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MeditationAnon ago

Dude - I honestly feel that if your going to put THAT much effort into this post - you really DON’T want anyone to change your mind. I don’t know why I should try, but for the benefit of some that might be reading this:

In the opinion of this long tome lurker, R/greatawakening was “professionally” run. Think a MacDonald franchise. Think about some execs in a boardroom deciding that EVERY person who wears a golden arches uniform MUST be friendly. The restaurant MUST be clean.

When MacDonald’s first came to places like Russia and India people in those countries were impressed by the lack of dirt and friendly employees.

The way r/greatawakening was moderated was like this. Let’s ensure people have a first rate, “clean” experience. How many times did Q link to that sub? Would he drive hundreds of thousands to a place that was 100% comped?

I actually dislike MaDonald’s. It is against my principles, but it’s no question that it’s an effectively run place - a quality that led them to the phrase “BILLIONS served.”

Q wants to see BILLIONS served as well, my friend! Be easy on these mods - they are not the enemy.

MingDynasty ago

Well said. I get the free speech aspect, but seeing DIE NIGGERFAG DIE, or being called a kike for sharing an opinion is going to drive normies away in droves. Plebbit site was a normie friendly version and giving the sub count tracking, Q did send many new people there by linking to posts. Now goat cunts want to destroy the attempt to recreate a place to redpill normies. That seems much more like a shill tactic than anything the refugees have done

heygeorge ago

goat cunts want to destroy the attempt to recreate a place to redpill normies

This is a good point, and worth addressing. There are a bunch of feckless cunts here. At this point, this style is interwoven into the culture of Voat.

Voat is really not a place to redpill normies at this stage: It does not and will not work unless Voat were to reach a critical mass and citizens [of varying countries] reach a critical mass where simply being associated with a site that allows gross free speech does not equal a tacit agreement with every statement.

I could drone on about how this ties into #metoo and far beyond, but it would just be pissing in the wind.

It may be best (especially in the short term) that the Qcumbers mainly move away from Voat. It would most likely shed a light on this site as a rancid, vile cesspool of hate and paint the newcoming sheep with the same brush.

I am not confident in the slightest this would be helpful to Voat.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

There are a bunch of feckless cunts here

while I admit no such thing, I would still like to raise that as a US citizen the first amendment would protect my right to be a "feckless cunt" if I chose to express myself in such a way

Voat is really not a place to redpill normies at this stage

I'd also like to point out that these redditors are a bunch of normies themselves and would get quite redpilled if they checked v/all every so often.

heygeorge ago

these redditors are a bunch of normies themselves and would get quite redpilled if they checked v/all every so often.

This is why girl-whatever* and her alt mod* has no credibility when saying she lurked for 7 months yet didn’t know what Voat was like, how it worked, and what reactions might happen if a banwave started.

*I’d ping, but I cbf’d to even look up their names right now.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's also telling she didn't comment at all during those 7 months she could've just asked about how we do things here and someone would've been happy to tell her. Empress and others here make a really good case to the contrary, but @high-valyrian like most chicks with GOTIS is an excellent example of why women in general shouldn't be taught how to read/write or ever be in charge of anything.

heygeorge ago

I’ve also mentioned to the mods (and been met with 99% silence, save for one dismissive response) that there are many Voaters willing to help them, and to help new users navigate this space.

That requires asking, not taking. Voaters are willing to edify and criticize. I know it. Let’s try!

I don’t know what GOTIS means.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

right @girlwonder is one of their mods, an alt of one as well but putting that aside, and she has according to her own admission been lurking on voat for months. She never once in all that time, more than half a year, posted a single comment or asked anyone anything about the site. In fact when the new refugees got here all they had to do was post in v/introductions and I'm sure plenty of people would've been happy to show them the ropes and @srayzie has been more than accommodating to new users on v/greatawakening too. It's almost like all the trouble they've suffered is a result of their own poor decisions.

Girl On The Internet Syndrome I'll have you know I'm not merely what is considered a racist but what many would call a sexist as well, but it doesn't come out as much on here because most of the women here are the wonderful sort like @Empress

heygeorge ago

Girl On The Internet Syndrome

Gotcha. I am familiar with the idea. But not that acronym. (Or initialization if you want to be a pendant prick along with your racism!)

Re: @girlwonder, I wonder if she just didn’t quickly make the account then bolt.

I spent about a year lurking here before making a single post, and maybe even before a single comment. I stopped in now and again since Whoaverse’s inception. Yet, I wasn’t really active anywhere on the internet, and I certainly wasn’t top mod on a busy forum.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I wonder if she just didn’t quickly make the account then bolt.

she's @high-valyrian's alt and she was lurking here in preparation of the move here, they've said as much themselves.

I spent about a year lurking here before making a single post, and maybe even before a single comment.

right but you weren't planning to lead a community here and run it, if you were maybe you'd have been motivated to ask a few simple questions or have the manners to introduce yourself and announce your intentions and ask for advice. These are all straight forward logical ideas that should be obvious, but some people are just retarded.

heygeorge ago

right but you weren't planning to lead a community here and run it

Precisely, and much much less were I currently running a large community.

motivated to ask a few simple questions or have the manners to introduce yourself

Essentially how I started out commenting/posting.

some people are just retarded.

Yup. See here. Try navigating this wall of bullshit!

Although I do appreciate that my querie was considered reasonable and respectful. That is true!