SaneGoatiSwear ago

you may be referring to someone else


shed light on the truth. if there's nothing wrong... what does the cabal coding voat have to hide?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

thanks for ignoring every single issue, giving out bullshit reasons with fluffy emotionally charged meaningless excuses, ninja removing a mod for simply notifying users of what you failed to notify them about, and asking for our money while cutting out whole sections of the user experience and giving us no financial transparency,

i really appreciate what you've done up to when you and putt disappeared, but since then it's been a slippery slope down to reddit town.

i sincerely hope you're still you and putt's still putt and that you're not bought out nor under duress, and that you guys turn voat around.

i have given you many ways to improve voat. you can take them or leave them.

upsist ago

You are welcome. I really appreciate what you have created here. The platform for free speech is so important for me. Keep up the great work and thank you for working on the merch orders. I ordered a Hoodie and will wait patiently for its arrival.

codegoat ago

PuttitOut, you rock :)

I hated that snitch. And I called him out right off. What a fucking faggot!

codegoat ago

This is almost to good to be true. I pointed that guy out immediately.

It's so nice to have cool mod's. For once, it's not a minus.

p0ssum ago

then leave ain't no one stopping you. Delete the bookmark and carry your ass on up outta here.

p0ssum ago

No, you'd have to say something of substance, something you appear to be incapable of.


Hm? You kind of rang?


hunter3 ago

its putt and atko's website right? whats in the policy? they can pretty much do what they want

mamwad ago

What do you mean? I was critical of the admins giving Cynabuns too much power, but they addressed it by creating the janitor mod position.

Sinful_Casshern ago

Be fucked

toobaditworks ago

Thanks for the CSS I added it to one of my subs. It lives.

AOU ago

Telling yourself lies don't make them true.

Evidences and facts can easily be found in PV.

Mods at /v/videos are biased and deserved to be removed. You being butthurt won't change facts.

AOU ago

you are incapable of countering the argument


It's not that I can't, you're just not worth it.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I was speaking to the slanderous words the admins had for me painting me like I was threatening atko with a gun and to destroy voat if he didn't heed me. Not calling me @she.

Moving the goalposts. You said...

exactly what you're saying is happening to cyna

I said, in regards to what was happening towards Cynabuns...

People that want to smear folks and fling wild, unbased accusations, such as the folks that did so with @Cynabuns, will do so, regardless of the evidence, or as was in this case, lack thereof, regardless of what the accused person claims they did not do. I've noticed a new trend that mimics the "Literally Hitler" meme from our old Reddit stomping grounds, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth how frequently people jump to it, these days whenever drama starts. We'll call it "Literally She", since that was the phrase sometimes used. It does nothing to further the discussion, and is only meant, much like invoking Godwin's Law, to put the party being accused on the defensive.

There are two operative clauses, in regards to Cynabuns in the paragraph above. 1) People are making wild accusations about Cynabuns' behavior (Not applicable, because you admitted you did the behavior of which you are accused.) and 2) People are comparing Cyna to @She. Since the first clause cannot, by definition, be the subject, you are moving the goalposts.

I admitted I put up the sticky, I did not admit it was wrong.

So you admit you committed the behavior that got you de-modded, then. There it is, right there. You don't have to admit whether or not you thought it was wrong. That's not for you to decide. It's for the subverse owner to decide, and in the case of a System Sub, that falls to the admins. Fact remains, you admit to the behavior the Admins accuse you of, that got you de-modded. Whether you personally think it is wrong or not, is irrelevant. As I said before, I don't have to justify anything. You were accused of behavior that got you de-modded, you admitted to doing the deeds which you were accused of, and yet despite that, you still attempt to proclaim that the admins are "slandering" you, despite your admission to the contrary? Let me give you a protip...


Oh, also...

Gun to my head

If I have to explain figure of speeches to you, then you're even more inept at reasoning than you make yourself appear, here.

AOU ago

incapable of countering argument or defending self, projects anger.

people like you are scumbags

you're a piece of shit.

Eat a dick.


Eastupward ago

Damn...I thought reality TV was drama....

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Kudos and thank you for your continuing perseverance in regards to the system subs

AOU ago

You're gonna need a bigger buttplug.


AOU ago



derram ago

So a banner that doesn't interfere with the usage of the site in anyway is important, but the spam squatters and mods who ban the rest of us out of spite are offlimits because that doesn't affect you?

Broc_Lia ago

System sub vs. private sub

THC did not own /v/videos, he was given stewardship of that position. He abused his powers so they were taken away. If he wants to make /v/19daylimit I doubt the admins will care what he does there.

pembo210 ago

Thanks for the heads up. Seemed like some silly stuff was going on for a few days..

AOU ago

without transparency,

Transparency, lol.

When you were called out for protecting spammers, you hid behind the "community decided blatant spammers weren't spammers" card, yet you haven't provided a single link to that discussion.

Transparency, my ass.

AOU ago

From everything I've seen he was polite. It wasn't aggressive or rude until he was removed without even an explanation.


CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

I just said the admins were doing it, not the users.

Once again, citation needed. I have yet to see where any admin has directly compared you to @She. To my knowledge, nobody, including the admins, has deigned to draw direct comparisons between you and the worst user to make an account on this site since it went from being called Whoaverse to Voat. I repeat myself, citation needed.

I did not, I said it was a mistake how I did it.

You did. You did precisely that. From your OP, you cited Putt as posting...

Used a @system subverse as a personal platform

To which you responded...

I did do that and in hindsight was the wrong approach, I should have made a video and then stickied it.

Just to make things clear, the boldtype again says...

I did do that...

That is a literal admission that you did what Putt said you did, or do you not understand what "I did do that," means?

I invite you to please try to justify the dumbass shit they said I did...

I don't have to "justify" anything. You said to hear you out. I did. I let you make your case, and you literally, by definition, admitted to the act which Putt accused you of which the admins claim was the principal act that got you de-modded. Case fucking closed. Next case, Bailiff!

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Fair enough.

On the matter of holding them responsible, I readily admit perhaps I am misreading this, but I took this statement...

The main reason why one was especially needed here was due to the community blaming @cynabuns.

To mean that because there were several posters directly slamming Cynabuns, that for some reason, this made Atko and Putt directly culpable to issue a statement claiming Cyna's innocence. Atko and Putt mentioned from the beginning that the Janitor position would not have mod privs, and it wasn't until this drama happened that people started (at least that I saw) slamming Cyna for acting as a mod, despite what logic tells us is possible, and despite Cyna's protestations to the contrary. I didn't see any direct reason for them to comment on the idea that it wasn't Cyna that de-modded THC. Simply Atko or Putt claiming responsibility would have been sufficient for me. The idea that either of them have to alter any statement they give, not that they were obligated to in the first place, but still...simply on the grounds a bunch of dramamongers are flinging shit around, seems ridiculous on its face.

But, as I said, it's entirely possible I misread that, or the subtext behind it.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

exactly what you're saying is happening to cyna, only towards me.

I have yet to see even one user compare you to @She. Meanwhile, I have seen countless users in the comments, and even various threads started, implying that @Cynabuns is either a She alt, or "Literally She". Citation needed.

admins are slanderous

Dude, you literally, in your cited response, admit to doing what the admins accuse you of doing, and apologize for it (although it doesn't really come across as sincere, and instead reeks of smartassery, considering the issue with user histories had already been made known for quite some time). That is the very antithesis of slander!

I've been wanting the facts from the very beginning, got slammed for saying I would be patient enough to wait for them, and now that they're out, I'm basing my decision on them...and even by your own account of them, it doesn't make your case look very good. Not sure who "they" is supposed to be, but I don't base my assessments on anything but the facts I can have presented to me, or dig up of my own accord.

revofire ago

My question is why was THC not given a warning. And who is @Cynabuns and why them? Why make them a janitor vs anyone else?

Also, I understand that there are emotions flying but why is Atko throwing a fit here? We need professionalism here.

How is there a gun in your face? It was a banner....... if he had the keys to Voat and threatened to wipe it, that's a gun.

You say you don't like people to hold a gun to your face. But isn't that exactly what happens when you're forced to censor by the government?

HomerSimpson ago

I missed drama? What happened.

Broc_Lia ago

THC got mad because atko and putt removed the ability to view comment history past page 19 (ddossers were exploiting it). No one else really noticed or cared, even after he made posts about it everywhere, so he made a post in /v/videos (where he was given mod powers to clean up spam) and stickied it. He also edited the CSS to advertise it more prominently.

Cynabuns made a post pointing out that he shouldn't be doing it and asked him to remove it. A few minutes later the admins de-modded him, so he ranted in protect-voat accusing cynabuns of having the power to de-mod people.

The thread went on all night and the conspiracy theories got crazier and crazier. People were taking the fact that atko hadn't responded as proof something shady was going on (even though it was 4am in Sweden). The next day both admins responded and clarified that they had removed him for spamming /v/videos and cynabuns had nothing to do with it.

HomerSimpson ago

(ddossers were exploiting it).

Someone in one of the threads made a point you can still exploit it by loading nonexistent pages which is the entire exploit anyway.

The thread went on all night and the conspiracy theories got crazier and crazier. People were taking the fact that atko hadn't responded as proof something shady was going on (even though it was 4am in Sweden). The next day both admins responded and clarified that they had removed him for spamming /v/videos and cynabuns had nothing to do with it.

They responded within a minute of cynabuns though. So why couldn't they make a statement then too?

Broc_Lia ago

Someone in one of the threads made a point you can still exploit it by loading nonexistent pages which is the entire exploit anyway.

Not quite. The way thing's were before, a user could have hundreds of pages, so a request for page 6519 of their comments would result in the server having to go back through the comments database trying to build a list of stuff which would eventually turn out not to exist.

The way things are now, the code can assume that any number over 19 doesn't exist, so it just auto-404s. It still consumes server resources, but nowhere near as much. So they can't crash the website anymore.

They responded within a minute of cynabuns though. So why couldn't they make a statement then too?

Atko covered that. It was late at night, and he had work the next morning. Also, he had no reason to suspect THC would successfully blow it up into some kind of huge controversy. The timing with cynabun was just a coincidence, it wasn't actually connected to them.

Fuckmypuddle ago

Awe the Kings have spoken. Lovely

Grospoliner ago

Needs to keep up the national salt production.

Grospoliner ago

The solution is 100% transparency, quis custodiet ipsos custodes. Anyone granted the power to do something must have their every action scrutinized and when power abused, removed from that position, be it by force or vote and a record made for all time to outline their crime.

Cantilever ago

Says the guy making an argument and multiple ad hominem attacks on a site where he "doesn't give a fuck what these people think of me."

Chiefpacman ago

Freedom to prevent others from seeing information they disagree with.

Is this due to the influx of redditors? Look at this irony:

A post I made that got burried in minutes. It got a few upvoats now, but it's ridiculous. Apparently they would rather just keep people in the dark.

Al_Rubyx ago

Lets try.

@cynabuns I'm calling you out


Chiefpacman ago

Well put. Definetly speaks volumes that we are being downvoated for trying to get answers/ being the 'devil's advocate.'

@THC make a new v/video or something man. Hope they haven't completely turned you away from voat; though disgust is warranted.

Unsubbed from v/videos.

Ina_Pickle ago

I never spent time in videos, but if @THC creates his own videos sub, I will subscribe and make an effort to post there.

Fuck the system subs and this janitor bullshit. Also fuck the admins for lying about Cynabuns involvement. She was there telling him to take the banner down literally minutes before he was removed as mod?

Do they think we are Stupid? Either the admins put her up to it, or she complained and that resulted in him getting removed.

Chiefpacman ago

Haer haer. I don't blame cyna though, I blame admins. Cyna is their man.


Good community chillin there. @THC. Just saying.

Cantilever ago

Ad hominem is lending you great credibility

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

A statement was likely coming, either way. Atko and Putt have never really been the type to hide their actions from us, and even without the drama started by THC, I would have expected a statement to be forthcoming, even if it took a day or two to happen. Expecting an immediate statement on every little action is just as unreasonable as expecting no transparency whatsoever. But yet those of us (myself included) that wanted to wait and see what the admins had to say about the matter, got slammed for being the bad guys.

People that want to smear folks and fling wild, unbased accusations, such as the folks that did so with @Cynabuns, will do so, regardless of the evidence, or as was in this case, lack thereof, regardless of what the accused person claims they did not do. I've noticed a new trend that mimics the "Literally Hitler" meme from our old Reddit stomping grounds, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth how frequently people jump to it, these days whenever drama starts. We'll call it "Literally She", since that was the phrase sometimes used. It does nothing to further the discussion, and is only meant, much like invoking Godwin's Law, to put the party being accused on the defensive.

Atko and Putt are not answerable for the actions of those intellectually-dishonest fucktards. I agree with you that it's their call, but they are not required to give any statement at all, even though I figure they would anyways, out of transparency's sake...but you can't hold them responsible for all the folks trying to dogpile Cynabuns in a style reminiscent of the old SRS Squadron.

Cantilever ago

Agree 100%

BobBelcher ago

Oh wait, so you mean @THC and @InnocentBystander are faggots? Go figure.

Cum_control ago

Sounds like atko doesnt want to be bothered with voat. Oooo yea it was only a side project

Cum_control ago

Fuck you faggot.

Cum_control ago

@S2Foxhunt you ever met atko or putt cuz if not theyre no more than random anontmous goats as well?

Cum_control ago

@MightyYetGentle7 i didnt want to believe it but i think youre on to something

Cum_control ago

@MightyYetGentle7 i was thinking the samething thing reading that inwas like this mothafucka is a pusssyyyy then i read @atko fucking hilarious. Sounds like a completely different person from the atko of a year ago....???? Whyyyyy

cynoclast ago


I have yet to see anyone on voat but me use that word correctly. The record stands after reading your comment, FWIW.

cynoclast ago

Petty tyrant got rekt.

And it was good.

Tor1 ago

Voat is run by coders and code administrators.

Subs are run by power users and content hunters.

It's a deeper more powerful thing than mere words.

Unless more contributors ascend to the Voatdev tier, there will be miserable reality jolts like this.

There's no policy or procedure that will make Voat better. Only actual under the hood work to be done to actually make Voat better.

ForgotMyName ago

It's a forum full of people. People are stupid. Pitchforks and torches are always at the ready. I agree that something should have been said immediately; even if it was only - "Hey, we did this, we'll explain it later."

ForgotMyName ago

HPOP said it; good enough for me. He's an expert on butt stuff. If someone's head was buried in their ass, he'd know.

ForgotMyName ago

The rehosted content was so low-quality and it somehow kept on getting upvotes. I don't know, maybe people watch on their phones with drunk goggles on and don't notice that they're watching the video equivalent of "needs more jpg" but it makes me crazy.

Broc_Lia ago

I think it's been suggested that eventually they'll come up with a better solution, but for now the DDOS is over and the fires are out, so I have no complaints.

ForgotMyName ago

Absolutely. As time consuming as it could be, we badly need mods hand-picked by Atko/Putt for big system subs. People that start their own subs, that's different. System subs need to be modded by people that are content to be there to clean up spam/blatant rule violations and aren't there to stroke their e-peen.

Biscuitbaiter ago

So posting the sticky was bad enough that it led to the removal of the individual but the offending sticky wasn't bad enough to lead to the remove of the offending sticky. Got it...

Kirix ago

Don't really care like the majority of people

Broc_Lia ago

A tall, strong, quivering, moist, pillar.

Disappointed ago

Well, I'd be relying on you and then you'd be relying on the admins or @6double5321 to do yours so lets get his opinion? Is there anything you could possibly want to do that you couldn't as Janitor? I know you did a good job helping set up the rules.

Broc_Lia ago

Personally I didn't even notice until THC started freaking out. I still have no idea why anyone would want or need to go back more than 19 pages.

Al_Rubyx ago

Daaaaamn atko is piiiiissed

Broc_Lia ago

Don't worry about it, really. I'm pretty sure most goats could see what was going on by digging just a little.

Sciency ago

Eh, downvotes work just fine imo. I'm not so spoiled that I can't handle a bit of spam. There was a time when there was no counter for pop-up ads, but I didn't give up the internet because of them, I just stopped going to sites that had pop-ups.

Broc_Lia ago

Plus, assuming you still live in Sweden, all this drama and "why aren't the admins responding" was happening at 4 fucking AM, lol.

I occasionally collaborate with people living on EST and PST, so I know the pain. But I don't think some of the users complaining realise what a massive time difference there really is across the atlantic.

Zinnsee ago

I totally can stand behind what @upsist said and I'm pretty sure there are many more goats who feel the same way. We know that this place is not yet perfect and are willing to stay for the ride.

Thanks for having us here.

heroinwinsagain ago

tell us about the fucking golf shoes!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i want to just enjoy fatpeolehate but NOOOO someone hast to stand up and talk about this shit.

like 1k downvoats in 24 hours lol

and 800 up.

omg capital letters, the cabal, bots downvoating at one point even! 'not an issue reverse concern trolls'... EVERYONE except CTR came out of the woodwork it was fucking hilarious. yo check it, adhferret got super buttttttthurt all because what? people talking about stuff. my sides, thc. my sides.

pessimisticsteel ago

Thanks, appreciate it.

Broc_Lia ago

You really don't see how putting up a banner to advertise videos is different to doing it to gripe about how the site is being run? In /v/videos?

Chiefpacman ago

Broc I recognize your username, you're one of the good ones.

Please at least hear THC out, here is his appeal to the community


Chiefpacman ago


But his point is that put acting like putting up a banner was "maliciously modifying CSS." When its always been fine before, but this time it was pointing out a disagreement with mods.

I'm on the fence about all this. How could THC have politely showcased disapproval? Or should he just have shut up and modded the sub?

I guess he should have brought the issue forward on another sub.

Broc_Lia ago

But his point is that put acting like putting up a banner was "maliciously modifying CSS." When its always been fine before, but this time it was pointing out a disagreement with mods.

It is maliciously modifying CSS to advertise your personal crusade. Doing it to highlight creative content is a completely different thing.

How could THC have politely showcased disapproval?

On /v/whatever, on /v/protectvoat, on /v/askvoat, on /v/voatdevs etc. And it's not that he wasn't aware of those options, he did voice dissent there, but it wasn't gathering the momentum he wanted so he started pushing it in /v/videos where it was off topic.

Chiefpacman ago

To be fair it gets buried everywhere.

Broc_Lia ago

Not if the community is genuinely interested, which they mostly weren't before he got de-modded. And he got a fair response from the admins explaining why it was necessary over a week ago.

Chiefpacman ago

Well they sent cyna to tell him to take down the banner. Cyna isn't an admin, and the reaction from THC was expected.

Not a very fair response I'd say. But its done, whatever

Broc_Lia ago

Well they sent cyna to tell him to take down the banner.

Not according to her, or them. THC jumped to this conclusion because he was demodded around the time she (as a user) asked him to unsticky it.

Chiefpacman ago

I would make the same conclusion. Cyna probably asked not to be attributed. Not that it mattes tho, who told who.

Put and atko arent active users by any means, idk how they'd notice without help

Broc_Lia ago

I would make the same conclusion.

I'd say it's a pretty strange conclusion to come to. If you're a system mod and do something to piss people off, expect a reaction from the userbase and the admins.

Put and atko arent active users by any means, idk how they'd notice without help

He had been griping about it non-stop for quite some time, so they might have been keeping an eye on him.

Chiefpacman ago

'Defacing the subverse.'

It's laughable. @puttitout remind me not to upset you master

Chiefpacman ago

How is that strange to you? Imagine you and Atko's pet don't get along. Pet asks you to do something, you don't, Atko brings the hammer down. Not exactly confusing.

They were keeping an eye, thru Cyna.

I'm just saying. If you really think that cyna didn't say anything, THC could take a screenshot.

Buttttt the main issue is put had a personal problem with THC. Remember how long it took to remove @She? Huge community outcry for a week and the admins reluctantly let her go.

One tiny banner letting users know of a rule change thay admins had flat out forgot to tell anyone (not the first time); and they immediately remove him and drag name thru the mud. Fucking dumb.

Broc_Lia ago

How is that strange to you? Imagine you and Atko's pet don't get along. Pet asks you to do something, you don't, Atko brings the hammer down. Not exactly confusing.

It's not confusing, just a rather complex explanation when there's a much simpler one: THC acted like a diggit powermod and both users and admins responded.

I'm just saying. If you really think that cyna didn't say anything, THC could take a screenshot.

She did say something, that was never in question. If I had noticed I would have said something.

Remember how long it took to remove @She?

They have a full time job, this is a hobby. We have zero right to gripe about how quickly/slowly they get to this stuff.

Hue community outcry for a week and the admins reluctantly let her go.

Reluctantly? Ok, you're just inventing shit now. They publicly denounced her.

One tiny banner letting users know of a rule change thay admins had flat out forgot to tell anyone (not the first time);

He stickied a spam post in a sub where his sole function was cleaning up spam

and they immediately remove him and drag name thru the mud. Fucking dumb.

You mean "he made an absolute tit out of himself then blamed the admins"

Chiefpacman ago

I think you and I have at least a slight reason to gripe, seeing as we donated on the premise that this site would be different. Stay vigilant Broc, enjoy your week.

pessimisticsteel ago

Have fun with your participation trophy.

PlayByPlayAnnouncer ago

Could things not have waited a few extra hours

Given what the users had already done, I think that waiting was ill-advised. At the end of the day, there are certain things that aren't open to debate and action has to be taken unilaterally. Not even in the context of this particular case (which I don't really know enough about), but just in general terms, opening things up to public comment is not always the best option.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so it's true that banner's been there for a while (i keep css off)

so when atko is saying "ninja edit" it's bullshit?

SaneGoatiSwear ago


how long?

why no discussion? why hide it, why not make an announcement? why are the brigades trying to silence any conversation about it? and now atko has removed a mod for talking about it?

the problem

ok, MY problem. thanks for that correction.

read user agreement section "content"

You retain the rights to your copyrighted content or information that you submit to Voat ("user content")

my rights? rights to my content? does that include right to access my content?

that's a legit as fuck question right there. i don't know. i'd venture i do have a right to access my content, probably except for special circumstances that require such actions as this be taken,

and then i defer back to MY problem that there was no notification no warning no discussion with the community at all and any talk of it has been silenced by the cabal and the admin has now removed a mod for speaking up about it - using the default sub to notify users of the change to their ability to access their content to which 'they retain rights to'

go look up what benevolent dictators are.

it's not that they aren't able/allowed to dictate, it's that they totally can but choose not to exercise that power against the community wishes.

and now they are.

HitlerIsBlack ago

Why were people instigating a witchhunt against the admins? The comment history issues was a trivial problem and the admins explained why they did it. Could the users complaining about it be the same people who were abusing it to take down voat's servers? The admins even explained it was only temporary, until the servers are upgraded.

fagnig ago

Could the users complaining about it be the same people who were abusing it to take down voat's servers?

If you mean the same people who are modding system subverses, i think youre taking it a little too far, but if its truly temporary i personally dont see the drama, even the banner was really small, this whole episode seems very avoidable.

Chiefpacman ago

Calling THC a shill is stupid. Maybe he handled it wrong, but his intentions were clearly anti-censorship; as they have always been from what I've seen.

pessimisticsteel ago

haha nice assumptions mate, might as well copy pasta the spec ops who is gonna take me out from 1500 yards away.

pessimisticsteel ago

and 5 disagree.

HitlerIsBlack ago

You've only been here a month, The admins have repeatedly proven that they have integrity and sincerely care about freespeech and authenticity. This whole "scandal" reeks of shills attempting to sow dissent to divide and conquer.

HitlerIsBlack ago

called it.

EarlPoncho ago

hey @THC go smoke some weed bro so cool

i remember 8th grade too bro im tripping

gl7 ago

So, do voat should have a records page for mod warning and demote reason so that things no stir up while admin not always online?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if voat gets funded


PARAPHRASING: the whole 'is the ddos thing'

so is it ddos or broke or both?

tells one person one thing, and says a different thing at a different time?


if that's the easier thing, why does it make any sense to remove 100,000s of pages when it's easier to just query a few

MIND YOU putt said it was bots requesting high non-existant page numbers, sir. like

i'm not asking if you said that

i'm asking if you think he's saying that

so cloudflare does NOT handle dbdos attacks?

then it's all on them, and i can understand having to make compromises with limited financial support.

and we get past all this fucking noize to the problem:

they didn't give us any time to back up our data, save our comment histories, nothing!

they didn't give us notice, ask if maybe some smart coder had a solution that was better for this... NOTHING

a huge massive resource of people they say they'll discuss major changes with BEFOREHAND

and now they're just doing things without telling us that effect all of us and are at issue with some of us..

THAT's the fucking problem

because clearly

section two of the user agreement says they can more than just remove access to the comments, they can delete them at will for any reason at any time.

and legally, they are well within their rights to reserve that sweeping statement.

they like benevolent dictators don't ever exercise that power and we loved them for it, but now they are doing it without telling us.

pessimisticsteel ago

I agree, the noose is tightening on free thought and expression.

pessimisticsteel ago

Don't use "we". If that's your opinion fine. But you just compared someone to a pedophile (and claimed the pedophile was better ) and wished for him to disappear. All due to well earned criticism. This site claims to let people "Have their say" only if they fit into your mindset. If that is true, than this place is no better than Reddit and twitter.

You're no better than Killary and the alphabet agencies that will soon control this site. Fuck off faggot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

looks like @adhdferret needs a waaahndaid.

pessimisticsteel ago

He could use a good feeding/burb/nap by the sounds of it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

assuming they can't modify the bots to make more requests on fewer 'inquiry paths' (i don't know the word y'all devs have for it)

so which is it?



you're saying he's saying both?

also, doesn't cloudflare mitigate threats for them?

hirolash ago

Thank you for clarifying the situation, only through communication can we achieve understanding.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


brucethemoose ago

That's classic political philosophy. Like that story of the humble Roman farmer who reluctantly held power as a general during a crisis, vs. the infamous, power hungry Roman emperors that came later.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Ring of Gyges from Book 2 of Republic. The person most worthy of retaining it is the one who does not wish the responsibility of doing so.

schwanstucker ago

Since commentary on this has gone front page, perhaps make this also a front page sticky? Voat is such an outstanding format that I hate to see battles amongst those of us who differ, but who should always remain friends.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i know it's rare, right? aaand someone downvoats you lol this fucking site is every wacky thing at once and i love it!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm talking about 6 months of sustained targeted dv brigades, shitpost attacks, and disinfo campaigns.

nuance about the verbiage in the warrant canary

the canary that i wrote we were having a public discourse on the changes they made to it after i gave them a much longer and more complete one in my best legalese.

well if we keep going down the slippery slope, you're goddamn right it'll be something else

the problem is you

fitting facts to alternate conclusions to personal attack

attacking the messenger

always with the disinfo attacks


how's the cabal doing today, rabbi?

cyks ago

It wasn't a video. Any drama was sought out by those that crave it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i understand well and good why they did it and i don't believe them.

your edit makes sense.

it would all be well if they told us and gave us a chance to back up our data.

i don't ever expect to see our comments again because of one reason

they refuse to answer simple questions like: will we ever see our comment histories again?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

man it'd be nice if this was posted by atko or putt and not a 3rd perspective...

you've talked more about it in one comment than the devs ever did.

which is the problem.

not that they did it

read user agreement section 2. they can remove anything they want for any reason whenever they want.

but that they always discussed with us first

and now, multiple underhanded sjw-like actions taken without discussing anything

AND anyone speaking up about it is downvoat brigaded, shitposted, and attacked with disinformation campaigns against them... and de-modded from system subs

akuta ago

I also want to note that it's entirely possible that the reason they haven't talked about it is because a) they don't know how they're going to deal with it in the future or b) they simply don't have the soft skills to really do so. They're young and this shit blew up like mad for them. They're probably shitting themselves half the time they're working on the site because of the stress.

akuta ago

I can understand your concern. I can also understand the frustration. I'm also likely 10 years or so older than either of them... And have been in the game for a lot longer, so am able to try to convey a message across.

Yes, they can remove it if they like. That is their right as the site owners... But they didn't actually remove it. They just made it so you couldn't see it. Putt made it very clear about that.

Think of it this way:

Let's say I build a window for you to see through. Then I run into a problem where I have to make the window smaller for a while (maybe construction)... They didn't remove the outside. They just limited your ability to see it because they made the window smaller temporarily.

I suspect that there's more to the whole thing than has been made public, and I suspect that neither THC nor Innocent are actually innocent in this. THC violated the platform to push a personal agenda, targeting the admins, because he simply didn't understand the underlying issue... That said, this "ninja CSS edit" with "a gun in [Atko]'s face" seems a bit hyperbolic; however, Atko could expose what was actually done and lay everything to rest. The problem is that he has to choose whether he's going to set the precedent of exposing the shitty behavior of the users (which is a real Redditesque behavior) or whether or not he just takes control and cuts the cancer out with a pocket knife (another Redditesque behavior). The problem is that either way he loses... But this way he gets to allow the user to save some face.

And Atko isn't under any real requirement to discuss these things. Fuck, if they spent as much time as people expect telling them about every little ongoing issue/resolution with Voat, shit would never get done.

Personally, if it were me: I'd out the behavior in plain fashion and let the fucking community eat these two alive. They may have been great users before, but if their behavior is underhanded then they got too big for their britches and should be dealt with accordingly. No saving face, no apologies... "This is what they did, this is how they violated the terms, this is how they threatened me/you/voat, and this is why I took the action. Like it or not, this is in the best interest of the site."

akuta ago

Just to update anyone reading this subthread: My suggestion is exactly what Atko did in the end.

By_The_Water ago

You have more chill than I would. I respect you and Puttputt for your restraint. Must get tiring, putting up with the lip these folks flip you.

MarkTheNerd ago

There is more truth than you know in your statement. I have always felt that the best person for the job is one that doesn't want it, but will accept the responsibility and act accordingly.

individualin1984 ago

Thanks Putt. Now can you give any additional information on something I am actually concerned about. Is there anything being developed to combat the bot voat manipulation that has been occurring lately?

pissed ago

I really didn't understand what the beef was but after all that yelling, tantrums and histrionics , I had no sympathy.

pr0nw4r ago

I got a feeling that the mods here on voat should talk to the mods on, they face similar kind of leftist shillery on a daily basis there. From these concern trolls and whatnot. They got a pretty long history and plenty of experience in dealing with these leftist, jewish kike bastards.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you can't see your own content anymore.

they didn't tell you.

didn't let you back it up.

then i tried to speak up about it, and i was downvoat brigaded, shillposted, and many disinfo attacks were layed against me.

you sound like one

and you're free to.

now they've removed a mod without a word with the community for putting up a message about it to any v/videos users that might want to know...

on a "ninja edited bar" that was to atko "putting a gun to his face" even though it was there for a year....


i can't even

this is as surreal as it must have been for redditors when the ceo said "reddit is for free speech; people click and post what they want" and the next ceo said basically 'safe spaces and cancer mods for all!' i'm paraphrasing pao and what not lol but that's what happened there, and it's what's happening here.

you spend this time attacking me, you stupid nigger,

while our voat burns and i try to get people to put out the flames.

enjoy your special place in hell, if you believe that sort of retarded delusion.

upsist ago

We need to remember that they are people who have very limited time and need to make lots of decisions within that limited time. To "us", who have the time to sit here posting on a message board in our free time it seems like a simple task. Just type up a quick post. But when people latch on to every word a "quick post" becomes an hour and that is one hour less sleep, one hour less time for them to focus on their (necessary) day jobs, one hour less to focus on other issues affecting voat.

Imagine if you had to get home from your day job, grab a quick dinner, start your laundry, pay your personal bills, talk with a friend or significant other for a few minutes, then start a second job where you are in charge all before you have to go to bed and start this all over again.

Sorry, until they are doing this as a profession I think we need to not freak the fuck out because we can't be PATIENT and wait 6 hours for a response.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

We are going to go down to river and look at pictures of goats.

Broc_Lia ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

kek you guys got scolded by putt

SaneGoatiSwear ago

after the fact.

it's too late

you are posting this

after the fact.

do not confuse this with community discussion.

HEY @puttitout why don't you explain to me why we STILL don't have access to + page 19 on comment history, comment reply history and submission reply history. is the ddos still going on?

On the paging limitation for those interested:

you forced us to remove you

that's some fucking shit right there.

next i'll be banned because i forced them too with my MASSIVE SWORD OF FREE SPEECH!!!!

and again, atko:

why all of a sudden when used to point out your unilateral silent removal of all users' access to all users' comment histories and all users' access to their own comment reply and submission reply histories past page 19 do you unilaterally silently remove the mod for doing it and without any communication with the community or the mod, like you have always done before you and putt disappeared at the same time for a month?

bikergang_accountant ago

What's next is soon we will live in a world where people can be put in positions of power without acting outside of their stewardship.

There will be no more reddit or voat mod abuse and zero corruption in government. When we put someone in power in response to prior corruption they won't become corrupt themselves.


SaneGoatiSwear ago

in the future?

when in your head did that change? over a year here, and it's always been "discussion with community first"

answer the questions atko

why do you think a banner, that's been there FOR A YEAR is ninja editing?

why is it bad?

why all of a sudden when used to point out your unilateral silent removal of all users' access to all users' comment histories and all users' access to their own comment reply and submission reply histories past page 19 do you unilaterally silently remove the mod for doing it and without any communication with the community or the mod, like you have always done before you and putt disappeared at the same time for a month?

toats ago

This has kicked off nearly a full day of speculation and panicking, and unleashed a lot of unnecessary pressure on @Cynabuns whose comment coincided with the timing of the admin action.

And why is that the responsibility of the admins? Voaters should know better than to speculate and accuse with no information.

I agree that upfront communication could have avoided some mob actions but the admins should not have to babysit the Voat population to such an extent.

Where is the maturity? Hasn't Voat learned the ills of rampant gossip and mob mentality?

FreeBreivik ago

So THC was the wayward moderator all along? The calls were coming from inside the house?!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

full response: @atko responding to you in full. re-mod @thc your argument makes no sense.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

"free speech"

look it up

small misunderstanding

atko's feelings allow him to just demod mods from default subs.




Next mod up.

go1dfish ago

Thanks for the transparency. All looks above board to me and the change the sticky complains about seems quite reasonable and understandable.

On an unrelated note, I need an API key for so I can stop using unreliable ajax proxies for CORS.

Edit: On a more related note, I've also been working on a moderator election bot for that other site (someone commissioned it and I like money). It will be open source and it could be adaptable to Voat, but Voat would need to support some more things in its API like moderator management and ideally wikis as well (where I'm storing the templates in the alien version)

Broc_Lia ago

What is Looks interesting.

go1dfish ago

It's a youtube video playlist builder powered by any subverse.

works really well with music focused subverses like

Broc_Lia ago


derram ago

Starting to add moderator endpoints to the api is a bad idea, that's how you end up with an automod.

go1dfish ago

Personally I don't think automod is inherently bad, especially with public mod logs (my bot will also force u/publicmodlogs)

But if you're worried about that, you could not add endpoints for post/comment removal. This bot doesn't ever remove posts, it does however remove mods who attempt to remove calls for an election or otherwise tamper with an election. It then approves the thing they removed.

If Voat remains restrictive about who gets api keys for what purpose that could be used to prevent the automation of censorship as well.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


there is nothing stated in the user agreement nor any historical precedent on voat that could suggest mods of default subs aren't allowed to add a bar on the bottom. actually that's pretty cool. can i make it scroll?

that it was used to soapbox is YOU PUTTING A GUN TO OUR HEAD, atko (to your your exact argument)

because you removed all that users' access to comment history, submission reply and comment reply histories past page 19 for all users without any discussion or even a warning so we could back up our own data

and then putt gave a reason that made no sense when i caught you and called you on it.

On the paging limitation for those interested:

-puttitout quote from this post.

AND is there even still a ddos? if not, why is the access still removed?

I'm done wasting any more time on this.

"this" being the users and their concerns about your failure to lead voat?

InnocentBystander ago

That bottom banner has been in use for most stickys for about a year now.
That was nothing new, or specially done for that post.

You'd have known that if you'd bothered to ask before reacting.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyyy lmao

burn unit receiving one patient immediately, level 5 burn to entire body.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

Moderators using a system sub as a personal soapbox is unacceptable and while I don't know what they did to the CSS as I keep that disabled or what other drama may have happened prior I think there should be more communication before taking administrative action. Unless the offensive is terribly egregious I think moderators should get at least one warning (maybe THC was warned but he made it sound like this was a surprise to him) and at the very leased I think if you do de-mod someone you should send them a PM telling them that the admin's removed them and give a brief explanation.

I have no problem with what you guys did but I do think more communication is needed.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Moderators using a system sub as a personal soapbox is unacceptable

And yet they leave up the very thing they said he couldn't do? That makes no sense.

Broc_Lia ago

If they took it down it'd cause an even bigger shitstorm.

DiscontentedMajority ago

I was interested. Thanks.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

after the fact.

it's too late

you are posting this

after the fact.

do not confuse this with community discussion.

HEY @puttitout why don't you explain to me why we STILL don't have access to + page 19 on comment history, comment reply history and submission reply history. is the ddos still going on?

On the paging limitation for those interested:

you forced us to remove you

that's some fucking shit right there.

next i'll be banned because i forced them too with my MASSIVE SWORD OF FREE SPEECH!

Gigan ago

Thanks for the clarification and official response.

weezkitty ago

This is what I assumed to be the case, and it it makes sense. But it would have been good for the admins to make a statement at the time of the occurrence (for the sake of transparency and to avoid witch hunts). I have no idea why people piled on Cynnabuns when it is obvious she didn't have the power to do this.

MCVoat ago

Thank you based Putt.

Dildo-Shwaggins ago

@Cynabuns still blows and power mods shouldn't be allowed around here.

heili ago

Become one haughty motherfucker with the "respectfully requesting" shit as if @Cynabuns has special authority.

mamwad ago

What has Cynabuns done wrong? The only time I interact with her is when she deletes spam I reported.

ShineShooter ago

Damn, that's a sharp brief!

TAThatBoomerang ago


TheDude2 ago

Jolly good work

mamwad ago

Seems fair. Please put some janitors on /v/videos to combat spam.

heili ago

And not @Cynabuns.

klobos ago

Isn't that the only things mods are supposed to do anyway?

mamwad ago

I don't think janitors can sticky content or make rules.

klobos ago

What rules do you need besides don't post spam and don't post off topic? There is no need for sticky anything if it is popular and important enough it will be voted to the top.

mamwad ago

I'm just telling you that they have different permissions. Mods can access subverse settings.

InnocentBystander ago

You've got the right to run this place however you want. Fine.
This could all have been avoided with a little communication or transparency.

You had issues with Voat asking for Janitors on @system subs

I've never had any objection to L3s. Just questions. My history is (still) there for anyone to check.

and had issues when admins stepped in due to poor handling in the past.

I have never objected to past interventions by the admins. I was usually part of the call for it. Again, what's left of my history will support that. Some stuff in /v/videosModTalk as well.

Whatever, though. You can do as you please. But own it, and communicate, or you wont have much of a site left if people stop trusting you.
The shady and unaccountable actions need to end.

I've said my piece, so I am done now.

pessimisticsteel ago

I don't understand why you are being downvoated so extensively.

PuttItOut ago

You know I had a ton of respect for you before this situation occurred.

If you we're in our shoes you'd have come to the same conclusion.

As always, I respect your tone and comment.

antiracistNew ago

Fuck you.

Tor1 ago

3 day old account shit talker.

Tor1 ago


antiracistNew ago

That was my incoherent shitpost word vomit, faggot.

beren ago

Thanks @PuttItOut. Have you guys thought about simply doing away with human mods altogether? It seems strange to keep with that same model that the "other" site uses and just seems to lead to censorship and drama. Have you guys ever talked about just making every subverse @system subs?

Broc_Lia ago

It's still useful to have janitors to clean up spam. That approach worked wonders in /v/mensrights, whereas before just downvoting didn't dissuade them and the sub was getting flooded.

AOU ago

I'm taking care of this now :)

mamwad ago

Bad idea. Some non-system subs are more like blogs and definitely benefit from having a moderator. For example, /v/dice would have gotten turned into a sub about Andrew Dice Clay if it weren't for @Aroteas_Forgehammer

go1dfish ago

Yeah there is a place for fully mod owned subs. I like Voat's stance of having @system control over very broad topics while allowing diverse and even heavy moderation in more unique communities that don't have name entrenchment.

PuttItOut ago

Someone very close to me always makes this statement:

You know what sub we never have any moderator drama on? v/whatever

But to be very clear we have no intentions of expanding @system subs, but we do wish to reduce moderator issues in current @system subs.

Disappointed ago

Do I have your stamp of approval to remove myself as level 2 and be invited back as Janitor on v/sports? All I do is remove spam there and its the sole reason I took the position.

MarkTheNerd ago

Drain the swamp?

Dereliction ago

Drain the @system?

jsac ago

careful you dont choke on his cock...

goatboy ago

Thank you @PuttItOut. We love you and all you do for freedom!