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Crensch ago

For anyone that doesn't know this user and his alts:

@Oh_Well_Ian and @youllrememberme (and 1-3 at the end, at least) and OP have all been reasonably linked to each other as likely alts.

Here is the guy you're dealing with.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You sad cunt

Q must be closing in on this bitch

Dfens ago

Wow, what kind of moron shill uses their own name to troll, especially when that name name rhymes with “stench?”

Oh_Well_ian ago

Conner Rensch does...

It's narcissism that makes her do it.

Dfens ago

The actions of the retarded and the insane are equally foolish. In this case I’m pretty sure both are in play.

Crensch ago

It must really hurt your feelings, having your failures where everyone can see, to make you attack what you believe is a woman and her child.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, kid fucker...

You stupid bitch, you think WE don't know your perverted Satan worshipping husband does not write for you?

Q's coming for you.

Dfens ago

The image on the right ( seems to form the symbol that is most popularly today called “the brand of sacrifice” from a manga cartoon. There was a mass murder in Maryland who used that symbol ( No surprise it would show up in this context.