(Previous Episode: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3237811)
The task: Daily, on or approximately around 8PM EST, identify noteworthy postings on Voat you may have passed by and not seen. Some days may have more, some less. /disclaimer
Bias: Openly my own. Rational. Based on life experiences. Happy to be educated on any and all things.
The objective: To create dialogue. Noteworthy content sometimes doesn’t make the first 4 pages of Voat. This gives that content a second chance, and can kickstart conversation. Overall effort to avoid politics, but not always exempt political views.
Objective feedback always welcome. Links guide to the original user-posted content so you can participate. All topics are in chronological order, top oldest to bottom newest.
A follow-up from the accelerationism post from yesterday had a pretty badass side-by side of Huxley vs. Orwell. (Note, this image specificallyJPG)
Observe and join in on a candid conversation about the overall white vs. blue collar tension in America.
China now has a “Frank” like robot bio screen the health of preschoolers in 2,000 schools, every single day.
@whysosensitive asks the rather practical question of where to get a Dictionary that hasn’t been.. selectively edited.
Road-rage truck guy threatens a driver after running him off the road, gets legally iced. Sheriff in a good ole’ free State explains why threatening someone justifies defending with lethal force. An armed society is a polite society, and armed people don’t generally go around threatening people unless they have a death wish.
An FBI agent does a video with a pretty down-to-earth comprehensive guide on how to read body language. Pretty badass and practical.
There is some unusual behavior surrounding the release of the Dissenter browser. Including a later post saying Windows is flagging and censoring the browser install. Can independent users please chime in?
I’ve never seen a thread get downvoated faster in my life than when someone posted about a Mosque shooting in Broward County. Did you hear about this today?
I just found my new favorite parody account. Good form, sir, good form.
An important PSA on @Dial_Indicator, including visibility to various recent antics.
Just a heads up that the German Minister is bullying Tech Monopolies on message encryption. I find @roznak’s comment especially noteworthy.
We’ve now achieved quantum teleportation (superimposition) up to a range of 25KM through optical-fiber cables. This shit will seriously unlock space travel for the Human species.
Friendly reminder, Rottentomatoes has quietly removed their downvote function. Uh oh.
A very important question about .357 Mag vs. .44 Mag. Obviously a Coonan in .357 Magnum is the correct answer, but I’ll settle for a Desert Eagle so I can chamber it in both + .50 AE.
Too many? Too few? Questions, concerns, complaints with the format?
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Octocopter ago
No comments from me yet but this just got updated with some interesting names. https://voat.co/log/banned/user
Of note to me is Dortex and related accounts as well as Joe_McCarthy and Kattie.
theoldones ago
the pedo crew got hammered O_O
Octocopter ago
Yes, quite a large number of the fuark defenders got spanked.
While I have your attention can I ask you to spend some time to cool down before you post on topics that are close to your heart? I feel you are letting emotional outrage guide some of your posts and the amount of times you post them, if you can approach such posting from a moral position rather than emotional you can do more to prevent them from using their malicious tactics against you. I understand your feelings on these matters but seeing repeated posts can irritate the people we want to help inform about those unsavory types.
theoldones ago
i have been trying to this
Octocopter ago
That is good to hear, again I understand where you are coming from in this. It is easy to use such things against you, they dont play fair.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/verybestofvoat submission by @andrew_jackson.
Posted automatically (#42056) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
andrew_jackson ago
Thanks! I linked this one for you: https://voat.co/v/verybestofvoat/3240274
By the way, you're more than welcome to post stuff like this yourself at /v/verybestofvoat This sub is informal and belongs to all of us, it's for underrated content.
I was particularly happy to see beesmeesmonies and SHIVASHIVASHIVA banned, not because that guy is a bad person but merely because he's annoying. =-)
Octocopter ago
I really like what you have been doing here. I will keep an eye out to help content that might slip through the cracks.