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DrogeAnon ago

You are far too transparent with your one-sided fake news. Lotta emotive twists on things here - "vile" "purposely malicious", etc. Is this supposed to upset someone into responding? Lazy low effort shilling doesn't get a response from me.

Maybe someone else here has the time to entertain a shill trying to slide the board but I don't. We have a clear focus around here: Q drop discussion. False accusations are a waste of our time and the time of those in our community who come here to hear about Q. When a legit community member puts a question to me, I'll answer it. I don't play into shill games or the games of those with an agenda other than discovering the truth.

TLDR; zzzzz... next. True Patriots, ask me about any concern you have about me and I will answer - I can't speak for others but I can certainly vouch for them.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Apparently Meta Discussions About The Q Community and Its "Leaders" Aren't Relevant To Q, According To The Mods at v/theawakening' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Let's see, I called them out for going, "hurr durr shill!" before it happened, and it seems my prediction of them deleting the topic also came true.

They really have nothing to say for their actions.

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Type-o-Negative ago

Hey fucktard, can you tell "T" I said hello? I picked you since your memory caps at about 4 words.

DrogeAnon ago

Who's "T"? Must say, I'm looking forward to this 'reveal' lol.

Type-o-Negative ago

Your co-worker in the cubicle next to yours. You know who, get off your fucking fat ass, look over the monitor and say hi to T you fucking ignorant jackwagon faggot.

heygeorge ago

Lazy low effort shilling

This is a completely inaccurate assessment of what OP @kneo24 brought and sourced.

Please, consider the claim directed at you.
It is:

@DrogeAnon: You deleted a ‘well thought out critical post’ just a few hours before saying you would not do such a thing.

I appreciate that you claim discussing/disseminating Q drops is the board’s primary focus. However, the claim made (and directed at you) is actually 100% true, despite your disagreement with a descriptive adjective.

Thanks in advance for your response.

DrogeAnon ago

That was not a 'well thought out critical post' imo therefore I saw that as more shillery but ok, fair call, I will answer the claim directed at me.

In my opinion that was far from a 'well thought out critical post' it was an example of someone who misrepresented themselves to a number of us on the mod team and then waited for an opportunity to catch someone out, jump to conclusions and post it in our thread in an attempt to throw more blame at us. We have literally ZERO obligation to care what anyone has to say about us on the internet and we are only focused on Q drop discussion so people who are either intentionally trying to create false narratives about us or who have some anxiety over some past deletion of their content and can't let it go and spend far too much time watching our actions so they can jump on the next slip up they see and proudly splash it all over our board are not our "go to" for quality content.

I mean what I said - if I see a quality post complaining about moderation, even though it's offtopic, due to the culture here where any deletion is treated by some dishonestly as "malicious censorship", I would advocate that the post be left (I can't speak for other mods at all times - not everyone's assessment of whether it's 'worthy of being left' is the same so if, when I'm not on, some other mod sees it and thinks differently but there's no one else around at the time to discuss it with, they may choose to remove. No "lies" or dishonesty, just the reality of a team working at different times.)

A post that completely ignores our repeated claims that we are definitely not affiliated with NeonRevolt and he is not a part of the mod team, we did not come to Voat with bad intentions and ignore all the feedback - we simply run out of comments and are unable to post - and so on, will be removed because it's not genuine concern it's game-playing anti-mod nonsense and no one who subs to this verse wants to see it. We want to see Q drop discussion, not butthurt or shilling. And our job is to help keep the feed ontopic, not to respond to trolls. We have no obligation and will do so only for the sake of genuine community members or reasonable, respectful queries like yours. Thank you.

kneo24 ago

I saw that as more shillery

i.e. "everyone who disagrees with me is a Russianbot."

In my opinion that was far from a 'well thought out critical post' it was an example of someone who misrepresented themselves to a number of us on the mod team and then waited for an opportunity to catch someone out, jump to conclusions and post it in our thread in an attempt to throw more blame at us.

Let's, for a second, assume your opinion and narration of events is true. Don't you find it alarming that one of the moderators here outright lied about your team having direct contact with @PuttItOut and the financial situation here on Voat?

A post that completely ignores our repeated claims that we are definitely not affiliated with NeonRevolt and he is not a part of the mod team,

That's just entirely not congruent with you guys sticking his thread, where he indicates he is a part of your team. His post on his website, the same post he made here more or less, is still pinned on your boards. He is claiming to be a part of your team and you tacitly endorse what he writes by giving it special attention through stickies and pins.

heygeorge ago

Thank you for your reply. I sincerely thank you for your candor and civility. I may have more to ask later once I have more time to see what the team says, but for now I will just keep it to what jumps out.

we are only focused on Q drop discussion

I have trouble reconciling that with the whole movement drama and why the royal we would come to Voat taking a strong stance about being official Q drop mods/discussion in a new place.
If the emphasis is only on Q drop discussion, then why divide it into ‘official brand vs brand X?’

Second, assuming

we are definitely not affiliated with NeonRevolt

to be true: How is it that @NeonRevolt is able to make his* blog posts while claiming the same royal we privilege as the mods? This doesn’t mesh with your denial of affiliation one bit. Stickying of NR’s blog establishing Q-follower hierarchy also does not lend itself to the denial. Is there a way you can reconcile or explain this?


SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Observations on Neon Revolt's Latest Article' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @kneo24:

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with a Q follower being British, or any other nationality. The cabal is world wide. It affects everyone. It doesn't add anything to your analysis.

Some of us other goats have been digging and prodding the mod team at that other place and their connection to NR. They deny any connection to him with fluff, but will casually mention, "I have no clue what the other hand is doing and it's not my concern." (I'm paraphrasing here.) - They speak out both sides of their mouth, and refuse to address why NR writes as if he's one of them when you bring up specifics that aren't ground level oriented - but more leadership oriented.

For example, they claim that when NR says "we", he means the whole community, not the mod team, but one has to question how the whole community can undo bans here on Voat in that place, when really, it's the mod team who can undo bans. One gets labeled a shill and derided for bringing that up.

For further context, go here.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Apparently Meta Discussions About The Q Community and Its "Leaders" Aren't Relevant To Q, According To The Mods at v/theawakening' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @kneo24:

They finally responded to @heygeorge with "dazzle them with bullshit" style of response. I decided to gas them some more. That 3.4 year old account? It's an alt.

So many alts from this group, and they still can't manage to be effective.

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DrogeAnon ago

If the emphasis is only on Q drop discussion, then why divide it into ‘official brand vs brand X?’

This is a very pertinent question. Here's my position on it - again I can't speak for others wholly, but of course I'm aware that, as a team we are generally in the same mind about this as many discussions were had at the time. It was a very busy and crazy time, however. Some things fell by the wayside. Some things were done with minimum discussion between the team. Ultimately, however, the most active of us were onboard with most of what occurred (I say "most", purely out of caution - I can't remember every detail of what went on but I know I was glad to be working with the team I knew in dealing with it and that gives me the confidence to make the assertion that most of what occured was agreed on by most).

Qresearch stepped in and said they were setting up a board for us so we'll never lose a 'home' again. Godsend. We hadn't had close ties before but I think the brazen DS action of Reddit incensed them and drew them to our cause. Frankly, as you may know if you've looked around, rumors about v/GA being comped were already well established - just as they were about us* - but as we had no time to look into it in depth we knew we had to just create our own sub rather than trying to figure out what was going on with them or muscle in on theirs. We had no time. Our sub was already gone. And the community we moderated trusted us and wanted to see us set something up for them that would run similarly.

We couldn't vouch for v/GA or take them over so we had no other option. Those who say they would have told their community of people 'hey, go over there and we'll see you later' are not being honest or have no perspective of the responsibility someone feels for a group of people you care about. We'd all heard, like anyone, what Voat was like and we knew a large part of our community wasn't quite ready for it due to the reports and messages we'd responded to in our time on r/GA over content that would look like kindergarten content to Voat. So we felt an obligation to those people and a desire to see our sub feed continue because it kept us interested in Q too. The 'strong stance' was simply a clear message to our community about where they would find us. We had no idea how we were going to achieve the same thing we'd done on Reddit but we didn't have time to research and plan because we were already homeless. So we leapt before we looked and we did what we could.

v/GA has always existed freely alongside what we had - this would be no different. Given the involvement of Qresearch in setting something up for us we would also be separate from v/GA in that way - the same team who ran r/GA would be running 8ch/PA and v/tA.

No ill will was intended toward v/GA. No thought of splitting the movement or anything like that factored in. We just needed a home and people wanted to know where we'd gone. Many of us had experienced the same loss when CBTS went down and we knew the frustration when no news could be found of where to go. That's why Q-tubers and others stepped up to spread the message about the new boards. Simply so that those who lost r/GA could find it again. All this drama over v/GA is not of our doing - the mods I've spoken to here never received any communications from srayzie; if s/he sent us any it was either under an alt or somehow mysteriously missing from our inboxes - and the drama is frankly not in our interest, just as the false drama generated against us on Reddit was not our doing and we chose to ignore it rather than turn the focus from Q to us.

Those who wonder why we didn't plan something in advance - we had many discussions about it but see below re: availability of volunteers across timezones and living real lives. The sub was so active and growing and we were so conscious of avoiding the fate of CBTS_Stream and being banned for allowing violent content that we practically camped our queue and our NEW feed zealously guarding against anything that might bring the sub down and therefore had no time for anything else.

That's how you can know that any Mainstream claims that we 'allowed violent content for months' are, as ever, exaggerated lies. Violent content existed, yes, but it was always removed as soon as we saw it. Comments from other subs who had no love for us also confirmed this. One example from many comments made on subs or messaged to us: "GA was moderated tight. All the news claim about it is untrue. Quite the opposite." Inb4 "censorship!" - we protected our sub from Reddit taking it down for breaches of Rules 1 and 2. We were tighter than many other subs on Reddit in this area. Yet they still brought our sub down for breaches of Rules 1 and 2.

How is it that @NeonRevolt is able to make his* blog posts while claiming the same royal we privilege as the mods?

The royal "we", as far as I know it, is a reference to the Q movement and those who uphold it. It has no status or exclusivity. If you're a True Patriot and you support Q within all he has said then you're "we" too. I'd be happy to address whatever specific references if I could but the best person to ask about NeonRevolt's statements is NeonRevolt, certainly not me, who has never spoken to him before.

Stickying of NeonRevolt is very simple - he was talking about where we'd gone and why. He helped us answer a question we couldn't because we can't post here. Some of his points had also been dug and discovered by some on our mod team. I was not one of those so I can't go into that more. Therefore, some of us had reason to sticky the post for those elements as well. As always with stickies on this sub or reddit, we don't have to all agree that a specific post should be stickied. Whoever happens to be on at the time may discuss someone's idea to sticky a post - sometimes a mod believes something is inarguably sticky worthy and just stickies it. Sometimes others have seen the post afterward (maybe even immediately after), disagreed, and taken it down - sometimes with discussion, sometimes not. This is a necessary facet of moderation, I believe.

[not enough characters to allow rest of response.]

kneo24 ago

We had no idea how we were going to achieve the same thing we'd done on Reddit but we didn't have time to research and plan because we were already homeless. So we leapt before we looked and we did what we could.

I already pointed out how one of your mods admits to lurking here for seven months. In those seven months, she couldn't have figured out a backup plan? I also pointed out how another mod had an account for 1.3 years, knowing full well how the Voat community acts. Did you guys really believe Reddit would never ban hammer you? You want us to believe that you're so daft for that, and we're stupid enough to believe it?

Frankly, as you may know if you've looked around, rumors about v/GA being comped were already well established - just as they were about us*

And if you bothered to actually look around, you'd know those rumors were bunk from the instant you ran across them. You can't claim to know those very rumors were well established, and then claim you had little time to prepare to come to Voat and learn the culture. Those ideas are not compatible with each other. This comes across as another off-handed attack on @Srayzie and Voat in general.

Those who say they would have told their community of people 'hey, go over there and we'll see you later' are not being honest or have no perspective of the responsibility someone feels for a group of people you care about.

You were getting those comments because you guys were, once again, attacking that community when you came over here, and any time someone mentioned it, that person's comments were removed, and initially, that person was banned. You're still going to get those comments at this point because of how disingenuously you handled all of that.

All this drama over v/GA is not of our doing - the mods I've spoken to here never received any communications from srayzie

That's another lie on your part. You have been entirely combative with everyone here from the start. I've seen her offer you guys help directly in comments, those offers were directly made to comments you all have made. And most importantly, it wouldn't have been impossible for any of you to reach out to her. You guys had time and opportunity. You squandered it. That is of your own doing.

therefore had no time for anything else.

Clearly there was time to lurk here on Voat, and somehow see the messages that v/GreatAwakening was comped. How strapped for time were you all again?

The royal "we", as far as I know it, is a reference to the Q movement and those who uphold it...I'd be happy to address whatever specific references

From his article that you guys stickied and pinned:

We’d been under attack by Reddit admins for a long time, and when they finally pulled the trigger on us, we scrambled to find a viable solution for our community.

That's not coming across as a "we the community of Q patriots" given the context of what comes after:

In a sign of good faith, going forward, EVERY SINGLE BAN handed out since the inception of the subverse will be reversed.

This is speaking as if he's one of you all.

We don’t want to censor people, and we don’t want to enrage the entire userbase of Voat. As such, we’re hoping to make things right, starting here.

Again, speaking as if he's one of you guys.

It's pretty clear that most vocal voaters who don't like any of you, really don't have an issue with the users here as long as they don't start upvoat parties to circumvent the system, so this "we the community" stuff doesn't fit here. There's been clear separation from the older goats on that and it's been consistent.

You'll be able to tell the latter as they'll ignore most of the points and refuse to acknowledge our intent as we present it here.

Yes, so I read through your intent, and most if it is, "we're the good guys because we're people too!" It's like those people who want to go on and on about how there are some good black people, or some good Jews. In other words, it's a lot of word diarrhea to mask what you have done.

For example, the paragraph after the part I quoted, entirely irrelevant. It's just fluff. The vetting process doesn't actually mean anything. No one is questioning your knowledge of Q stuff. People are questioning your actions.

The paragraph after that, more fluff and self aggrandizing while trying to maintain an air of humility. "We're servants, honest injun!" That's not congruent how you guys acted when you came here. Did you think we'd forget this? We told @dropgun, who apparently shoahed himself, that mods weren't gods here, and he told us, "yes they are!". How do you expect anyone to believe the servant part?

The next two paragraphs are more fluff. No one cares how you learned how to moderate. It's not something anyone questioned. It's actually not relevant to your lies that you continue to spread.

Your summary at the end doesn't actually address anything. It's a feel good statement giving yourselves a pat on the back because you're all busy people with lives. Essentially, it's a joke.

I know, you think I'm a shill because I'm super critical of your guys words and actions. You trying, "if they don't address my comments, they're a shill" was a failure on your part. It's exactly what you did to me. You screamed shill, cried because I used some colorful language, and didn't actually address the lies and hypocrisy from yourself or the team with that post. You're a hypocrite here. Here I am, addressing what you wrote.

My challenge to you, not that I think you will take it, is to come at me with everything you have. Prove me wrong. Prove me wrong on all the points I made in my thread. Prove me wrong on all of these points. Don't cry shill because it hurts your feelings. Don't cry shill because you're made, upset, angry, or whatever. Show us what you're made of.

DrogeAnon ago

I don't care to prove you wrong. You're not engaging with me genuinely - hence shill. Play your games elsewhere. I've already responded to all your mispresentations and lies. Moving on.

kneo24 ago

I don't care to prove you wrong.

Of course not. It's because you can't.

You're not engaging with me genuinely - hence shill.

I actually am engaging with you genuinely. If you were wise to the culture here on Voat, you would recognize that hyperbolic and colorful language was normal here. I'm being gentle with it too. I have yet to call you a fucking kike rat, a vampire, infant foreskin lover, dirty deranged nigger, or any other number of slurs I can come up with. I'm not even calling you those things now. Calling me a shill doesn't fit here.

I've already responded to all your mispresentations and lies

No, you haven't. What you did was get on A Soapbox and drone on with fluffed up comments that ultimately didn't explain a whole lot. That type of thing works on less intelligent people. You're on Voat now, not Reddit. That isn't going to work here. Voaters, on average, tend to be at minimum just a little smarter than that. Step up your game, son.

DrogeAnon ago

Nah. You're not intelligent enough to recognize intelligence so I won't bother explaining to you how different people approach things in different ways because you should already know that enough not to talk utter bullshit all the time about my meaning and motives.

This shit is hilarious: "drone on with fluffed up comments that ultimately didn't explain a whole lot. " If you're not a shill you lack basic common sense. Either way, waste of my time engaging with you. Carry on, son!

kneo24 ago

Nah. You're not intelligent enough to recognize intelligence so I won't bother explaining to you how different people approach things in different ways because you should already know that enough not to talk utter bullshit all the time about my meaning and motives.

You don't need to project your failings onto me. I would say it's unbecoming of you, but honestly it's probably all you have left at this point. You have been given ample opportunity to show what you're made of. You might actually earn respect around if you did. The CCP doesn't matter, but people taking you at your word does.

"drone on with fluffed up comments that ultimately didn't explain a whole lot. " If you're not a shill you lack basic common sense.

Explaining the vetting process for the moderation was pointless. It was fluff. You added it to your narrative to make the reader believe there was more purpose to your final points. It didn't do any of that because it actually didn't strengthen any of your points.

Carry on, son!

I'm flattered that you're now copying me.

DrogeAnon ago

Explaining the vetting process for the moderation was pointless. It was fluff. You added it to your narrative to make the reader believe there was more purpose to your final points. It didn't do any of that because it actually didn't strengthen any of your points.

Fair point here. Finally, one fair point. Alas it's not the whole story though. Because I am limited to 10 comments a day and all y'all shills do try your hardest to get us to waste them on your meaningless posts - hint, make real points, like this! - I answer more than one fake-ass-news claim in one post. That Moderator 101 bit is so I can direct all your tired, half-baked shill points about comped moderators to. So you are correct, 'explaining the vetting process' was pointless to the specific comment I was replying to but not a mistake on my part. It was to address all the nonsense we get here in one place so I only have to do it once. Good point though, and now you've gotten an actual answer to an issue you raised. Woohoo!

I signed off son before you were born, son.

kneo24 ago

I'm going to reiterate the other fair points you purposely missed.

How about the fact that you said you guys were super busy to do anything else, yet @high-valyrian stated to have been lurking on Voat for 7 months under the @girlwonder account? If there was no time to understand the Voat culture or plan, then either the lurking thing is a lie, or there was time to do other things. I can also clearly see you guys added a quite inactive 3.4 year old account to your team here recently. For people who are just simply strapped for time, where did that person come from? How did you vet them in such a short time frame? Let's also not ignore the fact that @BleachyMcServerWiper, who is on your team was here when they came over with the_donald the first time. Why didn't they warn you ahead of time of what would happen?

It's also curious how you guys have no time to do anything else but moderate on r/GA, but clearly knew all about rumors of v/TheGreatawakening. How do you have time to look into this matter and not have time to look into the culture at Voat?

You also ignored instances of NR claiming to be one of you guys in "we the moderators", not "we the community." It's not "we the community" who can unban people from Voat here on v/theawakening. It's "we the moderators" who can unban people.

Let's start there and see how far you get.

DrogeAnon ago

I think you already know the possible answers to these given the context I've already provided but for the sake of those you're trying to misrepresent us to, I'll give some quick replies.

I have an account here from 6 months ago. As you know, it's far from an uncommon practice to sign up to another social platform that hits the news in order to grab your username or to lurk and scope. "Lurk" could mean 'occasional glances' or it could mean 'enough time to understand the Voat culture or plan'. My answer already conveyed that we had no spare time to plan for another platform to go to.

How do you know what Bleachy knows and could convey to us? Inactive 3.4 year old account - who hasn't heard of alts around here? I'll let you go look that up.

"knew all about rumors of v/TheGreatAwakening". As common sense tells you, it doesn't take much time to hear rumors about another sub by the same name in one's community. Another fake shill question. I know you know this and are just trying to waste my time and comments but it helps our community to call you guys out at your game.

Like your friend, I can't be bothered going to look up exactly what Neon said either - suffice to say, as anyone knows, someone within a large community speaking on behalf of someone else - whether sanctioned or not - could easily use "we" in reference to the actions of that portion of the group. Once again: Neon is not and has never been a part of the team. We are all part of the movement and it makes sense that he'd use "we" to talk about "us". I get that you want to spin some dark conspiracy from that so ... go for it. I've explained, Neon's not on the mod team and doesn't communicate with us. Of course, on some Discord servers, team members communicate with others but a) I don't know what they say and b) I don't care because it still doesn't make Neon part of the team or involved in our actions and activities.

Keep up the shill thing. It shows our community how transparent you guys are.

kneo24 ago

I have an account here from 6 months ago. As you know, it's far from an uncommon practice to sign up to another social platform that hits the news in order to grab your username or to lurk and scope. "Lurk" could mean 'occasional glances' or it could mean 'enough time to understand the Voat culture or plan'. My answer already conveyed that we had no spare time to plan for another platform to go to.

Oh come on. That's a fairly weasel like reply. If you're lurking, you're not taking occasional glances. One would indicate as much when they write it out. Furthermore, over a period of seven months, even with "occasional glances", one could glean some information. However, if you were as busy as you claimed, how do you even have time for "occasional glances"? An occasional glance is spare time. You complain about me using hyperbole, but it's clear your statements are laced with hyperbole here.

How do you know what Bleachy knows and could convey to us? Inactive 3.4 year old account - who hasn't heard of alts around here? I'll let you go look that up.

As you have conveniently ignored twice now, v/ThePedes started 1.3 years ago. It was an attempted migration by users from r/The_Donald over on Reddit. His account age lines up with the community age. It indicates that he was at the very least a member of TD back then. It would also stand to reason that he saw the fallout from said migration. Whether or not they continued to lurk here after that is unknown, but what is known they were here for it, saw it happen. This is not just some mere coincidence that the account ages line up.

Now that you're claiming an inactive 3.4 year old account is possibly an alt. That gives you more time to make "occasional glances". You can not, truthfully state, that over a long period one can not discern the nature of a place with occasional glances. An account that old would have seen many migrations here if they were lurking at all, and would have seen the results of said migrations. You're a fool to believe anyone is buying what you're selling here.

"knew all about rumors of v/TheGreatAwakening". As common sense tells you, it doesn't take much time to hear rumors about another sub by the same name in one's community. Another fake shill question. I know you know this and are just trying to waste my time and comments but it helps our community to call you guys out at your game.

I'm pointing out that you're either taking the rumors at face value, which is incredibly dumb on your part. It's a rumor. You don't believe them without doing an investigation yourself, or you dismiss them. Calling it a "fake shill question" further points out your intellectual dishonesty here. You guys have twice parroted what NR has said about v/GreatAwakening on that community. You refuse to own that.

Like your friend, I can't be bothered going to look up exactly what Neon said either -

Deflection 101. Earlier you stated you would attempt to try and figure out what they meant, and now it's, "oh I don't have time for this". I even posted what he said so you didn't have to go looking it up. There was an opportunity to address it. The fact that you continually ignore it further exposes you as an intellectually dishonest coward. If you had an ounce of intellectual integrity, if you didn't believe I was faithfully and truthfully depicting what they wrote, you would look at it yourself and come to your own conclusion.

could easily use "we" in reference to the actions of that portion of the group. Once again: Neon is not and has never been a part of the team.

And you guys could have made that clear at any point in time when you stickied and pinned his topics for your community to see. Instead you keep making these claims that are buried deep down in comments in topics you've already deleted, ensuring very few people are going to see them.

We are all part of the movement and it makes sense that he'd use "we" to talk about "us".

No, it actually doesn't make sense, because you guys aren't a fucking cult, right? (Many Qtards here would take issue if you do claim it's a cult.) So there's clear separation between the people following the movement, the people leading it, and the people in between. It also doesn't make sense, as once again, your followers physically can't do any unbannings here on this subverse. <-- Feel free to keep ignoring this point - it further shows how intellectually dishonest you are.

I get that you want to spin some dark conspiracy from that so ... go for it. I've explained, Neon's not on the mod team and doesn't communicate with us. Of course, on some Discord servers, team members communicate with others but a) I don't know what they say and b) I don't care because it still doesn't make Neon part of the team or involved in our actions and activities.

You just spoke out both sides of your mouth here. "He doesn't speak to us, but he probably does and I don't know or care about it".

Keep up the shill thing. It shows our community how transparent you guys are.

"Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russianbot." Your community won't see anything because you keep hiding it away from them. Keep glowing.

DrogeAnon ago

I'm pointing out that you're either taking the rumors at face value, which is incredibly dumb on your part. It's a rumor.

What I said was: "but as we had no time to look into it in depth we knew we had to just create our own sub rather than trying to figure out what was going on with them" but keep telling me how much time we have based on your assumptions - you keep showing up your agenda.

You just spoke out both sides of your mouth here. "He doesn't speak to us, but he probably does and I don't know or care about it".

As is obvious to anyone not shilling: NR doesn't speak to us but he's definitely spoken to one or more members of the mod team, as has SB2 and other prominent Q community people. As is also obvious to anyone not shilling, this does not make him part of the mod team or mean that the mod team is in collusion with him, beyond the general "we" of a community working together.

You like that "Russianbot" thing don't you? As soon as I can post, you can believe our community will know all about these tactics in black & white but for now, I'll just direct those who ask to these comments.

The rest of what you've said is pure shillery nonsense, avoiding the obvious intent and meaning of what I've said in an attempt to drag a non-existent argument out so you can waste more of my comments and time.

I'm not getting paid to do this and I think you might be - surely no one argues so meaninglessly for fun?

And now, I will answer no more of your comments. All my answers have been given and you are not acknowledging anything I've said because you can't. To do so would mean you'd have to admit we're just normal people doing our thang and there's nothing evil to see here that can give you fodder to remove us. Good day, sir!

kneo24 ago

What I said was: "but as we had no time to look into it in depth we knew we had to just create our own sub rather than trying to figure out what was going on with them" but keep telling me how much time we have based on your assumptions - you keep showing up your agenda.

Great, then your team shouldn't sticky posts claiming that these claims could be remotely true, or that somehow some community is comped because of a fucking ping list, you dolt. You just ignore them until you have time to look into them. That's what an intellectually honest person would do.

As is obvious to anyone not shilling: NR doesn't speak to us but he's definitely spoken to one or more members of the mod team, as has SB2 and other prominent Q community people. As is also obvious to anyone not shilling, this does not make him part of the mod team or mean that the mod team is in collusion with him, beyond the general "we" of a community working together.

This is you speaking out both sides of your mouth. You like to try and separate members of the mod team as individuals, but when I point out that you guys aren't all one entity, suddenly you are one big entity. If he's spoken to one or more members of the mod team, and you guys sticky the posts he writes indicating he is one of you guys, it doesn't matter which of you did it. You all have to collectively own that. That's what leadership means. You all own the mistakes one of you makes, as it paints you all in a bad light when one of you messes up. You all also get the praise when one of you does something good.

The only time you guys are part of the collective is when you're doing actual research. When you're leading and directing the community, you are no longer one of them at that point and time, and anyone else who isn't part of your mod team isn't one of you. You can stop being disingenuous about all of this now.

You like that "Russianbot" thing don't you?

It's the only necessary response to your shill accusations.

As soon as I can post, you can believe our community will know all about these tactics in black & white but for now, I'll just direct those who ask to these comments.

Good luck with that. Be a positive contributor and who knows, that might actually happen. You have yet to show you're capable of that. You squander every opportunity you have to do so, and that is simply a fault of your own, as others have pointed out before.

The rest of what you've said is pure shillery nonsense, avoiding the obvious intent and meaning of what I've said in an attempt to drag a non-existent argument out so you can waste more of my comments and time.

This is you deflecting and not addressing what I'm writing. I can not force you to respond to me anymore than you can force me to respond to you. You are making the choice to respond to me. You have consistently attacked any and all criticism of you guys as "pure shillery" to deflect it away from yourselves, as if you feel you are above reproach for any of your actions. You are constantly playing the victim, like a leftist. It's why the "russianbot" comments fit. You're playing out of their rule book and it's transparent as fuck.

I'm not getting paid to do this and I think you might be

Great, prove that I am. Pro-tip, you can't.

surely no one argues so meaninglessly for fun?

Really, you've never heard of people joining debate clubs in high school or college? Besides, none of this is meaningless. My actions further expose you for what you are. You have proven to be an intellectually dishonest coward, who uses leftist tactics to avoid any and all criticisms via means of deflection and projection.

And now, I will answer no more of your comments.

You've said this before, and then continued to do so. Are you being truthful for once?

All my answers have been given and you are not acknowledging anything I've said because you can't

By quoting your responses and then directly addressing what you wrote, I am acknowledging what you wrote. I have discussed what you've written. Not only is this you projecting your failings on me to deflect from what you've done, once again you're trying to copy what I've written to you in the past with, "because you can't". I'm flattered you like to copy me, but at least do a good job of it.

To do so would mean you'd have to admit we're just normal people doing our thang and there's nothing evil to see here that can give you fodder to remove us.

"Normal people" do "evil" things all the time. That doesn't mean I'm convinced you're normal people. I've also never called for you guys to be removed. You are free to fuck back off to Reddit to enjoy your censorship hellhole, or just fuck off from Voat entirely of your own free will, but then where else would you play the victim at?

DrogeAnon ago

--Moderating 101--

It seems some things need to be made clear to people with genuine questions about the mod team. There are others who do not have genuine questions and are simply trying to create division and take our time from Q focus to fighting trolls. This next section is for the former. You'll be able to tell the latter as they'll ignore most of the points and our intent presented here.

We are a team of volunteers. We were selected initially by r/GreatAwakening's creator and lead mod (in all but title), HowiONic. Her, and the mods with her at the time, took time to select each of us. Each of us was familiar with Q, could answer a basic quiz about the drops, and had a history of interaction on the subreddit with the community so tone and demeanor could be determined to some degree. The vetting process could take a week plus.

All of us had and continued to develop a strong sense of commitment and passion for the movement in general and for our place within it as servants, offering a simple service of small but we hoped significant value to the Q community who desired a place where they could see good Q content without it being buried by spam or offtopic posts and engage in reasonable, respectful discussion about Q drops in order to inform themselves and others. We took and take our position seriously but we desire as much as possible to remain in the background, greasing the wheels. Posts about us are the least interesting thing on this or any sub.

Almost immediately after I joined a discussion was held about what comms tool for the growing team to use and Discord was ultimately settled on. As new mods you were expected to pick up what you could; advice would be given where you asked for it of the seniors but for the most part you had the rules and your wits. Around the time of my arrival or not long after HowiONic put together the incredible detail about the moderation role that comprised the mod wiki on the sub. She also pretty much singlehandedly made and fleshed out the detailed rules with input from everyone. These helped us all get up to speed quickly.

Moderation of the sub was not an exact science. It was necessarily context and discretion based. In questions about removal of content and other moderation decisions Senior mods would often explain what they would do but ultimately leave the decision with the new mod. It took me, and others, a while to adjust to this approach. More than a few of us came in to the role expecting to be told exactly what to do when and how. Instead, we were given some guidelines and allowed to make our own decisions with the option of seeking feedback from the team - whoever was available at the time. We also had to all get used to the idea that all moderation decisions could be reversed by someone else. That meant that if we came across what looked to be a mistake by another moderator e.g. a user mails us complaining about a removal and we can't see a good reason for the removal - then we'd generally try to follow up with that moderator or, if they weren't around and it didn't make sense for the decision to wait until they were, we'd simply reverse the decision. HowiONic kept a close eye on the detailed modlogs on Reddit and would often reverse decisions or query moderators on a decision made previously. In other words, we had, and have, autonomy and accountability. With moderators in different time zones and with real lives that didn't allow for precise schedules this approach makes the most sense to me now.

So, in summary, the elements that I feel are pertinent to 'debunking' so many accusations and claims made about us here and elsewhere are: - we're all volunteers. We have no obligation to anyone for anything. We don't have to respond to you and you don't have to respond to us. You are not entitled to a response to your bitter anguish. Some of us could not care less what some of you think of us. We're only here for Q. - we 'work the sub' as and when we can - our work fits around our real life so it occurs sporadically and inconsistently. Sometimes a lot of us are on, sometimes only one of us is working the sub, sometimes no one is around. - we communicate to stay up-to-date on current issues and to get feedback on a particular moderation decision. Sometimes there's no one to give feedback so you take the action based on your own knowledge and analysis. Sometimes we make mistakes but we always take them back, if one or more of us agrees that it is a mistake. - all of us are Patriots. The hate and cries of 'mods are comped!' fall on deaf ears. We all give up our time for a reason and it's not because we're being paid by someone to pretend to help the Q community whilst secretly attacking it from within. I say this with confidence because the actions of mods depicted in the mod logs support this.

TLDR; we have no obligation to respond to shill and troll accusations which are made simply to slide the board or promote someone's agenda or emotional instability. This answer explains our position and why we do things we do. Any True Patriot with a query is welcome to mail us and we'll take the time to respond. Shills and trolls can rant away to themselves. ThankQ.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Apparently Meta Discussions About The Q Community and Its "Leaders" Aren't Relevant To Q, According To The Mods at v/theawakening' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @kneo24:

@heygeorge, I guess you will never get your answers. It's a shame too, as you were playing by the rules they set and were nice about it.

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread from @heygeorge refers to this:

right but you weren't planning to lead a community here and run it

Precisely, and much much less were I currently running a large community.

motivated to ask a few simple questions or have the manners to introduce yourself

Essentially how I started out commenting/posting.

some people are just retarded.

Yup. See here. Try navigating this wall of bullshit!

Although I do appreciate that my querie was considered reasonable and respectful. That is true!

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Le_Squish ago

We are concerned that your ilk refuse to acknowledge and reconcile your past behavior. What do you have to say?

DrogeAnon ago

Who's "we"? The only we that matters to me are fellow Patriots.

Let's assume you are one although your automatic assumption of our guilt would suggest otherwise.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt. We do not 'make money' from this enterprise. We care about this mission greatly, hence we give our time - a lot of it - freely. We don't have a hunger for power. Anyone who thinks "moderation" is power should get out in the real world a bit and learn what real power is. We provide a service that, more than on Reddit, will be managed by the people here; not the trolls, to be clear. We are human, we make mistakes - we have always acknowledged this.

We respect Voat and its members and we're trying to learn the ropes. Continued denial of this fact is evidence of a shill and explains why we don't address their comments. To my knowledge - and I watched the modlogs closely, alongside others - no one on the current team has been involved in anything"dodgy" that I have any evidence of, or have seen evidence of in their actions as moderator.

If I've missed anything, feel free to point it out and I will reedit this comment.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Useful @NeonRevolt links' was posted in v/Shitlist and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

according to a v/theawakening mod:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

but according to ShekelRevolt himself:

I contacted the mods to get details on a story, and coordinate a communal move.

I was in the actual server they had, until this morning

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Observations on Neon Revolt's Latest Article' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @Rainy-Day-Dream:

they said it a couple of times:

We are NOT NeonRevolt. He's not part of the mod team. Go cry to him about his behavior.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt

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Le_Squish ago

Everything you guys do is in stark contrast to what you say.

Let's assume you are one although your automatic assumption of our guilt would suggest otherwise.

All those upvoat threads are proof of guilt. No assumptions have been made. Just observations.

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt. We do not 'make money' from this enterprise. We care about this mission greatly, hence we give our time - a lot of it - freely

No, you don't give a shit about them. You have consistently done things against their best interest. Between the 13-14 of you, you couldn't find the resources to build a board for your people. Even though Q warned you. You care about co-opting the mission instead of doing everything in your power to make sure to make sure the movement could stand strong without your guiding hand.

Anyone who thinks "moderation" is power should get out in the real world a bit and learn what real power is...

Other people are doing worse stuff so we should overlook this? No.

We provide a service that, more than on Reddit, will be managed by the people here; not the trolls, to be clear.

You erase the people's words instead if letting them decide for themselves. You do them a disservice that is at minimum patronizing but probably malicious.

We respect Voat and its members and we're trying to learn the ropes. Continued denial of this fact is evidence of a shill and explains why we don't address their comments.

No you don't. That's why we keep finding all these upvoat and brigade threads everywhere. How many times do you have to get caught?

You are all full of shit.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread from @kneo24 refers to this:

Watch out, you might get called a shill for all that because you disagree with what they're saying!

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kneo24 ago

We are not in collusion with NeonRevolt.

So do you disavow his writings when he indicates he is one of you?

We respect Voat and its members and we're trying to learn the ropes.

So why is it that if someone visit your board on 8chan, one can see Neon's post is still pinned? That post is a direct, false, and inflammatory attack on Voaters, more specifically @srayzie and her community. It also further elucidates that you agree with his overall opinion, and with how he strongly implies he is part of your team - your inner circle.

If you guys were truly sincere about this, you would have addressed this by now, and you've had a lot of chances. This has been brought up multiple times, from multiple people. It's even been brought up by Srayzie herself. Where is your sincerity at?

Continued denial of this fact is evidence of a shill and explains why we don't address their comments.

"Anyone who disagrees with me is a Russianbot!"

Yes, keep bringing up your leftist talking points.

srayzie ago

I agree with you. I haven’t seen anything that shows them being sincere. I’ll just keep doing what’s right.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread from @Rainy-Day-Dream refers to this:

I mean we know they have alts on their modlist given the girlwonder thing, given how many people have been added and removed from the list who's to say NeonRevolt doesn't have an alt on there? and they did say they're not in collusion with him here but he definitely still has a post stickied on their 8chan board and is still making posts on his blog directed to this group of Q followers specifically with phrasing that suggests he's among the mods

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WhiteRonin ago

Lol, but you responded moron!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

Another comment in this thread from @kneo24 refers to this:

There's been engagement. It's literally, "SHILL!". I knew it was going to happen, which is why I called it out at the end of my post.

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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"Is this supposed to upset someone into responding? Lazy low effort shilling doesn't get a response from me."

he says, in his response

I see you're one of those "I'm not mad" types, huh?

Mumbleberry ago

Give it up, schlomo

Mumbleberry ago

User reported for "being a dick" as per posted sub rules.

kneo24 ago

How's the weather in Tel-Aviv look today from your window?