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Octocopter ago

Stop cross posting to this faggot reddit sub. v/GreatAwakening is where you actually get conversation, all you are doing is spamming and helping the shills that made this place divide you.

Octocopter ago

You have only been here for 18days, SBBH folks are niggerfaggots. Its a mix of bored oldfags, 13 yr old wannabe trolls, manic depressive shitposters, adderall fueled autists, and misplaced shills. Taking them seriously is a mistake.

Sirnotabot ago

And yet the sock puppet links between SBBH and v/GreatAwakening are there and the activities I've seen on both v/theawakening and v/QRV seem to suggest otherwise. Same behavior experienced on Reddit. TMOR and SBBH seem to be cut from the same clothe.

Octocopter ago

So why did the mods on this sub make it hidden and disable ccp and scp? To cut reddit Q follows off from the other Q followers. What ever you want to imagine about /v/GreatAwakening is up to you, but its easy to see that Q posts do better on GA than on tA, more comments and more votes. You are probably sume little faggot trying to suck his old reddit mods dick.

Sirnotabot ago

No. It's the attitude of the response you've just given that shows me why you are unworthy of any respect. You like to play games. This isn't a game for Qanon's. I was subbed to GA and lost respect when I got to see behind the curtain. You keep bringing up the same tired old excuses for the hostility, and mistakes were explained and rectified, but you can't seem to let it lie. Those who try to tear down rather than build up are to be disregarded.

Octocopter ago

Respect? You know what fuck you, you get invited to our house when you get censored and so many of you pompous SJW fucks wont bother to respect our home. There is no behind the curtain on GA it was all srayzie since before you tards came here. They nurtured Q here and made it a part of voat, you faggots come here and try to drive a wedge in that.

Your defense of this sub has now cemented your name into the list of shills.

Sirnotabot ago

You have a list? How grown up of you. Proving my point. I haven't named anyone, I pointed out there are links between SBBH and GA and I lost respect. I'm detecting a lot of hostility in you. Szayzie nurtured a community and it's growing, well done to her, growth is good. You seem to be intersectionalised and have a bad attitude, and that's exactly what drives people away. The fact you can't let this go, jump into personal attacks, and have threatened me, provides you with no defense.

Octocopter ago

Links? where all you posted was SBBH being their normal faggy self. The only name that links them is Triggly being a css designer on GA. So provide your proof or fuck off.

So where have I threatened you? seems to me the longer this conversation goes the more you are acting like a lefty shill.

youllrememberme ago

Wrong.. everyone the owner associates with is SBBH.


I would provide the rest of them too, but you already know.

Why wouldn't srayzie ask them to leave QRV, the sub approved by Q, alone?

You're obviously just another alt here corralling people over to GA so you can control the narrative.

@Sirnotabot I have plenty of evidence, I'll take it from here. Thanks for helping get the word out!

Octocopter ago

Nope not an alt, but your actions here are pretty damning. Why are you so hell bent on defending and making excuses for the cancer reddit mods that betrayed the Q followers? Are you afraid you wont have control over them anymore?

youllrememberme ago

Nope not an alt, but your actions here are pretty damning. Why are you so hell bent on defending and making excuses for the cancer reddit mods that betrayed the Q followers? Are you afraid you wont have control over them anymore?

Control? I've never had any control over anyone, nor do I want any. It's GA that's grasping for control. Your actions and the actions of others make that obvious. Plus, QRV isn't even moderated.

Its amazing the only (((proofs))) you can produce is posts on unrelated subs. I guess anyone that has ever posted to /v/fatpeoplehate are their members right? Or any one posting to /v/linux is also a linux user and member? While you point fingers at meaningless random comments as if that "proves" anything you blindly ignore the REAL ABUSE used against Q followers.

Are you denying that GA mods are buddies with SBBH? Hahaha desperate much?

Octocopter ago

Why did you delete posts if you had nothing to hide in them?

What makes someone SBBH or buddies with them? and at what point does SBBH have any magical powers over what happens? The only attacks you have on GA is that. So where does these nefarious actions materialize at?

When and how has GA ever betrayed Q followers? Yet I can point at multiple actions taken by the reddit mods that hurt Q followers and acted to drive a wedge between them and us goats who gave them a home.

You claim you don't want to control anything but you came into a comment chain that was 14 posts long. You cant hide the fact that you are a shill so you delete your comments.

youllrememberme ago

Why did you delete posts if you had nothing to hide in them?

Because I figured out who you are and you and your boys are brigade happy. I left the one up that admitted I was wrong, at least until you saw it.

I agree about the reddit mods, even Q said they were comped and NR begs for $ so.. GA is currently betraying followers by allowing their buddies to shill in QRV so it will drive people to them. Even though Q said QRV is the sub.

I'll answer the rest of your questions when you answer mine.

Octocopter ago

You don't have any unanswered questions, you just have answers you just don't want to accept.

"I agree about the reddit mods" Oh boy but you sure on quick to jump on a 14 comment chain to defend them and claim "they made a mistake" when anyone with half a brain can see through that excuse.

So who am I an alt for then? You got nothing and the more you talk the more you expose yourself. Please do keep talking it only helps people fight against your attempts at subversion.

Octocopter ago

@youllrememberme whats that now another deleted comment? What are you hiding shill?

Octocopter ago

Dear @youllrememberme the deep state troll.

I am on Voat to talk shit about communists and enjoy the company of people who speak their minds freely. Normal Q followers will fit in fine around here. Deep State reddit shills like you wont get anywhere when you cant censor the people that expose you attempts at controlling Q followers. Btw if I was an alt or part of some brigade wouldn't you think you would lose far more than one point? In the 3 hours you had them up you never got brigaded, in reality you are trying to hide.

Also you should know that deleting posts only removes positive ccp not negative, you hurt yourself.

Octocopter ago

Good now post the archives and expose yourself for the shill you are. Who are Q followers going to trust? I bet its not the shill hiding after it tried to defend the people censoring them.


Btw I am done here until you post the archives, I bet you wont though.

youllrememberme2 ago

You brigaded me for 80 ccp in 30 minutes, I deleted my comments so you couldn't silence me you shill motherfucker. You're just pissed off you got owned on your main alt, so you're trying to make me shut up by downvoting me to silence. Proof of the brigade (I only have proof of 60, but I had 486 when we started.)

How many alts are you logged into? Hahaha

Octocopter ago

Do keep this up, I am loving seeing you flail around like a fish out of water as you kill any credibility you once had.

youllrememberme2 ago

Still no questions answered, you just silenced me with downvotes. I just want to have upvotes to pass to the newbies here. Once more people have downvote capabilities you clowns are done manipulating. Have a good day C

Octocopter ago

Here it is, your goal of wanting to control the narrative of content you don't like, such a shame.

You shills are so easy to expose, enough prodding and you do it to yourselves.

youllrememberme2 ago

We know what you're up to.. You want to be able to post ridiculous shit to Q subs and not have anyone downvote it. You're pitiful, free speech includes others having the right to downvote your garbage. Or debate it without being silenced by downvotes by the ones who claim they don't like downvotes. Remember you guys talking about training the plebbits not to downvote? Why? So you can control the narrative? They have every right to downvote me too if they don't agree. So how am I trying to control things?

Octocopter ago

"We" this same "we" you plan to do this with "Once more people have downvote capabilities you clowns are done manipulating."

"Oy vey Q followers, help us shut down this free speech platform! Remember I was totally brigaded by this evil old Goat, whats that you want to see my proof?"

There are Q followers all over Voat doing normal goats things, but you have been pushing this narrative real hard here.

Now lets talk about that alt account of yours, 5 months old, just as old as your main account. Hhmmm I wonder what normal user would make a back up account if they just wanted to have a normal voat experience?

The answer? You are a shill, one who came here with a plan to attempt to control Q followers.

youllrememberme2 ago

Now lets talk about that alt account of yours, 5 months old, just as old as your main account. Hhmmm I wonder what normal user would make a back up account if they just wanted to have a normal voat experience?

Lets do that.. When I first came back I made a thread about SBBH and got downvoted into silence so I had to make this name and youllrememberme3 because this one also was in the red from downvotes. You guys aren't a new problem, you've been controlling narrative here for years.

Octocopter ago

Ahh so this is some past anger issues, you played with trolls and got burned, now you are trying to take it out on Q followers and try and mold them into your personal army to gt back at the "big bad SBBH".

Its really funny that you have spent months of your life focused on trolls that feed off the attention you give them.

youllrememberme2 ago

Nope, I'm doing my best to protect Q followers from you Media Matters shills. Get back? Hahahaha no, downvote to keep your shit out of QRV. It has no effect on ccp and I have specifically stated many times that there's no need to go out and downvote people in other subs. Just keep the trash out of ours. Once again, nice try.

"Trolls" hahaha you spelled shills wrong.

Octocopter ago

"Once more people have downvote capabilities you clowns are done manipulating." your entire goals is to direct Q followers into fighting your battle for you. Sadly for you Q followers are smarter than you and will see your shilling as it is, an attempt to use them as tools.

I have enjoyed this greatly, its been a while since I encountered a shill as retarded as you are.

youllrememberme2 ago

your entire goals is to direct Q followers into fighting your battle for you.

One last time... I'm only telling people to keep the trash out of our sub, QRV. Why does that make you so angry?

Octocopter ago

I never said anything about what happens in QRV, hell this entire conversation you jumped into was about me trying to unify the Q followers that don't want to post anon into GA instead of the Reddit tA where they were abused by shill mods.

So here we have you now saying "One last time... I'm only telling people to keep the trash out of our sub, QRV. Why does that make you so angry?" But here you are in /v/theawakening on a conversation about this sub being ran by shills trying to defend the shills that already got exposed.

Which one is it mister shill? Are you only here to promote keeping trash out of QRV? Or did you just into a conversation 14 posts in to defend the mods in tA?

youllrememberme2 ago

Save it, you're over here corralling users to GA when I've proven that the owner over there is part of your shill crew.

Octocopter ago

You did not answer my question. It works both ways right?

Which one is it mister shill? Are you only here to promote keeping trash out of QRV? Or did you just go into a conversation 14 posts in to defend the mods in tA?

You ca't even prove that I am a shill, and your proof that GA is run by shills is pretty weak. Yeah I would like users to all be on the same sub, QRV first, and GA second for the non-anon posting. What part of that makes me a shill? The part where I am warning Q followers about the abuse they suffered at the hands of reddit mods?

You need to admit you got a grudge with SBBH and you are trying to manipulate Q followers into dividing the user base between goats and new goats.

Now one last time shill WHY DID YOU JUMP INTO A 14 POST COMMENT CHAIN?

"One last time... I'm only telling people to keep the trash out of our sub, QRV. Why does that make you so angry?"


Did you come here to defend /v/theAwakening ?

youllrememberme2 ago

Which one is it mister shill? Are you only here to promote keeping trash out of QRV? Or did you just go into a conversation 14 posts in to defend the mods in tA?

Are you really this retarded? I got pinged because I was the creator of the thread that was being discussed.

Now one last time shill WHY DID YOU JUMP INTO A 14 POST COMMENT CHAIN?

^^^^^See above^^^^^

Why would it be necessary for someone to talk to themselves with an alt, all so that someone always agreea with them? Yes, the reddit mods were compromised, Q even confirmed that. But, so are the Great Awakening mods and reddit mods have no power here, as proven when they showed up. So, that makes v/TheAwakening the safer sub to subscribe to of you want to namefag.

Octocopter ago

"Are you really this retarded? I got pinged because I was the creator of the thread that was being discussed."

So you trying to say @blessedtolearn is another alt of yours?

The only account on my side of this so far was just me not other account, but your attempt to brigade me was a mistake. I picked a side now, and its not yours.

youllrememberme2 ago

So you are admitting that @Sirnotabot is another alt of yours?

LOL really? Don't bring some random person into this who wants nothing to do with it. This is what s/he had to say about me thanking them Leave that patriot alone.

I got pinged because I created the thread that person posted to you. You know, by the cross post bot... Proof

Brigade you? WTF are you talking about? Hahaha I didn't even downvote most of your comments. More proof.

You opsec is horrible when you switch from alt to alt.

Octocopter ago

So where was there ever an account other than mine posting instead of this one? You are talking out of your ass. Also that pic proves nothing, you could have just capped it last night before downvoting.

You even tried to get other Q followers to brigade me, which you now fucked up and made me side with the people you thought I was to begin with. You just gave them another member.

youllrememberme2 ago

You even tried to get other Q followers to brigade me, which you now fucked up and made me side with the people you thought I was to begin with. You just gave them another member.

Hahahaha Do you really expect people to believe this? It's so obvious who you are and what you're doing.

Octocopter ago

You tried to brigade and now its backfiring you must be getting worried. You can't even point to the second account I supposedly used.

youllrememberme3 ago

I never tried to get anyone to brigade you, not worried at all. This is what I always expect to happen when you shilly motherfuckers get rolled up. Plus, you're the one who pinged all your friends, and I'm worried? Hahaha

Even Dfens knew who you were in the other thread, I didn't have to say a word.

Octocopter ago

Yet you went to a Q post to try and get Q followers to fight your battles for you. Q followers are smarter than you, they will see through your attempts to use them.

youllrememberme3 ago

I'm a Q follower and so is most of my family. I went to nobody to fight my battles, @Dfens reposted the original thread so I was giving an update. Show me where I went to someone and asked for help.