fogdryer ago

Lindsay Leigh Novax

If ya'll aren't watching Q, and believe or not. The news pouring out is phenomenal!

There are children being rescued from under the tunnels and there is so much proof coming out.

Q drop-

C before D.

Children before Disclosure

100's of thousands of children were being kidnapped or were born and bred for this, underground in tunnels for the elite's harvesting of organs, and to rape, eat, use in sacrifices and harvest their drug adrenochrome.

US Seals and Marines have been training to fight in tunnels for this mission. They are now retrieving them.

Mercy and Comfort the ships are for the children NOT coronavirus. The tents set up in front of the hospitals is for the kids. This is the reason hospitals are emptying and why the gag order on nurses.

Crates with children in them are being seized. Underground bunker bases are widely connected around the country and repeated around the world. They are using the shut down happening around the world to make this rescue.

Hillary was part of this crime. This is why it was so important that she didn't become president.

"Evergreen" is Hillary's Secret Service code name. It's also the name of the shipping company that transports children, drugged, and boxed up in containers marked "Live Art" - for delivery to Elite Pedophiles and Pedovours (a pedovour is someone who eats babies) for possible organ harvesting, rape, torture, and sacrifice. There's a Mash hospital set up in Central Park, NY. NY is screaming for body bags. They estimate they need 100,000. They estimate they will lose 4-6% of the victims they've pulled out alive from horrible torture and sexual abuse. Many were bred for this, and have never seen the light of day. Some are deformed. All are malnourished. Many needed respirators because the air in the tunnels is stagnate. Officers who've been in the tunnels are losing it. They are issued barf bags before they go in. There are bodies piled up. I don't know how true this is, but one guy said some of the bodies had tiny bites taken out of them. They are speculating the live starving children were eating off the dead.

Had Hillary gotten in, there would have been way more of this going on than there already is. You have no idea how we dodged a bullet getting Trump no matter what you think of him. That's why the media attacks him relentessly.

When all this is over, it will all be exposed. All these idols will fall. The people will need time to recover from the truth they will no longer be able to deny. Our country will need to heal.

Q said, "None of them will be able to walk down the street," because we will hate them, with a passion.

From Dark to Light.

The Great Awakening. training underground need ventilators, are malnourished, underfed ( incubators).some are born down there, many were bred

just for experiements

MercurysBall2 ago

Well isn't this interdasting?

President Trump Invokes Defense Production Act Taking Control of 3M Production… -

Sec. 2. Presidential Direction to the Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary). The Secretary, through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Administrator), shall use any and all authority available under the Act to acquire, from any appropriate subsidiary or affiliate of 3M Company, the number of N-95 respirators that the Administrator determines to be appropriate. Trump, USNS Comfort

And guess what this anon found? 3M Patent on Process for preparing adrenochrome - WTF?

MercurysBall2 ago

Related post: 20 islands along the drug & child trafficking routes. You guessed it: Clintons, Branson, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, O'Brien, TONS more

After watching the presser on them gearing up to take down drug traffickers along the Caribbean & Mexico, it made me smile & think of my report I did 2 yrs ago. These are also human trafficking routes.

MercurysBall2 ago

The other co-founder [of Lafayette Group], Charles B. DeWitt...was in charge of Border security under George H. W. Bush.

American Ditchley Foundation, Advisory Council

Ditchley Foundation

The Ditchley Foundation based at Ditchley Park near Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, aims to promote international understanding and relations, especially Anglo-American relations, through a programme of around twelve annual conferences on matters of international interest. The foundation was established in 1958 by Sir David Wills, descendant of the tobacco importing family, W. D. & H. O. Wills of Bristol.

At each conference, around forty international invitees are drawn from senior levels of politics, business, the armed forces, media, and academia. The current director is James Arroyo OBE, previously director for data at the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, charged with adapting the organisation to the digital age.

Sister organisations, American and Canadian Ditchley, help to shape the conference programme as well as select American and Canadian participants

Voat related posts on Ditchley:

The direct connections between the US and UK pizzagates are Tony Podesta, ARK, Execution Charitable Trust and Will Draper from the Hampstead case

The Ditchley Foundation and ARK:

The Round Table is coordinated from the Tavistock Institute and the Ditchley Foundation, both of which are psychological warfare departments

derram ago :


FSOCIETY ID2020, Nicole Junkerman, COVID19 , Vaccin RFID - YouTube :

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