User @Dfens admits to upvote-manipulation of a username he likes, which happens to be likely an @Oh_Well_Ian alt (
submitted 6.4 years ago by Crensch
Diggernicks 6.4 years ago
Take your gay nigger emo drama elsewhere.
Crensch 6.4 years ago
This is my shitlist subverse. How about I hand you a pack of razor blades and some instructions, and you fuck off to a ditch that isn't on my property? Archive of OP link.
Diggernicks ago
Take your gay nigger emo drama elsewhere.
Crensch ago
This is my shitlist subverse. How about I hand you a pack of razor blades and some instructions, and you fuck off to a ditch that isn't on my property?
Crensch ago Archive of OP link.