Crensch ago

For anyone that doesn't know this user and his alts:

@Oh_Well_Ian and @youllrememberme (and 1-3 at the end, at least) and OP have all been reasonably linked to each other as likely alts.

Here is the guy you're dealing with.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You sad cunt

Q must be closing in on this bitch

Dfens ago

Wow, what kind of moron shill uses their own name to troll, especially when that name name rhymes with “stench?”

Oh_Well_ian ago

Conner Rensch does...

It's narcissism that makes her do it.

Dfens ago

The actions of the retarded and the insane are equally foolish. In this case I’m pretty sure both are in play.

Crensch ago

It must really hurt your feelings, having your failures where everyone can see, to make you attack what you believe is a woman and her child.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, kid fucker...

You stupid bitch, you think WE don't know your perverted Satan worshipping husband does not write for you?

Q's coming for you.

Dfens ago

The image on the right ( seems to form the symbol that is most popularly today called “the brand of sacrifice” from a manga cartoon. There was a mass murder in Maryland who used that symbol ( No surprise it would show up in this context.

youllrememberme3 ago

Desperate? Sure looks like it.

Here's shizy admitting that you all know I'm not @Oh_Well_Ian and I never spoke to @Dfens until I posted the thread about @srayzie and s/he reposted it. Nice try though, shill.

Shizy ago

Where exactly in my comment do I speak for anyone else and say they know you're not OWI's alt? You're a filthy liar. Keep posting my comment along with your lie about what it actually says. People need to know what kind of liar and manipulator you are! @crensch

youllrememberme3 ago

Save it.. You REEEEtards all know I'm not Ian. Keep flailing though, it's comedy gold.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Jesus... these cunts are still at it ??

youllrememberme3 ago

Caught Crensch over here corralling people to GA on an alt. I got pinged when Sirnotabot posted a thread I created in QRV. It's a long ass shit show..

Octocopter ago

Still at it huh? Q followers are not stupid enough to fall your tricks.

youllrememberme3 ago

No tricks, like you trying to convince people with nothing, I presented facts.

Oh_Well_ian ago


somebody just posted in QRV about Crensch lol

looks like Five-O is closing in!!

youllrememberme3 ago

"We have the site surrounded, shills, come out with your hands up."

Crensch ago

I don't care what @shizy says, and I don't care if anyone believes you're OWI, either. If there's a suspicion that he is some obvious alt here, I'll post his shame for all to see - every time.

youllrememberme3 ago

So you're just randomly accusing people of being other peoples alts, got it. Sounds pretty shilly though.

Crensch ago

Sounds a lot like you have an issue with me posting OWI's shame. Maybe I should do that more.

Oh_Well_ian ago


this is her Instagram account >>


youllrememberme3 ago

They don't have a chance when more people get voting power. They're shook.

youllrememberme3 ago

Nope, I had an issue with you claiming I'm someone I'm not. The funny part is, I know you don't believe it either. That's where the "desperate" came from.

Crensch ago

Nobody cares about your issues.

Oh_Well_ian ago

projection lol

you sad bitch...

AndrewBlazeIt ago

That's rich, coming from a member of RealProtectVoat.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Lol you're a rerard. Explain evolution to me and then tell me we are all the same species. Grow up, boomer.

Tell ya what. Let me move out west with all whites and you and your nigger lovers stay away and well see who comes out on top.

That's the thing. Everyone knows (affirmative action, programs. Etc) is all to make up that non whites CANNOT compete with whites.

youllrememberme2 ago

Check out this comment string.. The deleted comments are mine, there's pics of the comments in there. The shill went and downvoted every comment I had that was under 7 days, so I deleted everything before s/he came back for round 2 with a different alt. You know who that really is, right?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Dfens ago

In real life, no. But Crench is the main account he uses. Clearly I'm failing to upvote your posts enough if you're already to rev 3 of your name. I'll try to do better.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this submission by @Crensch.

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srayzie ago

Are you saying @Octocoper is Crensch? Why do you feel the needs to upvote him? There’s a reason people don’t like these guys. You don’t even know all the lies these guys spread.

Octocopter ago

@srayzie (Sorry to bring you into this Srayzie but he is targeting you aswell) @AndrewBlazeIt @TheBuddha @gabara @clamhurt_legbeard @heygeorge @Crench

User goes by /u/youllrememberme /u/youllrememberme2 /u/youllrememberme3

You dealt with him back here and he is trying his shit again.

The shill has been talking shit about you guys and is trying to develop Q followers into his own down vote army to brigade you. He mistook me for one of you guys and has added me to his list. He accuses me of brigading and then goes deletes his comments and calls other to brigade me.

There are several comment trains but the main one ends here

He is using this link as proof that something or other.

Shizy ago

I feel for you that this asshole brought you into this! Once he latched on he's like herpes and never goes away!

youllrememberme2 ago

Nice ping list BTW.. That's exactly what Crensch would have thrown down.

Crensch ago

When you come across something that works well, why not use it yourself?


youllrememberme2 ago

Give it a rest, you're so obvious. You must think everyone around you is retarded.

Octocopter ago

Keep digging that hole deeper shill.

youllrememberme2 ago


srayzie ago

I appreciate you letting me know. I have screenshots showing where me and my mod, who he says is me as well, were willing to get on voice chat to prove we weren’t the same person. I think he’s thecalt of oh_Well _ian. But both refused to the chat to prove to the other that we ere not the same person. To me, that sealed the deal that they are the same person.

O_Well_ian is butt hurt because I banned him after several warnings regarding his extremely hateful treatment of others and how that would make him break rules. He’s tried and failed miserably at doxing me. He goes to other subs and spreads lies. I’m now supposedly 3 others as well as myself. Lol.

The best thing to come out of this, is that the people that knew him from GA have came to me telling me that I should have listened to them when I thought that his heart was in the right place. Now I can clearly see that he has set out to divide the Q community. By constantly trying to discredit me, he knows that he’s trying to cause division. It’s only shown his true colors and real motives. That’s why he’s having his alt do most of the work. He’s already lost several of the people he was close to. But apparently, that’s all my fault.

I appreciate you having my back and standing up for v/GreatAwakening. <3 I wouldn’t waste my time on those 2 tho. They will continue. Why destroy them if they are already destroying themselves? I don’t even respond to them anymore. I’m not going to let the bitter man divide us. Q is much more important than that troll.

Just so you know, you can only ping 5 people at a time. 5 per comment.

So @Heyageorge and @Crensch probably didn’t get your pings. They will now :) Thank you friend.

youllrememberme2 ago

You're so full of shit, your voice chat would prove nothing. Like I said before, you could have anyone do it for you. Plus @shizy already admitted you know I'm not @Oh_Well_Ian.

Shizy ago

Oh you again? I NEVER spoke for anyone else and I already explained that you punk! Is something wrong with you? For real, are you mentally deficit or just a shit stirrer?

I already told you that others may have more info to help them determine if you are OWI's alt! I actually don't give a shit one way or the other about you, OWI, or any other lame alt he uses! Stop putting words in my mouth and stop pinging me! I'm gonna block this alt of your too!

youllrememberme2 ago



Octocopter ago

I came to Voat so I could be openly against Communists, I support you Q followers completely.

Thank you for the help and giving the new goats a good home.

Crensch ago


Only 5 pings per comment, I got you on HG.

Octocopter ago

Yeah i almost never ping people thanks for the heads up. I am apparently now an alt of yours, that is a first for me so I will wear it as a badge of honor.

Crensch ago

So I can bring the same amount of hate I always do, and the backlash will be split between us? I'm OK with that!

Octocopter ago

As long as communist shills are getting butt hurt I am cool with it.

youllrememberme2 ago

He accuses me of brigading and then goes deletes his comments and calls other to brigade me.

Johnny Johnny, telling lies? I didn't even downvote your stupid comments.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

thanks for the heads up dude

TheBuddha ago

How much tribute will you give us to solve your problem?

Octocopter ago

I am just letting you know this shill is trying to get Q followers to brigade you. I don't have an issue yet, but my tribute would be my loyalty, seriously fuck these shills.

Shizy ago

He makes a post encouraging people to downvoat brigade, yet continues to cry about an alleged downvoat brigade against him? Classic!

TheBuddha ago

Nah, we only accept gold and legal tender.

Maybe someone other than SBBH will take up your cause. Try v/protectvoat?

Octocopter ago

What help did you think I wanted? Just warning you about a new shill attempt. You are on his list.

TheBuddha ago

Bitch, please... I'm on everyone's list. I'm a fucking national treasure.

srayzie ago

Oh please Bob 🙄🤣

Crensch ago

It's true, @Octocopter, he's even on my list, though that ink is fading lately.

@TheBuddha, step up your game, nigger; you're in danger of having my memory of you whitewashed.

srayzie ago

@Octocopter had my back. He’s been standing up for me and GA. I like him now. 😊


Bitch, please... I'm on everyone's list. I'm a fucking national treasure.

Oh please. 🙄🤣 I need to find me an Indian faggot emoji just for you my friend.

❤️ Bob.

TheBuddha ago

By the way, you should be proud of TheBuddha. I'm in there telling them to kill all white men, specifically Germans, and then telling them that I'm not a patriot, but that I'm a Jew.

You're fucking welcome.

Crensch ago

Who is all of this being told to?

Also, I'm not sure I believe you when you say those things anymore; you're going to have to try harder.

TheBuddha ago

Like hell I'm not!

Here's my latest - I'm still pretty rough at it.

IrritableGimp ago

Yep, pretty rough I'd say;

This comment was linked from this comment by @TheBuddha. Posted automatically (#2351) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

TheBuddha ago

Don't ever insult me by calling me a democrat. I will have you drawn and quartered in the streets and your entire family put to the sword on prime time television.

You can call me bigger, faggot, whatever you want.

Also, if you confuse me for a democrat you're fucking retarded.

IrritableGimp ago

You are a Democrat. Just accept it!

Crensch ago

At least you're making kikes look bad. This I'm OK with.

TheBuddha ago

See? I knew you'd approve!

I'm telling you, this game is the best game ever.

Crensch ago

I accept your claim.

I'm afraid you're in danger of making a friend.

TheBuddha ago


This next one is just for you. I can't ping you to it, 'cause they will catch on. Feel free to have fun with it, if it gets legs.

It will be subtle. Watch QRV for a submission about the JIDF.

The goal is subtle, for they are new to Voat.

Crensch ago

Who the fuck is @IrritableGimp?

IrritableGimp ago

I am the guy who informed @TheBuddha that he's a Democrat. He cried!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right, I did. That's a fucking low blow. That's not okay.

I'm sure fuck not a republican, either. You're all diseased and fucking crazy. You have AIDS. I can smell it.

Also, you're a shitty peasant and you should get back in your cage before I get mad.

IrritableGimp ago

Yep, you are certainly a Democrat. It's showing!

TheBuddha ago

Some newfag. They catch me doing this, every day. I just keep changing it. They're not that smart.

IrritableGimp ago

Getting caught every day is not smart.

TheBuddha ago


That's the best part of my game.

IrritableGimp ago

Sounds like a game Democrats play

TheBuddha ago

I will fucking cut.

Actually, you know what? You're fucking fired.

IrritableGimp ago

Yep, true Democrat!

TheBuddha ago

You're fucking fired.

IrritableGimp ago

I'm searching for your pacifier. It seems as though you are desperately in need, Democrat

TheBuddha ago

See? That sort of shit right is why you're fired - and possibly demonstrative of your AIDS.

You're fucking welcome and dismissed.

IrritableGimp ago

Oh, I found your pacifier. The dog had it

Crensch ago

I like how being a Nazi somehow means you're JIDF now, too. Words just don't mean what they used to, I guess.

Crensch ago

Ahh, that's funny.

TheBuddha ago

I might have gotten some nibbles with my JIDF submission. I need to get the reader count higher.

Sometimes, they keep going long after I leave.

Crensch ago

You got my immediate upvote.

TheBuddha ago

I recently sent one off to research ricin. I'm not gonna read their reply. Don't care, I just wanted to keep them busy. I suspect they'll be a few hours.

If they did good research, I could probably get them to write an essay for me - but they don't. No, their research is batshit crazy and piles of useless gibberish.

They are my gift. Putt gave them to me!

I ain't even sorry for my behavior. Not even a little.

IrritableGimp ago

Will do!

TheBuddha ago

Nah, you only see the ones I disclose in public. That's the beauty of anon! It's a brilliant game.

IrritableGimp ago

Is that something like playing video games in your mom's basement?

TheBuddha ago

Yup. Only much, much more awesome.

I'm gonna get medals for this. You'll see. You're gonna be jealous.

IrritableGimp ago

It's called "Mom's Teet Award", and I'm sure that you'll win! Congrats

TheBuddha ago

I do love your mom's teat. I'm not gonna lie.

IrritableGimp ago

Break out a shovel, dig 6 feet, and have a go!

TheBuddha ago

I do what I want!

I'm gonna get a parade. You'll see.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Don't ping me to a sub this gay.

Octocopter ago

So you didn't want the warning that a shill is trying to brigade you? Good to know I will leave you out of it.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

It's RealProtectVoat. They're perma-asshurt.

TheBuddha ago

Shut your whore mouth.

I'm gonna make them pay us for protection.

Octocopter ago

I am not Crench but thanks for downvote brigading me. You have just made this undecided person swap over to the SBBH side for dealing with youwillremember.

Crensch ago

Honestly speaking, SBBH folks are (by and large) some of the best goats I've ever known. I ping them not because they'll shitpost someone, but because I appreciate their commentary on serious issues.

Then again, If you ask the /rPV types, I'm SBBH, too.

youllrememberme2 ago

Yep, he's pissed off about that initial thread and this..

I still have a couple over 400 ccp on youllrememberme, but I know how they work. So, I figured I would keep it that way, for now.

Dfens ago

Be careful. The paid shills aren't too smart, but if they can get a useful idiot riled up that can go badly for you. Plus they have that DNC money to spend if they can get their bosses to approve the funds.

strawberrycandle ago

civnats OUT OUT

anoncastillo ago

I'm not a Democrat and I'm not trolling about being a Natural Selectionist.

OneIssue ago

You have to believe that rocks evolved into life on a lifeless planet to believe in racial superiority.

MrDarkWater ago

Just as crazy as a skyking willing the universe into existence in 7 days.

Also read the old testament and find out who is cursed.

anoncastillo ago

By which you mean a chemical soup produced self replicating protein chains that slowly evolved into more complex lifeforms over four billion years through mechanisms that we can still observe today.

So yeah I'm a race realist. Come at me science denial bro.

kiathrows ago

What are "Beasts of the Field"?

Hydrocephalus ago

If you're surpirsed to find race realism on voat, I suggest browsing v/all This is how the site is, Q sent you here for a reason. We on voat understand that western civilization needs to be run by whites to survive. For a great example, look at South Africa. Once a modern nation, on the verge of becoming a nuclear power. Now in shambles, on the brink of a major famine. Why? Apartheid ended, blacks took over, and they are now openly stealing farmland from whites.


German Patriots knowing for decades the lies of the democRATs. (We are the real "Nazis" by Bloodline, they say) Their Time is over. The Rats are in panic. God is with us. Only the TRUTH will bring us PEACE! NO MORE SHEEP! Love, Peace and Respect from a German Patriot. WWG1WGA !

Dfens ago

The Fascist Socialists used the German people to advance the cause of Communism around the world. A true German patriot should be mad as hell about what the Nazis did to Germany.


You are rigth! I know a lot about our History and i know the TRUTH will come out soon (also here in germany)! Only the TRUTH will bring us PEACE ! Bad times for Socialists and democRATS! Bring back the Gallows (Trees will work too!) Godspeed Patriots WorldWide ! God with us !

6million ago

how can you whine about comment suppression when you do exactly that in your own subs, except not with downvoats, but with removing the entire comment? hmmmm

olinneserpona ago

What do they teach you niggers in U.S. public school? The only ones fighting communism was the Fascists and National Socialist. Your classic liberal, aka conservative friends collaborated with them during WW2. And for the love of god, learn the difference between politics and economic before you go 'muh national socialists' and tip your shit stained fedora.

Do you know what a world view is? Do you know liberal capitalism and Marxist communism stem from the same world view? The materialist world view where all people are equal; the idea of making paradise on earth; the progressive idea(yeah the classic liberal capitalist are progressives, the left just took it to a new whole new level); and last, but not least egalitarianism.
Do you know 'capitalism vs. communism' is a false dichotomy? These two world views want the same outcome, but they have different ideas of how to get there. Same end, different means. The only ones opposed to this are Fascists or 'the far right'. You don't have to be a Fascist to be 'far right', but I would highly recommend you read something written by them. I am assuming you are aware of the fact that everything you know about Fascism has been shoved down your throat by anti Fascists, mostly Marxist academics? I suspect I might be thinking too highly of you though.

Why do you think the 'far right' is called the 'far right' and not just 'the right'? Perhaps it would make some people question whether the 'false right, aka 'the merchant right' aka you are in fact just the original leftist from way back in the day. You know, before Marxism existed and you guys promised equality and paradise on earth.

Life is a struggle you fuck, embrace it. Some races are lesser than others. Evolution does not stop above the neck. Only white people can create and maintain western civilization.

I am sick and tired of you ignorant fucks not seeing how the battle between left and right, communism and capitalism, Marxism and classic liberalism is a lie to keep you occupied. The fact that the left are worse than people like you doesn't mean there is anything remotely good about you. You are less bad, not more good. Read a god damn history book or forever be a nigger you fucking negro.

MrThursday ago

It's not even noon and already I've found the dumbest thing I'll read today.

CallASpadeASpade ago

Do you other Qtards get embarrassed when you read people this fucking dumb and know they’re a part of your lot? We were the ones that fought with the communists, the Germans under Hitler were trying to defeat them.

MrDarkWater ago


paybythepound ago

Yep the success and surge in popularity of the Nazi party had nothing to do with an attempted (((communist))) revolution in Germany or defending against other (((Bolshevik))) agitators.

I think you left the i off the front of your nick there bud.

sully3301Q ago

More like what the Jews did to Germany