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Octocopter ago

Stop cross posting to this faggot reddit sub. v/GreatAwakening is where you actually get conversation, all you are doing is spamming and helping the shills that made this place divide you.

Octocopter ago

You have only been here for 18days, SBBH folks are niggerfaggots. Its a mix of bored oldfags, 13 yr old wannabe trolls, manic depressive shitposters, adderall fueled autists, and misplaced shills. Taking them seriously is a mistake.

Sirnotabot ago

And yet the sock puppet links between SBBH and v/GreatAwakening are there and the activities I've seen on both v/theawakening and v/QRV seem to suggest otherwise. Same behavior experienced on Reddit. TMOR and SBBH seem to be cut from the same clothe.

Octocopter ago

So why did the mods on this sub make it hidden and disable ccp and scp? To cut reddit Q follows off from the other Q followers. What ever you want to imagine about /v/GreatAwakening is up to you, but its easy to see that Q posts do better on GA than on tA, more comments and more votes. You are probably sume little faggot trying to suck his old reddit mods dick.

Sirnotabot ago

No. It's the attitude of the response you've just given that shows me why you are unworthy of any respect. You like to play games. This isn't a game for Qanon's. I was subbed to GA and lost respect when I got to see behind the curtain. You keep bringing up the same tired old excuses for the hostility, and mistakes were explained and rectified, but you can't seem to let it lie. Those who try to tear down rather than build up are to be disregarded.

Octocopter ago

Respect? You know what fuck you, you get invited to our house when you get censored and so many of you pompous SJW fucks wont bother to respect our home. There is no behind the curtain on GA it was all srayzie since before you tards came here. They nurtured Q here and made it a part of voat, you faggots come here and try to drive a wedge in that.

Your defense of this sub has now cemented your name into the list of shills.

Sirnotabot ago

You have a list? How grown up of you. Proving my point. I haven't named anyone, I pointed out there are links between SBBH and GA and I lost respect. I'm detecting a lot of hostility in you. Szayzie nurtured a community and it's growing, well done to her, growth is good. You seem to be intersectionalised and have a bad attitude, and that's exactly what drives people away. The fact you can't let this go, jump into personal attacks, and have threatened me, provides you with no defense.

Octocopter ago

Links? where all you posted was SBBH being their normal faggy self. The only name that links them is Triggly being a css designer on GA. So provide your proof or fuck off.

So where have I threatened you? seems to me the longer this conversation goes the more you are acting like a lefty shill.

youllrememberme ago

Wrong.. everyone the owner associates with is SBBH.


I would provide the rest of them too, but you already know.

Why wouldn't srayzie ask them to leave QRV, the sub approved by Q, alone?

You're obviously just another alt here corralling people over to GA so you can control the narrative.

@Sirnotabot I have plenty of evidence, I'll take it from here. Thanks for helping get the word out!

Sirnotabot ago

Holy crap, this has turned into a shooting war. I'm not trying to "get the word out," I don't have a dog in the fight. I was trying to have a conversation to reconcile for myself. I'm going to back away slowly.

Octocopter ago

Notice that the shill that joined in on this conversation train is now deleting his comments, they have something to hide.

youllrememberme ago

Your choice. I can't knowingly let shills try to take over this movement.