153sdsd ago


new4now ago

USNS Spearhead was definitely in Guatemala. They have a Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/navycp

cantsleepawink ago

September 2016, Reuters Guatemala denounces corruption at U.N. while scandal brews at home:

Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales gave a fiery speech against corruption at the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, a week after a judge barred his son and brother from leaving the country due to a pending fraud investigation.

The president's landslide victory was attributed to popular discontent with Guatemala's political class and compounded by a U.N.-backed investigation into a multi-million dollar customs racket that reached deep into the previous administration.

Ramon ago

Please notice this news article by publinews. There is a statement from a mother. That says she has a seventeen year old daughter that was raped by an “American man” in that foster home. She has received death threats. There are reports about child prostitution in that place.


Please use google translator, Spanish to English

cantsleepawink ago

Omg. What a find.

44NJ9 ago

I bet they stole the girls for satanic rituals.

GregNH ago

So do I have to read every comment over at George Webb's video to find what you call interesting?

cantsleepawink ago

The comment is in my post !

GregNH ago

Sorry, it seemed like I needed to click on the link....

cantsleepawink ago

That's alright. Maybe it's not so obvious. I've put the comment in italics now so, hopefully it stands out a bit more.

pbvrocks ago

Good work and your connection not only make sense but feel right. Is staffing of a ship classified? Wonder if we could find any ex-Spearhead sailors with stories? Lots of folks in the USN with be OUTRAGED if Navy used by these f**ks...

AreWeSure ago

In what way does this connection make sense? A US military boat is near a country. Way inland, there's a fire? How are these things connected? Pure conjecture about a helicopter.

This is not thinking critically. This is unquestioningly accepting confirmation bias.

pbvrocks ago

Lots of reports of ships (military) coming to "save" refuges..then refuges off to parts unknown..some of these ships disappear from maritime radars...

cantsleepawink ago

Well, I checked on the interactive maritime map over on the TNT subverse and it certainly was hanging around off the coast at Puerto Barrios, Guatemala.

pbvrocks ago

Do you know if it has been implicated in some of the other "refugee rescues"? It is a "humanitarian" ship....

Justin_TeroG8 ago

I wonder how to contact Naval Intelligence? Maybe they'd investigate?

pbvrocks ago

Doubtful..good folks in the military no doubt...but bad as well and I would guess they were not doing good things...

pizzaequalspedo ago

These types of acivities would be done by CIA, potentially in coordination with SEALs.

fogdryer ago

You are kidding me right? Investigated by CIA? They do child trafficking themselves you do know that right! I don't think navy intiliegence will take us seriously. I would suggest dig more evidence then regroup to find someone to go to. I suggest Judicial watch maybe

pizzaequalspedo ago

Re-read my post. I may not have said it well, but I'm saying it would have been a CIA op and the perpetrators wouldn't be listed on any sort of ship log.

cantsleepawink ago

I see that link doesn't work in voat, but if you copy and paste the link in your browser it will take you to the wiki page. There's an image of some crew members as they pull into Guatemala http://imgur.com/a/UnIQy

Xpol ago

Show me the bodies.

This shelter was ripe with abuse, many high ranking names may be involved in the abuse.

If there are bodies you just got rid of all the evidence, IE the building, records, torture chamber, DNA,blood, covers up real cause of death/bruises/rape, and the witnesses of the abuse being the children.

But knowing these people they probably torched the building as a way to close it down and destroy all the evidence of who was involved and what they were doing. They then took the children from the shelter to the shop offshore by helicopter. Also don't think of the kids as people, but weight. Little girls don't weigh alot you could throw a bunch into a helicopter unconscious, and not need multiple trips.

Then once in the ship they can either be organ harvested (see george Webb video) or experimented on, or sold as a slave. What's great about these girls is by saying they died in the fire these girls are basically ghosts, and it also makes them expendable.

fogdryer ago

God this sounds so familiar. I wonder if I read this exact story before ...,,,

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Another Sandy Hook

OrwellKnew ago

Not really. No one died at Sandy Hook. They were fictional persons

153sdsd ago

I remember the reward helicopter rides, they know how to lure a child for sure

cantsleepawink ago

It has suddenly occurred to me that the helicopter is not just an enticement but a form of transport to yachts or boats offshore ? Well, back to my maritime map.....

153sdsd ago

I see you are one of the good ones, sure they transport them many ways, underground and on Helicopter if they can, keep up the good fight

fogdryer ago

Ok it's slowly coming back Same story different location. Wow

Eastern Europe. Rural orphanage, naval ship near by. I am gonna look thru my finds

153sdsd ago

They try to get rid of the evidence, I bet there are human remains to be found at the premises