad, but sometimes the lesser evil, and not as something that should be applied everything harm is done. Only when the harm done is worse than the harm done by the censorship - or, if you prefer, as a last resort, and only in some cases.

Well, you get the general idea: implications are sometimes projections. You might have been a little bit hard on ESSENCE here.

OrionBlastar ago

I live in Ferguson Missouri, Social Justice lead to the riots and looting of my city. The shooting of AK-47s to keep fire trucks away while buildings burned to the ground. We had months of violence like that and protests that were not peaceful but violent. Saint Louis still has not recovered as someone stuck logs in a sewer line so sewage leaked into the rivers. How is any of that social justice for the death of Mike Brown?

zoechan ago

I think it was because they reached their limit on donations. They will still get the money, but last I checked it would be in December. Hopefully the account being unsuspended has changed that, though I'm not sure. I donated anyway though.

temu ago

Here is a link to the final Q&A for anyone else that may be interested. I may listen to a lot of this while at work today.

Tor1 ago

This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is provided in English for your convenience.

General Terms and Conditions of Business of Host Europe

Please note that in case of a dispute or discrepancy between the German SLA and the English translation, the German version shall prevail.

skippy_the_kangaroo ago

This is a Win. Glass half full. Voat users have your back and some pocket money to fund a new hosting site.

pogiface ago

wow fuck what a bunch of wankers

Syndicake ago

Encourage owner of site to seek legal advice about article 11 of the European convention on human rights. If this was indeed closed down for political reasons rather than violation of terms of service or illegal activity. If it is illegal activity you should respect the laws of the country it is hosted in.

token ago

I think it goes much deeper than Pao and down to the investors who put her into power at reddit. I dont have the article so I may have misinterpreted it but I believe one of the main investors had issues with klein( who Pao was suing) and as a jab to make their case harder he appointed Pao as CEO - this both makes her seem legit and gave her power but it also helped him by making it harder for klein say she wasnt legit. Again I am not attorney as I may have way misunderstood the dealings going on. My point is Pao may just be a pawn in a power game that goes much deeper than whats being reported.

imadethisup ago

just got banned from my fav sub reddit. now voats gone.

Picalo ago

Why not just aws this shit? Use ec2 buy cpanel or whatever you need, run whatever is is your kick...centos, Ubuntu, Windows...all would do the job. I doubt amazon is scurred.

Walt_Kowalski ago

Don't forget this cunt liberals before the next election, both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have pledged in public, with 48 Democratic Party senators to kill the first amendment. Or keep pretending shit is alright and talk shit about the republicans and conservatives who do not attack our rights. If you let the cunts win then America will be just like Europe and you can kiss freedom of speech goodbye in the name of PC.

Skeletor ago

I'm just gonna leave this here for us and others

“Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn't exist in any declaration I have ever read.

If you are offended it is your problem, and frankly lots of things offend lots of people.

I can walk into a bookshop and point out a number of books that I find very unattractive in what they say. But it doesn't occur to me to burn the bookshop down. If you don't like a book, read another book. If you start reading a book and you decide you don't like it, nobody is telling you to finish it.

To read a 600-page novel and then say that it has deeply offended you: well, you have done a lot of work to be offended.”

― Salman Rushdie

taiwan ago

This is why proxy your site and protect the actual content servers as best you can. I play this cat and mouse game constantly as an internet marketer.

LibertyBeta ago

A strange world indeed. This is cyberpunk, "Little Brother" levels of crazy.

zoechan ago

Do you stand on your dick?


Sextron ago

You don't have to pull your punches, Atko. The world isn't weird. It's fucked.

Cheapliquid ago

This whole thing has definitely piqued my interest in learning more to be able to contribute to the overall success of this place. There has to be more we can do as a community. Right?

dtrainusmc ago

What the fuck?

skippy_the_kangaroo ago

This is absolutely fucked. Sorry to hear that.

oyvindlh ago

Is this Reddit's doings?

ihunt ago

Sad. I hope we can fight the system and find a hosting provider that will protect our freedom of speech.

ayyy_lmao ago

Gotcha, never ever use because they're leftards

ev1lb1t ago

Report this to the press, particularly the conservative press, name and shame the hosting company and get it into headlines.

These "political correctness" people are hated by everyone who is not an extremist leftist, and get what they want by threatening the corporate image of various businesses.

If you make it more painful to their image to abide these PC police than to tell them to fuck off, they'll tell them to fuck off.

ArcherMcTaco ago

What the fuck is wrong with the world today?

webdev ago

Actually, many subs with extreme political views are illegal in many European countries. We don't have a culture of freedom of speech, unfortunately. Most people here agree that extreme views should be "prohibited". Especially for Germany that is the case. And, iirc, Hosteurope is a German company. So, no surprise they terminated the contract at the first sign of " illegal" opinions.

Hosting in the US or some other country with actual freedom of speech culture would probably be a better idea.

usul ago

To expound on your point, a common argument in the US for gay marriage to those who opposed it morally was that it wouldn't ultimately affect them in any way. Then comes the "well it affects you if you bake cakes, take pictures or cater for a living". The Frank Herbert quote : " when I am less powerful than you I ask for my freedom, because that is according to your principles. When I am more powerful than you I take away your freedom, because that is according to my principles"

Boltbeam ago

Come to think of it, how do SJWs answer the question "should bakers deny gay couples cakes if the baker doesn't support gay marriage?" Getting married is a choice, and "it's not censorship if the government doesn't do it"...

X_805 ago

They claim that if a business serves the public then they need to provide services to whomever walks in with the right amount of money.

I don't agree with it but that's what I've heard. I say their business, their rules.

Boltbeam ago

You call them homophobes in response?

X_805 ago

I wouldn't call them that even though a lot of people do.

I think it's kind of stupid to turn away a customer whose money is just as good as the next simply because they make lifestyle choices that are not directly harmful to other people, but I fully support the right of businesses to serve whomever they wish.

greatwhiteshark ago

Relevant username.

PratzStrike ago

(funny, thought I'd made an account over here some time back.) All I can say is 'holy shit'. I am glad you were able to migrate to a cloud-based system, but honestly I'm not sure how much safer that is. I know what you're taking on with this site is a massive task, but thank you. All of your users appreciate it.

DickBear ago

Astroturfed concern emails from a big jealous rival?

Exist2Resist ago

If seen this trend also, and it is alarming.

Shaven_Not_Furred ago

Now that we see that the other party is willing to go great lengths to take us down, it seems to me that we should instate something like a Warrant Canary to check whether Voat is still running as usual or has been cornered into positions that you cannot disclose this.

TheyKeepOnRising ago

Well the provider can refuse to host the site, but I don't think they can refuse the owner access to their intellectual property. So even if Voat keeps getting shutdown, he should be able to get a fresh copy of the site and just move it.

Exist2Resist ago

You should host with Azure, Amazon, and Google for redundancy's sake. Also I'm sure they are not so petty to take down servers because your point of view does not agree with theirs.

blip ago

I hope your girlfriend has backups of her research papers. :(


On the one hand, I wouldn't be surprised; on the other hand, you quoted a huge company that apparently had a grammatical error in an important place. I don't buy your shit.

tokinup ago

FFS - I'm really getting sick of this puritanical activism. Were any specific examples of the wrongthinks given - or was it just a nebulous concept of political incorrectness?

eldorann ago

They came for 4chan. I didn't protest as I wasn't a 4channer.

They came for Reddit. I stopped being a Redditor.

They came for Voat. I lost my shit and stocked up on C-4 and hookers.

Forget the C-4 and double the hookers.

TLDR; Vigilantism is the only means of social justice.

If you're reading violence into that statement, you're a psychopath. Any independent thinker is considered a vigilante by society so pull your head from the pile of sociopathic cocaine you're sniffing. /wink

Hbrewer46 ago

Keep fighting the good fight! I sent over a bitcoin donation and will do so when ever I can! Good work.

Calle30 ago

Well, because of this you got yourself one new registered user.

Bye bye reddit.

filsed ago

Just emailed Hoste Europe and expressed my rant about their PC BS. No wonder UK and Germany are one of the fattest countries in Europe...

the_foreigner ago

Maybe we should get the same host as 4Chan so we know they won't have a problem with our content.

According to this website ( 4Chan is hosted by

wickedplayer494 ago

What about Skrill as an alternative?

Angrydrunkbard ago

Find out if that was a breach of contract, very doubtful, take the company to small claims court just for what your girlfriend has on there. Eat tacos.

OrangeCommando ago

Please contact a lawyer. Possible claims breach of contract. I also believe there might be some violation some European Union Law.

The irony --- not long ago the European Union the world was outraged by killed of a cartoonist for " politically incorrect" expression of thought. I guess intolerance to the moral high ground only applies to Muslims , and not to " progressive stifling of hate" to those who believe their views are enlighten not to tolerate views they do not agree with. Intimidation fear and control of opposing views is not only done with a gun-- not making their acts less henious.

The tools of authoritarian control -- imposed by private companies. One and the same.

Double plus good. Edit: contact the media in your area or where the company is located. Let them know that this company engages in a thought police -- among other things.

Tl:dr: Europe - we only protect freedom of expressions against the Muslims.

sgtkeel ago

@atko thank you for what you're doing. Thousands of us have your back.

sleepfight_me ago

We don't know for sure it's who we think it is. What we do know is a lot of people stand to lose a lot of money if the SJWs sink that other site. The parent company has millions of dollars and lots of power to bully others into accepting their PC bullshit. Even if it's not them, the SJWs are a force on their own, well financed by powerful people. There's a ton of other scenarios as well. But the rapid rise of this site and the fact that someone wants to shut it down shows that we are still a big threat. Fight the good fight Atko. We're with you.

JohnGalt123 ago

Found the fatties

Ronpaulbacon ago

Human programming dictates that if an opinion has over 10% acceptance in a social ecosystem it must be considered. Voat is allowing uncontrolled thought free which is very dangerous to the powers that be.

Us military did this study a long time back. Perception of freedom plus controlled speech equals invisible control.

friso ago

You're continually uder attack, aren't you? Can't you just rent rackspace in a datacenter? Of course you dont have any support that way but your opponents have no hosting provider to complain to.

Biff-Top-Johnny ago


Carinyc ago

More like (go to 3:26 if it doesn't auto fast foward)

youme ago

Looking forward to the success of this site.. keep up the good fight !

belinck ago

So needless to say we're all going to remove from our vendor lists?

twelveinchtip ago

My impression is that lawsuits are less common in Europe, but couldn't you sue them for breach of contract? Especially if you can show financial losses?

I mean, is there anything in your contract with them about hosting politically incorrect content or the content needing to be arbitrarily acceptable to them?

RemoveTheTop ago

Holy shit people, cry more. It's not like Voat isn't back up and it's not like it was removed from the internet. They were just told to move.

If you don't like it vote with your wallets. It's a free market. It's not like it was blocked from all hosts.

pH_ ago

After reading through their service agreement, it's likely because anything they host is subject to German laws, and Germany has some strict laws around what you can and can't say- they decided the risk isn't worth the benefit and canceled you.

Tastybusy ago

To be honest I wouldn't be too happy about hosting subverses such as /v/jailbait either... There should have been much more communication on there side though.

razuliserm ago

Man this is really a bummer. I hope everything turns out alright.

on another note: I hope you travel well and enjoy your life here!

anotherRefugee ago

Wow, terrifying how much time people have available to ruin other people's hard work. SJW or maybe more organized (Advance Publications or Conde Nast)?

0x5f3759df ago

Two things you could do:

1) Look into how the piratebay manages their server. They've mastered the art of moving their servers at a moments notice.

2) Look into your legal options. You're not in the USA, so you might be protected by some consumer protection laws.

j_ ago

You need a +1 for your date? I've always wanted a threesome.

alexisgib ago

Let's make another YLYL thread, haven't had one of those in a while.

ImReallyHighBut ago

I can't take seriously the mind that harbors such a term as "sjw"

Free yourself.

shadowcabal ago

To be fair, there is a lot of overlap between /b/ and 4chan from what I've seen a heard.

Krackor ago

Just use Bitcoin. There's no one to step in and stop the transaction, so you always have control over your money.

Mbabane ago

Even if everyone had a Bitcoin wallet, the currency is too unstable atm

ARealLibertarian ago

That's why you buy the bitcoins just before you send it, and the recipient converts into the local currency immediately.

VisualCyan ago

I don't know too much about currencies, but looking at the charts it looks like it's been reasonably stable for the past 6 months at least:

ReCat ago

Not unstable. It's been at $230 for the whole year, with only 10% deviations

Krackor ago

Too unstable by what metric?

Pinyaka ago

A lot of people don't use bitcoin because there's a fair amount to learn about how it works before you can use it. Relying only on people who use bitcoin is deliberately excluding the majority of internet users from donating.

kendamagendale ago

Signing up for coinbase is exactly as easy as signing up for paypal.

Pinyaka ago

I don't know who coinbase is and so I trust them less than I trust paypal. I do not trust paypal and do not have an account with them.

kendamagendale ago

I frankly wouldn't trust them. I don't like their politics at all.

If you want Bitcoins, I'd really advise that you get them through a site like localbitcoins.

But my point is that for someone to donate, using Coinbase, a San Francisco VC-backed startup, is an easy to use and good bet. If you've only used paypal they're functionally equivalent.

gprime ago

For those of us who've not waded deep into the waters of bitcoin, can you elaborate on the politics of Coinbase and why you don't trust them?

kendamagendale ago

There's a number of issues at play here:

  1. Coinbase has done some shady stuff with not honoring buy requests when it's financially advantageous to them. Part of this is understandable. If bitcoin price shifts dramatically, they can be left holding an empty bag. It happens A LOT, though.

  2. Coinbase surveils its customers. Again, part of this is understandable. The US government requires Money Transmitting business to engage in what are called KYC laws, or Know Your Customer laws. The United States is actually one of the most anti-bitcoin, draconian governments involved in BTC. That said, Coinbase seems to have gone far above and beyond the call of duty in this regard. They've been known to shut down accounts if coins ever make their way onto Silk Road or other shady marketplaces. Even when their customers claim to have never visited their sites.

All this said, I consider them (slightly) less shady than Paypal. And if you're in the US, they are one of the more convenient ways to get Bitcoin. It sucks, but that's the way it is.

HentaiOjisan ago

You don't really need to know much to use it:

  1. Open an account in any big bitcoin market website.
  2. Send money to your account via whatever you like (wire transfer for example).
  3. Buy bitcoins there, usually really simple (choose how much you want to buy and at what price, or just at market price).
  4. Withdraw those bitcoins to voat's address.
  5. ???
  6. Enjoy

It's more or less the same than a real bank account:

  1. Open a bank account (a lot harder than opening an account for bitcoins)
  2. Send money to that account. You have to go physically there and insert your money in a machine!! Outside!!!
  3. Open a paypal account.
  4. Send money to your paypal account or link your card.
  5. Send money to voat's paypal account.
  6. Wait until voat's paypal account is not locked.
  7. Keep waiting.
  8. Retry 5.
  9. "We can't send your payments right now. If the problem continues please contact Customer Support."
  10. Voat is dead.

I'm kinda joking. I know for some people btc are hard, but really, just do it, it's a lot easier than what it seems and also you can start playing with bitcoins, and use them for other things too.

ev1lb1t ago

Bitcoin is an unstable pain in the ass under constant international legal assault and which suffers flash-crashes in price as a "commodity" on a weekly basis.

For this reason it's useless as a medium of exchange.

I'd rather send cashiers checks to a PO box than use BTC.

thecid ago

What? Bitcoin is fine as a medium of exchange. That's actually about the only thing it's good for - actually keeping your money in it is ridiculously dangerous.

ReCat ago

A 10% positive or negative deviation from $230 isn't a "flash-crash".

lps2 ago

For this reason it's useless as a medium of exchange.

The number of daily transactions would prove otherwise. Not to mention the price has been fairly stable over the past ~3 months

ev1lb1t ago

The number of users does not prove something's merit. I'd like to point out hola was outed as the world's most accepted botnet malware after being the world's most popular VPN software for about a year. 9 million unwitting people helping malicious users lauch DDoS attacks.

Then there are the less dramatic examples. WoW is possibly the world's most generic MMO. It's also the most popular.

lps2 ago

...except in this case it does. The argument was that it fluctuates too much to be used to transfer value - the fact that millions are using it for exactly that proves the original statement to be false

Krackor ago

Relying only on people who use bitcoin is deliberately excluding

If you're talking about Atko relying only on Bitcoin... he's not. He's also accepting PayPal (for as long as PayPal thinks Voat isn't too "politically incorrect").

If you're talking about donators, they're not excluding anyone from anything by using Bitcoin to donate. If you want to donate, it seems like Bitcoin is the safest option.

Pinyaka ago

You said "Just use bitcoin." I was replying to that and saying that if you only use bitcoin it will exclude most people from donating because most people don't use bitcoin. Bitcoin is a risky currency. Personally, I am unwilling to invest in bitcoin because of perceived risk just help voat. I would bet that I am not alone in that regard.

Krackor ago

It was a suggestion for donators. I understand the hesitation to use Bitcoin. If your priority is on avoiding the possibility of censorship, it's the best option available.

TheBlueGhost ago

Remember Atko, we love you. :3

the_null-a ago

Wouldn't it be better if it was hosted in Switzerland?

I guess it's more expensive?

Alexian ago

This is interesting. Hosteurope's Terms and Conditions are online, available here. The only section of this agreement that is applicable to this situation is §3 (Obligations of the client), specifically subsection (3) which says

The Client may not infringe statutory prohibitions, moral standards or the rights of third parties (copyright law, trademark law, rights to the name and data protection law etc.) through his use of his website or the banners that appear on the website. The Client may not enter its website details into search engines when making such entries, if and insofar as the Client infringes statutory prohibitions, moral standards or the rights of third parties through his use of keywords and similar technologies. In the event of any infringement of one of the aforementioned obligations, the Provider shall be entitled to suspend the provision of his services with immediate effect or to block access to the Client’s information.

Voat clearly didn't infringe on the rights of third parties, didn't break copyright or trademark law, data protection laws or any other law. Since Hosteurope claimed "Political Incorrectness" as reason to terminate the contract, it can only mean that "Moral standards" were infringed upon.

Here's the thing: German law, which is applicable here (§11, "Applicable law, place of jurisdiction"), doesn't recognize "moral standards". This would make the immediate termination of the service agreement between Atko and Hosteurope nil and void, and would put Hosteurope on the hook for infringing on §5 of the German basic law as well as consumer protection laws.

Suing a company is fairly cheap in Germany, and in the current anti-surveillance, anti-censorship climate, a lawsuit like this could be huge.

Matthieu ago

What a bunch of dicks

belinck ago

Does or any of those have a history of stealing donations?

C_IsForCookie ago

Gofundme won't steal donations (they take a cut) but I'm not sure if it would be the best avenue due to them being an intermediary, not just a processor. Not to say they couldn't use them as an option.

Regulus343 ago

No, it's not, but Voat is accepting Bitcoin which essentially eliminates payment processor issues.

j_ ago

Atko, I know you're busy, but please publish some data on donations or make a statement on transparency before continuing to ask for more donations.

Thanks, and hang in there.

RedSocks157 ago

Sounds like somebody's jimmies are rustled if they went after you through your hosting company...keep it up! Don't let them silence this place!

017c ago

Despite being outraged by this act of questionable legality, I'd recommend **not **to seek legal recourse and avoid Germany altogether for hosting Voat as the laws here are quite harsh (libel, responsibility for third party content, pornography and much more) . There are some substantial legal risks involved in running a website like Voat and if you have not done so already, you should get yourself either full time legal advice or at least document a qualified expert opinion on what exactly you have to do to prevent liability, in particular criminal in the jurisdiction you live in, you host in and you plan to travel to.

Messing with Reddit means you made some serious enemies on the corporate level and other people who have leverage because of it and they will use any tool available to them to keep it.

I'd offer my assistance for free but to be quite frank the of getting associated officially with these matters is a bit too risky. If you do need a short term solution I am willing to provide unbinding counseling.

Next target will likely be PayPal / other methods of funding. If you have not done it already immediately separate your personal funds from the page to prevent that they can hit you hard. As soon as possible you should transfer to a company that provides you with limited liability. Do not dismiss this easily, this shit happens out in the real world every day and people don't take it seriously until it is to late. As a private person you are extremely easy to attack legally and tangle you up into endless lawsuits that will ruin your life regardless whether they fail or not.

Wedhro ago

There must be some provider somewhere in the world that doesn't give a damn about PC and maybe enjoys virtually kicking SJWs i.e. American culture in the nuts; I don't know, non-EU East Europe, Russia, Korea...?

HighlandValley ago

Perhaps Venmo is a better alternative? Although, I have a friend who just got a job there and her twitter feed is full of women in tech/affirmative action, gun-control, and various other things that typically align with a pro-censorship stance. Not that it reflects the Venmo corporate policy necessarily, but from the position they created for her with only a bachelor's degree I'd say they are least in love with her tech abilities, and the political stuff has helped her get interviewed by some magazines so I'm sure they like the exposure there.

Edit - Scratch that, Venmo is limited to US residents according to their Terms of Service.

Edit 2 - Scratch it again, /u/ihaveamac has pointed out that Venmo is not a competitor of PayPal, but a subsidiary.

ihaveamac ago

Isn't venmo owned by PayPal?

HighlandValley ago

No, they're a direct competitor to PayPal. Thus the eagerness for brand exposure.

ihaveamac ago

In 2012, Braintree acquired Venmo for $26.2 million. In 2013, PayPal acquired Braintree for $800 million.[5]

Also, I believe their App Store description says it too.

Venmo does seem to have a different policy or something though.

HighlandValley ago

Jesus, it looks like you're right. "Venmo is an authorized delegate of PayPal, Inc." is what it says along the bottom of their website.

I guess it's just another brand in their system now, one that does things slightly differently. Interestingly, PayPal is owned by eBay - so eBay has quite the online infrastructure set up.

ihaveamac ago

eBay has owned PayPal for ages. But they are separating soon.

HighlandValley ago

Why would they do that? Do you have an article that gives a rundown?

I work at a place that almost exclusively researches company parentage/subsidiaries, legal structure, etc, so this is the sort of thing I like learning the details of.

ihaveamac ago

From eBay's front page. This is my best page so far.

HighlandValley ago


Basically, "We're separating but you'll still see both of us. Don't worry, not too much will change for you." Sounds like we're their kids that they're explaining a divorce to.

ihaveamac ago

eBay and PayPal will still work closely together, so you probably won't see alternate payment methods on eBay anytime soon.

dminor04 ago

Best of luck guys

RocketAppliances ago

There will be much more fuckery going on but that all means Voat is moving in the right direction!

Mr_James119 ago

So sad it has stooped to this level.

nmotsch789 ago

That's fucked up, man.

WeirdoDJ ago

Okay, so are a bunch of idiots and I won't do business with them - thank you for the heads up :)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

wow it's astonishing that they don't make more of an effort to pretend they're acting like proper human beings they're not just anti-free speech corrupt villains they're lazy too

I'm not sure what you wanna do atko but we support you all the way and sorry if we brought you or your girlfriend any trouble

I'm not sure if you really want to or feel comfortable with it but if you're with us the position as our rebel leader is always open to you ;)

joysynthesis ago

This is ridiculous. Straight up redonkiconkulous. I'm kind of at a loss for words.

labajada ago

Hoist the mainsail and scuttle the jib boys!

wollington ago

They Ellen Pao'd your servers!

leaffur ago


m-p-3 ago

Disgusting. Will make sure to spread the word about's actions. It is their rights to shut down a service, but as a result I'll put them on my blacklist of services to never do business with.

hottycat ago

Isn't this a breach of contract?

SpaceRosa ago

Rrrr...did they really cite the need to be politically correct? To be fair, it's not wrong to say there's quite a bit of political incorectness here..but that doesn't necessarily make it bad.

Might be time to give that subscription idea another look, I think.

uncommitted ago

I truly hope you're up for this, this is just the beginning brother.

Appreciate the work you all have done to this point!

matthewhale ago

Keep up the good work Atko!

TelescopiumHerscheli ago

This is remarkably disturbing. Good luck to you in the coming days and weeks.

Rommel79 ago

There's nothing strange about it. We live in a world where members of the extreme left (for lack of a better word) want to silence all dissenters. This extends to companies.

If Voat is to stay afloat, it's going to HAVE to stand up for free speech. And by that, I don't mean things like kiddie porn or posting torrents, just free speech. But you all know that.

It's definitely time to make Voat what Reddit used to be - A tool to fight for freedom of speech, regardless of the country.

alexisgib ago

Did you just talk about free speech and then immediately start defining boundaries?

Rommel79 ago

Serious question - Do you think posting kiddie porn and torrents counts as free speech?

alexisgib ago

Torrents aren't illegal, so let's get that out of the way right now. And there are already laws against kiddie porn. Don't you see what happens when you say, "Free speech!! Now, let's define what that means..." Because your next comment will be, "Well, obviously I didn't mean legal torrents, I didn't want to categorically ban the bittorrent protocol..." But that's what you said. You said torrents aren't classified as free speech, and shouldn't be protected.

People draw the line in different places. What you've done is classify any speech you disagree with as not being free speech, and speech that you agree with as free speech. This is exactly what Reddit did when they banned fph.

Rommel79 ago

No, I wasn't trying to ban speech that I disagree with. To be honest, I wasn't even thinking about legal torrents when I said that. What I intended was "illegal activity isn't free speech." Though, I guess that isn't necessarily correct either, because I would certainly qualify the sit-ins during the Civil Rights Movement as free speech, even though they were illegal.

Ellimist ago

The "social justice" cult. "Social Justice Warriors" (SJW) can't tolerate the fact that some people disagree with them. They go out of their way to silence people who don't submit to their worldview.

They've infested reddit on the subreddit and admin level and they absolutely will not let us leave without a fight.

nokilli ago

You misspelled jew.

antiplebbitor ago


If they want war, so mote it be.

Ready your lazers, gentoomen...


uhoh ago

LOL omg you're crazy.

Conky ago

Just a note: reddit was started by SJWs.

095179005 ago

1Q84 ago

Is this image supposed to represent something? I feel like there's some metaphor I'm missing o;

095179005 ago

It's what I imagine to be Voat gold.

I-am-a-monster-AMA ago

“Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22

pangpang ago

Too much censorship in Germany. Don't be hosted there.

leaffur ago

You better get fat, change your sex and dye your hair pink before its too late!

Strazdas ago

Already fat, only two things to go!

fiilu ago

What a fucking world we live in. Now I'm calling it, free speech on the internet will be significantly limited within the next 10 years or so in the name of safe spaces. And naturally this will be abused in ever increasing ways. I wonder if the people supporting this have ever picked up a fucking history book. This is how it always begins. First you stop something that almost everyone agrees that is distasteful. Then you stop those who defended the freedom of speech. Next something slightly less universally distasteful and those who defend free speech again.. And that loop repeats until only ideas approved by those in power are accepted.

Yet again, this is the pattern in each and every censorship movement. If you defend free speech, then you are simply labeled to be all of the things that people find distasteful. "Oh, so you are one of them, aren't you?" And yet again the people who like the idea of only their opinions being allowed don't realize that of course the people in power will abuse their position, why the hell wouldn't they?

So depressing.. I thought the internet would be the end of such censorship, but human nature to dominate seems to be coming trough.

PassingShip ago

All you need to know is, THEY hate everything you love, and THEY love everything you hate!

taiwan ago

There is no they, there is only us. If you hate them, you are hating yourself.

Sariel ago

THEY love something?

PassingShip ago

THEY love lots of things, but only the things you hate.

SpeakerInTheWindow ago

If fat people put this much effort into losing weight instead of bringing down offensive websites, we would have nothing to make fun of.

no_censorship_bruh ago

Holy shit. I hope it's just some fat fucks account manager that has hurt feefees and not the entire company's stand. Either way, fuck them. Fuck them in the ass with a life size bust of Pao.

neunon ago

My bet is that they got harassed by someone opposed to Voat and didn't want to deal with it, so they did the easy thing and killed a customer account.

nkuttler ago

Wow! It's impressive that the site is still up then. Did you move the frontend servers into a different platform as well?

But as somebody who has had many servers with HE for many years I have to say it's a good thing in disguise. Never had such bad network connectivity as on HE.

nemateneved ago

Unbelievable... You have right, this is really eye opening.

samaiwa ago

Wow this is ridiculous. Although at least they're honest unlike other SJWs, I guess they just got tired of trying to think of a bullshit reason to ban voat so they just went ahead and did it anyway.

Jamie_Dodgems ago

Well, if the sites enemies are trying this hard to actually get rid of us, then that means we present a severe danger to them. You generally don't pay attention to any perceived opposition unless they present a severe threat to you. The fact that they are trying this vehemantly to get rid of us arguably means that they are scared of our potential, scared of what we represent, and scrambling for a way to wipe us out before we can become a real threat.

They should know that it takes more than that to kill a mountain goat.

itweeb ago

I hate to say it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are falsely reporting their paypal account as well. If donating, it would be best to use their BTC address.

KorbenDallas ago

How does being on a "cloud platform" protect you though? Amazon/Google/MS could shut you down just as easily, and needs your business even less than some small European provider that depends more on individual customers.

356982? ago

fuck-um we're using cloud flair now. If it gets to bad we'll move all the subverses to twitter.

swfreak ago

This shows the power and reach of SJWs. They have no doubt made aware of the "problematic" content that's hosted here. This is their strategy. They don't care about freedom of speech. If you say something that's not in line with their ideology they'll work tirelessly to shut you down. Doesn't matter what they have to do to silence you. The zeal of these people amazes me.

We're really at war here and I fear freedom of speech will be shut down by people who don't want dissenting opinion to be heard by the general public. The outcome is far from certain here because a significant part of the population simply don't care about freedom of speech or they are working tirelessly to put serious limitations on it. The main weapon is labeling dissenting opinions as hate speech or as hurtful to others.

If you manage to silence the opposition you've won a major victory and that's why I support voat. Enough with this fucking facism.

edgelord ago

Why are feminists so afraid of what we have to say? Why does it scare them so much?

Murderface ago

Well that's the last time i'll ever use their service.

JayTea ago

Now that just seems like a very poor business strategy... "Political Incorrectness? On MY internet? Unacceptable! Shut those servers down. We don't host that stuff here. That kind of thing is absurd!"

DeathGripsForCutie ago

Have you considered hosting through the Swedish ISP Bahnhof?

They're like on the forefront of personal integrity/freedom of speech on the Internet in Sweden.

As you may know, they have previously hosted WikiLeaks. I realize If you guys want to be Switzerland-based though.

StrangeWorld ago

Strange world indeed.

Its becoming more obvious that the people of the world need a medium where true Free Speech still exists. Most of the communication channels are being manipulated, the who and the why doesn't matter. Lets take TV, Radio and the mainstream internet sites for example. Only the political correct views are getting air time so most of the people think this is how the world is / works. This is the matrix they put before our eyes. The trick is that the people don't know they are being manipulated. If you don't know it, you cant protest it...

The internet is the only medium where Free Speech is still possible but this is becoming more and more difficult because it is getting monitored and manipulated 24/7 (without most of us even realizing it). I see Reddit as an example. They try to manipulate it without the people knowing it and untill the GamersGate and the FPH controversy most people were unaware.

I think no country will be strong enough to host VOAT and withstand the pressure of the people who demand political correct discussions like just did. Germany seems to be out, 195 country's left to try. If this continues we will need a bitcoin-like discussion platform that doesn't need a physical server to store the data, but all the data is decentralized and in the internet cloud.

Its clear that some persons don't want a free discussion about the world. Makes you wonder why, doesn't it??

I think divide and conquer is their motto...

RaptorSixFour ago

The Internet websites everyone visits are hosted on companies. Since these are private entities, they can censor at will. This is the issue. I do not know what the solution is. I was having a discussion on reddit about this very topic during the exodus.

Apparently not even websites are free from thus type of censorship as they need a place to host the website.

ev1lb1t ago

The solution is to require companies offer, as a public service and payment for the continued recognition of their charters, a specific category of hosting classified as a "public forum" which cannot be censored without a court order, and even that must be published within 10 days of completion of execution.

Vimes ago

Wow, that's crazy. Hope it gets sorted out soon and glad to hear your girlfriend's research wasn't lost. Definitely very strange that this hosting company would behave like this, I guess it's a good advert never to use them, if nothing else.

356901? ago

this should be a subverse where men with mustaches drink beer and challenge each other to fights.

twygally ago

I shall fite all of everyonr irl!

DessertFox ago

I want to make an arena where online commenters can battle it out in real life. It could be televised and everything. YouTube comments would be an endless source of competitors.

twygally ago

I shall fite all of everyonr irl!

sulfura3 ago

We used up until a few years ago ourselves. We moved due to us wanting our data in our own country which is unreated to any of this but if we still happened to have our data there, I would've asked for a meeting with my bosses right away to switch provider. What kind of BS is this?

Bug_Catcher_Joey ago

People, what a bunch of bastards!

Shakyamuni ago

Thanks for fighting the good fight!

Bioshyn ago

looks like those smear articles had some effect, and of course a hosting provider rather believes the press than their customers.

Trifixion ago

Pretty sad that this is what things come to :( When Digg went down, reddit was instantly popular, but it didn't experience any shady stuff like this (as far as I remember). This closure feels way too political :/

RaptorSixFour ago

It says so in the reason they have @atko.

tribblepuncher ago

I am floored.

This is terrible. I could go on for pages about this, but I won't, since the fact that this shows just how much supports freedom of speech (re: they clearly don't) seems to say it all for most people.

Thank you for continuing to host this site.

I would also encourage anyone who has anything with hosting to move to another provider. These people should not be given your business, and who knows what's going to be considered 'politically incorrect' next?

rws ago

Literally the definition of keyboard warriors.

nedzadk ago

Goat them :) izvorna iz ustiprace :):):)

Kheron ago

This is absolutely ridiculous. Also, it reminds me of TPB for some reason. They're always moving their servers because people don't quite like them.

ChaoticNeutral ago

If things like this are going to continue happening, sites like Voat may have no choice but to exist on a meshnet. For those of you that have the know how and show how maybe it's time to put some effort into making one that works.

Danceswithferrets ago

Never underestimate the lenghts that people will go to to prevent other people from going against their version of what they think the world should be like.The desire to dominate and spread hate is strong.

seishirou ago

Do not let them win. Donating as soon as possible. Please keep Voat a bastion of free speech.

rape_train ago

Sounds a lot like some SJWs were harassing the host, so they said "fuck it" and terminated.

kekonn ago

Large websites have continuous backups. When you get large enough you basically hand all of this over to a company like CloudFlare. They make it their business to manage stuff like this.

Shagoosty ago

Let's hope CloudFlare doesn't receive pressure to lose the stuff over political incorrectness.

ev1lb1t ago

No, they won't simply claim "political incorrectness" with cloudflare, they'll have guerilla operative upload CP, screenshot it, then send that to cloudflare and claim "CP" Iike they did for a bit with 8ch

robdpope ago

We are witnessing a Great paradigm shift in Internet Culture. It has been going on since TPB and gave a new generation internet users an idea that the web is a different tool than we older users has been using it for.

TotallyNotATroll ago


Either way. I wonder if its Pao's doing or the userbase's doing.

Espurra ago

What the fuck. This is ridiculous.

How the fuck did these people get this influential without us noticing?

FPHrefugee ago

This is so messed up. I'm sorry that all this is going on.

zakiod ago

Holyshit, that's huge and scary.

Freedom-fries ago

For all you voat guys ... for gamergate and 8chan users this is normal. Expect them to take down all forms of adverstising or donations if they can. They will do everything they can they are trying to silence free discussion.

m0r1arty ago

Glad to see you were on top of things and had backed yourself up.

Some peoples really want to impose their culture onto others without question don't they?

yvesmh ago

This is a war that even 4chan lost... I really hope we can survive this.

Calzone ago

4chan lost because Moot became an SJW little douche and actively tried to change the culture.

SandorClegane ago

He was compromised before then. He's been a sell-out since Just look here:

356917? ago

is that why 4chan is nothing bur wtf and shemale porn?

mooky ago

As a person who never used bitcoin, does anyone have a link to a good "How to start using bitcoin" tutorial. I dont trust Paypal not to block payments to this site for some erroneous reason. On the plus side, this means someones worried about this site taking off.

frankenmine ago

Search for "Buy Bitcoin with a credit card" and you'll get a zillion results. The workflow is that you first register for a Bitcoin wallet, buy a certain amount of Bitcoin to put into it, and then send any amount to any Bitcoin address you want.

mooky ago

Thanks frankenmine.

Nadrik ago

Sounds like it's boycott time.

donjon87 ago

I'm sure you were just shoveling money their way before, they will be heartbroken

the_gamer_rises ago

i dont even know what to say. have some money

Seruun ago

What the actual fuck? Are they even allowed to do this? Over "politically incorrect content"? Aren't there, like contract clauses to prevent such immediate actions? Like time limits or such?

matt ago

Unfortunately it is time to start sending some of that donated money to lawyers.

racist_fruit_bowl ago

So....... what do we do now? This is beyond fucked up. :/

facepaint ago

The reason they gave us when they notified us that they have cancelled our contract is "...we have received significant information that the content on your server includes political incorrect parts that are unacceptable for us." and "Due to the fact that we cannot keep bond of trust to you as our customer..."

Given this scenario, I would advise lining up one or two additional providers to be hot and ready to switch over to at a moment's notice. I would also consider touch base with the hotwheels of 8chan to see who services him.

Harvo ago

I see this is a huge win. Whenever someone sees you (us) as a threat to their establishment it means that we are winning. Fuck these cunts.

TypicalBetaNeckbeard ago

It's depressing. But how fortunate you were able to migrate on time. I hope the new platform is thought police proof though.

RabidRaccoon ago

Sargon of Akkad said he had strangers talk to his girlfriend and ask her why she was in a relationship with him given his views of feminism. Now luckily his girlfriend feels about feminists the way he does and told them to fuck off . He said he was amazed that people think it is acceptable to break up his family because of his YouTube videos mocking them. And they've just had a third child too.

RaptorSixFour ago

Wow. Never heard that before. Can someone provide me a link to where he said that?

RabidRaccoon ago

He mentions it in his talk with Adam Baldwin.

Number1dududuNumber1 ago

Wow what a bunch of fagets. Bet they're butter huffers too.

Mathus819 ago

Crazy left-wing nut jobs once again destroying freedom for the sake of what they call fairness and equality.

Patchface- ago

I will fight them in real life.

Jet-Steel_Fuel-Beams ago

There is a lot of vested interest in keeping reddit "the front page of the internet". I never thought it was possible for so many mods to be on the payroll or be as villainous and underhanded as they were.

You must be doing something right. You might want to get in touch with Hotwheels.

11hrr ago

wow... I've seen a few articles on the internet that are really trying to make seem bad/evil. What the hell man.

Freedom-fries ago

You can soon talk war stories with hotwheels from 8chan

shanahanjrs ago

Let just be glad you were able to switch hosting providers sooner rather than later and not support that company anymore than you already have.

Just picture what The Pirate Bay guy have gone through!

makingreen ago

That is so frustrating! Do you have any legal recourse?

ImReallyHighBut ago

With the most respect I can muster

I wonder what would be happening if this wasn't so very obviously a reddit clone. It's one thing to attract client base. But to do it with a near identical platform is brave. Reddit is the face of the behemoth. The beast you've drawn against. I told you before. Defend yourself. Not from us. From them.

KidQuantum ago

This is an outrage!!! This is censorship!!! This have a girlfriend? Is she hot?

Shagoosty ago

And if she's hot, is she single?

Skeletor ago

Don't pull a moot!!!

TheyKeepOnRising ago

Asking the important questions

bscoder ago

Mine took a few days too. And still no contributor badge, though I really couldn't care less about that one and wouldn't bother them about it.

Lenor ago

Fat "people" at it again.

MrPim ago

God Damn, fuck the politically correct. Luckily there are many of us who feel the same. And fuck

rundelhaus ago

This is both disgusting and scary.

They also claim to do "Professional hosting solutions for your success". And nothing says "professional" than terminating a contract without prior notice and nothing makes you even more successful than a downed server.

SwimmingInAFishbowl ago

This question. Is this a shift? Or desperation?

ev1lb1t ago

It's desperation. At this point they're being BTFO and told to STFU in their own media's comment sections

Most of their "power" involves taking advantage of out-dated notions of corporate image. Once the corporate PR people get it together, they'll spend the next 40 years wandering the desert.

SwimmingInAFishbowl ago

And corporations are naturally conservative, but E3 has seen a tipping point and they are taking action?

bscoder ago

I've been hearing bad stories lately about places in Europe completely failing to understand the core value of freedom of speech. It is very scary. I hope that sort of insane bullshit doesn't come to America!

JJEvil ago

So in a way, the DDOS did you a small favor by triggering migration. Weird.

Amalar ago

That is absolutely insane. Thanks for all your hard work.

HomerSimpson ago

Sorry ;( Man /v/fatpeoplehate /r/fatpeoplehate is bringing you guys lots of trouble....

Deathstalker ago

Sounds like we dodged a bullet.

jackofdiamonds ago

This sounds cartoonish. It's almost too much to believe. Any chance of seeing a screenshot of an email (with personal and contact info redacted)?

Edit: Look at that! Voat made it almost a whole week before starting to downvote to hide comments they disagree with.

alexisgib ago

Oh come on, seriously? Go through life with a healthy skepticism. This is not an example of healthy skepticism.

piv0t ago

Burn the world

Genocide ago

Buzzer Wrong.

Mashiki ago

That would be the right answer. It's exactly the same playbook that they used when they went after 8ch, not only making bullshit up but outright lying to try and get Hotwheels removed from various hosts/domain name stolen/etc. That's why he's on 2ch's network now.

token ago

Not entirely wrong, if you are to assume Pao is a SJW and she heads reddit inc and assuem again that reddit is behind it then it is semi true.

356321? ago

Before I was just agitating reddit, now I'm going for blood.

I will not be renewing my wordpress server with them.

2legit2quit ago

Ellen fucking pao... Cunty executive officer

donjon87 ago


That's how you get people to take you seriously, just call people names who had nothing to do with it

2legit2quit ago


ev1lb1t ago

Let's see... defaming a site to their webhost and having their hosting pulled? "meh"

Calling the suspect parties names? "oh my god crime a against humanity"!

SJW detected!

donjon87 ago

Wait, so it's been proven that reddit had something to do with getting their hosting pulled? Otherwise that's a huge logical chasm you're leaping there dummy.

ev1lb1t ago

While I concede I can hardly call my judgment of these people's character "proof" of anything, Reddit corporate is headed by someone known for dishonest litigation and borderline-felony activity, and has the most to gain from forcing voat offline. Pao is an SJW who has demonstrated the "no bad tactics, only bad targets" mentality which results in guerilla actions like those taken against 8ch (lying to payment processors, uploading and screencapping CP, DDoS, etc).

This said... your comeback earlier was to browbeat someone for namecalling, and you're letting loose at me with "dummy"?

Niceformbro ago

Bro, I think you meant to say "bad form".

123_456 ago

Holy fuck. This is insipid. How can a company do that? Fuck them.

alostlemming ago

Glad it didn't shut you down, the more ways they try shows the level of censorship they want.

Quawonk ago

"We have decided to believe the bullshit reddit is spreading about you" is what they're saying.

The free and open Internet's days are numbered, I'm afraid. SJWs, governments, corporations all working in tandem to destroy it so only their propaganda survives. Dark days ahead.

I guarantee they're lying to your cloud service RIGHT NOW. Censorship is their only option. We have the truth on our side and they know they can't win on merit.

Is there a way to stop people knowing who your provider is? If so you should definitely do so.

gigantor ago

Everything's too PC nowadays. It's a sad, delusional world we live in.

11hrr ago

they're trying to make a new PCmasterrace, and not the good kind.

RaptorSixFour ago

That was the whole point of political corectness when communist states made it.

Sento_Fernner ago

We will have to carefully evaluate our long term options of providing a platform of free speech if we are to stay online.

Please don't give up Atko, there are options. There is a way that you can make this work. Many of us have found a happy home here, and I'm sure I can speak for many when I say we will do anything we can to help you. Just tell us what is needed, and we will find a way.

binky ago

Well shit. I guess I can scrape together a few more dollars. I'm saddened and sickened by the sjw war on free speech.

xyzzy ago

Patranus ago

Its not relevant. Reddit showed users the door and now that same faction is trying to shut down an alternative.

BeastGrill ago

I've always hated this webcomic.

Cid ago

That specific one of the comic in general? Choose your next words carefully.

BeastGrill ago

That specific comic. I find it really odd that somehow he would defend "boycotts, cancelled shows, bans" as if they are equal to honest criticism.

pervycreeper ago

They're both fucking terrible, sorry.

Cheapliquid ago

I don't know about anyone else but this definitely piques my interest to try and help or learn new things to help this site grow. Before we would be afraid to say anything or afraid to fail at such a big place like Reddit, but here it may help both the user and the site grow to get involved in maintaining and running this place... Just a thought.

optimistic ago

Should I get the pitchforks?

bad_wolf ago

These recent attacks are pretty much an admission that they are scared of this sites potential...terrified.

They managed to do something incredibly dirty here, and for some reason, I didn't think they'd take it that far.

Deth_comes_ripping ago

The timing of this is HIGHLY suspicious. Glad your eyes are open and you are preparing for the long haul. Fight the power!!!

coop_the_poop_scoop ago

Sounds like reddit is exerting some authority?

deanna ago

Stay strong, Atko. A good chunk of your userbase is loyal. We can do more than cash... Let us know what you need.

Tecktonik ago

You have my sword.

chronos ago

Doucet_ ago

you expect the next comment to be 'and my axe' but I wont, watch me I wont.

farmer- ago

and MY axe


Congratulations on graduating, I only hope that you won't get jaded by these realisations.


I have a feeling there are people that really want to see voat go down. I wonder where they might come from...

heili ago

I don't know about you, but we are living in a weird world. We will have to carefully evaluate our long term options of providing a platform of free speech if we are to stay online.

Considering that motherless has hosting, there's probably some kind of option that will work for Voat and not involve destroying the free speech that brought most of us here to begin with.

Espurra ago

I hope that we will keep the free speech platform. I didn't get here because of FPH, I was here before all that because of censorship.

This happening and @atko's comment worries me a little..

j_ ago

I think your concern is warranted, but I also don't think Atko means self-censorship or censorship by Voat.

It may be that there is no longer any harbour for an "absolute" free speech site today, or at least in the Western world or on the surface Web. In which case Voat can run from one host to another but will always be at risk of being shut down. If simply looking at the problem legally (choosing a country with relatively-free Internet laws) no longer cuts it, we have to look at the problem technically.

Maybe a free speech site has to be anonymised (ironic, I know), or maybe the site has to flush its contents periodically (like the *chans), or maybe it has to move to the darknet (behind Tor or another layer). Just to stay alive and functional. A free speech site is not very useful if it is constantly being shut down and chased around.

It's odd to think about such a dystopian situation in my lifetime.

cc: @ZapptheBrannigan @heili, hope you don't mind

geekygirl23 ago

There are plenty of places the content is welcome, they've only been doing this since the mid 90's.

j_ ago

Fair point, and I will admit I have never seriously considered it.

If you have more info I might suggest you email Voat at your discretion.

Espurra ago

No, I don't think so either. This entire situation is just.. concerning to say the least. I was not aware the political correct movement was so influential in Europe as well

I agree completely with your comment, and I am worried you might be right.

heili ago

Let's give him some space and some time and not panic. He's got a lot going on, and some of it is stuff that he really does need to deal with (his girlfriend's research).

When he is able to come back and isn't in reaction/firefighting mode, we'll be here to help him. Until then, let's not add more stress to his life.

Espurra ago

Fair enough, I'm just a little concerned for the general situation, that is not atko's fault at all.

heili ago

Of course it's not his fault.

These attacks are par for the course with SJWs. And this time, they've made a STEM woman collateral damage.

Espurra ago

I was just making sure you knew I wasn't attacking atko for this at all. I'm just concerned about what this means for voat in general.

Hope he's okay though. Must've been though for him lately :(

heili ago

I get ya. I think we're all concerned for Atko and voat as well.

ZapptheBrannigan ago

The phrasing is what bothers me on the quote. What does this mean for voat I wonder.

I hope it stays this way for a while yet.

heili ago

I am hoping that @Atko didn't mean the site will accommodate the whims of the most easily offended person to read the content and actually meant that it's hosting options that do not impose such restrictions and are not likely to in the future that he's looking for.

EDIT: I was needlessly sarcastic and harsh. @Atko's got a ton going on and probably a lot of stress. On reflection, I don't want to add to that. If I can help, I will. In the mean time I will give him the time he needs to deal with everything he has going on and not bug any further.

profanion ago

Political incorrectness? What's wrong with the provider?

Quawonk ago

Spineless pussies, is what's wrong with them.

095179005 ago

I'm not really informed on the situation in Sweden or Switzerland, but I keep hearing how they launch social engineering initiatives to tow the feminist/SJW line.

throughthedarkglass ago

1984 here we come.

uhoh ago

Wow this entire website is way better than KIA and Conspiracy put together in terms of saying the most idiotic things. 10/10.

Turbo_Sloth ago

2+2 = 3

stacyalert ago

Reminds me more of farenheit 451. Nothing can hurt anyone's feelings. If it does it must be censored.

IShouldNotTalk ago

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Room 101, thought criminal!

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This comment has been marked EC-10.

Please proceed to the incinerator for disposal.

throughthedarkglass ago

Fucking great user name. Why didn't I think of that!


Because orthodoxy guides your thoughts into appropriate avenues where doubleplus ungood types of badthink don't corrupt your mind, Comrade.

Goatfago666 ago

Sounds like someone sees you as a threat.

Good work.

AberdolfLincler ago

Yeah, I've never been more sure of my decision to keep using Voat. I've been using both Reddit and Voat since the whole fiasco, basically just taking some time for a transitional period, decide what subreddits I'll keep using, if any. Anyways, right before I saw this post, I had unsubscribed from essentially all of the default subreddits. I believe I only kept one, /r/videos, because voat just isn't big enough to compete with all that content yet. And I can't really get away from some smaller ones yet, like TV show related and such. But yeah, almost everything else, especially news type stuff, all Voat, all the time.

randominternetdude ago

First they ignore you, they laugh at you and hate you. Then they fight you and then you win.

Gentlevoaters (I was going to write gentlemen but some might be from another sex) I think we are now at the fight part. Donating via paypal.

363304? ago

FYI, the "win" part includes the old enemies coming over to Voat (and they'll rationalize it in some way, as they rationalize everything). When Voat truly is seen as a better platform than Reddit (and I already think so), it will attract people who don't care about free speech or anti-censorship. SVS will set up shop here, and there needs to be a system of checks and balances in place to prevent powermods and bonafide brigading.

ShitVoatSays existing it its own subverse would be fine, as it's one of the prices of free speech. However, cancerous mods invading other subverses, taking over, inviting their friends, deleting comments, using AutoModerator or its equivalent to easily censor and ban people, etc., should all be made transparent and extremely difficult via protections built into the system itself. The system needs to protect free speech and make censorship far more difficult than it is on Reddit.

C_IsForCookie ago

there needs to be a system of checks and balances in place to prevent powermods and bonafide brigading.

Got you covered. This is what I'm trying to do to help:

randominternetdude ago

I like you :)

lleti ago

It's genuinely disgusting. For one, Voat doesn't have SRS (or SVS). Making it a FAR safer place to be.

The fact that people can silence whole communities so quickly via DDoS, and later moving to host-based censorship once DDoS protection is put in place.. it's sad that this is what the SJW culture has bred.

Donated via BTC. Hope you guys get through this.

C_IsForCookie ago

It's ridiculous that anyone even has the time. I just don't want this to become political like Reddit became. I liked this place because it was exactly NOT that.

deadalus ago

Voat does have ShitVoatSays


agentlame ago

Voat doesn't have SRS (or SVS)

Would you object to such a sub? Isn't the point of Voat that all speech is equal?

kog ago

Yes, I would object, because SRS is a vote brigade.

C_IsForCookie ago

I wouldn't object, but I think productive speech is always preferred over unproductive speech. There's definitely a difference between those two things.

RedSocks157 ago

It exists, but the creator made it as a place that links to the nice things people say :)

ColaEuphoria ago

Until actual SJWs make their own variant. Do you actually think they're going to look at the current SVS and think "oh well, they beat us to it, I guess we have no options now"?

agentlame ago

I'm aware of that. But that's not what I was asking. If Voat prides itself on being a place for free speech, why would anyone have an issue with an SRS-like sub for Voat?

iproginger ago

Because SRS was just devoted to vote manipulating and causing havoc. The way I see it, it's more like "you can have your own area where we won't interfere" than "you can post penis in every thread and no one will stop you"

agentlame ago

So you'd object to any subverse dedicated to linking to others? Or just ones with morals that don't align with yours?

Because the former is a platform issue that reddit refuses to address, but Voat could. The latter is just an excuse to limit free speech that you don't agree with.

RedSocks157 ago

I'm sure they will crop up eventually as more and more people come here and set up shop. We already have trolls and such. Ignore them, and they will go away.

I have no issue with them being able to speak.

KrustyKrackers ago

pao pao pao

MasterBillyQuizboy ago

Ha! Best pun I've seen all week. It's nearly impaossible to not make fun of this raging bitch's actions lately. Is it racist to say that when I say her name, I think of moldy ketchup covered rice cakes?

Edit: Are we still doing this edit thing? ... added punctuation.

2716057 ago

Shots fired!

Nujabes ago

[Reddacted] trying to say Voat is nothing but then goes and does this. Lol

SirPremierViceroy ago

Someone's scared... Hopefully all this will do is drum up support.

Draco ago

It was awesome getting that user name huh?

Nujabes ago

Its either this or I do NujabesSoul as my username. I actually get Nujabes a lot and I love it.

NinjaSaves ago


Nujabes ago

Thanks. <3 wait, I was right, you're wrong lol

NinjaSaves ago


HorzaDeservedBetter ago

political incorrect parts

They couldn't be more vague... That's news to me. That they would bow due to political correctness.

What is your new hosting provider?

KorbenDallas ago

I'd like to see a copy of the complete email in full.

luckypunk ago

What is your new hosting provider?


Apparently it's Microsoft Azure.

donjon87 ago

No, it's Microsoft

luckypunk ago


HorzaDeservedBetter ago

I thought the service they provided was only caching and rerouting.

luckypunk ago

Then maybe I'm wrong.

Tigernado_Survivor ago

Politically incorrect > illegal

This is what I'm taking from everything lately.

Abe_Lincoln ago

I am curious if they gave an actual reason beyond "politically incorrect." TheFappening and Jailbait are more than controversial opinions, they could be illegal content. Most people on reddit supported their removal and even 4chan banned the fappening. I know reddit has different servers, but given that the only real difference between voat and reddit is that we allow jailbait and the fappening, that might be the reason. And I'm sorry but it's hard to disagree with a server taking Voat down because of extreme invasion of privacy concerns or supporting pedophile content. Free speech policies should apply to opinions and viewpoints, not to jailbait and leaked celebrity nudes, either one of which can raise legal concerns in the US and presumably other countries as well

sturle ago

There are different versions of free speech laws all over the place. Germany was probably the worst Western country you could choose. US is not a good choice. Iceland? Netherlands?

geekygirl23 ago

I replied to a comment on reddit about this and I'm pasting here.

Couple of things.


2) Recently found a jailbait sub over there that implores users to go ahead and post pussy and tits.

Not sure about Europe but as a service provider in the US there is at least one thing that has been found to be unprotected speech and that is porn depicting minors. You will not find a single legitimate host that will allow you to run a site that allows communities like this to exist.

Service providers are exempt from almost everything and have no requirements to police their content. In fact, it is suggested to not remove content that you think is copyrighted or similar because once you start moderating for things like that you are liable to moderate your entire site. Best to let the DMCA's come in and only take action then.

If however you as a service provider find potential child porn on your platform you are supposed to remove the content and report it to the authorities so they can investigate.

Again, suspected child pornography is not covered under free speech laws and anyone that wants to remain online is going to have to take action against it swiftly. Not only can it get your hosting pulled and website seized you can be held personally liable for your inaction, especially if someone specifically contacted you about it.

Atko seems a bit in over his head and overwhelmed with the decisions that need to be made on a site seeing rapid growth. He's going to have to make some tough calls but I'm sure the free speech oriented userbase will be ok with this kind of decision.

Maybe the laws are different in Europe but I doubt it as much as I doubt most people would willingly participate in a site that has this kind of content.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

If however you as a service provider find potential child porn on your platform you are supposed to remove the content and report it to the authorities so they can investigate.

It's a good thing none of this applies to Voat, because people can't upload images to Voat.

geekygirl23 ago

That's not how it works (USA) from everything I've ever seen on the subject. I know it's an old myth though.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

Outside of the USA.




I'd like to know the responsibilities in each of those.

Shagoosty ago

It's not child porn where it's hosted.

geekygirl23 ago

I'd wager that it is. The law is 16 and up, the sub is checking that how? I am not going to delve into European law but to assume it has no provisions to deal with things like this would be to make some hefty assumptions.

Shagoosty ago

Then report the images you find to the proper authorities.

StrongBelwas ago

Looks like someone did, and that's why Voat lost their host.

Shagoosty ago

No, because the image sites that hosted the image were the ones that would be shut down.

Caboose_Calloway ago

Good point. I hope Atko and team see it.

Seems like you gotta diversify your hosting options and be able to ditch any host at moment;s notice. Just added to my list of hosts never to be considered for any reason whatsoever.

luddite ago

Good point. I hope Atko and team see it.

You can 'page' a user by typing ampersand + name.

@atko, please read the GP of this comment. It is fairly serious.
If this sort of content exists on this site, very very few people will want to be associated with voat.

I'd suggest talking to a lawyer to find out how to 'clean up' uploads of illegal content without breaking any laws.

agentlame ago

He always ducks this question. reddit and voat lost their collective shit about it when I brought it up a month ago.

geekygirl23 ago

I'd remove the illegal content and move on with my life. There is a reason that even pro free speech advocates are against child porn. Rotating hosts on a whim is a huge undertaking and would make the site better suited for the Darknet.

Caboose_Calloway ago

Not exactly darknet but more distributed and p2p oriented approach has often been recommended at /v/ideasforvoat. Unfortunately this requires a considerable amount of coding and time.

geekygirl23 ago

I wasn't making the case to go to Darknet, he would still be liable for illegal content.

To be clear I do not support these illegal subs or the users that post illegal content.

Caboose_Calloway ago

Neither am I of course.

My point is (and I'm not sure if it would actually work) that if the content is hosted on p2p network even if somebody uploads CP that would be on their own machine so it won't get the site in trouble.

DanielKurlan ago

Offending someone/group or making racial observations has become the ultimate social sin, its mind boggling.

Shagoosty ago

People get mad at me when I talk about sexual dimorphism. Apparently it's sexist (or racist) to say that genetics exist.

095179005 ago

I've grown tired of being (this) considerate of people's feelings. They all need to grow some fucking skin, which they won't, of course. Edit: A word

tiki203 ago

Wow. Great timing on that move to cloud servers, I know some other risky websites like torrents are setup that way. Sounds like the way to go, but I'm no webmaster

HoneyNutStallmans ago

Great timing on that move to cloud servers

There was no move to "cloud servers". There are new servers to Voat (perhaps a few) as well as a new intermediary called CloudeFlare.

kekonn ago

Indeed. Cloudflare even hosts the CDN for The Pirate Bay.

SeraCharm ago

This is fucking censorship.

Bug_Catcher_Joey ago

It's not censorship. It's a cowardly company trying to cover their asses. It's a shitty situation but it's not censorship.

Strazdas ago

It is censorship. Companies can commit censorship too. Its even legal in cases like these. But its still censorship.

NinetyNine ago

I've seen one news article state that reddit isn't profitable. Are we taking hoasting (deliberate mis-spelling) for granted?

Voat can give us what we want, but can it give a hundred million people what they want?

Strazdas ago

There is nothing wrong with VOAT or any other site be a smaller community kept up by its users. You dont have to have everyone. Specialising works.

NinetyNine ago

I've seen a few articles state that reddit isn't profitable. Are we taking hoasting (deliberate mis-spelling) for granted?

Corperk ago

It's censorship, they shut down the servers, unilaterally, due "political incorrectness". It may not be a infringement of the US Constitution's First Amendment, but it is censorship.

AlderaanDuran ago

It may not be a infringement of the US Constitution's First Amendment

Well, considering these servers are located in *GERMANY *and not the US, you are right.

RaptorSixFour ago

And germany doesn't even give its citizens the right to free expression. They in fact have laws against some political speech

Corperk ago

Obviously. My point is when people say that censorship can only be done by the state, they are confusing the US Constitution's First Amendment with The Human Right of freedom of expression and opinion.

Kuru ago

It's both actually.

There's a difference between censorship and an infringement of free speech rights (in whatever country you're in). In this case, an official body (the server hosting company) has suppressed content they have deemed objectionable (most likely because of bad PR for them). That's not an infringement of free speech rights, but it's censorship by definition.

Walt_Kowalski ago

It is, because Germany has laws that prohibit a lot of what is protected under freedom of speech in America. The company does this to avoid legal issues. Feel free to look it up on Wikipedia if lazy.

zoechan ago

It is censorship, by that cowardly company.

Censorship is defined as: the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts.

Emphasis mine. This company is suppressing what deems unacceptable. However they have the right to do so. Censorship is not illegal when done by private companies on their private products. But by definition, it is most certainly censorship.

razuliserm ago

It's a cowardly company trying to cover their asses

This will backfire though. It's the Streisand effect. I didn't even know where @Atko hosted before this. I believed he had his server provider in Switzerland.

novictim ago


carlip ago

i think it is an effect of censorship, not necessarily on the part of the host but their role is required to have that effect, so we should not consider them totally innocent.

RaptorSixFour ago

It is an example of horizontal censorship.

"we have received significant information that the content on your server includes politcal incorrect parts that are unacceptable for us."

profanion ago

It's still censorship. Just disguised censorship.

doctor_cucumber ago

It's legal censorship, I agree.

frankenmine ago

Yes. In other words, censorship. That's what he said. You're not contradicting what he said.

Patchface- ago

I agree with Joey here. It's a private company who can deny service to anyone they choose to (as long as the reasons aren't race, sex, age, etc.). They disagree with what voat brings to the table, but voat is more than welcome to move to a competitor. This is the free market. Not censorship.

Regulus343 ago

You are right that it is the free market in action. The result though is de facto censorship. It is legal censorship which the hosting provider has a right to engage in, but censorship just the same. This is a property of hosting services; some are more likely to stand up for free expression than others.

LazarusLong ago

It is still censorship, just because it is legal doesn't change the fact.

Also, just because it is legal censorship doesn't mean it shouldn't be condemned and fought against.

profanion ago censorships are worse than illegal ones.

LazarusLong ago

I meant legal in terms of a private entity exercising its rights.

Not a government making state sponsored censorship legal.

Patchface- ago

It has nothing to do with legality. It's about people being able to live a life that they choose. If I own and operate a server, I should be able to run that server anyway I wish to.

LazarusLong ago

And people are free to call you out and take other legal action when they disagree with how you're running the server.

Just like a group of people boycotting and protesting in front of Walmart for employee treatment.

Patchface- ago

Sure. I'm saying if I run a forum about hotdogs, and you make a post about hamburgers, I'm not in the wrong with deleting your post. It's my private forum and it should be ok that I get to call the shots. You're more than welcome to be upset about it, that's ok, but I don't see the basis for the legal action you're calling for.

LazarusLong ago

I'm...not calling for legal action. Where did you get that from?

Patchface- ago

I'm getting blown up here. I must have fucked up my replies. My bad, dude.

Ellimist ago

I believe SeraCharm is talking about the people who asked the ISP to take down voat. The ISP is of course free to cancel service, but those who attempted to cause this were engaging in censorship.

cantor ago

Censorship doesn't just apply to governments or monopolies. This is basically dictionary-definition censorship.

pilgrimboy14 ago

I know. Every time a conversation like this happens, people are like, "That's not censorship."

The world has changed. This is the way censorship happens in this day and age.

pilgrimboy14 ago

I know. Every time a conversation like this happens, people are like, "That's not censorship."

The world has changed. This is the way censorship happens in this day and age.

Patchface- ago

I respectfully disagree. To be censored, I think, it has to be an official thing. There's no official declaration of censorship. It's a private citizen/company matter. If you're in my home and saying things I do not like, I can kick you out of my house. I'm not censoring you. Simply, this is my house and I can delegate what may or may not happen in my house.

AustNerevar ago

You can disagree all that you like, but you're still wrong. Website's censor content all the time. Not all censorship is government censorship, but certainly all censorship is censorship.

Tozetre ago

I have found that people who (quite reasonably) insist that "censorship" is a term limited to state interference in speech are typically people who have not dealt with large communities with firm codes of behaviour. Any social group can act censoriously and dampen free speech. Which is not to demand than tremendous social pressure must also be called censorship.

But if you're going to restrict the term censorship to only legal restriction, what do you call it when religious grops silence internal discussion of 3rd century canonical heresies, or historical recreation societies very carefully stay quiet about the sexually abusive deviants involved in their own histories, or certain acts bring no legal but substantial social or technological repercussions like DDOS or contract-breaking?

It's not censorship; okay. What is it, then? It sure as hell isn't free speech.

Patchface- ago

No one's stopping you from saying whatever you want. Whether or not people are listening is a different tale.

FnordX ago

What is the term for a group of individuals attempting to silence your ability to speak, then?

Tozetre ago

You miss my point about non-legal means of silencing, I think. What do you call it?

cantor ago

You are entitled to your point of view. I agree that the word carries the connotation of what you said. However, I believe that the word is considerably more broad than you acknowledge. See the Wikipedia article on Censorship, for example.

Patchface- ago

I'm cool, if your are, with agreeing to disagree on this one. While voat may have been censored, I think it's within the right of the server to do so. I should have chosen my words in my original comment more carefully.

cantor ago

I agree that it's within the service provider's right so long as it isn't a violation of the contract between the customer and the service provider. Very often people confuse what one should do and what one should be able to do. And we can agree to disagree.

cantor ago

I agree that it's within the service provider's right so long as it isn't a violation of the contract between the customer and the service provider. Very often people confuse what one should do and what one should be able to do. And we can agree to disagree.

Bonerot ago

Well now, that was a refreshing exchange of views.

Genocide ago

And what do you call the people that are putting pressure on that cowardly company? Are they censors?

weabot ago

No, they're corporate assholes who try to crush the weaker merging company to keep their userbase by preventing others from offering something better. Still not censorship by definition.

The only thing close to censorship here is the concept of political correctness, and have the right to do this because they're not the government, they're simply a service provider who have the right to choose their clients.

It's scary if you think about it. You could be blacklisted for any reason by every major company in the world and they could justify this by saying that they don't want your business and you could go elsewhere. The truth is, the only way you could go elsewhere is by walking or asking a stranger. You couldn't buy a car, couldn't take the plane, couldn't deliver a letter, couldn't have a bank account, you'd have a lot of trouble finding a place to live and somewhere to find food and you could only work in a small business that doesn't have any relations to other big businesses that could possibly threaten to take their own business elsewhere if they employed a blacklisted person.

It's an extreme concept but when you realise how much space big companies take in your daily life, you realise that we should just drop that free market bullshit and make laws to prevent service companies to refuse clients who don't deserve it.

Genocide ago

I respectfully disagree - mainly because you are advocating that the government should have the same domain over a business in telling them what to do as you are advocating AGAINST for a business to have over an individual. When it boils down to it, the free market is a good idea and works when monopolies and oligopolies are prevented by the regulators. If a company is blackballing large groups of people from sending mail, there will naturally be a new entrant to the market that will thrive when they WILL send their mail.

beardman ago

Welcome back! Glad to know you guys are on top of your shit and very transparent about all of that. Hopefully you won't have to deal with that again.

Genocide ago

Those that would shut down open dialogue and free spread of information without censorship are very powerful and will stop at nothing to quiet those that do not follow their agenda. This is going to be a long and difficult road. For the sake of everything that used to proliferate on the web - true freedom - I hope you are up to the task. I, (and I'm sure, thousands of others) are at your back.

D-- ago

Terribly sorry to hear this. I really admire what you're doing and will be donating what I can by PayPal... while it's still open.

I'm really worried your PayPal account will be the next thing to go since they have disabled the accounts of many people with a similar cause. Please make sure you are cashing it out regularly. It would be terrible if some of the donations were lost due to spineless corporate bullshit.

Edit: Oh shit. Did it already happen? I am getting this message when sending money to [email protected] from my existing PayPal balance (not bank/credit):

We can't send your payments right now. If the problem continues please contact Customer Support.

mukt ago

I warned /u/Atko about dangers of using PayPal exclusively about 10 months back. He seemed aware of it. Since than Voat has started taking Bitcoin donations, an improvement. But a PayPal horror story might be in the offing.

moozaad ago

Thankfully paypal is an actual bank in the EU so they have to abide by laws and such. They can't get away with the crap that they pull in the states. I would still regularly clear your account though and setup pingit or even a corporate account.

shitladyRN ago

I was able to donate to paypal just now. Looks like it was a temporary glitch, maybe due to so many donations. I hope that this attempt to shut down voat only makes it stronger as more and more users donate to keep it alive.

Genuine ago

I'd suggest Google Wallet, if it's available in Sweden of course. Why more people don't use it is beyond me. It's the only thing I use, and paypal ONLY when the wallet card does work.

D-- ago

Blocked in China. I can't pay with it :(

Mattk50 ago

Paypal, patreon, gratipay, all kinds of funding sites thesedays will simply refuse to give money to ppl if sjws bitch at you enough. Be ready for the onslaught.

kingemocut ago

hopefully they'll start taking credit card payments too, as a backup. hopefully.

HoboTeddy ago

I'm not an expert here, but credit card payments require some sort of carrier (like a bank). That's why it costs businesses a fee every time a customer uses a credit card.

the_cow_says ago

"a fee every time a customer uses a credit card."

PayPal isn't free either - they take a similar cut.

This whole thing is a bit silly though "we hosted our servers in a country that has laws we know nothing about, we got shutdown, SEND US MONEY".

Also, mooooo

kingemocut ago

sounds about right, though it does also have its perks, especially for businesses.

zephyr1999 ago

You might just be having other technical difficulties... I was just now able to donate without any hiccups.

johnnyboy1 ago

That's a rather strange thing to do. Especially also regarding the server not containing any data of this site. As far as I know this is not a legal thing to do, you should check your contract with the provider.

Char ago

Considering how reddit has stuff like coontown, I can't imagine how Voat is somehow worse. Though, I don't know if this same provider works with Reddit, but the fact that this stuff is happening to Voat all of a sudden seems dumb.

the_grey_goo ago

/v/holocaust forbidden in germany.

penguincheerleader ago

This is exactly what I wanted to see on top, this should not by any means be legal and I want to see legal analysis on these actions, although this is too new and small to the mainstream to find on news sites at the moment. If the internet is to be a space of free speech away from corporate control then this type of vague punishment for non adherence to unspecified rules must not be aloud. I highly hope that when Atko gets the chance he talks to professional legal counsel.

Bug_Catcher_Joey ago

The spineless hosting company was probably spammed with bullshit emails, gotten their panties in a bunch a decided to preemptively shut everything down in case there's an upcoming shitstorm. It's not unusual.

lettersofmarque ago

This seems most likely to me. Most companies fold like a lawn chair at the first sign of public discord. It doesn't require the schemed machinations of a secret cabal, merely a couple emails by another customer about heightened sensibilities offended.

j_ ago

In this case it's incredibly easy to take down Voat because you can post offending or even outright illegal content yourself and complain to the hosting company. It's unfortunate, and I'm behind Voat, but I do not really blame the host as a money-making and law-abiding entity for terminating the contract.

algidum ago

These contracts usually have a clause "we can terminate service at any time"...

cyberpunk ago

I've worked for several ISP's and yes, you are right. There's also a "We're tired of your shit" clause.

Hewitt ago

Then why have a contract at all?

flyawayhigh ago

So far, all the censorship problems have been with businesses, not governments. Reddit's "safe spaces," the website attack, and now this. Who's really against free speech? Corporations!

Paypal is also known for cutting off speech. Expect that account to be suspended too.

wasdeeh ago

Nah. It's not that easy in the EU.

Mic ago

From their own TOS (p. 8):

§ 15 Special conditions applicable to hosting products, dedicated and virtual servers

(1) The Client provides explicit assurance that the provision and publishing of his websites' contents or data neither infringes German law nor other relevant national legislation, in particular copyright law, trademark law, rights to the name, data protection law and competition law.

The Provider reserves the right to temporarily block content that appears to be dubious in this respect. The same shall apply if the Provider is requested by a third party to modify or delete content on hosted websites, because it apparently infringes upon third party rights.

(2) In the event that the Client provides evidence that there is no risk of infringing third party rights or any other infringement of the law, the Provider shall make the websites in question available again to third parties. The Client herewith indemnifies th e Provider against all third party claims for compensation resulting from impermissible content on one of the Client’s websites.

As far as i can see, there's nothing on terminating unilaterally a contract, just temporally blocking said suspected infringing content until further arbitration. I really would like to hear why they felt compelled to act like they did.

cyberpunk ago

ISP employee here. The Internet needed Safe Harbor laws - think about it; you can distribute anything digital over the Internet. If they didn't create these laws, ISP's would get shut down left & right when they unintentionally hosted someone abusing some law which made somebody money.

So this wording is for the benefit of the ISP and the customers.... but mostly the ISP.

More info:

Thomas7575 ago

"Well a bunch of people from reddit and a bunch more people from circlejerk SJW forums told us your website was bad mkay?"

pao_is_a_tranny ago

And they have probably received complaints from hamplanets who know how to use dig and whois.

SpaceRosa ago

This is what I mean when I say people won't keep his shit in their own subverses.

DriveWire ago

you're free to downvoat it as you like. If I get my wish Voat will become a safe haven for hackers, misogynists, racists and anarchists, a place free of censorship and SJW.

SpaceRosa ago

That's hypocritical. You say you want it free of censorship but want to deny SJWs their right to speak?

DriveWire ago

no, I want it intolerable to them, I want them grossed out by all the evil shit here.

SpaceRosa ago

That's stupid.

token ago

This smells more of corporate sabotage than keyboard activism. I'd assume people in high places aren't happy about the exodus. Just look at the "reddit gold" meter, it isnt reaching 100% anymore when slow days were 115% or more.

dtrainusmc ago

Yea, there's no way they caved because some SJWs wrote emails or complained on Twitter.

Hell, most of the really nasty anti-FPH people on Reddit were glad people were switching to voat.

I wouldn't be surprised pressure isn't being applied from people much more powerful than some keyboard crusaders.

textbooksforrent ago

I dunno, most of this came about because of people who were offended constantly reporting these types of subs, posts etc. to begin with.

Reddits hyper-progressives basically form a little volunteer army. Reddit itself doesn't have to do much when they have people lining up to do it for them.

We live in a world where public companies want to accomplish the impossible task of pleasing everyone. All it takes is a small group to freak out and companies shit their pants and change their policies.

token ago

I dont think that anyone disagrees that SJWs had a part in it. Its the group that yells the loudest that gets heard best - but there is a deeper money driven reason behind all the things going on as of late.

fkinglag ago

Yup, you really have to take out the competition before they get their own market share. I said it in my introduction post and I'll say it here again. Social media is a boom or bust industry now and if your site isn't competing for a userbase then you must be doing it wrong. Reddit, although, doesn't really need to compete as badly as voat does. When I see cut-throat business tactics and then a move like this to shut down voat it really is blatant corporate sabotage. I'm worried for the weird world we live in when I see things like this happen to a place trying to stem from liberalism and freedom of speech. Reminds me of something Bill Maher said about this. "They’re not in the service industry. They’re in the small print industry, and this is the new business model in America — annoying you out of your money."

token ago

Businesses are built to make money and they only care about your ideas and freedoms as long as they aligned with projected quarterly profits and as soon as those become unaligned then this is what happens. Its almost impossible for a social site like reddit or even voat to stay alive trying to make everyone happy but there is a difference between better moderating better or becoming political correctness gestapo. It is sad to think but there will always be these exoduses from one place to the next as they try to make names for themselves - we will always be chasing freedom.

Twizzeld ago

I'm surprised your the first person to point this out. The first thing I though was that Reddit is behind this. Thanks for putting this out there!

token ago

Im sure others have mentioned it before me and explained it better but I see way too many users complaining about censorship and freedom of speech without looking at the root cause of the situation- money. Money talks in the business world and you using a free site means you are the product - they sell you to advertisers and the like. Once advertisers/investors begin to look upon what is being said warily then the company has to change quick of the money stops rolling in and obviously without money you can run your business.

pao_is_a_tranny ago

Ha! I did not notice that. My observation skills are lacking. :(

mising ago

You need to remember that those hamplanets are also Reddit/Imgur admins. It's safe to assume they are not completely incompetent.

Dirty_Asshole ago

I'm surprised the hams could manage to reach all the keys to type dig

flarflar ago

I'm sure it is somewhere in the user agreement

algidum ago

DDOS first then making your old host close your account? This is war!

redditiscooler ago

Why the fuck host with hosteurope in the first place? That's a really bad hoster.

Inferno1170 ago

Do you think reddit is behind this? Trying to remove competition?

Jimmy_Two_Fingers ago

Most likely FPH's migration over to voat and the backlash from the rotund [redacted]itors pursuing on their Scooty-Puff, Juniors.

Strikingearth ago

Scooty puffs? Hmm.. So all we need to do is move our servers to the second floor.

neon_squirrel ago

Scooty Puff, Jr. suuuuuuuucks!

Jimmy_Two_Fingers ago

With no elevator and only stairs.


Of course you realize, this means war:

EllenPaoCEOofReddit ago

War by those same who are running deaddit.

zveda ago

Outrageous. Where can voat go from here? There must be some hosting service that values freedom.

356928? ago

@atko for president!

penguinman ago

this is the same EXACT shit that happened to 8ch and Hotwheels in this EXACT order. Welcome to outrage and censorship culture. Remember this the next time someone says "It's not censorship because you can make your own site."

redditiscooler ago

So hosting your own site on your own servers doesn't work anymore? Give me a break.

weabot ago

It's capitalism at its finest. When something becomes big enough its service becomes less desirable, it tries as much as possible to hide, shut down or buy the better services out there to keep their semblance of monopoly.

371192? ago

this is so aggravating.

Spectral ago

Truer words have never been spoken

Broc_Lia ago

True actually. Their next step will be trying to cut off donations.

Harry_Areola ago

Didn't they already do that when they had paypal blocked saying there was child pornography being hosted here?

penguinman ago

They might be a bit late on that one since the voat guys apparently already got over $8k in donations.

Sops ago

I don't know how long $8k will last for a site like voat but certainly not forever.

penguinman ago

The owner said it was plenty and removed everything but the bitcoin donation link. Seems promising to me.

Broc_Lia ago

Too late on the servers too.

Azor-Ahai ago

I've been saying to others that groups invested in Reddit are behind these attacks. voat would have a LOT more users right now if there wouldn't have been attacks.

If anyone knows more about how this occurs and what exactly the attackers are using would be nice to elaborate. I don't know much about the systems. I do know that those heavily invested in Reddit that will be using whatever means necessary to protect it.

zer0t3ch ago

It's not censorship because you can make your own site

Still kinda true, as anyone with a computer can run their own servers. Only [potential] problem then would be an ISP cutting you off.

weabot ago

The company has the full right to do this because they have the right to choose their clients (but god forbid they chose to not serve someone who's fat, gay, black and willing to cry about it), but it doesn't mean it's okay, especially for the reason behind it.

thelordofcheese ago

It's not harassment when they do it.

It's not a crime when they commit cyber terrorism and digital vandalism and interfere with international communication and commerce.

NinetyNine ago

Just to be clear, you're saying that reddit's admins are committing cyber terrorism, digital vandalism, and interfering with international communication and commerce?

If so, would that then mean reddit has become a utility?

RamenJunkie ago

Wait, what was the Hot Wheels thing? As a regular poster on /toy/ I get a little irritated that you can't effectively discuss Hot Wheels because its filtered.

Jimmy_Two_Fingers ago

Is Hot Wheels some fucked up sexual innuendo or something?

MagnaFarce ago

Hot Wheels is the cool as balls guy who made and runs

ketsuban ago

You can't talk about hotwheels on halfchan now? Jesus fuck. There's a /toy/ board on 8chan as well. Or you can just resort to calling hot wheels "blazing cars" for the rest of eternity.

TheonGreyjoy ago

I have seen this happen so many times now.

Hopefully Voat will pull through this.

Lilina ago

Yep, and now he's propped up by the Japanese 2chan. Maybe we need to seek them.

Venusaur ago

thats only if dont self host, but that gets expensive :^)

So in a way its possible but not if you're not turning a profit

Supreme_Authority ago

So we switch to the same host Hotwheels is using?

Failure ago

IIRC Hotwheels is teamed up with 2ch, and is sharing servers, but dont quote me on that.

Yuloforce ago

Was 8chan the victim of a DDOS attack? I haven't been on 8chan in ages.

maxman14 ago

Yeah, someone paid those lizardsquad dudes a boatload of cash to keep a DDOS attack running for ages. That's ignoring the various smaller attacks that happened regularly.

Syndicake ago

It was the victim of several DDOS attacks and a few donation systems refused service such as Patreon. Some people really hate freedom of political speech. It's sad really because if you know history the West - America in particular has always stood up for that value.

SandorClegane ago

Some sort of actually-official-vpn rents their userbase out as botnets, Holo or some shit? idk based in israel though, so cue /pol/ was righting and such.

crusade ago

We've been getting hit off and on since first exodus, Hola was mass spamming, ddos were too many to count

SandorClegane ago

Don't forget that the CP charges come next. Time to egress from Sweden, yes! And everyone say hello to DAN OLSEN while he's uploading that CP to report to Canadian authorities, won't you?

JediMaster_Bates ago

What is CP? What does it stand for?

Edit: I just want to say I had six new messages, and three of them said nothing but "Child Porn," and two more contained the words.

JahntheMan ago

Cheese Pizza

Lilina ago

Child porno... the most disturbing thing on earth.

joseremarque ago

The acronym that dare not speak its name. Child pornography.

FatFingerFreddy ago

I think what @Sandorclegane was saying is that Child Porn charges are a common offensive measure. I have no idea who DAN OLSEN is.

Iago ago

Dan Olsen was a "journalist" who wrote an article alleging that 8chan hosted CP. However, instead of following the law and reporting it to the authorities to deal with the incident he took screenshots of the "CP" to use in his article(which could constitute downloading CP) and failed to notify the proper authorities. Luckily for him the "CP" turned out to be within the law (however distasteful the actual pictures are Hotwheels the owner of 8chan has stated that as long as it is within the law it is allowed on 8chan) so he did not face any legal repercussions for not reporting it to the police.

EDIT: Fixed typos

FatFingerFreddy ago

Thanks. That was quite informative.

mispelledsomething ago

Something involving underage persons and adult content.

RegalSerperior ago

Child Porn

Kuleaid ago

Child porn

NotWearingPants ago

Child Porn

Mattk50 ago

It's incredible that people try to justify this stuff but i suppose it makes sense when people just dont know the whole story

We need a comprehensive "story" somewhere, on some website or something that covers each of these issues individually in relation to these issues with full sourcing.

exolyte ago

Next is the .co domain, hotwheels lost ownership of his domain for a few hours/days because there was "content violating the rules" which was one of the reasons he switched to

Sariel ago

At least there is not 2ch to buy voat out and then threaten to close us down.

Regulus343 ago

Well, I know this isn't a perfect solution because it requires the users to have more technical knowledge so they can configure their browsers for it, but getting a .bit domain using Namecoin as a backup is a good idea. Namecoin is decentralized DNS so it can't be shut down.

Stink ago

I support what you're saying, but know that DNS by design is decentralized. Please don't go forward thinking it is centralized. It's a huge tree structure ran by many many separate organizations and individuals.

Also a lot of corporate security appliances block .bit domains to prevent malware from contacting CnC servers. I wouldn't depend on that for sole access to the site.

Rummel ago

I just invested in like 600 NMC, they're pretty dirt cheap right now

Lilgreen13 ago

Seconded. I'm willing to learn if it means keeping this place running. I might run over to /v/ bitcoin to learn wtf that is just so I can donate. I'm saving your comment so I can remind myself later.

j_ ago

You (and I) may be willing to learn, but it cuts the potential audience down by several orders of magnitude.

There are already forums and discussion boards and all manner of resources on the darknet but we will never hear about them... because there is by definition near-0 chance of hearing about them on the surface web.

Although Namecoin is not exactly "dark", the effect will be similar. I don't think all of Voat's supporters, although vocal, are willing or comfortable with effectively going underground.

NeverToday ago

It doesn't need to be an all or nothing though. We can have a .bit domain set up as a fail safe but still have a traditional DNS set up as the main domain most people will use. The key is that the .bit domain can never be "seized" so it will always work as long as the server stays standing.

Regulus343 ago

This. A .bit domain should be set up as a backup. When there are DNS issues, the more technically savvy users will still have access (and we can put up a tutorial hosted elsewhere to help other people get set up for Namecoin DNS too).

BlackBetty ago

You might want to post something like a "Namecoin for Dummies" on YouTube for tech idiots like me. And I mean, DUMB IT DOWN. Walk people through it like you would your grandmother. That's the way you get people to use it.

Grizmoblust ago

Looks like it's time to decentralized the internet. Let's put users back in control of their servers, and ISP.

bitshares ago

Grizmoblust ago

That's a FILESHARING decentralized platform.

CJDNS is not any of that kind. It is a completely new aka internet 2.0. You are now the owner, and operator of ISP, and can run servers wihtout asking authorities or beg them to stop with privacy invasion.

Edited: It is possible to run maidsafe on top of CJDNS. In fact, any application that has IPv6 support can be run on top of CJDNS.

ThomasJefferson ago

I was a frequent reader on /r/rad_decentralization, I didn't understand much of it but it fascinated me. This is the future of a democratic society.

rhy ago

I always upgoat Thomas Jefferson.

Grizmoblust ago

No. It is not democratic. Why are you named T.J. if you support democratic society. He is fully against such ideas. You should re-read on what he said explicitly.

icandothat ago

Can you explain the benefit of that for me?

icandothat ago

Can you explain the benefit of that for me?

Grizmoblust ago

I already explained the benefits. You can start your own ISP without permission from the state. This means you can compete with other ISP such as comcast, quest, and others. However, it cannot run on current internet model. This mean it is a completely new internet from ground and up. Meshnetwork. Also, you can start your own server without going to ISP, and ask about certain things and request IP address whereas you can do so by running cjdns, and have it provide for you.

Ifaptocomments ago

This needs to be more widely adopted. Installing on my home machine tonight.

Grizmoblust ago

Don't forget to get your closest friend on it as well. Then you guys can start a mesh net in your city.

TrippySkippy ago

Would you mind explaining what that means? I know very little about this subject, but your idea sounds interesting :)

Grizzly92lkg ago

Huh, I've never heard of that before. It's pretty cool though.

gurlat ago

So what should we expect next?

Sariel ago

Space-based servers provided by Elon Musk.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

"Terrorist satellites sucessfully shot down by US rockets"

Sariel ago

"The satellites had tungsten rods, sir."

ItzOnlySmellz ago

There'd be an international law banning them in a month. "national security".

Sariel ago

I'm surprised there isn't an international agreement doing that already.

vonclausewitz ago

Atko will be moving to Thailand where he will procure an advanced wheelchair

ketsuban ago

Atko doesn't even need a wheelchair. He has earned his wheels of glory in heaven.

Espurra ago

Saved your comment so that I indeed will remember

Patchface- ago

Welcome to being a minority. I'm as upset as you are, but this is what happens when you're the minority.

kosmic_osmo ago

maybe it will serve to radicalize some of todays youth!

Broc_Lia ago

More like a majority with very spiteful and powerful enemies, but I agree.

ein ago

That's funny, I seem to remember all sorts of minorities being able to free to speak their minds online and do honest business as they please for the better part of three decades.

rothx ago

the minority these days being the 99%, not the asshole 1% that control our lives.

leescorsby ago

exactly there are more of us but because all the real power is in the hands of a few our voices don't count for shit

RaptorSixFour ago

Most only support freedom of expression when it suits them.

guy9000 ago

Yep. The majority are the minority. The minority are the majority. Up is down, left is right. etc.

We live in a very fucked world.

RagnarokAngel ago

Minority have ruled from time immemorial. M"eet the new boss / same as the old boss... "

Thomas7575 ago

Free speech advocates are the minority on the internet?

CommonCormorant ago

Advocates? Yes. Ppl who need it, no.

PaperLuigi3 ago

Yup. That's why we're having to fight for the right to say what we think is right. Or even make fun of the fatties.

PaperLuigi3 ago

Yup. That's why we're having to fight for the right to say what we think is right. Or even make fun of the fatties.

akuta ago

Rights advocates are the minority almost anywhere anymore. If you stand up for a right (regardless of which one it is), someone is likely to tell you that you're stupid for it and follow it up with things like "If you have nothing to hide, then why are you concerned?"

webdev ago

Afaik. Hosteuropr is a German company. And we have only very limited freedom of speech here. Extreme political views? Banned by law. Calling somebody an "asshole" publically? They can take you to court for that. Many shitty rules. Not a good place to host a website for open discussion.

SilverBanana ago

I find a certain irony that the laws stem from the fear of the past. That past that featured extreme censorship.

Araris ago

If you write " I think you are an asshole" you should be safe, because they can't sue you for your opinion.

webdev ago

Sure they can. Its not the US.

Araris ago

The US is not the only place with free speech.

webdev ago

True, there may be other places.

But Germany isn't one of them, and people here want it that way, unfortunately.

geek_at ago

I fully agree. Why would @Atko who is living in Sweden and hosting Voat in Switzerland even think about renting a server in Germany?

webdev ago

You get some really good prices for hosting here in Germany. Usually with unmetered data rates. And until now I had never heard anything bad about Hosteurope.

But personally, I would never host a open-topic forum on a German server. Just too much legal uncertainty. Even after 20 years of WWW.

nroslm ago

As someone whose mother was born in Germany this really chips away at the romanticism of the country I've held all these years. =\

Flappin ago

And here I thought that the Nazi party where into censorship (thought I'd just speed up Godwin's law). But seriously that seems pretty fucking bad

webdev ago

Authoritarian parties are into censorship only once they are in power.

Patchface- ago

I agree that's censorship. Asshole.

Jaqen_Hghar ago

aaand off to court we go

ev1lb1t ago

The political correctness contingent is not a "majority" in any sense of the word.

They are a tiny but vocal minority with outsized press influence. That's it.

immibis ago

Both the political-correctness contingent and the free-speech contingent are minorities. The vast majority of people don't care and just want to get on with their lives. The question is, which is bigger?

ev1lb1t ago

When push comes to shove, the "neutrals" will side with the free speech crowd. They usually don't say anything until the moral busybodies start sticking their nose in their business.

It was the same way when the PC police were messing with the Atheist/skeptic community (see: elevatorgate) and the gaming community ignored the whole thing.. until the PC guys started heaving the poo at gaming.

immibis ago

The political-correctness people are generally careful not to interfere with the neutrals until it's too late to do anything about it.

Patchface- ago

Who is spending the money? That's the question.

ev1lb1t ago

Everyone but them.

They're bullies, plain and simple, taking advantage of the impossible desire of corporate PR people to have 0 public detractors.

Once this out-dated mentality dies, they will have no power whatsoever.

indiglo_girls ago

Screw that. The censors are the fucking minority.

Sariel ago

I don't know. Personally I think it just the case of a vocal minority that conveniently fits in the agenda of those who hold the actual power. Most of humanity doesn't really care much about anything besides their short-term needs.

darksunshaman ago

very true. I know it sounds a bit whiny, but by the time my 50 hr work week is done, kids are tended to and the yardwork is done, I'm a bit exhausted to try and fuck with other peoples rights, wants and needs. Seems like we have way too many people who have somehow carved a career out of policing others thoughts in the name of political correctness. Fucking slime is what these types are. Most of them have not the will nor the intellect to work a real job that is actually contributing to something other than their own internal echo chamber.....

WatDabney ago

This is exactly what it is.

Those who are most adamant about constraining other people's actions will always find support amongst those who are most hungry for power. Vocal minorities gain influence specifically because it serves the interests of the power-mongers to go do whatever it is that the vocal minority is demanding them to go do.

It's not necessary that the power-mongers have any real sympathy whatsoever with the things demanded - it's only necessary that the vocal minority exists and makes the demands, and that because all the power mongers really want is an excuse to expand and exercise their power.

Sariel ago

I know, it is sad when actions are taken by how many people "seem" to agree with it and not by how right/efficient/actually benefiting to the country/nation/humanity/planet it is.

Ergheis ago

Are you telling the Politically Correct people to check their privilege?

alexisgib ago

Cracked makes me vomit, but this author is on the money here:

A) Find an example of a successful member of the disadvantaged group and exaggerate their power.

B) Say or do outrageous things until the victim lashes out, then accuse them of censorship/oppression.

C) Accuse the victim of enjoying their victimization and/or doing what they do purely for publicity. Insist they were asking for it and were the real driving force behind the harassment all along.

How you've been tricked into hate. Republicans do this, the "moral majority" does this, the FA movement does this. Once you know the pattern, you'll see it everywhere.

PaulRivers ago

A) Find an example of a successful member of the disadvantaged group and exaggerate their power.
B) Say or do outrageous things until the victim lashes out, then accuse them of censorship/oppression. C) Accuse the victim of enjoying their victimization and/or doing what they do purely for publicity. Insist they were asking for it and were the real driving force behind the harassment all along.

I can't figure this article out, as either the author is a feminist, or an editor added pro-feminist comments in afterwards, but the author exactly describes feminism here.

Or #4 is spot on:

4. Convince The Powerful Majority That They're The Oppressed Ones

Gee, where have we heard this one used with white, middle class women before?

Sketchy_Llama ago

Pot meet kettle you just did the very same thing you were pointing out, how hilarious.

Kilgore_Trout ago

Baltimore comes to mind.

section-owl ago

You realize that by saying Republicans do it, you did exactly what you're complaining about?

thelordofcheese ago

Hey, he dindu nuffin!

Shagoosty ago

Nah man, Republicans are totes evil!

section-owl ago

Totally and liberals are our lord and savior. They're here to protect us from the rich!

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Also (it's very evident this is a SJW) because liberals are notorious for doing the same thing. Most easily notable through the "class warfare tactic".

"Let's find a white middle class family with two parents who work their asses off to provide for their family....and then ruin them!! They are exactly what is wrong with this country! Everything they have earned should be stripped from them and given to minorities! Jesus? They can't worship Jesus! What!?!? They own a small town pizza shop? Hurry let's ask them if they would cater gay weddings. Oh, catering isn't their business model so they would refuse to cater a gay wedding? DESTROY THEM!"

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Also (it's very evident this is a SJW) because liberals are notorious for doing the same thing. Most easily notable through the "class warfare tactic".

"Let's find a white middle class family with two parents who work their asses off to provide for their family....and then ruin them!! They are exactly what is wrong with this country! Everything they have earned should be stripped from them and given to minorities! Jesus? They can't worship Jesus! What!?!? They own a small town pizza shop? Hurry let's ask them if they would cater gay weddings. Oh, catering isn't their business model so they would refuse to cater a gay wedding? DESTROY THEM!"

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Also (it's very evident this is a SJW) because liberals are notorious for doing the same thing. Most easily notable through the "class warfare tactic".

"Let's find a white middle class family with two parents who work their asses off to provide for their family....and then ruin them!! They are exactly what is wrong with this country! Everything they have earned should be stripped from them and given to minorities! Jesus? They can't worship Jesus! What!?!? They own a small town pizza shop? Hurry let's ask them if they would cater gay weddings. Oh, catering isn't their business model so they would refuse to cater a gay wedding? DESTROY THEM!"

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Also (it's very evident this is a SJW) because liberals are notorious for doing the same thing. Most easily notable through the "class warfare tactic".

"Let's find a white middle class family with two parents who work their asses off to provide for their family....and then ruin them!! They are exactly what is wrong with this country! Everything they have earned should be stripped from them and given to minorities! Jesus? They can't worship Jesus! What!?!? They own a small town pizza shop? Hurry let's ask them if they would cater gay weddings. Oh, catering isn't their business model so they would refuse to cater a gay wedding? DESTROY THEM!"

alexisgib ago

I just don't see democratic candidates doing this, but perhaps they aren't doing it as brazenly and obviously enough for anyone to notice. They are conservatives as well, and could very well be using this strategy when in the majority, which is why I didn't exempt them.

PaulRivers ago

Uh...I'm liberal, but any politician pushing feminist rhetoric is doing exactly that.

1. Men work the most hazardous, most socially isolated, and most stressful jobs. But according to feminists, the only men you're allowed to acknowledge exist are the ones who are successful.
2. Feminists fill my facebook feed with increasingly aggressive man-hating rhetoric, what was the last one - bragging about how awesome causing males tears is, and producing mugs and tshirts celebrating causing male tears? When you point out how hateful they're being, why you're not allowed to talk because you're a cis white male and logic is a tool that is historically used to oppress women by the patriarchy that you are a part of.
3. They don't accuse men of enjoying their victimization but the rest is true - men were asking for it when they were a scientist who wore the wrong shirt and were attacked by feminists, or a scientist who made a joke then feminists got him fired. Why it was his fault, after all, he didn't live his life assuming that there was an angry feminist following him around just waiting for him to say something they didn't like.

Sure, the republicans do a ton of this to. But feminists have this down to a pattern.

Sketchy_Llama ago

Then you just aren't paying attention or you don't want to notice. Political indoctrination is a hell of a drug.

Targren ago

I just don't see democratic candidates doing this, but perhaps they aren't doing it as brazenly and obviously enough for anyone to notice

  1. Find an example of a successful member of the disadvantaged group and exaggerate their power. -- White CEOs

  2. Say or do outrageous things until the victim lashes out, then accuse them of censorship/oppression. -- 76%, #MaleTears, Neckbeards and Fedoras

  3. Accuse the victim of enjoying their victimization and/or doing what they do purely for publicity. Insist they were asking for it and were the real driving force behind the harassment all along. -- Patriarchy Hurts Men Too!

Yeah, they're generally more subtle about it (Except Hillary), but when the goddamn POTUS is parroting the wage gap myth in the State of the Union address, it's damn surely happening.

Edit: Dear gods, I don't know WTF happened. I certainly didn't intend to post this 5 times. Deleted dupes.

PaulRivers ago

I wrote something similar, but you wrote it better and more concisely.This is the pattern of feminism, and also a huge number of other political groups.

JoCoLa ago

Of course they do. They did this to the Tea Party right from from the get-go.

section-owl ago

People have difficulty seeing when their side does something wrong. My parents think Bush is a saint and Obama is evil for things that both of them did.

alexisgib ago

Bush is evil. Obama is evil. Mitt Romney was evil. John Kerry was evil. The lesser of two evils is evil, so the only thing we can do is fight to change, demonstrate, agitate, and help shape the dialogue in favor of policies that benefit the majority of people, not the minority of interests that the government represents, and has been representing since the beginning. And I mean the beginning - remember that America was founded by rich people who didn't want to pay taxes.

But no, I don't see democratic candidates using the strategy I talked about above.

toobaditworks ago

founded by rich people who didn't want to pay taxes

3. Focus On Their Most Frivolous Complaints (And Most Unlikable Members)

You might want to check your history facts and you're doing exactly the strategy you just said other people were doing. Not only are you focusing on your version of unlikable (rich people, and people who don't want to pay taxes) but you're also leaving out facts.

They didn't want to pay taxes AND not be represented in government. You can't just say "they didn't want to pay taxes hur dur hur dur". That wasn't the case. It was about having no say or representation in government but still paying for that government.

I have the feeling you're basing this version of history on a movie about smoking weed.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no he's just saying majority rules even if they're wrong and the PC police and the SJWs currently hold the majority vote in the public eye so we're very much the underdogs in this

ev1lb1t ago

The idea the PC nazis hold a majority is absolutely laughable.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they don't it's just that people and the media and such seem to think they do probably because their the loudest and their "causes" make for great headlines and clickbait so in practice a lot of times they might as well

Kilgore_Trout ago

Well, we laughed our asses right the hell off of reddit I guess, then. I think it would be laughable if reddit weren't humming along as if nothing ever happened, but they are, so I think the idea is far from laughable.

j_ ago

Reddit is indeed humming along just fine, but not because the majority is PC (or part of whatever cause or movement) -- it's because the majority is apathetic.

The majority doesn't want any of this conflict, and doesn't want to think about it. They want to watch TV and look at cat pictures and talk to their friends. In many ways that's what I want too.

Both free speech proponents and opponents are very vocal minorities. We are caught in the middle of it and tend to forget that.

textbooksforrent ago

Sure, but the thing about the internet is it allows a small group of people to amplify their voice and their impact. For better or for worse, for good or for evil.

j_ ago

Yes, don't confuse loudness for strength in numbers.

ShitlordMcThrowaway ago

Many of us remember the "Moral Majority" as well as the PMRC, that bedrock bastion of morals protectors which were just a handful of bored Congressional housewives.

Fritzl_Juice ago

I suspect he's thinking why don't they just fuck off, I know I am.

materialdesigner ago

I like how the bleeding heart contingent is always "leave [Academically Approved Oppressed Category] alone, they don't impact your life!"

Lovely self awareness.

well_golly ago

Equality is related to the direct interests of individuals who are bent on escaping certain inequalities not in their favor, and setting up new inequalities that will be in their favor, the latter being their chief concern.

-Vilfredo Pareto

WoahDude ago

Wait, are you mad that people point out your bigotry? What are you complaining about exactly?

Sento_Fernner ago

We need to stop our ship from sinking first.

yvesmh ago

The move to Cloudflare will keep it afloat for now, but this "being politically correct" or GTFO is bullshit.

SushiShitlady ago

Whoa, didn't know the hams would have this much influence in Europe.

But it's good to hear that Voat can't be shut down that easily.

SandorClegane ago

Have you never been to one of our blöts? Or been to an organised Yule celebration?

Ham was practically the lifeblood of europe the way beef is in America!

RaptorSixFour ago

Europe is so much worse with this crap than US

Edit: spelling, damn autocorrect

ur_mom ago

Keep it in FPH please.

LazarusLong ago

I'm sure she'll "keep it" wherever the fuck she wants.

Pappy ago

Just harass their provider so they get shut down due to being politically incorrect.

Cid ago

"Hello reddit advertisers? Yeah I'd like to talk to you about shitredditsays, coontown, and why I'll be linking you to them for boycotting purposes."

Patchface- ago

Holy shit, you gotta be fucking kidding. Politically incorrect? Ain't that some bull shit.

Spank_My_Bottom ago

I am especially speechless that they deleted his other scientific blog.