WhiteRonin ago

Nobody has said that I’m in. Actually, I don’t know what I’m in. But I’m in somewhere that I’m not sure where I’m in ... 🤔

TheBuddha ago

You never know the challenge until you agree to be in the game.

WhiteRonin ago

I’m already in the game!

Why doesn’t anybody listen to me :-(

TheBuddha ago

Unsanctioned matches earn no rank. You're just playing solitaire.

WhiteRonin ago

I play many games ;-)

TheBuddha ago

I am prepping the arena.


WhiteRonin ago

I read that! Lol

Why am I getting + and you - ?

TheBuddha ago

Dunno. I don't use the vote button much, unless it's for careful longer term plans.

WhiteRonin ago

Nobody said to vote on each other!

Grab some maximum points mang!

TheBuddha ago

Pfffttt... Child's play.

I am an artist. I can make them dance.

WhiteRonin ago

Dance dance dance! Baby make em dance!

heygeorge ago

MFW @TheBuddha is actually @8bit

I would never play a game like this. This is why SBBH* got suspended in the first place! Where do I sign up?

* I realize this is confusing but you know what I meant. Puttsy never saw SBBH ** coming! **This time I mean where we’re posting right now, not the one I previously meant.

WhiteRonin ago

Are you the ass that keeps replying to me?!? Fagget stop wasting my time calling you an asshole!


heygeorge ago

I don’t think so! Unfortunately your replies are probably from Qtards.

WhiteRonin ago

That’s so boring!

Get to work son!

TheBuddha ago

I fully admit that banning me is justified. If I were banned, I deserved it.

I've done unspeakable things.

LostandFound ago

Lol i keep trying to red pill these peepz and i keep getting old goats doing the same. Puts up greateststory 10 mins later someone pipes im with im just near the end now thanks for sharing and then recites the story in bullet point. Old smelly goats I know it's ye haha

WhiteRonin ago

The point of the game is to get to front page. I’m easily ranking in 2nd page posts :-)

LostandFound ago

Thats like shooting fish in a barrel man, just type breaking then kavanaugh in caps and then just link to a rare pepe like this, i can share one with you.


Shit wrong folder..


They will just lap that shit up.

WhiteRonin ago

Lol! Good one!

Join the fun!

WhiteRonin ago

Some of you fags are trying to red pill me! Stay out of my posts dick heads!

I already know one who always wants to reply to me! Lol

TheBuddha ago

The best part of the game is that everyone in there has to play. There's no choice in the matter.

They are locked in here with us, not the other way around.

It's the best damned game on the planet.

Also, they're mine. I claim them as my own. If you want to challenge to rule the crazies, you earn it like I did! Besides, they're my gift for being a national treasure!

LostandFound ago

Hahahaha you can have em im starting

Though id say you have a fight on your hands all the locals have gone quiet, my guess is everyone is playing the game.

  • Q predicted this !

TheBuddha ago

I have already wielded the crazies with some success. Best part, nobody blames me! Nobody has any idea the things I've done. I've done unspeakable things.

LostandFound ago

Its just been me and you trying to redpill each other isint it.... I used to be involved with Q so i speak retard fluently

"My pants is on fire and my penis is hot"

Q : 815

TheBuddha ago

Nope. I'm not redpilling anyone. LOL I'm on a completely different mission.

LostandFound ago

So what is your mission?

Or is the first rule of make the crazies crazier dont talk about crazy club?

TheBuddha ago

I can't tell you. It's one of the rules. I am also not involved in any formal QRV Chess matches - but, if I were, I'd be unable to discuss even my participation in the match, at least not in public.

I can only assure you that it's an awesome game. There's a formal match opening sometime in the near future. I can not give you more specific details, nor will I answer any questions about it.

LostandFound ago

Seems legit im in!

Il just hang around the Qcumbers till i see something happening. Then il know 'its on'

TheBuddha ago

Oh, no...

There are specific goals. A goal might be to get them to parrot something, or more. It might be getting 2000 people to read a poem. It might be getting a +100 comment.

It's turn based, refereed, and has formal rules that change for each match.

It's pretty fucking awesome. It can be surprisingly difficult.