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MrShekelstein ago

mossad getting so A N G E R Y that their honey pot has been taken over.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Shekelstein you are correct. They are chimping out on me for going off the reservation at v/GreatAwakening they are all intellectually dishonest and projecting their being divisive against the Q movement onto me for calling out their intellectual dishonesty. @srayzie @Crensch DOXED!!!

srayzie ago

Not true. I’ve never been the divider. It has been you all along. It’s been you twisting my words and commenting everywhere hoping to make me lose credibility. So now you’re saying I’m a Jew and Crensch is my alt.

@Crensch, my detector is picking up on something.

Let’s step back and take a closer look at this picture....

Here I am responding because you couldn’t stop acting like a 6th grader. It is very clear who is causing division. You’ve twisted everything I’ve said and put words in my mouth. Your true character is very apparent.

Once again, I will show that you’re just a trouble maker that either doesn’t take the Q movement seriously, or are just paid to be here. Except this time, I will do it to show THE PEOPLE that you’re lying in case you ever try to cause division in the Q community again, by lying about the one that runs v/GreatAwakening. However long you decide to make a fool out of yourself, I will just keep this post handy to show the truth.

You’ve accused me of not promoting v/QVR because I don’t tell my subscribers where to go. They are free to go to any subverse they choose. I even go to QRV on occasion. Your accusations are not true. I do acknowledge QRV as exactly what Q said it was, a good home for ex GA Redditors. You use the argument that Fully Endorsed. Time to unite means that QVR is the official Q sub. AFTER Q said that, he said FOR REDDITORS.

I will hand over the keys only if Q told me to. But the Q team isn’t expecting all Q followers, that aren’t even on Voat, to all move to this one subverse. You are the only one I know who keeps attacking me over this.

But, let me continue showing how manipulative you are. If I didn’t want to acknowledge QVR, I wouldn’t have them on the [Qanon bookmarking page[( I made.

I have their 8chan board link in the sticky on top. I have v/QRV on the Qanon bookmarking Page under Boards & Forums..

I would like to make people aware of alts that belong to @RickFlairWOOOOOO so that Q followers can keep an eye open for the Q dividers that are masquerading as Q supporters.

His alts are...


All alts attack me. It all stems from the @Oh_Well_ian username. I rarely ever ban anyone, but after multiple submission rule violations, constantly attacking other users, and inviting shills to v/GreatAwakening, plus multiple people asking that I ban him, I finally did. Only one person complained and now he doesn’t even speak to @oh_Well_ian. Ian is an extremely angry person and is using several accounts to cause division. All are SUPPOSEDLY Q SUPPORTERS. Would true Q supporters try to divide us on a daily basis?

youllrememberme ago

So now I'm RickFlair's alt? How desperate are you? Keep power trippin shill. I have more on you clowns, just a bit busy. Not everyone is paid to sit around here all day and post, like you.

srayzie ago

That’s your proof? LOL

How desperate are you to say that I’m @Shizy, @Asolo, @Crensch, and others? How desperate are you to continue posting these lies in other Q subs to try to discredit me? Yet, We offered to voice chat and prove we weren’t the same. Yet, you absolutely refused.

You and your alts are pathetic masquerading as Q supporters, but your whole purpose here is to cause division. Move along now RickFlair.

Crensch ago

@kevdude just got through saying this about jangles accusing you of being someone else:

Alinsky's rules for radicals 101

Two outfits of JIDF faggots are being outed here.

youllrememberme2 ago

You're desperate and you know it. I don't even know a single Jew and it's obvious I'm not Ian or Rick... You're just butt hurt you got outed... Again.

Crensch ago

Oh, it sounds like desperation around here, but not coming from this end of the dialogue.

youllrememberme2 ago

<yawn> The rubber and glue thing again? Who's the one grasping onto thier power on voat? Who's the one who got caught on an alt shilling people over to GA so you can keep control of the narrative? Yep, that was you.

Crensch ago

Kek. Source on ME being caught on an alt?

incoming sound of crickets

youllrememberme2 ago

Anyone with an IQ over 75 can fugure out what you clowns are up to.

Octocopter ago

Fuck off already, Q followers are not stupid enough to be used as pawns for your internet battles.

youllrememberme2 ago

Internet battle? I couldn't give less of a fuck about any of you shills if you would just leave us alone. But no... your job is to control the narrative. So, here I sit exposing your bullshit. Have a good day crensch.

Octocopter ago

Do you really think you will convince any Q followers that you are one of them? Jews like you are so funny.

youllrememberme2 ago

I am one of them and I don't even know a single Jew. Nice try trying to control the narrative with your ad hominem bullshit again, crensch.