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Octocopter ago

Stop cross posting to this faggot reddit sub. v/GreatAwakening is where you actually get conversation, all you are doing is spamming and helping the shills that made this place divide you.

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Octocopter ago

You have only been here for 18days, SBBH folks are niggerfaggots. Its a mix of bored oldfags, 13 yr old wannabe trolls, manic depressive shitposters, adderall fueled autists, and misplaced shills. Taking them seriously is a mistake.

Sirnotabot ago

And yet the sock puppet links between SBBH and v/GreatAwakening are there and the activities I've seen on both v/theawakening and v/QRV seem to suggest otherwise. Same behavior experienced on Reddit. TMOR and SBBH seem to be cut from the same clothe.

Octocopter ago

So why did the mods on this sub make it hidden and disable ccp and scp? To cut reddit Q follows off from the other Q followers. What ever you want to imagine about /v/GreatAwakening is up to you, but its easy to see that Q posts do better on GA than on tA, more comments and more votes. You are probably sume little faggot trying to suck his old reddit mods dick.

youllrememberme ago

So why did the mods on this sub make it hidden and disable ccp and scp?

Did you ever consider that they didn't know any better?

Why were 2 of the mods from v/TheAwakening trusted more than the mods from GA to run v/QRV?

Octocopter ago

"didn't know any better" it warns you what those options do. That excuse is fucking pathetic.

Here is a list of the mods from /v/awakening when they created it and before they got exposed for being shills.

And here is the list for QRV

Do you see any shared mods? So are you trying to claim breadbox is one of your reddit mods? the user that is close to getting site banned for attempting to create an upvote farm? You still being abused by reddit mods, you need to cut yourself free from their control and only follow Q.

youllrememberme ago

Hmmm I stand corrected on that issue. I swear I saw them on there at one point, but I don't have any proof. That doesn't change how shilly the mods at GA are. I don't do reddit, haven't since pizzagate, never did before pizzagate. Now they're my reddit mods? Haha

you need to cut yourself free from their control and only follow Q

Why would anyone need v/GA for that? Q promoted v/QRV.

Why wont the mods at GA tell their shill friends to leave QRV alone? Why would the owner say she knows a lot of people with alts who talk to themselves and play both sides of the argument so they wont be wrong? Why would she claim that she sees how that's necessary? Why would that ever be necessary? Why would good people want to go to a sub where the mods are responsible for calling people "nigger" and "kike" all the time? Why would we want associate this movement with that? That's what I'm fighting for. I give 0 fucks about any of these mods, nice try trying to paint your picture though.

Pretty sure I already know who you are, and this is an alt. You certainly weren't around in GA before the merge, I was there from the beginning. So, now that I've admitted I was wrong about it being 2 of the same mods are you going to answer the questions that nobody wants to answer?

Octocopter ago

"Why would good people want to go to a sub where the mods are responsible for calling people "nigger" and "kike" all the time?" I suggest you go read comments of the QRV mods and owner, let me point it out to you " and fuck you too, nigger"

QRV was made by someone who both understands and values free speach, SHILLS like you from reddit expose your self with the way you react to the free speech tests. People need a Q place outside the anon sub for gaining ccp so they can post normally to QRV, then many new goats will want a home to interact and make friends/bonds while they express their freedom to speak how they want.

You are a faggot reddit shill wanting to control Q follows from speaking freely. You can think what ever the fuck you want about me, but as long as you keep acting like communist trash I will keep exposing you for the shill you are.

Octocopter ago

@youllrememberme You cant run from this just by deleting your comments.

"why you're over here dividing still" So sending people to the more established sub where they wont be banned is dividing huh? Your talking points keep getting weaker and weaker.

Lots of goats know each other and the majority of goats understand how pointless SBBH is, playing with them only only makes them want to play with you more. Its a test you keep failing by giving them attention. The owner of GA has no power over SBBH, and SBBH has no power over her. So how is someone with zero sway in a group supposed to manipulate a group into stopping any imagined actions?

You have NOTHING but pointing your finger at a group of actual retarded shitposters who feed off of dumb reddit faggots like you taking them seriously. You know the old saying don't feed a troll? You are not just feeding them, you think they are actual bridge monsters.

youllrememberme ago

I'm only deleting so you cant silence me with your vote brigade. I have pics of it all and knowing you, it's archived.

youllrememberme ago

That's one comment on a thread where s/he is trying to get along with goats, not every other wordbbn or calling anyone who disagrees with you a kike.

Not from reddit, but you keep banging that drum. SBBH is on reddit though.

I don't want to control shit, you're the one over here trying to control where people go.

Sirnotabot ago

No. It's the attitude of the response you've just given that shows me why you are unworthy of any respect. You like to play games. This isn't a game for Qanon's. I was subbed to GA and lost respect when I got to see behind the curtain. You keep bringing up the same tired old excuses for the hostility, and mistakes were explained and rectified, but you can't seem to let it lie. Those who try to tear down rather than build up are to be disregarded.

Octocopter ago

Respect? You know what fuck you, you get invited to our house when you get censored and so many of you pompous SJW fucks wont bother to respect our home. There is no behind the curtain on GA it was all srayzie since before you tards came here. They nurtured Q here and made it a part of voat, you faggots come here and try to drive a wedge in that.

Your defense of this sub has now cemented your name into the list of shills.

Sirnotabot ago

You have a list? How grown up of you. Proving my point. I haven't named anyone, I pointed out there are links between SBBH and GA and I lost respect. I'm detecting a lot of hostility in you. Szayzie nurtured a community and it's growing, well done to her, growth is good. You seem to be intersectionalised and have a bad attitude, and that's exactly what drives people away. The fact you can't let this go, jump into personal attacks, and have threatened me, provides you with no defense.

Octocopter ago

Links? where all you posted was SBBH being their normal faggy self. The only name that links them is Triggly being a css designer on GA. So provide your proof or fuck off.

So where have I threatened you? seems to me the longer this conversation goes the more you are acting like a lefty shill.

youllrememberme2 ago

Here's my comments that got deleted because @Octocopter the Media Matters shill was trying to downvote me to silence.

Octocopter ago

"OH MY GOD!!!!! Look Q fellow Q followers I got NINE comments with -1 on downvots each!!!!!

This is total proof of me being brigaded by evil SBBH trolls that are trying to shut me down.

Never mind the fact that I don't understand how Voat works and deleted all the positive ccp I got recently and am trying to blame it on someone else" - @youllrememberme and @youllrememberme2 on Oct 1 2018.

You should so silly right now, go ahead and post those proofs of brigading to the rest of voat and see what reactions you get. You Share Blue shills are fucking pathetic. Is this the best you can do?

youllrememberme2 ago

I was minus 20 - 30 before I deleted anything, I just know how you work. That 20 - 30 would have turned into 80 - 120 overnight had I left those comments up. Nice try though.

I understand how voat works, you cost me that ccp because if i didn't delete it qould have been worse.

Share Blue is Media Matters.. You can't do any better than calling me what there's way more proof of you being? Apparently you're rubber and I'm glue? Hahahaha

Octocopter ago

You have absolutely nothing, you got exposed and are trying to cover it. Where is your proof? the pics you posted just showed proof of there being no brigade.

Your best evidence is a handful of comments at -1, while you have comments older than 7 days with far more down votes. Did I brigade those too? Go ahead and share this around you will be laughed at as the pathetic joke you are. Q followers are smart enough to see past your pathetic attempts.

youllrememberme2 ago

You went through all my comments and downvoted everything you were allowed to. (7 days is the limit) If I didnt deleted thise comments you would have came through later, on another alt, and done it again. I know your games, I've been here for 2 years. I only posted thise pics to prove I wasn't trying to hide anything, which was your retarded angle.

Octocopter ago

"You went through all my comments and downvoted everything you were allowed to."

Yeah sure, and again your proof was a pic with 9 comments at -1? So was I also responsible for the vast majority of your comments older than 7 days old having substantially more downvoates than just -1?

"I've been here for 2 years" You also made two accounts at the same time just to make sure you were ready to shill it up on Voat. @youllrememberme @youllrememberme2

You keep claiming proof of stuff without an evidence, how many Q followers and normal Goats are going to believe you?

youllrememberme2 ago

You keep claiming proof of stuff without any evidence.

Actually, that's you. I've provided evidence of shilling. Hence, the questions you refuse to answer.

youllrememberme2 ago

You also made two accounts at the same time just to make sure you were ready to shill it up on Voat. @youllrememberme @youllrememberme2

Wrong. I made youllrememberme2 when I couldn't post on youllrememberme anymore and I made 3 when I couldn't post on 2 anymore. Nice try.

Octocopter ago

So let me get this straight, you are calling me wrong for stating that

@youllrememberme (joined on: 5/5/2018)

@youllrememberme2 (joined on: 5/14/2018)

@youllrememberme3 (joined on: 5/14/2018)

Were not made at the same time? That is not even 1 fucking week apart and you are trying to say I am wrong for saying "You also made two accounts at the same time" I guess I was wrong, you made THREE accounts for shilling at the same time.

youllrememberme2 ago

Are you retarded or just pretending to be? I already explained this, with proof. I have better things to do than to keep running around in circles witb some Media Matters shill. Downvote away.

Octocopter ago

What proof did you use to disprove this? there is proof right in your profile page that exposes when you made them. Only shills would plan the creation of 3 accounts, what more excuses do you have?

Oh that is right you kept claiming I used alts to down vote you when I don't have any and the only pics you had as proof of alt downvoting only showed -1 votes. Yet there you were projecting about alts when you had 3 just waiting for use.

youllrememberme2 ago

You are one shilly motherfucker. I explained why these accounts were created, but you're so desperate you keep saying I planned the creation of 3 accounts. People will see right through this retarded game you're playing.

No, I said you brigaded all the comments you could and you would come back later with alts. You're looking pretty desperate.

I looked at the ping to see if you responded to those questions and once again... "Here we go round the shillberry bush". You have nothing left but bullshit I've already explained. Keep bringing it up though, that will surely make your case haha

Octocopter ago

No normal user makes an account to push a narrative and then make 2 more in order to keep pushing that narrative. That makes you a shill, what evidence do you have to mark me as a shill?

So you are accusing me of a brigade with no proof beyond 9 comments having -1 vote, further you are dismissing your comments old than 7 days with multiple down votes as what exactly?

How am I look desperate? none of my comments are deleted, I have yet to ping or link SBBH here, I have not brigaded your alt with only 5 postive ccp (which would be trivial to knock into negative), and I have kept conversing with you.

The truth is the more you post the bigger a hole you dig yourself. You can even keep your story straight for why you joined this conversation that did not even start with you.

youllrememberme2 ago

You still haven't answered any of the questions that I asked, you just keep up with the ad hominem shit and deflection. You must really believe people are dumb.

Octocopter ago

What questions? You keep coming back to that. You must really not like the answers I am giving.

youllrememberme ago

Wrong.. everyone the owner associates with is SBBH.


I would provide the rest of them too, but you already know.

Why wouldn't srayzie ask them to leave QRV, the sub approved by Q, alone?

You're obviously just another alt here corralling people over to GA so you can control the narrative.

@Sirnotabot I have plenty of evidence, I'll take it from here. Thanks for helping get the word out!

Sirnotabot ago

Holy crap, this has turned into a shooting war. I'm not trying to "get the word out," I don't have a dog in the fight. I was trying to have a conversation to reconcile for myself. I'm going to back away slowly.

Octocopter ago

Notice that the shill that joined in on this conversation train is now deleting his comments, they have something to hide.

youllrememberme ago

Your choice. I can't knowingly let shills try to take over this movement.

Octocopter ago

Nope not an alt, but your actions here are pretty damning. Why are you so hell bent on defending and making excuses for the cancer reddit mods that betrayed the Q followers? Are you afraid you wont have control over them anymore?

youllrememberme ago

Nope not an alt, but your actions here are pretty damning. Why are you so hell bent on defending and making excuses for the cancer reddit mods that betrayed the Q followers? Are you afraid you wont have control over them anymore?

Control? I've never had any control over anyone, nor do I want any. It's GA that's grasping for control. Your actions and the actions of others make that obvious. Plus, QRV isn't even moderated.

Its amazing the only (((proofs))) you can produce is posts on unrelated subs. I guess anyone that has ever posted to /v/fatpeoplehate are their members right? Or any one posting to /v/linux is also a linux user and member? While you point fingers at meaningless random comments as if that "proves" anything you blindly ignore the REAL ABUSE used against Q followers.

Are you denying that GA mods are buddies with SBBH? Hahaha desperate much?

Octocopter ago

Why did you delete posts if you had nothing to hide in them?

What makes someone SBBH or buddies with them? and at what point does SBBH have any magical powers over what happens? The only attacks you have on GA is that. So where does these nefarious actions materialize at?

When and how has GA ever betrayed Q followers? Yet I can point at multiple actions taken by the reddit mods that hurt Q followers and acted to drive a wedge between them and us goats who gave them a home.

You claim you don't want to control anything but you came into a comment chain that was 14 posts long. You cant hide the fact that you are a shill so you delete your comments.

youllrememberme ago

Why did you delete posts if you had nothing to hide in them?

Because I figured out who you are and you and your boys are brigade happy. I left the one up that admitted I was wrong, at least until you saw it.

I agree about the reddit mods, even Q said they were comped and NR begs for $ so.. GA is currently betraying followers by allowing their buddies to shill in QRV so it will drive people to them. Even though Q said QRV is the sub.

I'll answer the rest of your questions when you answer mine.

Octocopter ago

You don't have any unanswered questions, you just have answers you just don't want to accept.

"I agree about the reddit mods" Oh boy but you sure on quick to jump on a 14 comment chain to defend them and claim "they made a mistake" when anyone with half a brain can see through that excuse.

So who am I an alt for then? You got nothing and the more you talk the more you expose yourself. Please do keep talking it only helps people fight against your attempts at subversion.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Octocopter ago

@youllrememberme whats that now another deleted comment? What are you hiding shill?

Octocopter ago

Dear @youllrememberme the deep state troll.

I am on Voat to talk shit about communists and enjoy the company of people who speak their minds freely. Normal Q followers will fit in fine around here. Deep State reddit shills like you wont get anywhere when you cant censor the people that expose you attempts at controlling Q followers. Btw if I was an alt or part of some brigade wouldn't you think you would lose far more than one point? In the 3 hours you had them up you never got brigaded, in reality you are trying to hide.

Also you should know that deleting posts only removes positive ccp not negative, you hurt yourself.

Octocopter ago

Good now post the archives and expose yourself for the shill you are. Who are Q followers going to trust? I bet its not the shill hiding after it tried to defend the people censoring them.


Btw I am done here until you post the archives, I bet you wont though.

youllrememberme2 ago

You brigaded me for 80 ccp in 30 minutes, I deleted my comments so you couldn't silence me you shill motherfucker. You're just pissed off you got owned on your main alt, so you're trying to make me shut up by downvoting me to silence. Proof of the brigade (I only have proof of 60, but I had 486 when we started.)

How many alts are you logged into? Hahaha

Octocopter ago

Do keep this up, I am loving seeing you flail around like a fish out of water as you kill any credibility you once had.

youllrememberme2 ago

BTW.. Do you really believe you won something here? This is just more proof of your shill tactics.

Octocopter ago

Again you having -1 down votes is a brigade? You have been getting consistent downvotes on old comments going to blame that on me as well?

What I won was you destroying any credibility you once had. I can just link people to all the shilling you did here.

youllrememberme2 ago

Still no questions answered, you just silenced me with downvotes. I just want to have upvotes to pass to the newbies here. Once more people have downvote capabilities you clowns are done manipulating. Have a good day C

Octocopter ago

Here it is, your goal of wanting to control the narrative of content you don't like, such a shame.

You shills are so easy to expose, enough prodding and you do it to yourselves.

youllrememberme2 ago

We know what you're up to.. You want to be able to post ridiculous shit to Q subs and not have anyone downvote it. You're pitiful, free speech includes others having the right to downvote your garbage. Or debate it without being silenced by downvotes by the ones who claim they don't like downvotes. Remember you guys talking about training the plebbits not to downvote? Why? So you can control the narrative? They have every right to downvote me too if they don't agree. So how am I trying to control things?

Octocopter ago

"We" this same "we" you plan to do this with "Once more people have downvote capabilities you clowns are done manipulating."

"Oy vey Q followers, help us shut down this free speech platform! Remember I was totally brigaded by this evil old Goat, whats that you want to see my proof?"

There are Q followers all over Voat doing normal goats things, but you have been pushing this narrative real hard here.

Now lets talk about that alt account of yours, 5 months old, just as old as your main account. Hhmmm I wonder what normal user would make a back up account if they just wanted to have a normal voat experience?

The answer? You are a shill, one who came here with a plan to attempt to control Q followers.

youllrememberme2 ago

I even called it in that thread that I would get downvoted to silence.. "Let the downvote brigade begin..."

youllrememberme2 ago

Now lets talk about that alt account of yours, 5 months old, just as old as your main account. Hhmmm I wonder what normal user would make a back up account if they just wanted to have a normal voat experience?

Lets do that.. When I first came back I made a thread about SBBH and got downvoted into silence so I had to make this name and youllrememberme3 because this one also was in the red from downvotes. You guys aren't a new problem, you've been controlling narrative here for years.

Octocopter ago

Ahh so this is some past anger issues, you played with trolls and got burned, now you are trying to take it out on Q followers and try and mold them into your personal army to gt back at the "big bad SBBH".

Its really funny that you have spent months of your life focused on trolls that feed off the attention you give them.

youllrememberme2 ago

Nope, I'm doing my best to protect Q followers from you Media Matters shills. Get back? Hahahaha no, downvote to keep your shit out of QRV. It has no effect on ccp and I have specifically stated many times that there's no need to go out and downvote people in other subs. Just keep the trash out of ours. Once again, nice try.

"Trolls" hahaha you spelled shills wrong.

Octocopter ago

"Once more people have downvote capabilities you clowns are done manipulating." your entire goals is to direct Q followers into fighting your battle for you. Sadly for you Q followers are smarter than you and will see your shilling as it is, an attempt to use them as tools.

I have enjoyed this greatly, its been a while since I encountered a shill as retarded as you are.

youllrememberme2 ago

your entire goals is to direct Q followers into fighting your battle for you.

One last time... I'm only telling people to keep the trash out of our sub, QRV. Why does that make you so angry?

Octocopter ago

I never said anything about what happens in QRV, hell this entire conversation you jumped into was about me trying to unify the Q followers that don't want to post anon into GA instead of the Reddit tA where they were abused by shill mods.

So here we have you now saying "One last time... I'm only telling people to keep the trash out of our sub, QRV. Why does that make you so angry?" But here you are in /v/theawakening on a conversation about this sub being ran by shills trying to defend the shills that already got exposed.

Which one is it mister shill? Are you only here to promote keeping trash out of QRV? Or did you just into a conversation 14 posts in to defend the mods in tA?

youllrememberme2 ago

Save it, you're over here corralling users to GA when I've proven that the owner over there is part of your shill crew.

Octocopter ago

You did not answer my question. It works both ways right?

Which one is it mister shill? Are you only here to promote keeping trash out of QRV? Or did you just go into a conversation 14 posts in to defend the mods in tA?

You ca't even prove that I am a shill, and your proof that GA is run by shills is pretty weak. Yeah I would like users to all be on the same sub, QRV first, and GA second for the non-anon posting. What part of that makes me a shill? The part where I am warning Q followers about the abuse they suffered at the hands of reddit mods?

You need to admit you got a grudge with SBBH and you are trying to manipulate Q followers into dividing the user base between goats and new goats.

Now one last time shill WHY DID YOU JUMP INTO A 14 POST COMMENT CHAIN?

"One last time... I'm only telling people to keep the trash out of our sub, QRV. Why does that make you so angry?"


Did you come here to defend /v/theAwakening ?

youllrememberme2 ago

Which one is it mister shill? Are you only here to promote keeping trash out of QRV? Or did you just go into a conversation 14 posts in to defend the mods in tA?

Are you really this retarded? I got pinged because I was the creator of the thread that was being discussed.

Now one last time shill WHY DID YOU JUMP INTO A 14 POST COMMENT CHAIN?

^^^^^See above^^^^^

Why would it be necessary for someone to talk to themselves with an alt, all so that someone always agreea with them? Yes, the reddit mods were compromised, Q even confirmed that. But, so are the Great Awakening mods and reddit mods have no power here, as proven when they showed up. So, that makes v/TheAwakening the safer sub to subscribe to of you want to namefag.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Octocopter ago

"Are you really this retarded? I got pinged because I was the creator of the thread that was being discussed."

So you trying to say @blessedtolearn is another alt of yours?

The only account on my side of this so far was just me not other account, but your attempt to brigade me was a mistake. I picked a side now, and its not yours.

Sirnotabot ago

I'm no alt, and I haven't upvoated or downvoated anyone in our conversation. I don't know if the mods can confirm that. By posting the link, the OP was pinged, it happens to me too, as you've just proven by using my name and pinging me back into this. Like I said, I don't have a dog in fight. All updates to the thread were unknown to me until I got pinged. The fact that you think I'm an alt is paranoia.

Octocopter ago

That is a good mind set to keep. If you want to believe this or not is up to you but the user /u/youllrememberme , /u/youllrememberme2 , /u/youllrememberme3 are alts of a shill that has been trying to divide the Q community for a long time, he is now trying to use Q floowers to brigade people he does not like.

Be smart and stay safe Q follower.

youllrememberme2 ago

Save it, you're butthurt you're losing control and I called out your power mod in v/GA for what "it" is. I've done nothing but try to rally real Q followers together. Anyone who looks through my history can see that.

@Sirnotabot Sorry, I didnt know who this was at first. I should have known better. Didn't mean to get you involved. Look through my history on all 3 of those names, I've done nothing but defend our sub from shills.

Sirnotabot ago

Ah shucks! I'm all embarrassed now. If you can agree I'm not a shill or an alt, are there any other areas you can agree on? Are we all on the same side but have gotten the wrong end of the stick? Anyhow, I'm out unless I'm pinged back in. wwg1wga

youllrememberme2 ago

So you are admitting that @Sirnotabot is another alt of yours?

LOL really? Don't bring some random person into this who wants nothing to do with it. This is what s/he had to say about me thanking them Leave that patriot alone.

I got pinged because I created the thread that person posted to you. You know, by the cross post bot... Proof

Brigade you? WTF are you talking about? Hahaha I didn't even downvote most of your comments. More proof.

You opsec is horrible when you switch from alt to alt.

Octocopter ago

So where was there ever an account other than mine posting instead of this one? You are talking out of your ass. Also that pic proves nothing, you could have just capped it last night before downvoting.

You even tried to get other Q followers to brigade me, which you now fucked up and made me side with the people you thought I was to begin with. You just gave them another member.

youllrememberme2 ago

You even tried to get other Q followers to brigade me, which you now fucked up and made me side with the people you thought I was to begin with. You just gave them another member.

Hahahaha Do you really expect people to believe this? It's so obvious who you are and what you're doing.

Octocopter ago

You tried to brigade and now its backfiring you must be getting worried. You can't even point to the second account I supposedly used.

youllrememberme3 ago

I never tried to get anyone to brigade you, not worried at all. This is what I always expect to happen when you shilly motherfuckers get rolled up. Plus, you're the one who pinged all your friends, and I'm worried? Hahaha

Even Dfens knew who you were in the other thread, I didn't have to say a word.

Octocopter ago

Yet you went to a Q post to try and get Q followers to fight your battles for you. Q followers are smarter than you, they will see through your attempts to use them.

youllrememberme3 ago

I'm a Q follower and so is most of my family. I went to nobody to fight my battles, @Dfens reposted the original thread so I was giving an update. Show me where I went to someone and asked for help.

Octocopter ago

"Also you should know that deleting posts only removes positive ccp not negative, you hurt yourself."

You deleted all the positive ccp you had from however many posts you deleted. You fucked yourself and are trying to blame it on me.

youllrememberme2 ago

More fun shit coming for you media matters fags... *I'll just make sure its in QRV next time.

youllrememberme2 ago

I fucked myself before you could fuck me worse. Who goes through and downvotes every comment someone has made in the past 7 days? A fucking shill. You're butthurt and desperate.

Octocopter ago

So where is your proof you did not have the downvotes before hand? Not all your comments are down voted and you have worse down votes on comments older than 7 days.

You getting desperate as your narrative falls apart.

youllrememberme ago

I deleted everyting 6 days or newer because you went through my comments and downvoted everything you could and you'll do it witb another alt of yours until you silence me. Have fun shilling Media Matters fag, we have more than you could imagine.

youllrememberme ago

See what I'm saying about the brigading? Lost 20 ccp in 30 minutes talking to you. Hahaha and you fuck tards wanna scream free speech while you attempt to silence people through downvotes. Go ahead, pussy. Just shows how scared you really are of the truth.

youllrememberme ago

You didn't answer most of the questions I asked, keep pretending you did though.

I'm not defending reddit mods, that's you trying to paint a picture. I'm presenting facts about the GA owner and mods. I don't give a shit about this sub that we're talking in. I'm just curious why you're over here dividing still. The people in this sub aren't responsible for the mods.

Why would the owner of GA state that she knows lots of people who have alts, that talk to themselves, and why would that be necessary?

Why hasn't the owner of GA put a stop to all her buddies shilling QRV if it's all about unity?

It's pointless to answer your last question, you'll just deny and deflect more. Maybe accuse me of not know what ad hominem is. You guys have a weak game. Have a nice day trying to rally people over to GA

Sirnotabot ago

So provide your proof or fuck off. It convinced me So where have I threatened you? I would say that "Your defense of this sub has now cemented your name into the list of shills." is a threat to add my name to a "list" for possible brigading, no? I haven't defended this sub anywhere in our conversation. You are projecting and making assumptions. The point I'm trying to make, is that while you are obviously batting for another sub, your attitude isn't doing you or your sub any favors. Seriously, do you think anyone reading this conversation is going to have a positive impression of GA, or a negative one based on your responses? Serious question. I'm here for Q discussion, not drama, or in-fighting or dick measuring contests.

Octocopter ago

" and mistakes were explained and rectified, " is defending, and those were not mistakes, you don't make a mistake when it EXPLICITLY told them what would happen when they made those choices. It was a choice not a mistake to both hide the sub and prevent people from posting by gaining ccp. They only "rectified it" when a global sticky popped up in the sub exposing their actions to the Q base.

I am not even a Q follower, I am helping new goats interested in their topic reach a unified place. The Q sanctioned /v/QRV and the natural voat born and raised never betrayed the Q followers /v/GreatAwakening, There are plenty of fingers to point at the reddit cancer mods, but the best you can point to is SBBH fuck tards playing around in their own sub?

So whats your point again? oh yeah trying to make sure you keep Q followers divided and on your plantation.

Sirnotabot ago

You are projecting again. Didn't address my last post and jumped onto earlier arguments to derail? I didn't jump to the defense of the sub. You brought up the whole ccp thing out of nowhere, you introduced it into the conversation. I said it was old news, why couldn't you let it lie, that it had been explained ... and I accepted the explanation. This is the type of conversation I want no part of, as I said. If you are taking my answering of your question as my endorsement of a sub, you are missing the entire core of the conversation, but to respond to your last answer .... so you are not a Q follower, but you are here in a Q sub, directing people to your preferred Q sub, by calling them faggots and claiming that doing so will end division, by dividing them ... is that the general gist? I'm not here for conflict, no one is ... but there is a right way and a wrong way. Qanons average age would be 40+, I get a lot of responses from grandmothers who thank me for my contributions. If you are trying to help out and build subs, you need to think of the audience. We don't play games, and this whole "shilling" thing is going too far. You consider us refugees, but we've experienced the shills and false flags and targeted harassment, and brigading, and red-pilling and shit-posting on Reddit. It's not new. Only the platform is. I guess what most people just want to ask, (in a Jack Nicholson as pedo joker voice) ... can't we all just get along?

Octocopter ago

I did address it, the best you had was posts from SBBH subverses, they are playground sandboxes filled with cat shit that you are taking seriously. Take a look at that srayzie post they tried to call out read the OP on that thread. Did you notice something? That voatadminteam was a parody account made because they think shit like that is humor. You don't even understand the retards you are trying to use as proof.

You are refugees and you don't understand Voat or its culture / inhabitants, you claim to be good at dealing with shills but you repeated failed the shits tests thrown at you while you make excuses for the mods that actually hurt the Q following and tried to profit off them with shameless day one advertisements of merchandise.

Why did the reddit mods ban the people who exposed their actions if they were mistakes? The site Admin global sticky could not be removed by them, it exposed the refugees to the shill actions of the reddit mods and they were forced to "explain and rectify" what they did in order to keep control. Do you see how much they look like shills? Do you see now why I think you are a shill?

Also I am not calling Q followers faggots, I am calling these cancer reddit mods faggots. Q followers do not need 3 places to be divided between. They have the Q sanctioned QRV for their anon posts, and for normal posting a choice between people who acted against their best interests, or the sub that co-existed happily with Voat for 9 months now. Which one would you chose?

Sirnotabot ago

Reddit had nearly 300k subscribers, and Reddit hid the fact by limiting it to 70k. These subscribers trusted their mods. They followed them here. Trust is earned, just like respect. When they saw their mods being attacked, they responded. There was drama, there was hazing, there was hostility. 300k people and about 14k left posting here. It's growing, but it's not anywhere near where it should be. I don't know the mods from any verse. I don't have anything invested anywhere, but I recognise there are problems, and these problems could be resolved by the various groups getting together and coming to some sort of agreement without it constantly spilling out into the boards, where people like me, possibly you, are having discussions over things we have absolutely no control over. The only things we are in control of is our own actions. Sorry if I misinterpreted your faggot comment, but you've got to agree with me that if you are trying to entice boomers over to GA, it's not great marketing, right? If I said I lost respect for GA, asking me why and having a conversation about it is probably a better option than immediately going on the attack? I mean, attack away, it's free speech, but it's not great optics. Feel free to dislike the sub, and/or it's mods, but everyone needs to see both sides, otherwise conversations like this will keep happening and I'd far rather be discussing whether or not Flake is a gray hat than whether or not someone is shilling. Anyhow, you know where I stand. maybe respond to the OP of the link I sent you and have a conversation with them, or suggest Szayzie does if you know her. It's late and I'm past my bedtime, getting old. Good luck.

Octocopter ago

Do you know what happened when Voat handed them an olive branch? When Srayzie made an offer to come together? The mods you "trusted" sent them death threats and attacked relentlessly. They demanded absolute control over the narrative and censorship. Srayzie reached out for help from old goats, all old goats from every group.

Now compare that to what you did when you started this conversation, you opened with one of their newer talk points, "try and link GA with SBBH" its how shills have been attacking individual users and subs on Voat long before Q existed. Now that you understand more of the situation you should ask yourself if you are helping the right side.