14189154? ago

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14148677? ago

Thank you for your wise advice from a newbie to the boards I really only bought a laptop to follow Q came across him on day 12 and just felt this was different and boy is it just.

A house divided against itself will surely fall. Some like myself hve much to learn about this kind of warfare but are ready and willing to learn and do our part thank you Patriots WWG1WGA

14147734? ago

when scrolling through the posts one caught my eye regarding free speech. crazy guy here, honeybadgin goat. buhahahaaha. This Q thing is interesting and all, and ill hang with you people for a few. Since im here and not out there ill temper myself a little. First a little prep work, ref a post saying something to the effect of "are you ready" i put forth a second question "what are you going to do with it". Now on to Free Speech and its defense of questionable cultural ideas. I put forth a firm belief that freedom does not give license to abuse any god given right nor should it be allowed to shelter sub-human criminal behavior. Freedom does not relieve an individual of his social responsibility to be a descent human being. Isnt that kinda a reason why everyone is in this shitstorm. No-one standing up and saying "O HELL NO YOU AIN'T! " outa fear of a social flashmob. Q, Trump, Community unless yall are willing to discuss responsible freedom, ill be little help and ill crawl back in my hermit hole and wait for the next promising event. "what are you going to do with it"

14146312? ago

Fuck off. Nobody signed up for your downvote army.

14146418? ago

Maybe, but I bet they see through your bs now. They'll figure it out, or eventually you'll leave us alone. Either way we win.

14146978? ago

LOL. You keep using these word... "us" and "we"... I do not think you know what these words mean...

14147923? ago

Us- as in QRV

We- as in QRV

Any questions?

14146138? ago

Just get the mods to set v/theawakening to open so that QRV can get CCP there, and we can avoid the obvious cancerous mods in v/GreatAwakening ... I don't need any more proof.

14146321? ago

v/theawakening is already fixed, you can get points there.

14146400? ago

Well why the hell isn't that stickied to the top of every flag pole from Washington to Berlin? Thanks for letting me know, I'd have had no clue otherwise.

14146454? ago

You're welcome, patriot.

14146036? ago

@PenSHITLORD @Breadbox How do you feel about this bs that's going on here?

14145920? ago

like the man said, 100 ccp. ill settle for punking some random sub-human trolling fucktard. Ill give as good as i get. I aint a Q'er but ill damn sure lend yall a hand. honeybadger love him some poisonous snake in da grass. buhahhahahaha. Good Luck peeps. Be safe. ill troll who i can till i can downvote. its easy to know who i am out there. Hehehehehe. Q pull me outta my hermit hole screaming fire, step out only to get butscorched by that travesty of a hearing.

14145857? ago

Wow .. just lost all respect for v/GreatAwakening . I've been down voting these fuckwit posts on QRV for days. The only reason I was hanging out on GA was to get ccp so I could post and reply. Thanks for the heads up.

14145906? ago

It sucks, but it's reality.

14146078? ago

Looking at https://voat.co/user/Trigglypuff , it's fairly obvious he/she/it was behind the "DEATH TO CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD" threads ... as all responses were answered with REEEEEEEEEEEEEE which is something he/she/it has done on posts under he/she/it's own name.

14145642? ago

Ya... It's hard for me to buy the "ultimate red pill" idea with the JQ. The insane use of the N-word and the Jew hate will never be swallowed by me.... Ya, I'm the first to admit that there is filth in every race but Q should be open arms to all that want to MAGA hard. I refuse to discriminate against an entire group. I think holding individuals accountable INDIVIDUALLY has and always will be the American way. Granted it gets more difficult when you have so many from one background that seem to be so utterly corrupt. What makes matters worse is the extreme loyalty that ethnicity breeds. They keep it in the family no doubt... The higher up you go,the tighter the family. The more criminal, the tighter as well. You have to keep it close to your chest or else you get caught, sold out, or suicided. While this ultimate goal is to divide us, we have to stand strong to one thing, Patriotism, come one, come all. But, if you're waving another flag, get the fuck out. Anyway, just my 2 cents... Ya tons of Jews are corrupt, but my door will always be open to any that can walk away from the dark side and come back into the light. Call it the Jesus forgiveness way or whatever you like, but that's the way I've been raised and I feel that is what our country was created on and is why we all want to MAGA so freaking hard!

14149370? ago

"... I feel that is what our country was created on ..." That might have been the ideal our country was created on, but it most definitely did not run that way. At all, i think. Ever. There have always been people who lived in the light of love, mercy, and forgiveness, but i really don't see it widespread in our nation's history. It's definitely an amazing goal to aim for, but people are people, power corrupts, and spiritual forces are influencing society. My grandmother used to say "Every lamb hangs by its own hoof." But she said it in Greek. Words to live by and/or die by.

14147179? ago

Don't be overly sensitive to what you read here. It's a game for some of them - trying to bait you for a response. Scroll on by what you don't like. If nobody engages - they will go away because we aren't interesting enough when we don't play back.

14146637? ago

For every hundred Jews that will fuck you over, you have one good Jew like Andrew Breitbart who exposes his kin.

14145821? ago

By all means, go to Europe and deal with the invading hordes on an individual basis. See how far that gets you before you meet a machete.

14145840? ago

Agree 100%. They came waving their flag, if you come, assimilate, or go home... Period

14145935? ago

They will never assimilate or willingly go home. This is why you don't let them in the first place, and if you do, removing them by force is the only necessary option. This kumbaya stuff just doesn't work.

14145484? ago

Niggers are a feral menace. The kikes stir them up to attack whites and make them hate whites. Now whites have but no choice to fight niggers and kikes at the same time.

And you're telling people to downvote those types of comments because why? I think niggerfaggots like you are champions of v/truthhurts. You don't want anything controversial going across the brow of those in your community. You wont' even engage in it honestly. All you're essentially doing is screaming, "OH NOES! THATS RACIST!".

These other attacks against established Voat communities also shows how hard you're shilling. You're literally trying to drive a wedge between Voat and the new members, ensuring that they don't ever assimilate. The only cure for your (((kind))) is sucking on the end of the shotgun.

14145482? ago

Q herded you here because you were disrupting the boards.

I hope you never assimilate. The welcome that we gave the racists was taken for granted and not passed forward to the next group.

Voat is about freedom of speech. That's why we tolerate racism. It's why we tolerate jailbait. And I see this sub, being a large anon sub, as a way to get back to our roots.

So don't "assimilate" . Make this place better by reminding the intolerant that all speech is tolerated here.

14148823? ago

well said

14147660? ago

Great comment. Free speech includes anti racism speech too. All lives matter and white people should be able to have white pride without it being racist. Only voat allows all those things in one person

14148831? ago

very well put

14145949? ago

Good point. The Chan boards are a cess pool and do gooders may have been trying to "clean" the boards up? Hahahaha...I am tired of the free speech squelchers....I quite like it here on Voat. You have another good point: Q sent us here like one does with a soon to be ex who's disruptive; they drop you off and then tell you they're gonna run out for some smokes then disappear

14145941? ago

Made a snarky reply because I stopped reading at "I hope you never assimilate." ... then read the rest. Right on, Patriot!

14145884? ago

It's not about freedom of speech, it's about power and playing fucking games for you guys. This is not a fucking game.

14145431? ago

Problem is I can't down böte bc I don't have enough up votes in order to do that.

14148739? ago

I have the same problem

14147931? ago

upvoats do not accrue on QRV or TA, only on GA pizzagate, pizzagatewhatever Q related and other subs. Go to v/introductions first, whoever told you to go to TA to get CCP is a shill or a complete idiot

14150099? ago

That's not true. I've gotten over 100 CCP in v/TheAwakening over the past couple days. At first you couldn't, but they fixed it.

14145719? ago

Make some conments in v/TheAwakening until you get over 100. Just don't ask for votes.

14148265? ago

Actually I have been doing that

14147940? ago

CCP does not accrue there dummy

14149277? ago

I'm not sure why you're lying when it's so easy to confirm, but carry on mate.

14149362? ago

you are the british shill here

14149422? ago

I'm not the one lying, so who's the shill?

14149486? ago

You're lying and you are the shill carry on biritishit

14149653? ago

I've gotten 5-10 CCP from that sub since you claimed that. There was also a global sticky about it not to long ago. Have a good night shilling, I'm going to have some fun.

14146825? ago

Are you giving bad advice on purpose? Obviously you have not done your research. This is a research sub FYI.

14147518? ago

TA- 11607 subscribers ~520 user(s) here now

GA- 10078 subscribers ~428 user(s) here now

Who's the one lying? Research sub? You could call any of 'em that.

14146784? ago

I've put several posts up but only get 1 or 2 votes at a time. Some receive zero, while other comments get more with just to words. I don't get it.

14146487? ago

It takes too long though. People are jews with their upvoats here. Rather than 100, 50 seems a more reasonable threshold.

14146635? ago

Dont be so antisemitic, goy!! Now pay your taxes!!

14145519? ago

Upvotes do not accrue in QRV since it is anonymous. You would need to make comments in other subs such as https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening. Only takes a few days to get 100 points if your comments are decent.

14145836? ago

Anyone who can't bother to lurk and learn probably has nothing of value to add to any conversation.

14148780? ago

I like that it's true you gotta learn how it all works

14146221? ago