So... I've been thinking... (SoapboxBanhammer)
submitted 6.4 years ago by TheBuddha
Someday, they're going to have breaking news and show the FBI storming my house and them taking me away in cuffs.
On that day, one of you niggerfaggots better say, "Well, TheBuddha finally got his parade."
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14108100? 6.4 years ago
Try to set up an early warning system so you can at least have pants on before they get you.
TheBuddha 6.4 years ago
It's my fucking parade. I ain't gotta wear pants if I don't want to!
14108541? 6.4 years ago
Fair enough, at least brush your hair. Unless you think you can pull off a dignified bedhead
Bah... They'll give me a haircut before court.
GranimalSnake 6.4 years ago
That's half the fun of parades right there.
That's why I'm a national treasure!
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14108100? ago
Try to set up an early warning system so you can at least have pants on before they get you.
TheBuddha ago
It's my fucking parade. I ain't gotta wear pants if I don't want to!
14108541? ago
Fair enough, at least brush your hair. Unless you think you can pull off a dignified bedhead
TheBuddha ago
Bah... They'll give me a haircut before court.
GranimalSnake ago
That's half the fun of parades right there.
TheBuddha ago
That's why I'm a national treasure!