In case you didn't know the Nazi trolling was coming from Democrats (
submitted 6.4 years ago by Dfens
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Crensch 6.4 years ago
For anyone that doesn't know this user and his alts:
@Oh_Well_Ian and @youllrememberme (and 1-3 at the end, at least) and OP have all been reasonably linked to each other as likely alts.
Here is the guy you're dealing with.
youllrememberme3 6.4 years ago
Desperate? Sure looks like it.
Here's shizy admitting that you all know I'm not @Oh_Well_Ian and I never spoke to @Dfens until I posted the thread about @srayzie and s/he reposted it. Nice try though, shill.
Oh_Well_ian 6.4 years ago
Jesus... these cunts are still at it ??
Caught Crensch over here corralling people to GA on an alt. I got pinged when Sirnotabot posted a thread I created in QRV. It's a long ass shit show..
Octocopter 6.4 years ago
Still at it huh? Q followers are not stupid enough to fall your tricks.
No tricks, like you trying to convince people with nothing, I presented facts.
Facts like these?
somebody just posted in QRV about Crensch lol
looks like Five-O is closing in!!
"We have the site surrounded, shills, come out with your hands up."
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Crensch ago
For anyone that doesn't know this user and his alts:
@Oh_Well_Ian and @youllrememberme (and 1-3 at the end, at least) and OP have all been reasonably linked to each other as likely alts.
Here is the guy you're dealing with.
youllrememberme3 ago
Desperate? Sure looks like it.
Here's shizy admitting that you all know I'm not @Oh_Well_Ian and I never spoke to @Dfens until I posted the thread about @srayzie and s/he reposted it. Nice try though, shill.
Oh_Well_ian ago
Jesus... these cunts are still at it ??
youllrememberme3 ago
Caught Crensch over here corralling people to GA on an alt. I got pinged when Sirnotabot posted a thread I created in QRV. It's a long ass shit show..
Octocopter ago
Still at it huh? Q followers are not stupid enough to fall your tricks.
youllrememberme3 ago
No tricks, like you trying to convince people with nothing, I presented facts.
Crensch ago
Facts like these?
Oh_Well_ian ago
somebody just posted in QRV about Crensch lol
looks like Five-O is closing in!!
youllrememberme3 ago
"We have the site surrounded, shills, come out with your hands up."