AOU ago

You got pissed at admins because they finally stepped in and banned some of your favorite spammers.

That's why you pulled that 19 pages temporary technical limitation out of your ass and called it censorship.

Not only you're an arrogant self-centered jerk, but you're also an A-Class whining drama queen.

baneofretail ago

Thank you for amitting that you were wrong, however you were in the wrong and you were death with accordingly. You may have been welcomed back into @atko 's herd had you manned up and apologized.

Sack up and stop bitching.

pembo210 ago

had to go back many pages in /all to find this since it's floating around -2 .. >_>

Chiefpacman ago

I'm aware of the v/videos sticky, and that was the sticked front page sub. Impersonates Dungles Attempt to Patronize: Let me give you a tip to help you figure out what sub you're in.

Look at youre fucking address bar dipshit.

Yes I was here when it was stickied.

Chiefpacman ago

No one.

Why do you think it was sticked if not to a) notify users (duh)

and b) appeass users who complained about put's lack of transparency in the past (aka the reason THC made the banner).

Chiefpacman ago

To notify users/ appease them.

And then it was immediately taken down. I think it was mainly meant to appease certain users.

Chiefpacman ago

I actually laughed out loud this time.

Cheers faggot

Chiefpacman ago

Work on your grammar bud!

And someone like you should care! Can't make this reddit 2.0 without caring about internet points silly!

Chiefpacman ago

Good one.

When facts fail you, call em' cunt. LoL

Chiefpacman ago

A little slow, aren't you?

Should I just re-say what I just typed, or can you reread it? Keep in mind that the front page of the website, is not v/vidoes.

i've been withholding downvoating all the morons trying to censor dissent, But with you I'm going to enjoy taking a bite out of your CCP.

Chiefpacman ago

Lol. First of all link, dumbass.

I am aware, but put implemented a new rule, that THC and other users slowly found out.

threw a tantrum

As in making a small banner making users aware of the new rule? LoL

Chiefpacman ago

Its gone.

Was stickied to the front page of the site, not just the sub.

Not that it matters. All of these comments are being buried enough to be hidden. Don't worry, no one will know

Edit: i just noticed that he acted like I edited this after he commented. Fuck that. I corrected spelling and grammar. I am aware that thc's sticky is still present. The only mod is currently system. I was reffering to the front page sticky that remained for maybe 6 hours.

@dungles The log can be checked dumbass. And i'm not a 'dv brigade' when I'm one guy who finally decided to just start downvoating you back -,-

AOU ago

TL;DR They took my toy away!!! [whines]

You clearly knew it was gonna happen. As a mod of a system sub, you used your power to dictate your own arbitrary rules, while using the "community decided what is spam and what isn't" card (still waiting for links to where that discussion happened). After your favorite spammer (I really think you're both related) got banned, you got pissed and tried to retaliate by creating drama over a technical issue.

Chiefpacman ago

The battle is lost, the war isn't over. I'm not jumping ship yet, but I'm close.

Chiefpacman ago

Some users gained a newfound respect for you.

Clearly you care more about this site and doing things the way you think is right; than internet points or what admins think if you. Good on you sir, and from one goat to another, thank you.

Chiefpacman ago

I only vaguely knew who you were, but I'm pretty mad for you THC. Disgusted with the admins and the 'community'. I regret my donations to voat, and won't be giving them any more cash.

I've unsubbed from v/videos and hope you and innocent start up a new videos sub.

vaginaenvy ago

I absolutely support exposing mod decisions to community accountability. Hopefully we can at least get that much out of this fiasco.

vaginaenvy ago

Used a @system subverse as a personal platform

I did do that and in hindsight was the wrong approach, I should have made a video and then stickied it.

Thank you. It's so rare nowadays for people to own up to their mistakes.

In view of this, I think it would be appropriate for you to at least temporarily lose moderatorship, if only to set a precedent of concrete consequences for misbehavior.

Chiefpacman ago

Put isn't our fucking baby sitter. He doesn't need to put mods in timeout for showing dissent. Thats exactly what reddit does. He called this 'malicious' editing of the CSS, which it clearly was not.

The admins have had an issue with users like THC for a while. I think they're making an example of him.

Should have been handled better, but admins needed to brush this one under the rug. Sticky was up for how long? Its already gone.

vaginaenvy ago

It's not for showing dissent, it's for using mod powers to push their message. Regardless of whether you agree with the content of the message, the method by which the message was propagated was -- by THC's own admission -- inappropriate.

Enforcing site policy is exactly what admins are for. Mods who abuse their power get demodded.

Chiefpacman ago

Do you notice, that while I'm getting two upvoats and you're getting two upvoats, I'm the only one getting two down votes?

That's because your ideals are weak, and you need to hide what I'm saying. We're not down voating you, because we want you to be heard. You have the freedom to share information.

vaginaenvy ago

I haven't downvoated anyone in this thread.

Chiefpacman ago

Well good on you.

Most on your side apparently don't agree with you on that.

Chiefpacman ago

Push their message?

A banner notifying users of a new rule (that was not made aware to the user base by the admin's); is pushing a narrative?

THC did not 'admit' that what he did was wrong at all. He said he should've made the sticky a video. This post is literally him making his case, not admitting fault. At least read it all if you want to argue man.

Mods who abuse their power get demodded

Am I wrong or is that word for word what the reddit ceo said a year and a half ago?

vaginaenvy ago

It was not (afaik, maybe I'm missing something) topical to /v/videos. If it were notifying users of a change made by the /v/videos mods, that would be appropriate, but site-wide issues should go in meta subs like /v/voat. By analogy, imagine if the change were made by ICANN or USG; it would still affect most/all users, but pushing a particular news item in an off-topic subverse because this is important and people should know about it is a terrible precedent; any subverse could be taken over by politicancer at any time.

Am I wrong or is that word for word what the reddit ceo said a year and a half ago?

Hitler ate sugar.

I believe 8chan's policy is to allow board mods to do basically whatever the hell they want, but that's not what I understand of Voat policy based on Maybe it's different for pulling messages vs. pushing messages?

Chiefpacman ago

You're right, it shouldn't be the videos moderator's job to notify users of a new site wide rule. It should be the admin's job. They failed in this.

Luckily at least one of our system mods doesn't want the admin's dick. The only reason any of us know about this rule, is because of this fiasco.

vaginaenvy ago


Chiefpacman ago

Yeah well that won't stop it from getting buried

Pre-conceived opinions > facts