antiracist3 ago

And now steak and eggs and pancakes at 4 a.m. IHOP is the best.

@eagleshigh @bojangles

Antiracist2 ago

Pretty good. Hamburger. Ramen. Two bottles of champagne. 72 whippets. Raspberry OG. Purple champagne. 100mg chocolate edibles.

Antiracist2 ago

Shut the fuck up, stupid bitch.


Antiracist2 ago

The truth is that idiot @Crensch acts like he has quotes from those 3 physicists about p2 when he doesn't.

Antiracist2 ago

I want for nothing.



It's not about persuasion. It's about truth, bro.

Antiracist2 ago

It's not about priorities; it's about facts.

He claims he has Lawrence Krauss, Stephen Hawking, and Sean Carroll on his side regarding "anything changed is changed by another," but he cannot provide quotes.

Fuck global warming. Let everyone die. Suffering is hilarious.

Antiracist2 ago

  1. He defended idiot @eagleshigh.

  2. He is a mod of v/theisthate.

  3. He acts like he's on the side of rationality, but he can't defend his position at all.

  4. He denies the Holocaust like idiot @eagleshigh.

  5. He literally denies logic.

  6. He pretended to know about philosophy, but when confronted he claimed all philosophy is garbage for the weak-minded. Meanwhile, he continues to make claims about god, morality, and man's relationship to society, as if those weren't philosophical matters.

Antiracist2 ago


Antiracist2 ago

There's no problem with atheists. There's a problem with idiot @Crensch being a stupid popsci cheerleader bitch.

At no point did destruction of the prime mover argument occur. He is delusional.

antiracist ago

He acts like he's so much smarter than theists, but he can't address premises or support his position.

antiracist ago

I approve this message.

@Bilbo_Swaggins and @Crensch eat shit.