carmencita ago

I think there must be a moratorium on all adoptions. I believe there are enough children here to satisfy those with good intentions. The problem is the screening and allowing just about anyone to adopt a child. Russia had the right idea and we must push to stop it here as well. Remember the European Adoption Agency that was raided in Ohio? It had ties to HRC. This must stop. I am not a homophobic person but I do not agree with allowing gays to adopt. This is a group of people that are about 2% of the population and we have had a huge movement for them to be able to have this right. I think it is a huge mistake. I think there have been pedophile couples that have adopted and we all know this. They also can pay others to have their children for them, as Elton John and his partner did. Knowing what we know about him, well that is frightening. How do we start putting a stop to this, Idk.

letsdothis2 ago The Navy’s Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort will deploy to Central America and South America in September to begin a two-month humanitarian mission with stops in Colombia and elsewhere in the region.

Related voat post: Arson at Guatemala shelter kills 22 girls and a strange tip about a US Navy ship : 6 Degrees of Separation

Domestic worker Alicia Lopez, 50, had been outside the home for hours trying to find out what happened to her autistic 12-year-old son who came to the center with a drug addiction. She said he had been raped there last week.

Another strange coincidence. NYT says all the dead in this fire in a children's shelter (in Guatemala) were girls, but that may not be the whole story. USNS Spearhead was sitting off the coast of Guatemala again when it happened. The shelter is inland, but accessible by helicopter.

USNS Spearhead works in the area of humanitarian assistance as well as special operations support and does quite a lot of training in the Caribbean.

In 2015 according to this article, In Guatemala, they provided prenatal care to more than 400 women and treated children for parasitic infections.


Continuing Promise was a training mission to help strengthen regional partnerships while improving the lives of thousands of people in Honduras and Guatemala. From March – May 2018, U.S. military medical personnel were transported to each nation by USNS Spearhead (T-EPF 1) to work with host nation counterparts and aid workers to provide medical and dental care, preventive medicine, and veterinary consulting.

Continuing Promise started with the deployment of USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) in 2007.

The two American hospital ships, USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy as well as other units participate in Continuing Promise to train their crews as well as supplemental personnel from the other branches of service and volunteer civilian organizations.


Incredible post! This is exactly what I think is happening with organ transplantation!

Once you adopt a child, you become the legal guardian and sign off for medical decisions.

As the law stands, if you have a diseased child, you can adopt a genetically similar orphan and legally comply the orphan to give up an organ, blood, marrow, or other genetically specific serums to cure their "siblings" genetic diseases.

Vindicator ago

As the law stands, if you have a diseased child, you can adopt a genetically similar orphan and legally comply the orphan to give up an organ, blood, marrow, or other genetically specific serums to cure their "siblings" genetic diseases.

This would be a good focus for a submission, with links to the law in question, and any legal experts or adoption critics that might be analyzing it.

carmencita ago

Caplan said an even bigger danger than having patients unfairly moved to the front of the line is the risk that the public would stop donating organs, Caplan said.

Why all of a sudden do we need So Many organs? Why are people getting so very sick they need a kidney. So many kidney transplants. We did those posts about Organ Harvesting in Chicago and Globally. This is extremely worrisome, with people being bumped up to the front of the line. Very dangerous business. As long as they are making so much money at it, they will get them from where ever they can. Even Little Children. They are devilish and evil.

fogdryer ago

Devita Or just call it greed !

Vindicator ago

I think the "why" goes to big agro and all the shit they put in food and water. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if "public health" measures are actually designed to enrich those who own the healthcare industry.

fogdryer ago

It’s now pharmaceutical who runs the country Second is the oil company Big business

truthdemon ago

The system is run on debt ...u will find no remedy except more debt to plug the debt inside the debt prison.. Its not rocket science ot deduce why they r administering flouride in water and toothpastr...when all the govt sponsored science paPers on flourine clearly point to floutine being a neurotoxin.. So then u ask why the dichotomy.... There is no dichotomy...they r giving u notice... The public bodies are revealing tto u that our private actions of increasing the debt at banks is the reason they allow corporations that leverage more debt to poison the private citizen who is the source of the debt .. Licence ...means the permissiin to do something that would otherwise be unlawful.. Medical licences are a licence given go doctors to doctor ur health..infinitesimally... The govt lobbyistz make sure they drip feed poison form all quarters to have u end up at the carving table of the doctor...and surgeon..

..decrease the debt at ur own bank , not private banks.. Ure own bank is the treasury.. Sime solution to a massive problem of our own doing.. We r in complete control

fogdryer ago

Yes We are under such poor leadership God forbid they turn this around

truthdemon ago

There is no they .. The US is us.. Its our responsibility to reduce debt at the treasury and take control.of the game.. Not the emperor...he has no clothes on

fogdryer ago

It’s in the water


carmencita ago

I agree. Thank God no one in our immediate family has needed anything replaced. I don't remember this happening when growing up, this started I would guess at such a pace, about maybe 10 years ago. The saying, You are what you eat, sure is the best advice. A diet of pulled pork and craft beers has taken it's toll. Our bread has been totally overhauled and so many have allergies now. All to drum up more business for these nasty organ replacements.

fogdryer ago

We have such a corrupt gov for allowing it