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SaneGoatiSwear ago

dear @atko and @puttitout i am respectfully asking for an official legal statement on this. this is a super mega-striesand huge issue. as far as i can tell, you have removed all users' access to all users' comments past page 19. the only way i can see this as a legit move (to save costs or what have you) is if you're suggesting you've silently without warning invoked "your access to voat"

"we may... at any time... for any other reason we choose... remove any of your User Content from voat."

and deleted all of voat's comment history past page 19 off of voat.

(delete access to, or fully delete?!)

i sincerely, on behalf of all of voat goats everywhere, at the very least ask you to give it back for one week with an announcement that we have one week to save our data offline, and give us an easy way to export it to .xml or whatever appropriate format -- then redelete it all.

at best, please leave our data intact. if it costs more, help us understand this and let us support that which we love. putt you remember that pic i sent you? TRY THAT!!

if this is permanent -- and it seems to be -- i want to let you know you have let everyone down.

you have fundamentally altered how Voat, Inc. operates at the user end, and without any discussion with the userbase, like you have said you would for all major changes.

furthermore, you gave us no time to react nor save our own data offline.

how can any rational agent have confidence in this corporation when statements and actions by the corporation are so night and day different?

inb4 "we don't owe you anything" inb4 "we're just testing"

PuttItOut ago

This was a move to combat a type of malicious request that was being sent in to take voat offline. We received hundreds of requests in bursts for page numbers exceeding the thousands like page=6548 and such.

The resources needed to handle such requests are beyond our server capability, and in an attempt to keep voat online we took action.

Clarification: Nothing was deleted and nor did I ever say it was.

vaginaenvy ago

Possible alternate approaches:

  • Require a captcha for each such request.
  • Require users to be logged in for such requests, and rate-limit them based on CCP. Remove old-page request privileges for users who appear to be abusing them.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

um, hundreds of requests?

there are 800,000 unique visitors to voat in a month. it would stand to reason that there would be sometimes people clicking on really old comments alot,

maybe just deleting a few hundred of them, or maybe a few thousand.

point in case bro

i just went back and censored 140,000 words out of my comment history. or like 1/7th of my comments. back over 300 pages.

you can't see them now because you removed them



you're saying the requests were PURPOSEFULLY for pages that didn't exist? ala comment number pages way higher than there were pages of comments?!?!!?


Broc_Lia ago

I think you've misunderstood, the comments still exist, they weren't deleted at all, it's just that you can only see a list of the first 400 or soon your profile page.

The DDOSing was not, and could not be, caused by people "clicking on old comments alot." They were trying to access page values which don't exist in anyone's account, forcing the server to hunt back through ancient comments to check. Limiting all user comment pages to 19 means they can simply 404 if you ask for a higher number, greatly reducing the DDOSer's ability to consume server resources.

Pawn ago

bruh sane, it stops people from basically DDOSing the sytem thru page requests. I think that the 19 page limit was put in place to prevent people from trying to go back that far to appear legitimate, but still try and cause damage. Why anyone is at page 19 of a user's comments, is probably up to no good.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so much


pawn i'm sad.

Pawn ago

all you're doing is damaging voat wondering why people cant access page 3,500. Wheres the script homie?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

was there no other way?!?

so you ARE invoking the

for any other reason

section of the "your access to voat" clause of the Voat, Inc. user agreement?

will you be bringing back our data?

PuttItOut ago

was there no other way?!?

Sure there is. If Voat gets funded then we will have the resources to address these situations via hardware and manpower. Until then we have to make compromises in certain areas.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

putt. your

second favorite voat user


asking for a legit response politely:

how does deleting hundreds of thousands of pages of users' comments stop a ddos of requests for pages that don't exist?

will the comments be coming back?

@puttitout @atko

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i gave you a pic of a way you could fuel that funding.

please answer the other questions.

are you invoking that section of the user agreement to be able to delete every single users' entire comment history past page 19?


are the comments coming back?

and now as well,

how does this solution stop the problem!?