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MeditationAnon ago

Dude - I honestly feel that if your going to put THAT much effort into this post - you really DON’T want anyone to change your mind. I don’t know why I should try, but for the benefit of some that might be reading this:

In the opinion of this long tome lurker, R/greatawakening was “professionally” run. Think a MacDonald franchise. Think about some execs in a boardroom deciding that EVERY person who wears a golden arches uniform MUST be friendly. The restaurant MUST be clean.

When MacDonald’s first came to places like Russia and India people in those countries were impressed by the lack of dirt and friendly employees.

The way r/greatawakening was moderated was like this. Let’s ensure people have a first rate, “clean” experience. How many times did Q link to that sub? Would he drive hundreds of thousands to a place that was 100% comped?

I actually dislike MaDonald’s. It is against my principles, but it’s no question that it’s an effectively run place - a quality that led them to the phrase “BILLIONS served.”

Q wants to see BILLIONS served as well, my friend! Be easy on these mods - they are not the enemy.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

was “professionally” run

this only makes me more suspicious, corporations are not something to be trusted. The corporate attitude hides many things and none of them good

kneo24 ago

I'm suspicious too, and as of right now I have a few competing theories in my head. One of them is your Reddit angle. The other's I'll keep to myself for the time being. I'll need a little more proof yet to be convinced of yours, though it is in the lead.

srayzie ago

2 things that really stand out to me, was when the only mod that responded to my offer for help, was rude and told me that he knows they aren’t comped because they are on discord chat 24/7 having discussions. Doesn’t that sound like a well organized group with a mission instead of a mod group? People have lives. There’s no reason to do that.

2nd, it was Neon Revolt planting a seed of doubt, that v/GreatAwakening could be infiltrated, when any Q sub is full of clowns and paid shills. How does that make us infiltrated if they aren’t mods?

One more thing, they have chosen division at every step. All that shows me is that they don’t care about the movement, or there’s some shady things going on.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and told me that he knows they aren’t comped because they are on discord chat 24/7 having discussions. Doesn’t that sound like a well organized group with a mission instead of a mod group? People have lives. There’s no reason to do that.

"we've investigated ourselves and found we've done nothing wrong, trust us."

it was Neon Revolt planting a seed of doubt

I still insist that he's probably on their discord or otherwise in contact with them

kneo24 ago

They only deny he's a mod, not in their inner circle. Of course, no one really says or asks if he's a mod here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean we know they have alts on their modlist given the girlwonder thing, given how many people have been added and removed from the list who's to say NeonRevolt doesn't have an alt on there? and they did say they're not in collusion with him here but he definitely still has a post stickied on their 8chan board and is still making posts on his blog directed to this group of Q followers specifically with phrasing that suggests he's among the mods

kneo24 ago

Watch out, you might get called a shill for all that because you disagree with what they're saying!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if anything has been proven with their attempts at flaunting the rules and offsite coordination it's these fags themselves who are the shills here